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Hookworms of the genus Uncinaria have been widely reported from juvenile pinnipeds, however investigations of their systematics has been limited, with only two species described, Uncinaria lucasi from northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) and Uncinaria hamiltoni from South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Hookworms were sampled from these hosts and seven additional species including Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis), Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus), New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri), southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), and the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). One hundred and thirteen individual hookworms, including an outgroup species, were sequenced for four genes representing two loci (nuclear ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA). Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences recovered seven independent evolutionary lineages or species, including the described species and five undescribed species. The molecular evidence shows that U. lucasi parasitises both C. ursinus and E. jubatus, whereas U. hamiltoni parasitises O. flavescens and A. australis. The five undescribed hookworm species were each associated with single host species (Z. californianus, A. pusillus, P. hookeri, M. leonina and M. monachus). For parasites of otarids, patterns of Uncinaria host-sharing and phylogenetic relationships had a strong biogeographic component with separate clades of parasites from northern versus southern hemisphere hosts. Comparison of phylogenies for these hookworms and their hosts suggests that the association of U. lucasi with northern fur seals results from a host-switch from Steller sea lions. Morphometric data for U. lucasi shows marked host-associated size differences for both sexes, with U. lucasi individuals from E. jubatus significantly larger. This result suggests that adult growth of U. lucasi is reduced within the host species representing the more recent host–parasite association. Intraspecific host-induced size differences are inconsistent with the exclusive use of morphometrics to delimit and diagnose species of Uncinaria from pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Research on the molecular systematics of higher taxa in the butterfly family Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera) is only just beginning. Outgroup selection is difficult at the moment due to the lack of consensus on the basal relationships of the major groups in Nymphalidae. We identify four major clades in the Nymphalidae based on a cladistic analysis of one mitochondrial gene sequence (COI, 1450 bp) and two nuclear gene sequences (EF-1alpha, 1064 bp, and wingless, 412-415 bp) from 54 exemplar species sampled from all currently recognized subfamilies. The COI data set was found to be highly incongruent with the nuclear data sets and a Partitioned Bremer Support analysis shows that the COI data set largely undermines support for most clades. Transitions at the third codon positions of the COI data set were highly saturated, but analyzing the combined data set with the COI third positions removed did not change the results. The major clades we found are termed the danaine clade (including Danainae), the satyrine clade (including Charaxinae, Satyrinae, Calinaginae, and Morphinae), the heliconiine clade (including Heliconiinae and Limenitidinae excluding Biblidini, Cyrestini, Pseudergolini, and Coeini) and the nymphaline clade (including Nymphalinae, Apaturinae, and Coeini, Cyrestini, Pseudergolini, and Biblidini from Limenitidinae). The heliconiine and nymphaline clades are sister groups, while the most parsimonious explanation for the combined data set places the danaine clade as the most basal large group of Nymphalidae. Our results give one of the strongest hypotheses for the subfamilial relationships within Nymphalidae. We were able to resolve the polyphyletic nature of Limenitidinae, which we recommend to be split into three subfamilies: Limenitidinae, Biblidinae, and Cyrestinae. The tribe Coeini belongs in Nymphalinae.  相似文献   

分支系统学和种系发生种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要评述进化系统学和分支系统学的物种概念问题。介绍了关系物种问题研究的一些新进展,特别是种系发生种概念和种系发生种的划定方法-居群聚合分析和分支单型聚合。  相似文献   

A survey of leaf flavonoids was conducted on Eleusine coracana ssp. coracana and ssp. africana, E. indica, E. multiflora, E. tristachya, E. floccifolia, and E. compressa. Twenty phenolic compounds were detected. Those identified were: orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, saponarin, violanthin, lucenin-1, and tricin. The study revealed a general generic flavonoid pattern except for E. compressa, which occupies an isolated position in Eleusine. Flavonoids of the perennial E. floccifolia and the annuals E. multiflora and E. tristachya are markedly different from those of cultivated E. coracana, suggesting that these species are only distantly related to the crop. The morphologically well defined E. coracana—africana—indica group also forms a unit in respect of flavonoids. Subspecies africana exhibits a higher flavonoid similarity to ssp. coracana (finger millet) than does E. indica. The weedy race of ssp. africana usually combines flavonoids of both the wild and domesticated subspecies. The flavonoid pattern of the dedza race of ssp.africana is identical to that of finger millet, suggesting either a direct origin of the crop from this race, or extensive introgression from the crop into ssp. africana. A lack of qualitative differences in flavonoids between cultivated races of finger millet is indicative of the genetic stability of these compounds. The flavonoid data confirms the domestication of finger millet from ssp. africana.  相似文献   

Although ‘large branchiopods’ are an important faunal element of the temporary water bodies in Australia's vast (semi)arid regions, knowledge of their diversity, distribution and ecology is still poor. Here, on the basis of one mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI)] and three nuclear (EF1α, ITS2 and 28S) markers, we present new data relating to the diversity and phylogeography of eastern and central Australian Eocyzicus (Spinicaudata) fauna. Using a combination of phylogenetic, haplotype network and DNA barcoding analyses of COI, 312 individuals were grouped into eleven main lineages. To infer whether these lineages are reproductively isolated from each other (the prerequisite for species delineation according to the Biological or Hennigian Species Concepts), separate analyses of each nuclear marker were performed on a subset of specimens. Although some lineages are non‐monophyletic in the analysis of one nuclear marker, this is mostly attributed to processes such as incomplete lineage sorting rather than ongoing reproduction. The eleven lineages translate into at least seven species whose reproductive isolation is additionally indicated by sympatry, including both Australian Eocyzicus species previously described. Another three lineages may constitute further species, but their clear allopatric distribution rendered the test for reproductive isolation inapplicable. One lineage appears not to be reproductively isolated and is therefore considered a genetically distinct lineage within one of the other species, and one divergent lineage within E. argillaquus may constitute an additional species. Although sympatry is very common – six species occur in the central Paroo River catchment in eastern Australia, for instance – syntopic occurrence is rare. It is possible that a combination of differing habitat preferences and priority effects inhibits the presence of more than one Eocyzicus species per water body. There is little to no genetic differentiation between certain populations of the species found in eastern and central Australia (e.g. the Murray–Darling Basin, the Bulloo River catchment and the eastern and northern Lake Eyre Basin; LEB), suggesting high dispersal rates within this large area. Between the central Australian populations themselves, however (e.g. those inhabiting the central and western LEB), genetic differentiation is pronounced, probably as a result of the lack of abundance of important dispersal vectors (aquatic birds) and the lower diversity and density of suitable habitats in the area. The most prominent biogeographical break exists towards north‐eastern Australia (north‐east LEB), which does not share species with any other region studied.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among genera of African colubrids were evaluated using estimates of divergence among serum albumins compared by microcomplement fixation. Representatives of about half of the extant genera of African colubrids, as well as the Elapidae, Atractaspis and the Madagascan colubrid Leioheterodon, were analysed. The tree of best fit to the data has an unresolved basal polychotomy comprising at least five lineages of colubrids, as well as Elapidae and Atractaspis; thus, colubrids were not demonstrably monophyletic with these data. Two cosmopolitan clades, colubrines and natricines, are represented in Africa by series of closely related genera, but divergence among other genera is relatively great. Rate tests show that this is apparently not due to higher rates of albumin evolution in these, relative to other colubrids. Among the other associations supported by the immunological data are: (1) Psammophis-(Rhamphiophis-Dipsina)-Malpolon-Psammophylax; (2) Amblyodipsas-Macrelaps; (3) (Lycodonomorphus-Lamprophis)-Mehelya; and (4) Colubrinae-Natricinae. Grayia is questionably associated with the colubrine-natricine lineage. Prosymna and Lycodon are clearly members of the colubrine clade, and Amplorhinus possibly associates with Leioheterodon. Gonionotophis, Duherria, Lycophidion and Pseudaspis show no strong association with any other genera, and represent other basal or near-basal clades within the colubrid/elapid radiation. The immunological data do not support a clade comprising the Elapidae, Atractaspis and some ‘aparallactines’ relative to Viperidae and other colubrids. The basal colubrid-elapid-Atractaspis divergence occurred more than 30 Myr ago, and the fossil record of colubrids in Africa greatly underestimates both the age and clade diversity of this group. In contrast to the pattern of radiation in the neotropics, where most colubrids belong to one of three major clades, in Africa only the colubrine lineage comprises a substantial portion of the extant generic diversity; most other genera stem from relatively ancient cladogenetic events and have few living representatives.  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of the mitochondrial COII, 16S, and 12S rRNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among the six known US Reticulitermes species (Reticulitermes flavipes, Reticulitermes arenincola, Reticulitermes tibialis, Reticulitermes hageni, Reticulitermes virginicus, and Reticulitermes hesperus) and the closely related European species Reticulitermes santonensis. The interspecific pairwise sequence divergence, based on uncorrected "p" distance, varied up to 10% across the COII, 4.9% across the 16S, and 3% across the 12S fragments. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum parsimony, likelihood, and distance methods. The combined results suggest several phylogenetic relationships including: (i) R. flavipes, R. arenincola, and European R. santonensis are possibly conspecific; (ii) R. virginicus and R. hageni are closely related species; and (iii) R. tibialis and R. hesperus are closely related species. Interestingly, while there is apparent synonymity between R. flavipes and R. arenincola by DNA sequence, there are clear morphological differences in the soldier caste. This finding suggests a combination of molecular and morphological approaches are necessary for accurate species identification. These data lend resolution to the complex problem of Reticulitermes systematics, and will assist future efforts directed toward characterizing species distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

Atoposaurids are a group of small‐bodied, extinct crocodyliforms, regarded as an important component of Jurassic and Cretaceous Laurasian semi‐aquatic ecosystems. Despite the group being known for over 150 years, the taxonomic composition of Atoposauridae and its position within Crocodyliformes are unresolved. Uncertainty revolves around their placement within Neosuchia, in which they have been found to occupy a range of positions from the most basal neosuchian clade to more crownward eusuchians. This problem stems from a lack of adequate taxonomic treatment of specimens assigned to Atoposauridae, and key taxa such as Theriosuchus have become taxonomic ‘waste baskets’. Here, we incorporate all putative atoposaurid species into a new phylogenetic data matrix comprising 24 taxa scored for 329 characters. Many of our characters are heavily revised or novel to this study, and several ingroup taxa have never previously been included in a phylogenetic analysis. Parsimony and Bayesian approaches both recover Atoposauridae as a basal clade within Neosuchia, more stemward than coelognathosuchians, bernissartiids, and paralligatorids. Atoposauridae is a much more exclusive clade than previously recognized, comprising just three genera (Alligatorellus, Alligatorium, and Atoposaurus) that were restricted to the Late Jurassic of western Europe, and went extinct at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. A putative Gondwanan atoposaurid (Brillanceausuchus) is recovered as a paralligatorid. Our results exclude both Montsecosuchus and Theriosuchus from Atoposauridae. Theriosuchus is polyphyletic, forming two groupings of advanced neosuchians. Theriosuchus (restricted to Theriosuchus pusillus, Theriosuchus guimarotae, and Theriosuchus grandinaris) spanned the Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous, and is known from Eurasia and North Africa. Two Cretaceous species previously assigned to Theriosuchus (‘Theriosuchusibericus and ‘Theriosuchussympiestodon) are shown to be nested within Paralligatoridae, and we assign them to the new genus Sabresuchus. The revised phylogenetic placement of Theriosuchus has several implications for our understanding of eusuchian evolution. Firstly, the presence of fully pterygoidean choanae, previously regarded as a defining characteristic of Eusuchia, is not found in some basal members of Eusuchia. However, eusuchians can be distinguished from Theriosuchus and other basal neosuchians in that their choanae are posteriorly positioned, with an anterior margin medial to the posterior edge of the suborbital fenestra. This feature distinguishes eusuchians from Theriosuchus and more basal neosuchians. Secondly, our refined understanding of Theriosuchus implies that this taxon possessed only amphicoelous presacral vertebrae, and therefore fully developed vertebral procoely is likely to have evolved only once in Crocodylomorpha, on the lineage leading to Eusuchia. These and other findings presented herein will provide an important framework for understanding the neosuchian–eusuchian transition.  相似文献   

Cladistic relationships of the sabellid subfamilies Fabriciinae and Sabellinae are examined in light of recent revisions of fabriciin taxa. The potential placement of Caobangia in the Sabellinae is suggested from an initial analysis of selected fabriciin species and genera. Subsequent cladistic analyses at the family level produced over 1800 cladograms, among which Caobangia is the most plesiomorphic taxon of either the Fabriciinae or Sabellinae. Successive approximations weighting reduced this ambiguity, consistently placing Caobangia in the Sabellinae. Subfamilies are emended on the basis of these results. Cladistic relationships of fabriciin taxa, exclusive of Caobangia , display topological instability among some genera and species. Genera are, however, monophyletic in all topologies. Incorporating ontogenetic data for branching ventral filamentous appendages in Augeneriella reduces ambiguity among genera and suggests alternative transformation series for ventral filamentous appendages.  相似文献   

The matK gene: sequence variation and application in plant systematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the matK gene has been used in addressing systematic questions in four families, its potential application to plant systematics above the family level has not been investigated. This paper examines the rates, patterns, and types of nucleotide substitutions in the gene and addresses its utility in constructing phylogenies above the family level. Eleven complete sequences from the GenBank representing seed plants and liverworts and nine partial sequences generated for genera representing the monocot families Poaceae, Joinvilleaceae, Cyperaceae, and Smilacaceae were analyzed. The study underscored the high rate of substitution in the gene and the presence of mutationally conserved sectors. The use of different sectors of the gene and the cumulative inclusion of informative sites showed that the 3' region was most useful in resolving phylogeny, and that the topology and robustness of the tree reached a plateau after the inclusion of 100 informative sites from that region for the taxa used. The impact of using partial sequencing on sample size is addressed. The presence of a relatively conserved 3' region and the less conserved 5' region provides two sets of characters that can be used at different taxonomic levels from the tribal to the division levels.  相似文献   

It is argued that both the principle of parsimony and the theory of evolution, especially that of natural selection, are essential analytical tools in phylogenetic systematics, whereas the widely used outgroup analysis is completely useless and may even be misleading. In any systematic analysis, two types of patterns of characters and character states must be discriminated which are referred to as completely and incompletely resolved. In the former, all known species are presented in which the characters and their states studied occur, whereas in the latter this is not the case. Dependent on its structure, a pattern of characters and their states may be explained by either a unique or by various conflicting, equally most parsimonious hypotheses of relationships. The so-called permutation method is introduced which facilitates finding the conflicting, equally most parsimonious hypotheses of relationships. The utility of the principle of parsimony is limited by the uncertainty as to whether its application in systematics must refer to the minimum number of steps needed to explain a pattern of characterts and their states most parsimoniously or to the minimum number of evolutionary events assumed to have caused these steps. Although these numbers may differ, the former is usually preferred for simplicity. The types of outgroup analysis are shown to exist which are termed parsimony analysis based on test samples and cladistic type of outgroup analysis. Essentially, the former is used for analysing incompletely resolved patterns of characters and their states, the latter for analysing completely resolved ones. Both types are shown to be completely useless for rejecting even one of various conflicting, equally most parsimonious hypotheses of relationships. According to contemporary knowledge, this task can be accomplished only by employing the theory of evolution (including the theory of natural selection). But even then, many phylogenetic-systematic problems will remain unsolved. In such cases, arbitrary algorithms like those offered by phenetics can at best offer pseudosolutions to open problems. Despite its limitations, phylogenetic systematics is superior to any kind of aphylogenetic systematics (transformed cladistics included) in approaching a (not: the) “general reference system” of organisms.  相似文献   

Les J. Szabo 《Mycoscience》2006,47(3):130-136
Species of macrocyclic, heteroecious grass rusts often have been defined with wide host ranges and variation in spore morphology. Consequently, some are species complexes and contain genetically distinct forms. Molecular analyses, together with morphological and biological methods, provide powerful means to dissect these complexes. Puccinia coronata is a complex species that has a broad telial host range including more than 45 genera of grasses and a narrow aecial host range. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequences from 15 aecial and telial collections grouped P. coronata into six distinct clades supporting separation of this complex into four distinct species. Puccinia andropogonis, a common rust of tall prairie grasses in North America, is also a complex species. However, in contrast to P. coronata, P. andropogonis has a narrow telial host range and a broad aecial host range. DNA sequence analysis grouped 15 collections of P. andropogonis into six distinct clades representing at least four distinct species. Speciation of P. coronata appears to have occurred primarily by radiation onto new telial hosts, whereas in P. andropogonis speciation appears to have occurred primarily by radiation onto new aecial hosts.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensively sampled three‐gene phylogeny of the monophyletic Forcipulatacea, one of three major lineages within the crown‐group Asteroidea. We present substantially more Southern Hemisphere and deep‐sea taxa than were sampled in previous molecular studies of this group. Morphologically distinct groups, such as the Brisingida and the Zoroasteridae, are upheld as monophyletic. Brisingida is supported as the derived sister group to the Asteriidae (restricted), rather than as a basal taxon. The Asteriidae is paraphyletic, and is broken up into the Stichasteridae and four primary asteriid clades: (1) a highly diverse boreal clade, containing members from the Arctic and sub‐Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere; (2) the genus Sclerasterias; (3) and (4) two sister clades that contain asteriids from the Antarctic and pantropical regions. The Stichasteridae, which was regarded as a synonym of the Asteriidae, is resurrected by our results, and represents the most diverse Southern Hemisphere forcipulatacean clade (although two deep‐sea stichasterid genera occur in the Northern Hemisphere). The Labidiasteridae is artificial, and should be synonymized into the Heliasteridae. The Pedicellasteridae is paraphyletic, with three separate clades containing pedicellasterid taxa emerging among the basal Forcipulatacea. Fossils and timing estimates from species‐level phylogeographic studies are consistent with prior phylogenetic hypotheses for the Forcipulatacea, suggesting diversification of basal taxa in the early Mesozoic, with some evidence for more widely distributed ranges from Cretacous taxa. Our analysis suggests a hypothesis of an older fauna present in the Antarctic during the Eocene, which was succeeded by a modern Antarctic fauna that is represented by the recently derived Antarctic Asteriidae and other forcipulatacean lineages. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 646–660.  相似文献   

Taxonomic and systematic theory is hopelessly confused because the term character has nine different, previously confused, meanings. After a historical analysis, it is shown that some form pairs, one used in taxonomy (= operational identification of phenetic patterns of character x individual spread) and the other in systematics (= theoretical analysis of patterns of taxonomy). On the basis of a stratigramy model, names are given to each usage and are defined for taxonomy, then systematics, as necessary: component : (tax.) a defined bit-or-piece of one individual (no syst. meaning); homology : (tax.) conceptual identity of components of several individuals, attributable (syst.) to common ancestry; homology avatar : (tax.) case of recognized homology which (syst.) shows broad phylogenetic continuity (e.g. eye) (= character sensu Sokal and Sneath); homolostratum/homology state : (tax.) specified condition of a homology avatar whose distribution (syst.) enables cladogenetic happenings to be identified (e.g. colour:red/green/blue/etc.) (= character state of Sokal and Sneath); character sensu stricto : (tax.) homolostratum limited to a taxon which (syst.), with hierarchy, identifies chronological sequences of most cladogenetic happenings; taxonomoids : (tax.) mixed group of homolostrata, including yet unknown characters, that identifies a taxon and so (syst.) has same role as characters (= roughly symplesiomorphies); Ante- (Ah) and Post-(Ph) happening characters : (tax.) the hierarchy levels immediately above and below an empty level which (syst.) reveal a cladistic happening (= roughly one usage of synapomorphies and apomorphies).  相似文献   

杨祝良 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1611-1616
分子生物学技术与真菌系统学的有机融合,为真菌分类和系统发育研究带来了革命性的变化。最近20年来,真菌学家们建立了大量的新目、新科、新属和新种,掀开了真菌多样性及其起源进化研究的新纪元,但很多重要的系统发育问题仍没有解决,特别是大量目间、科间的亲缘关系并不清楚。细分是真菌系统学的主流趋势,野生食用菌和毒蘑菇的分类也是如此,近年涌现了越来越多的新分类单元,如在2010-2019年的10年间,中国发表大型真菌(含地衣)新种1 240余个。本专刊收载的15篇论文是对我国野生食用菌和毒蘑菇研究工作的部分总结,对真菌资源利用、毒蘑菇中毒预防与治疗具有较重要的科学意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

The genus Mus encompasses 38 species of mice divided into four subgenera: Mus , Pyromys , Nannomys and Coelomys . Each of these four taxa is characterized by discrete morphological as well as biochemical traits. We used two different molecular approaches to determine the relationships between these subgenera: DNA/DNA hybridization and 12S rRNA mitochondrial sequences. We compared the resulting phylogenies from each method and with phylogenies derived from morphological data. The degree of resolution of each molecular approach is discussed. The two molecular studies indicate that Mus , Pyromys , Nannomys and Coelomys are clearly distinct monophyletic groups, as previously indicated by morphological data and other biochemical and molecular approaches. There is one divergence between previous morphological and the molecular and morphological studies presented here: the position of the Indian species Mus famulus . This taxon, which was formerly included in the subgenus Coelomys , is demonstrated here to belong to the subgenus Mus. We also propose the following relationships within Mus sensu lato : Mus and Pyromys are the closest relatives, followed by Nannomys and Coelomys , whose relationships are still unclear. This arrangement is more robustly supported by DNA/DNA hybridization than by 12S rRNA data. A molecular time scale for the evolution within Mus sensu lato is proposed, using as a reference the Mus/Rattus divergence estimated by the fossil record at around 12 mya.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 137 , 385–401.  相似文献   

Abstract: X‐ray microtomography (XMT) was applied to three species of the extinct arachnid order Trigonotarbida, hosted in siderite nodules from the late Carboniferous British Middle Coal Measures. All three, Cryptomartus hindi ( Pocock, 1911 ), Cleptomartus plautus ( Petrunkevitch, 1949 ) and Maiocercus celticus ( Pocock, 1902 ), belong to the family Anthracomartidae. As well as providing interactive three‐dimensional visualisations of their likely appearance in life, XMT study has resolved new morphological detail, yielding key data about the likely stance and habitus of these early arachnids. Similarities in the form of the carapace, eyes and coxosternal region between anthracomartids and the Devonian genus Palaeocharinus Hirst, 1923 are highlighted. Analogies in limb disposition are drawn between anthracomartids and modern crab spiders (Araneae: Thomisidae), which exhibit sit‐and‐wait style predatory behaviour. Anthracomartids are relatively common fossils at many Coal Measures localities. Although they appear to exhibit limited morphological variation, numerous genera and species have been proposed in the literature, often distinguished from each other on rather trivial characters. From our reconstruction of well‐preserved examples, we have resolved a number of common features likely to be present in a typical anthracomartid. Comparisons to this model suggest that the characters on which many anthracomartid genera are distinguished may be artefacts of preservation. We hence treat Promygale Fri?, 1901 , Brachylycosa Fri?, 1904 , Perneria Fri?, 1904 , Coryphomartus Petrunkevitch, 1945 , Cryptomartus Petrunkevitch, 1945 , Pleomartus Petrunkevitch, 1945 , Cleptomartus Petrunkevitch, 1949 and Oomartus Petrunkevitch, 1953 as junior synonyms of the type genus of the family, Anthracomartus Karsch, 1882 . Only the genera Brachypyge Woodward, 1878 and Maiocercus Pocock, 1911 are additionally retained. Within Anthracomartus, Cleptomartus planus Petrunkevitch, 1949 , Cryptomartus meyeri Guthörl, 1964 , Cleptomartus hangardi Guthörl, 1965 and Cryptomartus rebskei Brauckmann, 1984 are treated as junior synonyms of A. hindi Pocock, 1911 (all syn. nov.). Cleptomartus plautus Petrunkevitch, 1949 and Anthracomartus denuiti Pruvost, 1922 are treated as junior synonyms of A. priesti Pocock, 1911 (both syn. nov.).  相似文献   

The Permian terebratulids of Eurasia are revised. The taxonomic composition of the Permian terebratulids of the Russian Platform, Northern Caucasus, Transcaucasia, northern and southeastern Pamirs, and northern China (Inner Mongolia) is elucidated. Fifty-one species (13 described here as new), 21 genera (3 described here as new), 7 families, and 6 superfamilies are described. During the progress of the study, the author (Smirnova, 2004a, 2004b, 2006a, 2006b) and Smirnova and Grunt (2002, 2003a, 2003b) described for the first time 19 species, nine genera, two families, and one superfamily. Morphofunctional analysis reveals a great diversity of internal structures, of the time of their appearance in the ontogeny, and of their taxonomic significance. Ontogenetic study reveals phylogenetic relationships between the Permian and Meso-Cenozoic terebratulids, the presence of the superfamilies Terebratuloidea and Loboidothyroidea in the Permian, and a new type of brachidium ontogeny characterizing the superfamily Compositelasmatoidea. This book is intended for paleontologists and biologists interested in problems of taxonomy and phylogeny, and includes 5 plates, 80 figures, and 75 bibliographic references.  相似文献   

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