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Annual growth rates of Antarctic marine organisms are low compared to their relatives from warmer waters. Previous studies hypothesise that high food availability during austral spring–summer may enable Antarctic invertebrates to attain comparatively high short-term growth rates despite the low temperature. Neither a temperature-growth experiment with juvenile Adamussium colbecki (Smith 1902) nor the comparison of A. colbecki summer growth rates with an empirical scallop specific growth-to-temperature relationship could confirm this hypothesis. Hence, summer growth rates of young, immature A. colbecki are strongly affected by temperature, i.e. no uncoupling from temperature.  相似文献   

Regoli  F.  Nigro  M.  Bertoli  E.  Principato  G.  Orlando  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):139-144
Since a general pathway of toxicity induced bypollutants is the enhancement of reactive oxygenspecies, biochemical responses associated withvariations in the antioxidant cellular system havebeen often proposed as biomarkers ofpollutant-mediated toxicity associated with oxidativestress. Antarctic organisms live in an extremeenvironment characterized by low water temperature,high level of dissolved oxygen, presence of ice andstrong seasonal changes in light intensity andavailability of food, conditions which could influenceboth the formation of reactive oxygen species and themechanisms for their removal. In this respect andconsidering the utility of this as a key species formonitoring marine Antarctic environment it was ofinterest to investigate the antioxidant defense systemof the scallop Adamussium colbecki.The parameters examined in the digestive gland of thescallop were the concentration of glutathione and theactivity of several glutathione dependent andantioxidant enzymes (glyoxalase I and II, glutathioneS-transferases, glutathione peroxidases, glutathionereductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase). Very highlevels of catalase suggest a possible adaptation toAntarctic extreme conditions, while the highactivities of glutathione S-transferases are moreprobably related to the feeding behavior of Pectinids.Enzymes from Adamussium colbecki generallyappeared to be active at low temperatures but, with afew exceptions, their activities increased with risingtemperature. Exposure of A. colbecki tosublethal concentrations of Cu or Hg resulted in asignificant reduction in the levels of totalglutathione and in the activity of catalase andglutathione S-transferases. Antioxidant responses ofA. colbecki could represent a useful tool inassessing the biological impact of environmentalpollutants in the Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

 The scallop Adamussium colbecki can be profitably used for monitoring Antarctic coastal environments but its utility would be increased if chemical analyses of pollutants were integrated with data on their biological effects. Since oxidative stress is a common pathway of toxicity induced by xenobiotics, a preliminary biochemical characterization was carried out on the antioxidant system of this species and baseline data collected for future assessment of the anthropogenic impact in this remote area. The digestive gland and gills were investigated for levels of glutathione and the activity of several glutathione-dependent and antioxidant enzymes: gluthathione reductase, EC; glyoxalase I, EC; glyoxalase II, EC; gluthathione S-transferases, EC; Se-dependent, EC and Se-independent, EC gluta-thione peroxidases; catalase, EC; and super-oxide dismutase, EC The same enzymatic activities were measured for comparison in the Mediterranean molluscs Mytilus galloprovincialis and Pecten jacobaeus. Very high levels of glutathione S-transferases were found in the digestive gland of both species of scallop compared to mussels, suggesting the importance of different feeding behaviour among these molluscs. However, catalase activity, much higher in Adamussium colbecki than in the Mediterranean molluscs, may represent a biochemical adaptation to the Antarctic marine environment with high levels of dissolved oxygen. Enzymes from the Antarctic species appeared to be generally more active at low temperatures but, with a few exceptions, their activities increased at higher temperatures. Received: 20 March 1996/Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

A cadmium-binding protein was purified from the digestive gland of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, and biochemically characterized. Purification procedures included gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography, followed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results demonstrate that the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein has the general properties of metallothioneins: low molecular weight of about 10 kDa, spectroscopic features typical of cadmium thiolate clusters and high metal (cadmium) content. Analysis of amino acid composition reveals the absence of aromatic amino acids, histidine, methionine and arginine. Asparagine and glutamine are also absent. The A. colbecki metallothionein shows high levels of glycine (14%), aspartic acid (14%), glutamic acid (11%) and a low lysine content (4%); the A. colbecki metallothionein shows a lower cysteine content (12%) compared to other metallothioneins (17–30%) purified from both vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The presence of a metallothionein in the digestive gland of A. colbecki suggests that in cold-ocean-adapted molluscs the heavy metal homeostasis mechanisms may have evolved similarly to those of organisms living in temperate marine environments, although the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein shows a typical amino acidic composition that might reflect a peculiar physiological role. Accepted: 7 August 2000  相似文献   

B chromosomes in Prochilodus lineatus, a migratory neotropical fish, were analyzed in a comparative study among populations from the Dourada lagoon (State of Paraná, Brazil) and from Mogi-Guaçu river (State of São Paulo, Brazil). The data on C-banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization with a satellite DNA probe (SATH1), indicate that the small metacentric B chromosome might correspond to an isochromosome. On the other hand, both populations presented a distinct set of B chromosomes, differentiated either by their number and by the presence of variant B types in the population from Mogi-Guaçu river. The present results indicate that the B chromosomes of P. lineatus should have an ancient origin, and have undergone a differential evolutionary pathway among distinct populations.  相似文献   

Karyological data are given for 56 palm taxa coming from all 6 palm subfamilies. In 11 genera and 17 species, chromosome numbers are reported for the first time. Most chromosome numbers in palms range between 2n = 36 and 2n = 26 in dysploid series. Species of the same genus usually exhibit identical chromosome numbers which additionally may be constant in larger groups of closely related genera (Coryphoideae trib.Corypheae with nearly always 2n = 36,Arecoideae subtribesEuterpeinae andRoystoneinae with 2n = 36,Arecoideae subtrib.Butiinae with mostly 2n = 32). Polyploidy among palms is of minor significance but the endemic Madagascan genusVoanioala (2n = 606 ± 3) is the most striking exception. — With respect to structure of interphase nuclei and longitudinal differentiation of prophase and metaphase chromosomes, the palm family is highly differentiated. Euchromatin types with different prophase condensation properties and fluorochrome and C-banding patterns of heterochromatin permit a discrimination of several subfamilies on the nuclear level (Arecoideae, Ceroxyloideae, Nypoideae, Phytelephantoideae, Calamoideae).Arecoideae andCeroxyloideae, andNypoideae andPhytelephantoideae have some features in common. Subfam.Coryphoideae s. l. is a non-uniform group. — Nuclear characters among palms exclusively found in recentCoryphoideae subtrib.Thrinacinae link palms with other monocotyledons. Most probably, such a nuclear condition represents an ancestral state in the evolution of palm genomes within subfam.Coryphoideae s. l., but also the conspicuous nuclear characters of the other modern palm subfamilies appear to be derived from a similar starting point, since transitional character states are still present in subfam.Calamoideae and some taxa of subfam.Arecoideae. Early karyoevolution in palms obviously did not involve numerical change of the ancient chromosome number of 2n = 36 which started subsequently, as a dysploid reduction in numerous parallel series, independent in subfam.Coryphoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 28),Calamoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 26),Ceroxyloideae (2n = 34 to 2n = 26), andArecoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 28). Possible mechanisms of karyological change are discussed. — Karyological characters are compared to morphological, ecological, taxonomical, and chorological features, and give some new insight into older and more recent phases of palm evolution. (1) Strong deviations in vegetative or floral morphology are often accompanied by major karyological differences, and sometimes the direction of advancement can be traced through intermediate stages. (2) Apart fromCoryphoideae subtrib.Thrinacinae, the strongest concentration of apparently original karyological traits is found in the more basal members of each subfamily. (3) The most successful and actively radiating colonizers of the forest floors in evergreen tropical forests which belong to completely different subfamilies (Old WorldLicuala, New WorldChamaedorea andGeonoma), appear to be very advanced karyologically.  相似文献   

New chromosome counts and nuclei structures are reported forAnnonaceae species from Madagascar:Ambavia (2n = 14),Xylopia (2n = 16) andPolyalthia (2n = 18). This first generic count ofAmbavia and its nucleotypic parameters underline its long term isolation from the African continent and it should be regarded as an extremely distinct member of the basic stock of AfricanAnnonaceae. Some karyological similarities are found with the African generaCleistopholis (2n = 14) andUvariopsis (2n = 16) and the AmericanTetrameranthus (2n = 14, 28). The karyology ofXylopia is completely in line with previous results from the Palaeo- and Neotropics.Polyalthia has 2n = 18, and x = 9, probably the only base number within the whole genus. Fluorochrome and Giemsa-C-band patterns are identical with different congeneric species.Dedicated to Prof. DrElisabeth Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.  相似文献   

ZFY-like genes have been observed in a variety of vertebrate species. Although originally implicated as the primary testis-determining gene in humans and other placental mammals, more recent evidence indicates a role(s) outside that of testis determination. In this study, DNA from five species of fish,Carasius auratus, Rivulus marmoratus, Xiphophorus maculatus, X. milleri, andX. nigrensis was subjected to Southern blot analysis using a PCR-amplified fragment of mouseZFY-like sequence as a probe. Restriction fragment patterns were not polymorphic between sexes in any one species but showed a different pattern for each species. With one exception,Rivulus, a 3.1-kb band from theEcoRI digestion was common to all. Sequence and open reading frame analysis of this fragment showed a strong homology to other known vertebrateZFY-like genes. Of particular interest in this gene is a novel third finger domain similar to one human and one alligatorZFY-like gene. Our studies and others provide evidence for a family of vertebrateZFY genes, with those having this novel third finger being representative of the ancestral condition.  相似文献   

InMalaxis saprophyta, anther wall development corresponds to the Monocotyledonous type. The uninucleate tapetum is of secretory type and the endothecium develops U- and V-shaped thickenings on the inner tangential and radial walls. Cytokinesis is simultaneous; tetrahedral, isobilateral and T-shaped tetrads are formed which are compactly aggregated in pollinia. At anthesis the microspore tetrads are 2-celled. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and both integuments are dermal in origin. A single hypodermal cell develops directly into a megaspore mother cell. Embryo sac development is predominantly monosporic and less often bisporic. Irrespective of the type of development, the mature embryo sac is 6-nucleate. Although double fertilization occurs, the primary endosperm nucleus degenerates. Embryogeny is of the Onagrad type. The mature embryo lacks differentiation into cotyledon, plumule and radicle. The reticulate seed coat is formed entirely by the outer layer of outer integument. There are three sterile and three fertile valves in the ovary. Although initially parenchymatous, the entire three sterile valves in the ovary and the upper half of the three fertile valves become sclerified after fertilization. The embryological characters support the disputed systematic position ofMalaxis within subtribeMalaxidinae ofEpidendreae.  相似文献   

Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the Antarctic lysianassoid amphipod Waldeckia obesa are described. The modal chromosome number is n = 25 and 2n = 50. The potential applications of cytogenetical studies in this group are discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among 12 genera of treefrogs (Family, Rhacophoridae), were investigated based on a large sequence data set, including five nuclear (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, proopiomelanocortin, recombination activating gene 1, tyrosinase, rhodopsin) and three mitochondrial (partial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA and the complete valine t-RNA) genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the nuclear gene sequences resolved three major clades. The first group included Philautus, Pseudophilautus, Kurixalus, Gracixalus, and Theloderma moloch; Pseudophilautus and Kurixalus were sister taxa. The second group consisted of Nyctixalus and Theloderma. The third group contained Feihyla, Polypedates, Rhacophorus, and Chiromantis vittatus; Polypedates and Feihyla were sister taxa. Analyses of the nuclear and mitochondrial genes supported the following results: (1) Genus Liuixalus formed the sister group of all other rhacophorines. (2) Philautus, Theloderma, and Chiromantis were not resolved as monophyletic genera. Four groups, including Philautus ocellatus and P. hainanus, P. longchuanensis and P. gryllus, P. banaensis, and P. quyeti nested well within the genera Liuixalus, Pseudophilautus, Kurixalus, and Gracixalus, respectively. (3) Theloderma moloch and Chiromantis vittatus did not cluster with other species of Theloderma and Chiromantis, respectively. Foam nesting evolved only once, as did laying eggs in a jelly-like matrix containing some bubbles. Terrestrial direct development evolved twice in the Rhacophoridae.  相似文献   

DNA reassociation kinetics were used to determine nuclear genome organization and complexity in the carrageenophyteKappaphycus alvarezii. Results indicate the presence of three second order components corresponding to fast (12%), intermediate (38%) and slow (50%) fractions. Microspectrophotometry with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI confirmed ploidy level differences in the gametophytic and tetrasporophytic phases. Comparison of mean nuclear DNA (I f ) values to chicken erythrocytes (RBC) resulted in pg/2C genome estimates:Eucheuma denticulatum=0.35,E. isiforme=0.44,Kappaphycus alvarezii=0.32 andK. striatum=0.42. Karyological studies of tetraspore mother cells during diakinesis using aceto-orcein revealed a chromosome complement of 10 forEucheuma denticulatum andKappaphycus alvarezii.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates have a unique and interesting intracellular architecture such as permanently condensed chromosomes throughout the cell cycle. However the study of dinoflagellate chromosomes is not amendable because of the unusually higher number of chromosomes and problems in sample preparation. The species of Pyrocystis spend most of their life cycle as vegetative cyst forms and have been used as experimental organisms for bioluminescence and circadian rhythms. Here, we documented the content of DNA in different life stages and the chromosome karyology in a marine non-motile dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula, through light and fluorescent microscopy, serial ultra-thin sectioning, and three dimension (3D) modeling. The DNA content doubles during DNA synthesis and in the end of the cell division two separate daughter cells have the approximately same fluorescent values for the mother cells. Using serial ultra-thin sectioning and 3D modeling, we report the first ultrastructural karyogram. The cells chosen were at the end of karyokinesis. A total of 98 chromosomes were counted and assigned to 49 pairs. In this species, DNA synthesis appears to occur before, or during asexual division and P. lunula lives a diplontic life cycle.  相似文献   

A karyological study of 15 taxa ofScorzonera L. from the Iberian Peninsula has been made. The chromosome numbers found inS. hispanica var.pinnatifida, S. baetica, S. reverchonii, S. angustifolia, S. laciniata var.calcitrapifolia and var.subulata (2n = 14) are new. Diploid cytotypes with 2n = 14 and 2n = 12 prevail, andS. hispanica var.crispatula is the only taxon which exhibits autopolyploidy (2n = 14, 28). x = 7 is considered to be the base chromosome number within the genus, with x = 6 being derived from it by translocation. This and detailed karyotype analyses allow to group the Iberian Peninsula species ofScorzonera into three groups.  相似文献   

The relationships within theAsteraceae-Asteroideae are scrutinized by means of cladistic analyses of morphological and chemical data. New data are presented, and novel interpretations of features previously used in cladistic analyses are made. Examples are insertion of anther filaments in the corolla, and morphology of disc floret styles, respectively. The results include a polyphyletic or paraphyleticInuleae s. l., and a paraphyleticHeliantheae s.l. in which theEupatorieae constantly form a subclade. Comparisons are made with previous cladistic analyses of morphological data, and those acquired from molecular data. Speculations about the evolution of certain organs are presented.  相似文献   

Records of exotic turbellarian species found in Japan are reviewed from taxonomic and karyological viewpoints. Temnocephala minor Haswell, 1888, an ectocommensal on a freshwater crayfish of Australia, was found from culture ponds of Cherax tenuimanus (introduced from W. Australia) in Kagoshima Prefecture. T. minor had the chromosome number of 2x = 18 (2sm + 2m + 2m + 2sm + 2m + 2m + 2m + 2sm + 2m). The following 3 species of exotic freshwater triclads were recorded from tanks and ponds used for tropical fish culture: Dugesia austroasiatica Kawakatsu, 1985 (2x = 16), Dugesia tigrina (Girard, 1850) (2x = 16) and Rhodax? sp. (3x = 24; 3x = 24 &; 3x + 1LB + 1SB = 25 + 1SB). The following 3 species of exotic terrestrial triclads were recorded: Bipalium nobile Kawakatsu et Makino, 1982 (2x = 10), Bipalium kewense Moseley, 1878 (2x = 18), and Platydemus manokwari de Beauchamp, 1962 (n = 6, 2x = 12). An extensive occurrence of P. manokwari in the Southwest Islands of Japan may be due to an unexpected introduction of the animal in very recent years.  相似文献   

Chromosome rearrangements may affect the rate and patterns of gene flow within species, through reduced fitness of structural heterozygotes or by reducing recombination rates in rearranged areas of the genome. While the effects of chromosome rearrangements on gene flow have been studied in a wide range of organisms with monocentric chromosomes, the effects of rearrangements in holocentric chromosomes—chromosomes in which centromeric activity is distributed along the length of the chromosome—have not. We collected chromosome number and molecular genetic data in Carex scoparia, an eastern North American plant species with holocentric chromosomes and highly variable karyotype (2n = 56–70). There are no deep genetic breaks within C. scoparia that would suggest cryptic species differentiation. However, genetic distance between individuals is positively correlated with chromosome number difference and geographic distance. A positive correlation is also found between chromosome number and genetic distance in the western North American C. pachystachya (2n = 74–81). These findings suggest that geographic distance and the number of karyotype rearrangements separating populations affect the rate of gene flow between those populations. This is the first study to quantify the effects of holocentric chromosome rearrangements on the partitioning of intraspecific genetic variance.  相似文献   

Fifteen cranial measurements were taken from wild caught specimens ofAlouatta seniculus seniculus, A. s. stramineus andA. s. macconnelli. A morphological analysis showed sex dimorphism in these three groups. A multivariate analysis discriminated among these taxa; males being more clearly discriminated than females. Our data showed that these taxa can be separated on the basis of quantitative cranial traits, biogeographic distribution, karyological differences, and biochemical characters. We therefore propose a new taxonomic arrangement, changing their taxonomic status to the species level (Alouatta seniculus, A. macconnelli, andA. stramineus).  相似文献   

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