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Three forms of galactomannan-hydrolyzing enzymes (dyed galactomannan as substrate) were partially purified from germinated tomato [ Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.] seed. Two of the enzymes were of the same molecular mass, 38 kDa, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), but the points of elution from a CM-Toyopearl column by a pH-gradient were different between the two (pH 5.15 and 5.45. respectively). The molecular mass of the third form was slightly less (37.5 kDa) than that of the other two. These 3 enzymes showed no α-galactosidase (EC or β-mannosidase (EC activity. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) revealed that the products of the reaction were oligosaccharides and that free galactose and mannose were not released. These results indicate that the 3 galactomannan-hydrolyzing enzymes are endo-β-mannanases (EC Polyclonal antibodies raised against the 37.5-kDa polypeptide cross-reacted with the two 38-kDa polypeptides, indicating that the 3 endo-β-mannanases are immunologically homologous. Activity staining and immunoblotting of native PAGE of endosperm extracts revealed that only two (38-kDa. elution point pH 5.15 and 37.5-kDa proteins) of the 3 forms were major endo-β-mannanases present in the endosperm of germinated tomato seeds.  相似文献   

Seed germination of an aurea mutant of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is promoted by continuous irradiation with red, far-red or long-wavelength far-red (758 nm) light as well as by cyclic irradiations (5 min red or 5 min far-red/25 min darkness). Far-red light applied immediately after each red does not change the germination behaviour. Seed germination of the isogenic wild-type, cv. UC-105, is promoted by continuous and cyclic red light while it is inhibited by continuous and cyclic far-red light and by continious 758 nm irradiation. Far-red irradiation reverses almost completely the promoting effect of red light. The promoting effect (in the aurea mutant) and the inhibitory effect (in the wild-type) of continuous far-red light do not show photon fluence rate dependency above 20 nmol m−2 s−1. It is concluded that phytochrome controls tomato seed germination throgh low energy responses in both the wild type and the au mutant. The promoting effect of continuous and cyclic far-red light in the au mutant can be attributed to a greater sensitivity to Pfr.  相似文献   

Ageing of tomato seeds involves glutathione oxidation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of seed ageing on the oxidation of reduced glutathione (GSH) and the role of GSH oxidation in ageing-induced deterioration were studied in seeds of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Lerica, Moneymaker and Cromco). Both long-term storage at 15°C/30% relative humidity (RH) and artificial ageing at 20°C/75% RH, 30°C/45% RH and 60°C/45% RH resulted in a marked loss of GSH and a simultaneous, though not proportional, increase in its oxidized form GSSG. The glutathione thiol-disulfide status shifted towards a highly oxidized form, while the total glutathione pool decreased. The extent of GSH oxidation differed between ageing conditions and was not directly related to the extent of seed deterioration. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances did not increase in ageing tomato seeds, suggesting that lipid peroxidation did not take place. Hydration of seeds, either upon imbibition in water or by priming in an osmotic solution, resulted in a rapid decrease in GSSG, a shift of the glutathione redox couple to a mainly reduced status and an increase in the glutathione pool, in both control and aged seeds. The results indicate that, in tomato seeds, (1) seed ageing involves GSH oxidation into GSSG, which is indicative of oxidative stress, (2) ageing does not affect the GSSG reduction capacity upon subsequent imbibition, and (3) the lowered viability of aged seeds cannot directly be ascribed to the decreased GSH pool or To the highly oxidized glutathione redox status.  相似文献   

Abstract. Deuterium-labelled ABA-aldehyde was fed to various tomato genotypes. Normal and notabilis mutant plants incorporated substantial amounts of the label into ABA. In contrast, two ABA-deficient mutants, flacca and sitiens , reduced ABA-aldehyde to a mixture of cis- and trans -ABA alcohol rather than oxidizing it to ABA. It was concluded that ABA-aldehyde is the immediate precursor of ABA in higher plants. It appears that the flacca and sitiens lesions both act to block the last step of the ABA biosynthetic pathway. The mutant gene loci are likely to be involved in coding for different sub-units of the same dehydrogenase enzyme.  相似文献   

The extreme dwarf d x tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant has very short internodes which were found to contain shorter and fewer epidermal cells. The leaves are highly abnormal. The mutant showed a substantial stem growth response to GA3, without approaching normal stature or morphology. The active gibberellin GA1 and its precursors GA19 and GA20 were identified by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in d x shoots. Quantitative GC/MS revealed that GA20 accumulated to far higher levels than normal in stems and leaves of the mutant.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The germination of tomato “C38” seeds exposed to periodical white incandescent light occurs from 6.0° ± 0.2°C to 37.5° ± 0.2°C, being rate-limited for 10.3° T 25.9°C, and elsewhere limited by the germination capacity.

2. 2.|Rate averages are linearly T-dependent outside their optimum range (25.9° T 29.5°C) and rate variances are typically heterogeneous.

3. 3.|The smooth curvilinear Arrhenius plot indicates that diffusion processes cannot be rate-limiting outside the interval 25.9° T 29.5°C, whereas phase transitions and (or) transconformation of proteins may limit the rate above 34.9°C and, by opposite effects, below 15.3°C.

4. 4.|The thermal communication between the environment and the germinating seed proceeds by a temperature signal which is quenched by random thermal noise at T 11.2°C and at T 34.0°C.

Author Keywords: Temperature dependence of germination; Arrhenius plot of germination; germination rate; germination capacity; cynchronization of germination; temperature signal in germination; diffusion in germination; thermodenaturation of proteins; seed germination; tomato germination; Lycopersicon esculentum  相似文献   

Development of galactomannan-hydrolyzing activity, that is involved in the weakening of the mechanical restraint of the endosperm, was followed at pre-germinative stages in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) seed. Prior to germination the activity developed exclusively in the endosperm portion just adjacent to the radicle tip. In other parts of the endosperm, the activity developed only after germination occurred. Under the conditions where germination was suppressed (far-red light- or ABA-treatment). no activity was detected in the endosperm at the pre-germinative stages. Under the conditions where the inhibition of germination was alleviated (far-red + red or ABA + GA3), the activity developed prior to germination in the endosperm part in front of the radicle tip. Thus, a clear parallel relationship was observed between germinability of the seed and the pre-germinative development of activity in the part of the endosperm portion adjacent to the radicle tip.  相似文献   

Abstract Etiolated hypocotyls from normal tomato plants show a negative gravitropic response within 20 min of stimulation. In contrast, etiolated hypocotyls from the gravitropic mutant Lazy-l do not reorientate after gravistimulation. Etiolated hypocotyls from both types of plant are positively phototropic, however, Lazy-l seedlings achieve a greater final angle of bending following phototropic stimulation compared to normal plants. Anatomical studies reveal that etiolated hypocotyls from normal plants contain sedimenting amyloplasts located within the endodermal cells. Such sedimenting amyloplasts are absent in Lazy-l tissue. It is hypothesized that the hypocotyl of Lazy-l is agravitropic since it is unable to perceive a gravistimulus.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC catalyzes an essential step in the pathway of glutamate biosynthesis. Exposing detached tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) leaves for 6 h to 12 g l−1 NaCl resulted in a significant two-fold increase in the activity of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase extracted from the leaves. Western blot studies demonstrated that salt treatment also increased the ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase content of the leaves. A similar effect of salt on the concentration of this enzyme was found in the leaves of hydroponically-grown tomato plants. The induction of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase under salt stress may provide the glutamate required for the proline synthesis which is a common response to salt stress.  相似文献   

Post-phloem sugar transport in developing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Flora-Dade) fruit follows an apoplastic route during the rapid phase of sugar accumulation. The pathway is characterized by sugar retrieval by the storage parenchyma cells from the fruit apoplast. Two tomato genotypes differing in fruit hexose content were compared in terms of the transport and transfer processes controlling fruit sugar levels. The genotypic difference in fruit sugar content was independent of photoassimilate export from source leaves. Discs of pericarp tissue were cultured in a medium based on analyses of the fruit apoplastic sap. The cultured discs maintained a composition, a relative growth rate and a respiration rate similar to those of the pericarp tissue of intact fruit. Estimates of hexose fluxes into metabolic and storage pools suggested that membrane transport regulated the genotypic difference in hexose accumulation. Short-term [14C]hexose uptake experiments demonstrated a genotypic difference in Vmax for glucose, fructose and 3-O-methyl-glucose, and this difference was abolished in the presence of the inhibitor p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS). The results support the hypothesis that the activity of energized hexose carriers on the plasma membranes of storage parenchyma cells is a significant determinate of the genotypic difference in hexose accumulation.  相似文献   

Development of galactomannan hydrolyzing activity was followed in seeds of tomato [ Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. Toyonishiki] during priming and germination. The activity developed in seeds that were being primed in polyethylene glycol (-0.8 MPa). The activity was detected exclusively in the endosperm portion just adjacent to the radicle tip. Part of the activity remained active after desiccation of the primed seeds. After transfer to water, the activity in the primed seeds immediately began to increase, while in unprimed seeds the beginning of the increase in activity was delayed by about 1 day. In scanning electron microscopy, the inner surface of the cell walls of the micropylar endosperm portion appeared eroded in primed seeds that had been imbibed in water for 16 h (before germination), but not in unprimed seeds imbibed for the same period. These results support the hypothesis that galactomannan hydrolyzing enzyme, which is believed to be responsible for breakdown of tomato endosperm cell walls and hence for the weakening of mechanical restraint against radicle growth, may be involved in the improved germination of primed tomato seeds.  相似文献   

The effects of seed priming with 6 M NaCl solution have been investigated with respect to growth and physiological responses of tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Pera) exposed to 70 and 140 m M NaCl nutrient solutions from 11 to 60 days after sowing. Tomato seedlings from primed seeds emerged earlier than from non-primed seeds. At 70 m M , a lower shoot and root dry weight reduction was found in plants from primed seeds at the different harvests (30, 45 and 60 days after sowing), while at 140 m M the positive effect of seed priming was only shown in roots. Significant changes in Na+ and CI accumulation with seed priming were only found in roots at 60 days after sowing, with ion accumulation in roots being higher in plants grown at 70 and 140 m M from primed seeds. In leaves of salt-treated plants, significant increases in sugars and organic acids with seed priming were found from 30 days after sowing, and these increases were higher at longer treatment times. In roots, however, only the organic acids tended to increase in plants from primed seeds, although they increased less than in leaves, especially at 60 days after sowing. These results support the hypothesis that priming of seeds with NaCl induces physiological changes in the plants, changes which are shown more clearly at advanced growth stages.  相似文献   

Depolarization of tomato leaf cells by oligogalacturonide elicitors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The electrical potential difference (Em) across the plasma membrane of tomato leaf mesophyll cells consists of a cyanide-sensitive component, presumably produced by an H+-ATPase, and a cyanide-insensitive component. Variation of Em between different batches of tissue is mainly caused by variation in the cyanide-sensitive component. Oligogalacturonide elicitors that induce the synthesis of proteinase inhibitors in tomato seedlings depolarize the Em of tomato leaf mesophyll cells. This depolarization closely resembles that caused by cyanide: they are of similar magnitude and vary in a similar manner with variation in the initial Em of different batches of tissue. Treatments with cyanide and with the elicitors have similar effects on the small depolarization caused by KCl at 10 mol m?3. The results suggest that the elicitors depolarize Em by inhibiting the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, but that the detailed mechanism of inhibition by the elicitors is different from that caused by cyanide.  相似文献   

Abstract When tomato plants of the high-altitude species Lycopersicon hirsutum and of the cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum were grown at 24/18°C (day/night), the effects of temperature, photon flux density, and intercellular CO2 concentration up to about 600 μl l?1 on net CO2 uptake were similar in the two species. Acclimation of these plants at 12/6°C (day/night) resulted, after 4 d or longer, in a similar downward shift of about 5°C in the optimum temperature for CO2 uptake. However, in comparison with the cultivated species, the high-altitude plants achieved a higher rate of CO2 uptake at saturating concentrations of intercellular CO2, maintained a higher level of saturating-light CO2 uptake rate at 10°C after exposure to chilling stress (10°C and photon flux density of 400 μmol m?2s?1 d and 5°C night) for 7–18 d, and displayed a better capacity for rapid recovery after prolonged stress. The greater capacity for CO2 uptake observed in the high-altitude species during and after exposure to chilling stress was also reflected in its higher growth rate under those conditions compared with plants of L. esculentum. These advantages of the high-altitude species may partly explain its ability to survive and complete its life cycle under the environmental conditions prevailing in its natural habitat.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl on endogenous free levels of the poluamines putrescine, spermi dine and spermine, and the relationships between polyamines, K+ levels and Na+ accumulation were determined in leaves of the cultivated tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and its wild, salt-tolerant relative L. pennellii (Correll) D' Arcy at different exposure times during a 32-day period. Both stress treatments (100 and 200 m M NaCl) decreased the levels of putrescine and spermidine, although to a different degree for the cultivated and wild tomato species. The spermine levels did not decrease with salinity in L. pennellii over the salinization period, whereas they decreased in L. esculentum , except at the first application of the 100m M NaCl treatment. In both species, the changes induced by salinity in total polyamines and K+ were very similar, with the accumulation of Na+ in the leaf being concomitant with a decrease in both total polyamines and K+. This suggests that the main role of the polyamines in the leaf tissues. In this sense, a direct relationship between total polyamines and K+, and inverse relationship between polyamines and Na+ and between K+ and Na+ were found for both species. In the short term (up to 4 days) a peculiar physiological behavior was found in L. pennellii , as the total polyamine and K+ levels decreased at 100 m M but not at 200 m M NaCl, while after this time the latter plants had values lower than those of the 100 m M NaCl-treated plants at day 11.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two size ranges of oligosaccharide elicitors of pectic origin have been investigated for their effects on tomato plants. Both size ranges, with degrees of polymerization of 1–7 and 10–20 respectively, induced the accumulation of proteinase inhibitor (PI) activity in excised plants, and also induced changes in membrane potential of leaf mesophyll cells. The depolarizations were substantial, rapid, and reversible on removal of the elicitors. The effects are discussed in the context of early events in the signal transduction pathway linking oligosaccharides to changes in PI gene expression.  相似文献   

The magnitude of sodium and potassium fluxes in Lycopersicon escutentum cuhivars Ace and Edkawi (Edkawi is considered more sait-tolerant I was evaluated in planls grown for 10 days in aerated Hoagland solution with the addition of 25 or 100 mM NaCl. Ion accumulatiun in different plant pans, ion concentration in xylem exudate. transpiration and membrane leakiness were measured. Both cultivars responded very similarly to these levels of salinity in terms of growth. No conspicuous differences in membrane leakiness were observed. Net uprake rates were calculated from ion contents data. Potassium uptake rates were lower in salinized planls than in controls, especially in cv. Aee. Potassium/sodium selectivity ratios were much higher in Edkawi than in Ace. and higher in shoot uptake rates than in xy lem exudate. This indicates that Edakw i has a higher capacity to retain potassium under salinity, a character which could contribute to its salt-tolerance.  相似文献   

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