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In order to identify T cell epitopes recognized by human in the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein, 28 overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire circumsporozoite protein were tested for their ability to stimulate proliferation of PBMC from 22 adults living in a malaria-endemic area of the Colombian Pacific Coast and from four individuals who never had a history of malaria infection. In addition, BALB/c mice were immunized with pools of peptides, and their lymph node cells were stimulated in vitro with individual peptides. Four epitopes were recognized by human lymphocytes but not all of them by mice. One of the epitopes was located inside the central repetitive B cell immunodominant domain. Several of the variants of the repeats were recognized by about one-third of the studied individuals. Another T cell epitope was located in the amino terminus and the other two in the carboxyl region. Peptides were recognized by both immune and nonimmune donors. Some of them were frequently recognized suggesting a lack of genetic restriction, whereas some others were recognized by only a few individuals but induced strong proliferation. These epitopes may be of potential value for a malaria subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

In rodent malaria model systems, protective immunity induced by immunization with irradiated sporozoites is eliminated by in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells, and adoptive transfer of CTL clones against the circumsporozoite protein protects against malaria. We recently demonstrated that volunteers immunized with irradiated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites produce CTL against peptide 368-390 of the P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein. To determine whether natural exposure to malaria induced similar CTL, we studied 11 adult, male, life-long residents of a highly malarious area of Kenya, who were selected because their lymphocytes had been shown to proliferate after stimulation with peptides 361-380, 371-390, or 368-390 and because nine had been resistant to malaria in previous studies. In four of the 11 individuals there was peptide-specific, genetically restricted, CTL activity. In all four individuals, this activity was unaffected by depletion of CD4+ T cells. In three volunteers the activity was eliminated or reduced by depletion of CD8+ T cells; in the fourth volunteer the CD8+ T cell depletion was uninterpretable. This first demonstration of CD8+ T cell, genetically restricted, Ag-specific CTL against a malaria protein among individuals exposed to endemic malaria provides a foundation for studying the relationship between circulating CTL and resistance to malaria infection.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes obtained from forty individuals living in a malaria endemic area of West Africa were tested for in vitro proliferative responses to peptides representing variant regions of the immunodominant T cell domain of the circumsporozoite protein (amino acids 326 to 345, referred to as Th2R, and 361 to 380, referred to as Th3R) from three distinct strains of Plasmodium falciparum. A total of 83% of the individuals responded to at least one of the six peptides tested, confirming that these epitopes are immunodominant. A much greater number of individuals than expected by chance (32% of the responders to Th2R and 27% of the responders to Th3R) reacted to all three of the variant peptides for that epitope, indicating interdependency of the T cell responses, suggestive of cross-reactivity. Nevertheless, some subjects' T cells were clearly able to distinguish each variant peptide from the others. Using EBV transformed B cells, lymphocytes from 10 of the individuals were HLA typed. In this small group, HLA DRw13 was associated with a positive response to any of the peptides, whereas there was a negative association between DQw3 and response to any of the peptides. These results, although limited by the small sample size, suggest that recognition of T epitopes may be Ir gene linked. Our findings suggest that it may be possible to broaden the immunogenicity of an anti-sporozoite malaria vaccine.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of variation of the 3' region of the circumsporozoite gene among Plasmodium falciparum isolates through amplification of a selected DNA fragment followed by DNA sequencing. A total of 32 isolates were analyzed, of which 24 were from Amazon endemic areas in Brazil and 8 from widely separated geographical regions in the world. Among Brazilian isolates only 2 variants were detected: 19 displayed the same sequence of strain 7G8 whereas the 4 remaining isolates differed from the 7G8 strain at five nucleotide positions which also led to amino acid changes. Variation was restricted to one of the T-helper epitopes while the sequence identified as a cytotoxic T cell epitope was conserved in all Brazilian isolates. P. falciparum samples from other geographical regions in the world showed sequences distinct from those of Brazilian isolates. However, some constancy could be observed within that variation. For instance, the most frequent nucleotide substitutions, from A and C at nucleotide positions 1015 and 1024, were the same in all isolates.  相似文献   

The fate and disposition of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium falciparum was investigated during hepatoma cell invasion with several sera raised against defined CS peptides, including both repeat and nonrepeat regions spanning approximately 60% of the P. falciparum CS gene product. Distribution of the protein, as revealed by immunoelectron microscopy, was limited to the surface of the sporozoite both before and after invasion. In particular, no CS protein antigen was detected in association with either the parasitophorous vacuole membrane or the host cell surface.  相似文献   

We expressed the main surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, the circumsporozoite protein (CSP), in High Five (Trichoplusia ni) insect cells using the baculovirus system. Significant amounts of the recombinant protein could be obtained, as judged by SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and immunofluorescence analysis. The cellular localization for recombinant CSP was determined by immunofluorescence. The high fluorescence signal of the permeabilized cells, relative to that of fixed nonpermeabilized cells, revealed a clear intracellular localization of this surface antigen. Analysis of possible posttranslational modifications of CSP showed that this recombinant protein is only N-glycosylated in the baculovirus system. Although DNA-sequence analysis revealed a GPI-cleavage/attachment site, no GPI anchor could be demonstrated. These analyses show that the glycosylation status of this recombinant protein may not reflect its native form in P. falciparum. The impact of these findings on vaccine development will be discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria vaccines, comprised of irradiated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites or a synthetic peptide containing T and B cell epitopes of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP), elicit multifunctional cytotoxic and non-cytotoxic CD4+ T cells in immunised volunteers. Both lytic and non-lytic CD4+T cell clones recognised a series of overlapping epitopes within a ‘universal’ T cell epitope EYLNKIQNSLSTEWSPCSVT of CSP (NF54 isolate) that was presented in the context of multiple DR molecules. Lytic activity directly correlated with T cell receptor (TCR) functional avidity as measured by stimulation indices and recognition of naturally occurring variant peptides. CD4+ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity was contact-dependent and did not require de novo synthesis of cytotoxic mediators, suggesting a granule-mediated mechanism. Live cell imaging of the interaction of effector and target cells demonstrated that CD4+ cytotoxic T cells recognise target cells with their leading edge, reorient their cytotoxic granules towards the zone of contact, and form a stable immunological synapse. CTL attacks induced chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies in target cells. Together, these findings suggest that CD4+ CTLs trigger target cell apoptosis via classical perforin/granzyme-mediated cytotoxicity, similar to CD8+ CTLs, and these multifunctional sporozoite- and peptide-induced CD4+ T cells have the potential to play a direct role as effector cells in targeting the exoerythrocytic forms within the liver.  相似文献   

The distribution of circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites was observed during the passage of mature sporozoites in the hemocoel of Anopheles stephensi and during their entrance and sojourn in the salivary gland cells (SGC). The CS protein was visualized using a monoclonal antibody (3SP2) and immunogold labeling on ultrathin cryosections. In the hemocoel the sporozoites cease synthesizing CS protein, and some of it is shedded resulting in a patchy labeling pattern on the outer pellicular membrane. No internal labeling was observed. The sporozoites enter the SGC by puncturing the basal or lateral membrane. Inside the SGC, CS protein synthesis is turned on again; the Golgi system, nuclear envelope and all 3 pellicular membranes contain CS immunoreactivity. In the last phase of maturation, micronemes display abundant CS immunoreactivity. Rhoptries also show some immunogold labeling, but not as much as the micronemes.  相似文献   

A 20-residue sequence from the C-terminal region of the circumsporozoite protein of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is considered a universal helper T cell epitope because it is immunogenic in individuals of many major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes. Subunit vaccines containing T* and the major B cell epitope of the circumsporozoite protein induce high antibody titers to the malaria parasite and significant T cell responses in humans. In this study we have evaluated the specificity of the T* sequence with regard to its binding to the human class II MHC protein DR4 (HLA-DRB1*0401), its interactions with antigen receptors on T cells, and the effect of natural variants of this sequence on its immunogenicity. Computational approaches identified multiple potential DR4-binding epitopes within T*, and experimental binding studies confirmed the following two tight binding epitopes: one located toward the N terminus (the T*-1 epitope) and one at the C terminus (the T*-5 epitope). Immunization of a human DR4 volunteer with a peptide-based vaccine containing the T* sequence elicited CD4+ T cells that recognize each of these epitopes. Here we present an analysis of the immunodominant N-terminal epitope T*-1. T*-1 residues important for interaction with DR4 and with antigen receptors on T*-specific T cells were mapped. MHC tetramers carrying DR4/T*-1 MHC-peptide complexes stained and efficiently stimulated these cells in vitro. T*-1 overlaps a region of the protein that has been described as highly polymorphic; however, the particular T*-1 residues required for anchoring to DR4 were highly conserved in Plasmodium sequences described to date.  相似文献   

The release of circumsporozoite (CS) protein by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites was investigated to identify factors regulating this process within infected Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. The potential for sporozoites to release CS protein in vitro was not dependent upon their site-specific developmental stage (i.e., mature oocysts, hemolymph, salivary glands), their duration in the vector, or their exposure to mosquito-derived components such as salivary glands or hemolymph. The capacity of sporozoites to release CS protein was depressed by mosquito blood feeding during periods of sporozoite migration to the salivary glands, but the effect was only temporary and those sporozoites already in the glands were not affected. Free CS protein in the salivary glands was present in 93.3% of 45 infective mosquitoes. Sporozoites from these same, individual mosquitoes were also tested in vitro for CS protein release. In both cases, the amount of soluble CS protein increased as a function of sporozoite density but the total amount of CS protein per sporozoite became progressively less with increasing numbers of sporozoites. Further experiments showed that sporozoite contact with increasing amounts of soluble CS protein caused a down-regulation of CS protein release. Thus, a primary factor regulating the production and release of CS protein by sporozoites is their contact with soluble CS protein within the mosquito.  相似文献   

Plasmodium sporozoites display circumsporozoite (CS) protein on their surface, which is involved in the attachment of sporozoites to liver cells. CS protein is a member of the thrombospondin type I repeat (TSR) domain family and possess a single copy of TSR domain toward its carboxyl terminus. We show by a direct measurement the correlation between the binding activity of various segments of the CS protein and their ability to inhibit the invasion of liver cells by the sporozoites. We made eight truncated versions of Plasmodium falciparum CS protein to elucidate the role of various regions in the binding and invasion process. Deletion of the TSR domain actually enhanced binding activity by 2-3-fold without the loss of receptor specificity, indicating that TSR may not be the only domain in defining the specificity of binding. These same deletions blocked invasion of live sporozoites more efficiently than proteins that include the TSR domain. Deletion of as little as six amino acids from amino terminus of the protein, however, renders it incapable of binding to liver cells and as an inhibitor of sporozoite invasion. Hence, the binding of CS protein to liver cells and its ability to inhibit the invasion process are affected in a parallel manner, both positively and negatively, by sequence changes in the encoded CS gene. This indicates that both assays are measuring interrelated phenomenon and points to the essential involvement for the amino-terminal portion of the CS protein in these processes.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of Plasmodium falciparum recombinant circumsporozoite protein constructs R16tet32, R32tet32, and R48tet32 in mice was examined by measuring antibody responses by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, immunofluorescence, circumsporozoite precipitation, and inhibition of sporozoite invasion. All three constructs were found to be immunogenic when administered alone, but antibody responses were greater for the larger constructs, R32tet32 and R48tet32. Increased dose, boosting, and the use of adjuvants further augmented antibody responses. R32tet32 was found to be the most immunogenic of the three constructs, and high levels of protective antibodies were found to persist for at least 44 weeks when the construct was given with alum. Clinical trials with alum adjuvanted R32tet32 have now begun.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (PfCS) protein (aa 19–405) has been cloned and expressed in E. coli. The protein was purified in a two-step process that was rapid and reproducible. E. coli cells were grown to a high density before induction for 1 h. Cells were disrupted by high pressure microfluidization and the total bacterial protein solubilized in 6 M Gu-HCl. The protein was refolded while bound to Ni–NTA agarose by exchange of 6 M Gu-HCl for 8 M urea and then slow removal of the urea. The eluted protein was further purified on Q Sepharose Fast Flow using conditions developed to remove E. coli proteins and reduce endotoxin (to 10 EU/50 μg). Yield was 20 mg of PfCS protein from 10 g of wet cell paste. The final protein product bound to HepG2 liver cells in culture and inhibited the invasion of those cells by sporozoites in an ISI assay greater than 80% over control cultures when used at 10 μg/ml.  相似文献   

Combinations of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against different epitopes on the same antigen synergistically neutralize many viruses. However, there are limited studies assessing whether combining human mAbs against distinct regions of the Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) circumsporozoite protein (CSP) enhances in vivo protection against malaria compared to each mAb alone or whether passive transfer of PfCSP mAbs would improve protection following vaccination against PfCSP. Here, we isolated a panel of human mAbs against the subdominant C-terminal domain of PfCSP (C-CSP) from a volunteer immunized with radiation-attenuated Pf sporozoites. These C-CSP-specific mAbs had limited binding to sporozoites in vitro that was increased by combination with neutralizing human “repeat” mAbs against the NPDP/NVDP/NANP tetrapeptides in the central repeat region of PfCSP. Nevertheless, passive transfer of repeat- and C-CSP-specific mAb combinations did not provide enhanced protection against in vivo sporozoite challenge compared to repeat mAbs alone. Furthermore, combining potent repeat-specific mAbs (CIS43, L9, and 317) that respectively target the three tetrapeptides (NPDP/NVDP/NANP) did not provide additional protection against in vivo sporozoite challenge. However, administration of either CIS43, L9, or 317 (but not C-CSP-specific mAbs) to mice that had been immunized with R21, a PfCSP-based virus-like particle vaccine that induces polyclonal antibodies against the repeat region and C-CSP, provided enhanced protection against sporozoite challenge when compared to vaccine or mAbs alone. Collectively, this study shows that while combining mAbs against the repeat and C-terminal regions of PfCSP provide no additional protection in vivo, repeat mAbs do provide increased protection when combined with vaccine-induced polyclonal antibodies. These data should inform the implementation of PfCSP human mAbs alone or following vaccination to prevent malaria infection.  相似文献   

All of the coat proteins of the sporozoite and merozoite stages of Plasmodium, determined to date, contain tandem repeats and most of these contain at least one proline residue. These tandemly repeated segments of the circumsporozite (CS) proteins of P. falciparum and P. knowlesi have been shown to constitute an immunodominant epitope. Antibodies to these peptide segments have been shown to be protective and cause the shedding of the CS protein, known as the CSP reaction. In this study, four synthetic peptides were prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis. The first peptide corresponds to the tetrapeptide tandem repeat in the CS protein of P. falciparum, repeated eight times, (NANP)8. The second peptide is an analogue of the first in which glycine is substituted for proline, (NANG)8. The third peptide corresponds to the tandem repeat of P. knowlesi, PK(1–24), which is repeated twice (QAQGDGANAGQP)2. The fourth peptide is a tetrapeptide repeat, corresponding to the C-terminal tetrapeptide of PK(1–24) and is repeated eight times, (AGQP)8. It is shown by CD measurements that the presence of proline in these repeats induces an increase in β-sheet (β-turn) content in the (NANP)8 peptide relative to the repeat of (NANG)8 and PK(1–24) peptide in aqueous media. The (AGQP)8 peptide has the highest β-sheet (β-turn) content in the synthetic peptides. It is concluded that this increase in defined structure correlates well with and hence may contribute to the increased antigenicity in these repeats.  相似文献   

T cell epitopes residing within vaccine candidate peptides have been identified by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses in mice. The recombinant sporozoite vaccine candidate, R32tet32, contains at least two T epitopes, one located within the repeat region and another in the tet tail. When C57BL/6 (H-2b) and BALB/c (H-2d) mice were sensitized intradermally with R32tet32 or the truncated protein R32LR emulsified in CFA and challenged 5 days later with R32tet32, only H-2b mice recognized a T epitope located within the major repeat sequence (NANP) and encoded by four or less repeats. H-2d mice responded solely to the T epitope located on the tet tail. Ear swelling was maximal at 48 h and revealed a histologic pattern characteristic of DTH. CD4+ T cell lines derived from immunized animals demonstrated the ability to mediate local DTH, proliferate, and secrete lymphokines in response to stimulation with Ag. High dose i.v. administration of R32tet32 in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice before intradermal sensitization with R32tet32 revealed that DTH responses were suppressed only in BALB/c mice. Further experiments localized the suppressive determinant to the tet tail. Collectively, these data indicate that DTH may prove to be a useful method to characterize the biologic activity of T epitopes, furthermore they suggest that candidate vaccine peptides should be tested for suppressive activity before inclusion in a vaccine.  相似文献   

The Salmonella enterica MisL (protein of membrane insertion and secretion) is an autotransporter with high homology to AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Considering that it has been reported that the MisL beta translocator domain is able to display heterologous passenger peptides to the bacterial surface, we developed a system to display proteins and release them to the external environment by means of proteolytic cleavage. Plasmids were constructed encoding 8 or 53 repeats of the NANP (Asp-Ala-Asp-Pro) tetrapeptide, which is the main B cell epitope of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoitic protein (CSP), fused to the the MisL beta-domain and including the recognition cleavage sequence from the E. coli OmpT surface protease. E. coli XL-10Gold and BL21(DE3) (OmpT positive and negative, respectively) and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL3261 (Aro A(-)) were transformed with the plasmids and, both expression and localization of the fusion proteins were assessed by Western blot, indirect immunofluorescence, and flow cytometry, using a monoclonal antibody against (NANP)(3). Higher expression of the (NANP)(8) and (NANP)(53) fusion proteins was demonstrated on the bacterial surface of the OmpT negative E. coli strains and the (NANP)(53) in the culture supernatant of E. coli XL-10Gold indicating a protease mediated cleavage. The flow cytometry analysis suggested 71 and 98% cleavage efficiency for the (NANP)(8) and (NANP)(53), respectively, in E. coli XL-10Gold. Similar results were obtained in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium SL3261, suggesting the involvement of other proteases related to OmpT. These results demonstrate that MisL may be used for the autodisplay and release of passenger proteins in attenuated Salmonella or E. coli strains, which may have several applications in vaccine design.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites invade liver cells in humans and set the stage for malaria infection. Circumsporozoite protein (CSP), a predominant surface antigen on sporozoite surface, has been associated with the binding and invasion of liver cells by the sporozoites. Although CSP across the Plasmodium genus has homology and conserved structural organization, infection of a non-natural host by a species is rare. We investigated the role of CSP in providing the host specificity in P. falciparum infection. CSP from P. falciparum, P. gallinaceum, P. knowlesi, and P. yoelii species representing human, avian, simian, and rodent malaria species were recombinantly expressed, and the proteins were purified to homogeneity. The recombinant proteins were evaluated for their capacity to bind to human liver cell line HepG2 and to prevent P. falciparum sporozoites from invading these cells. The proteins showed significant differences in the binding and sporozoite invasion inhibition activity. Differences among proteins directly correlate with changes in the binding affinity to the sporozoite receptor on liver cells. P. knowlesi CSP (PkCSP) and P. yoelii CSP (PyCSP) had 4,790- and 17,800-fold lower affinity for heparin in comparison to P. falciparum CSP (PfCSP). We suggest that a difference in the binding affinity for the liver cell receptor is a mechanism involved in maintaining the host specificity by the malaria parasite.  相似文献   

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