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Summary Genomic clones encoding two Volvox -tubulin genes have been isolated and shown to represent the only two -tubulin genes in the genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to demonstrate that the two genes are genetically linked. One of these genes was sequenced and the mRNA start site(s) determined by primer extension. A comparison of its sequence to those of the two -tubulin genes of Chlamydomonas revealed: (1) a high degree of conservation of the coding region, with the predicted amino acid sequence differing only in the C-terminal residue; (2) extensive sequence conservation in the 5 untranslated leader region and a 16 bp (putative regulatory) sequence in the promoter region; (3) the same number and location of introns, with a short region of homology in intron 1, but little significant homology in introns 2 and 3.  相似文献   

The dominant-negative female-sterile KavarD mutations and their revertant kavarr alleles identify the Tubulin67C gene of Drosophila melanogaster, which codes for the maternally provided -tubulin4 isoform. The mutations result in the formation of monopolar, collapsed spindles (each with two nearby centrosomes, a tassel of microtubules and overcondensed chromosomes), thus revealing a novel function for -tubulin4 in spindle maintenance and elongation. Molecular features of the two KavarD alleles and a kavarnull allele are described and models for their actions are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Metabolic stabilization of pharmacologically active peptides can be achieved by incorporation of sterically hindered non-natural amino acids, e.g. C , -disubstituted amino acids.-Trifluoromethyl substituted amino acids, a subclass of C , -disubstituted amino acids, also fulfil this requirement while featuring additional properties based on the electronic influence of the fluorine substituents.This review summarizes the results concerning the stability of peptides containing-TFM amino acids towards proteolysis by-chymotrypsin. Furthermore, configurational effects of-TFMAla on the proteolytic stability of peptides are explained using empirical force field calculations. The influence of-TFMAla incorporation on the secondary structure of selected tripeptide amides is compared to the effects exerted by its fluorine-free analogue, aminoisobutyric acid.Finally, results on metabolic stabilization and biological activity of modified thyrotropin releasing hormone are interpreted.  相似文献   

The parallel /-barrel domain consisting of eight parallel -sheets surrounded by eight -helices has been currently identified in crystal structures of more than 20 enzymes. This type of protein folding motif makes it possible to catalyze various biochemical reactions on a variety of substrates (i.e., it seems to be robust enough so that different enzymatic functionalities could be designed on it). In spite of many efforts aimed at elucidation of evolutionary history of the present-day /-barrels, a challenging question remains unanswered: How has the parallel /-barrel fold arisen? Although the complete sequence comparison of all /-barrel amino acid sequences is not yet available, several sequence similarities have been revealed by using the highly conserved regions of -amylase as structural templates. Since many starch-processing enzymes adopt the parallel /-barrel structure these enzymes might be useful in the search for evolutionary relationships of the whole parallel eight-folded /-barrel enzyme family.  相似文献   

The present work investigated the possibility of cleavage of -linkages between mannose or galactose and serine/threonine residues by -mannosidase and -galactosidase. The study was carried out initially with model synthetic compounds imitating theO-glycosidic bond in glycoproteins, and further with glucoamylase. It was shown that -mannosidase and -galactosidase can hydrolyse these linkages after proteolytic digestion of glucosamylase.  相似文献   

Analysis of starch-degrading enzymes in a crude extract of detached cotyledons of Pisum sativum L. by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) demonstrated the presence of one band of -amylase (EC activity. The activity of only this amylase was promoted in cotyledons incubated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The auxin-induced -amylase from pea cotyledons was purified to homogeneity, as judged by the criterion of a single band after PAGE. The relative molecular mass (Mr), estimated by gel filtration, was approx. 42 000 and the enzyme contained no carbohydrate moiety. Sodium dodecylsulfate-PAGE yielded a single band that corresponded to an Mr of 41 000. The isoelectric point was 5.85 and the aminoacid composition was similar to that of -amylase from other plants. When [3H]leucine was fed to detached dry cotyledons prior to incubation, the radioactivity in -amylase from cotyledons incubated in the presence of 2,4-D was found to be approx. 10-fold higher than that from cotyledons incubated in distilled water. When -amylase from cotyledons incubated with 2H2O that contained 2,4-D and the tritiated amylase were centrifuged together in a CsCl density gradient, the peak of enzymatic activity of deuterated -amylase was shifted to a denser fraction than the peak of radioactivity of the tritiated enzyme. These results show that auxin-induced -amylase in pea cotyledons is synthesized de novo.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Mr relative molecular mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAS periodic acid-Schiff - pI isoelectric point - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate We are very grateful to Mr. Kazuo Itoh and Mrs. Matsumi Doe for carrying out the analysis of amino-acid composition.  相似文献   

A cDNA (zmEF1A) and the corresponding genomic clone (zmgEF1A) of a member of the gene family encoding the subunit of translation elongation factor 1 (EF-1) have been isolated from maize. The deduced amino acid sequence is 447 residues long interrupted by one intron. Southern blot analysis reveals that the cloned EF-1 gene is one member out of a family consisting of at least six genes. As shown by northern hybridizations in leaves the mRNA level increases at low temperature whereas time-course experiments over 24 h at 5°C show that in roots the overall mRNA level of EF-1 is transiently decreased. These results indicate that the expression of EF-1 is differently regulated in leaves and roots under cold stress.  相似文献   

A selective protonation strategy is described that uses [3-2H] 13C -ketoisovalerate to introduce (1H- methyl)-leucine and (1H- methyl)-valine into 15N-, 13C-, 2H-labeled proteins. A minimum level of 90% incorporation of label into both leucine and valine methyl groups is obtained by inclusion of 100 mg/L -ketoisovalerate in the bacterial growth medium. Addition of [3,3-2H2] -ketobutyrate to the expression media (D2O solvent) results in the production of proteins with (1H-1 methyl)-isoleucine (>90% incorporation). 1H-13C HSQC correlation spectroscopy establishes that CH2D and CHD2 isotopomers are not produced with this method. This approach offers enhanced labeling of Leu methyl groups over previous methods that utilize Val as the labeling agent and is more cost effective.  相似文献   

Summary -neurotoxins from elapid snake venoms and-conotoxins from marine snails bind specifically and with high affinity to nicotinic cholinoceptors. Although both types of toxin are polypeptides, there is more than a fourfold difference in size between the two and no clear sequence homology is evident. A systematic computer search of the three-dimensional structure of erabutoxin b (an-neurotoxin from the false sea snakeLaticauda semifasciata) was performed to identify the locality that most closely matched the amino acid compositions of the smaller-conotoxins (from the marine snailsConus magus andConus geographus). The area of greatest similarity centered on residue position 25 of erabutoxin b, a locale that is conserved throughout the snake-neurotoxins and their homologues. Six Proteins unrelated to erabutoxin b were compared to the-conotoxins to show that the extent of the erabutoxin b/-conotoxin match was too high to be coincidental. Homologues of erabutoxin b, namely-cobratoxin fromNaja naja siamensis and cytotoxin VII4 fromNaja mossambica mossambica, were also analyzed. The extent of the matching with the-conotoxins decreased in the series erabutoxin b>-cobratoxin>cytotoxin VII4, and this also relates the order of similarity to the pharmacological properties of the-conotoxins.The-conotoxin-like area of the snake-neurotoxins is peripheral to the site previously considered important for binding to the cholinoceptor, even though it seems to represent the focus of evolutionary convergence between the two types of neurotoxin. The area of resemblance does, however, have strong associations with the conformational behavior of the snake toxins. Hence, the outcome of this study has important consequences for the current ideas on snake-neurotoxin structure/activity relationships and the evolutionary origins of neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

1,3-Fucosyltransferase solubilized from human liver has been purified 40 000-fold to apparent homogeneity by a multistage process involving cation exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose, affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose and HPLC gel exclusion chromatography. The final step gave a major protein peak that co-chromatographed with 1,3-fucosyltransferase activity and had a specific activity of 5–6 µmol min–1 mg–1 and anM r 44 000 deduced from SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis. The purified enzyme readily utilized Gal1-4GlcNAc, NeuAc2-3Gal1-4GlcNAc and Fuc1-2Gal1-4GlcNAc, with a preference for sialylated and fucosylated Type 2 acceptors. Fuc1-2Gal1-4Glc and the Type 1 compound Gal1-3GlcNAc were very poor acceptors and no incorporation was observed with NeuAc2-6Gal1-4GlcNAc. A polyclonal antibody raised against the liver preparation reacted with the homologous enzyme and also with the blood group Lewis gene-associated 1,3/1,4-fucosyltransferase purified from the human A431 epidermoid carcinoma cell line. No cross reactivity was found with 1,3-fucosyltransferase(s) isolated from myeloid cells. Examination by Northern blot analysis of mRNA from normal liver and from the HepG2 cell line, together with a comparison of the specificity pattern of the purified enzyme with that reported for the enzyme expressed in mammalian cells transfected with theFuc-TVI cDNA, suggests a provisional identification ofFuc-TVI as the major 1,3-fucosyltransferase gene expressed in human liver.Died June, 1991  相似文献   

Penaeus vannamei (the shrimp) is an omnivorous species and it can be assumed that a high level of carbohydrates is necessary for its growth. -1,4- and 1,6-glucosidases are important enzymes necessary for the ultimate liberation of glucose residues from various carbohydrates, principally starch. However, the shrimp's hepatopancreas produces only -1,4-glucosidases, which limits the growth rate in different sources of starch. In order to identify strains with -1,4- and 1,6-glucosidase enzymes with potential uses in shrimp feed production, Bacillus strains were isolated from marine environments. One strain produced large amounts of an extracellular thermostable -glucosidase that permitted good growth on starch. The organism was identified by polymorphism (restriction-fragment-length polymorphism, RFLP), sequenced, and named B. subtilis LMM-12.  相似文献   

Summary The introduction of solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) has greatly facilitated the preparation of peptides containing proteinaceous amino acids. Less common, sterically hindered ,-dialkylamino acids, such as -methylalanine (MeA, aminoisobutyric acid, Aib), have proven a synthetic challenge for incorporation by this approach, especially when present in contiguous sequences. Solution protocols, utilizing highly reactive intermediates such as oxazalones, are generally used during the preparation of peptaibol antibiotics such as alamethicin, emerimicin, etc. which contain such contiguous sequences. Two recently developed coupling strategies (O-(7-azabenzotriazol-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate, HATU, and Fmoc-protected amino acid fluorides) allow peptides comprising contiguous sequences of ,-dialkylamino acids to be prepared using SPPS. The present study evaluates the relative merits of these two methods on a set of difficult peptides containing oligo-MeA sequences.  相似文献   

The pair-coupled amino acid composition is introduced to predict the secondary structure contents of a protein. Compared with the existing methods all based on singlewise amino acid composition as defined in a 20D (dimensional) space, this represents a step forward to the consideration of the sequence coupling effect. The test results indicate that the introduction of the pair-coupled amino acid composition can significantly improve the prediction quality. It is anticipated that the concept of the pair-coupled amino acid composition can be used to simplify the formulation of sequence coupling (or sequence order) effects and to study many other features of proteins as well.  相似文献   

Phase I study of TNFα AutoVaccIne in Patients with metastatic cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated the safety and immunogencity of a novel vaccine directed against autologous TNF in a Phase I fixed dose escalation trial. The vaccine consisted of two recombinant TNF proteins, with specific peptides replaced by foreign immunodominant T cell epitopes from tetanus toxoid. The main objectives were to establish a safe dose and evaluate the vaccines ability to raise neutralising TNF antibodies. Secondary objectives were improvements in body weight and tumour response. Thirty-three patients were vaccinated with three doses (20, 100, or 400 g) of TNF vaccine at 2-weekly intervals adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide. Anti-TNF antibody titres were measured by both a RIA, using soluble native TNF as the antigen, and by an ELISA using immobilized partly denatured TNF. Eleven patients (33%) had mild grade1/2 injection site reactions at the higher doses. In 10 of 20 patients, serum antibodies recognize denatured TNF in the ELISA, whereas, antibody titres against native TNF in the RIA were undetectable. This suggests that the production process had partly denatured the vaccine preventing the formation of cross-reacting antibodies to native TNF. In conclusion, TNF vaccine was able to elicit vaccine specific antibodies. However, since the antibodies were only able to cross-react with partly denatured TNF, evaluation of safety and tumour responses to the TNF vaccine was compromised.  相似文献   

The role of -tocopherol uptake system in human erythrocyte in the uptake of plasma -tocopherol has been suggested. However no information is available on -tocopherol uptake activity of human erythrocytes in the presence of high levels of D-glucose which is known to lead to pathological alterations in different cells including human erythrocytes. Therefore, in order to examine the effect of D-glucose on the binding of -tocopherol to human erythrocytes, the binding characteristics of -tocopherol to these cells were established first. Binding of [3H]-tocopherol to human erythrocytes was both saturable and specific. Scatchard analysis of -tocopherol binding to these cells showed the presence of two independent classes of binding sites with widely different affinities. The high affinity binding sites had a dissociation constant (Kd1) of 90 nM with a binding capacity (n1) of 900 sites per cell, whereas the low affinity binding sites had a dissociation constant (Kd2) of 5.2 M and a binding capacity (n2) of 105,400 sites per cell. Trypsin treatment abolished all the -tocopherol binding activity. Competition for the binding of -tocopherol to human erythrocytes was effective with other homologues of -tocopherol (-tocopherol, -tocopherol and -tocopherol) and their potency was almost equal to -tocopherol itself. The order of preference was -tocopherol > -tocopherol -tocopherol -tocopherol. Incubation of human erythrocytes with various concentrations of D-glucose did not affect -tocopherol uptake activity. Our data demonstrate the presence of an -tocopherol uptake system in human erythrocytes and that the -tocopherol uptake activity is not modulated by the presence of D-glucose.  相似文献   

-Globulin, the high-molecular-weight protein fraction fromSesamum indicum L., was hydrolyzed to low-molecular-weight protein and peptides by pepsin, while its resistance to hydrolysis by group-specific enzymes, trypsin or -chymotrypsin, was very high. The protein showed definite structural changes after proteolysis, especially after peptic hydrolysis, as evidenced from various biophysical data. The sedimentation velocity pattern of -globulin hydrolyzed by trypsin or -chymotrypsin indicated reduction in the percentage of 11S component, while the pepsinhydrolyzed sample was devoid of any 11S component, indicating the absence of a native protein molecule. The fluorescence emission spectra of the various hydrolyzed -globulin showed a red shift in the fluorescence emission maximum. The red shift was maximum with -globulin hydrolyzed by pepsin and minimum with the trypsin-hydrolyzed sample. The far-ultraviolet-circular dichroic measurements indicated that most of the ordered structure of -globulin was absent after pepsin hydrolysis, while after trypsin and chymotrypsin hydrolysis conformational changes were less.  相似文献   

A tissue system in which fibroblasts and myocytes from chick embryonic hearts were separately maintained was used to study the toxicity of ethanol. To reproduce the teratogenic effects of acute, high concentrations of ethanol typical of binge drinking, an open tissue culture system was employed. With open cultures, the cells were initially exposed to peak alcohol levels for approximately 6 hr and were exposed to decreasing concentrations of ethanol for the remainder of each 24 hr period. After the first day of ethanol exposure, there was substantial cell loss in both fibroblast and myocyte cultures. Alcohol-induced cell loss was dose-dependent. Despite decreased cell density after the first day of ethanol exposure, the surviving cells differentiated into monolayers of fibroblasts or beating cardiac muscle fibers. However, both ethanol-exposed fibroblasts and myocytes appeared atrophic, that is, smaller and shrunken. Electrophoretic analysis or these ethanol-exposed fibroblast and myocyte cultures revealed specific reduction in the cellular contents of -actinin, myosin, and actin. These decreases in cytoskeletal proteins may be responsible for the morphological abnormalities noted in these cells.Abbreviations FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome - NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - PAS, periodic acid Schiff - SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Galactomannans are composed of a 1to4 mannan backbone with varying degrees of 1to6 galactose substitutions and are found in the cell walls of legume endosperm. Like other cell wall polysaccharides, many factors controlling the metabolism of galactomannans remain to be elucidated. In the endospermous legume senna (Senna occidentalis) increased -galactosidase activity has previously been observed to coincide temporarily with a decrease of the galactose content of the galactomannan. To evaluate the potential role of -galactosidase for the control of the final galactose content, a -galactosidase gene expressed in immature senna seeds was cloned and transformed into the related high-yielding species guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba). The isolated cDNA encoded a 406 amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 44313 Da. The amino acid sequence was 75% identical to the galactomannan hydrolysing -galactosidases from germinating guar and coffee bean. The senna -galactosidase gene was inserted behind a wheat high-molecular-weight glutenin promoter in the vector employed for transformation of guar by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer. About 30% of the guar transformants produced endosperm with galactomannans where the galactose content was significantly reduced. After self-fertilization of primary transformants displaying the highest galactose reduction of the galactomannan, endosperms of R1 plants were analysed demonstrating that this property was inherited stably to the progeny and that it was 100% coupled to the presence of the senna -galactosidase gene. This suggests that -galactosidases can be involved in the determination of the final galactose content of endosperm galactomannans, demonstrating that cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis can be modified in vivo.  相似文献   

The thermophilic fungus Malbranchea sulfurea produces extracellular -amylase whereas -glucosidase is mainly cell bound. Extraction of the cell bound enzyme was maximum with one molar NaCl, followed by Triton ×100 and Urea-Na2SO3 extractants. Supplementation of Triton ×100 in growth medium significantly affected the presence of enzymes at various locations. A role for cell bound -amylase and -glucosidase has been suggested in rapid starch utilization by the fungus during early growth phase.  相似文献   

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