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The systematically 'handed', or directionally asymmetrical way in which the major viscera are packed within the vertebrate body is known as situs. Other less obvious vertebrate lateralisations concern cognitive neural function, and include the human phenomena of hand-use preference and language-associated cognitive partitioning. An overview, rather than an exhaustive scholarly review, is given of recent advances in molecular understanding of the mechanism that ensures normal development of 'correct' situs. While the asymmetry itself and its left/right direction are clearly vertebrate-conserved characters, data available from various embryo types are compared in order to assess the likelihood that the developmental mechanism is evolutionarily conserved in its entirety. A conserved post-gastrular 'phylotypic' stage, with left- and right-specific cascades of key, orthologous gene expressions, clearly exists. It now seems probable that earlier steps, in which symmetry-breaking information is reliably transduced to trigger these cascades on the correct sides, are also conserved at depth although it remains unclear exactly how these steps operate. Earlier data indicated that the initiation of symmetry-breaking had been transformed, among the different vertebrate classes, as drastically as has the anatomy of pre-gastrular development itself, but it now seems more likely that this apparent diversity is deceptive. Ideas concerning the functional advantages to the vertebrate lifestyle of a systematically asymmetrical visceral packing arrangement, while untestable, are accepted because they form a plausible adaptationist 'just-so' story. Nevertheless, two contrasting beliefs are possible about the evolutionary origins of situs. Major recent advances in analysis of its developmental mechanism are largely due not to zoologists, comparative anatomists or evolutionary systematists, but to molecular geneticists, and these workers have generally assumed that the asymmetry is an evolutionary novelty imposed on a true bilateral symmetry, at or close to the origin of the vertebrate clade. A major purpose of this review is to advocate an alternative view, on the grounds of comparative anatomy and molecular systematics together with the comparative study of expressions of orthologous genes in different forms. This view is that situs represents a co-optation of a pre-existing, evolutionarily ancient non-bilaterality of the adult form in a vertebrate ancestor. Viewed this way, vertebrate or chordate origins are best understood as the novel imposition of an adaptively bilateral locomotory-skeletal-neural system, around a retained non-symmetrical 'visceral' animal. One component of neuro-anatomical asymmetry, the habenular/parapineal one that originates in the diencephalon, has recently been found (in teleosts) to be initiated from the same 'phylotypic' gene cascade that controls situs development. But the function of this particular diencephalic asymmetry is currently unclear. Other left-right partitionings of brain function, including the much more recently evolved, cerebral cortically located one associated with human language and hand-use, may be controlled entirely separately from situs even though their directionality has a particular relation to it in a majority of individuals. Finally, possible relationships are discussed between the vertebrate directional asymmetries and those that occur sporadically among protostome bilaterian forms. These may have very different evolutionary and molecular bases, such that there may have been constraints, in protostome evolution, upon any exploitation of left and right for complex organismic, and particularly cognitive neural function.  相似文献   

Numerous scenarios explain the origin of the eukaryote cell by fusion or endosymbiosis between an archaeon and a bacterium (and sometimes a third partner). We evaluate these hypotheses using the following three criteria. Can the data be explained by the null hypothesis that new features arise sequentially along a stem lineage? Second, hypotheses involving an archaeon and a bacterium should undergo standard phylogenetic tests of gene distribution. Third, accounting for past events by processes observed in modern cells is preferable to postulating unknown processes that have never been observed. For example, there are many eukaryote examples of bacteria as endosymbionts or endoparasites, but none known in archaea. Strictly post‐hoc hypotheses that ignore this third criterion should be avoided. Applying these three criteria significantly narrows the number of plausible hypotheses. Given current knowledge, our conclusion is that the eukaryote lineage must have diverged from an ancestor of archaea well prior to the origin of the mitochondrion. Significantly, the absence of ancestrally amitochondriate eukaryotes (archezoa) among extant eukaryotes is neither evidence for an archaeal host for the ancestor of mitochondria, nor evidence against a eukaryotic host. BioEssays 29: 74–84, 2007. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Signa are structures of the inner wall of the female corpus bursae (structure where males deposit a spermatophore during copulation) of many Lepidoptera that assist in tearing open spermatophores. In this paper, three hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of signa are proposed. The first hypothesis considers natural selection pressures arising from ecological changes that favor an increase in oviposition rate as the force behind the evolution of signa. The other two hypotheses involve sexual selection. The second hypothesis proposes that sexually antagonistic coevolution is responsible of the evolution of signa: According to this hypothesis, the inverse relation between the length of the female's refractory period and the amount of ejaculate remaining in her corpus bursae, observed in most Lepidoptera studied, selects in males a decreased rate of spermatophore digestion (e.g. a thicker spermatophore envelope or a higher chitin content) that increases the length of the refractory period beyond the female's optimum; in response, females evolved signa as a counteradaptation to restore the female's optimum by increasing the rate of spermatophore digestion. The last hypothesis considers that signa may have evolved as a female device for cryptic choice of males based on the ability of these to influence the length of post-copulatory female refractory period. The different hypotheses make different predictions of the sequence of appearance of specific ecological factors and novel phenotypic traits through evolutionary time. Therefore, testing the relative importance of the hypotheses requires a formal comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Previous theories relating the origin of feathers to flight or to heat conservation are considered to be inadequate. There is need for a model of feather evolution that gives attention to the function and adaptive advantage of intermediate structures. The present model attempts to reveal and to deal with, the spectrum of complex questions that must be considered. In several genera of modern lizards, scales are elongated in warm climates. It is argued that these scales act as small shields to solar radiation. Experiments are reported that tend to confirm this. Using lizards as a conceptual model, it is argued that feathers likewise arose as adaptations to intense solar radiation. Elongated scales are assumed to have subdivided into finely branched structures that produced a heat-shield, flexible as well as long and broad. Associated muscles had the function of allowing the organism fine control over rates of heat gain and loss: the specialized scales or early feathers could be moved to allow basking in cool weather or protection in hot weather. Subdivision of the scales also allowed a close fit between the elements of the insulative integument. There would have been mechanical and thermal advantages to having branches that interlocked into a pennaceous structure early in evolution, so the first feathers may have been pennaceous. A versatile insulation of movable, branched scales would have been a preadaptation for endothermy. As birds took to the air they faced cooling problems despite their insulative covering because of high convective heat loss. Short glides may have initially been advantageous in cooling an animal under heat stress, but at some point the problem may have shifted from one of heat exclusion to one of heat retention. Endothermy probably evolved in conjunction with flight. If so, it is an unnecessary assumption to postulate that the climate cooled and made endothermy advantageous. The development of feathers is complex and a model is proposed that gives attention to the fundamental problems of deriving a branched structure with a cylindrical base from an elongated scale.  相似文献   

Mimulus gemmiparus (Scrophulariaceae), a rare endemic of Colorado, has a novel life history that depends on an unusual method of vegetative reproduction. The plants are functionally annuals; however, reproduction is asexual via propagules that have been termed gemmae. The morphological identity and the evolutionary antecedent of these propagules are unclear. We approached this problem through comparative developmental analyses of M. gemmiparus and the presumed progenitor species, Mimulus guttatus. In M. gemmiparus there are two meristems initiated in the axil of each leaf primordium. The distal meristem has the potential to produce either a lateral branch or a flower, and the proximal meristem becomes a vegetative propagule (the gemma) that is ultimately surrounded by an expanded, ensheathing petiole. The first leaves of the propagules are thickened and are the site of nutrient storage. Consequently, these propagules can be characterized morphologically as brood bulbils. Mimulus guttatus also has two meristems in each leaf axil; however, the proximal meristem typically remains dormant and serves no function in the life history of this species. Based on architectural and developmental correspondence, we hypothesize that the propagule of M. gemmiparus is homologous to the proximal meristem of M. guttatus. Comparative analysis shows that evolution of the bulbil has involved both the incorporation of features present in shoots of M. guttatus and the acquisition of novel features.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary causes of phenotypic variation among populations has long been a central theme in evolutionary biology. Several factors can influence phenotypic divergence, including geographic isolation, genetic drift, divergent natural or sexual selection, and phenotypic plasticity. But the relative importance of these factors in generating phenotypic divergence in nature is still a tantalizing and unresolved problem in evolutionary biology. The origin and maintenance of phenotypic divergence is also at the root of many ongoing debates in evolutionary biology, such as the extent to which gene flow constrains adaptive divergence ( Garant et al. 2007 ) and the relative importance of genetic drift, natural selection, and sexual selection in initiating reproductive isolation and speciation ( Coyne & Orr 2004 ). In this issue, Wang & Summers (2010) test the causes of one of the most fantastic examples of phenotypic divergence in nature: colour pattern divergence among populations of the strawberry poison frog (Dendrobates pumilio) in Panama and Costa Rica ( Fig. 1 ). This study provides a beautiful example of the use of the emerging field of landscape genetics to differentiate among hypotheses for phenotypic divergence. Using landscape genetic analyses, Wang & Summers were able to reject the hypotheses that colour pattern divergence is due to isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) or landscape resistance. Instead, the hypothesis left standing is that colour divergence is due to divergent selection, in turn driving reproductive isolation among populations with different colour morphs. More generally, this study provides a wonderful example of how the emerging field of landscape genetics, which has primarily been applied to questions in conservation and ecology, now plays an essential role in evolutionary research.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Divergent colour morphs observed among populations of the strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio. Frogs are from San Cristobal (upper left), Cerro Brujo (upper right), Bastimentos (lower right), and Agua (lower left).  相似文献   

The goal of DNA barcoding is to enable the rapid identification of taxa from short diagnostic DNA sequence profiles. But how feasible is this objective when many evolutionary processes, such as hybridization and selective sweeps, cause alleles to be shared among related taxa? In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Percy et al. (2014) test the full suite of seven candidate plant barcoding loci in a broad geographic sample of willow species. They show exceptional plastid haplotype sharing between species across continents, with most taxa not possessing a unique barcode sequence. Using population genetic and molecular dating analyses, they implicate hybridization and selective sweeps, but not incomplete lineage sorting, as the historical processes causing widespread haplotype sharing among willow taxa. This study represents an exceptional case of how poorly barcoding can perform, and highlights methodological issues using universal organellar regions for species identification.  相似文献   

The Mostly Male theory is the first to use evidence from gene phylogenies, genetics, modern plant morphology and fossils to explain the evolutionary origin of flowers. It proposes that flower organization derives more from the male structures of ancestral gymnosperms than from female structures. The theory arose from a hypothesis-based study. Such studies are the most likely to generate testable evolutionary scenarios, which should be the ultimate goal of evo-devo.  相似文献   

The origin of the mammalian neocortex in usually considered as an improvement in the structure of the brain. Alternatively, I suggest that the mammalian neocortex arose as a consequence of contingent adaptations in which there was no specific selection for more elaborate cognitive abilities. In primitive mammals, the adaptation to nocturnal life produced a reduction of the optic tectum (superior colliculus). In addition, the development of the olfactory system triggered the development of the cerebral cortex. It is proposed that, since both the optic tectum and the cerebral cortex are laminar structures, the growing cortex replaced the tectum in many integratory functions. When mammals reinvaded diurnal niches, the optic tectum did not redevelop, and the cerebral cortex remained the main integratory and perceptual system. This is a case of irreversible reduction of an organ. In reptiles and especially in birds, although there was also an increase in brain size (associated with higher cognitive capacities), the optic tectum grew in size and complexity and the forebrain grew largely as a nonlaminar structure (except the Wulst in birds). Therefore, the origin of the cerebral cortex resulted from the combination of adaptations to nocturnality and the development of olfactory-driven behavior, and its origin is not directly related to higher cognitive capacities.  相似文献   

Vertebrate embryos pass through a period of morphological similarity, the phylotypic period. Since Haeckel's biogenetic law of recapitulation, proximate and ultimate evolutionary causes of such similarity of embryos were discussed. We test predictions about changes in phenotypic and genetic variances that were derived from three hypotheses about the evolutionary origin of the phylotypic stage, i.e. random, epigenetic effects, and stabilizing selection. The random hypothesis predicts increasing values for phenotypic variances and stable or increasing values for genetic variances; the epigenetic effects hypothesis predicts declining values for phenotypic variances but stable or increasing values of genetic variances, and the stabilizing selection predicts stable phenotypic variances but decreasing genetic variances. We studied zebrafish as a model species, because it can be bred in large numbers as necessary for a quantitative genetics breeding design. A half-sib breeding scheme provided estimates of additive genetic variances from 11 embryonic characters from 12 through to 24 hr after fertilization, i.e. before, during (15-19 hr), and after the phylotypic period. Because additive genetic variances are size dependent, we calculated narrow-sense heritabilities as a size independent gauge of genetic contributions to the phenotype. The results show declining phenotypic variances and stable heritabilities. In conclusion, we reject the random and the stabilizing selection hypotheses and favor ideas about epigenetic effects that constrain the early embryonic development. Additive genetic variance during the phylotypic stage makes it accessible for evolution, thus explaining in a simple and straightforward way why the phylotypic period differs among vertebrates in timing, duration, and morphologies.  相似文献   

Early evolutionary origin of the neurotrophin receptor family.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Neurotrophins and their Trk receptors play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of the vertebrate nervous system, but to date no component of this signalling system has been found in invertebrates. We describe a molluscan Trk receptor, designated Ltrk, from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The full-length sequence of Ltrk reveals most of the characteristics typical of Trk receptors, including highly conserved transmembrane and intracellular tyrosine kinase domains, and a typical extracellular domain of leucine-rich motifs flanked by cysteine clusters. In addition, Ltrk has a unique N-terminal extension and lacks immunoglobulin-like domains. Ltrk is expressed during development in a stage-specific manner, and also in the adult, where its expression is confined to the central nervous system and its associated endocrine tissues. Ltrk has the highest sequence identity with the TrkC mammalian receptor and, when exogenously expressed in fibroblasts or COS cells, binds human NT-3, but not NGF or BDNF, with an affinity of 2.5 nM. These findings support an early evolutionary origin of the Trk family as neuronal receptor tyrosine kinases and suggest that Trk signalling mechanisms may be highly conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

In classical evolutionary theory, genetic variation provides the source of heritable phenotypic variation on which natural selection acts. Against this classical view, several theories have emphasized that developmental variability and learning enhance nonheritable phenotypic variation, which in turn can accelerate evolutionary response. In this paper, I show how developmental variability alters evolutionary dynamics by smoothing the landscape that relates genotype to fitness. In a fitness landscape with multiple peaks and valleys, developmental variability can smooth the landscape to provide a directly increasing path of fitness to the highest peak. Developmental variability also allows initial survival of a genotype in response to novel or extreme environmental challenge, providing an opportunity for subsequent adaptation. This initial survival advantage arises from the way in which developmental variability smooths and broadens the fitness landscape. Ultimately, the synergism between developmental processes and genetic variation sets evolutionary rate.  相似文献   

Developmental exaptation and evolutionary change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Developmental plasticity looks like a promising bridge between ecological and developmental perspectives on evolution. Yet, there is no consensus on whether plasticity is part of the explanation for adaptive evolution or an optional “add‐on” to genes and natural selection. Here, we suggest that these differences in opinion are caused by differences in the simplifying assumptions, and particular idealizations, that enable evolutionary explanation. We outline why idealizations designed to explain evolution through natural selection prevent an understanding of the role of development, and vice versa. We show that representing plasticity as a reaction norm conforms with the idealizations of selective explanations, which can give the false impression that plasticity has no explanatory power for adaptive evolution. Finally, we use examples to illustrate why evolutionary explanations that include developmental plasticity may in fact be more satisfactory than explanations that solely refer to genes and natural selection.  相似文献   

We use a likelihood-based statistical test to evaluate the extent to which the available molecular data sets can be used to falsify alternative phylogenetic hypotheses describing the inter-relationship among corbiculate bee tribes. Based on the results of this test, we explore three alternative models of behavioural character state evolution and evaluate the support each model has for single-origin versus dual-origin hypotheses for 'highly' eusocial behaviour. We show that only one of four data sets could statistically reject any of the 15 possible outgroup-rooted phylogenetic hypotheses. However, a cytochrome b data set rejected all but three alternative topologies. Using this information, a simple model of behavioural character state evolution, in which transitions between solitary/communal, 'primitively' eusocial, and 'highly' eusocial are unconstrained, supports single-origin hypotheses for 'highly' eusocial behaviour, in spite of phylogenetic uncertainty. By contrast, an ordered model, in which 'highly' eusocial is constrained to be an evolutionarily terminal state, supports a dual-origins hypothesis. Our results show that the molecular phylogenetic evidence favouring a dual-origins hypothesis for 'highly' eusocial behaviour is, at present, conditional on information from one gene (cyt b) and on specific, though likely realistic, assumptions regarding the nature of eusocial evolution.  相似文献   

Theories on the origin of vertebrate teeth have long focused on chondrichthyans as reflecting a primitive condition—but this is better informed by the extinct placoderms, which constitute a sister clade or grade to the living gnathostomes. Here, we show that ‘supragnathal’ toothplates from the acanthothoracid placoderm Romundina stellina comprise multi-cuspid teeth, each composed of an enameloid cap and core of dentine. These were added sequentially, approximately circumferentially, about a pioneer tooth. Teeth are bound to a bony plate that grew with the addition of marginal teeth. Homologous toothplates in arthrodire placoderms exhibit a more ordered arrangement of teeth that lack enameloid, but their organization into a gnathal, bound by layers of cellular bone associated with the addition of each successional tooth, is the same. The presence of enameloid in the teeth of Romundina suggests that it has been lost in other placoderms. Its covariation in the teeth and dermal skeleton of placoderms suggests a lack of independence early in the evolution of jawed vertebrates. It also appears that the dentition—manifest as discrete gnathal ossifications—was developmentally discrete from the jaws during this formative episode of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The capacity of castor-bean endosperm tissue to incorporate [35S]methionine into proteins of the total particulate fraction increased during the first 3 days of germination and subsequently declined. At the onset of germination 66% of the incorporated 35S was found in the separated endoplasmic-reticulum fraction, with the remainder in mitochondria, whereas at later developmental stages an increasing proportion of 35S was recovered in glyoxysomes. The kinetics of [35S]methionine incorporation into the major organelle fractions of 3-day-old endosperm tissue showed that the endoplasmic reticulum was immediately labelled, whereas a lag period preceded the labelling of mitochondria and glyoxysomes. When kinetic experiments were interrupted by the addition of an excess of unlabelled methionine, incorporation of [35S]methionine into the endoplasmic reticulum rapidly ceased, but incorporation into mitochondia and glyoxysomes continued for a further 1h. Examination of isolated organelle membranes during this period showed that the addition of unlabelled methionine resulted in a stimulated incorporation of [35S]no methionine into the endoplasmic-reticulum membrane for 30 min, after which time the 35S content of this fraction declined, whereas that of the glyoxysomal membranes continued to increase slowly. The 35S-labelling kinetics of organelles and fractions derived therefrom are discussed in relation to the role of the endoplasmic reticulum in protein synthesis during glyoxysome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the metabolic protein profiles of wheat endosperm   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

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