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We have followed the kinetics of staphylococcal nuclease digestion of duck reticulocyte nuclei and chromatin from early stages to the digestion limit. We confirm that partial digestion of nuclei produces discrete DNA bands which are multiples of a monomer, 185 base pairs in length. The multimers are shown to be precursors of the monomer, which is next digested to a homogeneous, 140 base pair fragment. This fragment in turn gives rise to an array of nuclear limit digest DNA bands, which is almost identical with the limit digest pattern of isolated chromatin. As in the case of chromatin, half the DNA of nuclei is acid soluble at this limit. While the DNA limit digest patterns of nuclei and chromatin are similar, the large multimeric structures present as intermediates in nuclear digestion are absent in chromatin digestion. Alternate methods of chromatin gel preparation appear to leave more of the higher order structure intact, as measured by the production of these multimeric bands. Our results are consistent with the "beads on a string" model of chromatin proposed by others. 相似文献
We show that, contrary to expectations, restriction enzyme cleavage of chicken erythrocyte nucleosome core particle DNA generates a series of distinct subnucleosome fragments. These fragments do not result from bulk nucleosome phasing in vivo, but arise from micrococcal nuclease cleavages internal to the core particle, at roughly 10-base pair intervals and at AT-rich sequences. Those 145-base pair DNA fragments remaining intact are a biased population in which the guanine content can fluctuate by as much as 10%, with a 10-base pair period. We suggest that these same considerations, when applied to a unique DNA sequence, are the true explanation for several previous claims for nucleosome phasing. 相似文献
Alain Kitzis Serge A. Leibovitch Brigitte Paris Lydie Tichonicky Jacques Kruh 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1982,109(3):612-618
In chromatin a minor fraction melts at a temperature lower than deproteinized DNA, which may be assigned to DNA destabilizing proteins. We attempted to localize the destabilized DNA in the various chromatin fragments separated by electrophoresis after a mild micrococcal nuclease digestion. The small released fragments are enriched in coding sequences. About 20% of the DNA extracted from the released nucleosomes are single-stranded, 60% of the DNA in these fragments are digested by nuclease S1 after incubation at low temperature, which suggests that the DNA destabilizing proteins are present in the released nucleosomes. Hybridization studies have shown that 25% of the DNA in nucleosomes are specific of this class of fragments. DNA destabilizing proteins could be associated with the specific sequences. 相似文献
Scott A. Chambers Randolph L. Rill 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression》1984,782(2):202-209
A chromatin fraction solubilized from mouse myeloma nuclei under near-physiological ionic conditions by very mild micrococcal nuclease digestion at 0°C is enriched at least 7-fold in DNA complementary to total myeloma polyadenylated mRNA, and 15-fold in DNA originating near the replication fork (labeled within 30 s). Newly replicated DNA recovered in solubilized chromatin after brief labeling was incorporated mainly into particles sedimenting with, or faster than, mononucleosomes. A rapid decrease in enrichment of newly replicated DNA in readily released, soluble chromatin with increasing labeling times indicated that newly replicated chromatin matured within 90 s to a form that was partitioned similarly to bulk chromatin by this fractionation method. Previous studies showed that chromatin readily solubilized from myeloma nuclei is enriched in high-mobility-group (HMG) and other non-histone proteins, RNA and single-stranded DNA; and depleted in H1 and 5-methylcytosine, relative to bulk chromatin (Jackson, J.B., Pollock, J.M., Jr., and Rill, R.L. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 3739–3748). Mild digestion of chicken erythrocyte nuclei with micrococcal nuclease yielded a soluble chromatin fraction (1–2% of the total DNA) with similar properties. This fraction was enriched at least 6-fold in DNA complementary to chicken globin mRNA, relative to total erythrocyte DNA. 相似文献
Photofootprint of nucleosome core DNA in intact chromatin having different structural states 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Recently, we reported that the distribution of ultraviolet light (u.v.) induced pyrimidine dimers in nucleosome core DNA has a striking 10.3(+/- 0.1) base periodicity and the regions of enhanced quantum yield map to positions where DNA strands are farthest from the core histone surface. Improvement of the mapping procedure has allowed us to analyze this distribution in more detail, and compare the distribution pattern for nucleosome cores from intact chromatin having different higher-order structures (from the 10 nm filament to the 30 nm fiber). At all levels of chromatin compaction, we observed the following. (1) The average periodicity in pyrimidine dimer yield is 10.3 bases. (2) The peak-to-peak spacing in this distribution is significantly different from 10.3 bases in the region covering three helix turns immediately 5' of the dyad axis. (3) There is a suppression of photoproduct formation in the region of the dyad axis, especially at position 84 from the 5' end. (4) The approximately 10 base ensembles have alternating peak intensities throughout core DNA. Furthermore, peak deconvolution analysis of the pyrimidine dimer pattern yielded a striking similarity in photoproduct yield for the different levels of chromatin compaction. Irradiation of isolated core DNA yields a much more random distribution of photoproducts, although a weak modulation pattern is observed (indicating that there is a non-random alignment of adjacent pyrimidines in our core DNA preparations). This pattern includes a depression in photoproduct yield near position 95, suggesting that the sequence in this region plays a role in nucleosome positioning. These results show that the u.v. photofootprint is a sensitive, diagnostic probe of core histone-DNA interactions in intact chromatin, and these interactions are not significantly altered by changes in the structural state of the chromatin fiber. 相似文献
We have previously shown that, by culturing cells in hypertonic media, histone 2A becomes hyperphosphorylated (Pantazis, P., West, M. H. P., and Bonner, W. M. (1984) Mol. Cell. Biol. 4, 1186-1188). In the present study we have probed the effect of this histone modification on the overall chromatin structure by micrococcal nuclease and DNase I digestion. Although no significant quantitative differences in the extent of hydrolysis were observed between control and hyperphosphorylated chromatin by micrococcal nuclease, DNase I digested hyperphosphorylated chromatin at a 3- to 4-fold higher rate than unmodified chromatin. 相似文献
The digestion of chromatin by Staphylococcal nuclease has been studied under a variety of conditions chosen to vary the structure and solubility of the nucleoprotein. The production of a precise and discrete series of fragments of limit DNA-ase-resistant DNA is not dependent upon the maintenance of specific secondary structure of the chromatin. 相似文献
We have used limited nuclease digestion of nuclei to probe the structure of nuclear ribonucleoprotein (nRNP). Analysis of [3H]uridine-labeled heterogeneous nuclear RNA isolated from nuclease digested nuclei revealed preferential generation of discrete bands of RNA ranging in size from 1.5 × 105 to 6 × 105 daltons. The nuclease digestion pattern of nRNP differed from the nuclease digestion pattern obtained with chromatin in that the RNA bands generated in these experiments were transient, appearing only early in the course of digestion, and no stable nRNP monomer size was evident. Therefore, although nRNP may be organized in a regular configuration, nRNP structure differs considerably from the repeating subunit structure of chromatin. 相似文献
Digestion of chromatin in nuclei by micrococcal nuclease, measured as the change in the concentration of monomer-length DNA with time, displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Redigestion of soluble chromatin prepared from nuclei by micrococcal nuclease treatment, however, is apparently first order in enzyme and independent of chromatin concentration. This qualitative difference results from an increase in the apparent second order rate constant, kcat/Km, for liberation of monomer DNA: the apparent Km for soluble chromatin is lower by close to 3 orders of magnitude than that for chromatin in nuclei, whereas kcat decreases by less than 1 order of magnitude. Neither the integrity of the nuclear membrane nor the presence of histone H1 contributes to the high Michaelis constant characteristic of chromatin in nuclei. Moreover, differences due to the buffers used for digestion and redigestion are minimal. Low catalytic efficiency is, however, correlated with the presence of higher order chromatin superstructure. Micrococcal nuclease added to soluble chromatin under nondigesting conditions at low ionic strength (I = 0.002) co-sediments with chromatin in sucrose gradients. In 0.15 M NaCl, added nuclease no longer sediments with chromatin and redigestion kinetics become first order in both enzyme and substrate. Kinetic analysis of this type may afford an assay for native, higher order structures in chromatin. Our results suggest that micrococcal nuclease binds to soluble chromatin through additional interactions not present in nuclei, which may be partly ionic in nature. 相似文献
Random arrangement of nucleosome on DNA in chromatin 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A Prunell 《FEBS letters》1979,107(2):285-287
Earlier experiments with the use of nucleoprotein-celite chromatography revealed that DNA is bound to a replicative complex localized in the nuclear matrix by a topologically tight bond. Induction of site-specific DNA breaks by restriction nucleases in isolated nuclei of proliferating cells causes a gradual concentration-dependent liberation of DNA from the tight binding to the nuclear matrix. The DNA involved in the tight interaction with matrix proteins is especially sensitive to digestion by Sau 3A1, EcoRI, PstI, BCNI and Bam HI restrictases. One-strand DNA-specific nuclease Bal 31 also destroys the tight DNA-matrix bond. The tightness of DNA-protein bonds in chromatin particles formed after the digestion of nuclei with restrictases is dependent on the particle size. The data are summarized in a model of a topological DNA-matrix bond. 相似文献
To examine the distribution of 5-methylcytosine in chromatin DNA, DNA of HeLa cells was labeled with [3H-methyl]methionine and [14C] thymidine and analyzed after extensive digestion of the nuclei with micrococcal nuclease. When the chromatin solubilized with the nuclease was fractionated on a sucrose density gradient, DNA in mononucleosomes was considerably depleted in 5-methylcytosine, as compared with polynucleosomes. Electrophoretic separation of DNA from the chromatin also revealed the depletion of 5-methylcytosine in the mononucleosomal size of DNA. This was confirmed by the chromatographic analysis of 5-methyldeoxycytidine after enzymatic digestion of the DNA to nucleosides. Thus the DNA in mononucleosomes solubilized by extensive micrococcal nuclease digestion is depleted in 5-methylcytosine, suggesting that 5-methylcytosine is preferentially missing from the DNA in the nucleosome core particles. 相似文献
M. Tien Kuo 《Chromosoma》1979,70(2):183-194
Heterochromatin DNA in cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus) replicates in the late S phase of cell cycle. A method of obtaining cells which contain DNA preferentially labeled at heterochromatic areas by a pulse-labeling of late replicating DNA is described. When the nuclei of P. eremicus cells containing radioactively labeled DNA in heterochromatin were digested with micrococcal nuclease and the resultant nucleosomal DNA was separated by gel electrophoresis, it was found that the repeat length of nucleosomal DNA in the heterochromatin DNA is not different from that of the bulk of the genomic DNA. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the accessibility to digestion by micrococcal nuclease between the late replicating heterochromatin DNA and the total DNA under our digestion conditions. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of nucleosomal DNAs isolated from micrococcal nuclease digested nuclei from P. eremicus, P. collatus, and P. crinitus cells in culture were very similar. Cytogenetic data showed that these three species are different in heterochromatin but similar in euchromatin. 相似文献
Distribution of 5-methyldeoxycytidine in products of staphylococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei and purified DNA 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We have compared the distribution of 5-methyldeoxycytidine (m5dC) between staphylococcal nuclease (SN) sensitive and resistant regions of human diploid fibroblast chromatin to the corresponding distribution in purified DNA. After SN digestion of fibroblast nuclei or purified DNA, nuclease-resistant products were separated from sensitive products by perchloric acid or ethanol precipitation; the radioactively labeled nucleosides were then fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography and quantitated. Our results indicate that m5dC is preferentially associated with SN-resistant regions of both chromatin and purified DNA. The magnitudes of these preferences in fibroblast chromatin and DNA are similar; we find that the enrichment of m5dC content in SN-resistant fractions of nuclei and DNA relative to the corresponding sensitive fractions is approximately 2-3-fold. Therefore, highly methylated regions of DNA have an intrinsic resistance to digestion by SN that is of sufficient magnitude to explain the high degree of nuclease resistance of chromatin containing highly methylated DNA. 相似文献
Intact nuclei of subjected to micrococcal nuclease action were found almost entirely resistant to digestion and only partially digested after disrupting the nuclear envelope with a cell disruption bomb. Solubilization of isolated chromatin was also affected by the method of preparation. Sucrose gradient patterns from early stages of gonad maturation revealed a distribution of discrete particles containing a major monomeric species. A slower sedimenting component was also present but became absent from digests upon completion of gonad growth, when chromatin is fully condensed. At this stage the rate of solubilization was drastically reduced. These data suggest that substantial changes in the structural organization of chromatin occur with development, even though the histone complement in this organism remains unaltered during spermiogenesis. 相似文献
New procedure using a psoralen derivative for analysis of nucleosome associated DNA sequences in chromatin of living cells. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

J O Carlson O Pfenninger R R Sinden J M Lehman D E Pettijohn 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(6):2043-2063
Sites for restriction endonuclease cleavage in double helical DNA are blocked from cleavage when the photoaffinity drug trimethylpsoralen is photobound at or near the site. In general, Hind III sites are about 15 fold more sensitive to inactivation than the other restriction sites which were tested, although sensitivity of different Hind III sites seems to vary somewhat depending on base sequences adjacent to the site. Hind III sites can be inactivated in two ways; one which completely blocks action of the specific restriction endonuclease and one permitting the introduction of a swivel which relaxes DNA supercoiling without producing a double strand break. Nucleosomes and perhaps other protein-DNA complexes can protect the underlying DNA sequence from trimethylpsoralen photobinding and thus protect restriction sites from inactivation. This property can be exploited to determine if specific sites are accessible to the psoralon probe in vivo and thus to establish if specific nucleotide sequences are nucleosome associated. Using this procedure evidence is obtained that nucleosomes on SV40 DNA in living infected cells are either distributed randomly or at many discrete alternate sites that approach a random distribution. 相似文献