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Atomic positions obtained by X-ray crystallography are time and space averages over many molecules in the crystal. Importantly, interatomic distances, calculated between such average positions and frequently used in structural and mechanistic analyses, can be substantially different from the more appropriate time-average and ensemble-average interatomic distances. Using crystallographic B-factors, one can deduce corrections, which have so far been applied exclusively to small molecules, to obtain correct average distances as a function of the type of atomic motion. Here, using 4774 high-quality protein X-ray structures, we study the significance of such corrections for different types of atomic motion. Importantly, we show that for distances shorter than 5 Å, corrections greater than 0.5 Å may apply, especially for noncorrelated or anticorrelated motion. For example, 14% of the studied structures have at least one pair of atoms with a correction of ≥ 0.5 Å in the case of noncorrelated motion. Using molecular dynamics simulations of villin headpiece, ubiquitin, and SH3 domain unit cells, we demonstrate that the majority of average interatomic distances in these proteins agree with noncorrelated corrections, suggesting that such deviations may be truly relevant. Importantly, we demonstrate that the corrections do not significantly affect stereochemistry and the overall quality of final refined X-ray structures, but can provide marked improvements in starting unrefined models obtained from low-resolution X-ray data. Finally, we illustrate the potential mechanistic and biological significance of the calculated corrections for KcsA ion channel and show that they provide indirect evidence that motions in its selectivity filter are highly correlated.  相似文献   

Members of the actin family of proteins exhibit different biochemical properties when ATP, ADP-Pi, ADP, or no nucleotide is bound. We used molecular dynamics simulations to study the effect of nucleotides on the behavior of actin and actin-related protein 3 (Arp3). In all of the actin simulations, the nucleotide cleft stayed closed, as in most crystal structures. ADP was much more mobile within the cleft than ATP, despite the fact that both nucleotides adopt identical conformations in actin crystal structures. The nucleotide cleft of Arp3 opened in most simulations with ATP, ADP, and no bound nucleotide. Deletion of a C-terminal region of Arp3 that extends beyond the conserved actin sequence reduced the tendency of the Arp3 cleft to open. When the Arp3 cleft opened, we observed multiple instances of partial release of the nucleotide. Cleft opening in Arp3 also allowed us to observe correlated movements of the phosphate clamp, cleft mouth, and barbed-end groove, providing a way for changes in the nucleotide state to be relayed to other parts of Arp3. The DNase binding loop of actin was highly flexible regardless of the nucleotide state. The conformation of Ser14/Thr14 in the P1 loop was sensitive to the presence of the γ-phosphate, but other changes observed in crystal structures were not correlated with the nucleotide state on nanosecond timescales. The divalent cation occupied three positions in the nucleotide cleft, one of which was not previously observed in actin or Arp2/3 complex structures. In sum, these simulations show that subtle differences in structures of actin family proteins have profound effects on their nucleotide-driven behavior.  相似文献   

The recently reported crystal structures of the membrane-embedded proton-dependent c-ring rotors of a cyanobacterial F1Fo ATP synthase and a chloroplast F1Fo ATP synthase have provided new insights into the mechanism of this essential enzyme. While the overall features of these c-rings are similar, a discrepancy in the structure and hydrogen-bonding interaction network of the H+ sites suggests two distinct binding modes, potentially reflecting a mechanistic differentiation. Importantly, the conformation of the key glutamate side chain to which the proton binds is also altered. To investigate the nature of these differences, we use molecular dynamics simulations of both c-rings embedded in a phospholipid membrane. We observe that the structure of the c15 ring from Spirulina platensis is unequivocally stable within the simulation time. By contrast, the proposed structure of the H+ site in the chloroplast c14 ring changes rapidly and consistently into that reported for the c15 ring, indicating that the latter represents a common binding mode. To assess this hypothesis, we have remodeled the c14 ring by molecular replacement using the published structure factors. The resulting structure provides clear evidence in support of a common binding site conformation and is also considerably improved statistically. These findings, taken together with a sequence analysis of c-subunits in the ATP synthase family, indicate that the so-called proton-locked conformation observed in the c15 ring may be a common characteristic not only of light-driven systems such as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria but also of a selection of other bacterial species.  相似文献   

A phylogenetically conserved ribosomal protein L16p/L10e organizes the architecture of the aminoacyl tRNA binding site on the large ribosomal subunit. Eukaryotic L10 also exhibits a variety of cellular activities, and, in particular, human L10 is known as a putative tumor suppressor, QM. We have determined the 2.5-Å crystal structure of the human L10 core domain that corresponds to residues 34-182 of the full-length 214 amino acids. Its two-layered α + β architecture is significantly similar to those of the archaeal and bacterial homologues, substantiating a high degree of structural conservation across the three phylogenetic domains. A cation-binding pocket formed between α2 and β6 is similar to that of the archaeal L10 protein but appears to be better ordered. Previously reported L10 mutations that cause defects in the yeast ribosome are clustered around this pocket, indicating that its integrity is crucial for its role in L10 function. Characteristic interactions among Arg90-Trp171-Arg139 guide the C-terminal part outside of the central fold, implying that the eukaryote-specific C-terminal extension localizes on the outer side of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The emergence of class D β-lactamases with carbapenemase activity presents an enormous challenge to health practitioners, particularly with regard to the treatment of infections caused by Gram-negative pathogens such as Acinetobacter baumannii. Unfortunately, class D β-lactamases with carbapenemase activity are resistant to β-lactamase inhibitors. To better understand the details of the how these enzymes bind and hydrolyze carbapenems, we have determined the structures of two deacylation-deficient variants (K84D and V130D) of the class D carbapenemase OXA-24 with doripenem bound as a covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate. Doripenem adopts essentially the same configuration in both OXA-24 variant structures, but varies significantly when compared to the non-carbapenemase class D member OXA-1/doripenem complex. The alcohol of the 6α hydroxyethyl moiety is directed away from the general base carboxy-K84, with implications for activation of the deacylating water. The tunnel formed by the Y112/M223 bridge in the apo form of OXA-24 is largely unchanged by the binding of doripenem. The presence of this bridge, however, causes the distal pyrrolidine/sulfonamide group to bind in a drastically different conformation compared to doripenem bound to OXA-1. The resulting difference in the position of the side-chain bridge sulfur of doripenem is consistent with the hypothesis that the tautomeric state of the pyrroline ring contributes to the different carbapenem hydrolysis rates of OXA-1 and OXA-24. These findings represent a snapshot of a key step in the catalytic mechanism of an important class D enzyme, and might be useful for the design of novel inhibitors.  相似文献   

We accelerate protein folding in all-atom molecular dynamics simulations by introducing alternating hydrogen bond potentials as a supplement to the force field. The alternating hydrogen bond potentials result in accelerated hydrogen bond reordering, which leads to rapid formation of secondary structure elements. The method does not require knowledge of the native state but generates the potentials based on the development of the tertiary structure in the simulation. In protein folding, the formation of secondary structure elements, especially α-helix and β-sheet, is very important, and we show that our method can fold both efficiently and with great speed.  相似文献   

Histone tail peptides comprise the flexible portion of chromatin, the substance which serves as the packaging for the eukaryotic genome. According to the histone code hypothesis, reader protein domains (chromodomains) can recognize modifications of amino acid residues within these peptides, regulating the expression of genes. We have performed simulations on models of chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 complexed with a variety of histone H3 modifications. Binding free energies for both the overall complexes and the individual residues within the protein and peptides were computed with molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area. The simulation results agree well with experimental data and identify several chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 residues that play key roles in the interaction with each of the H3 modifications. We identified one class of protein residues that bind to H3 in all of the complexes (generally interacting hydrophobically), and a second class of residues that bind only to particular H3 modifications (generally interacting electrostatically). Additionally, we found that modifications of H3R2 and H3T3 have a dominant effect on the binding affinity; methylation of H3K4 has little effect on the interaction strength when H3R2 or H3T3 is modified. Our findings with regard to the specificity shown by the latter class of protein residues in their binding affinity to certain modifications of H3 support the histone code hypothesis.  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that many of the physiological effects of alcohol consumption are a direct result of binding to specific sites in neuronal proteins such as ion channels or other components of neuronal signaling cascades. Binding to these targets generally occurs in water-filled pockets and leads to alterations in protein structure and dynamics. However, the precise interactions required to confer alcohol sensitivity to a particular protein remain undefined.Using information from the previously solved crystal structures of the Drosophila melanogaster protein LUSH in complexes with short-chain alcohols, we have designed and tested the effects of specific amino acid substitutions on alcohol binding. The effects of these substitutions, specifically S52A, T57S, and T57A, were examined using a combination of molecular dynamics, X-ray crystallography, fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermal unfolding. These studies reveal that the binding of ethanol is highly sensitive to small changes in the composition of the alcohol binding site. We find that T57 is the most critical residue for binding alcohols; the T57A substitution completely abolishes binding, while the T57S substitution differentially affects ethanol binding compared to longer-chain alcohols. The additional requirement for a potential hydrogen-bond acceptor at position 52 suggests that both the presence of multiple hydrogen-bonding groups and the identity of the hydrogen-bonding residues are critical for defining an ethanol binding site. These results provide new insights into the detailed chemistry of alcohol's interactions with proteins.  相似文献   

We report a set of atomistic folding/unfolding simulations for the hairpin ribozyme using a Monte Carlo algorithm. The hairpin ribozyme folds in solution and catalyzes self-cleavage or ligation via a specific two-domain structure. The minimal active ribozyme has been studied extensively, showing stabilization of the active structure by cations and dynamic motion of the active structure. Here, we introduce a simple model of tertiary-structure formation that leads to a phase diagram for the RNA as a function of temperature and tertiary-structure strength. We then employ this model to capture many folding/unfolding events and to examine the transition-state ensemble (TSE) of the RNA during folding to its active “docked” conformation. The TSE is compact but with few tertiary interactions formed, in agreement with single-molecule dynamics experiments. To compare with experimental kinetic parameters, we introduce a novel method to benchmark Monte Carlo kinetic parameters to docking/undocking rates collected over many single molecular trajectories. We find that topology alone, as encoded in a biased potential that discriminates between secondary and tertiary interactions, is sufficient to predict the thermodynamic behavior and kinetic folding pathway of the hairpin ribozyme. This method should be useful in predicting folding transition states for many natural or man-made RNA tertiary structures.  相似文献   

Potassium channels are a diverse family of integral membrane proteins through which K+ can pass selectively. There is ongoing debate about the nature of conformational changes associated with the opening/closing and conductive/nonconductive states of potassium channels. The channels partly exert their function by varying their conductance through a mechanism known as C-type inactivation. Shortly after the activation of K+ channels, their selectivity filter stops conducting ions at a rate that depends on various stimuli. The molecular mechanism of C-type inactivation has not been fully understood yet. However, the X-ray structure of the KcsA channel obtained in the presence of low K+ concentration is thought to be representative of a K+ channel in the C-type inactivated state. Here, extensive, fully atomistic molecular dynamics and free-energy simulations of the low-K+ KcsA structure in an explicit lipid bilayer are performed to evaluate the stability of this structure and the selectivity of its binding sites. We find that the low-K+ KcsA structure is stable on the timescale of the molecular dynamics simulations performed, and that ions preferably remain in S1 and S4. In the absence of ions, the selectivity filter evolves toward an asymmetric architecture, as already observed in other computations of the high-K+ structure of KcsA and KirBac. The low-K+ KcsA structure is not permeable by Na+, K+, or Rb+, and the selectivity of its binding sites is different from that of the high-K+ structure.  相似文献   

Misfolding of the prion protein (PrP) is associated with the development of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. The recent crystal structure of ‘steric zipper’ aggregates of the peptide SNQNNF (human PrP fragment 170-175) has highlighted its potential involvement in the misfolding process. A detailed molecular dynamics investigation on SNQNNF aggregates has been performed to analyze the behavior of the assemblies in a non-crystalline context. Stability, dynamics, and structural features suggest that SNQNNF assemblies are very good candidates to be involved in the structure of PrP fibrils. In addition, the analysis of small aggregates shows that steric zipper interfaces are able to stabilize assemblies composed of four strands per sheet. Altogether, the present findings indicate that steric zipper may play a key role in prion diseases. This suggestion is also corroborated by MD analyses of point mutations within the region 170-175.  相似文献   

Multiple molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent at room temperature and at 400 K were carried out to characterize designed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins with full-consensus repeats. Using proteins with one to five repeats, the stability of the native structure was found to increase with the number of repeats. The C-terminal capping repeat, originating from the natural guanine-adenine-binding protein, was observed to denature first in almost all high-temperature simulations. Notably, a stable intermediate is found in experimental equilibrium unfolding studies of one of the simulated consensus proteins. On the basis of simulation results, this intermediate is interpreted to represent a conformation with a denatured C-terminal repeat. To validate this interpretation, constructs without C-terminal capping repeat were prepared and did not show this intermediate in equilibrium unfolding experiments. Conversely, the capping repeats were found to be essential for efficient folding in the cell and for avoiding aggregation, presumably because of their highly charged surface. To design a capping repeat conferring similar solubility properties yet even higher stability, eight point mutations adapting the C-cap to the consensus AR and adding a three-residue extension at the C-terminus were predicted in silico and validated experimentally. The in vitro full-consensus proteins were also compared with a previously published designed AR protein, E3_5, whose internal repeats show 80% identity in primary sequence. A detailed analysis of the simulations suggests that networks of salt bridges between β-hairpins, as well as additional interrepeat hydrogen bonds, contribute to the extraordinary stability of the full consensus.  相似文献   

Friedman R  Caflisch A 《FEBS letters》2007,581(21):4120-4124
Assigning the correct protonation state to the catalytic residues is essential for a realistic modelling of an enzyme's active site. Plasmepsins are pharmaceutically relevant aspartic proteases involved in haemoglobin degradation by Plasmodium spp. In aspartic proteases, one of the two catalytic aspartates is protonated, while the other is negatively charged. Here, multiple explicit-water molecular dynamics simulations of plasmepsin II, uncomplexed and with a hydroxypropylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor, indicate that protonation of Asp214 favours a stable active site structure. Moreover, the protonation state of the catalytic aspartate has a strong influence on a linear chain of hydrogen bonds with the adjacent side chains.  相似文献   

The oxysterol-binding protein-related protein (ORP) family is essential to sterol transfer and sterol-dependent signal transduction in eukaryotes. The crystal structure of one ORP family member, yeast Osh4, is known in apo and sterol-bound states. In the bound state, a 29 residue N-terminal lid region covers the opening of the cholesterol-binding tunnel, preventing cholesterol exchange. Equilibrium and steered molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Osh4 were carried out to characterize the mechanism of cholesterol exchange. While most of the structural core was stable during the simulations, the lid was partly opened in the apo equilibrium MD simulation. Helix α7, which undergoes the largest conformational change in the crystallized bound and apo states, is conformationally coupled to the opening of the lid. The movement of α7 helps create a docking site for donor or acceptor membranes in the open state. In the steered MD simulations of cholesterol dissociation, we observed complete opening of the lid covering the cholesterol-binding tunnel. Cholesterol was found to exit the binding pocket in a step-wise process involving (i) the breaking of water-mediated hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts within the binding pocket, (ii) opening of the lid covering the binding pocket, and (iii) breakage of transient cholesterol contacts with the rim of the pocket and hydrophobic residues on the interior face of the lid.  相似文献   

The elementary building block of all intermediate filaments (IFs) is a dimer featuring a central α-helical rod domain flanked by the N- and C-terminal end domains. In nuclear IF proteins (lamins), the rod domain consists of two coiled-coil segments, coil1 and coil2, that are connected by a short non-helical linker. Coil1 and the C-terminal part of coil2 contain the two highly conserved IF consensus motifs involved in the longitudinal assembly of dimers. The previously solved crystal structure of a lamin A fragment (residues 305-387) corresponding to the second half of coil2 has yielded a parallel left-handed coiled coil. Here, we present the crystal structure and solution properties of another human lamin A fragment (residues 328-398), which is largely overlapping with fragment 305-387 but harbors a short segment of the tail domain. Unexpectedly, no parallel coiled coil forms within the crystal. Instead, the α-helices are arranged such that two anti-parallel coiled-coil interfaces are formed. The most significant interface has a right-handed geometry, which is accounted for by a characteristic 15-residue repeat pattern that overlays with the canonical heptad repeat pattern. The second interface is a left-handed anti-parallel coiled coil based on the predicted heptad repeat pattern. In solution, the fragment reveals only a weak dimerization propensity. We speculate that the C-terminus of coil2 might unzip, thereby allowing for a right-handed coiled-coil interface to form between two laterally aligned dimers. Such an interface might co-exist with a heterotetrameric left-handed coiled-coil assembly, which is expected to be responsible for the longitudinal ACN contact.  相似文献   

Potassium (K+) channels are specialized membrane proteins that are able to facilitate and regulate the conduction of K+ through cell membranes. Comprising five specific cation binding sites (S0-S4) formed by the backbone carbonyl groups of conserved residues common to all K+ channels, the narrow selectivity filter allows fast conduction of K+ while being highly selective for K+ over Na+. To extend our knowledge of the microscopic mechanism underlying selectivity in K+ channels, we characterize the free energy landscapes governing the entry and translocation of a Na+ or a K+ from the extracellular side into the selectivity filter of KcsA. The entry process of an extracellular ion is examined in the presence of two additional K+ in the pore, and the three-ion potential of mean force is computed using extensive all-atom umbrella sampling molecular dynamics simulations. A comparison of the potentials of mean force yields a number of important results. First, the free energy minima corresponding to configurations with extracellular K+ or Na+ in binding site S0 or S1 are similar in depth, suggesting that the thermodynamic selectivity governed by the free energy minima for those two binding sites is insignificant. Second, the free energy barriers between stable multi-ion configurations are generally higher for Na+ than for K+, implying that the kinetics of ion conduction is slower when a Na+ enters the pore. Third, the region corresponding to binding site S2 near the center of the narrow pore emerges as the most selective for K+ over Na+. In particular, while there is a stable minimum for K+ in site S2, Na+ faces a steep free energy increase with no local free energy well in this region. Lastly, analysis shows that selectivity is not correlated with the overall coordination number of the ion entering the pore, but is predominantly affected by changes in the type of coordinating ligands (carbonyls versus water molecules). These results further highlight the importance of the central region near binding site S2 in the selectivity filter of K+ channels.  相似文献   

A double lipid bilayer structure containing opposing tetramers of AQP0 aquaporin, in contact through extracellular face loop regions, was recently modeled using an intermediate-resolution map obtained by electron crystallographic methods. The pores of these water channels were found to be critically narrow in three regions and subsequently interpreted to be those of a closed state of the channel. The subsequent determination of a high-resolution AQP0 tetramer structure by X-ray crystallographic methods yielded a pore model featuring two of the three constrictions as noted in the EM work and water molecules within the channel pore. The extracellular-side constriction region of this AQP0 structure was significantly larger than that of the EM-based model and similar to that of the highly water permeable AQP1. The X-ray-based study of AQP0 however could not ascertain if the water molecules found in the pore were the result of water entering from one or both ends of the channel, nor whether water could freely pass through all constriction points. Additionally, this X-ray-based structure could not provide an answer to the question of whether the double lipid bilayer configuration of AQP0 could functionally maintain a water impermeable state of the channel. To address these questions we conducted molecular dynamics simulations to compare the time-dependent behavior of the AQP0 and AQP1 channels within lipid bilayers. The simulations demonstrate that AQP0, in single or double lipid bilayers, is not closed to water transport and that thermal motions of critical side-chains are sufficient to facilitate the movement of water past any of its constriction regions. These motional requirements do however lead to significant free energy barriers and help explain physiological observations that found water permeability in AQP0 to be substantially lower than in the AQP1 pore.  相似文献   

Inference of macromolecular assemblies from crystalline state   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We discuss basic physical-chemical principles underlying the formation of stable macromolecular complexes, which in many cases are likely to be the biological units performing a certain physiological function. We also consider available theoretical approaches to the calculation of macromolecular affinity and entropy of complexation. The latter is shown to play an important role and make a major effect on complex size and symmetry. We develop a new method, based on chemical thermodynamics, for automatic detection of macromolecular assemblies in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries that are the results of X-ray diffraction experiments. As found, biological units may be recovered at 80-90% success rate, which makes X-ray crystallography an important source of experimental data on macromolecular complexes and protein-protein interactions. The method is implemented as a public WWW service.  相似文献   

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