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RHC 80267 inhibits diglyceride lipase activity in microsomes from canine platelets (1). Chau and Tai (2) reported that RHC 80267 prevents the transient accumulation of monoglyceride in thrombin-stimulated human platelets, while leaving arachidonate release unimpaired. In contrast, we find that while the drug inhibits both diglyceride lipase (I50=15 μM) and monoglyceride lipase (I50=11 μM) activities in platelet microsomes, it is ineffective when added to intact platelets. The transient intermediates in the diglyceride lipase pathway, 1,2-diglyceride and 2-monoglyceride, both accumulated after thrombin stimulation of intact platelets treated with RHC 80267, and arachidonate release was not inhibited. We conclude that RHC 80267 cannot be used to evaluate the diglyceride lipase pathway in intact platelets.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the recovery of 40-80% of the protein from a 1 microgram/ml solution. The final protein pellet is free of detergent and other ionic compounds and is thus compatible with any denaturing solution. The primary structure of the protein is unaffected by the procedure, making the final pellet an ideal sample for any analytical procedure to determine protein structure.  相似文献   

A novel, simple and relatively rapid method is described for the isolation of the intermediate-sized filament protein vimentin from eye lens tissue. Chromatofocusing is applied as the sole purification step. The apparent isoelectric point of the protein in 6 M urea and at 22°C is 4.9. Electrophoretic mobility on one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels, solubility in 6 M urea and amino acid composition were used for identification  相似文献   

The stability and deletion-size-distribution profiles of leading strand (CAG)75 and (CTG)137 trinucleotide repeat arrays inserted in the Escherichia coli chromosome were investigated upon overexpression of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) and in mutant strains deficient for the SbcCD (Rad51/Mre11) nuclease. SSB overexpression increases the stability of the (CAG)75 repeat array and leads to a loss of the bias towards large deletions for the same array. Furthermore, the absence of SbcCD leads to a reduction in the number of large deletions in strains containing the (CTG)137 repeat array.  相似文献   

Whether the highly dynamic structure of the vimentin intermediate filament (IF) cytoskeleton responds to cues from cellular organelles, and what proteins might participate in such events is largely unknown. We have shown previously that the Golgi protein formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD) binds to vimentin filaments in vivo and in vitro, and that overexpression of FTCD causes dramatic rearrangements of the vimentin IF cytoskeleton (Gao and Sztul, J. Cell Biol. 152, 877-894, 2001). Using real-time imaging, we now show that FTCD causes bundling of individual thinner vimentin filaments into fibers and that the bundling always originates at the Golgi. FTCD appears to be the molecular "glue" since FTCD cross-links vimentin filaments in vitro. To initiate the analysis of structural determinants required for FTCD function in vimentin dynamics, we used structure-based design to generate individual formiminotransferase (FT) and cyclodeaminase (CD) domains, and to produce an enzymatically inactive FTCD. We show that the intact octameric structure is required for FTCD binding to vimentin filaments and for promoting filament assembly, but that eliminating enzymatic activity does not affect FTCD effects on the vimentin cytoskeleton. Our findings indicate that the Golgi protein FTCD is a potent modulator of the vimentin IF cytoskeleton, and suggest that the Golgi might act as a reservoir for proteins that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

A simple method to purify S-adenosylmethionine: protein-carboxyl O-methyltransferase (protein methylase II, EC from calf brain has been developed using affinity chromatography. The product of the reaction, S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, which is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, was covalently linked to Sepharose beads. This gel proved to be an effective binder for protein methylase II at pH 6.2 and allowed for specific removal of the enzyme by the addition of the methyl donor substrate, S-adenosyl-l-methionine to the elution buffer. One step using this affinity chromatography column resulted in 377-fold purification of the enzyme and 71% recovery of the activity. Subsequent Sephadex G-100 chromatography enabled the enzyme to be purified 3000-fold from the calf brain whole homogenate. The purified enzyme showed a number of protein methylase II activity peaks following preparative gel electrophoresis with one major enzyme peak.  相似文献   

The very high affinity for GTP of glutamate dehydrogenase was used to purify this enzyme by affinity chromatography. After periodic acid oxidation, GTP was covalently bound to an activated Sepharose. When crude mitochondrial extracts were applied on a column of this GTP-Sepharose, glutamate dehydrogenase was retained with very few other proteins. Glutamate dehydrogenase from rat liver was eluted with a KCl gradient with only one contaminating protein. From a pig heart mitochondrial extract the enzyme was purified 300-fold in one step. A chromatography on hydroxyapatite was sufficient to achieve the purification. This very simple technique avoids the long and troublesome crystallization steps generally involved in glutamate dehydrogenase purification.  相似文献   

Calf thymus histone fraction F3 has been purified in high yield by affinity chromatography. The protein is attached reversibly to an organomercurial—Sepharose—by the thiol groups of its cysteinyl residues, while all other histones lacking -SH groups pass through the column. Histone F3 is subsequently eluted with -SH reagents of low molecular weight, such as cysteine or β-mercaptoethanol. The purified F3 shows electrophoretic heterogeneity due to different degrees of acetylation of the parent polypeptide chain. Under oxidizing conditions it forms a complex mixture of dimers and oligomers, all of which have some available -SH groups.  相似文献   

The triazine dyes, Cibacron blue F3GA and Procion red HE3B inhibited diaphorase activity of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase, in a competitive manner with respect to NADPH. The Ki values were 1.5 and 0.2 microM, respectively. Binding of the dyes to the flavoprotein, as measured by difference spectroscopy, indicated an apparent stoichiometry of 1 mol dye/mol reductase and was prevented by NADP+ or high ionic strength. Chemical modification of a lysine residue and a carboxyl group at the NADP(H) binding site of the enzyme prevented complex formation with Procion red. Procion red showed a higher affinity for ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase than Cibacron blue. The Kd values were 1.9 and 5 microM, respectively. Once covalently linked to a Sepharose matrix, the triazine compounds specifically bind the flavoprotein. The interaction is partially electrostatic and partially hydrophobic. The enzyme can be eluted by high concentrations of salt or low concentrations of the corresponding coenzyme. The use of this affinity column allows the rapid purification of ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase from spinach leaves with good yields.  相似文献   

The lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A) metabolizes neutral glycosphingolipids that possess alpha-galactoside residues at the non-reducing terminus, and inherited defects in the activity of alpha-Gal A lead to Fabry disease. We describe here an efficient and rapid purification procedure for recombinant alpha-Gal A by sequential Concanavalin A (Con A)-Sepharose and immobilized thio-alpha-galactoside (thio-Gal) agarose column chromatography. Optimal elution conditions for both columns were obtained using overexpressed human alpha-Gal A. We recommend the use of a mixture of 0.9 M methyl alpha-mannoside and 0.9 M methyl alpha-glucoside in 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 6.0) with 0.1 M NaCl for the maximum recovery of glycoproteins with multiple high-mannose type sugar chains from Con A column chromatography, and that the Con A column should not be reused for the purification of glycoproteins that are used for structural studies. Binding of the enzyme to the thio-Gal column requires acidic condition at pH 4.8. A galactose-containing buffer (25 mM citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 5.5, with 0.1 M galactose, and 0.1 M NaCl) was used to elute alpha-Gal A. This procedure is especially useful for the purification of mutant forms of alpha-Gal A, which are not stable under conventional purification techniques. A protocol that purifies an intracellular mutant alpha-Gal A (M279I) expressed in COS-7 cells within 6h at 62% overall yield is presented.  相似文献   

A simple method for the drying of polyacrylamide slab gels is described. 2-mm thick gels with gradients of 5–20% acrylamide dry without complications. The dried gels are transparent permitting transmission densitometry and fluorography.  相似文献   

Single-stranded guanine-rich (G-rich) DNA can fold into a four-stranded G-quadruplex structure and such structures are implicated in important biological processes and therapeutic applications. So far, bioinformatic analysis has identified up to several hundred thousand of putative quadruplex sequences in the genome of human and other animal. Given such a large number of sequences, a fast assay would be desired to experimentally verify the structure of these sequences. Here we describe a method that identifies the quadruplex structure by a single-stranded DNA binding protein from a thermoautotrophic archaeon. This protein binds single-stranded DNA in the unfolded, but not in the folded form. Upon binding to DNA, its fluorescence can be quenched by up to 70%. Formation of quadruplex greatly reduces fluorescence quenching in a K+-dependent manner. This structure-dependent quenching provides simple and fast detection of quadruplex in DNA at low concentration without DNA labelling.  相似文献   

A purification method was developed to isolate Legionella pneumophila cytotoxic protease in a form suitable for biological assays. Culture supernatant of a clinical isolate of L. pneumophila, Knoxville 1 strain, was used as the starting material. The protease was purified by FPLC on a Mono Q column followed by ultrafiltration. The isolated proteolytic enzyme has a specific activity of 90 azocasein units/mg protein and is a 42 kDa monomeric protein as determined by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration chromatography. It is heat-labile and toxic to a variety of cells e.g. McCoy, SIRC, HeLa, and rhabdomyosarcoma cells, baby hamster and green monkey kidney cells, and human embryonic lung fibroblasts.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method is described for the purification of supercoiled PM2 DNA by affinity chromatography on columns of H1 histone covalently coupled to agarose. The method does not require the use of intercalating agents or ultracentrifugation procedures. Under the conditions most appropriate for purification, elution is carried out in a single step with buffered 0.7 M NaCl after the sample has been loaded onto the column in buffered 0.2 M NaCl. The DNA eluted at the higher salt concentration consists of supercoiled closed circular DNA at greater than 90% purity independently of the ratio of supercoiled to nicked circular DNA in the input mixture.  相似文献   

Translocation of double-stranded DNA into a preformed capsid by tailed bacteriophages is driven by powerful motors assembled at the special portal vertex. The motor is thought to drive processive cycles of DNA binding, movement, and release to package the viral genome. In phage T4, there is evidence that the large terminase protein, gene product 17 (gp17), assembles into a multisubunit motor and translocates DNA by an inchworm mechanism. gp17 consists of two domains; an N-terminal ATPase domain (amino acids 1-360) that powers translocation of DNA, and a C-terminal nuclease domain (amino acids 361-610) that cuts concatemeric DNA to generate a headful-size viral genome. While the functional motifs of ATPase and nuclease have been well defined and the ATPase atomic structure has been solved, the DNA binding motif(s) responsible for viral DNA recognition, cutting, and translocation are unknown. Here we report the first evidence for the presence of a double-stranded DNA binding activity in the gp17 ATPase domain. Binding to DNA is sensitive to Mg2+ and salt, but not the type of DNA used. DNA fragments as short as 20 bp can bind to the ATPase but preferential binding was observed to DNA greater than 1 kb. A high molecular weight ATPase-DNA complex was isolated by gel filtration, suggesting oligomerization of ATPase following DNA interaction. DNA binding was not observed with the full-length gp17, or the C-terminal nuclease domain. The small terminase protein, gp16, inhibited DNA binding, which was further accentuated by ATP. The presence of a DNA binding site in the ATPase domain and its binding properties implicate a role in the DNA packaging mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary A relatively simple method has been described for the rapid purification of D-amino acid oxidase from Trigonopsis variabilis by hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B and negative adsorption on DEAE-cellulose. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 22–24 units at 25°C and exhibited three bands on enzymatic staining.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 UvsY is a recombination mediator protein that promotes assembly of the UvsX-ssDNA presynaptic filament. UvsY helps UvsX to displace T4 gene 32 protein (gp32) from ssDNA, a reaction necessary for proper formation of the presynaptic filament. Here we use DNA stretching to examine UvsY interactions with single DNA molecules in the presence and absence of gp32 and a gp32 C-terminal truncation (*I), and show that in both cases UvsY is able to destabilize gp32-ssDNA interactions. In these experiments UvsY binds more strongly to dsDNA than ssDNA due to its inability to wrap ssDNA at high forces. To support this hypothesis, we show that ssDNA created by exposure of stretched DNA to glyoxal is strongly wrapped by UvsY, but wrapping occurs only at low forces. Our results demonstrate that UvsY interacts strongly with stretched DNA in the absence of other proteins. In the presence of gp32 and *I, UvsY is capable of strongly destabilizing gp32-DNA complexes in order to facilitate ssDNA wrapping, which in turn prepares the ssDNA for presynaptic filament assembly in the presence of UvsX. Thus, UvsY mediates UvsX binding to ssDNA by converting rigid gp32-DNA filaments into a structure that can be strongly bound by UvsX.  相似文献   

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