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We have analyzed the static and dynamic behaviour of the circular single stranded DNA of the filamentous Escherichia coli phages F1 and M13mp8 in solution as a function of salt concentration using static and dynamic light scattering and sedimentation analysis in the analytical ultracentrifuge. We show by static light scattering that native and denatured single stranded DNA behave like a randomly coiled macromolecule at all salt concentrations used. The size of the native single stranded DNA is governed by the formation of secondary structures. While the radius of gyration decreases with increasing salt concentration the translational diffusion of the center-of-mass of native single stranded DNA and the sedimentation coefficient increase with increasing salt concentration in a biphasic manner. Below 100 mM monovalent cation concentration there is a strong dependence of the hydrodynamic parameters upon salt which is reduced approx. 3-fold at higher salt concentrations. We attribute the compaction of single stranded DNA by salt to electrostatic shielding and, in case of native single stranded DNA, secondary structure formation. Internal motions of the native single stranded DNA are observable at all salt concentrations and can be interpreted with a model of segmental diffusion of the elements of the polymer chain. The observed segmental diffusion coefficient of the native single stranded polynucleotide increases with increasing salt under the conditions investigated.  相似文献   

Excision of uracil from tetraloop hairpins and single stranded ('unstructured') oligodeoxyribonucleotides by Escherichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase has been investigated. We show that, compared with a single stranded reference substrate, uracil from the first, second, third and the fourth positions of the loops is excised with highly variable efficiencies of 3.21, 0.37, 5.9 and 66.8%, respectively. More importantly, inclusion of E.coli single stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) in the reactions resulted in approximately 7-140-fold increase in the efficiency of uracil excision from the first, second or the third position in the loop but showed no significant effect on its excision from the fourth position. In contrast, the presence of SSB decreased uracil excision from the single stranded ('unstructured') substrates approximately 2-3-fold. The kinetic studies show that the increased efficiency of uracil release from the first, second and the third positions of the tetraloops is due to a combination of both the improved substrate binding and a large increase in the catalytic rates. On the other hand, the decreased efficiency of uracil release from the single stranded substrates ('unstructured') is mostly due to the lowering of the catalytic rates. Chemical probing with KMnO4showed that the presence of SSB resulted in the reduction of cleavage of the nucleotides in the vicinity of dUMP residue in single stranded substrates but their increased susceptibility in the hairpin substrates. We discuss these results to propose that excision of uracil from DNA-SSB complexes by uracil DNA glycosylase involves base flipping. The use of SSB in the various applications of uracil DNA glycosylase is also discussed.  相似文献   

The co-operative nature of the binding of the Escherichia coli single strand binding protein (SSB) to single-stranded nucleic acids has been examined over a range of salt concentrations (NaCl and MgCl2) to determine if different degrees of binding co-operativity are associated with the two SSB binding modes that have been identified recently. Quantitative estimates of the binding properties, including the co-operativity parameter, omega, of SSB to single-stranded DNA and RNA homopolynucleotides have been obtained from equilibrium binding isotherms, at high salt (greater than or equal to 0.2 M-NaCl), by monitoring the fluorescence quenching of the SSB upon binding. Under these high salt conditions, where only the high site size SSB binding mode exists (65 +/- 5 nucleotides per tetramer), we find only moderate co-operativity for SSB binding to both DNA and RNA, (omega = 50 +/- 10), independent of the concentration of salt. This value for omega is much lower than most previous estimates. At lower concentrations of NaCl, where the low site size SSB binding mode (33 +/- 3 nucleotides/tetramer) exists, but where SSB affinity for single-stranded DNA is too high to estimate co-operativity from classical binding isotherms, we have used an agarose gel electrophoresis technique to qualitatively examine SSB co-operativity with single-stranded (ss) M13 phage DNA. The apparent binding co-operativity increases dramatically below 0.20 M-NaCl, as judged by the extremely non-random distribution of SSB among the ssM13 DNA population at low SSB to DNA ratios. However, the highly co-operative complexes are not at equilibrium at low SSB/DNA binding densities, but are formed only transiently when SSB and ssDNA are directly mixed at low concentrations of NaCl. The conversions of these metastable, highly co-operative SSB-ssDNA complexes to their equilibrium, low co-operativity form is very slow at low concentrations of NaCl. At equilibrium, the SSB-ssDNA complexes seem to possess the same low degree of co-operativity (omega = 50 +/- 10) under all conditions tested. However, the highly co-operative mode of SSB binding, although metastable, may be important during non-equilibrium processes such as DNA replication. The possible relation between the two SSB binding modes, which differ in site size by a factor of two, and the high and low co-operativity complexes, which we report here, is discussed.  相似文献   

The binding properties of the Escherichia coli encoded single strand binding protein (SSB) to a variety of synthetic homopolynucleotides, as well as to single stranded M13 DNA, have been examined as a function of the NaCl concentration (25.0 degrees C, pH 8.1). Quenching of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the SSB protein by the nucleic acid is used to monitor binding. We find that the site size (n) for binding of SSB to all single stranded nucleic acids is quite dependent on the NaCl concentration. For SSB-poly(dT), n = 33 +/- 3 nucleotides/tetramer below 10 mM NaCl and 65 +/- 5 nucleotides/tetramer above 0.20 M NaCl (up to 5 M). Between 10 mM and 0.2 M NaCl, the apparent site size increases continuously with [NaCl]. The extent of quenching of the bound SSB fluorescence by poly(dT) also displays two-state behavior, 51 +/- 3% quenching below 10 mM NaCl and 83 +/- 3% quenching at high [NaCl] (greater than 01.-0.2 M NaCl), which correlates with the observed changes in the occluded site size. On the basis of these observations as well as the data of Krauss et al. (Krauss, G., Sindermann, H., Schomburg, U., and Maass, G. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 5346-5352) and Chrysogelos and Griffith (Chrysogelos, S., and Griffith, J. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79,5803-5807) we propose a model in which E. coli SSB binds to single stranded nucleic acids in two binding modes, a low salt mode (n = 33 +/- 3), referred to as (SSB)33, in which the nucleic acid interacts with only two protomers of the tetramer, and one at higher [NaCl], n = 65 +/- 5, (SSB)65, in which the nucleic acid interacts with all 4 protomers of the tetramer. At intermediate NaCl concentrations a mixture of these two binding modes exists which explains the variable site sizes and other apparent discrepancies previously reported for SSB binding. The transition between the two binding modes is reversible, although the kinetics are slow, and it is modulated by NaCl concentrations within the physiological range. We suggest that SSB may utilize both binding modes in its range of functions (replication, recombination, repair) and that in vivo changes in the ionic media may play a role in regulating some of these processes.  相似文献   

DNA replication of single-stranded Escherichia coli DNA phages   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

An affinity column consisting of gene 8 protein, the major coat protein of fd phage, bound to Sepharose was prepared. Isolated gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex was found to bind to this column and was eluted with fd phage single stranded fd DNA. pH changes, and 1 M CaCl2 were not effective in eluting the protein from the affinity column. Gene 5 protein/single stranded fd DNA complex from the crude extracts of fd-infected E. coli also bound to the column, as did isolated gene 5 protein; whereas fd single stranded DNA alone did not. These results may be relevant for the illucidation of the molecular events occurring in the early stages of fd phage assembly.  相似文献   

A proteolytically modified form of the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-Binding protein (SSB) has been crystallized from 15% saturated sodium citrate. Crystals as large as 1.0 mm x 0.3 mm x 0.2 mm were obtained and these diffract beyond 3A resolution. X-ray photographic analysis demonstrated a rhombohedral unit cell of space group R3 with an equivalent triple centered hexagonal unit cell having dimensions of a = b = 62.9A and c = 264.3A. These crystals were judged to be adequate for a three dimensional structure determination.  相似文献   

The influence of Escherichia coli single-strand binding (SSB) protein on the conformation and internal dynamics of pBR322 and pUC8 supercoiled DNAs has been investigated by using dynamic light scattering at 632.8 and 351.1 nm and time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy of intercalated ethidium. SSB protein binds to both DNAs up to a stoichiometry that is sufficient to almost completely relax the superhelical turns. Upon saturation binding, the translational diffusion coefficients (D0) of both DNAs decrease by approximately 20%. Apparent diffusion coefficients (Dapp) obtained from dynamic light scattering display the well-known increase with K2 (K = scattering vector), leveling off toward a plateau value (Dplat) at high K2. For both DNAs, the difference Dplat - D0 increases upon relaxation of supercoils by SSB protein, which indicates a corresponding enhancement of the subunit mobilities in internal motions. Fluorescence polarization anisotropy measurements on free and complexed pBR322 DNA indicate a (predominantly) uniform torsional rigidity for the saturated DNA/SSB protein complex that is significantly reduced compared to the free DNA. These observations are all consistent with the notion that binding of SSB protein is accompanied by a gradual loss of supercoils and saturates when the superhelical twist is largely removed.  相似文献   

An element within the Preprotachykinin A (PPT) promoter is highly homologous to an element from the rat type II Na channel promoter. This Na Channel element has been previously proposed to be common to a number of neuronal genes. We demonstrate that the PPT element binds a sequence specific DNA binding protein. The protein binds to only one strand of the PPT element and has little or no specificity for the double stranded DNA species. Gel retardation analysis indicates that the protein is found in both rat neuronal tissue and adult dorsal root ganglia neurons in culture but not in established tissue culture cell lines. Using the PPT element linked to magnetic beads we have been able to demonstrate the enrichment of a protein with a molecular weight of 40k with that of the binding activity. A mechanism for protein binding to the DNA is proposed based on the fact that the region binding the protein is the loop of a larger stem-loop structure in the DNA.  相似文献   



Most strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae carry a Gonococcal Genetic Island which encodes a type IV secretion system involved in the secretion of ssDNA. We characterize the GGI-encoded ssDNA binding protein, SsbB. Close homologs of SsbB are located within a conserved genetic cluster found in genetic islands of different proteobacteria. This cluster encodes DNA-processing enzymes such as the ParA and ParB partitioning proteins, the TopB topoisomerase, and four conserved hypothetical proteins. The SsbB homologs found in these clusters form a family separated from other ssDNA binding proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In contrast to most other SSBs, SsbB did not complement the Escherichia coli ssb deletion mutant. Purified SsbB forms a stable tetramer. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and fluorescence titration assays, as well as atomic force microscopy demonstrate that SsbB binds ssDNA specifically with high affinity. SsbB binds single-stranded DNA with minimal binding frames for one or two SsbB tetramers of 15 and 70 nucleotides. The binding mode was independent of increasing Mg2+ or NaCl concentrations. No role of SsbB in ssDNA secretion or DNA uptake could be identified, but SsbB strongly stimulated Topoisomerase I activity.


We propose that these novel SsbBs play an unknown role in the maintenance of genetic islands.  相似文献   

Using biotinylated phage (BIO-phages), we observed the infection of filamentous phages into Escherichia coli JM109 morphologically. BIO-phages and BIO-phage-derived proteins, mainly pVIII, were detected in E. coli by using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method with electron microscopy. Infected cells revealed positive staining on the outer and inner membranes and in the periplasmic space. Some cells showed specific or predominant staining of the outer membrane, whereas others showed predominant staining of the inner membrane or equivalent staining of the outer and inner membranes. The periplasmic spaces in some infected cells were expanded and filled with reaction products. Some cells showed wavy lines of positive staining in the periplasmic space. BIO-phages were detected as thick filaments or clusters covered with reaction products. The ends of the infecting phages were located on the surface of cells, in the periplasmic space, or on the inner membrane. These findings suggest that phage major coat proteins are integrated into the outer membrane and that phages cause periplasmic expansion during infection.  相似文献   

To investigate the DNA binding site of RecA protein, we constructed 15 recA mutants having alterations in the regions homologous to the other ssDNA binding proteins. The in vivo analyses showed that the mutational change at Arg243, Lys248, Tyr264, or simultaneously at Lys6 and Lys19, or Lys6 and Lys23 caused severe defects in the recA functions, while other mutational changes did not. Purified RecA-K6A-K23A (Lys6 and Lys23 changed to Ala and Ala, respectively) protein was indistinguishable from the wild-type RecA protein in its binding to DNA. However, the RecA-R243A (Arg243 changed to Ala) and RecA-Y264A (Tyr264 changed to Ala) proteins were defective in binding to both ss- and ds-DNA. In self-oligomerization property, RecA-R243A was proficient but RecA-Y264A was deficient, suggesting that the RecA-R243A protein had a defect in DNA binding site and the RecA-Y264A protein was defective in its interaction with the adjacent RecA molecule. The region of residues 243–257 including the Arg243 is highly homologous to the DNA binding motif in the ssDNA binding proteins, while the eukaryotic RecA homologues have a similar structure at the amino-terminal side proximal to the nucleotide binding core. The region of residues 243–257 would be a part of the DNA binding site. The other parts of this site would be the Tyr103 and the region of residues 178–183, which were cross-linked to ssDNA. These three regions lie in a line in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

The epsilon subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III possesses 3'-exonucleolytic proofreading activity. Within the Pol III core, epsilon is tightly bound between the alpha subunit (DNA polymerase) and subunit. Here, we present the crystal structure of epsilon in complex with HOT, the bacteriophage P1-encoded homolog of , at 2.1 A resolution. The epsilon-HOT interface is defined by two areas of contact: an interaction of the previously unstructured N terminus of HOT with an edge of the epsilon central beta-sheet as well as interactions between HOT and the catalytically important helix alpha1-loop-helix alpha2 motif of epsilon. This structure provides insight into how HOT and, by implication, may stabilize the epsilon subunit, thus promoting efficient proofreading during chromosomal replication.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage fd uses its gene 3 protein (G3P) to target Escherichia coli cells in a two-step process. First, the N2 domain of G3P attaches to an F pilus, and then the N1 domain binds to TolA-C. N1 and N2 are tightly associated, rendering the phage robust but noninfectious because the binding site for TolA-C is buried at the domain interface. Binding of N2 to the F pilus initiates partial unfolding, domain disassembly, and prolyl cis-to-trans isomerization in the hinge between N1 and N2. This activates the phage, and trans-Pro213 maintains this state long enough for N1 to reach TolA-C. Phage IF1 targets I pili, and its G3P contains also an N1 domain and an N2 domain. The pilus-binding N2 domains of the phages IF1 and fd are unrelated, and the N1 domains share a 31% sequence identity. We show that N2 of phage IF1 mediates binding to the I pilus, and that N1 targets TolA. Crystallographic and NMR analyses of the complex between N1 and TolA-C indicate that phage IF1 interacts with the same site on TolA-C as phage fd. In IF1-G3P, N1 and N2 are independently folding units, however, and the TolA binding site on N1 is permanently accessible. Activation by unfolding and prolyl isomerization, as in the case of phage fd, is not observed. In IF1-G3P, the absence of stabilizing domain interactions is compensated for by a strong increase in the stabilities of the individual domains. Apparently, these closely related filamentous phages evolved different mechanisms to reconcile robustness with high infectivity.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopic observation of individual T4 DNA molecules revealed that the MukBEF complex (bacterial condensin) and its subunit, the MukB (a member of the SMC [structural maintenance of chromosomes] superfamily) homodimer, of Escherichia coli markedly shrunk large DNA molecules in the presence of hydrolyzable ATP. In contrast, in the presence of ADP or ATP-gammaS, the conformation of DNA was almost not changed. This suggests that the ATPase activity of subunit MukB is essential for shrinking large DNA molecules. Stretching experiments on the shrunken DNA molecules in the presence of ATP and MukBEF indicated a cross-bridging interaction between DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The incubation of the E coli DNA binding protein HU with relaxed circular SV40 DNA in the presence of pure nicking-closing enzyme introduces up to 18 negative superhelical turns in the DNA molecules as measured by agarose gel electrophoresis. The maximal density of supercoiling is obtained at a HU-DNA mass ratio of 1. Reconstituted DNA-HU complexes prefixed with glutaraldehyde appear as condensed circular structures having an average of 14 "beads" per circular SV40 DNA molecule, with a "bead" diameter of 180 +/- 23 A. The circular SV40 DNA is condensed by a ratio of 2.0-2.5 relative to naked DNA. This is similar to the ratio (2.4) measured for chromatin formed by reassociation of relaxed SV40 DNA with the four core histones.  相似文献   

An E. coli strain containing a recombinant plasmid carrying the E. coli ssbA+ gene has been shown to produce 12 to 15 fold increased amounts of single-strand DNA binding-protein relative to wild-type strains. In addition, a gamma transducing phage carrying the E. coli uvrA+ gene has been shown to also carry the ssbA+ gene and to be capable of producing increased amounts of binding protein.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecF protein possesses a weak ATP hydrolytic activity. ATP hydrolysis leads to RecF dissociation from double-stranded (ds)DNA. The RecF protein is subject to precipitation and an accompanying inactivation in vitro when not bound to DNA. A mutant RecF protein that can bind but cannot hydrolyze ATP (RecF K36R) does not readily dissociate from dsDNA in the presence of ATP. This is in contrast to the limited dsDNA binding observed for wild-type RecF protein in the presence of ATP but is similar to dsDNA binding by wild-type RecF binding in the presence of the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, adenosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (ATPgammaS). In addition, wild-type RecF protein binds tightly to dsDNA in the presence of ATP at low pH where its ATPase activity is blocked. A transfer of RecF protein from labeled to unlabeled dsDNA is observed in the presence of ATP but not ATPgammaS. The transfer is slowed considerably when the RecR protein is also present. In competition experiments, RecF protein appears to bind at random locations on dsDNA and exhibits no special affinity for single strand/double strand junctions when bound to gapped DNA. Possible roles for the ATPase activity of RecF in the regulation of recombinational DNA repair are discussed.  相似文献   

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