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Background and Aims

Forest tree saplings that grow in the understorey undergo frequent changes in their light environment to which they must adapt to ensure their survival and growth. Crown architecture, which plays a critical role in light capture and mechanical stability, is a major component of sapling adaptation to canopy disturbance. Shade-adapted saplings typically have plagiotropic stems and branches. After canopy opening, they need to develop more erect shoots in order to exploit the new light conditions. The objective of this study was to test whether changes in sapling stem inclination occur after canopy opening, and to analyse the morphological changes associated with stem reorientation.


A 4-year canopy-opening field experiment with naturally regenerated Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus saplings was conducted. The appearance of new stem axes, stem basal diameter and inclination along the stem were recorded every year after canopy opening.

Key Results

Both species showed considerable stem reorientation resulting primarily from uprighting (more erect) shoot movements in Fagus, and from uprighting movements, shoot elongation and formation of relay shoots in Acer. In both species, the magnitude of shoot uprighting movements was primarily related to initial stem inclination. Both the basal part and the apical part of the stem contributed to uprighting movements. Stem movements did not appear to be limited by stem size or by stem growth.


Stem uprighting movements in shade-adapted Fagus and Acer saplings following canopy disturbance were considerable and rapid, suggesting that stem reorientation processes play a significant role in the growth strategy of the species.  相似文献   

Beech seedlings of different drought sensitivity originating from 11 German provenances were grown in pots and cultivated in a greenhouse. The present paper aims to give insights on uptake, transport and use of macronutrients, since the knowledge of drought effects on the nutrition of trees is low compared to water relations. Therefore, the elemental composition, the ratio of inorganic to total content, and the partitioning between roots and shoots of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur were investigated as affected by provenance and drought treatment. Phosphorus and phosphate concentrations decreased in all tissues after a 3 week drought treatment simulating a summer drought period. In roots carbon increased and nitrate decreased, in stems nitrogen decreased but nitrate increased following drought. The observed effects on phosphorus and phosphate are discussed in terms of lower phosphate mobility in the substrate due to lower water availability. The decrease in the ratio of phosphate to phosphorus in the tissues suggests the use of vacuolar phosphate pools for maintaining organic phosphorus homeostasis. The partitioning of all macronutrients was not affected by drought, although phosphorus and phosphate were significantly lowered in tissues. In most of the parameters studied significant differences between provenances were found. The recently observed drought sensitivity of provenances was not reflected in the strength of concentration changes or partitioning of macronutrients by drought over provenances.  相似文献   

Han Q  Kabeya D  Hoch G 《Annals of botany》2011,107(8):1405-1411

Background and Aims

Masting, i.e. synchronous but highly variable interannual seed production, is a strong sink for carbon and nutrients. It may, therefore, compete with vegetative growth. It is currently unknown whether increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations will affect the carbon balance (or that of other nutrients) between reproduction and vegetative growth of forest species. In this study, reproduction and vegetative growth of shoots of mature beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees grown at ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations were quantified. It was hypothesized that within a shoot, fruiting has a negative effect on vegetative growth, and that this effect is ameliorated at increased CO2 concentrations.


Reproduction and its competition with leaf and shoot production were examined during two masting events (in 2007 and 2009) in F. sylvatica trees that had been exposed to either ambient or elevated CO2 concentrations (530 µmol mol−1) for eight consecutive years, between 2000 and 2008.

Key Results

The number of leaves per shoot and the length of terminal shoots was smaller or shorter in the two masting years compared with the one non-masting year (2008) investigated, but they were unaffected by elevated CO2 concentrations. The dry mass of terminal shoots was approx. 2-fold lower in the masting year (2007) than in the non-masting year in trees growing at ambient CO2 concentrations, but this decline was not observed in trees exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations. In both the CO2 treatments, fruiting significantly decreased nitrogen concentration by 25 % in leaves and xylem tissue of 1- to 3-year-old branches in 2009.


Our findings indicate that there is competition for resources between reproduction and shoot growth. Elevated CO2 concentrations reduced this competition, indicating effects on the balance of resource allocation between reproduction and vegetative growth in shoots with rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The coexistence of forest tree species has often been linked to differences among species in terms of their response to light availability during the regeneration stage. From this perspective, species coexistence results from growth–growth or mortality–growth trade-offs along spatial light gradients. Experimental evidence of growth–growth trade-offs in natural conditions is sparse due to various confounding factors that potentially hinder the relationship. This study examined growth hierarchies along light gradients between two tree species with contrasting shade tolerance by controlling potential confounding factors such as seedling size, seedling status, seedling density and species composition.


Natural regenerated shade-tolerant Fagus sylvatica and shade-intermediate Quercus petraea seedlings were used, and growth rankings over a 4-year period were compared in 8- to 10-year-old tree seedlings.

Key results

No rank reversal occurs between the two species along the light gradient, or along the density, mixture or seedling size gradients. The shade-tolerant species was always the more competitive of the two. Pronounced effects of initial size on seedling growth were observed, whereas the effects of light and competition by neighbours were of secondary importance. The paramount effect of size, which results from the asymmetric nature of interseedling competition, gives a strong advantage to tall seedlings over the long term.


This study extends previous efforts to identify potential drivers of rank reversals in young tree mixtures. It does not support the classical assumption that spatial heterogeneity in canopy opening explains the coexistence of the two species studied. It suggests that spatial variation in local size hierarchies among seedlings that may be caused by seedling emergence time or seedling initial performance is the main driver of the dynamics of these mixed stands.  相似文献   

The annual course of xylem embolism in twigs of adult beech trees was monitored, and compared to concurrent changes of tree water status and hydraulic resistances. Xylem embolism was quantified in 1-year-old apical twigs by the hydraulic conductivity as a percentage of the maximum measured after removal of air emboli. Tree and root hydraulic resistances were estimated from water potential differences and sap flux measurements. The considerable degree of twig embolism found in winter (up to 90% loss of hydraulic conductivity) may be attributed to the effect of freeze-thaw cycles in the xylem. A partial recovery from winter embolism occurred in spring, probably because of the production of new functional xylem. Xylem embolism fluctuated around 50% throughout the summer, without significant changes. Almost complete refilling of apical twigs was observed early in autumn. A significant negative correlation was found between xylem embolism and precipitation; thus, an active role of rainfall in embolism reversion is hypothesized. Tree and root hydraulic resistances were found to change throughout the growing period. A marked decrease of hydraulic resistance preceded the refilling of apical twigs in the autumn. Most of the decrease in total tree resistance was estimated to be located in the root compartment.  相似文献   

The effects of highly and moderately acid soils on total biomass, biomass partitioning, fine root characteristics and nutritional status of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were studied in a growth chamber experiment. In Haplic Arenosols seedlings grew slowly but equally well without damage symptoms in a highly acid and a moderately acid soil horizon. The moderately acid Ah+Bw-horizon of a Eutric Cambisol was favourable to seedling growth. The fine root development was reduced in the highly acid A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol and in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol, the latter of which also caused increased mortality. Seedling growth in the B2-horizon of the Haplic Podzol was vigorous, in spite of a higher level of extractable Al and lower base saturation as compared with the Ah+E-horizon. These results are interpreted in relation to soil acidity, soil Al and nutritional status of the seedlings. We conclude that neither Al-toxicity nor nutrient deficiency cause the damage symptoms observed in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol and the fine root reduction in the A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol. The damage symptoms of the PZhA treatment seems to be more the result of H-toxicity or H-related factors other than nutrient shortage or Al-toxicity. Other pH-related toxic factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Four-year-old beech seedlings were fumigated with three levels of ozone for 2 consecutive years in open-top chambers. During the second growth season different physiological measurements were conducted before and during daily fumigation. A 25–40% decrease in net photosynthesis was seen during fumigation, whereas no differences were detected before fumigation in July. In August lasting effects in net photosynthesis were seen. The apparent quantum yield was decreased after fumigation. Stomatal conductance was generally decreased during fumigation, but transpiration was reduced relatively less than net photosynthesis indicating a lower water use efficiency of the trees exposed to ozone. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) showed additive reductions in relation to ozone and light.  相似文献   

One of the first symptoms expressed by declining trees is reduced growth in stem diameter and length increment. The possibility of a relationship between length increment and crown thinning in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated by developing a computer model to simulate first order branching patterns of the apical 2 m of monopodially branching beech trees, 70–100 years old, for a range of length increment rates. The model was based on values for branching angle, main axis and branch length increment, number of branches produced per year and branch mortality rates for six healthy and declining trees. Shoot growth rates in the apical 2 m of the sample trees ranged from about 5 cm/year (decline class 3) to 43 cm/ year (healthy). Simulations of branching patterns in the apical 2 m of trees growing at different rates indicated that, when growth rate exceeded about 20 cm/year, total first order branch length and area explored were independent of growth rate. When growth rates fell below this value there was a reduction in total area explored and first order branch length due primarily to the formation of fewer branches. More acute branching angles contributed to a reduction in the area explored. Growth rate-related crown thinning could increase the risk of bark necrosis and secondary pathogen infection during dry and/or hot spells.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic activity of leafless twigs and buds of Fagus sylvatica was determined by in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence from November to May. Measurements were made on the day of sampling, and during exposure to warm temperatures until reactivation was attained. Under the same conditions, bud development and growth were forced by exposure of cut twigs to 25/18° C at long-day conditions, and bud swelling and bud burst were monitored. Winter inactivation of photosynthesis results in a reduction of the photochemical efficiency of PS II, as indicated by lowering of FV/FM, from January through March. The greatest reduction is in cortical chlorenchyma, the least in folded leaflets and primordia of buds. Restoration of photosynthetic activity, brought about by warming, needed 3–4 weeks in cortex and 1–2 weeks in buds during the coldest period of winter. Frequency distributions based on three types of chlorophyll fluorescence transients, defined by quantitative fluorescence parameters, have proved to be a valuable method for a differentiated expression of the unequal functional activation states of parallel samples. The seasonal course of winter inactivation of photosynthesis did not correspond entirely with the depth of bud dormancy as revealed by the forcing treatments; inactivation of photosynthesis may be more closely synchronized with changes in frost hardiness; possible causes are discussed. We suggest, therefore, that a distinction should be made between inactivation of metabolic processes and depth of dormancy, even though these processes are inherently interrelated.Dedicated to Professor Otto Härtel on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro shoot multiplication system was established from juvenileFagus sylvatica L. tissues, and plantlets were regenerated. Embryonic axes were excised from beech seeds and germinated in vitro on media supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA) to obtain plantlets with axillary shoots. Shoot multiplication was maintained by sequential subculture of axillary shoot tips and basal segments on Woody Plant Medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/liter BA+2 mg/liter zeatin+0.2 mg/liter naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The effeciency of shoot multiplication clearly depended on the kind of explant used. Transfer to fresh medium every 2 wk during the 6-wk multiplication cycle improved multiplication rates. In the rooting stage, an initial 7-day dark period significantly improved rooting capacity and accelerated the emergence of roots on auxin-treated shoots. Adventitious buds were induced on the intact hypocotyls of the whole plantlets derived from the initial embryonic axis explants, especially on those cultured on medium with 1 mg/liter BA. Cotyledon and hypocotyl segments isolated from seedlings grown in vitro from embryos also exhibited capacity for adventitious bud formation, especially when cultured on media supplemented with 0.5 mg/liter BA + 0.1 mg/liter NAA.  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic cell suspension cultures and somatic embryos of five genotypes of beech, were obtained from aged cultures derived from immature zygotic embryos cultured on solid medium containing both 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and N6-benzyladenine. The origin of somatic embryos was traced from single cells. Embryos remained arrested at the globular stage on liquid media, further development was achieved after plating embryogenic aggregates on Murashige and Skoog's medium with half strength major salts supplemented with glutamine and low levels of growth regulators. Cultures of different genotypes showed significant differences in maturation frequency which was not affected by the hormone treatments assayed. The frequency of conversion of embryos into plantlets was low. This frequency increased after cold storage of embryos for up to 7 months.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EtOH ethanol - GA3 giberrellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - WPM woody plant medium (Lloyd and McCown, 1980) - Z zeatin  相似文献   

Long-term variation in tree-ring widths (1873–2006) and intra-annual dynamics of cambial activity and tree-ring formation in 2006 were studied in mature beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees at a typical forest site near Ljubljana (46°N, 14°40′E, 400 m a.s.l.) and related to leaf phenology and climate data. Tree-ring widths were negatively affected by minimum March and maximum August temperatures and favoured by May and July precipitation. Precipitation of the previous August and temperature of the previous November also had a positive effect. Leaf unfolding was affected by March and April temperatures, occurring later if they were low. Leaf yellowing was positively affected by minimum July temperatures and negatively by September precipitation. In 2006, leaf unfolding occurred on 16 April and was immediately followed by reactivation of cambium at breast height of the trees. One week later, the cambium obtained its maximum width (around 11 cell layers) and the rate of division increased until the end of May/beginning of June. By the end of June, 75% of the tree-ring was formed. Cambial cell divisions stopped from the end of July to mid-August. The average time of cambial activity was 100 days. Leaf yellowing occurred at the end of October, i.e. nearly 2 months after the cessation of cambial cell division. We discuss the usefulness of a combination of long-term (tree-ring width and phenology) and short-term (wood formation at a cellular level) data to understand better the environmental signals registered by a tree during growth.  相似文献   

Field observations demonstrated inhibition of root growth by moder humus material of the Of2 and Oh-layers under beech and spruce. Growth chamber experiments with spruce seedlings showed that root growth on a natural Of2-substrate is ten times lower than on resin-quartz mixtures. Added phenolic acid (protocatechic a.) inhibited root growth only in sterilized substrate. Leachates of Of2-material inhibited root growth in a mineral substrate devoid of absorption complex (pure quartz sand), but not in a resin-quartz mixture. It is concluded that inhibiting substances are probably ionized molecules that can withstand biodegradation.  相似文献   

Summary Primordia from buds of sun and shade twigs of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were collected six times a year for anatomical investigations. Differentiation into sun-leaf and shade-leaf primordia was first observed in early August. Sun-leaf primordia had five, and shade-leaf primordia four layers of mesophyll meristem cells. With potted graft unions of beeches possible structural changes of leaf primordia were investigated. Trees adapted to shade develop sun-leaf primordia when put into full daylight, provided the transfer happened before July. Trees adapted to full daylight developed leaf primordia which remained structurally sun-leaf primordia when the plant was kept under shade conditions. Shadeleaf branches of young beech trees cut in February in order to expose the shade buds to full daylight developed either shade leaves or intermediate shade/sun leaves. These experiments show that the subtending leaf may provide the developing axillary bud with photoassimilates, but its character, whether sun or shade leaf, has no influence on the character of the developing leaf primordia.  相似文献   

The response of gas exchange, leaf chlorophyll content, relative fluorescence to decreasing water potential and recovery was followed in European beech seedlings from two Italian populations, differing in their native precipitation amounts. A population from Sicily (southern Italy) was selected as representative of a xeric population while a population from central Italy, Abetone, represented a mesic one. Dry-matter partitioning, leaf area, hydraulic sufficiency and xylem embolism were evaluated in both well-watered control plants as well as in plants subjected to drought. With the onset of water stress, values of water potential, leaf relative water content, net photosynthesis, leaf conductance and leaf chlorophyll concentration decreased concurrently while relative fluorescence remained unchanged. The population from Sicily showed a delay in effects of the imposed drought. Within 5 days of rewatering, leaf conductance was not fully recovered while all of the other parameters recovered to control levels, in both populations. Total, shoot, stem and root dry weight tended to be higher in seedlings from Abetone, even though both populations had similar photosynthetic rates. The population from Sicily exhibited about 3% greater (even if not significant) allocation to roots than the population from Abetone. Seedlings from Abetone had higher, but not significant, leaf specific conductivity and per cent loss in hydraulic conductivity than seedlings from Sicily. Drought resulted in a reduction of hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic sufficiency in seedlings from both populations. Photosynthesis of water stressed plants from both populations appeared to be reduced primarily by carbon dioxide diffusion through stomata and perhaps secondarily by changes in chlorophyll concentration rather than by efficiency of photosystem II. The effect of hydraulic factors on gas exchange during drought and recovery was not clearly evident.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal variation in the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap of the lower trunk section was investigated for two middle aged beech tree stands in northern Hessen each containing 130 trees. In addition seasonal changes in the percentage of nitrate in the total nitrogen content are described. The median values of the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap during the spring mobilization period reached 175 and 250 mg/l. During the summer about 35% of the total nitrogen in the xylem sap is in the form of nitrate. Finally, the distribution of NO3 in the xylem sap along the trunk height was studied for two sample trees for each of the four seasons (n = 8).  相似文献   

One-year-old tree seedlings were incubated in a greenhouse from April to July, under natural daylight conditions, with their root systems at constant temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C and with the above ground parts kept at a constant air temperature of 18–20 °C. The course of height growth, total mass increment, root, shoot and leaf weight as well as leaf areas were measured. The results indicate that clear differences exist in the optimal root zone temperatures for various growth parameters in different tree species. Pinus sylvestris had a maximal height increment at about 5–10 °C and maximal total mass increment at 15 °C root temperature. In contrast, the optimum for Quercus robur was at 25 °C. Tilia cordata and Fagus sylvatica had their optima for most growth parameters at 20 °C. The root temperature apparently indirectly influenced photosynthesis (dry weight accumulation) and respiration loss. From the observed symptoms and indications in the literature it seems probable that a change in hormone levels is involved as the main factor in the described effects. Variation of root temperature had only an insignificant effect on bud burst and the time at which the shoots sprouted. Apparently species of northern origin seem to have lower root temperature optima than those of more southern origin. This is to be verified by investigation of other tree species.  相似文献   

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