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The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species that presently only spawns in the Yangtze River. Using laboratory experiments, we examined the behavioral preference of young Chinese sturgeon to physical habitat (water depth, illumination intensity, substrate color, and cover) and monitored their downstream migration. Hatchling free embryos were photopositive, preferred open habitat, and immediately upon hatching, swam far above the bottom using swim-up and drift. Downstream migration peaked on days 0–1, decreased about 50% or more during days 2–7, and ceased by day 8. Days 0–1 migrants were active both day and night, but days 2–7 migrants were most active during the day. After ceasing migration, days 8–11 embryos were photonegative, preferred dark substrate and sought cover. Free embryos developed into larvae and began feeding on day 12, when another shift in behavior occurred–larvae returned to photopositive behavior and preferred white substrate. The selective factor favoring migration of free embryos upon hatching and swimming far above the bottom may be avoidance of benthic predatory fishes. Free embryos, which must rely on yolk energy for activity and growth, only used 19 cumulative temperature degree-days for peak migration compared to 234 degree-days for growth to first feeding larvae, a 1:12 ratio of cumulative temperature units. This ratio suggests that sturgeon species with large migratory embryos, like Chinese sturgeon, which require a high level of energy to swim during migration, may migrate only a short time to conserve most yolk energy for growth.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) is a highly migratory, oceanic, anadromous species with a complex life history that makes it vulnerable to species-wide threats in both freshwater and at sea. Green sturgeon population declines have preceded legal protection and curtailment of activities in marine environments deemed to increase its extinction risk. Yet, its marine habitat is poorly understood. We built a statistical model to characterize green sturgeon marine habitat using data from a coastal tracking array located along the Siletz Reef near Newport, Oregon, USA that recorded the passage of 37 acoustically tagged green sturgeon. We classified seafloor physical habitat features with high-resolution bathymetric and backscatter data. We then described the distribution of habitat components and their relationship to green sturgeon presence using ordination and subsequently used generalized linear model selection to identify important habitat components. Finally, we summarized depth and temperature recordings from seven green sturgeon present off the Oregon coast that were fitted with pop-off archival geolocation tags. Our analyses indicated that green sturgeon, on average, spent a longer duration in areas with high seafloor complexity, especially where a greater proportion of the substrate consists of boulders. Green sturgeon in marine habitats are primarily found at depths of 20-60 meters and from 9.5-16.0°C. Many sturgeon in this study were likely migrating in a northward direction, moving deeper, and may have been using complex seafloor habitat because it coincides with the distribution of benthic prey taxa or provides refuge from predators. Identifying important green sturgeon marine habitat is an essential step towards accurately defining the conditions that are necessary for its survival and will eventually yield range-wide, spatially explicit predictions of green sturgeon distribution.  相似文献   

  • 1 We summarize fin whale Balaenoptera physalus catch statistics, sighting data, mark recoveries and acoustics data. The annual cycle of most populations of fin whales had been thought to entail regular migrations between high‐latitude summer feeding grounds and lower‐latitude winter grounds. Here we present evidence of more complex and varied movement patterns.
  • 2 During summer, fin whales range from the Chukchi Sea south to 35 °N on the Sanriku coast of Honshu, to the Subarctic Boundary (ca. 42 °N) in the western and central Pacific, and to 32 °N off the coast of California. Catches show concentrations in seven areas which we refer to as ‘grounds’, representing productive feeding areas.
  • 3 During winter months, whales have been documented over a wide area from 60 °N south to 23 °N. Coastal whalers took them regularly in all winter months around Korea and Japan and they have been seen regularly in winter off southern California and northern Baja California. There are also numerous fin whale sightings and acoustic detections north of 40 °N during winter months. Calves are born during the winter, but there is little evidence for distinct calving areas.
  • 4 Whales implanted with Discovery‐type marks were killed in whaling operations, and location data from 198 marked whales demonstrate local site fidelity, consistent movements within and between the main summer grounds and long migrations from low‐latitude winter grounds to high‐latitude summer grounds.
  • 5 The distributional data agree with immunogenetic and marking findings which suggest that the migratory population segregates into at least two demes with separate winter mating grounds: a western ground off the coast of Asia and an eastern one off the American coast. Members of the two demes probably mingle in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands area.
  • 6 Prior research had suggested that there were at least two non‐migratory stocks of fin whale: one in the East China Sea and another in the Gulf of California. There is equivocal evidence for the existence of additional non‐migratory groups in the Sanriku‐Hokkaido area off Japan and possibly the northern Sea of Japan, but this is based on small sample sizes.

The Mediterranean and Black Seas are semi-enclosed basins characterized by high environmental variability and growing anthropogenic pressure. This has led to an increasing need for a bioregionalization of the oceanic environment at local and regional scales that can be used for managerial applications as a geographical reference. We aim to identify biogeochemical subprovinces within this domain, and develop synthetic indices of the key oceanographic dynamics of each subprovince to quantify baselines from which to assess variability and change. To do this, we compile a data set of 101 months (2002–2010) of a variety of both “classical” (i.e., sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll-a, and bathymetry) and “mesoscale” (i.e., eddy kinetic energy, finite-size Lyapunov exponents, and surface frontal gradients) ocean features that we use to characterize the surface ocean variability. We employ a k-means clustering algorithm to objectively define biogeochemical subprovinces based on classical features, and, for the first time, on mesoscale features, and on a combination of both classical and mesoscale features. Principal components analysis is then performed on the oceanographic variables to define integrative indices to monitor the environmental changes within each resultant subprovince at monthly resolutions. Using both the classical and mesoscale features, we find five biogeochemical subprovinces for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Interestingly, the use of mesoscale variables contributes highly in the delineation of the open ocean. The first axis of the principal component analysis is explained primarily by classical ocean features and the second axis is explained by mesoscale features. Biogeochemical subprovinces identified by the present study can be useful within the European management framework as an objective geographical framework of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and the synthetic ocean indicators developed here can be used to monitor variability and long-term change.  相似文献   

The Japanese eel larvae hatch near the West Mariana Ridge seamount chain and travel through the North Equatorial Current (NEC), the Kuroshio, and the Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) region during their shoreward migration toward East Asia. The interannual variability of circulation over the subtropical and tropical regions of the western North Pacific Ocean is affected by the Philippines–Taiwan Oscillation (PTO). This study examines the effect of the PTO on the Japanese eel larval migration routes using a three-dimensional (3D) particle tracking method, including vertical and horizontal swimming behavior. The 3D circulation and hydrography used for particle tracking are from the ocean circulation reanalysis produced by the Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment 2 (JCOPE2). Our results demonstrate that bifurcation of the NEC and the strength and spatial variation of the Kuroshio affect the distribution and migration of eel larvae. During the positive phase of PTO, more virtual eels (“v-eels”) can enter the Kuroshio to reach the south coast of Japan and more v-eels reach the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait; the stronger and more offshore swing of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea leads to fewer eels entering the East China Sea and the onshore movement of the Kuroshio to the south of Japan brings the eels closer to the Japanese coast. Significant differences in eel migration routes and distributions regulated by ocean circulation in different PTO phases can also affect the otolith increment. The estimated otolith increment suggests that eel age tends to be underestimated after six months of simulation due to the cooler lower layer temperature. Underestimation is more significant in the positive PTO years due to the wide distribution in higher latitudes than in the negative PTO years.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic behavior of Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon and Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon early life intervals were similar during laboratory observations. After hatching, free embryos were photonegative and sought cover. When embryos developed into larvae, fish left cover, were photopositive, and initiated downstream migration. Free embryos may remain at the spawning site instead of migrating downstream because the risk of predation at spawning sites is low. The two species are sympatric, but not closely related, so the similarities in innate behaviors suggest common adaptations, not phylogenetic relationship. Atlantic sturgeon migrated downstream for 12 days (peak, first 6 days), shortnose sturgeon migrated for 3 days, and year-0 juveniles of both species did not resume downstream migration. Short or long migrations of larvae may reflect different styles related to the total migratory distance from spawning sites to juvenile rearing areas. Atlantic sturgeon need to move a short distance to reach rearing areas and they had a long 1-step migration of 6–12 days. In contrast, shortnose sturgeon need to move a long distance to reach all rearing areas. This may be accomplished by a 2-step migration, of which the brief migration of larvae is only the first step. Early migrant Atlantic sturgeon were nocturnal, while late migrants were diurnal, and shortnose sturgeon were diurnal. These diel differences may also be adaptations for long (Atlantic sturgeon) or short (shortnose sturgeon) migrations. Cultured shortnose sturgeon, and possibly Atlantic sturgeon, have a dominance hierarchy with large fish dominant when competing for limited foraging space. Social behavior may be more important in the life history of wild sturgeons than is generally recognized.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed embryos (first life phase after hatching) and larvae (period initiating exogenous feeding) to day-30 (late larvae) for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and downstream movement, and diel activity. Day-0 embryos of both species strongly preferred bright, open habitat and initiated a strong, downstream migration that lasted 4 days (3 day peak) for kaluga and 3 days (2 day peak) for Amur sturgeon. Kaluga migrants swam far above the bottom (150cm) on only 1 day and moved day and night; Amur sturgeon migrants swam far above the bottom (median 130cm) during 3 days and were more nocturnal than kaluga. Post-migrant embryos of both species moved day and night, but Amur sturgeon used dark, cover habitat and swam closer to the bottom than kaluga. The larva period of both species began on day 7 (cumulative temperature degree-days, 192.0 for kaluga and 171.5 for Amur sturgeon). Larvae of both species preferred open habitat. Kaluga larvae strongly preferred bright habitat, initially swam far above the bottom (median 50–105cm), and migrated downstream at night during days 10–16 (7-day migration). Amur sturgeon larvae strongly avoided illumination, had a mixed response to white substrate, swam 20–30cm above the bottom during most days, and during days 12–34 (most of the larva period) moved downstream mostly at night (23-day migration). The embryo–larva migration style of the two species likely shows convergence of non-related species for a common style in response to environmental selection in the Amur River. The embryo–larva migration style of Amur sturgeon is unique among Acipenser yet studied.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, movement and migration within the Klamath and Trinity rivers were assessed using radio and sonic telemetry. Sexually mature green sturgeon were captured with gillnets in the spring, as adults migrated upstream to spawn. In total, 49 green sturgeon were tagged with radio and/or sonic telemetry tags and tracked manually or with receiver arrays from 2002 to 2004. Tagged individuals exhibited four movement patterns: upstream spawning migration, spring outmigration to the ocean, or summer holding, and outmigration after summer holding. Spawning migrations occurred from April to June, as adults moved from the ocean upstream to spawning sites. Approximately 18% of adults, those not out mignation in the spring, made spring post-spawning outmigrations. The majority of adults, those not outmigrating in the spring, remained in discrete locations characterized as deep, low velocity pools for extended periods during the summer and early fall. Fall outmigration occurred when fish left summer holding locations, traveled rapidly downstream, and exited the river system. High river discharge due to the onset of winter rainstorms and freshets appear to be the key environmental cue instigating the fall outmigration.  相似文献   

We isolated 99 yeast strains, including 40 red yeasts, from benthic animals and sediments collected from the deep-sea floor in various areas in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Comparing the yeast isolates from animals and sediments collected from shallow locations, the proportion of red yeasts differed considerably, comprising 81.5% and 10.6% of the isolates from animals and sediments, respectively. All of the red yeast isolates belonged to the genera Rhodotorula and Sporobolomyces. On the basis of morphological and physiological characteristics, the isolates were identified as R. aurantiaca, R. glutinis, R. minuta and R. mucilaginosa of the genus Rhodotorula, and S. salmonicolor and S. shibatanus of the genus Sporobolomyces. Only R. glutinis and R. mucilaginosa were isolated from sediments. All of the others were isolated from animal sources. Phylogenetic analyses based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 5.8S rRNA gene sequences allowed us to establish the precise taxonomic placement of each of the isolates and thereby investigate the intraspecific relationships among the isolates. Twenty-two strains identified as members of R. glutinis, which showed a wide distribution in the deep-sea, and five isolates identified as R. minuta, which were isolated only from benthic animals, showed substantial heterogeneity within the species. The isolates phenotypically identified as Sporobolomyces species and R. mucilaginosa phylogenetically occupied the placements corresponding to these species. Some strains assigned to known species on the basis of phenotypic features should be regarded as new species as suggested by the results of molecular analysis.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory studies on the ontogenetic behavior of free embryos (first life interval after hatching) and larvae (first feeding interval) of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Migration styles of both species were similar for timing of migration (initiation by embryos on day 0 after hatching and cessation by larvae on days 12–13 at 236–243 cumulative temperature degree units), migration distance (about 13km), life interval when most distance was moved (embryo), and diel behavior of embryos (diurnal). However, the species differed for two behaviors: movement characteristics of embryos (peak movement rate of pallid sturgeon was only one-half the peak rate of shovelnose sturgeon, but pallid sturgeon continued the lower rate for twice as long) and diel behavior of larvae (pallid sturgeon were diurnal and shovelnose sturgeon were nocturnal). Thus, the species used different methods to move the same distance. Migrating as poorly developed embryos suggests a migration style to avoid predation at the spawning site, but moving from spawning habitat to rearing habitat before first feeding could also be important. Migrants of both species preferred bright habitat (high illumination intensity and white substrate), a behavioral preference that may characterize the migrants of many species of sturgeon. Both species were remarkably similar for swimming height above the bottom by age, and day 7 and older migrants may swim far above the bottom and move far downstream. A migration of 12 or 13 days will probably not distribute larvae throughout the population's range, so an older life interval likely initiates a second longer downstream migration (2-step migration). By day 2, individuals of both species were a black-tail phenotype (light grey body with a black-tail that moved conspicuously during swimming). Aggregation behavior suggests that black-tail is a visual signal used for group cohesion.  相似文献   

The distribution and composition of the holoplanktonic speciesof the family Typhloscolecidae are reported from 579 samplesobtained over an extensive area in the eastern tropical PacificOcean. The EASTROPAC Oceanographic Program collected the samplesin twelve cruises during five periods made between January–September1967 and January–April 1968. The 2105 specimens identifiedbelonged to three genera and four species. Typhloscolex muelleriand Sagitella kowalewski were dominant together, accountingfor 57–59% of the relative abundance and 36–49%of the occurrence. Travisiopsis dubia is recorded for the firsttime from the eastern tropical Pacific, and Travisiopsis lanceolatais reported in almost the same locality as its first recordin the surveyed region.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were assessed in soils from the Midway Atoll in the central North Pacific Ocean. The analytical procedure involved the application of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and gas chromatography coupled with ion trap mass spectrometric detection (GC/ITMS) for identification and quantification. Among the 28 PCB congeners studied, 26 of them, except CB195 and CB209, were detected in the analyzed samples at different frequencies. The total concentrations of 28 indicator PCBs (ΣPCBs) ranged from 2.6 to 148.8 ng g−1 with an average value of 50.7 ng g−1 and median of 39.5 ng g−1. Sources and congeners’ pattern of PCB were investigated in the soil of Midway Atoll. The principal component analysis indicated that the compositions of PCBs in most of the soil samples were similar. The total concentrations of PCBs were used to assess the cancer risk probabilities in humans via ingestion, dermal contact and inhalation of soil particles. Very low cancer risk was found in all soil samples caused by ΣPCBs.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in surface sediments from the Pacific Arctic Ocean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to assess bacterial diversity within four surface sediment samples (0–5 cm) collected from the Pacific Arctic Ocean, 16S ribosomal DNA clone library analysis was performed. Near full length 16S rDNA sequences were obtained for 463 clones from four libraries and 13 distinct major lineages of Bacteria were identified (α, β, γ, δ and ε-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Spirochetes, and Verrucomicrobia). α, γ, and δ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria were common phylogenetic groups from all the sediments. The γ-Proteobacteria were the dominant bacterial lineage, representing near or over 50% of the clones. Over 35% of γ-Proteobacteria clones of four clone library were closely related to cultured bacterial isolates with similarity values ranging from 94 to 100%. The community composition was different among sampling sites, which potentially was related to geochemical differences.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, from the upper Yangtze River to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed fish from day-0 (embryo, first life interval after hatching) to day-30 feeding larva for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and down-stream movement, and diel activity. Hatchling to day-12 embryos and days 13–24 larvae were similar for ontogenetic behavior, i.e., neither initiated a dispersal migration, both swam within 15cm of the bottom, both preferred bright habitat, and neither strongly preferred cover or open habitat. Embryos and larvae were weakly active day and night. Days 72–76 juveniles had a weak nocturnal downstream migration, indicating wild juveniles disperse from a spawning site. In other sturgeon species yet studied representing three genera on three continents, Dabry's sturgeon is the first that does not disperse as an embryo or larva. Development of Dabry's sturgeon is slow, requiring more cumulative temperature degree days per millimeter of larvae TL than is required for other sturgeons to develop into larvae. Thus, a dispersal migration that diverts energy from development may not be adaptive. The available information suggests the initial dispersal of early life intervals is likely done by females, which spawn in a dispersed spawning style, not the usual aggregated spawning style. Juvenile migrants had a black body and tail with a light line along the lateral scutes. The color of juvenile migrants shows that a dark body and tail is characteristic of Acipenser that migrate downstream as larvae or juveniles.  相似文献   

Xu H X  Wu M  Wang X G  Yang J Y  Wang C S 《农业工程》2008,28(2):479-485
16S rDNA sequencing method is one of the effectively used culture-independent techniques in recent years. In this study, 16S rDNA sequencing method was used to investigate the bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediment from northeastern Pacific polymetallic nodule province. Total DNAs were extracted by using 2 different methods (chemical method and DNA extracting kit method). After purification, genomic DNA was amplified by using 2 universal primers (27F and 1492R). Clones were selected and sequenced randomly. After the sequences were checked by using the Chimera Check Program of the RDP database, a bacterial 16S rRNA gene library of 79 clones was established. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that 79 clones could be divided into 11 phylotypes. Gamma Proteobacteria (22.8%) and alpha Proteobacteria (16.5%) were the dominant components of the sediment bacterial community, followed by Planctomycetacia (7.6%), delta Proteobacteria (6.3%), Nitrospira (6.3%), Actinobacteria (6.3%), beta Proteobacteria (5%), Acidobacteria (5.1%), Sphingobacteria (3.8%), Firmicutes (2.5%) and uncultured bacteria (17.7%). Gamma Proteobacteria also dominated at slices 0–2 cm and 4–6 cm. Different slices had different types of bacteria, alpha Proteobacteria, gamma Proteobacteria, delta Proteobacteria, Planctomycetacia, Nitrospira, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria, however, appeared in all slices. Pseudomonas is common in many different deep-sea environments. In this study, it accounted for 22.2% of the total gamma Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Aim To provide evidence suggesting the existence of a dynamic system of extinction and replacement. Location The Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Methods Utilization of species distribution patterns produced by detailed systematic works. Results The distribution patterns appear to suggest a sequence of events that is consistent with the centre of origin hypothesis. The East Indies centre is considered to operate according to the centrifugal speciation model. Main conclusions Disjunct patterns appear to have originated in the East Indies and spread out from there. In cases where the vacated area is occupied by a sibling species, competitive (sympatric) speciation may have occurred. Over time the extinction pattern will gradually extend outward until it is played out among small populations far from their centre of origin  相似文献   

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