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Previous studies have identified a specific modification of the capsular polysaccharide as receptor for phages that infect Campylobacter jejuni. Using acapsular kpsM mutants of C. jejuni strains NCTC11168 and NCTC12658, we found that bacteriophage F341 infects C. jejuni independently of the capsule. In contrast, phage F341 does not infect C. jejuni NCTC11168 mutants that either lack the flagellar filaments (ΔflaAB) or that have paralyzed, i.e., nonrotating, flagella (ΔmotA and ΔflgP). Complementing flgP confirmed that phage F341 requires rotating flagella for successful infection. Furthermore, adsorption assays demonstrated that phage F341 does not adsorb to these nonmotile C. jejuni NCTC11168 mutants. Taken together, we propose that phage F341 uses the flagellum as a receptor. Phage-host interactions were investigated using fluorescence confocal and transmission electron microscopy. These data demonstrate that F341 binds to the flagellum by perpendicular attachment with visible phage tail fibers interacting directly with the flagellum. Our data are consistent with the movement of the C. jejuni flagellum being required for F341 to travel along the filament to reach the basal body of the bacterium. The initial binding to the flagellum may cause a conformational change of the phage tail that enables DNA injection after binding to a secondary receptor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The flagellotropic phage 7-7-1 infects motile cells of Agrobacterium sp H13-3 by attaching to and traveling along the rotating flagellar filament to the secondary receptor at the base, where it injects its DNA into the host cell. Here we describe the complete genomic sequence of 69,391 base pairs of this unusual bacteriophage. METHODS: The sequence of the 7-7-1 genome was determined by pyro(454)sequencing to a coverage of 378-fold. It was annotated using MyRAST and a variety of internet resources. The structural proteome was analyzed by SDS-PAGE coupled electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). RESULTS: Sequence annotation and a structural proteome analysis revealed 127 open reading frames, 84 of which are unique. In six cases 7-7-1 proteins showed sequence similarity to proteins from the virulent Burkholderia myovirus BcepB1A. Unique features of the 7-7-1 genome are the physical separation of the genes encoding the small (orf100) and large (orf112) subunits of the DNA packaging complex and the apparent lack of a holin-lysin cassette. Proteomic analysis revealed the presence of 24 structural proteins, five of which were identified as baseplate (orf7), putative tail fibre (orf102), portal (orf113), major capsid (orf115) and tail sheath (orf126) proteins. In the latter case, the N-terminus was removed during capsid maturation, probably by a putative prohead protease (orf114).  相似文献   

Nutritional Requirements of Methanosarcina sp. Strain TM-1   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Methanosarcina sp. strain TM-1, an acetotrophic, thermophilic methanogen isolated from an anaerobic sludge digestor, was originally reported to require an anaerobic sludge supernatant for growth. It was found that the sludge supernatant could be replaced with yeast extract (1 g/liter), 6 mM bicarbonate-30% CO2, and trace metals, with a doubling time on methanol of 14 h. For growth on either methanol or acetate, yeast extract could be replaced with CaCl2 · 2H2O (13.6 μM minimum) and the vitamin p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA, ca. 3 nM minimum), with a doubling time on methanol of 8 to 9 h. Filter-sterilized folic acid at 0.3 μM could not replace PABA. The antimetabolite sulfanilamide (20 mM) inhibited growth of and methanogenesis by Methanosarcina sp. strain TM-1, and this inhibition was reversed by the addition of 0.3 μM PABA. When a defined medium buffered with 20 mM N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid was used, it was shown that Methanosarcina sp. strain TM-1 required 6 mM bicarbonate-30% CO2 for optimal growth and methanogenesis from methanol. Cells growing on acetate were less dependent on bicarbonate-CO2. When we used a defined medium in which the only organic compounds present were methanol or acetate, nitrilotriacetic acid (0.2 mM), and PABA, it was possible to limit batch cultures of Methanosarcina sp. strain TM-1 for nitrogen at NH4+ concentrations at or below 2.0 mM, in marked contrast with Methanosarcina barkeri 227, which fixes dinitrogen when grown under NH4+ limitation.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T3- and T7-directed deoxyribonucleases.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Trihalogenated propanes are toxic and recalcitrant organic compounds. Attempts to obtain pure bacterial cultures able to use these compounds as sole carbon and energy sources were unsuccessful. Both the haloalkane dehalogenase from Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10 (DhlA) and that from Rhodococcus sp. strain m15-3 (DhaA) were found to dehalogenate trihalopropanes to 2,3-dihalogenated propanols, but the kinetic properties of the latter enzyme are much better. Broad-host-range dehalogenase expression plasmids, based on RSF1010 derivatives, were constructed with the haloalkane dehalogenase from Rhodococcus sp. strain m15-3 under the control of the heterologous promoters Plac, PdhlA, and Ptrc. The resulting plasmids yielded functional expression in several gram-negative bacteria. A catabolic pathway for trihalopropanes was designed by introducing these broad-host-range dehalogenase expression plasmids into Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1, which has the ability to utilize dihalogenated propanols for growth. The recombinant strain AD1(pTB3), expressing the haloalkane dehalogenase gene under the control of the dhlA promoter, was able to utilize both 1,2,3-tribromopropane and 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane as sole carbon sources. Moreover, increased expression of the haloalkane dehalogenase resulted in elevated resistance to trihalopropanes.  相似文献   

An improved method for the isolation of the biosurfactant glycolipids from Rhodococcus sp. strain H13A by using XM 50 diafiltration and isopropanol precipitation was devised. This procedure was advantageous since it removes protein coisolated when the glycolipids are obtained by organic extraction and silicic acid chromatography. The protein apparently does not contribute any biosurfactant characteristics to the glycolipids. The deacylated glycolipid backbone included only a disaccharide.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and of progesterone-7alpha-3H by porcine fetal and maternal adrenal homogenates at 56 and 112 days of pregnancy and of dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H by fetal adrenal homogenates has been investigated in vitro. Both pregnenolone-7alpha-3H and progesterone-7alpha-3H were metabolized extensively by maternal adrenal preparations, the principal radioactive metabolites isolated being cortisol, corticosterone, 11-deoxycortisol, deoxycorticosterone, 11beta-hydroxyprogesterone and androstenedione. In addition, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 20alpha-dihydroprogesterone and cortisone were formed from both substrates and 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and progesterone were formed from pregnenolone. Although essentially the same radioactive metabolites were isolated after incubation of fetal adrenal glands with pregnenolone-7alpha-3H or progesterone-7alpha-3H, a greater proportion of the radioactivity was associated with corticosteroids at 112 days of pregnancy than at 56 days. 11beta-Hydroxyandrostenedione and androstenedione were isolated and identified together with an unknown polar metabolite, after incubation of fetal adrenal tissue with dehydroepiandrosterone-7alpha-3H. These results are discussed in relation to feto-placental steroid biosynthesis and metabolism and the role of the fetal adrenal in the initiation of parturition in the pig.  相似文献   

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) of metallic materials imposes a heavy economic burden. The mechanism of MIC of metallic iron (Fe0) under anaerobic conditions is usually explained as the consumption of cathodic hydrogen by hydrogenotrophic microorganisms that accelerates anodic Fe0 oxidation. In this study, we describe Fe0 corrosion induced by a nonhydrogenotrophic nitrate-reducing bacterium called MIC1-1, which was isolated from a crude-oil sample collected at an oil well in Akita, Japan. This strain requires specific electron donor-acceptor combinations and an organic carbon source to grow. For example, the strain grew anaerobically on nitrate as a sole electron acceptor with pyruvate as a carbon source and Fe0 as the sole electron donor. In addition, ferrous ion and l-cysteine served as electron donors, whereas molecular hydrogen did not. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain MIC1-1 was a member of the genus Prolixibacter in the order Bacteroidales. Thus, Prolixibacter sp. strain MIC1-1 is the first Fe0-corroding representative belonging to the phylum Bacteroidetes. Under anaerobic conditions, Prolixibacter sp. MIC1-1 corroded Fe0 concomitantly with nitrate reduction, and the amount of iron dissolved by the strain was six times higher than that in an aseptic control. Scanning electron microscopy analyses revealed that microscopic crystals of FePO4 developed on the surface of the Fe0 foils, and a layer of FeCO3 covered the FePO4 crystals. We propose that cells of Prolixibacter sp. MIC1-1 accept electrons directly from Fe0 to reduce nitrate.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium sp. H13-3, formerly known as Rhizobium lupini H13-3, is a soil bacterium that was isolated from the rhizosphere of Lupinus luteus. The isolate has been established as a model system for studying novel features of flagellum structure, motility and chemotaxis within the family Rhizobiaceae. The complete genome sequence of Agrobacterium sp. H13-3 has been established and the genome structure and phylogenetic assignment of the organism was analysed. For de novo sequencing of the Agrobacterium sp. H13-3 genome, a combined strategy comprising 454-pyrosequencing on the Genome Sequencer FLX platform and PCR-based amplicon sequencing for gap closure was applied. The finished genome consists of three replicons and comprises 5,573,770 bases. Based on phylogenetic analyses, the isolate could be assigned to the genus Agrobacterium biovar I and represents a genomic species G1 strain within this biovariety. The highly conserved circular chromosome (2.82 Mb) of Agrobacterium sp. H13-3 mainly encodes housekeeping functions characteristic for an aerobic, heterotrophic bacterium. Agrobacterium sp. H13-3 is a motile bacterium driven by the rotation of several complex flagella. Its behaviour towards external stimuli is regulated by a large chemotaxis regulon and a total of 17 chemoreceptors. Comparable to the genome of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Agrobacterium sp. H13-3 possesses a linear chromosome (2.15 Mb) that is related to its reference replicon and features chromosomal and plasmid-like properties. The accessory plasmid pAspH13-3a (0.6 Mb) is only distantly related to the plasmid pAtC58 of A. tumefaciens C58 and shows a mosaic structure. A tumor-inducing Ti-plasmid is missing in the sequenced strain H13-3 indicating that it is a non-virulent isolate.  相似文献   

Half-saturation constants (Km), maximum uptake rates (Vmax), and threshold concentrations for sulfate and hydrogen were determined for two thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in an incubation system without headspace. Km values determined for the thermophilic SRB were similar to the constants described for mesophilic SRB isolated from environments with low sulfate concentrations.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase from the haloalkalophilic denitrifying bacterium Halomonas sp. strain AGJ 1-3 was isolated and purified to homogeneity. The isolated enzyme belongs to a novel family of molybdenum-free nitrate reductases. It presents as a 130-140 kD monomeric protein with specific activity of 250 micromol/min per mg protein. The enzyme reduces not only nitrate, but also other anions, thus showing polyoxoanion reductase activity. Enzyme activity was maximal at pH 7.0 and 70-80 degrees C.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium sp. M3C, previously isolated from canal-water for its ability to grow on monomethyl sulphate, degraded this ester with stoichiometric liberation of inorganic sulphate. In contrast with the biodegradation of monomethyl sulphate in Hyphomicrobium sp., and of other longer-chain alkyl sulphates in Pseudomonas spp., the pathway in Agrobacterium appeared not to involve a sulphatase enzyme capable of catalysing ester-bond hydrolysis. No such sulphatase was detectable under a range of conditions of bacterial culture, or using various methods for preparing cell-extracts, or different assay conditions. There was no incorporation of 18O-label from H2 18O into the liberated inorganic sulphate. No methanol was detectable during biodegradation, and the organism was incapable of growth on methanol, and did not produce methanol dehydrogenase activity when grown on monomethyl sulphate. Tracer studies using mono[14C]-methyl sulphate indicated that formate serine and glycine were produced during the biodegradation. The presence of these amino acids, together with high activity of hydroxypyruvate reductase, indicated the operation of the serine pathway common in methylotrophs. Use of an oxygen electrode in conjunction with monomethyl[35S]sulphate showed that release of 35SO4 2- was dependent on availability of O2, and that there was equimolar stoichiometry among monomethyl sulphate degraded, O2 consumed and 35SO4 2- released. A proposed pathway for the degradation involved an initial mono-oxygenation to methanediol monosulphate with subsequent elimination of SO4 2- and concomitant formation of formaldehyde. The pathway was compared with degradation mechanisms for other C1 compounds and for other sulphate esters.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. LS13-1 was isolated as a producer of lactobionic acid from whey and when grown with 207 g whey l-1 (150 g lactose l-1 equivalent) and three intermittent additions of 69 g whey l-1 (50 g lactose l-1 equivalent) in a fed-batch culture at pH 5.5 in a 2-l jar fermenter, it produced 175 g lactobionic acid l-1 after 180 h. In a lactose medium it produced 240 lactobionic acid l-1 from a total of 300 g lactose l-1 after 155 h. With the addition of 20 CaCO3 l-1 instead of pH control, 290 g lactobionic acid l-1 was produced in the lactose medium after 155 h with a yield of higher than 90% (mon mol-1).  相似文献   


We investigated the biodegradation of hydrocarbon components by Nocardia sp. H17-1 and the catabolic genes involved in the degradation pathways of both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. After 6 days of incubation, the aliphatic and aromatic fractions separated from Arabian light oil were degraded 99.0 ± 0.1% and 23.8 ± 0.8%, respectively. Detection of the catabolic genes involved in the hydrocarbon degradation indicated that H17-1 possessed the alkB genes for n-alkane biodegradation and catA gene for catechol 1,2-dioxygenase. However, H17-1 had neither the C23O gene for the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons nor the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity. The investigation of the genes involved in the biodegradation of hydrocarbons supported the low degradation activity of H17-1 on the aromatic fractions.  相似文献   

The transformation of 3-chlorobenzoate (3CB) and acetate at initial concentrations in the wide range of 10 nM to 16 mM was studied in batch experiments with Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Transformation rates of 3CB at millimolar concentrations could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics (K(infm), 0.13 mM; V(infmax), 24 nmol (middot) mg of protein(sup-1) (middot) min(sup-1)). Experiments with nanomolar and low micromolar concentrations of 3CB indicated the possible existence of two different transformation systems for 3CB. The first transformation system operated above 1 (mu)M 3CB, with an apparent threshold concentration of 0.50 (plusmn) 0.11 (mu)M. A second transformation system operated below 1 (mu)M 3CB and showed first-order kinetics (rate constant, 0.076 liter (middot) g of protein(sup-1) (middot) min(sup-1)), with no threshold concentration in the nanomolar range. A residual substrate concentration, as has been reported for some other Pseudomonas strains, could not be detected for 3CB (detection limit, 1.0 nM) in batch incubations with Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. The addition of various concentrations of acetate as a second, easily degradable substrate neither affected the transformation kinetics of 3CB nor induced a detectable residual substrate concentration. Acetate alone also showed no residual concentration (detection limit, 0.5 nM). The results presented indicate that the concentration limits for substrate conversion obtained by extrapolation from kinetic data at higher substrate concentrations may underestimate the true conversion capacity of a microbial culture.  相似文献   

The kinetics of acetate utilization were examined for washed concentrated cell suspensions of two thermophilic acetotrophic methanogens isolated from a 58°C anaerobic digestor. Progress curves for acetate utilization by cells of Methanosarcina sp. strain CALS-1 showed that the utilization rate was concentration independent (zero order) above concentrations near 3 mM and that acetate utilization ceased when a threshold concentration near 1 mM was reached. Acetate utilization by cells of Methanothrix sp. strain CALS-1 was concentration independent down to 0.1 to 0.2 mM, and threshold values of 12 to 21 μM were observed. Typical utilization rates in the concentration-independent stage were 210 and 130 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 for the methanosarcina and the methanothrix, respectively. These results are in agreement with a general model in which high acetate concentrations favor Methanosarcina spp., while low concentrations favor Methanothrix spp. However, acetate utilization by these two strains did not follow simple Michaelis-Menton kinetics.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium sp. was studied for the production of curdlan by conventional one-factor-at-a-time technique and response surface methodology. Factors such as initial pH, urea concentration, sucrose concentration having the greatest influence on the curdlan production were identified. By using response surface methodology (RSM), the curdlan production by Agrobacterium sp. was increased significantly by 109%, from 2.4 g/L to 5.02 g/L when the strain was cultivated in the optimal medium developed by RSM as compared to conventional one-factor-at-a-time technique. The curdlan production rate of 0.84 g/(L h) was obtained when Agrobacterium sp. was cultivated in the optimal medium developed by RSM, which was the highest curdlan production rate reported to date. The infrared (IR) and NMR spectra, the thermogram of DSC and pattern of X-ray diffraction for the curdlan of the present study were almost identical to those of the authentic curdlan sample (from Alcaligenes faecalis; Sigma). The purified curdlan was a linear polysaccharide composed of exclusively β-(1,3)-glucosidic linkages with the molecular weight of 160,000 Da by GPC. The crystalline melting point (Tm), glass transition temperature (Tg) and X-ray diffraction of the sample indicated low crystallinity in the structure.  相似文献   

A bacterium capable of utilizing p-cresol as sole source of carbon and energy was isolated from soil and identified as a Bacillus species. The organism also utilized phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and gentisic acid as growth substrates. The organism degraded p-cresol to 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, which was further metabolized by a gentisate pathway, as evidenced by isolation and identification of metabolites and enzyme activities in the cell-free extract. Such a bacterial strain can be used for bioremediation of environments contaminated with phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

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