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Costimulation with the recombinant SA-4-1BBL agonist of 4-1BB receptor on conventional CD4+ T cells (Tconvs) overcomes the suppression mediated by naturally occurring CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T regulatory cells (Tregs). The mechanistic basis of this observation has remained largely unknown. Herein we show that Tconvs, but not Tregs, are the direct target of SA-4-1BBL-mediated evasion of Treg suppression. IL-2 produced by Tconvs in response to 4-1BB signaling is both necessary and sufficient for overcoming Treg suppression. Supernatant from Tconvs stimulated with SA-4-1BBL contains high levels of IL-2 and overcomes Treg suppression in ex vivo Tconv:Treg cocultures. Removal of IL-2 from such supernatant restores Treg suppression and repletion of Tconv:Treg cocultures with exogenous recombinant IL-2 overcomes suppression. This study establishes 4-1BB signaling as a key circuit that regulates physical and functional equilibrium between Tregs and Tconvs with important implications for immunotherapy for indications where a fine balance between Tregs and Teffs plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

The role of CD4+ helper T cells in modulating the acquired immune response to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) remains ill defined; in particular, it is unclear whether CD4+ T cells are needed for the generation of the protective HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell response. This study examined the contribution of CD4+ T cells in the generation of the primary CD8+-T-cell responses following acute infection with HSV-1. The results demonstrate that the CD8+-T-cell response generated in the draining lymph nodes of CD4+-T-cell-depleted C57BL/6 mice and B6-MHC-II−/− mice is quantitatively and qualitatively distinct from the CD8+ T cells generated in normal C57BL/6 mice. Phenotypic analyses show that virus-specific CD8+ T cells express comparable levels of the activation marker CD44 in mice lacking CD4+ T cells and normal mice. In contrast, CD8+ T cells generated in the absence of CD4+ T cells express the interleukin 2 receptor α-chain (CD25) at lower levels. Importantly, the CD8+ T cells in the CD4+-T-cell-deficient environment are functionally active with respect to the expression of cytolytic activity in vivo but exhibit a diminished capacity to produce gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Furthermore, the primary expansion of HSV-1-specific CD8+ T cells is diminished in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help. These results suggest that CD4+-T-cell help is essential for the generation of fully functional CD8+ T cells during the primary response to HSV-1 infection.Infection due to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) results in a wide spectrum of clinical presentations depending on the host''s age, the host''s immune status, and the route of inoculation (47). HSV-1 typically causes mild and self-limited lesions on the orofacial areas or genital sites. However, the disease can be life-threatening, as in the case of neonatal and central nervous system infections (18). The host''s immune responses, particularly CD8+ T cells, play an important role in determining the outcome of HSV infections in both the natural human host (18, 19, 28) and experimental murine models (11, 43). Immunodepletion and adoptive transfer studies have demonstrated the role of CD8+ T cells in reducing viral replication, resolving cutaneous disease, and providing overall protection upon rechallenge (6, 25, 26). CD8+ T cells play a particularly important role in preventing infection of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the reactivation of latent virus from neurons in the sensory ganglia of infected mice (21, 24, 36). The mechanisms that CD8+ T cells employ include gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production and functions associated with cytolytic granule content at the sites of primary infection (23, 31, 38). In the PNS of infected mice, the mechanisms primarily involve IFN-γ secretion (16, 20, 29), particularly against infected neurons expressing surface Qa-1 (41). Histopathological evidence from HSV-1-infected human ganglion sections show a large CD8+-T-cell infiltrate and the presence of inflammatory cytokines, suggesting that the presence of activated, effector memory cells within the PNS is important for maintaining HSV-1 latency in the natural human host (10, 42).The generation of a robust CD8+-T-cell response is essential for the control of various infectious pathogens. Some studies suggest that a brief interaction with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) is sufficient for CD8+-T-cell activation and expansion into functional effectors (44). However, the magnitude and quality of the overall CD8+-T-cell response generated may be dependent on additional factors (49). Recent evidence suggests that CD4+ T cells facilitate the activation and development of CD8+-T-cell responses either directly through the provision of cytokines or indirectly by the conditioning of dendritic cells (DC) (8, 48, 51). Those studies suggested that the latter mechanism is the dominant pathway, wherein CD4+ T cells assist CD8+-T-cell priming via the engagement of CD40 ligand (CD154) on CD4+ T cells and CD40 expressed on DC (4, 30, 33). This interaction results in the activation and maturation of DC, making them competent to stimulate antigen-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (35, 37).The requirement for CD4+-T-cell help in the generation of primary and secondary CD8+-T-cell responses to antigen varies. Primary CD8+-T-cell responses to infectious pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), influenza virus, and vaccinia virus, can be mounted effectively independently of CD4+-T-cell help (3, 12, 22, 34). In contrast, primary CD8+-T-cell responses to nonmicrobial antigens display an absolute dependence on CD4+-T-cell help (4, 5, 30, 33, 46). This observed difference in the requirement for CD4+-T-cell help may ultimately be a product of the initial inflammatory stimulus generated following immunization (49). Microbial antigens trigger an inflammatory response that can lead to the direct activation and priming of APCs, such as DC, thereby bypassing the need for CD4+-T-cell help. Nonmicrobial antigens, however, trigger an attenuated inflammatory response that does not directly activate and prime DCs. In the absence of this inflammation, CD4+ T cells are thought to condition and license DC functions through CD154/CD40 interactions, which leads to the subsequent activation of antigen-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (5, 49). Even in the case of pathogens where primary CD8+-T-cell responses were independent of CD4+-T-cell help, the secondary responses to these pathogens were found to be defective in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help (3, 12, 34, 40).The requirement for CD4+-T-cell help in priming CD8+-T-cell responses against HSV-1 infection is not well defined. Earlier studies with HSV-1 suggested that CD4+ T cells play an important role in the generation of primary CD8+-T-cell responses, detected in vitro, to acute infection with HSV-1 (14), principally through the provision of interleukin 2 (IL-2) for optimal CD8+-T-cell differentiation and proliferation. Subsequent studies, utilizing an in vivo approach, indicated that CD4+ T cells were not required for CD8+-T-cell-mediated cytolytic function (23). CD4+ T cells are thought to provide help by conditioning DC in a cognate, antigen-specific manner, thereby making them competent to stimulate HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell responses (37). By contrast, findings from other studies show that CD4+-T-cell-depleted mice were able to fully recover from acute infection with HSV-1 (38). These studies imply that the absence of CD4+ T cells does not prevent priming of CD8+ T cells in vivo.Studies from this laboratory have identified two distinct HSV-1-specific CD8+-T-cell subpopulations generated during the primary response, based upon the ability to synthesize IFN-γ following antigenic stimulation in vitro (1). To better understand the need for CD4+-T-cell help, we examined the functional characteristics and phenotypes of these CD8+-T-cell populations generated during a primary response to acute infection with HSV-1 in mice lacking CD4+ T cells. Our findings show that primary CD8+-T-cell responses to HSV-1 are compromised in the absence of CD4+-T-cell help. Specifically, the HSV-1 gB-specific CD8+ T cells produced in the absence of CD4+ T cells were found to be active with regard to cytolysis in vivo but were functionally impaired in the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α compared with intact C57BL/6 mice. Virus-specific CD8+ T cells were also reduced in number in CD4-depleted mice and in B6 mice lacking major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression (B6-MHC-II−/−) compared to wild-type (WT) mice. In addition, our data showed higher virus burdens in the infectious tissues obtained from mice lacking CD4+ T cells than in those from intact mice. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that CD4+-T-cell help is essential for the generation of primary CD8+-T-cell responses following acute cutaneous infection with HSV-1.  相似文献   

4-1BB (CD137), a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF), is primarily expressed on activated T cells and is known to enhance proliferation of T cells, prevent activation-induced cell death, and promote memory formation of CD8+ T cells. In particular, it is well acknowledged that 4-1BB triggering preferentially enhances the expansion of CD8+ T cells rather than CD4+ T cells, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we found that 4-1BB triggering markedly increased IL-2Rα (CD25) and IL-2 expressions of CD8+ T cells but minimally for CD4+ T cells. Proliferation of CD8+ T cells was moderately enhanced by direct 4-1BB triggering in the absence of signaling through IL-2Rα/IL-2 interactions, but further promoted in the presence of IL-2Rα/IL-2 interactions. Among the TNFRSF members including OX40, GITR, CD30, and CD27, 4-1BB was superior in the ability to induce IL-2Rα expression on CD8+ T cells. When the primary and secondary expansions of CD8+ T cells in vivo were examined by adoptively transferring OVA-specific CD8+ T cells along with the treatment with agonistic anti-4-1BB and/or antagonistic anti-CD25 F(ab’)2 mAb, 4-1BB triggering enhanced both primary and secondary expansion of CD8+ T cells in vivo, and the 4-1BB effects were moderately suppressed in primary expansion while completely abolished in secondary expansion of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells by blocking IL-2Rα. These results suggest that 4-1BB-mediated increases of IL-2Rα and IL-2 prolong the effects of transient TCR- and 4-1BB-mediated signaling in CD8+ T cells, and that 4-1BB triggering preferentially enhances the expansion of CD8+ T cells through the amplification of autocrine IL-2/IL-2R signaling loop.  相似文献   

Since 4-1BB plays a predominant role in CD8+ T cell responses, we investigated the effects of 4-1BB triggering on the primary and memory CD8+ T responses to HSV-1 infection. 4-1BB was detected on 10-15% of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells following the infection. 4-1BB-positive T cells were in the proliferative mode and showed the enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Agonistic anti-4-1BB treatment exerted preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells and gB/H-2Kb-positive CD8+ T cells, and enhanced cytotoxicity against HSV-1 that was mainly mediated by CD11c+CD8+ T cells. CD11c+CD8+ T cells were re-expanded following re-challenge with HSV-1 at post-infection day 50, indicating that CD11c+CD8+ phenotype was maintained in memory CD8+ T cell pool. Our studies demonstrated that 4-1BB stimulation enhanced both primary and memory anti-HSV-1 CD8+ T cell responses, which was mediated by a massive expansion of antigen-specific CD11c+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The association between the host immune environment and the size of the HIV reservoir during effective antiretroviral therapy is not clear. Progress has also been limited by the lack of a well-accepted assay for quantifying HIV during therapy. We examined the association between multiple measurements of HIV and T cell activation (as defined by markers including CD38, HLA-DR, CCR5 and PD-1) in 30 antiretroviral-treated HIV-infected adults. We found a consistent association between the frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing HLA-DR and the frequency of resting CD4+ T cells containing HIV DNA. This study highlights the need to further examine this relationship and to better characterize the biology of markers commonly used in HIV studies. These results may also have implications for reactivation strategies.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of 4-1BB, a member of the TNFR family, increased tyrosine phosphorylation of TCR-signaling molecules such as CD3epsilon, CD3zeta, Lck, the linker for activation of T cells, and SH2 domain-containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kDa (SLP-76). In addition, incubation of activated CD8+ T cells with p815 cells expressing 4-1BBL led to redistribution of the lipid raft domains and Lck, protein kinase C-theta;, SLP-76, and phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1) on the T cell membranes to the areas of contact with the p815 cells and recruitment of 4-1BB, TNFR-associated factor 2, and phospho-tyrosine proteins to the raft domains. 4-1BB ligation also caused translocation of TNFR-associated factor 2, protein kinase C-theta;, PLC-gamma1, and SLP-76 to detergent-insoluble compartments in the CD8+ T cells, and cross-linking of 4-1BB increased intracellular Ca2+ levels apparently by activating PLC-gamma1. The redistribution of lipid rafts and Lck, as well as translocation of PLC-gamma1, and degradation of IkappaB-alpha in response to 4-1BB were inhibited by disrupting the formation of lipid rafts with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. These findings demonstrate that 4-1BB is a T cell costimulatory receptor that activates TCR-signaling pathways in CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The thymus-derived CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells belong to a subset of regulatory T cells potentially capable of suppressing the proliferation of pathogenic effector T cells. Intriguingly, these suppressor cells are themselves anergic, proliferating poorly to mitogenic stimulation in culture. In this study, we find that the 4-1BB costimulator receptor, best known for promoting the proliferation and survival of CD8(+) T cells, also induces the proliferation of the CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells both in culture and in vivo. The proliferating CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells produce no detectable IL-2, suggesting that 4-1BB costimulation of these cells does not involve IL-2 production. The 4-1BB-expanded CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells are functional, as they remain suppressive to other T cells in coculture. These results support the notion that the peripheral expansion of the CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells is controlled in part by costimulation.  相似文献   

Immune dysregulation in HIV-1 infection is associated with increased expression of inhibitory molecules such as CTLA-4, TGF-β, and IL-10. In this study we examined one potential mechanism for regulating TGF-β and IL-10 expression by HIV-specific suppressor CD8+ T cells. No overlap between TGF-β, IL-10, and IFN-γ cytokine production by HIV-specific CD8+ T cells was observed. TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive cells were FOXP3 negative, CD25 negative, and displayed a heterogeneous surface expression of CD127. TGF-β and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cells did not express CTLA-4. Nevertheless, CTLA-4 blockade resulted in a significant decrease in HIV-specific TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cell responses, and a concomitant increase in HIV-specific IFN-γ positive CD8+ T cell responses. Depletion of CD4+ T cells abrogated the impact of CTLA-4 on HIV-specific TGF-β positive and IL-10 positive CD8+ T cells. Our study suggests that CTLA-4 Signaling on CD4+ T cells regulates the inhibitory functions of the HIV-specific suppressor CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

4-1BB, a T cell costimulatory receptor, prolongs CD8(+) T cell survival. In these studies, 4-1BB stimulation was shown to increase expression of the antiapoptotic genes bcl-x(L) and bfl-1 via 4-1BB-mediated NF-kappaB activation. This signaling pathway was specifically inhibited by PDTC and was different from the pathways that enhanced CD8(+) T cell proliferation. The results suggest a role for the antiapoptotic activities of Bcl-x(L) and Bfl-1 proteins in 4-1BB-mediated CD8(+) T cell survival in vivo.  相似文献   

Results from studies comparing the diversity and specificity of the TCR repertoires expressed by conventional (Tconv) and regulatory (Treg) CD4+ T cell have varied depending on the experimental system employed. We developed a new model in which T cells express a single fixed TCRα chain, randomly rearranged endogenous TCRβ chains, and a Foxp3-GFP reporter. We purified CD4+Foxp3- and CD4+Foxp3+ cells, then performed biased controlled multiplex PCR and high throughput sequencing of endogenous TCRβ chains. We identified >7,000 different TCRβ sequences in the periphery of 5 individual mice. On average, ~12% of TCR sequences were expressed by both conventional and regulatory populations within individual mice. The CD4+ T cells that expressed shared TCR sequences were present at higher frequencies compared to T cells expressing non-shared TCRs. Furthermore, nearly all (>90%) of the TCR sequences that were shared within mice were identical at the DNA sequence level, indicating that conventional and regulatory T cells that express shared TCRs are derived from common clones. Analysis of TCR repertoire overlap in the thymus reveals that a large proportion of Tconv and Treg sharing observed in the periphery is due to clonal expansion in the thymus. Together these data show that there are a limited number of TCR sequences shared between Tconv and Tregs. Also, Tconv and Tregs sharing identical TCRs are found at relatively high frequencies and are derived from common progenitors, of which a large portion are generated in the thymus.  相似文献   

Nam KO  Shin SM  Lee HW 《Cytokine》2006,33(2):87-94
4-1BB, one of co-stimulatory molecules, is a member of TNF receptor superfamily and expressed on T cells upon TCR ligation. We have shown that 4-1BB is a co-stimulatory molecule enhancing cell cycle progression and inhibiting activation-induced cell death of CD8+ T cells by enhancing TCR signaling pathways. Here, we first report that the cross-linking of 4-1BB increased the expression of IL-13 mRNA and protein, and its secretion apparently via calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase. Ligation of 4-1BB with p815-m-4-1BBL evoked intracellular Ca2+ level in CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells express IL-13 receptor alpha1 mRNA. Incubation with anti-IL-13 blocking mAb reduced proliferation of CD8+ T cells enhanced by 4-1BB, and the treatment of CD3/4-1BB-ligated CD8+ T cells with recombinant IL-13 enhances cell proliferation, indicating that 4-1BB-induced IL-13 expression is partially responsible for the CD8+ T cell expansion in an autocrine or paracrine manner.  相似文献   

Enhanced CD4 T cell responsiveness in the absence of 4-1BB   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The 4-1BB (CD137) is a member of the TNFR superfamily, and is expressed on several cell types, including activated T cells. Although 4-1BB ligation by agonistic Ab or 4-1BB ligand-expressing APCs can costimulate T cells, the physiological significance of 4-1BB expression in vivo during T cell responses is still being elucidated. In this study, we have addressed the impact on CD4 T cell priming when 4-1BB is absent after gene targeting. Surprisingly, 4-1BB(-/-) mice generated more enhanced effector CD4 T cell responses to OVA protein in adjuvant, even though Ab responses in 4-1BB(-/-) mice were normal. Using an adoptive transfer system with OT-II TCR transgenic CD4 T cells, we found that 4-1BB(-/-) CD4 cells responding in a 4-1BB-sufficient environment had enhanced cell division compared with wild-type cells and displayed augmented clonal expansion during the primary response. This was not due to a developmental defect as 4-1BB-deficient CD4 cells could respond normally to Ag in vitro. These results demonstrate that the absence of 4-1BB can make CD4 T cells hyperresponsive to protein Ag in vivo, suggesting a new unappreciated negative regulatory role of 4-1BB when expressed on a T cell.  相似文献   

Mice lacking CD137L (4-1BBL) show normal primary expansion and contraction of the CD8+ T cell response to influenza virus, but exhibit a defect in Ag-specific CD8+ T cell numbers at 3-6 wk postinfection. Previous results showed that the decrease in CD8+ T cell numbers in this model is not due to a programming defect during primary expansion. Thus, it appears that 4-1BB/4-1BBL interactions control the number of surviving CD8+ effector memory cells, late in the primary response. In this report, we asked how 4-1BB on T cells could play a role after Ag has apparently been cleared from the host. We show that IL-15, a cytokine involved in regulation of CD8+ memory T cell survival, induces the expression of 4-1BB on CD8+CD44(high) memory phenotype T cells, but not on CD4+ T cells. The Ag-independent induction of 4-1BB by IL-15 was dependent on MAPK p38 and ERK activation. Transfer of in vitro-generated OT-I CD8+ memory T cells into unimmunized wild-type or 4-1BBL-deficient hosts revealed a 2- to 3-fold survival advantage when 4-1BBL was present, recapitulating the effect seen in the endogenous response to influenza in mice. Decreases in the overall number of memory CD8+ T cells were also observed in the bone marrow of unmanipulated 4-1BBL-deficient mice. These data suggest a model whereby 4-1BB expression on memory CD8+ T cells, perhaps due to encounter with IL-15 in the bone marrow, allows 4-1BB/4-1BBL interactions to maintain memory CD8 T cell survival in the absence of Ag.  相似文献   

Studies of costimulatory receptors belonging to the TNFR family have revealed their diverse roles in affecting different stages of the T cell response. The 4-1BB ligand (4-1BBL)/4-1BB pathway has emerged as a receptor-ligand pair that impacts not the initial priming, but later phases of the T cell response, such as sustaining clonal expansion and survival, maintaining memory CD8(+) T cells, and supporting secondary expansion upon Ag challenge. Although the role of this costimulatory pathway in CD8(+) T cell responses to acute viral infections has been well-studied, its role in controlling chronic viral infections in vivo is not known to date. Using the murine gammaherpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) model, we show that 4-1BBL-deficient mice lack control of MHV-68 during latency and show significantly increased latent viral loads. In contrast to acute influenza infection, the numbers of MHV-68-specific memory CD8(+) T cells were maintained during latency. However, the virus-specific CD8(+) T cells showed defects in function, including decreased cytolytic function and impaired secondary expansion. Thus, 4-1BBL deficiency significantly affects the function, but not the number, of virus-specific CD8(+) T cells during gammaherpesvirus latency, and its absence results in an increased viral burden. Our study suggests that the 4-1BB costimulatory pathway plays an important role in controlling chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

Cutting edge: 4-1BB is a bona fide CD8 T cell survival signal   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
After recognition of Ag/MHC and ligation of a costimulatory molecule, resting T cells will clonally expand and then delete to very low levels. Previously, it was shown that deletion can be prevented by coinjection of cytokines or proinflammatory agents such as adjuvants. Here, we demonstrate that ligation of 4-1BB blocks deletion of superantigen-activated T cells in the absence of adjuvant or additional cytokine treatment. Nearly 10 times as many staphylococcal enterotoxin A-specific T cells were detected in the spleens of mice injected 21 days previously with staphylococcal enterotoxin A and an agonist anti-4-1BB Ab compared with mice given staphylococcal enterotoxin A and a control IgG. Even though both CD4- and CD8-activated T cells expressed 4-1BB, a higher proportion of CD8 T cells were rescued compared CD4 T cells. These data suggest that although 4-1BB provides costimulation, it may also promote long-term T cell survival.  相似文献   

The functional capabilities of human peripheral blood CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones were examined. The clones were generated by culturing purified populations of CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cells at limiting dilution (0.3 cell/well) in the presence of PHA, rIL-2, and irradiated PBMC as feeders. Twelve CD3+CD4-CD8- and 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were generated. Clonality was documented by analyzing TCR gamma- and beta-chain rearrangement patterns. All CD3+CD4-CD8- clones were stained by the TCR-delta 1 mAb that identifies a framework epitope of the TCR delta-chain, but not by mAb WT31 that identifies the TCR-alpha beta on mature T cells. In contrast, the CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were all stained by WT31 and not by TCR-delta 1. All 17 clones were screened for various functional activities. Each secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/TNF-like factors when stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1), albeit in varying quantities. These clones secreted far less IL-2 and IFN-gamma than CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta expressing clones, but comparable amounts of lymphotoxin/TNF. All clones also functioned as MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic cells. This activity was comparable to that mediated by the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. Nine of 12 CD3+CD4-CD8- and 4 of 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were able to support B cell differentiation when activated by immobilized anti-CD3, but usually not as effectively as the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. The differences in the functional capabilities of the various clones could not be accounted for by alterations in the signaling capacity of the CD3 molecular complex as mAb to CD3 induced comparable increases in intracellular free calcium in each clone examined. When clones were stimulated with PWM, each suppressed B cell differentiation supported by mitomycin C-treated fresh CD4+ T lymphocytes. Suppression was dependent on the number of clone cells added to culture, but could be observed with as few as 12,500 cells per microtiter well. Phenotypic analysis of the clones revealed that all expressed CD29, CD11b, and the NKH1 surface Ag. These results demonstrate that the CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones exhibit many of the functional characteristics of mature T cells, although they produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma and provide help for B cell differentiation less effectively than CD3+CD4+CD8- and CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta T cell clones.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer is an immune reactive malignancy with a complex immune suppressive network that blunts successful immune eradication. This suppressive microenvironment may be mediated by recruitment or induction of CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs). Our study sought to investigate the association of tumor-infiltrating CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs, and other immune factors, with clinical outcome in serous ovarian cancer patients. We performed immunofluorescence and quantification of intraepithelial tumor-infiltrating triple positive Tregs (CD4+CD25+FOXP3+), as well as CD4+CD25+FOXP3-, CD3+ and CD8+ T cells in tumor specimens from 52 patients with high stage serous ovarian carcinoma. Thirty-one of the patients had good survival (i.e. > 60 months) and 21 had poor survival of < 18 months. Total cell counts as well as cell ratios were compared among these two outcome groups. The total numbers of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs, CD4+CD25+FOXP3-, CD3+ and CD8+ cells were not significantly different between the groups. However, higher ratios of CD8+/CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg, CD8+/CD4+ and CD8/CD4+CD25+FOXP3- cells were seen in the good outcome group when compared to the patients with poor outcome. These data show for the first time that the ratios of CD8+ to both CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs and CD4+CD25+FOXP3- T cells are associated with disease outcome in ovarian cancer. The association being apparent in ratios rather than absolute count of T cells suggests that the effector/suppressor ratio may be a more important indicator of outcome than individual cell count. Thus, immunotherapy strategies that modify the ratio of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs or CD4+CD25+FOXP3- T cells to CD8+ effector cells may be useful in improving outcomes in ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

It is clear that dendritic cells (DCs) are essential for priming of T cell responses against tumors. However, the distinct roles DC subsets play in regulation of T cell responses in vivo are largely undefined. In this study, we investigated the capacity of OVA-presenting CD4-8-, CD4+8-, or CD4-8+ DCs (OVA-pulsed DC (DC(OVA))) in stimulation of OVA-specific T cell responses. Our data show that each DC subset stimulated proliferation of allogeneic and autologous OVA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vitro, but that the CD4-8- DCs did so only weakly. Both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DC(OVA) induced strong tumor-specific CD4+ Th1 responses and fully protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity, whereas CD4-8- DC(OVA), which were less mature and secreted substantial TGF-beta upon coculture with TCR-transgenic OT II CD4+ T cells, induced the development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ T regulatory 1 (Tr1) cells. Transfer of these Tr1 cells, but not T cells from cocultures of CD4-8- DC(OVA) and IL-10-/- OT II CD4+ T cells, into CD4-8+ DC(OVA)-immunized animals abrogated otherwise inevitable development of antitumor immunity. Taken together, CD4-8- DCs stimulate development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ Tr1 cells that mediated immune suppression, whereas both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DCs effectively primed animals for protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ HSV-specific CTL, we compared the characteristics of CTL generated by different methods of in vitro HSV stimulation by treatment of effectors with anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 mAb and C after the elimination of nonspecific cytotoxic effector cells. Cell-free HSV mainly activated CD4+ CTL precursors, whereas HSV-infected fibroblasts were more effective in activating CD8+ CTL precursors than CD4+ CTL precursors. In addition, limiting dilution analyses with enriched T cells from two HSV-seropositive donors revealed that the frequency of HSV-specific CD4+ CTL precursors responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/4,000 to 6,000 CD4+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/19,000 to 22,000 CD4+ T cells. Conversely, the frequency of CD8+ CTL precursors in peripheral blood responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/28,000 to 30,000 CD8+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/10,000 to 11,000 CD8+ T cells. The present data suggest that generalized viral infection due to cell-free viruses is fought mainly by CD4+ CTL, which have previously been reported to possess both cytotoxicity and helper function, and that localized viral infection on HLA class II-negative fibroblasts is prevented from spreading to adjacent cells mainly by CD8+ CTL. Such differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ CTL seems probable when considering the protective mechanisms against viral infection.  相似文献   

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