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Samples from chickens and pork sausages were examined for the presence of Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli by using DNA probes for the Vero cytotoxin genes. Hybridization was detected in 25% of the 184 sausage samples, but none of the chickens was positive. No E. coli O157:H7 strains were isolated, and serotyping showed that the Vero cytotoxin-producing E. coli strains belonged to eight different O serogroups and that six strains had an unidentifiable O antigen.  相似文献   

In a survey of wild birds (mainly gulls), 0.9% of the bacterial isolates from faecal samples at an urban landfill site and 2.9% of bacterial isolates from faecal samples on intertidal sediments in Morecambe Bay were Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157. Isolation procedures employing commonly used cultural methods were hindered by the selection of a large number of false positives. The only procedure which resulted in the isolation of E. coli O157 from bird faecal samples was: enrichment (18 h) in a selective tryptone soya broth followed by filtration using hydrophobic grid membranes and growth on Chromagar O157. The majority of isolates selected as potential E. coli O157 by characteristic growth on Chromagar O157 could be eliminated by subsequent growth on CT-SMAC or CR-SMAC. This second identification (characterization) stage reduced the number of potential E. coli O157 requiring further confirmation by typing methods (serotype and Vero cytotoxin) by more than 70%.  相似文献   

Specific DNA probes were used to identify Shiga-like toxin I (SLT I)- and SLT II-producing Escherichia coli in vegetables, meats, cattle, and farm animals in Thailand. SLT-producing E. coli was isolated from 9% of market beef specimens, from 8 to 28% of fresh beef specimens at slaughterhouses, and from 11 to 84% of fecal specimens from cattle. Animals were frequently infected with several different SLT-producing E. coli types that hybridized with either the SLT I, SLT II, or both SLT probes. Of 119 SLT-producing E. coli isolates, 24% hybridized with the SLT I probe, 31% hybridized with the SLT II probe, and 44% hybridized with both SLT probes. The enterohemorrhagic E. coli plasmid probe hybridized with 64% (68 of 106) of SLT-producing E. coli isolates from food and cattle and with 8% (17 of 201) of E. coli isolates from pigs. No SLT-producing E. coli was detected in pigs. Seventy-six percent (26 of 34) of E. coli isolates that hybridized with the SLT II probe were cytotoxic to Vero but not to HeLa cells, suggesting that they produced the variant of SLT II. The high prevalence of SLT-producing E. coli in beef-producing animals suggests that exposure to animals and eating beef may pose a health risk for acquiring enterohemorrhagic E. coli infections in Thailand.  相似文献   

Vero cytotoxin (VT)-producing Escherichia coli O157 (0157 VTEC) were isolated from a raw beefburger obtained from a retail source linked to a small community outbreak of 0157 VTEC infection in Wales. Strains from the meat and from seven of eight patients belonged to phage type 49 and were indistinguishable by their VT-type, plasmid content and hybridization with DNA of a VT-encoding phage from an 0157 VTEC strain. This first report of the isolation of 0157 VTEC from a beef product in Britain supports the view that there is a bovine reservoir for this organism.  相似文献   

Ten different bacteriophages were isolated from untreated city sewage water. These phages were stable at 57 degrees C for 40 min. A modified agar layer technique was used to obtain high titre phages. Ninety-four of a stock of 101 cultures of Escherichia coli, which were isolated from inflamed portions of intestines of chickens, were lysed by one or more of these phages. The E. coli of a known serological grouping were phage typed.  相似文献   

Summary The short (0-20S) Okazaki fragments seen upon pulse-labeling E. coli (thy +, deo +) with 3H-thymidine are actually composed of three types of DNA fragments: (1) true replication intermediates, (2) post-replication repair fragments (such as those which arise subsequent to the removal of misincorporated uracil), and (3) chromosomal fragments. Our experiments show that the number of pulse-labeled fragments decreases slightly with the introduction of the ung-1 mutation into E. coli K-12 (dut +, thyl +, polA +), and that there are fewer fragments found in E. coli B/r than in E. coli K-12 ung-1. This suggests that while some fraction of pulse-labeled fragments may be due to repair, this fraction can vary among different strains; moreover, the majority of fragments appear to be replication intermediates. Selfhybridization (reannealing) of pulse-labeled fragments from E. coli B/r show that these fragments are asymmetric with respect to the strand origin and with respect to their size: the smaller (3-8S) fragments come from only one of the parental strands, whereas the larger (13-20S) fragments are synthesized equally from both parental strands. We interpret our results to mean that replication can be discontinuous on both strands but asymmetric with respect to both the size of the fragments and the size of the discontinuous region on the two strands.  相似文献   

Specific DNA probes were used to identify Shiga-like toxin I (SLT I)- and SLT II-producing Escherichia coli in vegetables, meats, cattle, and farm animals in Thailand. SLT-producing E. coli was isolated from 9% of market beef specimens, from 8 to 28% of fresh beef specimens at slaughterhouses, and from 11 to 84% of fecal specimens from cattle. Animals were frequently infected with several different SLT-producing E. coli types that hybridized with either the SLT I, SLT II, or both SLT probes. Of 119 SLT-producing E. coli isolates, 24% hybridized with the SLT I probe, 31% hybridized with the SLT II probe, and 44% hybridized with both SLT probes. The enterohemorrhagic E. coli plasmid probe hybridized with 64% (68 of 106) of SLT-producing E. coli isolates from food and cattle and with 8% (17 of 201) of E. coli isolates from pigs. No SLT-producing E. coli was detected in pigs. Seventy-six percent (26 of 34) of E. coli isolates that hybridized with the SLT II probe were cytotoxic to Vero but not to HeLa cells, suggesting that they produced the variant of SLT II. The high prevalence of SLT-producing E. coli in beef-producing animals suggests that exposure to animals and eating beef may pose a health risk for acquiring enterohemorrhagic E. coli infections in Thailand.  相似文献   

Sequences encoding the production of a cytotoxin (VT) active on Vero cells were cloned in Escherichia coli K12 from a VT-determining phage that originated in E. coli strain H19 of serotype O26.H11. Subcloning resulted in the identification of a 2.5 kb fragment that still coded for VT production. Mutagenesis with transposon Tn1000 was used to map VT sequences and a 0.75 kb probe was developed. In colony hybridization tests with strains isolated from patients with haemolytic uraemic syndrome or diarrhoea, this probe derived from the H19 VT genes detected only some of the VT+ strains belonging to serogroup 0157. A VT+ strain, E32511, serotype 0157.H-, which was negative in colony hybridization was the source of another VT-determining phage from which VT sequences were cloned. Southern hybridization of the VT genes from E32511 with the H19 probe was negative under stringent conditions but there was weak homology under conditions of low stringency. These results indicate that there are differences in the VT genes of pathogenic E. coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ClpB is a molecular chaperone that belongs to the Clp/Hsp100 family of AAA+ proteins. ClpB is able to form a hexameric ring structure to catalyze protein disaggregation with the assistance of the DnaK chaperone system. Our knowledge of the mechanism of how ClpB recognizes its substrates is still limited. In this study, we have quantitatively investigated ClpB binding to a number of unstructured polypeptides using steady‐state anisotropy titrations. To precisely determine the binding affinity for the interaction between ClpB hexamers and polypeptide substrates the titration data were subjected to global non‐linear least squares analysis incorporating the dynamic equilibrium of ClpB assembly. Our results show that ClpB hexamers bind tightly to unstructured polypeptides with binding affinities in the range of ~3–16 nM. ClpB exhibits a modest preference of binding to Peptide B1 with a binding affinity of (1.7 ± 0.2) nM. Interestingly, we found that ClpB binds to an unstructured polypeptide substrate of 40 and 50 amino acids containing the SsrA sequence at the C‐terminus with an affinity of (12 ± 3) nM and (4 ± 2) nM, respectively. Whereas, ClpB binds the 11‐amino acid SsrA sequence with an affinity of (140 ± 20) nM, which is significantly weaker than other polypeptide substrates that we tested here. We hypothesize that ClpB, like ClpA, requires substrates with a minimum length for optimal binding. Finally, we present evidence showing that multiple ClpB hexamers are involved in binding to polypeptides ≥152 amino acids. Proteins 2015; 83:117–134. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



The principal aim of this study was to evaluate dissociative anaesthesia for castration of colts during field conditions. Three dissociative anaesthetic protocols were evaluated during castration of colts in an animal hospital. The protocol considered to be the most suitable was thereafter evaluated during castration of colts under field conditions. Respiratory and haemodynamic parameters and the response to surgery were determined during anaesthesia. All horses breathed air spontaneously during anaesthesia. Under hospital conditions 26 colts were randomised to receive one of three anaesthetic protocols: Romifidine and tiletamine-zolazepam (RZ); acepromazine, romifidine and tiletamine-zolazepam (ARZ); or acepromazine, romifidine, butorphanol and tiletamine-zolazepam (ARBZ). The surgeon was blinded to the anaesthetic protocol used and decided whether supplemental anaesthesia was needed to complete surgery. Under field conditions 31 colts were castrated during anaesthesia with the ARBZ protocol. All inductions, anaesthesia and recoveries were calm and without excitation under both hospital and field conditions. Surgery was performed within 5–20 minutes after the horses had assumed lateral recumbency during both hospital and field castrations. Under hospital conditions some horses needed supplemental anaesthesia with all three anaesthetic protocols to complete surgery. Interestingly, none of the horses castrated with protocol ARBZ under field conditions needed additional anaesthesia. Cardiorespiratory changes were within acceptable limits in these clinically healthy colts.  相似文献   

Summary The incidence of enteropathogenicEscherichia coli was higher (33 to 50%) in uncooked chicken sausages than in pork sausages (10 to 43%). The toxigenic isolates in general were of O5 and O89 sero types ofE. coli. The amount of toxin produced varied in raw and boiled sausages as tested by ileal loop and rabbit skin permeability tests. The toxin production was invariably higher at 28°C or 37°C in raw and boiled sausages than at 45°C.
Resumen La incidencia de cepas enteropatógenas deEscherichia coli fue mayor (33 a 50%) en salsichas de pollo crudas que salsichas de cerdo. Los aislados toxinogénicos pertenecían en su mayoría a los serotipos O5 y O89 deE. coli. La variación en la cantidad de toxina producida entre salsichas crudas y hervidas se midió mediante pruebas de permeabilidad en asa ileal y piel de conejo. La producción de toxinas, tanto en salsichas crudas como hervidas, era mayor a 28°C o a 37°C que a 45°C.

Résumé L'incidence de souches entéropathogènes d'Escherichia coli était plus élevée (33 à 50%) dans les saucisses de poulet cru que dans les saucisses de porc cru (10 à 43%). Les souches toxigènes d'E. coli isolées étaient en général de type sérologique O5 ou O89. Les tests du loop iléal et de la perméabilité de la peau de lapin ont démontré que la quantité de toxine produite variait dans les saucisses crues et bouillies. La production de toxine était invariablement plus élevée à 28 ou à 37°C qu'à 45°C tant dans les saucisses crues que dans les saucisses bouillies.

A genotypic comparison using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), amplified ribosomal restriction analysis (ARDRA) as well as PCRs targeting virulence associated genes reported elsewhere in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli(APEC) was made between E. coli strains isolated from chickens with colibacillosis and those from the feces of apparently healthy chickens in Japan. The majority (67%) of clinical isolates belonged to a certain phylogenetic ARDRA but not PFGE cluster, with virulence-related genes carried by ColV plasmid being markedly prevalent. The result suggests that APEC strains originated from the same "ancestor" in the course of E. coli evolution.  相似文献   

The ability of Escherichia coli to grow on a series of acetylated and glycosylated compounds has been investigated. It is surmised that E. coli maintains low levels of nonspecific esterase activity. This observation may have ramifications for previous reports that relied on nonspecific esterases from E. coli to genetically encode nonnatural amino acids. It had been reported that nonspecific esterases from E. coli deacetylate tri-acetyl O-linked glycosylated serine and threonine in vivo. The glycosylated amino acids were reported to have been genetically encoded into proteins in response to the amber stop codon. However, it is our contention that such amino acids are not utilized in this manner within E. coli. The current results report in vitro analysis of the original enzyme and an in vivo analysis of a glycosylated amino acid. It is concluded that the amber suppression method with nonnatural amino acids may require a caveat for use in certain instances.The central question addressed in this paper is whether the glycosylated amino acids GlcNAc-Ser and GalNAc-Thr have been genetically encoded into proteins in vivo (1, 2). The reports for the incorporation of these two amino acids are unique from all other reports (3) that have incorporated unnatural amino acids using the recoded UAG codon and Methanococcus jannaschii orthogonal pairs in that these two amino acids required further processing by the host organism before incorporation (see Fig. 1). Here we posit that the primary barrier to their incorporation would appear to be the fact that the host organism used in the original reports, Escherichia coli, maintains very low levels of nonspecific esterase activity. In fact, the original reports used citations from mammalian biology to substantiate the nonspecific esterase mechanism (see below).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Proposed product of an esterase with GlcNAc-Ser and other esterase substrates discussed in this study.E. coli is likely the most thoroughly studied microorganism. This is especially true in regard to carbohydrate and amino acid uptake and utilization (4). Therefore, it should not be surprising that it has long been known that esterified carbon sources are not metabolized by E. coli in standard assays used to probe for microorganism lipase and esterase activity (5). Such results and our current analysis underscore the limitations of the reports that triacetyl O-linked glycosylated amino acids (GlcNAc-Ser and GalNAc-Thr) were deacetylated in E. coli by endogenous “nonspecific” esterases. The deacetylated amino acids were then believed to have been genetically encoded into full-length proteins in vivo (1, 2).In these previous studies the glycosylated amino acids were provided to the growth media as their tetraacetate analogs, and it was construed from the mass spectra and lectin binding assays that the ester groups of the saccharide had all been hydrolyzed. The notion that E. coli rapidly hydrolyzes a simple ester is not easily reconciled with what is commonly observed when the ester functional group is introduced into cultures of E. coli. For example, we were prompted by reports that claimed to have harvested β-hydroxy esters from E. coli (6). There was nothing in such a report to indicate that the E. coli strain used had undergone a drastic genetic modification beyond the introduction of one enzyme derived from yeast. The enzyme from yeast was expressed in E. coli to asymmetrically reduce β-keto esters to the corresponding β-hydroxy esters. The reduction was accomplished in 87% yield and was performed in whole cells. It stands to reason that such a report having claimed to extract significant amounts of an esterified product would not be possible if E. coli maintained even moderate levels of nonspecific esterase activity. The fact that E. coli maintains low levels of endogenous esterases and lipases has been quite pivotal for a number of studies that have used this organism as the host to express esterase genes in vivo (see below).Nonspecific esterase activity is common in eukaryotic organisms, for example, our ability to hydrolyze triacylglycerides to access an important energy source, but this stands in stark contrast to E. coli where it is possible to directly extract O-acetylated oligosaccharides (7) and other simple esters (6) in high yields. These reports are consistent with the observation that UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine accumulates in E. coli when genes from lipid biosynthesis are deleted (8). E. coli is also the preferred host for evaluating esterase and lipase activity when screening genes from cultured and uncultured organisms (9, 10). Screening for lipase activity from various microorganisms is often performed on tributyrin agar plates (11). The results are typically the same as for triacetin, and it is repeatedly observed that E. coli does not naturally grow on triesters of glycerol (12, 13). These and many other similar esterase screens (14) would not have been feasible if E. coli produced even moderate levels of a lipase or nonspecific esterase.In the present article we use a combination of our current findings and a thorough review of the relevant literature to conclude that E. coli may not maintain sufficient levels of nonspecific esterase activity to permit the in vivo incorporation of the glycosylated amino acids by the mechanism reported (Fig. 1). Our conclusion is further supported by isothermal calorimetry measurements of Zhang et al. (1) original enzyme showing it retains considerable wild-type activity. We also show that the amino acid GlcNAc-Ser appears to be metabolized in E. coli.  相似文献   



Inguinal hernias are usually caused by a congenital defect, which occurs as a weakness of the inguinal canal. Porcine β-glucuronidase gene (GUSB) was chosen as functional candidate gene because of its involvement in degradation of hyaluronan within gubernacular tissue during descent of testes. Since a genome-wide linkage analysis approach has shown evidence that two regions on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC 3) are involved in the inheritance of hernia inguinalis/scrotalis in German pig breeds, GUSB also attained status as a positional candidate gene by its localization within a hernia-associated chromosomal region.


A contig spanning 17,157 bp, which contains the entire GUSB, was assembled. Comparative sequence analyses were conducted for the GUSB gene locus. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the coding region of GUSB were genotyped in 512 animals. Results of transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) for two out of a total of five detected SNPs gave no significant association with the outcome of hernia in pigs.


On the basis of our studies we are able to exclude the two analyzed SNPs within the porcine GUSB gene as causative for the transmission of inguinal hernia.  相似文献   

A total of 896 samples of retail fresh meats and poultry was assayed for Escherichia coli serogroup O157:H7 by a hydrophobic grid membrane filter-immunoblot procedure developed specifically to isolate the organism from foods. The procedure involves several steps, including selective enrichment, filtration of enrichment culture through hydrophobic grid membrane filters, incubation of each filter on nitrocellulose paper on selective agar, preparation of an immunoblot (by using antiserum to E. coli O157:H7 culture filtrate) of each nitrocellulose paper, selection from the filters of colonies which corresponded to immunopositive sites on blots, screening of isolates by a Biken test for precipitin lines from metabolites and antiserum to E. coli O157:H7 culture filtrate, and confirmation of isolates as Vero cell cytotoxic E. coli O157:H7 by biochemical, serological, and Vero cell cytotoxicity tests. E. coli O157:H7 was isolated from 6 (3.7%) of 164 beef, 4 (1.5%) of 264 pork, 4 (1.5%) of 263 poultry, and 4 (2.0%) of 205 lamb samples. One of 14 pork samples and 5 of 17 beef samples contaminated with the organism were from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, grocery stores, whereas all other contaminated samples were from Madison, Wis., retail outlets. This is the first report of the isolation of E. coli O157:H7 from food other than ground beef, and results indicate that the organism is not a rare contaminant of fresh meats and poultry.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty Vero cytotoxin-producing (VT+) strains of Escherichia coli 0157 (of H type 7 or non-motile) isolated in the UK, failed to ferment sorbitol after 24 h or to hydrolyse 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta- d -glucuronide (MUG). This combination of properties was not found in 167 of 169 other E. coli strains, including VT+strains of other serogroups and VT-strains of serogroup 0157. As the two exceptions were rare VT-strains of serotype 0157: H7, we conclude that, although biochemical tests can aid the isolation of VT+0157 strains, confirmation of VT production is necessary.  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare rhamnose MacConkey agar supplemented with cefixime and tellurite (CT-RMac) and tryptone bile X-glucuronide (TBX) agars as isolation media for Vero cytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) serogroup O26 from animal faeces.
Methods and Results:  Nine VTEC O26 were isolated from sheep faeces; out of which six were isolated only on CT-RMac and one was isolated only on TBX. One hundred and twelve VTEC O26 were isolated from calf faeces; out of which 97% were from CT-RMac and 52% were from TBX. In a study of E. coli O26 strains, 84% of VT-positive O26 did not ferment rhamnose when compared with 16% of VT-negative O26. VT-positive (19%) and VT-negative (39%) E. coli O26 strains did not grow on CT-RMac agar.
Conclusions:  It is important to consider that VTEC O26 strains either may ferment rhamnose or may be sensitive to the CT supplement of CT-RMac agar.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This work compares CT-RMac and TBX agars as isolation medium for VTEC O26 from Scottish animal faeces and highlights that VTEC O26 may be missed if only CT-RMac agar is used.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive faecal specimens received by the LEP were examined for the presence of Vero cytotoxin (VT) genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) gene amplification. Nineteen were positive by PCR and from 16 of these, VT positive Escherichia coli O157 were isolated. The remaining three samples were positive for VT genes by PCR but VTEC were not isolated. In a preliminary experiment, Shigella dysenteriae type 1 was isolated from a case of bloody diarrhoea following a positive amplification result.  相似文献   

Almond samples were examined for Escherichia coli by the EC method employing two sample preparation procedures: direct inoculation and washing. The washing procedure was conducted under specified conditions with an eluent containing surfactant; results averaged only 60% of the incidence shown by the direct inoculation procedure.  相似文献   

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