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Protein-based polymers are increasingly being used in biomaterial applications because of their ease of customization and potential monodispersity. These advantages make protein polymers excellent candidates for bioanalytical applications. Here we describe improved methods for producing drag-tags for free-solution conjugate electrophoresis (FSCE). FSCE utilizes a pure, monodisperse recombinant protein, tethered end-on to a ssDNA molecule, to enable DNA size separation in aqueous buffer. FSCE also provides a highly sensitive method to evaluate the polydispersity of a protein drag-tag and thus its suitability for bioanalytical uses. This method is able to detect slight differences in drag-tag charge or mass. We have devised an improved cloning, expression, and purification strategy that enables us to generate, for the first time, a truly monodisperse 20 kDa protein polymer and a nearly monodisperse 38 kDa protein. These newly produced proteins can be used as drag-tags to enable longer read DNA sequencing by free-solution microchannel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Original calculations of over a million theoretical plate efficiency for macromolecular solutes in the open tubular high-performance capillary electrophoresis experiment considered axial diffusion to be the efficiency limiting factor. In practice, interactions of biopolymers, such as proteins, with the capillary wall has had a significant impact on readily achieving high efficiencies for a wide variety of proteins. This paper reports a capillary system in which protein-surface interactions have been minimized, resulting in high efficiencies (greater than or equal to 300,000 theoretical plates). This system allows the analysis of a set of protein standards over a wide pI range at neutral pH and moderate ionic strength. The characterization of the behavior of those protein standards in this capillary system is described.  相似文献   

1. In the absence of added ADP glutamine is transformed by pig kidney mitochondria to ammonium glutamate, which appears in the external medium. This reaction is stimulated only slightly by the addition of ADP, but under these conditions about 20% of the glutamate is oxidized to aspartate. 2. Externally added glutamate is oxidized to aspartate, and at about the same rate as glutamine. 3. The net rates of glutamine and glutamate influx into the intramitochondrial compartment are very slow. 4. The phosphate-dependent glutaminase activity of intact mitochondria is stimulated by the provision of energy. 5. The provision of energy also decreases the concentration of glutamate and increases the concentration of glutamine in the intramitochondrial compartment. These energy-linked changes in the glutamine and glutamate concentrations are of equal magnitude. 6. It is suggested that transport of glutamine and glutamate across the inner membrane of kidney mitochondria occurs by an obligatory exchange between the two metabolites, and is electrogenic. The existence of an electrogenic glutamine-glutamate anti-porter is proposed.  相似文献   

The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) in a polymer network for single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) is investigated. SSCP is a method to detect DNA point mutations, essential in the diagnosis of several diseases. The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplified p53 gene, a tumour suppressor gene known to be frequently mutated in malignant cells, was subjected to CE analysis. Two single-strand DNA fragments of 372 bp in length differing in only one nucleotide could be separated. We conclude that SSCP using CE in a polymer network is a powerful method for the detection of point mutations in DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The velocity of long polymer molecules in a gel and the liquid flow profile in the vicinity of a molecule's surface were studied theoretically by combining the Navier-Stokes equation with the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The electrophoretic mobility has been calculated in dependence of the ionic strength of the electrolyte solution, its viscosity, the gels' volume friction coefficient, the surface charge and the radius of the polymer molecule. The results are presented in a non-dimensional form and depend on two dimensionless parameters only. The first parameter is the radius of the polymer molecule in units of the Debye length. The second is a parameter comprising the electrolyte's viscosity and the gel density. Thus, by similarity theory, the results apply to any given experimental arrangement. Received: 10 May 1999 / Revised version: 17 November 1999 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

Resilin has emerged as a promising new biomaterial possessing attractive properties for tissue engineering applications. To date, proteins with repeating resilin motifs have been expressed with molecular weights less than 30 kDa. This work describes the development of resilin-based proteins (repeating motif derived from Anopheles gambiae) 50 kDa in size. A modular cloning scheme was utilized and features a recursive cloning technique that can seamlessly and precisely tune the number of resilin repeats. Previously-established resilin expression protocols (based on the Studier auto-induction method) were employed to express the proteins in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS. Western blot and densitometry results demonstrated that only ~50% of expressed proteins were the desired molecular weight. This finding suggested that either protein truncation or degradation occurred during protein expression. Preventing leaky expression, lowering the culture temperature, and harvesting during exponential phase resulted in up to 94% of the expressed proteins having the desired molecular weight. These expression conditions differ from previously-published resilin expression methods and are recommended when expressing proteins with a larger number of repetitive resilin sequences.  相似文献   

During capillary electrophoresis of negatively charged polysaccharides in polymer solutions as sieving media, concentration fluctuations develop due to electrohydrodynamic instabilities caused by polarization of the polyelectrolytic chains. This leads to deviations from electroneutrality far beyond the Debye layer and segregation of the initially homogeneous sample solution into aggregated sample‐rich domains as verified by epifluorescence videomicroscopy imaging. As a result, anomalous and irregular peak profiles are obtained impeding the characterization of such complex sample mixtures. This effect appears at an electric field strength threshold value that depends on the molecular weight of the solute polymer molecules, pH, type and concentration of the polymer solution sieving media, and buffering conditions. The magnitude increases with increasing field strength and amount of sample injected. The aggregation onset, as evaluated by the value of the threshold potential, is affected by the charge density of the sample polymer molecules and Debye screening effects and investigated through variation of pH and ionic strength, respectively. Exchange of a simple base buffer component for small and multiply charged organic bases markedly increases the electric field strength necessary to trigger the electrohydrodynamic instabilities. Ultimately, the threshold value could be increased more than seven times by addition of an oppositely charged aminodextran polymer, thereby decreasing the analysis time. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 49: 515–524, 1999  相似文献   

An integrated platform consisting of monolithic immobilized pH gradient-based capillary isoelectric focusing (M-IPG CIEF) and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) coupled by a partially etched porous interface was established. Since carrier ampholytes (CAs) were immobilized on monolith in M-IPG CIEF to form a stable pH gradient, subsequent depletion of CAs at the interface to prevent the interference on CZE separation and detection were avoided. Moreover, a partially etched porous capillary column, which was facile for fabrication and durable for operation, was exploited as the interface to combine M-IPG CIEF and CZE. The RSD values in terms of the migration time for M-IPG CIEF separation, transfer protein from the first dimension to the second dimension, and CZE separation, were 2.4%, 3.9% and 2.3%, respectively. With a 6-protein mixture as the sample, two-dimensional capillary electrophoresis (2D-CE) separation was successfully completed within 116 min, yielding a peak capacity of ~200 even with minute sample amount down to 5.0 μg/mL. The limit of detection was 0.2 μg/mL. In addition, proteins extracted from milk were used to test the performance of such a 2D-CE separation platform. We expect that such a novel 2D-CE system would provide a promising tool for protein separation with high throughput and high peak capacity.  相似文献   

The feasibility of employing classical electrophoresis theory to determine the net charge (valence) of proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis is illustrated in this paper. An outline of a procedure to facilitate the interpretation of mobility measurements is demonstrated by its application to a published mobility measurement for Staphylococcal nuclease at pH 8.9 that had been obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis. The significantly higher valence of +7.5 (cf. 5.6 from the same series of measurements) that has been reported on the basis of a "charge ladder" approach for charge determination signifies the likelihood that the latter generic approach may be prone to error arising from nonconformity of the experimental system with an inherent assumption that chemical modification or mutation of amino acid residues has no effect on the overall three-dimensional size and shape of the protein.  相似文献   

Long and short repetitive sequences were purified from the DNA of Paracentrotus lividus under conditions designed to optimize the yield of complete, end to end sequences. Double-stranded long repeat DNA prepared in this manner ranged in length from approximately 3000 to 15 000 nucleotide pairs with average sizes of approximately 6000 base pairs. In the electron microscope, long repeat DNA was observed to possess continuous sequences that often appeared to be terminated by one or more loops and/or fold backs. Long repeat DNA sequences, resheared to 300 base pairs, were found to have an average melting point identical to that for sheared native DNA. Thus, the reassociated duplexes of long repetitive DNA seem to possess very few mismatched base pairs. Reassociation kinetic analyses indicate that the majority of the long repeat sequences are reiterated only 4--7 times per haploid amount of DNA. Melt-reassociation analyses of short repetitive DNA, at several criteria, support the previously held concept that these sequences belong the sets or families of sequences which are inexact copies of one another. Our studies also support hypotheses suggesting that short repetitive sequences belong to families which may have arisen via distinct salttatory events. The relationships between long and short repetitive DNA sequences are considered with respect to widely held concepts of their sequence organization, evolution, and possible functions within eucaryotic genomes. A model for the possible organization of short repeats within long repetitive DNA sequences is also presented.  相似文献   

We assessed the BioFocus 2000 capillary electrophoresis instrument for use in a routine clinical laboratory. We examined 210 serum samples received for serum protein electrophoresis by four methods: (1) The Bio-Rad HR015EC high-resolution serum protein kit on the BioFocus; (2) the Jenkins–Guerin (JG) method on the Applied Biosystems 270A HT Capillary Electrophoresis System (JG-ABI); (3) the Jenkins–Guerin method using the BioFocus (JG-BF); and (4) the quantitation of monoclonal bands found in 76 of the 210 samples was assayed by Helena Titan Hi-Res agarose gel electrophoresis (HRAGE). The correlation coefficient between the three sets of capillary electrophoresis monoclonal band results and the Helena quantitation was 0.92 or better. Although the quantitative comparison of monoclonal bands by HR015EC was very good, the lack of sharpness of monoclonal bands using the HR015EC kit meant our preference was to use the JG method on either the ABI or on the Biofocus.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoresis-based enzyme assay for UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase (MurA) is described. This method, based on UV detection, provides baseline separation of one of the reaction products, enolpyruvyluridine 5'-diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine (EP-UDP-GlcNAc), from substrates phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and uridine 5'-diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) within 4 min. The other product, phosphate, is not detectable by UV at 200 nm. Quantitation of individual components, substrates or product, can be accomplished based on the separated peaks. This methodology was used to determine the Michaelis constant, Km, and product formation rate constant, Kcat, for MurA. Additionally, the CE method was used to evaluate the inhibition effects on MurA using one specific compound as an example. By following similar procedures, the apparent Km values in the presence of different inhibitor concentrations were determined. The inhibition constant, Ki, can be determined from these apparent Km values. In addition, this CE method can be used to study the inhibition mechanism. The principle of this approach is generally applicable to other enzyme studies.  相似文献   

Electrospray mass spectrometry (ES/MS), capillary-zone electrophoresis (CZE), capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), and multianalyte resonant mirror are used to evaluate the heterogeneity of samples of ricin toxins extracted from five horticultural varieties of Ricinus communis seeds: R. communis zanzibariensis, carmencita, impala, sanguineus, and gibsonii. The investigation is also extended to the geographical provenance of the beans. Combining mass spectrometry, CE techniques, and resonant mirror results in a powerful analytical tool capable to characterize and differentiate between different varieties of ricin toxins. Each technique complements the others, adding another level of information. This study reveals a large extent of heterogeneity for each cultivar, demonstrating that ricin toxins consist of a series of glycosylated proteins most likely originating from a multigene family. By combining these techniques, it is possible to differentiate between zanzibariensis and the other four varieties, and that variations in the functional characteristics may be observed between the different cultivars. This study demonstrates that knowledge of the variety of R. communis beans used and their geographical provenance is essential before any type of investigation of ricin toxins is carried out. Consequently, any unusual behavior observed can only be attributed to that particular cultivar studied and not automatically extended to include all R. communis varieties.  相似文献   

Chitosan has been reported as a promising material for gene and drug delivery as well as for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. We report here the conjugation of a de novo designed coil peptide (Kcoil) to chitosan ( M(n) = 200 kDa) to achieve a universal Kcoil-chitosan scaffold for subsequent immobilization of proteins tagged with the Kcoil partner, i.e., the Ecoil peptide. Kcoil-chitosan conjugate was synthesized using a tyrosinase-catalyzed protocol. Extensive UV/vis and IR characterization demonstrated that Kcoil peptide was covalently grafted to amines of chitosan. The ability of Kcoil-chitosan conjugate to recruit Ecoil tagged epidermal growth factor (EGF) was assessed by surface plasmon resonance measurements (SPR). Despite nonspecific interactions between chitosan and EGF, the specific formation of an E/K coiled coil complex was observed at slightly acidic pH and high salt concentration conditions, demonstrating that grafting to chitosan did not negatively impact binding characteristics of Kcoil peptide. Finally, the benefits of such bioconjugates for biomedical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Previously isolated RanBPM, a Ran-binding protein in the microtubule-organizing center, which had been thought to play a role in Ran-stimulated microtubule assembly, turned out to be a truncated protein. To clarify the function of RanBPM, we cloned the full-sized RanBPM cDNA that encodes a 90 kDa protein, compared to the previously isolated cDNA that encoded a 55 kDa protein. The newly cloned 5' coding region contains a great number of cytidine and guanidine nucleotides, like the CpG island. Thus, full-sized RanBPM cDNA encodes a long stretch of proline and glutamine residues in the N-terminal region. It comprises a protein complex of more than 670 kDa. Ran was detected in this complex when RanBPM and Ran were both ectopically expressed. New antibodies to RanBPM were prepared against three different regions of RanBPM. All of them detected a 90 kDa protein that is predominantly localized both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasmic region surrounding the centrosome, but none of them stained the centrosome. In this context, our previous notion that RanBPM is a centrosomal protein should be discarded. RanBPM is well conserved in the animal kingdom. It may play an important role in uncovering Ran-dependent nuclear events.  相似文献   

Two different approaches are here reported for obtaining ultra-narrow pI cuts from 2-pH unit wide carrier ampholyte ranges, as commercially available, for use as quasi-isoelectric buffers in capillary electrophoresis separations of proteins. One of them uses multicompartment electrolyzers endowed with isoelectric membranes (Immobiline technology); the other employs the Rotofor equipment. Although the first approach results in more precise pI cuts, the latter technique is much faster, easier to handle and permits the immediate collection of 20 fractions in a single run. This results in ultra-narrow, ca. 0.1-pH unit intervals, uniformly spaced apart along the original wider gradient utilized for the fractionation. It is here shown that such quasi-isoelectric buffers, especially those in the pH 8-9 interval, have the unique property of coating the silica wall, thus preventing interaction of the proteins with the silica surface, that would otherwise totally disrupt the separation. On the contrary, such a shielding is not obtained in control, non isoelectric buffers (such as phosphate), that give very poor separations in uncoated capillaries. It is hypothesized that such a unique shielding effect is due to the oligo-amino backbone of the carrier ampholytes, typically composed (in the Vesterberg's synthetic approach) of 4-6 nitrogens spaced apart by ethylene moieties. Although such oligoprotic buffers should bear, in the isoelectric state, just one positive and one negative charge, they might be transiently ionized upon contact with the silanols, thus inducing a cooperative binding to the silica wall.  相似文献   

毛细管电泳已DNA片段分离分析的重要手段。本简述了毛细管电泳中采用无胶筛分介质分离DNA片段的机理研究,介绍了筛分介质近年的研究发展状况,依据分离介质的化学组成,分单聚物、共聚物和混聚物等3个部分进行了评述,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was applied to study quantitatively protein modification with succinimidyl succinate-activated monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG-SS). The heterogeneous distribution of modified proteins and the average modification degree were determined by CE, and the latter met with the results from 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) spectrometric assay. It was found that the optimal buffer pH for the modification was between pH 7.4 and 8.4, and the modification degree decreased when the modified sample was preserved in high pH solutions. The protein fractions attached with different number of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) were monitored along the process of protein modification. CE was proved to be efficient to evaluate quantitatively several factors of the protein modification, including the modifier/protein molar ratio, the stability of conjugates in different pH environments, and the time course of modification process.  相似文献   

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