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A number of groups have developed libraries of siRNAs to identify genes through functional genomics. While these studies have validated the approach of making functional RNAi libraries to understand fundamental cellular mechanisms, they require information and knowledge of existing sequences since the RNAi sequences are generated synthetically. An alternative strategy would be to create an RNAi library from cDNA. Unfortunately, the complexity of such a library of siRNAs would make screening difficult. To reduce the complexity, longer dsRNAs could be used; however, concerns of induction of the interferon response and off-target effects of long dsRNAs have prevented their use. As a first step in creating such libraries, long dsRNA was expressed in mammalian cells. The 250 nt dsRNAs were capable of efficiently silencing a luciferase reporter gene that was stably transfected in MDA-MB-231 cells without inducing the interferon response or off-target effects any more than reported for siRNAs. In addition, a long dsRNA expressed in the same cell line was capable of silencing endogenous c-met expression and inhibited cell migration, whereas the dsRNA against luciferase had no effect on c-met or cell migration. The studies suggest that large dsRNA libraries are feasible and that functional selection of genes will be possible.  相似文献   

R. Holliday  T. Ho 《Mutation research》1998,400(1-2):361-368
It is known that transformed mammalian cells can spontaneously inactivate genes at low frequency by the de novo methylation of promoter sequences. It is usually assumed that this is due to DNA methyl transferase activity, but an alternative possibiity is that 5-methyldCTP is present in these cells and can be directly incorporated into DNA. The ongoing repair of DNA containing 5-methylcytosine will produce 5-methyldeoxycytidine monophosphate (5-methyldCMP), so the question arises whether this can be phosphorylated to 5-methyldCTP. We have tested this using three strains of CHO cells with different levels of 5-methyldCMP deaminase activity. That with the lowest enzyme activity, designated HAM, has previously been shown to incorporate tritium labelled 5-methyldeoxycytidine into 5-methylcytosine in DNA, with a greater amount of label in thymine. This strain is phenotypically unstable producing cells resistant to bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and 6-thioguanine (6-TG) at high frequency. In contrast, the strain with the highest 5-methyldCMP deaminease, designated HAM+, is extremely stable, and the starting strain K1 HAMs1 is intermediate between the HAM and HAM+ phenotypes. We have also shown that human diploid fibroblast strain MRC-5 has a phenotype like HAM+, whereas its SV40 transformed derivative, MRC-5V2 resembles HAM in having low 5-methyl dCMP deaminase activity, and is phenotypically unstable with regard to 6-TG resistance. It seems that 5-methyldCMP deaminase can be down-regulated in transformed cells, and this can promote de novo methylation by incorporation of 5-methyldCTP derived from 5-methyldCMP.  相似文献   

Recombinant glycoproteins produced by mammalian cells represent an important category of therapeutic pharmaceuticals used in human health care. Of the numerous sugars moieties found in glycoproteins, the terminal sialic acid is considered particularly important. Sialic acid has been found to influence the solubility, thermal stability, resistance to protease attack, antigenicity, and specific activity of various glycoproteins. In mammalian cells, it is often desirable to maximize the final sialic acid content of a glycoprotein to ensure its quality and consistency as an effective pharmaceutical. In this study, CHO cells overexpressing recombinant human interferon gamma (hIFNγ) were treated using short interfering RNA (siRNA) and short‐hairpin RNA (shRNA) to reduce expression of two newly identified sialidase genes, Neu1 and Neu3. By knocking down expression of Neu3 we achieved a 98% reduction in sialidase function in CHO cells. The recombinant hIFNγ was examined for sialic acid content that was found to be increased 33% and 26% respectively with samples from cell stationary phase and death phase as compared to control. Here, we demonstrate an effective targeted gene silencing strategy to enhance protein sialylation using RNA interference (RNAi) technology. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 1094–1105. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Meganucleases are sequence-specific endonucleases which recognize large (>12 bp) target sites in living cells and can stimulate homologous gene targeting by a 1000-fold factor at the cleaved locus. We have recently described a combinatorial approach to redesign the I-CreI meganuclease DNA-binding interface, in order to target chosen sequences. However, engineering was limited to the protein regions shown to directly interact with DNA in a base-specific manner. Here, we take advantage of I-CreI natural degeneracy, and of additional refinement steps to extend the number of sequences that can be efficiently cleaved. We searched the sequence of the human XPC gene, involved in the disease Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), for potential targets, and chose three sequences that differed from the I-CreI cleavage site over their entire length, including the central four base-pairs, whose role in the DNA/protein recognition and cleavage steps remains very elusive. Two out of these targets could be cleaved by engineered I-CreI derivatives, and we could improve the activity of weak novel meganucleases, to eventually match the activity of the parental I-CreI scaffold. The novel proteins maintain a narrow cleavage pattern for cognate targets, showing that the extensive redesign of the I-CreI protein was not made at the expense of its specificity. Finally, we used a chromosomal reporter system in CHO-K1 cells to compare the gene targeting frequencies induced by natural and engineered meganucleases. Tailored I-CreI derivatives cleaving sequences from the XPC gene were found to induce high levels of gene targeting, similar to the I-CreI scaffold or the I-SceI "gold standard". This is the first time an engineered homing endonuclease has been used to modify a chromosomal locus.  相似文献   

Lentivirus-delivered stable gene silencing by RNAi in primary cells   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
Genome-wide genetic approaches have proven useful for examining pathways of biological significance in model organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogastor, and Caenorhabditis elegans, but similar techniques have proven difficult to apply to mammalian systems. Although manipulation of the murine genome has led to identification of genes and their function, this approach is laborious, expensive, and often leads to lethal phenotypes. RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionarily conserved process of gene silencing that has become a powerful tool for investigating gene function by reverse genetics. Here we describe the delivery of cassettes expressing hairpin RNA targeting green fluorescent protein (GFP) using Moloney leukemia virus-based and lentivirus-based retroviral vectors. Both transformed cell lines and primary dendritic cells, normally refractory to transfection-based gene transfer, demonstrated stable silencing of targeted genes, including the tumor suppressor gene TP53 in normal human fibroblasts. This report demonstrates that both Moloney leukemia virus and lentivirus vector-mediated expression of RNAi can achieve effective, stable gene silencing in diverse biological systems and will assist in elucidating gene functions in numerous cell types including primary cells.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous non-coding small RNAs, which negatively regulate gene expression in a sequence-specific manner through the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. Here we describe a new miRNA-based conditional RNAi expression system that relies on cellular stress-response mechanisms in mammalian cells. In our constructs, expression of miRNA mimics is tightly controlled by a heat shock-inducible promoter. This system is highly effective in silencing permanently or conditionally expressed luciferase. The stress inducible vectors also effectively deplete co-expressed pro-apoptotic protein CHOP with heat shock. Furthermore, we demonstrate cloning of a protein-coding sequence between the stress-inducible promoter and the miRNA expression cassette allows simultaneous silencing of a target gene and activation of synthesis of a protein of choice in response to stress stimulation. This new conditional gene silencing approach could be an invaluable tool for various areas of basic and applied research and for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are known to trigger mRNA degradation in the nucleus via an RNase H-dependent mechanism. We have now identified a putative cytoplasmic mechanism through which ASO gapmers silence their targets when transfected or delivered gymnotically (i.e. in the absence of any transfection reagent). We have shown that the ASO gapmers can interact with the Ago-2 PAZ domain and can localize into GW-182 mRNA-degradation bodies (GW-bodies). The degradation products of the targeted mRNA, however, are not generated by Ago-2-directed cleavage. The apparent identification of a cytoplasmic pathway complements the previously known nuclear activity of ASOs and concurrently suggests that nuclear localization is not an absolute requirement for gene silencing.  相似文献   

We report here data on the spontaneous resumption of proliferation in long-term primary cultures and we show that the proliferating areas are neoplastic. Normal rat hepatocytes were explanted in serum-supplemented Ham F12 medium and maintained over 8 months without transfer. The cells remained quiescent for the first 10 weeks and they were not tumorigenic when injected into nude mice. Later, without any modification of the culture conditions or transfer, progressive changes spontaneously occurred. Foci of dividing cells were detected, some displaying y-glutamyl-transpep-tidase ( γ -GT) activity and F-actin fragmentation. These proliferating foci overcame the quiescent population. When injected into nude mice, the 15–week-old primary cultures were highly tumorigenic, with a 3–6 week latency for tumour formation. Furthermore, a cell line was derived from a primary culture started with a liver carcinogen promoter (biliverdin-enriched medium). This cell line proliferated rapidly and differed from a liver epithelial line, also established from our primary cultures, in its 1 karyotype (hy-perploidy and translocation on chromosome 3), 2 requirement for arginine to proliferate, 3 γ-GT positive reaction correlated to changes in actin fibre pattern, 4 sensitivity to protease inhibitors (i.e. α2 macroglobulin, PMSF) and 5 tumorigenicity. Long-term primary cultures and the karyotypically defined cell line are useful tools for further studies on in vitro genetic deviations.  相似文献   

RNA interference has emerged as a powerful technology for downregulation of specific genes in cells and animals. We have pioneered macrolide- and tetracycline-adjustable short interfering RNA (siRNA) expression for conditional target gene translation fine-tuning in mammalian/human cell lines based on modified RNA polymerase II promoters. Established macrolide- and tetracycline-dependent transactivators/trans-silencers bound and activated modified target promoters tailored for optimal siRNA expression in response to clinical antibiotics' dosing regimes and modulated desired target genes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) and human fibrosarcoma (HT-1080) cells with high precision. Further optimization of adjustable RNA polymerase II-based siRNA-specific promoters as well as their combination with various transmodulators enabled near-perfect regulation configurations in specific cell types. Devoid of major genetic constraints compared to basic RNA polymerase III-based siRNA-specific promoters, we expect RNA polymerase II counterparts to significantly advance siRNA-based molecular interventions in biopharmaceutical manufacturing and gene-function analysis as well as gene therapy and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Gene switches have wide utility in synthetic biology, gene therapy, and developmental biology, and multiple orthogonal gene switches are needed to construct advanced circuitry or to control complex phenotypes. Endogenous vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF‐A) is crucial to angiogenesis, and it has been shown that multiple alternately spliced VEGF‐A isoforms are necessary for proper blood vessel formation. Such a necessity limits the utility of direct transgene delivery, which can provide only one splice variant. To overcome this limitation, we constructed a gene switch that can regulate the (VEGF‐A) locus in mammalian cells by combining an engineered estrogen receptor (ER) ligand‐binding domain (LBD), a p65 activation domain, and an artificial zinc‐finger DNA binding domain (DBD). Our gene switch is specifically and reversibly controlled by 4,4′‐dyhydroxybenzil (DHB), a small molecule, non‐steroid synthetic ligand, which acts orthogonally in a mammalian system. After optimization of the gene switch architecture, an endogenous VEGF‐A induction ratio of >100‐fold can be achieved in HEK293 cells at 1 µM DHB, which is the highest endogenous induction reported to date. In addition, induction has been shown to be reversible, repeatable, and sustainable. Another advantage is that the ligand response is tunable by varying the clonal composition of a stably integrated cell line. The integration of our findings with the technology to change ligand specificity and DNA binding specificity will provide the framework for generating a wide array of orthogonal gene switches that can control multiple genes with multiple orthogonal ligands. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1419–1429. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that nickel (Ni)-silenced expression of the URA3 gene in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and gpt transgene in G12 Chinese hamster cells. In both cases, close proximity to a heterochromatic region was required for gene silencing. Yeast exposed to Ni exhibited reduced acetylation of the lysine residues in the N-terminal tail of histone H4. Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene in mammalian cells involved hypermethylation of promoter region DNA. Yeast do not employ DNA methylation to silence gene expression. To determine if histone deacetylation participates in Ni-induced silencing of the URA3 and gpt genes, we exposed yeast and G12 hamster cells to the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) prior to and concurrently with Ni. Treatment of yeast cells with 0.2-0.6mM NiCl(2) resulted in reduced expression of the URA3 gene as assessed by increased resistance to 1g/l 5-fluorotic acid (5-FOA). This effect was lessened when yeast were pre-treated with 50 microg TSA/ml. Similarly, treatment of G12 cells with 5 ng/ml TSA during and after exposure to 0.3 microg Ni(3)S(2)/cm(2) reduced silencing of the gpt gene as gauged by resistance to 10 microg/ml 6-thioguanine (6-TG). The ability of TSA alone and in combination with the DNA-demethylating agent (5-AzaC) to reactivate the gpt gene in Ni-silenced variants was also assessed. Although treatment with 100 ng/ml TSA for 48 h was partially effective in reactivating the gpt gene, treatment with 5 microM 5-AzaC was more efficacious. The greatest gpt gene reversion frequencies were observed following a sequential 5-AzaC/TSA treatment. Taken all together, our data from mammalian cells suggests that both DNA methylation and histone deacetylation participate in Ni-induced silencing of the gpt gene with DNA hypermethylation playing the more dominant role in maintaining the silenced state.  相似文献   

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