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The effects of clenbuterol2-agonist administration wereinvestigated in normal and atrophied [15-day hindlimb-unloaded(HU)] rat soleus muscles. We showed that clenbuterol had aspecific effect on muscle tissue, since it reduces soleus atrophyinduced by HU. The study ofCa2+ activation propertiesof single skinned fibers revealed that clenbuterol partly prevented thedecrease in maximal tension after HU, with a preferential effecton fast-twitch fibers. Clenbuterol improved theCa2+ sensitivity in slow- andfast-twitch fibers by shifting the tension-pCa relationship towardlower Ca2+ concentrations, butthis effect was more marked after HU than in normal conditions. Wholemuscle electrophoresis indicated slow-to-fast transitions of the myosinheavy chain isoforms for unloaded and for clenbuterol-treated soleus.The coupling of the two latter conditions did not, however, increasethese phenotypical transformations. Our findings indicated thatclenbuterol had an anabolic action and a2-adrenergic effect onmuscle fibers and appeared to counteract some effects of unloadingdisuse conditions.


Time-dependent changes in myosin heavy chain(MHC) isoform expression were investigated in rat soleus muscleunloaded by hindlimb suspension. Changes at the mRNA level weremeasured by RT-PCR and correlated with changes in the pattern of MHCprotein isoforms. Protein analyses of whole muscle revealed that MHCIdecreased after 7 days, when MHCIIa had increased, reaching a transient maximum by 15 days. Longer periods led to inductions and progressive increases of MHCIId(x) and MHCIIb. mRNA analyses of whole muscle showedthat MHCIId(x) displayed the steepest increase after 4 days andcontinued to rise until 28 days, the longest time period investigated.MHCIIb mRNA followed a similar time course, although at lower levels.MHCI mRNA, present at extremely low levels in control soleus, peakedafter 4 days, stayed elevated until 15 days, and then decayed.Immunohistochemistry of 15-day unloaded muscles revealed that MHCIwas present in muscle spindles but at low amounts also in extrafusalfibers. The slow-to-fast transitions thus seem to proceed in the orderMHCI  MHCIIa  MHCIId(x)  MHCIIb. Ourfindings indicate that MHCI is transiently upregulated in somefibers as an intermediate step during the transition from MHCI to MHCIIa.


A simplified mechanism that mimics "adaptation" of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) has been developed and its significance for Ca2+(-)induced Ca2+ release and Ca2+ oscillations investigated. For parameters that reproduce experimental data for the RyR from cardiac cells, adaptation of the RyR in combination with sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase Ca2+ pumps in the internal stores can give rise to either low [Cai2+] steady states or Ca2+ oscillations coexisting with unphysiologically high [Cai2+] steady states. In this closed-cell-type model rapid, adaptation-dependent Ca2+ oscillations occur only in limited ranges of parameters. In the presence of Ca2+ influx and efflux from outside the cell (open-cell model) Ca2+ oscillations occur for a wide range of physiological parameter values and have a period that is determined by the rate of Ca2+ refilling of the stores. Although the rate of adaptation of the RyR has a role in determining the shape and the period of the Ca2+ spike, it is not essential for their existence. This is in marked contrast with what is observed for the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor for which the biphasic activation and inhibition of its activity by Ca2+ are sufficient to produce oscillations. Results for this model are compared with those based on Ca2+(-)induced Ca2+ release alone in the bullfrog sympathetic neuron. This kinetic model should be suitable for analyzing phenomena associated with "Ca2+ sparks," including their merger into Ca2+ waves in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Effects of oxygen deprivation on incubated rat soleus muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolated soleus muscle deprived of oxygen produces more lactate and alanine than oxygen-supplied muscle. Oxygenated muscle synthesized glutamine, while anoxic muscle used this amino acid. Oxygen deprivation decreased adenine nucleotides leading to the efflux of nucleosides. Protein synthesis and degradation responded differently to anoxia. Synthesis almost completely ceased, while proteolysis increased. Therefore, protein degradation in soleus muscle is enhanced when energy supplies and oxygen tension are low.  相似文献   

In rat skeletal muscle, electrical stimulation increases Ca(2+) influx leading to progressive accumulation of calcium. Excitation-induced Ca(2+) influx in extensor digitorum longus (EDL; fast-twitch fibers) and soleus muscle (slow-twitch fibers) is compared. In EDL and soleus, stimulation at 40 Hz increased (45)Ca uptake 34- and 21-fold and (22)Na uptake 17- and 7-fold, respectively. These differences may be related to the measured 70% higher concentration of Na(+) channels in EDL. Repeated stimulation at 40 Hz elicited a delayed release of lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) from EDL (11-fold increase) and soleus (5-fold increase). Continuous stimulation at 1 Hz increased LDH release only from EDL (18-fold). This was associated with increased Ca(2+) content and was augmented at high extracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](o)) and suppressed at low [Ca(2+)](o). The data support the hypothesis that excitation-induced Ca(2+) influx is mediated in part by Na(+) channels and that the ensuing increase in intracellular Ca(2+) induces cellular damage. This is most pronounced in EDL, which may account for the repeated observation that prolonged exercise leads to preferential damage to fast-twitch fibers.  相似文献   

Eccentric exercise often produces severe muscle damage, whereas concentric exercise of a similar load elicits a minor degree of muscle damage. The cellular events initiating muscle damage are thought to include an increase in cytosolic Ca. It was hypothesized that eccentric muscle activity in humans would lead to a larger degree of cell damage and increased intracellular Ca accumulation in skeletal muscle than concentric activity would. Furthermore, possible differences between men and women in muscle damage were investigated following step exercise. Thirty-three healthy subjects (18 men and 15 women) participated in a 30-minute step exercise protocol involving concentric contractions with 1 leg and eccentric contractions with the other leg. Muscle Ca content, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and muscle enzymes in the plasma were measured. In a subgroup of the subjects, T2 relaxation time was measured by magnetic resonance imaging. No significant changes were found in muscle Ca content in vastus lateralis biopsy specimens in women or in men. Following step exercise, MVC decreased in both legs of both genders. The women had a significantly larger strength decrease in the eccentric leg than the men had on postexercise day 2 (p < 0.01). Plasma creatine kinase increased following step exercise, with a sevenfold higher response in women than in men on day 3 (p < 0.001). The women, but not the men, had an increase in T2 relaxation time in the eccentrically working adductor magnus muscle, peaking on day 3 (75%) (p < 0.001). In conclusion, step exercise does not lead to Ca accumulation in the vastus lateralis but does induce muscle damage preferentially in the eccentrically working muscles, considerably more in women than in men. This indicates that gender-specific step training programs may be warranted to avoid excessive muscle damage.  相似文献   

Training with an increase in intensity of loads causes muscle hypertrophy. The increase of myofibrillar proteins content and proteins of sarcoplasmic reticulum is greater after this training than after training with prolongation of duration of loads. The content of sarcoplasmic proteins is the same in the both kinds of training. The increase in the content of mitochondrial proteins is smaller. The myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins content is the greatest with simultaneous increase in the intensity and duration of loads. Increase in the content of sarcoplasmic vesicles proteins in this case is the same as after training with an increase in the intensity of loads. An increase in the content of mitochondrial proteins is the same as in training with prolongation of duration of loads. The capacity of binding Ca2+ (per unit protein weight), Vmax and Km are not changed. When calculating per unit of muscle mass possibilities of Ca2+ binding under the effect of loads of the uncreasing intensity rise.  相似文献   

Intense exercise causes a large loss of K(+) from contracting muscles. The ensuing elevation of extracellular K(+) ([K(+)](o)) has been suggested to cause fatigue by depressing muscle fiber excitability. In isolated muscles, however, repeated contractions confer some protection against this effect of elevated K(+). We hypothesize that this excitation-induced force-recovery is related to the release of the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which stimulates the muscular Na(+)-K(+) pumps. Using the specific CGRP antagonist CGRP-(8-37), we evaluated the role of CGRP in the excitation-induced force recovery and examined possible mechanisms. Intact rat soleus muscles were stimulated to evoke short tetani at regular intervals. Increasing extracellular K(+) ([K(+)](o)) from 4 to 11 mM decreased force to approximately 20% of initial force (P < 0.001). Addition of exogenous CGRP (10(-9) M), release of endogenous CGRP with capsaicin, or repeated electrical stimulation recovered force to 50-70% of initial force (P < 0.001). In all cases, force recovery could be almost completely suppressed by CGRP-(8-37). At 11 mM [K(+)](o), CGRP (10(-8) M) did not alter resting membrane potential or conductance but significantly improved action potentials (P < 0.001) and increased the proportion of excitable fibers from 32 to 70% (P < 0.001). CGRP was shown to induce substantial force recovery with only modest Na(+)-K(+) pump stimulation. We conclude that the excitation-induced force recovery is caused by a recovery of excitability, induced by local release of CGRP. The data suggest that the recovery of excitability partly was induced by Na(+)-K(+) pump stimulation and partly by altering Na(+) channel function.  相似文献   

Ultraturrax- and Nagarse-released populations of mitochondria were characterized with respect to their Ca2+-uptake activities (i) by means of the indirect polarographic technique and (ii) directly by the 45Ca Ruthenium Red-quench method of Reed & Bygrave [(1974) Biochem. J. 140, 143-155]. The denervated-muscle subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondrial fractions displayed markedly decreased rates and capacities for Ca2+ uptake compared with their respective controls. The implications of these findings with respect to the process of cell necrosis are discussed.  相似文献   

During intense exercise, efflux of K(+) from working muscles increases extracellular K(+) ([K(+)](o)) to levels that can compromise muscle excitability and hence cause fatigue. In this context, the reduction in the exercise-induced elevation of [K(+)](o) observed after training in humans is suggested to contribute to the increased performance after training. Although a similar effect could be obtained by an increase in the tolerance of muscle to elevated [K(+)](o), this possibility has not been investigated. To examine this, isolated soleus muscles from sedentary (sedentary) rats and from rats that had voluntarily covered 13.1 ± 0.7 km/day in an unloaded running wheel for 8 wk (active) were compared. In muscles from active rats, the loss of force induced by exposure to an elevated [K(+)](o) of 9 mM was 42% lower than in muscles from sedentary rats (P < 0.001). This apparent increase in K(+) tolerance in active rats was associated with an increased excitability as evident from a 33% reduction in the electrical current needed to excite individual muscle fibers (P < 0.0009). Moreover, muscles from active rats had lower Cl(-) conductance, higher maximal rate of rise of single-fiber action potentials (AP), and higher Na(+)/K(+) pump content. When stimulated intermittently at 6.5 mM K(+), muscles from active rats displayed better endurance than muscles from sedentary rats, whereas no difference was found when the muscles were stimulated continuously at 30 or 120 Hz. We conclude that voluntary running increases muscle excitability, leading to improved tolerance to elevated [K(+)](o).  相似文献   

M E Everts 《Cell calcium》1990,11(5):343-352
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) treatment on passive Ca2+ efflux, Ca2(+)-dependent Mg2(+)-ATPase (Ca2(+)-ATPase) concentration and active Ca2+ transport in isolated rat skeletal muscle. In addition, the question was examined whether changes in Ca2+ efflux at rest and during electrical stimulation in the hyperthyroid state were accompanied by parallel changes in 3-O-methylglucose efflux. The resting Ca2+ efflux from rat soleus muscle was increased by 25% after 8 days of treatment with T3 (20 micrograms/100 g body weight). This was associated with a 78% increase in the basal efflux of 3-O-methylglucose. Electrical stimulation resulted in a rapid stimulation of Ca2+ efflux and 3-O-methylglucose efflux in the two groups of rats, and the levels obtained were significantly higher in the T3-treated group. The stimulating effect of the alkaloid veratridine on Ca2+ efflux was 60% larger in 8-day hyperthyroid rats. Within 24 h after the start of T3 treatment, a significant (21%) increase in Ca2(+)-ATPase concentration was detected. Significant increases in active Ca2+ uptake and passive Ca2+ efflux were not observed until after 2 and 3 days of T3 treatment, respectively. It is concluded that T3 stimulates the synthesis of Ca2+ ATPase and augments the intracellular Ca2+ pools (sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria). The latter results in enhancement of the passive Ca2+ leak, which in turn, may lead to activation of substrate transport systems. The suggested increase in intracellular Ca2+ cycling after T3 treatment may, at least partly, explain the T3-induced stimulation of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

This study addresses a long-standing controversy on the effects of the degree of activation on cross-bridge kinetics in vivo, by utilizing isolated intact and skinned fiber preparations. Steady force levels ranging from 0.1 to 0.76 P0 were achieved at 0 degrees C with temperature-step stimulation of intact fibers by varying the amount of caffeine in the bathing medium. The speed of unloaded shortening (by slack test) was found to be practically constant, which suggests that intracellular Ca2+ in the intact preparation has relatively little effect on isotonic shortening. Along with the results on tetanically stimulated fibers (force, P0), we observed a minor but significant trend for the speed to decline with lowered force levels. This trend is explained by the presence of a constant internal load equaling approximately 1% P0. The effect of Ca2+ on the shortening behavior of skinned fibers was examined at 0 and 10 degrees C. At 0 degrees C, there was practically no effect of Ca2+ on the shortening response in slack tests. At 10 degrees C, there was also no Ca2+ effect during the first activation cycle, but in subsequent cycles the speed of shortening was reduced during partial activation, which indicates that there were permanent changes in the fiber properties under these experimental conditions. The latter result could be explained if the internal load had increased to approximately 5% P0 in the modified skinned fiber (compared with 1% P0 in intact fiber). These findings show that isotonic contraction of frog fibers is intrinsically unaffected by the variations in intracellular Ca2+ that modulated the force over a nearly complete range. The results provide support for the idea that Ca2+ influences the force development in vivo by on-off switching mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term (4 days) and long-term (60 days) neuromuscular inactivity on myonuclear number, size, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of isolated rat soleus fibers were determined using confocal microscopy and gel electrophoresis. Inactivity was produced via spinal cord isolation (SI), i.e., complete spinal cord transections at a midthoracic and a high sacral level and bilateral deafferentation between the transection sites. Compared with control, there was an increase in the percentage of fibers containing the faster MHC isoforms after 60, but not 4, days of SI. The mean sizes of type I and type I+IIa fibers were 41 and 27% and 66 and 56% smaller after 4 and 60 days of SI, respectively. Thus atrophy occurred earlier than the shift in myosin heavy chain (MHC) profile. The number of myonuclei was approximately 30% higher in type I than type I+IIa fibers in control soleus, but after 60 days of SI these values were similar. The number of myonuclei per millimeter in type I fibers was significantly lower than control after 60 days of SI, whereas there was no change in type I+IIa fibers. Thus myonuclei were eliminated from fibers containing only type I MHC. Because the magnitude of the loss of myonuclei was less than the level of atrophy, the myonuclear domains of both type I and type I+IIa fibers were significantly lower than control. Thus chronic (60 days) inactivity results in smaller, faster fibers that contain a higher than normal amount of DNA per unit of cytoplasm. The absence of activation of muscle fibers that are normally the most active (pure type I fibers) resulted in most, but not all, fibers expressing some fast MHC isoforms. The results also indicate that a loss of myonuclei is not a prerequisite for sustained muscle fiber atrophy.  相似文献   

Effects of 16 days of hindlimb suspension and 16 days of ambulation recovery at 1-G or 2-G environment on the characteristics of soleus muscle fibers were studied in male Wistar Hannover rats. The mean cross-sectional area and myonuclear number in isolated single fibers at the termination of suspension were approximately 30% and 25% of the controls, respectively. Satellite cells were distributed evenly throughout the fiber length in the control. However, the number of satellite cells distributed at the middle of the fiber was less in the unloaded rats immediately after the termination of suspension. Both the numbers of quiescent and mitotic active satellite cell per fiber were approximately 57% less immediately after the termination of suspension than controls. The number of satellite cells at the end of fibers was increased first during the early phase of reloading. Subsequently, the number at the middle was gradually increased. The myonuclear number per fiber was also less (approximately 25%) in the unloaded than the age-matched control at the termination of suspension, but was increased following the recovery. Although the mean in vivo sarcomere length of the soleus muscle was shortened in response to plantarflexion of ankle joint, the length at the certain ankle joint angle was increased after 16 days of suspension due to sarcomere remodeling. The length at the proximal and distal, rather than the middle, portion of the fiber was stretched in both reloaded and control rats in response to dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. But it was noted that the magnitude of stretch was greater in the unloaded rats. It is suggested that the fiber end is more stimulated rapidly than the middle portion by the load applied to the muscle during the ambulation recovery.  相似文献   

Increases in contraction-stimulated glucose transport in fast-twitch rat epitrochlearis muscle are mediated by AMPK- and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CAMK)-dependent signaling pathways. However, recent studies provide evidence suggesting that contraction-stimulated glucose transport in slow-twitch skeletal muscle is mediated through an AMPK-independent pathway. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that contraction-stimulated glucose transport in rat slow-twitch soleus muscle is mediated by an AMPK-independent/Ca2+-dependent pathway. Caffeine, a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-releasing agent, at a concentration that does not cause muscle contractions or decreases in high-energy phosphates, led to an approximately 2-fold increase in 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake in isolated split soleus muscles. This increase in glucose transport was prevented by the SR calcium channel blocker dantrolene and the CAMK inhibitor KN93. Conversely, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an AMPK activator, had no effect on 2-DG uptake in isolated split soleus muscles yet resulted in an approximately 2-fold increase in the phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream substrate acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The hypoxia-induced increase in 2-DG uptake was prevented by dantrolene and KN93, whereas hypoxia-stimulated phosphorylation of AMPK was unaltered by these agents. Tetanic muscle contractions resulted in an approximately 3.5-fold increase in 2-DG uptake that was prevented by KN93, which did not prevent AMPK phosphorylation. Taken in concert, our results provide evidence that hypoxia- and contraction-stimulated glucose transport is mediated entirely through a Ca2+-dependent mechanism in rat slow-twitch muscle.  相似文献   

The effects on isometric tension of three divalent ions that block calcium channels, magnesium, cobalt, and cadmium, were tested in small bundles of rat soleus fibers. Cobalt, at a concentration of 2 or 6 mM, reversibly depressed twitch and tetanic tension and the depression was much greater in solutions containing no added calcium ions. Magnesium caused much less depression of tension than cobalt. The depression of tension was not accompanied by membrane depolarization or a reduction in the amplitude of action potentials. A reduction caused by 6 mM cobalt in the amplitude of 40 or 80 mM potassium contractures was not accompanied by a comparable reduction in tension during 200 mM potassium contractures, and could be explained by a shift in the potassium contracture tension-voltage curve to more positive potentials (by +7 mV on average). Similar effects were not seen with 2 or 6 mM magnesium. At a concentration of 20 mM, both cobalt and magnesium depressed twitch and tetanic tension, cobalt having greater effect than magnesium. Both ions shifted the potassium contracture tension-voltage curve to the right by +5 to +10 mV, caused a small depression of maximum tension, and slowed the time course of potassium contractures. Cadmium (3 mM) depressed twitch, tetanic, and potassium contracture tension by more than 6 mM cobalt, but experiments were complicated by the gradual appearance of large contractures that became even larger, and sometimes oscillatory, when the solution containing cadmium was washed out. It was concluded that divalent cations affect both activation and inactivation of tension in a manner that cannot be completely explained by a change in surface charge.  相似文献   

1. After 14 days of body suspension, fibre type composition and fibre cross-sectional area in the soleus muscle of 17-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated. Oxidative enzyme activity of soleus motoneurones in the spinal cord was also examined. 2. After suspension, soleus muscle weight decreased by 44.2%, the cross-sectional area of SO and FOG fibres decreased by 60.4% and 58.6%, respectively. 3. The percentage of fibre types was not changed by suspension. However, ATPase activity after alkaline preincubation was markedly inhibited in FOG fibres. 4. Oxidative enzyme activity of soleus motoneurones was not changed by suspension. 5. This study demonstrates that using mature animals body suspension induces atrophy of fast- and slow-twitch fibres accompanied with the selective inhibition in ATPase activity of fast-twitch fibres, and without changes in histochemical profiles of the corresponding motoneurones.  相似文献   

Excessive intracellular calcium accumulation is believed to trigger the development of functional and structural changes in muscle fibers under microgravity conditions. The hypothesis was testified in the 14-day hindlimb suspension study with the application of a Ca(2+)-binding agent (10% EGTA). Twenty one rats were divided into 3 groups: cage controls (7), hindlimb-suspended rats that received intraperitoneal injections of saline (7), and hindlimb-suspended rats with EGTA treatment. Whereas the diameter of muscle fibers of unloaded rat soleus muscle was 20% less than in the control group (and there were no significant differences between rats with injections of EGTA and without them), the decrease of maximal tension was more pronounced (more than 50%). This discrepancy resulted in a decrease of maximal specific tension. The value of absolute tension in rats treated with placebo was by 52%, and in EGTA-treated rats by 41% less than in the control group. Thus, there were no significant differences in specific tension between this group and the control group. Obviously, the injections of EGTA prevented the effects of those mechanisms that induce a decline of tension in muscle fibers but are not linked with the reduction of fiber size. The Ca/tension curve in hindlimb-suspended saline-treated rats shifted to the right so that the pCa thresholds changed from 6.85 +/- 0.03 in cage controls to 6.70 +/- 0.04 (p < 0.05), which indicates that myofibrils of unloaded soleus are less sensitive to Ca2+. At the same time, the pCa threshold in EGTA-treated hindlimb-suspended rats was 6.93 +/- 0.02. It is concluded that chronic binding of excess calcium results in an increase in Ca sensitivity indices.  相似文献   

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