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The investigations were carried out on 80 Albino rats. It was found that a single exposure to noise alone or noise coupled with vibratio;n increase locomotor and exploratory activities of the rats. On the other hand, repeated exposures to noise and low frequency vibration failed to change the exploratory activity and behavioral tests of rats. No significant differences were found between the effects of noise alone and associated with vibration.  相似文献   

Life science research in space was started in Europe with the first Biostack experiment flown onboard Apollo 16 in 1972. Biostack was designed to investigate the biological effects of single heavy ions of cosmic radiation. Among several undertakings towards this goal, the Biostack achieved the highest precision in the determination of the spatial correlation of the observed biological response of single test organisms to the passage of single heavy ions, which is the mandatory requirement. It also provided information on the influence of additional spaceflight factors, such as microgravity, on radiation effects and measurements of the spectrum of charge and energy of the cosmic radiation. The experiment was performed as an international cooperation effort. This report gives a summary of the biological data accumulated in this and the follow-on experiments of the Biostack program.Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on Heavy Ion Research: Space, Radiation Protection and Therapy, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 21–24 March 1994  相似文献   

Microorganisms exhibit high adaptability to extreme environments of outer space via phenotypic and genetic changes. These changes may affect astronauts in the space environment as well as on Earth because mutant microbes will inevitably return with the spacecraft. However, the role and significance of these phenotypic changes and the underlying mechanisms are important unresolved questions in the field of space biology. By reviewing, especially the Chinese studies, we propose a space microbial molecular effect theory, that is, the space environment affects the nature of genes and the molecular structure of microorganisms to produce phenotypic changes. In this review, we discussed three basic theories for the research of space microbiology, including (1) space microbial pathogenicity and virulence mutations and the human mutualism theory; (2) space microbial drug‐resistance mutations and metabolism associated with space pharmaceuticals theory; (3) space corrosion, microbial decontamination, and new materials technology theory.  相似文献   

Thermal motions of microscopic probes limit the possibilities of experiments that are designed to resolve single-macromolecule dynamics in aqueous conditions. We investigate theoretical strategies for maximizing signal-to-noise ratios or resolution in typical situations, illustratin+g our discussion with examples from optical tweezers and atomic force microscopy experiments. A central result is that the viscous drag on a micromechanical probe is more important than the compliance of the probe. Within limits, increased stiffness of an AFM cantilever or of an optical trap does not increase resolution, and decreased stiffness does not provide the possibility of less invasive measurements. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 September 1997  相似文献   

There has been little opportunity for flight experiments using small animals, due to delay of construction of the International Space Station. Therefore, proposals using small animals have been unfortunately excepted from International Space Life Sciences Experiment application opportunity since 2001. Moreover, NASA has changed their development plan of animal habitats for space experiments according to changes of the U.S. space policy and the outlook is not so bright. However, international researchers have been strongly requesting the opportunity for space experiments using small animals. It will be also important for Japanese researchers to make a request for the opportunity. At the same time, researchers have to make an advance in ground based studies toward space experiments and to respond future application opportunities immediately. In this symposium, we explain the AEM (Animal Enclosure Module), the RAHF (Research Animal Holding Facility), and the AAH (Advanced Animal Habitat). It will be helpful for investigators to have wide knowledge of what space experiment is technically possible. In addition, the sample share program will be introduced into our communities. The program will provide many researchers with the organs and tissues from space-flown animals. We will explain the technical aspect of sample share program.  相似文献   

International efforts to standardize regulations and study designs and to promote the principles of Reduction, Replacement, and Refinement (the 3 Rs) have reduced and refined animal use. In NASA ARC and KSC, researchers are responsible only for activities related directly to the conduct of their animal experiments. The IACUC plays an important role in conformity with NIH policies. Even if researchers design protocols of the space life science in Japan, the animal experiments should be carried out under the global harmonized conditions in accordance with NIH/NASA policies, guides and rules. It is important that researchers himself must look forward the ethical animal experiment.  相似文献   

Study of a condition of mineral and water-electrolyte metabolism, function of kidneys, and their hormonal regulation during model experiments (hypokinesia, bed rest, immersion etc.), and also in space flights and in readaptation period, has shown a major role of water-electrolyte homeostasis during general adaptation of humans and animals to new conditions of life and to conditions of weightlessness in particular. The change in regulation of volumes of fluid milieu in an initial period of weightlessness was shown to be the consequence of redistribution of blood and hemodynamics of the shifts resulting in change of production of volume-regulation hormones, formation of negative water balance, and redistribution of fluid in the organism among various fluid compartments. At later stages of flight or long-term hypokinesia, a change of water-electrolyte homeostasis occurs with a decrease in the kidneys excretion of sodium, and diuresis, but with an increased excretion of calcium and production of ADH and RAAS hormones. Following returning to earth gravitation, the majority of astronauts have adaptive reactions, compensating for the loss extracellular fluid and mineral substances and formation of "earth" water-electrolyte homeostasis. For estimation of water-electrolyte homeostasis and the functions of kidneys in astronauts, various functional loading tests have been developed. The developed system of preventive maintenance is successfully used for abolition of adverse changes at various stages of space flight and in readaptation period.  相似文献   

Altering biological processes with small synthetic molecules is a general approach for the design of drugs and molecular probes. Medicinal chemistry and chemical biology are focused predominately on the design of organic molecules, whereas inorganic compounds find applications mainly for their reactivity (e.g. cisplatin as a DNA-reactive therapeutic) or imaging properties (e.g. gadolinium complexes as MRI diagnostics). In such inorganic pharmaceuticals or probes, coordination chemistry in the biological environment or at the target site lies at the heart of their modes of action. However, past and very recent results suggest that it is also worth exploring a different aspect of metal complexes: their ability to form structures with unique and defined shapes for the design of 'organic-like' small-molecule probes and drugs. In such metal-organic compounds, the metal has the main purpose to organize the organic ligands in three-dimensional space. It is likely that such an approach will complement the molecular diversity of organic chemistry in the quest for the discovery of compounds with superior biological activities.  相似文献   

Onboard of several spacecrafts (Apollo 16, Spacelab 1, LDEF), spores ofBacillus subtilis were exposed to selected parameters of space, such as space vacuum, different spectral ranges of solar UV-radiation and cosmic rays, applied separately or in combination, and we have studied their survival and genetic changes after retrieval. The spores survive extended periods of time in space — up to several years —, if protected against the high influx of solar UV-radiation. Water desorption caused by the space vacuum leads to structural changes of the DNA; the consequences are an increased mutation frequency and altered photobiological properties of the spores. UV-effects, such as killing and mutagenesis, are augmented, if the spores are in space vacuum during irradiation. Vacuum-specific photoproducts which are different from the spore photoproduct may cause the synergistic response of spores to the simultaneous action of UV and vacuum. The experiments provide an experimental test of certain steps of the panspermia hypothesis.Presented at the Session Water in the Solar System and Its Role in Exobiology during the 26th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 22–26 April 1991 in Wiesbaden, Germany  相似文献   

Thirty one healthy adults (18 women and 13 men, aged 24 to 52 years) were studied in three experimental series. For testing the effect of noise on learning and retention--fixation of the learned--the partly modified method of the laboratory language was used. The experiments were performed in a quiet room at LAeq background noise to 40 dB. Basic microclimatic conditions were also observed. The subjects were tentatively and audiometrically examined. The noise load was a randomly variable noise of LAeq = 81-82 dB. The results of the study (a total of 64 individual tests) showed that the noise load had a negative effect on learning the laboratory language and retention--fixation of the learned.  相似文献   

Changes in cerebral norepinephrine induced by vibration or noise stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To investigate the effects of whole body vibration on the central nervous system, rats were exposed to various whole body vibrations and examined for changes in the levels of norepinephrine (NE) in whole brain or regions of the brain. Whole brain NE had decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after an acceleration of 5.0G with a frequency of 20 Hz; and the decrease was also observed in the hypothalamus (P less than 0.01) and the hippocampus (P less than 0.10). Exposure to noise [100 dB (A)] caused a significant decrease in NE. This decrease related particularly to a significant decrease in midbrain NE (P less than 0.05) and a non-significant decrease of NE in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   



Microarray data must be normalized because they suffer from multiple biases. We have identified a source of spatial experimental variability that significantly affects data obtained with Cy3/Cy5 spotted glass arrays. It yields a periodic pattern altering both signal (Cy3/Cy5 ratio) and intensity across the array.  相似文献   

To perform experiments in microgravity environment, there should be many difficulties compared with the experiments on ground. JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) has developed various experiment facilities to perform life science experiments in space, such as Cell Culture Kit, Thermo Electric Incubator, Free Flow Electrophoresis Unit, Aquatic Animal Experiment Unit, and so on. The first experiment facilities were flown on Spacelab-J mission in 1992, and they were improved and modified for the 2nd International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) mission in 1994. Based on these experiences, some of them were further improved and flown on another missions. These facilities are continuously being improved for the International Space Station use, where high level functions and automatic operations will be required.  相似文献   

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