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A cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clone Tc1.8 was derived in a limiting dilution culture from a single cell that was derived from melanoma-involved lymph node lymphocytes activated in in vitro coculture against the autologous melanoma cells (VIP). The clone Tc1.8 (T3+, T8+, T4-, and Leu7-) expressed restricted cytolytic activity against only the autologous target VIP. As it aged in continuous culture containing interleukin 2, Tc1.8 lost cytolytic activity. The cytolytic function could be restored, however, with monoclonal antibody (MoAb) against T3 (OKT3) or with F(ab')2 fractions of OKT3, and upon restimulation with irradiated accessory cells. OKT3-mediated reinduction of cytotoxicity by the aged Tc1.8 could not be achieved if the T3 molecules were modulated from the effector cell surface following overnight incubation of Tc1.8 with saturating concentrations of OKT3 MoAb. Following reactivation with OKT3 Tc1.8 gained cytolytic function against NK targets in addition to VIP. Reactivation with F(ab')2 fractions of OKT3 and with autologous accessory cells, however, maintained its restricted antigen fidelity. The NK-like activity of Tc1.8 upon reactivation with OKT3 resulted from conjugate formation between the activated Tc1.8 and NK targets via the activating ligand itself. Thus, upon stimulation with anti-T3 MoAb and with autologous accessory cells, independently, the autoreactivity could be restored in an aged and inactive CTL clone.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes must promote protective immune responses while still maintaining self-tolerance. Stimulation through the T cell receptor (TCR) can lead to distinct responses in naive and memory CD4 T cells. Whereas peptide antigen stimulates both naive and memory T cells, soluble anti-CD3 antibodies and bacterial superantigens stimulate only naive T cells to proliferate and secrete cytokines. Further, superantigens, like staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), cause memory T cells to become anergic while soluble anti-CD3 does not. In the present report, we show that signal transduction through the TCR is impaired in memory cells exposed to either anti-CD3 or SEB. A block in signaling leads to impaired activation of the kinase ZAP-70 so that downstream signals and cell proliferation do not occur. We further show that the signaling defect is unique to each agent. In anti-CD3-treated memory T cells, the src kinase Lck is only transiently activated and does not phosphorylate and activate ZAP-70. In SEB-treated memory T cells, ZAP-70 does not interact with the TCR/CD3 complex to become accessible to Lck. Finally, we provide evidence that alternative signaling pathways are initiated in SEB-treated memory cells. Altered signaling, indicated by an elevation in activity of the src kinase Fyn, may be responsible for memory cell anergy caused by SEB. Thus, differentiation of naive T cells into memory cells is accompanied by alterations in TCR-mediated signaling that can promote heightened recall immunity or specific tolerance.  相似文献   

HK1.4 mAb was identified based on its ability to stimulate proliferation of cloned murine CTL. Within the lymphoid lineage, mAb HK1.4 bound exclusively to CTL, regardless of the expression of Lyt-2 or MHC restriction. HK1.4 mAb also bound to 40% of bone marrow cells and less than 5% of thymocytes from all mouse strains tested. Based on the tissue distribution of the determinant with which it reacted and the ability to cross-block binding of the anti-Ly-6 mAb H9/25, mAb HK1.4 appeared to react with a product of the Ly-6 locus. However, significant differences were observed between the properties of mAb HK1.4 and other, previously described anti-Ly-6 mAb. Cell proliferation and lymphokine release by cloned CTL were stimulated by culture with mAb HK1.4 alone or in the presence of non-stimulatory levels of IL-2. This proliferation and lymphokine release were not blocked by the addition of soluble anti-Lyt-2 or anti-IL-2R mAb. Activation induced by HK1.4 mAb proceeds in the absence of accessory cells, of cross-linking of the TCR, or the addition of mitogens or PMA. Stimulation of cells by anti-TCR mAb was not blocked by the addition of soluble HK1.4 mAb, and the stimulatory effects of HK1.4 and anti-TCR mAb were not additive. However, IL-2-driven proliferation of CTL clones was dramatically inhibited by the addition of HK1.4 mAb.HK1.4 mAb had no effect on Ag-specific or lectin-facilitated cytolysis. Taken together, these data indicate that mAb HK1.4 operates via an IL-2-independent pathway of activation that is also independent of the TCR.  相似文献   

The role of cAMP in the regulation of antigen-dependent differentiation of T cells is discussed with consideration of the molecular mechanisms of cAMP effects. Characteristics of activation signal in various T lymphocyte subpopulations determining differential sensitivity to cAMP are reviewed. Specific attention is given to the involvement of the cAMP-dependent messenger system in the formation of the spectrum of secreted cytokines because their level and ratio determine the type of immune response.  相似文献   

Both cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL) and cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) proliferated and secreted lymphokines when stimulated with immobilized anti-T cell receptor monoclonal antibody (anti-TCR mAb). However, although proliferation of CTL increased and reached plateau levels as concentrations of anti-TCR mAb were increased, the proliferation of HTL decreased with high concentrations of anti-TCR mAb. A reduction of IL 2-dependent proliferation by CTL was observed when IL 2 was added to cultures of CTL in the presence of high concentrations of anti-TCR mAb, whereas IL 2-independent proliferation appeared to be unaffected by these concentrations of anti-TCR mAb. Inhibition of IL 2-driven proliferation caused by high concentrations of immobilized anti-TCR mAb did not seem to be mediated by soluble factors. Cells continued to express cell surface receptors for IL 2 and transferrin after treatment with immobilized anti-TCR mAb. Inhibition of IL 2-driven proliferation by high concentrations of immobilized anti-TCR mAb may represent a mechanism for regulating the proliferation of T lymphocytes. This inhibitory mechanism is initiated by stimulation of the T cell receptor, in this case by immobilized anti-TCR mAb, and is independent of other cells and factors.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of anti-cluster designation (CD) 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) on the activation of a cloned human T cell line, HY837, after triggering the CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex by anti-CD3 or anti-TcR mAb is described. HY837, which reacts with a series of mAb directed at different epitopes on the TcR, could be induced to proliferation and interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by soluble mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex in the absence of accessory cells. mAb directed at the CD2 epitope T11-1 were shown to block the IL-2 production by HY837, as well as the expression of the IL-2 receptor, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, resulting in the inhibition of the proliferative response. The effect of anti-CD2 mAb on the proliferative response of HY837, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, was not due to a competition for Fc binding sites. In contrast, the proliferative responses and IL-2 production of HY837, induced by mAb directed at the TcR, were shown to be enhanced by the action of the anti-CD2 mAb. These results indicate that effects mediated by anti-CD3/TcR mAb cannot always be extrapolated to antigen-mediated effects and show that anti-CD2 mAb may regulate the T cell response, induced by mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex, depending on which part of this complex is triggered during activation.  相似文献   

In the generation of allogeneic, hapten-modified and virus-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses there is usually a requirement for T-T interaction between the T helper cell (TH) and the precursor CTL (CTL). We have investigated the role of a TH signal in the induction of a xenogeneic mouse antihuman CTL response by using membranes and liposomes bearing the xenogeneic antigen to stimulate primed responders. The TH signal can be achieved by either an Ia-restricted, L3T4+ DR-specific T cell or by the addition of nonspecific T helper factors(s). This signal is delivered to an Lyt-2+, L3T4-DR-specific CTL to generate active xenogeneic (xeno-) CTL. The roles of the T cell accessory molecules L3T4, Lyt-2, and LFA-1 in the generation of and target cell lysis by xeno-CTL are investigated.  相似文献   

We have used 10 independently isolated mAb reactive with the Ag R on a cloned Th cell line to map three distinct epitopes and three subepitopes on the R. One of these epitopes is clearly on the V beta 8 region, as it is defined by the antibodies KJ-16 and F23.1, known to react with the V beta 8 family of variable regions, and a functional rearranged V beta 8 gene has been cloned from this cell line. Antibodies directed at a second epitope, believed to be on V alpha because it is unaffected by anti-V beta antibodies, are completely inhibited from binding by monoclonal anti-CD3 epsilon-chain antibodies. Because the cloned Th cell line used, D10.G4.1, responds to soluble monoclonal anti-TCR antibodies, it has been possible to compare the binding of anti-R antibodies with their ability to activate this cloned T cell line. We find that for antibodies all specific for the same or a closely related epitope, activation is proportional to binding, by using antibodies that differ by greater than 100-fold in avidity for the R. By contrast, antibodies directed at different epitopes on the R differ markedly in their ability to activate the D10.G4.1 cell line. We have tested whether these differences reflect differences in the orientation of cross-linking the TCR or possible conformational changes induced in the R by the antibodies, and our data support the latter hypothesis as an explanation for the differences in activation potency between antibodies.  相似文献   

Human cytotoxic T cell clones (CTL) were obtained by limiting dilution after in vitro priming against an allogeneic Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B cell line (B-LCL) BSM. Three OKT3+, OKT8+ E rosette-forming (RFC) but EA gamma-RFC- clones with cytotoxic activity against the stimulator cell and one "non-cytolytic" clone were expanded for over 50 generations and further characterized. Clone G9 showed allospecific lysis of Cw3+ lymphocytes and B cell lines. Three cytolytic clones (G9, D11, and A3) showed cytotoxicity to the stimulator B-LCL, to the human plasma cell leukemia-derived line LICR-LON-HMY2 and to short-term cultured melanoma cells (O-mel). Four other EBV-transformed B-LCL unrelated to the stimulator B-LCL were not lysed. These clones also exerted cytotoxic activity against NK-sensitive target cells (TC), e.g., the erythroleukemia cell line K562. Other NK-sensitive TC, e.g., lymphoma-derived Daudi cells, were killed provided they were pretreated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Cytolytic activity against the B-LCL cell LICR-LON and O-mel, but not against K562 or PHA-treated target cells, was inhibited by monoclonal anti-HLA ABC antibodies (MCA). The cytolytic activities of OKT3+,8+ clones G9 and A3 but not that of OKT3+,8+ clone D11 were inhibited by OKT8. Another MCA, 13.3, directed against the murine glycoprotein T-200, inhibited the cytolytic activity of clone D11 against K562 but not against the stimulator cells. Clone G9 was not inhibited by MCA 13.3. The four clones, including the OKT4+ "non-cytotoxic" clone K12, exerted lytic activity against TC that are normally resistant to lysis provided these TC were pretreated with PHA. The TC specificity range of the clones was confirmed by cold target inhibition experiments. A correlation between blocking of lytic activity by cold TC and the percentage of conjugate formation with the particular cold TC was observed. Because these clones also show differential susceptibility to inhibition of lysis by various MCA, it is concluded that human cytotoxic T cell clones can exert multiple lytic activities, i.e., the operationally defined lytic mechanisms differ at least at certain stages of the lytic cycle.  相似文献   

Murine lupus in BXSB mice is associated with B cell hyperactivity, monocyte proliferation, and impaired T cell function. However, the significance of these abnormalities, and the relationship among them, has not been clearly established. To examine the role of T cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease in BXSB mice, we depleted specific T cell subsets from BXSB males by using rat IgG2b monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to either Thy-1.2 (on all T cells) or L3T4 (on "helper/inducer" T cells). A single injection of anti-Thy-1.2 (6 mg i.v.) at age 3 mo produced a sustained 40 to 50% reduction in circulating T cells for 6 mo. Treatment prevented monocytosis, reduced anti-DNA antibody concentration, and retarded renal disease, but it did not prolong life. Repeated injections of rat MAb to Thy-1.2 were precluded by the development of a host immune response to rat immunoglobulin (Ig) that can cause anaphylaxis in BXSB mice. In contrast, rat MAb to L3T4 stimulated little or no immune response to rat Ig. We therefore were able to treat BXSB mice weekly with anti-L3T4 (2 mg i.p.) from age 3 to 12 mo. Treatment reduced circulating L3T4+ cells beneath the level of detection by fluorescence analysis. It also significantly reduced monocytosis, anti-DNA antibody production, renal disease, and mortality. These findings establish that monocytosis and autoimmunity in BXSB mice are promoted by T cells. They extend our previous observation that MAb to L3T4 retard autoimmunity in NZB/NZW F1 mice. Our finding that treatment with MAb to L3T4 is effective in two strains of lupus-prone mice suggests that treatment with MAb to Leu-3/T4, the human homologue for L3T4, may be effective in people with systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

We have analyzed activation of resting human T cells by anti-T cell receptor (TCR) monoclonal antibody (mAb) BMA031, a murine mAb of the G2b isotype. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) respond to anti-TCR mAb by short-term proliferation in vitro and by acquisition of responsiveness to interleukin 2 (rIL-2) in the absence of detectable IL-2 production. Cell depletion and limiting dilution experiments indicate that anti-TCR mAb +/- rIL-2 stimulation covers a substantial portion of human T cells, including CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Enhancement by rIL-2 of anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is blocked by anti-IL-2 receptor (IL-2R, p55) mAb, while anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is not. In contrast, anti-TCR mAb-induced proliferation is blocked by anti-lymphocyte function antigen 1 (LFA-1, CD11a) mAb and is not demonstrable in PBL from two patients with severe congenital LFA-1 deficiency, not even in the presence of irradiated LFA-1+ PBL. We conclude that stimulation of resting human T cells by anti-TCR mAb BMA031 enables dissociation of distinct steps in T cell activation that specifically require participation of IL-2R (p55) and LFA-1 cell surface molecules in a mutually exclusive way.  相似文献   

Induction of nonspecific cytotoxicity by monoclonal anti-T3 antibodies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The effects of monoclonal anti-T3 antibodies on the effector phase of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were studied with respect to antigen-specific and antigen-nonspecific lysis of different target cells. Anti-T3 antibodies inhibited the antigen-specific lysis by CTL generated in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), but they concomitantly augmented the nonspecific killing of third-party cells such as the cell lines Daudi, Raji, and K562. This nonspecific cytotoxicity was induced by various anti-T3 antibodies, whereas antibodies reactive with other antigens expressed on the cytotoxic effector cells lacked any such activity. Anti-T3 antibodies induced nonspecific cytotoxicity only when activated T cells, obtained by primary MLC, by repeated restimulation, or after cloning, were used. The antibodies had no effect on unstimulated peripheral T lymphocytes or thymocytes. The inhibition of the antigen-specific lysis and the induction of nonspecific lysis by anti-T3 was dose dependent, and both effects occurred at the same concentration range of anti-T3. F(ab')2 fragments of anti-T3 inhibited the specific lysis but were not able to induce cytotoxic activity, indicating that this induction is an Fc-dependent process. When different target cells were tested, only Fc receptor-positive cells were susceptible for this nonspecific cytotoxicity. Thus, anti-T3 antibodies have a dual effect on effector CTL: they inhibit antigen-specific lysis and concomitantly induce nonspecific lysis in an Fc-dependent way.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte activation through stimulation of the T cell receptor complex and co-stimulatory receptors is associated with acute tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins, which in turn mediate downstream signaling events that regulate interleukin-2 expression and cell proliferation. The extent of protein tyrosine phosphorylation is rapidly attenuated after only 1-2 min of stimulation as a means of tightly controlling the initial signaling response. Here we show that this attenuation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc, CrkL, and the proto-oncogene Cbl is mimicked by treatment of mouse T lymphocytes or cultured Jurkat cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. This effect is blocked by the specific protein kinase C inhibitor GF109203X, but not by PD98059, an inhibitor of MEK1/2 kinase. Activation of protein kinase C by phorbol ester also causes rapid (t(1)/(2) = 2 min) dissociation of both CrkL and p85/phosphoinositide 3-kinase from Cbl concomitant with Cbl tyrosine dephosphorylation. More important, GF109203X treatment of Jurkat cells prior to T cell receptor stimulation by anti-CD3/CD4 antibodies results in an enhanced (2-fold) peak of Cbl phosphorylation compared with that observed in control cells. Furthermore, the rate of attenuation of both Cbl tyrosine phosphorylation and its association with CrkL following stimulation with anti-CD3/CD4 antibodies is much slower in Jurkat cells treated with GF109203X. Taken together, these data provide strong evidence that one or more isoforms of phorbol ester-responsive protein kinase C play a key role in a feedback mechanism that attenuates tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins and reverses formation of signaling complexes in response to T cell receptor activation.  相似文献   

Previously we have described a system of somatic cell genetics (J.CaM1 and J.CaM2) for analyzing signal transduction via the T cell antigen receptor complex (CD3/Ti). Here we describe a third mutant, J.CaM3, which also expresses high levels of receptors that are functionally impaired. Like J.CaM1, J.CaM3 demonstrates partial signal transduction via CD3/Ti to only certain stimuli. J.CaM1, J.CaM2, and J.CaM3 define three non-Ti complementation groups involved in receptor function. To evaluate the mutations further we have introduced a heterologous receptor, the human muscarinic receptor 1 (HM1), into the parental Jurkat and mutant cell lines. This receptor demonstrates signal transduction competence in all these hosts, indicating that 1) T cells express the necessary apparatus for the coupling of HM1 to second messenger generation and 2) the mutations in the J.CaM family all affect molecules that are specific to CD3/Ti, and not HM1, function. Finally, the HM1 receptor exhibits partial sensitivity to cholera toxin in Jurkat cells, in contrast to the virtually complete sensitivity of CD3/Ti to cholera toxin.  相似文献   

We have used two monoclonal antibodies (Mab) to the L3T4 antigen to reexplore the role of this molecule in the process of T cell activation. Both Mab (Gk1.5 and 2B6) were capable of inhibiting Con A-induced IL 2 production by a number of antigen-specific T cell hybridomas in an assay system that was free of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen-bearing cells. The inhibition produced by the anti-L3T4 Mab was specific, because other Mab to cell surface antigens expressed on the hybridomas were without inhibitory effects. These studies rule out the possibility that the mechanism of inhibition by anti-L3T4 in this model is mediated by blocking interaction of L3T4 with MHC class II products. Taken together, these results and those of other groups of investigators, are most compatible with a dual function for L3T4 in T cell activation. L3T4 might first interact with MHC class II molecules or other molecules on target or accessory cells; L3T4 would subsequently transmit a signal that would regulate the activation process. Mab to L3T4 might exert inhibitory effects at one or both of these steps.  相似文献   

The percentage and absolute number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells reactive with monoclonal antibodies identifying mature thymocytes and T cells (T3+), helper/inducer cells (T4+), and suppressor/cytotoxic cells (T8+) was determined in 19 young (mean age 35 yr) and 31 elderly (mean age 72 yr) individuals. The percent representation but not the absolute number of T cells (T3+) declined significantly (p less than 0.001) in the elderly, and the decline was attributable to both an absolute and relative decrease in the representation of the subpopulation of cytotoxic/suppressor (T8+) cells. The percentage and number of helper/inducer (T4+) T cells was comparable in both age groups.  相似文献   

Stimulatory of antigen-specific murine T cell hybridomas with the appropriate antigen has been shown to cause lymphokine secretion and inhibition of spontaneous cell growth. In this study, the effect of cellular activation on the growth of transformed T cells, of known or unknown antigen specificity, was explored with stimulatory monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that recognize nonclonally distributed T cell surface molecules. Anti-CD3 antibodies stimulated interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion while they inhibited murine and human T cell tumor growth in vitro. Both responses required external cross-linking of the anti-CD3 antibodies. Activation via two molecules that are not physically associated with the T cell antigen receptor, Thy-1 and Ly-6, also inhibited transformed T cell growth while inducing IL-2 secretion. Notably, an anti-Thy-1 mAb that did not cause the transformed T cells to secrete lymphokines failed to affect their growth, and in fact blocked the growth inhibition induced by the stimulatory mAb. Regardless of which stimulating mAb was used, IL-2 production and cell growth were inversely proportional, manifesting similar antibody dose-response curves. Activation of a T cell hybridoma with stimulatory mAb resulted in rapid lysis, as evidenced by the release of 51Cr and lactate dehydrogenase. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that cellular activation was accompanied by a cell cycle block between the G1 and S phases, and probably a slowing of the transit of cells already in S. These results demonstrate that the growth of a spectrum of neoplastic T cells, murine and human, can be inhibited by what are normally growth-promoting signals for non-transformed T cells.  相似文献   

CD28 is an antigen of 44 kDa which is expressed on the membrane of the majority of human T cells. The present study examines the functional effects of an anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody (mAb 9.3) on T cell activation induced with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb OKT3 or with mitogens, in the absence of accessory cells. To this end, we used blood resting T cells that were completely depleted of accessory cells (monocytes, B cells, and natural killer cells), and consequently did not respond to recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2), to immobilized OKT3, to PHA, or to Con A. Addition of mAb 9.3 to the cultures enhanced IL-2 receptor expression (Tac antigen) on PHA- or immobilized OKT3-stimulated T cells and induced IL-2 receptors on Con A-stimulated T cells. Moreover, addition of mAb 9.3 to cultures of T cells stimulated with PHA, Con A, or immobilized OKT3 resulted in IL-2 production. Soluble mAb 9.3 was a sufficient helper signal for T cell proliferation in response to PHA or immobilized OKT3. Crosslinking of mAb 9.3 by culture on anti-mouse IgG-coated plates enhanced the helper effect and was an essential requirement for the induction of T cell proliferation in response to Con A. No other anti-T cell mAb (anti-CD2, -CD4, -CD5, -CD7, -CD8) was found to provide a complete accessory signal for PHA or Con A stimulation of purified T cells. T cell proliferation induced by the combination of PHA and mAb 9.3 was strongly inhibited by the anti-IL-2 receptor mAb anti-Tac. In conclusion, mAb 9.3 can provide a signal bypassing monocyte requirement in T cell activation with immobilized OKT3, PHA, and Con A, resulting in an autocrine IL-2-dependent pathway of proliferation.  相似文献   

The cytolytic activity of NK cells is tightly regulated by inhibitory receptors specific for MHC class I Ags. We have investigated the composition of signal transduction molecules in the supramolecular activation clusters in the MHC class I-regulated cytolytic and noncytolytic NK cell immune synapses. KIR2DL3-positive NK clones that are specifically inhibited in their cytotoxicity by HLA-Cw*0304 and polyclonal human NK cells were used for conjugate formation with target cells that are either protected or are susceptible to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Polarization of talin, microtubule-organizing center, and lysosomes occurred only during cytolytic interactions. The NK immune synapses were analyzed by three-dimensional immunofluorescence microscopy, which showed two distinctly different synaptic organizations in NK cells during cytolytic and noncytolytic interactions. The center of a cytolytic synapse with MHC class I-deficient target is comprised of a complex of signaling molecules including Src homology (SH)2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-1 (SHP-1). Closely related molecules with overlapping functions, such as the Syk kinases, SYK, and ZAP-70, and adaptor molecules, SH2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa and B cell linker protein, are expressed in activated NK cells and are all recruited to the center of the cytolytic synapse. In contrast, the noncytolytic synapse contains SHP-1, but is lacking other components of the central supramolecular activation cluster. These findings indicate a functional role for SHP-1 in both the cytolytic and noncytolytic interactions. We also demonstrate, in three-cell conjugates, that a single NK cell forms a cytolytic synapse with a susceptible target cell in the presence of both susceptible and nonsusceptible target cells.  相似文献   

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