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Zusammenfassung Mit einer Perameisensäure-HID (high iron diamine)-Technik ist eine prägnante und elektive Darstellung thyrotroper Zellen der Adenohypophyse möglich. Diese Methode, die auf dem relativ hohen Gehalt an Disulfidgruppen bzw. Cystin des thyrotropen Hormons beruht, ist sehr empfindlich und liefert gut reproduzierbare Ergebnisse.
Demonstration of thyrotropin secreting cells of the adenohypophysis by aromatic diamines
Summary With a performic acid-HID (high iron diamine) reaction, which is based upon the relative high cystine content of TSH, a selective demonstration of TSH-cells will be obtained. This method is a very sensitive one and gives reproducible results.

Für technische Unterstützung danke ich Fräulein Jannamaria Frielinghaus und Herrn Hermann Guckes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Erste Hinweise auf die Bildung von Belegzellen bieten lange Mikrovilli, die im Stadium –1 Tag an der freien Oberfläche einiger den Drüsenmagen auskleidender Stammzellen elektronenmikroskopisch zu erkennen sind. Am Tage der Geburt stülpt sich diese mit Mikrovilli besetzte Oberfläche in das Cytoplasma der jungen Belegzellen ein. Dadurch entstehen jene intrazellulären Sekretkapillaren, die, zusammen mit den zur gleichen Zeit sich stark vermehrenden Mitochondrien den Belegzellen eine charakteristische Ultrastruktur verleihen. Um den 6. Tag nach der Geburt entwickelt sich ein glattes endoplasmatisches Retikulum, womit die Stufe der voll ausdifferenzierten Belegzelle erreicht wird. Im Zusammenhang und gleichzeitig mit der Mitochondrienvermehrung weisen die sich differenzierenden Belegzellen eine hohe Aktivität der Bernsteinsäuredehydrogenase und Cytochromoxydase auf.Die schleimbildenden Zellen entwickeln sich vom Stadium –1 Tag an ebenfalls aus den Stammzellen. Zuerst im Pylorus-, dann im Cardia- und zuletzt im Fundusbereich treten in diesen indifferenten Zellen apical Schleimgranula auf. Dem Schleimgehalt entsprechend fällt die PSL-Reaktion in den jungen Oberflächenzellen stark positiv aus. Außer den die Schleimhaut bis in die Foveolae hinein bedeckenden, neutrale Schleimstoffe enthaltenden Oberflächenzellen differenzieren sich vom 2. Tag nach der Geburt an im Drüsenhals der Fundustubuli Nebenzellen, die sauren Schleim produzieren. Der in Drüsen der Pylorus- und Cardiaregion gebildete Schleim ist wie der der Oberflächenzellen neutral.Bis zum Stadium +4 Tage, also noch zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Differenzierung sowohl der Belegzellen als auch der schleimbildenden Zellen abgeschlossen ist, sind Stammzellen zu erkennen, die sich in der Folge, ersichtlich an der Entwicklung eines endoplasmatischen Retikulum, zu Hauptzellen differenzieren. Histochemisch sind die Hauptzellen erst im Stadium +8 Tage aufgrund ihres hohen RNS-Gehaltes zu identifizieren. Das Enzymmuster der Hauptzellen ist zu uncharakteristisch, um als Differenzierungsmerkmal benutzt werden zu können.Die Stammzellen enthalten anfangs Glykogen, das im Laufe der Differenzierung abnimmt. Die Bedeutung des Glykogen für Differenzierungsvorgänge wird darin erblickt, daß über den anoxydativen Abbau der Glucose Nucleinsäurebestandteile und TPNH für mannigfache Syntheseschritte zur Verfügung gestellt wird.
Summary The beginning of a differentiation into parietal cells is indicated by the appearance of long microvilli on the luminal surface of some of the stem cells lining the stomach. The microvilli can be seen one day before birth. Soon after birth an inversion of the apical surface of the cell into its interior takes place forming intracellular secretory capillaries. Together with an abundance of mitochondria they make up the typical ultrastructural appearance of parietal cells. The differentiation of parietal cells is completed by the formation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum at 6 days after birth. Parallel to the increase of mitochondria there is a rise in succinic dehydrogenase and cytochromoxydase activity.About 1 day before birth mucus producing cells are differentiated from the stem cells. By electron microscopy, the apical appearance of amorphous granules can be observed in undifferentiated cells, starting at the pylorus, then at the cardia and finally in the fundus region. Because of their mucus contents the PAS reaction becomes strongly positive in young surface cells. Besides the surface cells which cover all three parts of the mucus membrane down to the foveolae chief cells of the neck appear in the fundus region by the second day after birth, producing acid mucus. Mucus from pyloric and cardiac glands is neutral as well as from surface cells.By the 4th day p. n. a developing endoplasmic reticulum indicates a differentiation of the remaining stem cells into chief cells. Not until the 8th day p.n. chief cells can be identified histochemically on the basis of their high RNA contents. Their enzyme pattern, however, is too unspecific to permit histochemical characterisation.Originally the stem cells contain glycogen which decreases in amount in the course of differentiation. We suggest that the importance of glycogen for the differentiation lies in the fact, that by anoxydative breakdown of glucose nucleic acid precursors and TPNH are made available.

Summary We investigated the influences of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) on the percentage, size, and shape of somatotrophs in ectopic anterior pituitary tissue. Entire pituitary glands removed from 7-week-old male hamsters were placed beneath the renal capsules of 12-week-old hamsters that had been hypophysectomized and castrated 3 weeks previously. Beginning 6 days after each host had received a single allograft, each was injected subcutaneously twice daily with 4 g GHRH in 100 l of vehicle or 100 l of vehicle for 16 days. Six hosts in each group were killed by decapitation on day 17, 16 h after the last injection. Nine normal male hamsters were also decapitated and their pituitary glands were removed. Sections of anterior pituitary tissue were stained for GH and with hematoxylin. The percentage of anterior pituitary cells that stained for growth hormone was similar in the 3 groups. In contrast, somatotrophs in grafts had a smaller mean cross-sectional area than those observed in glands in situ. This effect was reversed by GHRH. Analysis of the shape of somatotrophs in both groups of grafts disclosed that they were less circular in cross-section than those in glands in situ. The results suggest that GHRH may not play a role in maintaining the percentage of somatotrophs among anterior pituitary cells, but that it does play a role in maintaining their size.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural changes of testicular interstitial cells of Leydig and secretory cells of seminal vesicles were studied in golden hamsters under different functional states of the pineal gland. Experiments were performed in the reproductive season (summer months). In the hamsters blinded for 8 weeks the testes and the seminal vesicles were markedly atrophic, and the Leydig cells and the secretory cells of seminal vesicles were extremely involuted. By contrast, both types of cells in the pinealectomized or superior cervical ganglionectomized hamsters exhibited cytological features suggestive of an enhanced secretory activity. This study shows that functional activity of Leydig cells as well as secretory cells of seminal vesicles in the hamster may be depressed or augmented by stimulating or inhibiting the pineal antigonadal function, respectively, without performing hypophysectomy or hormonal administration.Dedicated to Professor Shu Yeh on the occasion of his 70th birthday. This study was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Council, the Republic of China  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons, functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied during the postnatal development of the pineal gland in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). On day 4 post partum, synaptic ribbons appear in cells that have already started to differentiate into pinealocytes. Between days 4 and 9, an increase in the number of synaptic ribbons occurs, concomitant with the continuing differentiation of the pineal tissue. Between days 9 and 16, when differentiation of this tissue is almost completed, the number of synaptic ribbons decreases and approaches that characteristic of the adult pineal gland. During development, the synaptic ribbons increase in length, and dense core vesicles are frequently found in the vicinity of these structures. It is assumed that a functional relationship exists between dense core vesicles and the synaptic ribbons, which are considered to be engaged in a certain form of secretory activity of the mammalian pineal gland.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary A unique cytoplasmic structure has been observed in Leydig cells of the golden hamster. It consists of a laminar core made up of electron dense material surrounded by a filamentous matrix of lower density, and is tentatively called a dense-cored filamentous body (DCFB). DCFBs vary in overall size and in configuration of the centrally disposed dense lamina. They are typically located in the vicinity of the centrosome and the Golgi complex. The body has no limiting membrane, and may be in contact with virtually every type of organelle. The DCFB is well developed in active Leydig cells, whereas it is small in the quiescent stage of the secretory cell. It is likely that the DCFB is a constant organelle in the hamster Leydig cell and may be involved in the physiological function of the Leydig cell, which remains to be specified.This work was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Council, the Republic of China (NSC-66B-0412-02-13)  相似文献   

M. Hesse 《Protoplasma》1980,103(1):83-97
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der synchron gezogenen, mehrkernigen AlgeBumilleriopsis filiformis (Xanthophyceae) wurde nach Glutaraldehydfixierung elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Chloroplasten werden von Bändern aus 3–4 Thylakoiden in der Längsrichtung durchzogen. In den Chloroplasten befindet sich ein ribosomenfreierer, pyrenoidähnlicher Bereich, der die Chloroplastenmitte in Richtung Zellinnenraum vorwölbt. An der Grenze zu diesem Bereich treten oftmals Thylakoide von einem Band in ein benachbartes über. Hierbei erfolgt neben der Neuanordnung der Bänder auch die Ausbildung von Einzelthylakoiden. Dieser Übergangsbereich könnte der Neubildung von Bändern dienen. Das Auftreten von Thylakoid-Unterbrechungen ist augenscheinlich keine Erscheinung, die auf eine Chloroplastenteilung hindeutet, sondern vielmehr aus dem besonderen Verlauf der Bänder und einzelnen Thylakoide am Rande des ribosomenfreieren Bereichs (Thylakoidübergangsbereich) zu erklären.Asynchrone Zellen, die langsamer herangewachsen sind, zeigen erheblich mehr Thylakoide pro Band bzw. pro Fläche (entsprechend höherem Chlorophyllgehalt pro Zelle), eine wenig regelmäßige Anordnung der Bänder, keine pyrenoidähnlichen Bereiche, keine Zonen mit vermehrtem Übergang von Thylakoiden zwischen benachbarten Bändern, sowie eine geringere Anzahl von Mitochondrienanschnitten mit erheblich geringerer Tubuli-Anzahl.Auf die Struktur weiterer Zellorganelle in den physiologisch besonders aktiven Zellen der Synchronkultur wurde hingewiesen. Die Möglichkeit der Bildung einer 3konturigen Chloroplastenhülle aus einer zweifachen Doppelmembran wurde aufgezeigt. Strukturähnlichkeiten bzw. -unterschiede zuBumilleria undBotrydium wurden diskutiert.
Electron microscopy of the chloroplast fine structure of the physiologically active, vegetative cells of Bumilleriopsis
Summary The fine structure of the synchronous, multinucleate algaBumilleriopsis filiformis (Xanthophyceae) has been studied in the electron microscope.It is typical that 3–4 thylakoids are grouped forming lamellae; these lamellae run for the whole length of the plastid in a very regular way.In the central region of the most chloroplasts the stroma has only few ribosomes. The thylakoids which enter this region are often leaving their bands and meet a neighbour-band. There is obviously a region with typical rearrangement of the thylakoids. In this area a synthesis of new thylakoids and also bands may be possible. The interruption of thylakoids and the occurence of smaller tubular thylakoids (Fig. 12) can be explained by the special course of the thylakoids through the region of rearrangement.Cells from asynchronous cultures, which are growing much slower, have more than 4 thylakoids in each band; they have a less regular arrangement of the bands. A typical rearrangement of the thylakoids resp. bands has not been found.
Die Arbeit wurde am Lehrstuhl für Physiologie und Biochemie der Pflanzen der Universität Konstanz durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Analysis of the mechanism of action of estrogen receptor shows protein and mRNA polymorphism within distinct pituitary receptor-positive cells. The lactotropes exhibit unique properties in these mechanisms that distinguish them from gonadotropes. Therefore, this cell type constitutes an especially interesting model in the male as well as in the female for estrogen receptor studies.Abbreviations PRL prolactin - E2 estradiol - ER estrogen receptor - GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone - PMSG pugnant mare serum gonadotropin  相似文献   

Summary In bright columnar cells of the vomero-nasal organ of the cat an hitherto unknown hexagonal crystal-like membrane differentiation, connected with the endoplasmic reticulum, was found.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary In Mammals, a prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF) is elaborated in the hypothalamus; its effect can be demonstrated after reserpine treatment inducing a stimulation of prolactin cells. In eels, after 1 to 25 injections of reserpine, no activation of prolactin cells is detected. The storage of cytoplasmic granules, the slight blood sodium decrease and muscle hydration, the significant regression of nuclear size in initial collecting tubules of the kidney suggest the hypothesis of a reduction of prolactin release. After reserpine treatment, there is no evidence in favour of the presence of a PIF in the eel. This observation is in agreement with previous results obtained after hypothalamic deconnection. Brain catecholamines do not seem to inhibit prolactin secretion.
Ce travail a été réalisé avec la collaboration de Melle J. Olivereau, du CNRS, pour la partie histologique, et de Mme P. Martin du CNRS, pour le dosage des électrolytes. Nous les remercions de leur aide vivement appréciée. Nous sommes reconnaissante aux Laboratoires Ciba pour la réserpine (Serpasil) utilisée dans ces expériences, qui nous a été fournie gracieusement.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Granulations-Index der juxtaglomerulären epitheloiden Zellen der Rattenniere unterliegt tagesrhythmischen Schwankungen, wobei die berechneten Werte in den Nachtstunden significant höher sind als in den Tagesstunden.
Diurnal changes in the granulation index of juxtaglomerular cells in the rat kidney
Summary Marked diurnal changes occur in the granulation index of the juxtaglomerular cells in the rat kidney. According to the results the night values are significantly higher than those obtained in daytime.

The effects of fish serum on cell growth and human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) production in an adhesion culture of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells DR1000L4N were investigated and compared with those of fetal calf serum (FCS). Although fish serum did not stimulate the initial adhesion of CHO cells to culture dishes, it prompted cell growth after cell adhesion with FCS for 24 h. The cell density in the fish serum medium reached 75% that in the FCS medium. Fish serum promoted cell adhesion to and cell growth on collagen-coated dishes. The cell-specific production rate of hGM-CSF in the fish serum medium on collagen-coated dishes was almost the same as that in the FCS medium.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachdem durch die NAHD-Reaktion (Camber, 1949) Ketosteroide in den granulierten Zellen des Kaninchenthymus dargestellt werden konnten (Möllmann et al., 1973), wurde der Ketosteroidgehalt des Thymus an Hand des zahlenmäßigen Verhaltens der Camber-positiven Zellen in der Postnatalzeit (1.–30. Tag), nach Glucocorticoidapplikation sowie nach Metopirongabe überprüft. Die bei der Geburt nur vereinzelt auftretenden granulierten Zellen vermehrten sich stetig bis zu einem Maximum am 9. postnatalen Tag, um daraufhin wieder abzunehmen. Ein Vergleich dieser Befunde mit dem relativen Thymusgwicht ergab eine nahezu gegensinnige Korrelation. Nach Verabreichung von Glucocorticoiden von Geburt an zeigten die Thymi von Kaninchen, die nicht am Wasting-Syndrom verstarben, eine deutliche Zunahme der Camber-positiven Zellen, wiederum gegenläufig zum relativen Thymusgewicht. Hingegen führte die mehrtägige Applikation von Metopiron zu keinen Veränderungen der Zahl und des Aussehens dieser Zellen.Die vorliegenden Befunde sowie die Ergebnisse anderer Autoren (s. Literatur) lassen eine Abstammung der Ketosteroide des Thymus aus dem Glucocorticoidmetabolismus vermuten.
Influence of synthetic glucocorticoids and of metopirone on ketosteroid-containing cells of the postnatal rabbit thymus
Summary After postnatal (1–30 days) administration of glucocorticoids or of metopirone to rabbits the ketosteroid content of the thymus was evaluated from the number of Camber-positive cells, using the NAHD-reaction of Camber (1949), which appears in granular cells of the rabbit thymus (Möllmann et al., 1973). Granular cells are sparse at birth and steadily increase in number, attaining a maximum on day 9, after which they decrease numerically. A comparison of these findings with the relative thymus weight shows an almost inverse correlation. After giving glucocorticoids from birth those thymi of rabbits which did not perish from wasting-syndrome showed a distinct increase in Camber-positive cells, again inversely to the relative thymic weight. On the other hand, administration of metopirone over a period of several days produced no change in either number or appearance of these cells.The above findings, combined with observations in the literature, lead to the assumption that ketosteroids of the rabbit thymus are derived from the glucocorticoid metabolism.

Summary Serum concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the juvenile female rat increases independently from that of luteinizing hormone (LH). The objective of this study was to determine whether this increase in serum FSH is accompanied by a proliferation of FSH-cells greater than the proliferation of LH-cells. Thus, we measured circulating FSH and LH in female rats on days 3, 10, 13, 17, and 20, calculated the percentages of adenohypophyseal cells that contained FSH or LH on days 3, 10, and 20, and determined whether cells containing only FSH existed on day 10. Serum FSH concentrations on days 10 and 13 were significantly greater than those on days 3, 17, or 20. No differences existed in serum LH concentrations. Cells containing FSH or LH were distributed throughout the entire adenohypophyses of 3, 10, and 20-day-old females. Clusters of these cells were observed in the ventral regions of adenohypophyses of 3-day-old females. The percentages of adenohypophyseal cells containing FSH increased significantly from 9% in 3-day-old rats to 17% in 10-day-old rats and then decreased to 14% in 20-day-old animals. At all ages the percentages of adenohypophyseal cells containing FSH were similar to the percentages of cells containing LH. At 10 days of age, all cells containing FSH also contained LH and all cells containing LH also contained FSH. These data suggest that the increase in serum FSH in the juvenile female rat is associated with an increase in the percentage of adenohypophyseal cells containing FSH and that at this time all cells containing FSH also contain LH.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen an den Nachnieren 13–16 Wochen alter menschlicher Feten wird gezeigt, daß die Macula densa und andere Abschnitte des Mittelstücks der Niere von marklosen Nervenfasern innerviert werden. Nervenfasern gelangen mit den Gefäßen an die Tubuli. Synapsen finden sich innerhalb der Tubulusmembran an der Basis der Tubulusepithelien. Eine Synapse wurde an der parietalen Bowmanschen Kapsel nahe dem Gefäßpol des Glomerulus beobachtet. Die Mehrzahl der bisher am Tubulus beobachteten Axonendigungen scheint cholinergen Neuronen zuzugehören, jedoch ist eine weitere Abklärung in Verbindung mit histochemischen Methoden erforderlich. Die Bedeutung der Innervation für die Funktion des Nephron ist schwer einzuschätzen, zumal experimentelle Untersuchungen hierzu fehlen. Auch Befunde nach Nierentransplantation lassen wegen der möglichen postoperativen Persistenz und Regenerationsfähigkeit intrarenaler Nervenfasern keine eindeutigen Rückschlüsse zu. Möglicherweise ist mit dem Nachweis der Innervation auch das regulierende Agens für den kontraktilen Apparat der Niere bzw. des Nephron gefunden. Interessanter weiterer Befund ist die Beobachtung synaptischer Nerv-Endothel-Kontakte in kleinsten Nierengefäßen (Endarteriolen).
Ultrastructural study of the innervation of the human fetal metanephric nephron
Summary Electron microscopic study of the metanephros of 13–16-week-old human fetuses shows that the region of the macula densa as well as other segments of the distal convoluted tubule are innervated by unmyelinated nerve fibers. Nerve fibers reach the tubules alongside blood vessels. Synapses are found within the basal lamina of the tubular epithelia. One synapse was seen in the parietal part of the Bowman's capsule near the vascular pole of the glomerulus. Present evidence suggests mainly cholinergic innervation of the distal tubule, but verification using other histochemical methods is necessary. In the absence of experimental studies, it is difficult to determine the functional role of the innervation of the nephron. Observations after renal transplantation are not conclusive in view of possible postoperative persistence and regeneration of intrarenal nerve fibres. It may well be that innervation controls the contractile apparatus of the kidney. Synaptic contacts between axons and endothelial cells of the smallest renal arterioles may also have functional significance.
Teile dieser Arbeit wurden auf der 2. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie, Darmstadt, 1.–3. Oktober 1971, vorgetragen.  相似文献   

目的 成年金黄地鼠视神经远端切断后再生视网膜节细胞 (RGCs)Bcl 2的表达与再生的关系。方法 远端切断视神经并对接一段自体坐骨神经 ,玻璃体内注射CTx及 /或植入小段坐骨神经分支 (SN)。动物随机分为AG +CTx组 ;AG +SN组 ;AG +SN +CTx组 ,各组动物分别存活 4W ,用粒蓝 (GB)逆行标记和Bcl 2免疫荧光组织化学双标法观察再生的RGCs和Bcl 2表达。结果 再生RGCs胞质内有Bcl 2蛋白表达 ,玻璃体内给予CTx或植入SN组表达Bcl 2的再生RGCs分别为 32 2± 4 71和 2 9 4± 3 75个 ,约占其再生总数的 82 5 0 %及 80 96 % ,两组相比无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;CTx与SN联用组Bcl 2阳性再生的RGCs为 15 1 8± 35 6 9个 ,占再生总数的 91 2 2 % ,与前两组相比 ,均有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 视神经远端切断后约 80 %的再生RGCs有Bcl 2表达 ,提示Bcl 2表达可能与节细胞再生有密切关系。  相似文献   

Summary Although exposure to acid water (pH 3.5) induces severe and prolonged reduction in plasma osmolarity and total plasma calcium concentration in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and goldfish (Carassius auratus), the responses of the hypophyseal cells are clearly different. In tilapia, the size of the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary gland is enlarged as a result of the increase in size and number of prolactin cells. The pars intermedia PAS-positive (PIPAS) cells are not noticeably changed. Conversely, in goldfish, prolactin cells are unaffected, whereas the number of enlarged PIPAS cells increases markedly. Stimulation of prolactin secretion may be responsible for the partial restoration of plasma osmolarity and calcium levels observed in tilapia after two weeks exposure to acid water. Prolactin cells apparently play a role in the adaptation to acid stress by counteracting osmoregulatory disturbances. Goldfish show no restoration of plasma osmolarity during the course of the experiment. Plasma calcium levels tend to increase. Although prolactin may have an osmoregulatory function in goldfish under steady state conditions, goldfish prolactin cells do not seem to participate in the physiological adaptation to environmental changes that disturb water and ion homeostasis. The function of PIPAS cells in tilapia remains unclear and is apparently unconnected with ion regulation. The observations on these cells in goldfish are consistent with the hypercalcemic activity suggested for them.  相似文献   

Spontaneously immortal pancreatic cell lines are not available. By use of a defined culture medium, such a line (TAKA-1) was established from the Syrian golden hamster. Cytological, cytogenetic, molecular biological, enzymatic and receptor patterns as well as antigenicity were studied and were compared with those of the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells in vivo. TAKA-1 cells grew exponentially in a monolayer on collagen gel in a defined medium but did not proliferate in soft agar. Ultrastructurally, the cells closely resembled the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells. Similarities and dissimilarities were found between the normal ductal cells and TAKA-1 cells. Similarities included the presence of cytokeratin, carbonic anhydrase and some tumor-associated antigens. However, unlike the normal ductal cells, TAKA-1 cells expressed blood group A angigen and anti-vimentin, showed affinity to selected lectins, and an abnormality of chromosome 3, which is suggested to be associated with immortality. Moreover, unlike the hamster pancreatic ductal cancer cells but like the normal hamster pancreatic ductal cells, TAKA-1 cells did not have a c-Ki-ras mutation. EGF, TGF- and secretin, but not CCK or GRP, bound to the TAKA-1 cells. TAKA-1 cells produced TGF-, and their growth was stimulated by exogenous EGF in serum-free medium. This cell line presents a suitable model for biologic and pathologic study of the hamster pancreatic ductal cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Ten hamsters received repeated injections of 3H-thymidine for 4 days and were allowed to survive for 7, 28, 42 and 100 days. Changes in spatial distribution of the labelled cells and in labelling indices of each cell line in the gastric glands were studied at various days after 3H-thymidine injections, and the fate of the mucous neck cell, the replacement of the chief cell and the mode of cell migration were discussed.After 4 days of repeated injections of 3H-thymidine, the labelled parietal cells and the mucous neck cells were concentrated at the neck area. Starting from the neck area, they migrated an average of 3 micra downwards per day. By 42 days, they reached the middle level of the glands, where the labelled mucous neck cells decreased but the labelled chief cells increased in number. The differentiation of the chief cell then appears to take place at the middle level of the glands through transformation of the migratory mucous neck cells. After 4 days of the labelling, about 1.8% of the chief cells located in the lower part of the glands was found to undergo in situ replication. This indicates that the renewal of this cell type is partly assured by its own mitotic activity.The foveolar cell — the future surface epithelium — seems to migrate upwards along the long axis of the glandular tubule in the pipe line system, which means first produced, first migrates. After migrating out from the neck area, the parietal cell and the mucous neck cell (the future chief cell) take an average of 200 days to reach the lower end of the glands. In the process of migration, however, the cells produced contemporaneously at the neck area became scatteringly spread from the neck towards the bottom of the gland. The time required for the newly-formed cells to reach the lower end of the gland varied between 100 and 300 days. In the gastric glands the cells first produced at the neck area do not first reach the lower end of the glands. This mode of random migration is referred to as the stochastic flow system. As one of the probable factors which disturb the pipe line flow of downward cell migration, cellular movements perpendicular to the long axis of the glandular tubule were suggested to occur at random at an any level of the gastric glands.Supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary Neurons projecting from the brain to the pineal gland via the pineal stalk were investigated in the golden hamster with the use of the retrograde horseradish-peroxidase tracing method both in vivo and in vitro. Labelled perikarya were observed in the medial and lateral habenular nuclei as well as in the posterior commissure. Single cells located in the ependymal lining of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses were also retrogradely labelled. These results show that a distinct central innervation of the pineal gland exists in the golden hamster, in agreement with findings in other mammalian species investigated by means of a similar methodology. In addition, also direct signals from the cerebrospinal fluid to the parenchyma might be conducted via cells located within the ependymal layer of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses.This study was supported by grants from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst to M.M. (312/dk-4-is), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to H.W.K. (Ko 758/2-2, 2-3), and the Carlsberg Foundation  相似文献   

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