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Wind farms may have two broad potential adverse effects on birds via antagonistic processes: displacement from the vicinity of turbines (avoidance), or death through collision with rotating turbine blades. Large raptors are often shown or presumed to be vulnerable to collision and are demographically sensitive to additional mortality, as exemplified by several studies of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos. Previous findings from Scottish Eagles, however, have suggested avoidance as the primary response. Our study used data from 59 GPS-tagged Golden Eagles with 28 284 records during natal dispersal before and after turbine operation < 1 km of 569 turbines at 80 wind farms across Scotland. We tested three hypotheses using measurements of tag records’ distance from the hub of turbine locations: (1) avoidance should be evident; (2) older birds should show less avoidance (i.e. habituate to turbines); and (3) rotor diameter should have no influence (smaller diameters are correlated with a turbine’s age, in examining possible habituation). Four generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were constructed with intrinsic habitat preference of a turbine location using Golden Eagle Topography (GET) model, turbine operation status (before/after), bird age and rotor diameter as fixed factors. The best GLMM was subsequently verified by k-fold cross-validation and involved only GET habitat preference and presence of an operational turbine. Eagles were eight times less likely to be within a rotor diameter’s distance of a hub location after turbine operation, and modelled displacement distance was 70 m. Our first hypothesis expecting avoidance was supported. Eagles were closer to turbine locations in preferred habitat but at greater distances after turbine operation. Results on bird age (no influence to 5+ years) rejected hypothesis 2, implying no habituation. Support for hypothesis 3 (no influence of rotor diameter) also tentatively inferred no habituation, but data indicated birds went slightly closer to longer rotor blades although not to the turbine tower. We proffer that understanding why avoidance or collision in large raptors may occur can be conceptually envisaged via variation in fear of humans as the ‘super predator’ with turbines as cues to this life-threatening agent.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown negative associations between wind energy development and breeding birds, including species of conservation concern. However, the magnitude and causes of such associations remain uncertain, pending detailed ‘before‐after‐control‐intervention’ (BACI) studies. We conducted one of the most detailed such studies to date, assessing the impacts of terrestrial wind energy development on the European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, a species with enhanced protection under European environmental law. Disturbance activity during construction had no significant effect on Golden Plover breeding abundance or distribution. In contrast, once turbines were erected, Golden Plover abundance was significantly reduced within the wind farm (?79%) relative to the baseline, with no comparable changes in buffer or control areas. Golden Plovers were significantly displaced by up to 400 m from turbines during operation. Hatching and fledging success were not affected by proximity to turbine locations either during construction or operation. The marked decline in abundance within the wind farm during operation but not construction, together with the lack of evidence for changes in breeding success or habitat, strongly suggests the displacement of breeding adults through behavioural avoidance of turbines, rather than a response to disturbance alone. It is of critical importance that wind farms are appropriately sited to prevent negative wildlife impacts. We demonstrate the importance of detailed BACI designs for quantifying the impacts on birds, and recommend wider application of such studies to improve the evidence base surrounding wind farm impacts on birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As wind power generation is rapidly expanding worldwide, there is a need to understand whether and how preconstruction surveys can be used to predict impacts and to place turbines to minimize impacts to birds. Wind turbines in the 165-km2 Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, cause thousands of bird fatalities annually, including hundreds of raptors. To test whether avian fatality rates related to rates of utilization and specific behaviors within the APWRA, from March 1998 to April 2000 we performed 1,959 30-minute behavior observation sessions (360° visual scans using binoculars) among 28 nonoverlapping plots varying from 23 ha to 165 ha in area and including 10–67 turbines per plot, totaling 1,165 turbines. Activity levels were highly seasonal and species specific. Only 1% of perch time was on towers of operating turbines, but 22% was on towers of turbines broken, missing, or not operating. Of those species that most often flew through the rotor zone, fatality rates were high for some (e.g., 0.357 deaths/megawatt of rated capacity [MW]/yr for red-tailed hawk [Buteo jamaicensis] and 0.522 deaths/MW/yr for American kestrel [Falco sparverius]) and low for others (e.g., 0.060 deaths/MW/yr for common raven [Corvus corax] and 0.012 deaths/MW/yr for turkey vulture [Cathartes aura]), indicating specific behaviors or visual acuity differentiated these species by susceptibility to collision. Fatality rates did not correlate with utilization rates measured among wind turbine rows or plots for any species except burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) and mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). However, mean monthly fatality rates of red-tailed hawks increased with mean monthly utilization rates (r2 = 0.67) and especially with mean monthly flights through turbine rows (r2 = 0.92). Fatality rates increased linearly with rates of utilization (r2 = 0.99) and flights near rotor zones (r2 = 1.00) for large raptor species and with rates of perching (r2 = 0.13) and close flights (r2 = 0.77) for small non-raptor species. Fatalities could be minimized or reduced by shutting down turbines during ≥1 season or in very strong winds or by leaving sufficiently large areas within a wind farm free of wind turbines to enable safer foraging and travel by birds.  相似文献   

福建漳江口红树林鹭科鸟类巢址选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年4~5月、2012年4~5月,采用样线调查和样方调查相结合的方法对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区内鹭科鸟类巢址与影响其选择的因子进行研究.t-检验结果显示,红树基径、盖度、距地面平均高度、植株密度及秋茄比5个参数在巢区样方(n=23)与对照样方(n=37)之间存在显著差异(P<0.05),桐花比、距道路距离、距村庄距离与距池塘距离4个参数存在极其显著差异(P<0.01).主成分分析表明,植被结构和干扰条件是影响鹭科鸟类巢址选择的主要因子,植被结构不仅能够影响鹭科鸟类群落结构,还受到鹭科鸟类集群繁殖影响.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigated whether habitat fragmentation at the landscape level influences patch occupancy and abundance of the black‐headed gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, and whether the response of the species to environmental factors is consistent across replicated landscape plots. Location Water bodies (habitat patches) in southern Poland. Methods Surveys were conducted in two landscape types (four plots in each): (1) more‐fragmented landscape, in which habitat patches were small (mean size 2.2–6.2 ha) and far apart (mean distance 2.5–3.1 km); and (2) less‐fragmented landscape, in which habitat patches were large (mean size 9.2–16.5 ha) and separated by short distances (mean 0.9–1.4 km). Observations were performed twice in 284 potential habitat patches during the 2007 breeding season. Results Colonies were significantly more frequent and larger in the less‐fragmented landscapes than in the more‐fragmented ones. Probability of patch occupancy and number of breeding birds were positively related with patch size and these relationships were especially strong in the more‐fragmented landscapes. In the less‐fragmented landscapes, the occurrence of black‐headed gulls was negatively related to the distance to the nearest local population, but in the more‐fragmented landscapes such a relationship was not detected. As distance to the nearest habitat patch increased, the probability of the patch occupancy decreased in the more‐fragmented landscapes. Moreover, abundance was negatively influenced by distance to the nearest habitat patch, especially strongly in more‐fragmented landscapes. Proximity of corridors (rivers) positively influenced the occupation of patches regardless of landscape type. The number of islets positively influenced occupancy and abundance of local populations, and this relationship was stronger in the more‐fragmented landscapes. Main conclusions Our results are in agreement with predictions from metapopulation theory and are the first evidence that populations of black‐headed gulls may have a metapopulation structure. However, patch occupancy and abundance were differentially affected by explanatory variables in the more‐fragmented landscapes than in the less‐fragmented ones. This implies that it is impossible to derive, a priori, predictions about presence/abundance patterns based on only a single landscape.  相似文献   

Worldwide there is a rush toward wind power development and its associated infrastructure. In Fennoscandia, large‐scale wind farms comprising several hundred windmills are currently built in important grazing ranges used for Sámi reindeer husbandry. In this study, reindeer habitat use was assessed using reindeer fecal pellet group counts in relation to two relatively small wind farms, with 8 and 10 turbines, respectively. In 2009, 1,315 15‐m2 plots were established and pellet groups were counted and cleaned from the plots. This was repeated once a year in May, during preconstruction, construction, and operation of the wind farms, covering 6 years (2009–2014) of reindeer habitat use in the area. We modeled the presence/absence of any pellets in a plot at both the local (wind farm site) and regional (reindeer calving to autumn range) scale with a hierarchical logistic regression, where spatial correlation was accounted for via random effects, using vegetation type, and the interaction between distance to wind turbine and time period as predictor variables. Our results revealed an absolute reduction in pellet groups by 66% and 86% around each wind farm, respectively, at local scale and by 61% at regional scale during the operation phase compared to the preconstruction phase. At the regional, scale habitat use declined close to the turbines in the same comparison. However, at the local scale, we observed increased habitat use close to the wind turbines at one of the wind farms during the operation phase. This may be explained by continued use of an important migration route close to the wind farm. The reduced use at the regional scale nevertheless suggests that there may be an overall avoidance of both wind farms during operation, but further studies of reindeer movement and behavior are needed to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms behind this suggested avoidance.  相似文献   

Joris Everaert 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):220-230
Capsule Local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms.

Aims The impact of bird collisions was studied at eight land-based wind farm sites with a total of 66 small to large turbines in order to assess the mortality rate and collision risk.

Methods Searches for collision fatalities were performed under all turbines with a minimum search interval of 14 days. Mortality rate was calculated with corrections for available search area, scavenging and search efficiency. Flight movements of birds crossing five of the wind farm sites were recorded during a minimum of four days per site. Actual collision risk was then calculated as the number of collision fatalities relative to the average surveyed flight intensity.

Results Mortality rate was 21 birds per turbine per year on average. Most fatalities were local common species (e.g. gulls) but rarer species were also found (e.g. terns, raptors and waders). Collision risk of gulls was 0.05% and 0.08% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms (0.09% and 0.14% maximum). Large gulls had a significant higher collision risk than small gulls at rotor height. Mortality rate and collision risk were not significantly related to turbine size. The results were integrated in a widely used collision risk model to obtain information of micro-avoidance, i.e. the proportion of birds that fly through the wind farm but avoid passing through the rotor swept area of the turbines. For gulls, this micro-avoidance was 96.1% and 96.3% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms.

Conclusion The results indicate that local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms. However, large turbines have more installed capacity (MW), so repowering wind farms with larger but fewer wind turbines, could reduce total mortality at certain locations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Territorial songbirds generally use song to defend territories and attract mates, but conspecific song may also serve as a cue to attract other male songbirds to a breeding site. Although known to occur in some colonial and forest-associated species, only recently have investigators examined conspecific attraction in grassland species. We used a playback experiment to examine the possible role of conspecific attraction for males searching for potentially suitable breeding habitat in a grassland specialist, the Baird's Sparrow ( Ammodramus bairdii ). Experimental playback plots and control plots with similar landscape and vegetation characteristics were established at two sites in North Dakota. Baird's Sparrows colonized three of six experimental plots and none of six control plots. Males on experimental plots established territories adjacent to the playback stations and were sometimes observed counter-singing with the playback of conspecific songs. Vegetation characteristics were similar on all study plots, and did not explain differences in bird density on our treatment plots. Although we found that playback of conspecific songs attracted male Baird's Sparrows to previously unoccupied, potentially suitable habitat, further experiments are needed to examine the importance of conspecific attraction relative to other cues that birds may use, such as vegetation features. The conservation and management implications of conspecific attraction are not completely understood, but the presence of conspecifics should be considered as a potential cue in habitat selection by all species of birds.  相似文献   

Occupancy modeling can be used to identify habitat characteristics associated with species occurrence. Additionally, occupancy sampling can provide measures of detection probability, increasing confidence in monitoring efforts. Little is known about the distribution and habitat preferences of a small population of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in western Utah. We conducted a study to estimate occupancy and detection probability of Snowy Plovers in western Utah during 2011 and 2012. We made repeated visits to randomly selected survey plots during the breeding period, sampling 84 64‐ha plots in 2011 and 100 64‐ha plots in 2012 and recording the number of adults and habitat characteristics in each plot. We then modeled the relationship between detection, occupancy, and covariates that included distance to water, distance to roads, land cover types, and characteristics of the vegetation. We also included covariates for observer, Julian date, temperature, cloud cover, and wind speed when modeling detection probability. Detection probability was high (0.74, 95% CI = 0.57–0.86) and positively influenced by temperature. Occupancy of 64‐ha plots was low (0.27, 95% CI = 0.18–0.39) and did not vary by year. Occupancy of Snowy Plovers was negatively associated with distance to water (β = ?0.62 ± 0.31, 95% CI = ?1.23 to ?0.01) and percent shrub cover (β = ?0.28 ± 0.02, 95% CI = ?0.58 to ?0.01). Land cover types also influenced plot occupancy. Management actions that conserve shallow water and adjacent habitats or minimize disturbance in these areas are likely to have conservation benefits for Snowy Plovers where water is scarce. Because our detection probabilities were high, investigators involved in future monitoring efforts can achieve reasonable precision with limited revisits to sample plots.  相似文献   

Wind farms are steadily growing across Europe, with potentially detrimental effects on wildlife. Indeed, cumulative impacts in addition to local effects should be considered when planning wind farm development at a regional scale, and mapping the potential risk to bats at this scale would help in the large-scale planning of wind turbines and focus field surveys on vulnerable areas. Although modelling offers a powerful approach to tackle this goal, its application has been thus far neglected. We developed a simple regional-scale analysis in an area of central Italy (Molise region) that is undergoing considerable wind farm development. We implemented species distribution models (SDMs) for two bat species vulnerable to wind farm impact, Nyctalus leisleri and Pipistrellus pipistrellus. We developed risk maps by overlaying SDMs for the two species with turbine locations, assessed the alteration of the landscape patterns of foraging habitat patches determined by the wind turbines, and identified highly vulnerable areas where wind farm construction would be particularly risky. SDMs were statistically robust (AUC ≥0.8 for both species) and revealed that 41 % of the region offers suitable foraging habitat for both species. These areas host over 50 % of the existing or planned wind farms, with 21 % of the turbines located within 150 m of forest edges, suggesting an increase in fatality risk. The alterations in suitable foraging patches consisted of a 7.7 % increase in the number of patches, a 10.7 % increase in the shape index, and a 8.1 % decrease in the mean patch area. The region’s western portion, which is most suitable to both species, requires careful consideration with regard to future wind farm planning.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):997-1003
An alfalfa grassland landscape was divided into 36 plots during 2014 season in Yuanzhou District of Guyuan city in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of P.R. China. In these three times repeated experiments, treatment of habitat fragmentation was divided into two grades: continuity (H = 0.0) and fragmentation (H = 1.0), and their habitat loss rate was divided into 6 grades: 90, 80, 70, 50, 20 and 0%. Considering habitat loss 0% of the plot as the reference, as a result of sweeping net and visual methods, results showed that the flight distance of the Harmonia axyridis was much higher than that of the Hippodamia variegata both in fragmentation and continuous habitats. In the alfalfa landscape, H. axyridis moved more by flying, while H. variegata moved more by crawling. There was a threshold effect that affected the movement behavior of lady beetles between 70 and 100% of the habitat loss. The population of the two species of lady beetles in the continuous habitat was higher than that in the habitat fragmentation and was more obvious in 70 and 50% plots of the habitat loss. The dispersal rate of the two species of lady beetles inside plots was higher than outside of the experimental plots, which reflected the low diffusivity of the ladybeetle. Habitat fragmentation affected the dispersal, migration and construction of two species of lady beetles on different spatial scales by disturbing the spread of natural enemies and searching for prey.  相似文献   

For the protection or re-establishment of species-rich grasslands, the limiting factors controlling species richness have increasingly become of scientific interest. This study aims to analyze the role of disturbance for the occurrence of a low-competitive herb, Centaurium erythraea Rafn, in mesotrophic, lowland grasslands in NW Germany. We sampled a total of 38 plots with presence of C. erythraea and 24 control (random) plots in semi-natural grasslands. As a proxy for disturbance, we estimated the cover of bare ground and Ellenberg flooding indicator species and measured the distance between the plot and the nearest path. Moreover, we counted the number of C. erythraea individuals within each plot. In the GLM analyses the distance from path was the only predictor; both the presence of the species and the number of individuals decreased with the distance from path. The grasslands at the path edges had the highest disturbance intensity. Here horse riding, military-vehicle traffic and regular sod-cutting directly create bare ground. In general, disturbance creating bare ground seems to be the key factor enabling germination and growth of C. erythraea in mesotrophic grasslands and other low-competitive short-lived species. Disturbance enhances the expression of the seed bank, favours the development of the shade-avoiding and low-growing rosettes and oppresses tall-growing competitors. Therefore we suggest grazing as the best management method.  相似文献   

The United States is rapidly expanding production of renewable energy to meet increased energy demands and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Wind energy is at the forefront of this transition. A central challenge is understanding the nexus between wind energy development and its capacity for negative effects on wildlife causing population declines and habitat loss. Collaboration among conservationists and developers, early in the planning process, is crucial for minimizing wind-wildlife conflicts. Such collaborations require data showing where wind and wildlife impacts occur. To meet this challenge and inform decision-making, we provide natural resource agencies and stakeholders information regarding where future wind turbines may occur, and the potential affects on natural resource management, including the conservation of priority species and their habitats. We developed a machine learning model predicting suitability of wind turbine occurrence (hereafter, wind turbine suitability) across an eight-state region in the United States, representing some of the richest areas of wind potential. Our model incorporates predictor variables related to infrastructure, land ownership, meteorology, and topography. We additionally created a constraint layer indicating areas where wind would likely not be developed because of zoning, protected lands, and restricted federal agency proximity guidelines. We demonstrate how the predictive wind turbine suitability model informs conservation planning by incorporating animal movement models, relative abundance models coupled with spatial conservation planning software, and population density models for three exemplar, high priority species often affected by wind energy: whooping cranes (Grus americana), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), and lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). By merging the wind turbine and biological models, we identified conservation priority areas (i.e., places sharing high suitability for wind turbines and species use), and places where wind expansion could minimally affect these species. We use our “species-wind turbine occurrence relationships” to demonstrate applications, illustrating how forecasting areas of wind turbine suitability promotes wildlife conservation. These relationships inform wind energy siting to reduce negative ecological impacts while promoting environmental and economic viability.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of a wind farm (line of 25 small to medium sized turbines) on birds at the eastern port breakwater in Zeebrugge, Belgium, with special attention to the nearby breeding colony of Common Tern Sterna hirundo, Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis and Little Tern Sterna albifrons. With the data of found collision fatalities under the wind turbines, and the correction factors for available search area, search efficiency and scavenging, we calculated that during the breeding seasons in 2004 and 2005, about 168 resp. 161 terns collided with the wind turbines located on the eastern port breakwater close to the breeding colony, mainly Common Terns and Sandwich Terns. The mean number of terns killed in 2004 and 2005 was 6.7 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm, and 11.2 resp. 10.8 per turbine per year for the line of 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater close to the breeding colony. The mean number of collision fatalities when including other species (mainly gulls) in 2004 and 2005 was 20.9 resp. 19.1 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm and 34.3 resp. 27.6 per turbine per year for 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater. The collision probability for Common Terns crossing the line of wind turbines amounted 0.110–0.118% for flights at rotor height and 0.007–0.030% for all flights. For Sandwich Tern this probability was 0.046–0.088% for flights at rotor height and 0.005–0.006% for all flights. The breeding terns were almost not disturbed by the wind turbines, but the relative large number of tern fatalities was determined as a significant negative impact on the breeding colony at the eastern port breakwater (additional mortality of 3.0–4.4% for Common Tern, 1.8–6.7% for Little Tern and 0.6–0.7% for Sandwich Tern). We recommend that there should be precautionary avoidance of constructing wind turbines close to any important breeding colony of terns or gulls, nor should artificial breeding sites be constructed near wind turbines, especially not within the frequent foraging flight paths.  相似文献   

Abstract The 165-km2 Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA) in west-central California includes 5,400 wind turbines, each rated to generate between 40 kW and 400 kW of electric power, or 580 MW total. Many birds residing or passing through the area are killed by collisions with these wind turbines. We searched for bird carcasses within 50 m of 4,074 wind turbines for periods ranging from 6 months to 4.5 years. Using mortality estimates adjusted for searcher detection and scavenger removal rates, we estimated the annual wind turbine–caused bird fatalities to number 67 (80% CI = 25–109) golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), 188 (80% CI = 116–259) red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), 348 (80% CI = −49 to 749) American kestrels (Falco sparverius), 440 (80% CI = −133 to 1,013) burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), 1,127 (80% CI = −23 to 2,277) raptors, and 2,710 (80% CI = −6,100 to 11,520) birds. Adjusted mortality estimates were most sensitive to scavenger removal rate, which relates to the amount of time between fatality searches. New on-site studies of scavenger removal rates might warrant revising mortality estimates for some small-bodied bird species, although we cannot predict how the mortality estimates would change. Given the magnitude of our mortality estimates, regulatory agencies and the public should decide whether to enforce laws intended to protect species killed by APWRA wind turbines, and given the imprecision of our estimates, directed research is needed of sources of error and bias for use in studies of bird collisions wherever wind farms are developed. Precision of mortality estimates could be improved by deploying technology to remotely detect collisions and by making wind turbine power output data available to researchers so that the number of fatalities can be related directly to the actual power output of the wind turbine since the last fatality search.  相似文献   

Although it is common for nestlings to exhibit a strong bias for fledging in the morning, the mechanisms underlying this behavior are not well understood. Avoiding predation risk has been proposed as a likely mechanism by a number of researchers. We used video surveillance records from studies of grassland birds nesting in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to determine the diel pattern of nest predation and fledging patterns of four ground‐nesting obligate grassland passerines (Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)). We used the nest predation pattern as a surrogate for predation activity to test whether nestlings minimized predation risk by avoiding fledging when predation activity was high and preferentially fledging when predation risk was low. Predation activity was significantly lower starting 3 hr before sunrise and ending 3 hr after sunrise, followed by a transition to a period of significantly higher activity lasting for 4 hr, before declining to an average activity level for the rest of the diel period. There was little evidence that the four grassland bird species avoided fledging during the high‐risk period and Savannah Sparrow fledged at higher rates during that period. All four species had hours during the low‐risk period where they fledged at higher rates, but only Grasshopper Sparrow fledged preferentially during that period. Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark had multiple hours with high fledging rates throughout the daytime period, resulting in no relationship between probability of fledging and predation risk. Given the species variability in fledging pattern seen in our study, it is unlikely that there is a universal response to any driver that affects time of fledging. Further study is needed to understand the complex interplay between species ecology and drivers such as physiology, energetics, and predation in affecting grassland bird fledging behavior.  相似文献   

风电作为清洁可再生绿色能源越来越受到世界各国的重视,其建设规模也在不断扩大,导致风电建设与鸟类保护的矛盾进一步凸显,如何协调风电发展与物种保护已成为生态学家和保护生物学家关注的热点主题。为了探究风机对鸟类物种、功能和谱系的影响,本研究于2019年1、3、4、5月,采用样线法对连山风电场的鸟类多样性进行了4次调查。根据样线离风机距离的远近设置4个梯度: 100~300 m有6条样线,300~500 m 有13条样线,500~700 m 有8条样线,>700 m 有5条样线。结果表明: 本次调查中记录了繁殖留鸟76种,隶属于11目31科,目、科中数量最多是雀形目(53种)和画眉科(12种)。鸟类物种丰富度、功能丰富度(FRic)和谱系多样性(Faith PD)随着离风机距离的增加呈增加趋势: 在500 m以内未显著增加,500 m外呈显著增加趋势;鸟类群落水平的扩散能力呈现出增加趋势。鸟类群落的平均成对功能和谱系距离的标准化效应值(SES.MFD和SES.MPD)均小于0,其中显著低于随机值的样线占比约为50%(P<0.05)。风力发电机对鸟类物种、功能和谱系的影响主要在前500 m的距离;本研究的4个梯度中,鸟类群落的功能和谱系结构均表现为聚集特征。研究证实,风机对鸟类的影响是多维度的,在评估风机对鸟类群落的影响时仅考虑物种多样性可能难以提供全面的信息。  相似文献   

Abstract We examined variation in bird species richness, abundance and guild composition along an agricultural gradient in New Guinea, and looked for any additive influence of habitat heterogeneity on these variables. The study was based on a grid of survey plots, six plots wide and 24 plots long with the long axis running from a settlement 2.4 km through active and abandoned agricultural plots towards a large area of forest. Each circular survey plot (25 m radius) was assigned to a broad habitat type, ten habitat measures taken, and birds counted for 1 h in each plot. Principal component analysis (PCA) habitat axis 1 described an axis of decreasing forest alteration (larger trees, greater tree densities, fuller canopy) that was positively correlated with distance from the settlement. Bird richness and abundance were highest at intermediate disturbance levels (plots with mid‐range axis 1 scores). Proportions of insectivores and frugivores increased with decreasing forest alteration, while proportions of nectarivores decreased. We calculated three measures of habitat heterogeneity by comparing each plot's PCA score to those of eight neighbouring plots (50–110 m away). These measures reflected how different the plot was to its neighbours, how variable the habitat was around the plot, and the degree to which the plot bordered less disturbed forest. We related these measures to plot bird variable scores independently, and to residuals following regressions of bird scores against PCA scores. Heterogeneity measures had no significant influence on abundance or richness measures, but there were greater proportions of frugivores in plots showing a given degree of habitat alteration if they bordered more pristine habitat. While we readily identified differences in bird communities along the agricultural gradient, the influences of habitat heterogeneity were not striking for birds at this fine scale.  相似文献   

The rapid development of wind energy may have negative effects on bird populations, including collisions with turbines, displacement due to disturbance or habitat loss, indirect effects of reduced breeding success and barrier effects. This challenging conservation issue has attracted a great deal of interest, but the noise generated by turbines has been largely overlooked. Here, we studied acoustic behaviour of Skylarks Alauda arvensis in relation to wind farm start‐up to assess whether a change in song parameters can indicate a deterioration in the acoustic environment. We recorded territorial males displaying close to operating and non‐operating turbines and at a control site without turbines. In the following breeding season, we undertook replications at the same sites, except that the non‐operating turbines were now in operation. We found that Skylarks displaying at the wind farm were affected by wind turbine noise. Males singing close to operating wind turbines sang higher‐frequency songs than males from a control site and those that displayed near non‐operating turbines. In addition, an upward frequency shift in songs was observed when non‐operating turbines started to operate in the consecutive season. We therefore conclude that the frequency shift observed did not result from turbine presence, but from the noise they started to generate. This shows that a change in song parameters may reliably and within a relatively short time indicate a significant deterioration of the acoustic environment as a consequence of wind farm start‐up. This may help conservation biologists to identify species and populations that are particularly susceptible to wind farm noise.  相似文献   

Increased production of bioenergy crops in North America is projected to exacerbate already heavy demands upon existing agricultural landscapes with potential to impact biodiversity negatively. Grassland specialist birds are an imperilled avifauna for which perennial-based, next-generation agroenergy feedstocks may provide suitable habitat. We take a multi-scaled spatial approach to evaluate the ability of two candidate second-generation agroenergy feedstocks (switchgrass, Panicum virgatum, and mixed grass–forb plantings) to act as spring migratory stopover habitat for birds. In total, we detected 35 bird species in mixed grass–forb plantings and switchgrass plantings, including grassland specialists and species of state and national conservation concern (e.g., Henslow’s Sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii). Some evidence indicated that patches with higher arthropod food availability attracted a greater diversity of migrant bird species, but species richness, total bird abundance, and the abundance of grassland specialist species were similar in fields planted with either feedstock. Species richness per unit area (species density) was relatively higher in switchgrass fields. The percent land cover of forest in landscapes surrounding study fields was negatively associated with bird species richness and species density. Habitat patch size and within-patch vegetation structure were unimportant in predicting the diversity or abundance of spring en route bird assemblages. Our results demonstrate that both switchgrass and mixed grass–forb plantings can attract diverse assemblages of migrant birds. As such, industrialized production of these feedstocks as agroenergy crops has the potential to provide a source of en route habitat for birds, particularly where fields are located in relatively unforested landscapes. Because industrialization of cellulosic biomass production will favor as yet unknown harvest and management regimes, predicting the ultimate value of perennial-based biomass plantings for spring migrants remains difficult.  相似文献   

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