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In cotyledon cells of developing field beans the RNA content per cell does not change in the second half of developmental period 2, whereas globulin biosynthesis continues. The constant RNA content per cell results from an equilibrium between RNA synthesis and degradation. All types of RNA are synthesized until the end of globulin biosynthesis, but poly(A)-containing RNA was preferentially labelled during maximum globulin formation. During stage 2 of seed development of poly(A)-containing RNA fraction represents a discrete peak in the 12--18-S region on agarose gels and corresponds to the peak of poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from polysomes. alpha-Amanitin inhibits selectively the labelling of poly(A)-containing RNA and concomitantly globulin formation. Translation of total poly(A)-containing RNA, free and membrane-bound polysomes in a cell-free wheat germs demonstrates that the globulins are preferentially produced on membrane-bound polysomes and that poly(A)-containing RNA includes the mRNA for both vicilin and legumin.  相似文献   

Summary. Transfer cell formation in cotyledons of developing faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds coincides with an abrupt change in seed apoplasm composition from one dominated by hexoses to one in which sucrose is the principal sugar. On the basis of these observations, we tested the hypothesis that sugars induce and/or sustain transfer cell development. To avoid confounding effects of in planta developmental programs, we exploited the finding that adaxial epidermal cells of cotyledons, which do not become transfer cells in planta, can be induced to form functional transfer cells when cotyledons are cultured on an agar medium. Growth rates of cotyledons cultured on hexose or sucrose media were used to inform choice of sugar concentrations. The same proportion of adaxial epidermal cells of excised cotyledons were induced to form wall ingrowths independent of sugar species and concentration supplied. In all cases, induction of wall ingrowths coincided with a marked increase in the intracellular sucrose-to-hexose ratio. In contrast, further progression of wall ingrowth deposition was correlated positively with intracellular sucrose concentrations that varied depending upon external sugar species and supply. Sucrose symporter induction and subsequent maintenance behaved identically to wall ingrowth formation in response to an external supply of hexoses or sucrose. However, in contrast to wall ingrowth formation, induction of sucrose symporter activity was delayed. We discuss the possibility of intracellular sugars functioning both as signals and substrates that induce and control subsequent development of transfer cells. Correspondence and reprints: School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biology Building, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.  相似文献   

K. Adler  K. Müntz 《Planta》1983,157(5):401-410
Storage proteins of the field bean (Vicia faba L., var. minor, cv. “Fribo”) are synthesized and accumulated in the cotyledons during stage 2 of seed development. Deposition of protein reserves takes place in the protein bodies. The generation of protein bodies was investigated electronmicroscopically using ultra-thin sections as well as the freeze-fracturing technique. During the initial period of storage protein formation, globulins are deposited in large vacuoles which later are transformed to give increasing numbers of small vacuoles with decreasing size. The vacuoles disappear early during the stage of storage protein formation and generate the first protein bodies. During the subsequent period of maximum storage protein formation, which takes place at the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), swollen ER strands appear which seem to be entirely filled with protein, and these generate ER-produced protein vacuoles (ERPVAC). The vesicles are transformed in a manner comparable to the vacuoles in the initial period of developmental stage 2 and thus generate the major quantity of protein bodies. Both processes seem to represent only two variants of an uniform mechanism of protein body generation.  相似文献   

Nick Harris 《Planta》1978,141(2):121-128
Following a zinc iodine-osmium tetroxide fixation, nuclear pore distribution was studied in 0.3-m sections from cotyledons of developing Vicia faba L. Localised absence of nuclear pores was found to be associated with proximity of organelles to the nucleus. Golgi cisternae and mitochondria are associated with areas of pore absence while cisternal endoplasmic reticulum and tubular endoplasmic reticulum are linked with areas showing reduction in pore density. Pores were seen in the nuclear membrane adjacent to vacuoles. Pattern analysis of pore distribution indicated possible clustering within an overall regularity.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodine-osmium tetroxide  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out on Vicia faba major involving (1) determination of the pattern of legumin accumulation during seed development, (2) protein purification from mature cotyledons, (3) the characterization of legumin mRNA, and (4) the chromosomal localization of the genes coding for legumins. In developing cotyledons the synthesis of legumin begins 28 days after petal desiccation (DAPD), and 4 days after initiation of vicilin synthesis. The two subunits (A and A) of legumin A appear 2 days earlier than those (B and B) of legumin B. While the accumulation of vicilin peaks on the 30th DAPD, that of legumin continues during further seed development, and the synthesis of legumin mRNA peaks on the 37th DAPD. Northern blot hybridizations using two DNA plasmids containing cDNA inserts with sequence homology to the A- and B-type legumin genes, respectively, indicated that legumin mRNAs extracted from cotyledons 36 DAPD band below the 18S RNA band. In addition, a faint band below that of the 25S RNA band can be observed in legumin mRNAs extracted from cotyledons at an earlier developmental stage (30 DAPD). By means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol, two fractions could be eluted after zonal isoelectric precipitation of the globulins from mature seeds: one fraction contains mainly vicilin, the other, legumin. In situ hybridization showed that legumin genes are arranged in two clusters: the genes coding for legumin A are located in the longer arm of the one between the two shortest subtelocentric chromosome pairs whose centromere is in a less terminal position; those coding for legumin B are located in the non-satellited arm of the longer submetacentric pair.  相似文献   

Summary. Abaxial epidermal cells of developing faba bean (Vicia faba) cotyledons are modified to a transfer cell morphology and function. In contrast, the adaxial epidermal cells do not form transfer cells but can be induced to do so when excised cotyledons are cultured on an agar medium. The first fenestrated layer of wall ingrowths is apparent within 24 h of cotyledon exposure to culture medium. The time course of wall ingrowth formation was examined further. By 2 h following cotyledon excision, a 350 nm thick wall was deposited evenly over the outer periclinal walls of adaxial epidermal cells and densities of cytoplasmic vesicles increased. After 3 h in culture, 10% of epidermal cells contained small projections of wall material on their outer periclinal walls. Thereafter, this percentage rose sharply and reached a maximum of 90% by 15 h. Continuous culture of cotyledons on a medium containing 6-methyl purine (an inhibitor of RNA synthesis) completely blocked wall ingrowth formation. In contrast, if exposure to 6-methyl purine was delayed for 1 h at the start of the culture period, the adaxial epidermal cells were found to contain small wall ingrowths. Treating cotyledons for 1 h with 6-methyl purine at 15 h following cotyledon excision halted further wall ingrowth development. We conclude that transfer cell induction is rapid and that signalling and early events leading to wall ingrowth formation depend upon gene expression. In addition, these gene products have a high turnover rate. Correspondence and reprints: School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biology Building, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in ten enzyme systems (ACO, ACP, AAT, EST, FK, ME, NAG, PRX, 6PGD, and SOD) in Vicia faba L. was analyzed, revealing 13 loci, six of which have not been reported before. Inheritance, genetics, possible location, and linkage analysis were studied in 13 different F2 populations trisomic for four of the six chromosomes (nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6) of the species. Each of these loci exhibited typical Mendelian inheritance except for those involved in the trisomic chromosome. Five loci have been assigned to a specific chromosome: Est-2 to chromosome 3, Fk-2 to chromosome 4, Prx-1 to chromosome 5, and Sod-1 and Pgd-p to chromosome 6. Nag-1 and Pgd-c displayed a linkage of 22.8 cM indicating a clear homology with chromosome 5 of garden pea on which both markers are syntenic.  相似文献   

Various cell types can trans-differentiate to a transfer cell (TC) morphology characterized by deposition of polarized ingrowth walls comprised of a uniform layer on which wall ingrowths (WIs) develop. WIs form scaffolds supporting amplified plasma membrane areas enriched in transporters conferring a cellular capacity for high rates of nutrient exchange across apo- and symplasmic interfaces. The hypothesis that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a component of the regulatory pathway inducing ingrowth wall formation was tested using Vicia faba cotyledons. Vicia faba cotyledons offer a robust experimental model to examine TC induction as, on being placed into culture, their adaxial epidermal cells rapidly (hours) form ingrowth walls on their outer periclinal walls. These are readily visualized by electron microscopy, and epidermal peels of their trans-differentiating cells allow measures of cell-specific gene expression. Ingrowth wall formation responded inversely to pharmacological manipulation of ROS levels, indicating that a flavin-containing enzyme (NADPH oxidase) and superoxide dismutase cooperatively generate a regulatory H(2)O(2) signature. Extracellular H(2)O(2) fluxes peaked prior to the appearance of WIs and were followed by a slower rise in H(2)O(2) flux that occurred concomitantly, and co-localized, with ingrowth wall formation. De-localizing the H(2)O(2) signature caused a corresponding de-localization of cell wall deposition. Temporal and epidermal cell-specific expression profiles of VfrbohA and VfrbohC coincided with those of extracellular H(2)O(2) production and were regulated by cross-talk with ethylene. It is concluded that H(2)O(2) functions, downstream of ethylene, to activate cell wall biosynthesis and direct polarized deposition of a uniform wall on which WIs form.  相似文献   

Golombek S  Heim U  Horstmann C  Wobus U  Weber H 《Planta》1999,208(1):66-72
To analyze the role of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase, EC during seed development, two cDNA clones encoding two isoforms of PEPCase were isolated from a seed-specific library of Vicia faba. The two sequences (VfPEPCase1 and VfPEPCase2) have a sequence identity of 82 and 89% on the nucleotide and amino acid levels. The VfPEPCase1 mRNA was found to be predominantly expressed in roots and developing cotyledons whereas the VfPEPCase2 mRNA was more abundant in green and maternal tissues. In the cotyledons, PEPCase mRNAs accumulated from early to mid cotyledon stage and decreased thereafter. The PEPCase activity increased continuously during cotyledon development. The enzyme was strongly activated by glucose-6-phosphate, but not by glucose, fructose or sucrose. Asparagine was weakly activating whereas malate, aspartate and glutamate were inhibitory. The inhibitors became less effective with increasing pH. Aspartate was a much stronger inhibitor of cotyledonary PEPCase than glutamate at both pH 7.0 and 7.5. The sensitivity of PEPCase to malate inhibition decreased from early to mid cotyledon stage at a time when storage proteins are synthesized. This indicates activation on the protein level, possibly by protein phosphorylation. Nitrogen starvation in the presence of hexoses but not sucrose decreased mRNA levels of VfPEPCase1 and enzyme activity, indicating control on the mRNA level by both carbon and nitrogen. It is concluded that in developing cotyledons PEPCase is probably important for the synthesis of organic acids to provide carbon skeletons for amino acid synthesis. Received: 15 July 1998 / Accepted: 10 October 1998  相似文献   

Growth, mitotic index, and growth rate recovery were determined for Vicia faba L. roots exposed to 60-Hz electric fields of 200, 290, and 360 V/m in an aqueous inorganic nutrient medium (conductivity 0.07-0.09 S/m). Root growth rate decreased in proportion to the increasing strength; the electric field threshold for a growth rate effect was about 230 V/m. The induced transmembrane potential at the threshold exposure was about 4-7 mV. The mitotic index was not affected by an electric field exposure sufficient to reduce root growth rate to about 35% of control. Root growth rate recovery from 31-96% of control occurred in 4 days after cessation of the 360 V/m exposure. The results support the postulate that the site of action of the applied electric fields is the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Vascular tissue was recently shown to be capable of producing nitric oxide (NO), but the production sites and sources were not precisely determined. Here, NO synthesis was analysed in the phloem of Vicia faba in response to stress- and pathogen defence-related compounds. The chemical stimuli were added to shallow paradermal cortical cuts in the main veins of leaves attached to intact plants. NO production in the bare-lying phloem area was visualized by real-time confocal laser scanning microscopy using the NO-specific fluorochrome 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2 DA). Abundant NO generation in companion cells was induced by 500 microm salicylic acid (SA) and 10 microm hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), but the fungal elicitor chitooctaose was much less effective. Phloem NO production was found to be dependent on Ca(2+) and mitochondrial electron transport and pharmacological approaches found evidence for activity of a plant NO synthase but not a nitrate reductase. DAF fluorescence increased most strongly in companion cells and was occasionally observed in phloem parenchyma cells. Significantly, accumulation of NO in sieve elements could be demonstrated. These findings suggest that the phloem perceives and produces stress-related signals and that one mechanism of distal signalling involves the production and transport of NO in the phloem.  相似文献   

Freezing of plant tissue adversely affects lipid composition. Immature soybean cotyledons (Glycine max L. Merr.) var. “Harosoy 63” were frozen with liquid N2, dry ice, or stored in a freezer (−20 C) before lipid extraction. The effects of freezing temperature, thawing rate, and cold storage on the lipid composition of frozen tissue revealed significantly higher levels of phosphatidic acid, and diminished levels of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine from the control. Regardless of freezing temperature, phosphatidic acid levels increased from 4.7 mole% to nearly 50 mole% of the total phospholipid when frozen tissues were stored 10 days at −20 C. During the same period, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine decreased from 54.1 mole% to 6.6 mole% phospholipid. At least 8 mole% of the phosphatidic acid increase occurred during slow thawing of the frozen tissues. In autoclaved samples, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine levels were not different from the control. Labeling of the lipid-glycerol with 3H, and fatty acids with 14C, demonstrated the degradation product was primarily phosphatidic acid. Apparently enzymic destruction of the phospholipids occurred during freezing, cold storage, and thawing.  相似文献   

The short term effect of NO3 (12 mM) on nitrate reductase (NR. EC activity has been studied in the roots, nodules and leaves of different genotypes of Vicia faba L. at the end of vegetative growth. Root and leaf NR activity responded positively to NO3 while nodule activity, where detected, proved to he strongly inhibited. The withdraw of this NO3 from the solution consistently reduced activity in the roots and leaves but surprising, promoted a significant increase in nodule activity, which matched or surpassed that of control plants On the other hand, nodules developed in the presence of 8 mM NO3 expressed an on average 141% higher level of NR activity than did controls. This effect was observed even in nodules with negligible control activity. In any case, a naturally occurring mutant (VF17) lacking root and nodule NR activity is described. The results indicate that in V. faba. the effects of NO3 and plant genotype on NR activity depended on plant organ and time of NO3 application, hut the distribution of NO3 reduction through the plain was mainly dependent on plant genotype, and to a lesser extent on NO: supply and plant age.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect exerted by water stress on acetylene reductionactivity (ARA) by nodulated roots of faba beans (Vicia fabaL.) was correlated with a 40% decline in the organic acid poolof nodule cytosol. Oxalate concentration was lowered (–55%)whereas a stimulation of the bacteroid oxalate oxidase concomitantlyoccurred. This enzyme was characterized by an optimal activityat pH 8 but, as in higher plants, exhibited a Km for oxalateof 1.4 mM and an inhibition by substrate excess. Oxalate providedto bacteroid incubations supported C2H2 reduction up to 2.5mM whereas higher concentrations were strongly inhibitory. Incontrast, purified symbiosomes incubated with oxyleghaemoglobinreduced C2H2 in the presence of oxalate concentrations up to10 mM. The peribacteroid membrane (PBM), in controlling theoxalate flux to the bacteroids avoided the substrate inhibitionwhich would limit its efficiency. Thus, oxalate present in highconcentration in faba bean nodules could play a role as complementarysubstrate for bacteroids slowing down the nitrogen fixationdecline induced by water restricted conditions. Key words: Faba bean, water stress, oxalate, acetylene reduction, bacteroid  相似文献   

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