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A model of division of labour in insect societies, based on variable response thresholds is introduced. Response thresholds refer to the likelihood of reacting to task-associated stimuli. Low-threshold individuals perform tasks at a lower level of stimulus than high-threshold individuals. Within individual workers, performing a given task induces a decrease in the corresponding threshold, and not performing the task induces an increase in the threshold. This combined reinforcement process leads to the emergence of specialized workers, i.e. workers that are more responsive to stimuli associated with particular task requirements, from a group of initially identical individuals. Predictions of the dynamics of task specialization resulting from this model are presented. Predictions are also made as to what should be observed when specialists of a given task are removed from the colony and reintroduced after a varying amount of time: the colony does not recover the same state as that prior to the perturbation, and the difference between before and after the perturbation is more strongly marked as the time between separation and reintroduction increases.  相似文献   

We introduce a simple mathematical model of regulation of division of labor in insect societies based on fixed-response thresholds. Individuals with different thresholds respond differently to task-associated stimuli. Low-threshold individuals become involved at a lower level of stimulus than high-threshold individuals. We show that this simple model can account for experimental observations of Wilson (1984), extend the model to more complicated situations, explore its properties, and study under what conditions it can account for temporal polyethism.  相似文献   

Three-dot alignment discrimination thresholds were determined for blobs with Gaussian spatial and temporal contrast envelopes. The stimuli were presented at detection threshold luminance contrast. Thresholds were determined as a function of the blur parameter of the stimuli. This was done for a range of eccentricities in the visual field (from 45 degrees nasal to 65 degrees temporal). The thresholds were corrected for variations of the stimulus extent with the blur parameter. The results were used to estimate the local spatial scale for three-dot alignment acuity. This was done by a method recently introduced by Watson (1987). It was found that the local spatial scale for three-dot alignment acuity is approximately linearly proportional to eccentricity.  相似文献   

Advanced societies owe their success to an efficient division of labour that, in some social insects, is based on specialized worker phenotypes. The system of caste determination in such species is therefore critical. Here, we examine in a leaf-cutting ant (Acromyrmex echinatior) how a recently discovered genetic influence on caste determination interacts with the social environment. By removing most of one phenotype (large workers; LW) from test colonies, we increased the stimulus for larvae to develop into this caste, while for control colonies we removed a representative sample of all workers so that the stimulus was unchanged. We established the relative tendencies of genotypes to develop into LW by genotyping workers before and after the manipulation. In the control colonies, genotypes were similarly represented in the large worker caste before and after worker removal. In the test colonies, however, this relationship was significantly weaker, demonstrating that the change in environmental stimuli had altered the caste propensity of at least some genotypes. The results indicate that the genetic influence on worker caste determination acts via genotypes differing in their response thresholds to environmental cues and can be conceptualized as a set of overlapping reaction norms. A plastic genetic influence on division of labour has thus evolved convergently in two distantly related polyandrous taxa, the leaf-cutting ants and the honeybees, suggesting that it may be a common, potentially adaptive, property of complex, genetically diverse societies.  相似文献   

The conventional fMRI image analysis approach to associating stimuli to brain activation is performed by carrying out a massive number of parallel univariate regression analyses. fMRI blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal, the basis of these analyses, is known for its low signal-noise-ratio and high spatial and temporal signal correlation. In order to ensure accurate localization of brain activity, stimulus administration in an fMRI session is often lengthy and repetitive. Real-time fMRI BOLD signal analysis is carried out as the signal is observed. This method allows for dynamic, real-time adjustment of stimuli through sequential experimental designs. We have developed a voxel-wise sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) approach for dynamically determining localization, as well as decision rules for stopping stimulus administration. SPRT methods and general linear model (GLM) approaches are combined to identify brain regions that are activated by specific elements of stimuli. Stimulus administration is dynamically stopped when sufficient statistical evidence is collected to determine activation status across regions of interest, following predetermined statistical error thresholds. Simulation experiments and an example based on real fMRI data show that scan volumes can be substantially reduced when compared with pre-determined, fixed designs while achieving similar or better accuracy in detecting activated voxels. Moreover, the proposed approach is also able to accurately detect differentially activated areas, and other comparisons between task-related GLM parameters that can be formulated in a hypothesis-testing framework. Finally, we give a demonstration of SPRT being employed in conjunction with a halving algorithm to dynamically adjust stimuli.  相似文献   

Psychophysical thresholds for the detection of a 300-Hz burst of vibration applied to the thenar eminence were measured for stimuli applied to the skin through 1.5 cm2 and through 0.05 cm2 contactors. Thresholds were approximately 13 dB lower when the area of the contactor was 1.5 cm2 than when it was 0.05 cm2. The difference between the thresholds measured with the large and small contactors was significantly reduced when only the lowest thresholds obtained in the testing sessions were considered. This result supports the hypothesis that one component of spatial summation in the P channel is probability summation. In addition, threshold measurements within a session were less variable when measured with the 1.5 cm2 contactor. We conclude that spatial summation in the P channel is a joint function of two processes that occur as the areal extent of the stimulus increases: probability summation in which the probability of exceeding the psychophysical detection threshold increases as the number of receptors of varying sensitivities increases, and neural integration in which neural activity originating from separate receptors is combined within the central nervous system rendering the channel more sensitive to the stimulus.  相似文献   

In nature there exist many mechanisms giving rise to self-regulation. One such mechanism is the division of labour in insect societies. Within this work we propose a mathematical model for the allocation of tasks in ant colonies, where each of the tasks is represented by an attractive field. This can be seen as a stimulus, whose strength is inversely proportional to the distance to the task. The dynamics leading to the division of labour is therefore driven by the spatial distance of the ants to the source of information encoding the task. Assuming homogeneity among the ants, specialisation and adaptability are obtained through the introduction of learning and forgetting.  相似文献   

Perception of cutaneous heating and cooling depends strongly on stimulus size. Although this dependence has been attributed solely to spatial summation, topographical variations in temperature sensitivity may also play a role. These variations, which differentially affect perception of small stimuli, may have led to overestimation of spatial summation. This possibility was investigated by measuring detection thresholds and perceived intensity for heating and cooling on the volar surface of the forearm using a multiple-thermode stimulus array. By keeping the array in place throughout each testing session we were able to measure threshold sensitivity and suprathreshold responsiveness at eight individual sites and for combinations of these sites having total stimulus areas of 0.64-5.12 cm2. When spatial summation was calculated in the traditional way by averaging the data for all stimuli of each size, the results agreed closely with previous estimates of summation for warmth and cold. When calculations were based instead on the most sensitive test site for each stimulus size, estimates of summation were reduced by about two-thirds. This outcome indicates that the spatial heterogeneity of thermal sensitivity likely contributed to estimates of spatial summation reported in earlier psychophysical studies. A schematic model of cutaneous thermoreception is presented that shows how neural summation and the density of innervation may combine to produce the psychophysical effects of increasing stimulus size (spatial enhancement).  相似文献   

Perception of cutaneous heating and cooling depends strongly on stimulus size. Although this dependence has been attributed solely to spatial summation, topographical variations in temperature sensitivity may also play a role. These variations, which differentially affect perception of small stimuli, may have led to overestimation of spatial summation. This possibility was investigated by measuring detection thresholds and perceived intensity for heating and cooling on the volar surface of the forearm using a multiple-thermode stimulus array. By keeping the array in place throughout each testing session we were able to measure threshold sensitivity and suprathreshold responsiveness at eight individual sites and for combinations of these sites having total stimulus areas of 0.64-5.12 cm2. When spatial summation was calculated in the traditional way by averaging the data for all stimuli of each size, the results agreed closely with previous estimates of summation for warmth and cold. When calculations were based instead on the most sensitive test site for each stimulus size, estimates of summation were reduced by about two-thirds. This outcome indicates that the spatial heterogeneity of thermal sensitivity likely contributed to estimates of spatial summation reported in earlier psychophysical studies. A schematic model of cutaneous thermoreception is presented that shows how neural summation and the density of innervation may combine to produce the psychophysical effects of increasing stimulus size (spatial enhancement).  相似文献   

Barrett BT  Whitaker D 《Spatial Vision》2004,17(1-2):111-126
This study investigates the influence of contrast and exposure duration on vernier acuity thresholds for abutting and separated narrowband stimuli, and asks whether these data can predict broadband vernier performance. Vernier thresholds were determined for sinusoidal grating stimuli at two spatial frequencies (1 and 8 c/deg) across a range of contrasts (0.05-0.8) and exposure durations (35-2100 ms). Performance was assessed for the abutting configuration, and when a gap equivalent to 0.5 to 1.5 times the spatial period of the grating was introduced between the upper and lower halves of the grating. Vernier thresholds were also determined for a square-wave stimulus as a function of contrast (0.06 to 0.78). Exposure duration was fixed at 2100 ms. In addition, thresholds were determined at the appropriate contrast levels for the fundamental frequency (1.8 c/deg) of the square-wave, and for a number of the harmonics (3F, 5F, 7F, 9F). Our results provide support for filter models of vernier acuity by showing that vernier performance for abutting and closely-separated broadband stimuli represents the envelope of vernier sensitivity of those spatial frequency mechanisms that are activated by the broadband stimulus. In the case of high frequency grating stimuli presented for long exposure durations, vernier performance can be invariant across much of the contrast range. Despite this, however, contrast independence is not exhibited for abutting broadband stimuli because, within the broadband stimuli, the contrast of the higher harmonic components never reaches a level to reveal this plateau.  相似文献   

The influence of heat- and cold-induced pain on tactile sensitivity, a "touch gate", was measured under conditions in which the location of the noxious stimuli was varied with respect to the tactile stimulus applied to the thenar eminence of humans. Vibrotactile thresholds were measured in the absence of pain and during administration of a painful stimulus, with the stimulus frequencies selected to activate independently the four psychophysical channels hypothesized to exist in human glabrous skin. Heat-induced pain produced by spatially co-localizing the noxious stimuli with the tactile stimuli was found, on average, to elevate threshold amplitude by 2.2 times (6.7 dB). Co-localized, cold-induced pain raised the average thresholds by about 1.5 times (3.6 dB). Heat-induced pain presented contralaterally produced no change in vibrotactile sensitivity indicating that the effect is probably not due to attentional mechanisms. Ipsilateral heat-induced pain caused an elevation in tactile thresholds even when the noxious and non-noxious stimuli were not co-localized, and the effect may seem to require that the painful stimulus be within the somatosensory region defined possibly in terms of dermatomal organization. Thus the effect is probably related to somatotopic organization and is not peripherally mediated. A brief discussion as to the possible locus of the touch gate within the nervous system is also given.  相似文献   

Toet  A.  Koenderink  J. J. 《Biological cybernetics》1989,60(3):231-237
Differential spatial displacement discrimination thresholds were determined for a configuration of three blobs with Gaussian spatial and temporal contrast envelopes. This task is similar to the well known three-dot alignment hyperacuity task. Thresholds determined in the presence of interfering stimuli were identical to thresholds determined without these flanking stimuli. The thresholds scale linearly with stimulus size over at least two decades. We conclude that (i) the mechanisms that compute differential spatial displacement for the three-blob alignment task are not disturbed by the presence of neighbouring stimuli, even when these enter the region over which the computations are performed and (ii) at all levels of resolution similar mechanisms are used to compute differential spatial displacement.  相似文献   

The influence of heat- and cold-induced pain on tactile sensitivity, a "touch gate", was measured under conditions in which the location of the noxious stimuli was varied with respect to the tactile stimulus applied to the thenar eminence of humans. Vibrotactile thresholds were measured in the absence of pain and during administration of a painful stimulus, with the stimulus frequencies selected to activate independently the four psychophysical channels hypothesized to exist in human glabrous skin. Heat-induced pain produced by spatially co-localizing the noxious stimuli with the tactile stimuli was found, on average, to elevate threshold amplitude by 2.2 times (6.7 dB). Co-localized, cold-induced pain raised the average thresholds by about 1.5 times (3.6 dB). Heat-induced pain presented contralaterally produced no change in vibrotactile sensitivity indicating that the effect is probably not due to attentional mechanisms. Ipsilateral heat-induced pain caused an elevation in tactile thresholds even when the noxious and non-noxious stimuli were not co-localized, and the effect may seem to require that the painful stimulus be within the somatosensory region defined possibly in terms of dermatomal organization. Thus the effect is probably related to somatotopic organization and is not peripherally mediated. A brief discussion as to the possible locus of the touch gate within the nervous system is also given.  相似文献   

Psychophysical thresholds for the detection of a 300-Hz burst of vibration applied to the thenar eminence were measured for stimuli applied to the skin through 1.5?cm2 and through 0.05?cm2 contactors. Thresholds were approximately 13?dB lower when the area of the contactor was 1.5?cm2 than when it was 0.05?cm2. The difference between the thresholds measured with the large and small contactors was significantly reduced when only the lowest thresholds obtained in the testing sessions were considered. This result supports the hypothesis that one component of spatial summation in the P channel is probability summation. In addition, threshold measurements within a session were less variable when measured with the 1.5?cm2 contactor. We conclude that spatial summation in the P channel is a joint function of two processes that occur as the areal extent of the stimulus increases: probability summation in which the probability of exceeding the psychophysical detection threshold increases as the number of receptors of varying sensitivities increases, and neural integration in which neural activity originating from separate receptors is combined within the central nervous system rendering the channel more sensitive to the stimulus.  相似文献   

Individuals living within social groups may benefit from the efficiencies of division of labour, but on the other hand render themselves vulnerable to socially transmitted disease. This cost to social living should promote cooperative barriers to disease transmission, especially in eusocial taxa where spatial and genetic proximity to nestmates are characteristically pronounced. Termites are eusocial yet little is known about how their sociality is deployed to resist contagion. In this study, we manipulate two variables that are expected to affect the number and nature of social interactions and measure the ability of individuals within groups to resist fungal infection. From laboratory experiments on field-collected colonies, we report that both group size and caste composition directly affect the survivorship of individuals within groups, but only caste composition moderates survivorship upon immune challenge. Our study therefore provides no statistical evidence that individual Eastern subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) have increased resistance to disease in crowded groups—that is, there is no evidence for a density-dependent social immune response. Our results do suggest, however, that the caste-specific nature of interactions may be important for controlling disease in a social context.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that local cortical feedback can havean important effect on the response of neurons in primary visualcortex to the orientation of visual stimuli. In this work, westudy the role of the cortical feedback in shaping thespatiotemporal patterns of activity in cortex. Two questionsare addressed: one, what are the limitations on the ability ofcortical neurons to lock their activity to rotatingoriented stimuli within a single receptive field? Two, can thelocal architecture of visual cortex lead to the generation ofspontaneous traveling pulses of activity? We study theseissues analytically by a population-dynamic model of ahypercolumn in visual cortex. The order parameter thatdescribes the macroscopic behavior of the network is thetime-dependent population vector of the network. We firststudy the network dynamics under the influence of a weakly tunedinput that slowly rotates within the receptive field. We showthat if the cortical interactions have strong spatialmodulation, the network generates a sharply tuned activityprofile that propagates across the hypercolumn in a path thatis completely locked to the stimulus rotation. The resultantrotating population vector maintains a constant angular lagrelative to the stimulus, the magnitude of which grows with thestimulus rotation frequency. Beyond a critical frequency thepopulation vector does not lock to the stimulus but executes aquasi-periodic motion with an average frequency that is smallerthan that of the stimulus. In the second part we consider thestable intrinsic state of the cortex under the influence of isotropic stimulation. We show that if the local inhibitoryfeedback is sufficiently strong, the network does not settleinto a stationary state but develops spontaneous travelingpulses of activity. Unlike recent models of wave propagation incortical networks, the connectivity pattern in our model isspatially symmetric, hence the direction of propagation ofthese waves is arbitrary. The interaction of these waves withan external-oriented stimulus is studied. It is shown that thesystem can lock to a weakly tuned rotating stimulus if thestimulus frequency is close to the frequency of the intrinsic wave.  相似文献   

Patterns in the discharge of simple and complex visual cortical cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activity of visual cortical neurons (area 17) was recorded in anaesthetized cats in response to sinusoidal drifting gratings. The statistical structure of the discharge of simple and complex cells has been studied as a function of the various parameters of a drifting grating: spatial frequency, orientation, drifting velocity and contrast. For simple cells it has been found that the interspike interval distributions in response to drifting gratings of various spatial frequencies differ only by a time scale factor. They can be reduced to a unique distribution by a linear time transformation. Variations in the spatial frequency of the grating induce variations in the mean firing rate of the cell but leave unchanged the statistical structure of the discharge. On the contrary, the statistical structure of the simple cell activity changes when the contrast or the velocity of the stimulus is varied. For complex cells it has been found that the invariance property described above for simple cells is not valid. Complex cells present in their activity in response to visual stimuli two different firing patterns: spikes organized in clusters and spikes that do not show this organization ('isolated spikes'). The clustered component is the only component of the complex cell discharge that is tuned for spatial frequency and orientation, while the isolated spike component is correlated with the contrast of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Pattern induced flicker colors (PIFCs) were generated by means of a modified version of Benham's top, the stimulus pattern of which could be varied continuously during stimulation by the human subjects. The sensitivity of the color sensation to small phase shifts between the periodic stimuli on neighboring retinal areas was recorded under several conditions of stimulus parameters. A mathematical model was developed to describe the influence of the stimulus parameters on the recorded sensory effect. Concerning the underlying neurophysiological processes, a hypothesis is advanced according to which the phase sensitive lateral interaction within the retina changes the spatial excitation distribution within color coding receptive fields of the retinal ganglion cells. The resulting ganglion cell excitation is supposed to generate PIFCs.  相似文献   

Stimulus representation is a functional interpretation of early sensory cortices. Early sensory cortices are subject to stimulus-induced modifications. Common models for stimulus-induced learning within topographic representations are based on the stimuli's spatial structure and probability distribution. Furthermore, we argue that average temporal stimulus distances reflect the stimuli's relatedness. As topographic representations reflect the stimuli's relatedness, the temporal structure of incoming stimuli is important for the learning in cortical maps. Motivated by recent neurobiological findings, we present an approach of cortical self-organization that additionally takes temporal stimulus aspects into account. The proposed model transforms average interstimulus intervals into representational distances. Thereby, neural topography is related to stimulus dynamics. This offers a new time-based interpretation of cortical maps. Our approach is based on a wave-like spread of cortical activity. Interactions between dynamics and feedforward activations lead to shifts of neural activity. The psychophysical saltation phenomenon may represent an analogue to the shifts proposed here. With regard to cortical plasticity, we offer an explanation for neurobiological findings that other models cannot explain. Moreover, we predict cortical reorganizations under new experimental, spatiotemporal conditions. With regard to psychophysics, we relate the saltation phenomenon to dynamics and interaction in early sensory cortices and predict further effects in the perception of spatiotemporal stimuli. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 10 August 1999  相似文献   

A threshold reinforcement model in insect societies is explored over a range of colony sizes and levels of task demand to examine their effects upon worker polyethism. We find that increasing colony size while keeping the demand proportional to the colony size causes an increase in the differentiation among individuals in their activity levels, thus explaining the occurrence of elitism (individuals that do a disproportionately large proportion of work) in insect societies. Similar results were obtained when the overall work demand is increased while keeping the colony size constant. Our model can reproduce a whole suite of distributions of the activity levels among colony members that have been found in empirical studies. When there are two tasks, we demonstrate that increasing demand and colony size generates highly specialized individuals, but without invoking any strict assumptions about spatial organization of work or any inherent abilities of individuals to tackle different tasks. Importantly, such specialization only occurs above a critical colony size such that smaller colonies contain a set of undifferentiated equally inactive individuals while larger colonies contain both active specialists and inactive generalists, as has been found in empirical studies and is predicted from other theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

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