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Microbial flora can provide insight into the ecology and natural history of wildlife in addition to improving understanding of health risks. This study examines the anaerobic oral flora of hunter killed black bears (Ursus americanus) in eastern North Carolina. Oral swabs from the buccal and lingual supragingival tooth surfaces of the first and second mandibular and maxillary molars of 22 black bears were inoculated onto Brucella Blood Agar plates supplemented with hemin and vitamin K after transport from the field using reduced oxoid nutrient broth. Sixteen anaerobic bacterial species, representing nine genera were identified using the RapID ANA II Micromethod Kit system and a number of organisms grown that could not be identified with the system. The most frequently identified anaerobes were Peptostreptococcus prevotii, Streptococcus constellatus, and Porphyromonas gingivalis. The diversity in the anaerobic oral flora of black bear in eastern North Carolina suggests the importance of including these organisms in basic health risk assessment protocols and suggests a potential tool for assessment of bear/habitat interactions.  相似文献   

The gastric bacterial flora and its influence on the 13C-urea breath test (UBT) for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection was studied in a pig model. Seven SPF minipigs were used. H. pylori or a mix of other urease positive bacteria were administered orally. UBT, serum and biopsies for histology and culture were collected. Our results show that UBT is not specific for H. pylori in pigs as the gastric bacterial flora is responsible for the high UBT values observed. Furthermore, the Ellegaard G?ttingen SPF minipigs are not useful in an animal model for H. pylori studies.  相似文献   

Cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudines: Cheloniidae) from the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The aerobic cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of 45 apparently healthy female olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) was studied at Nancite nesting beach, in Santa Rosa National Park (Costa Rican North Pacific) during July and August 2002. Bacterial samples were obtained by inserting sterile swabs directly into the cloaca and the nasal cavities of the turtles. Ninety-nine aerobic bacterial isolates, including 10 Gram-negative and 5 Gram-positive bacteria, were recovered. The most common bacteria cultured were Aeromonas spp. (13/45) and Citrobacter freundi (6/45) from cloacal samples and Bacillus spp. (32/45), Staphylococcus aureus (6/45) and Corynebacterium spp. (5/45) from nasal ducts. The results of the present study showed that the aerobic bacterial flora of nesting female olive ridleys was composed of several potential human and animal microbe pathogens.  相似文献   

本实验就11名非腐败坏死型拔牙创干槽症与8名腐败坏死型干槽症患者的拔牙创口的细菌进行了分离鉴定。结果表明两种类型的干槽症均为口腔正常菌群的混合感染,但在与某些特殊细菌的关系上却有较明显的差异,特别是与口腔专性厌氧菌增加的关系较大。本文提示患区各种细菌的比例与正常菌群的比例差异越大,则病变越重。本文的结果也说明了一些破坏正常生理结构的外科手术最终都将导致微生态失调或菌群失调,引起手术部位的病变。  相似文献   

目的了解人工饲养树[鼠句]肠道菌群感染情况及其各种细菌对药物的敏感性。方法通过肠道细菌采样、培养、分离和菌落生长特性观察,并经革兰氏染色、氧化酶试验、触酶试验、生化编码鉴定管试验和9种药敏试验分析,初步鉴定了107例人工饲养树[鼠句]肠道感染细菌的种类和这些细菌对药物的敏感程度。结果本次细菌培养共从树[鼠句]肠道中培养分离出5株细菌,其中革兰氏阳性菌2株,革兰氏阴性菌3株,以大肠杆菌和葡萄球菌最为多见。同时确定了菌株的药敏情况为:(1)大肠杆菌对头孢类药头孢哌酮最为敏感,对药物磺胺甲嚼唑/甲氧苄定、氧氟沙星、左氧氟沙星、呋喃妥因、诺氟沙星、氨苄西林高敏;(2)沙门氏菌对阿米卡星最为敏感,对药物头孢哌酮青霉素G高敏;(3)链球菌对试验药物氨苄西林、头孢哌酮、呋喃妥因显示为中敏;(4)葡萄球菌对头孢类药头孢哌酮、磺胺类磺胺甲晤唑/甲氧苄定、沙星类诺氟沙星、左氧氟沙星、氧氟沙星、呋喃妥因和氨苄西林最为敏感,对其它药物均为中敏;(5)假单胞菌对药物左氧氟沙星最为敏感,对大多数药物都显示高敏。结论大肠杆菌和葡萄球菌可能是树鼢肠道中正常寄生的主要菌群,同时其它菌群也有寄生。用药敏实验筛选出的药物可为临床用药和动物的生物净化提供指导依据。  相似文献   

Persistence of microorganisms or reinfections are the main reasons for failure of root canal therapy. Very few studies to date have included culture-independent methods to assess the microbiota, including non-cultivable microorganisms. The aim of this study was to combine culture methods with culture-independent cloning methods to analyze the microbial flora of root-filled teeth with periradicular lesions. Twenty-one samples from previously root-filled teeth were collected from patients with periradicular lesions. Microorganisms were cultivated, isolated and biochemically identified. In addition, ribosomal DNA of bacteria, fungi and archaea derived from the same samples was amplified and the PCR products were used to construct clone libraries. DNA of selected clones was sequenced and microbial species were identified, comparing the sequences with public databases. Microorganisms were found in 12 samples with culture-dependent and -independent methods combined. The number of bacterial species ranged from 1 to 12 in one sample. The majority of the 26 taxa belonged to the phylum Firmicutes (14 taxa), followed by Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. One sample was positive for fungi, and archaea could not be detected. The results obtained with both methods differed. The cloning technique detected several as-yet-uncultivated taxa. Using a combination of both methods 13 taxa were detected that had not been found in root-filled teeth so far. Enterococcus faecalis was only detected in two samples using culture methods. Combining the culture-dependent and –independent approaches revealed new candidate endodontic pathogens and a high diversity of the microbial flora in root-filled teeth with periradicular lesions. Both methods yielded differing results, emphasizing the benefit of combined methods for the detection of the actual microbial diversity in apical periodontitis.  相似文献   

武汉东湖南部湖汊的鼓藻类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从1963年9月到1964年12月,作者在武汉东湖南部的湖汊定点采得48号藻类标本,其鼓藻类十分丰富,经鉴定共有20个属,164个种,75个变种和13个变型。其中有2个新种、7个新变种和2个新变型,12个种、25个变种和5个变型是中国的新记录;在四季中出现频率较高的优势种类有11个种和1个变种。在不同季节共6次所采得的鼓藻种类的统计结果得出,在夏季(6月、8月)的种类最多,秋季和冬季(9月、10月、12月)次之,春季(4月)最少。在东湖252个鼓藻类的分类单位中,热带、亚热带类群共有45个,其中的19个是南亚和东南亚地区特有或普遍分布的类群,13个是以广西为模式产地的类群,从而反映武汉地区鼓藻类区系具有亚热带类型的特点,并与南亚和东南亚的鼓藻类区系关系密切。  相似文献   

To obtain primary idea on oral bacterium species that are generally present in periodotally healthy Koreans, the oral bacterial flora in the saliva of four periodontally healthy Koreans at different ages (5, 32, 35, 65) was investigated in this study. For this investigation, 16SrRNA gene clone libraries were generated from the saliva of the four healthy Koreans, and 50 clones were randomly selected from each saliva clone library and sequenced. Totally, 37 different kinds of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were identified based on sequence homology search through GenBank database. The 37 kinds of saliva clone sequences were classified to 14 genera and 2 uncultured and 1 unidentified bacteria. Among the 14 identified genera, Streptococcus, Prevotella, and Veillonella were common genera, and Streptococcus was dominant genus that accounted for 7 different species. Among the seven Streptococcus species, S. salivarius appeared as the most common species. More numbers of species belonging to the genera Streptococcus and Prevotella was present in saliva from ages 32 and 35. While saliva from ages 5 and 65 showed more numbers of species belonging to the genera Rothia, including potential pathogenic species. Overall, saliva of a young child and a senior showed higher bacterial diversity than that of young adults.  相似文献   

The oral cavity contains a unique and diverse micro?ora. While most of these organisms exhibit commensalism, shifts in bacterial community dynamics cause pathological changes within the oral cavity and at distant sites. We assessed the microbial flora using cultured saliva and oral swabs from subjects with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and healthy controls. Microbial samples were collected from the carcinoma site, contralateral healthy mucosa, and saliva of the study group and samples were collected from healthy mucosa and saliva of controls. Samples were stored on ice and transported to the laboratory for culture. The median number of colony forming units (CFU)/ml at carcinoma sites was significantly greater than at the contralateral healthy mucosa. Similarly,?in saliva of carcinoma subjects, the median number of CFU/ml was significantly greater than in saliva of control subjects.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina during menstruation have received inadequate study. Similarly, the effect of vaginal tampons on the microbial flora as well as the relationship between the microbial flora of the vagina and that of the tampon has not been adequately evaluated. The purposes of the present study were (i) to develop quantitative methods for studying the vaginal flora and the flora of tampons obtained during menstruation and (ii) to determine whether there were differences between the microflora of the tampon and that of the vaginal vault. Tampon and swab samples were obtained at various times from eight young healthy volunteers for 8 to 10 menstrual cycles. Samples consisted of swabs from women wearing menstrual pads compared with swab and tampon samples taken at various times during the menstrual cycle. Samples were analyzed for total facultative and anaerobic bacterial counts, and the six dominant bacterial species in each culture were identified. Statistical evaluation of the results indicates that total bacterial counts decreased during menstruation and that swab and tampon samples yielded similar total counts per unit weight of sample. The numbers of bacteria in tampons tended to be lower than in swabs taken at the same time. Overall, during menstruation, the concentrations of lactobacilli declined, but otherwise there was little difference among the species found during menstruation compared with those found in intermenstrual samples. Cotton tampons had little discernible effect on the microbial flora.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina during menstruation have received inadequate study. Similarly, the effect of vaginal tampons on the microbial flora as well as the relationship between the microbial flora of the vagina and that of the tampon has not been adequately evaluated. The purposes of the present study were (i) to develop quantitative methods for studying the vaginal flora and the flora of tampons obtained during menstruation and (ii) to determine whether there were differences between the microflora of the tampon and that of the vaginal vault. Tampon and swab samples were obtained at various times from eight young healthy volunteers for 8 to 10 menstrual cycles. Samples consisted of swabs from women wearing menstrual pads compared with swab and tampon samples taken at various times during the menstrual cycle. Samples were analyzed for total facultative and anaerobic bacterial counts, and the six dominant bacterial species in each culture were identified. Statistical evaluation of the results indicates that total bacterial counts decreased during menstruation and that swab and tampon samples yielded similar total counts per unit weight of sample. The numbers of bacteria in tampons tended to be lower than in swabs taken at the same time. Overall, during menstruation, the concentrations of lactobacilli declined, but otherwise there was little difference among the species found during menstruation compared with those found in intermenstrual samples. Cotton tampons had little discernible effect on the microbial flora.  相似文献   

A total of 48 algae samples were collected from southern bays of the Donghu Lake from September in 1963 to December in 1964.The desmids were very plentiful,164 species,75 varieties and 13 forms belonging to 20 genera were identified.Among these,two species,seven varieties and two forms are new to science**,and 12 species,25 varieties and five forms are recorded for the first time in China.The dominant species with frequent occurrence were 11 species and one variety in four seasons. The result of counting and analysing the samples collected in different seasons (six times for each) shows that the number of the taxa of Desmids in summer (June and August)was the highest,that in autumn and winter (September,October and December) the next,and that in spring (April) is the lowest.Fourty five of 252 desmids taxa are tropical and subtropical,among which 19 are either endemic to or common in S and SE Asia. The desmid flora of Wuhan district is therefore subtropical in nature and closely related to the S and  相似文献   

Antiobiogrammes were made of a number of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pasteurella pneumotropica derived from rodent, rabbit or minipig colonies never treated with antibiotics. For S. aureus no differences between rats and mice were found in the percentage of resistant isolates. Gentamicin and erythromycin were found to be the most efficient, while the highest percentages of resistance were found to be against penicillins and sulphonamides. In general, the results from antibiogrammes on E. coli were rather uniform, with only slight differences between isolates from different species, except that more vancomycin and tetracycline-resistant minipig isolates were found. In almost all isolates of E. coli, resistance was shown against penicillin, fucidin, macrolides, lincosamides and tiamulin. For a number of antibiotics, mouse isolates of P. pneumotropica were more frequently found to be sensitive than rat isolates. The resistance patterns of E. coli from the minipigs were quite similar to resistance patterns found in farm pigs, but apart from this, the resistance patterns of the bacterial species tested did not resemble human or farm animal patterns in any of the animal species, and, therefore, these studies do not support the theory that S. aureus and E. coli in laboratory animal colonies derive from the normal flora of the human caretakers. The fact that rodent species of E. coli, in contrast to human and farm animal species, are sensitive to ampicillin, tetracyclines, and the combination of sulphonamides and trimethoprim, might be due to the fact that these antibiotics are not used in rodent populations.  相似文献   

To determine the staphylococcal colonization pattern in healthy and diseased dogs, living in two particular environments, a number of microbiological samples were taken. Overall, twenty dogs, either healthy or with infected skin lesions, were examined. In each case bacterial swabs were collected from the nasal mucosa, ear, perineum, lumbo-sacralis triangle, and from the infection sites if such were present. A total number of 104 isolates representing different staphylococcal species were isolated and identified using routine biochemical methods applied in diagnostic laboratories. Among 17 isolated staphylococcal species, Staphylococcus intermedius was the most common species isolated from both healthy or diseased dogs living either in animal shelter or household environments. The pattern of Staphylococcus sp. colonization differs considerably for animals living in the two tested habitats. In particular, S. aureus MRSA and MSSA isolates were detected only in infected skin lesion samples from animals that dwelled in the animal shelter. As could be expected, S. intermedius was found to be a predominant causative agent in canine skin infections. In our study, we demonstrated that S. intermedius in its carrier-state, inhabits mainly the mucosal membrane of the nasal vestibule. It was also found in the samples taken from the skin, the lumbo-sacralis triangle and perineum, but was rarely isolated from the ears.  相似文献   

Gut microbes are believed to play a critical role in most animal life, yet fitness effects and cost–benefit trade‐offs incurred by the host are poorly understood. Unlike most hosts studied to date, butterflies largely acquire their nutrients from larval feeding, leaving relatively little opportunity for nutritive contributions by the adult's microbiota. This provides an opportunity to measure whether hosting gut microbiota comes at a net nutritional price. Because host and bacteria may compete for sugars, we hypothesized that gut flora would be nutritionally neutral to adult butterflies with plentiful food, but detrimental to semistarved hosts, especially when at high density. We held field‐caught adult Speyeria mormonia under abundant or restricted food conditions. Because antibiotic treatments did not generate consistent variation in their gut microbiota, we used interindividual variability in bacterial loads and operational taxonomic unit abundances to examine correlations between host fitness and the abdominal microbiota present upon natural death. We detected strikingly few relationships between microbial flora and host fitness. Neither total bacterial load nor the abundances of dominant bacterial taxa were related to butterfly fecundity, egg mass or egg chemical content. Increased abundance of a Commensalibacter species did correlate with longer host life span, while increased abundance of a Rhodococcus species correlated with shorter life span. Contrary to our expectations, these relationships were unchanged by food availability to the host and were unrelated to reproductive output. Our results suggest the butterfly microbiota comprises parasitic, commensal and beneficial taxa that together do not impose a net reproductive cost, even under caloric stress.  相似文献   

Bacterial cultures and chemical analyses were performed from cloacal and oral swabs taken from 43 American crocodiles Crocodylus acutus and 28 Morelet's crocodiles C. moreletii captured in Quintana Roo State, Mexico. We recovered 47 bacterial species (28 genera and 14 families) from all samples with 51.1% of these belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Fourteen species (29.8%) were detected in both crocodile species and 18 (38.3%) and 15 (31.9%) species were only detected in American and Morelet's crocodiles, respectively. We recovered 35 bacterial species from all oral samples, of which 9 (25.8%) were detected in both crocodile species. From all cloacal samples, we recovered 21 bacterial species, of which 8 (38.1%) were detected in both crocodile species. The most commonly isolated bacteria in cloacal samples were Aeromonas hydrophila and Escherichia coli, whereas in oral samples the most common bacteria were A. hydrophila and Arcanobacterium pyogenes. The bacteria isolated represent a potential threat to crocodile health during conditions of stress and a threat to human health through crocodile bites, crocodile meat consumption or carrying out activities in crocodile habitat. We especially warn about the presence of Salmonella arizonae and S. typhi, which cause enteritis and septicemia in crocodiles and salmonellosis and typhoid fever in humans. The risk of bacterial contamination from crocodiles to humans could increase in the future because of the accelerated destruction of crocodile habitat, which could lead to an augmentation of human-crocodile interactions. Information on bacterial diversity reported here could help in the choice of antibacterial products in case of infections that are of crocodile origin.  相似文献   

目的探讨四氯化碳(CCl4)一过性处理对巴马香猪肠道菌群的影响,评估CCl4诱导处理的肝损伤动物模型能否用于肠道微生态研究。方法选取3头雄性巴马香猪,一次性按每千克体重腹腔注射0.25 ml[0.25ml/(kg·bw)]40%CCl4橄榄油溶液。于注射12 h之后的第1、2、3、4、7和10天连续采集粪便,以注射CCl4溶液之前所采集粪便样作对照。分别提取粪样总DNA,采用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)对CCl4一过性处理后巴马香猪肠道菌群的多样性变化进行动态监测。结果PCR-DGGE法分析表明,巴马香猪肠道菌群组成在注射CCl4前后差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。相似性聚类分析结果表明,菌群组成在注射CCl4前后相似度在65%以上。结论CCl4一过性处理后巴马香猪肠道菌群组成未发生显著变化。表明CCl4处理诱导的肝损伤动物模型可以用来研究相关疾病与肠道菌群之间的关系。  相似文献   

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