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Abstract Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive sporulating anaerobic bacillus which causes pseudomembranous colitis. Nosocomial acquisition of this bacteria has proved frequent, and epidemiological markers are needed to recognize and control common-source outbreaks. We therefore compared the results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after restriction with Sma I or Nru I, random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) using 3 10-mer oligonucleotides, and ribotyping to differentiate between 30 unrelated strains of C. difficile belonging to 8 serotypes. The strains were separated into 26 different types by PFGE, 25 by RAPD, but into only 18 types by ribotyping. Median percentages of similarity between strains ranged from 27 in the PFGE assay to 90 in the ribotyping assay, but there was good agreement between the 3 methods for the clustering of strains. PFGE was more time-consuming than RAPD but its patterns were easier to analyze.  相似文献   

Sexing birds using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to sex birds from small tissue (usually blood) samples. Arbitrarily chosen 10-mer PCR primers were screened with DNA from known-sex individuals for the production of a bright female-specific band. Suitable primers were found for seven bird species after screening about 30 primers (range 2–63), and no primer was found for three other species after screening about 50 primers for each species. Investigations into the reliability of RAPD markers for sexing great tits Parus major and oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus show that: (i) when PCR reaction conditions for great tit DNA are varied, either the presence of the female-specific band correctly predicts the individual's sex or no DNA amplification occurs; (ii) the female-specific band in great tits can be sequenced, and subsequently amplified using specific PCR primers; (iii) null alleles of the female-specific fragment occur at an estimated frequency of 0% ( n = 241 females) in great tits and 0.6% ( n > 290 females) in oystercatchers; (iv) the female-specific fragment in great tits occurs in individuals from a wide geographical range encompassing two subspecies; and (v) the relative intensity of bands in great tit RAPD banding profiles is consistent across individual birds and scorers. The RAPD primers that we have identified are generally species specific, and the consequent time cost of screening for primers is the chief disadvantage of using RAPD markers to sex birds. However, with large sample sizes this disadvantage is outweighed by the relative technical simplicity and low cost of the technique.  相似文献   

PCR-based techniques described to date for sex diagnosis in birds are not useful in ratites. We report here the identification of a W-linked marker in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) which allows gender diagnosis in chicks or juvenile birds. DNA from 10 females and 11 males was used to prepare two pools for each sex. Two-hundred different 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence were used to screen those pools using a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay. One primer (D 10) generated a female-specific band. Sex specificity was confirmed by testing the 21 animals individually. The candidate DNA fragment was cloned and sequenced. Longer primers were designed to optimize a sex-specific PCR which will be useful in diagnosis.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were utilized for the identification of Lilium species and inter-specific hybrids. The optimum annealing temperature of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the RAPD assay in Lilium was 54 °C, which is relatively higher than the temperature used for other genera reported by previous researchers. Among 76 primers used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, 18 primers (24%) generated polymorphic DNA fragments in Lilium species and hybrids. Cultivars were also identified by RAPD markers. Some amplified fragments were unique to species of each section and to hybrids derived from these species; that is, they were the section-specific DNA markers. Sections, Sinomartagon, Leucolirion b, Leucolirion a and Archelirion could be identified by 6 section-specific markers amplified with five primers. Seven inter-section hybrids showed the section-specific bands of both parental sections, indicating that these markers would be useful for identifying the parental sections of inter-section hybrids.  相似文献   

RFLP-based genetic map of rye, developed previously using a cross of lines DS2×RXL10 (F2 generation), was extended with 69 RAPD and 12 isozyme markers. The actual map contains 282 markers dispersed on all seven chromosomes and spans a distance of 1,140 cM. The efficiency of mapping RAPD markers was close to ten loci per 100-screened arbitrary primers. A strong selection of polymorphic, intensive and reproducible fragments was necessary to reveal individual marker loci that could be assigned to rye chromosomes. Newly mapped markers cover a substantial part of the rye genome and constitute a valuable tool suitable for map saturation, marker-aided selection and phenetic studies. A specific nomenclature for the RAPD loci mapped on individual rye chromosomes, which could be helpful in managing of accumulating data, is proposed. Received: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 17 October 2000  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments were prepared from samples of Calonectris diomedea (Cory's shearwater, Aves) and Haemonchus contortus (Nematoda) DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using decamers containing two restriction enzyme sites as primers. Six of 19 studied RAPD fragments probably originated from traces of commensal microorganisms. Many rearranged fragments, absent in the original genomic DNA, were synthesized and amplified during the processing of all the DNA samples, indicating that interactions occur within and between strands during the annealing step of PCR. The model of interactions between molecular species during DNA amplification with a single arbitrary oligonucleotide primer was modified to include nested primer annealing and interactions within and between strands. The presence of these artefacts in the final RAPD have a major effect on the interpretation of polymorphism studies.  相似文献   

Thirty-one Naegleria fowleri strains from different continents were studied by using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Five primers among the 40 examined generated eight RAPD variants corresponding partially to their geographic origin. Four characteristic variants are detected in Oceania. The four remaining ones are present in Europe, two of which are observed on other continents. One European variant is found to exhibit similarities with strains from Oceania. The genetic diversity found in Europe and Oceania as well as the existence of ubiquitous RAPD variants bring new insights about the dispersion of N. fowleri throughout the world.  相似文献   

Applications of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in molecular ecology   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Molecular genetic markers have been developed into powerful tools to analyse genetic relationships and genetic diversity. As an extension to the variety of existing techniques using polymorphic DNA markers, the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique may be used in molecular ecology to determine taxonomic identity, assess kinship relationships, analyse mixed genome samples, and create specific probes. Main advantages of the RAPD technology include (i) suitability for work on anonymous genomes, (ii) applicability to problems where only limited quantities of DNA are available, (iii) efficiency and low expense.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping with RAPD markers has been initiated in Citrus. Reproducible polymorphism of amplified DNA fragments was obtained with approximately half of the 140 random primers tested, revealing 266 segregating loci. These were tested for linkage using 60 BC1 progeny from an intergeneric cross of Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x [Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.]. A core linkage map was constructed that consists of nine linkage groups containing 109 RAPD markers and 51 previously-mapped RFLP and isozyme markers. A further 79 markers that could not be ordered unambiguously because of their allelic constitution were associated with individual linkage groups and are shown in relation to the core map. The core map has a total length of 1192 cM with an average distance of 7.5 cM between loci and is estimated to cover 70–80% of the genome. Loci with distorted segregation patterns clustered on several linkage groups. Individual clusters of loci were skewed in allelic composition toward one or the other parent, usually C. grandis. This relatively-saturated linkage map will eventually be used to identify quantitative trait loci for cold and salt-tolerance in Citrus. As a beginning we have mapped three loci detected by a cold-acclimation-responsive cDNA.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chromosomal DNA from Bacillus subtilis , bound on the clay minerals, montmorillonite (Wyoming (W) and Apache County (Ap)) and kaolinite (K), was subjected to the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. DNA bound on the clays was not amplified with 0.625, 1.875, 6.25, and 12.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase, but amplification occurred when the clay-DNA complexes were diluted 10- and 20-fold or when 21 U of Taq DNA polymerase was added. DNA desorbed from the Ap-DNA and K-DNA equilibrium complexes was amplified with 0.625 U of Taq DNA polymerase, whereas amplification of DNA desorbed from the W-DNA complex occurred only after a 10-fold dilution or when 1.875 U of Taq DNA polymerase was used. These observations indicate that clay minerals differentially affect the amplification process, probably by inhibiting the activity of Taq DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile can cause antibiotic-associated diarrhoea or pseudo-membranous colitis in humans and animals. Currently, the various methods such as microbiological culture, cytotoxic assay, ELISA and polymerase chain reaction have been used to detect Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). These conventional methods, however, require long detection time and professional staff. The paper is to describe a simple strategy which employs immunomagnetic separation and aptamer-mediated colorimetric assay for the detection of toxin B of C. difficile (TcdB) in the stool samples. HRP-labelled aptamer against TcdB selected by SELEX was firstly captured on the surface of magnetic beads (MB) by DNA hybridization with a complementary strand. In the presence of TcdB, aptamer specifically recognized and bound TcdB, disturbing the DNA hybridization and causing the release of HRP-aptamer from MB. This reduced the catalytic capacity of HRP and consequently the absorption intensity. As there was a relationship between the decrease in the absorption intensity and target concentration, a quantitative analysis of TcdB can be accomplished by the measurement of the absorption intensity. Under the optimal conditions, the assay system is able to detect TcdB at a concentration down to 5 ng ml−1. Moreover the method had specificity of 97% and sensitivity of 66% and the system remained excellent stability within 4 weeks. The proposed method is a valuable screening procedure for CDI and can be extended readily to detection of other clinically important pathogens.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay and related techniques like the arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) have been shown to detect genotoxin-induced DNA damage and mutations. The changes occurring in RAPD profiles following genotoxic treatments include variation in band intensity as well as gain or loss of bands. However, the interpretation of the molecular events responsible for differences in the RAPD patterns is not an easy task since different DNA alterations can induce similar type of changes. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a number of DNA alterations on the RAPD profiles. Genomic DNA from different species was digested with restriction enzymes, ultrasonicated, treated with benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) diol epoxide (BPDE) and the resulting RAPD profiles were evaluated. In comparison to the enzymatic DNA digestions, sonication caused greater changes in the RAPD patterns and induced a dose-related disappearance of the high molecular weight amplicons. A DNA sample substantially modified with BPDE caused very similar changes but amplicons of low molecular weight were also affected. Appearance of new bands and increase in band intensity were also evident in the RAPD profiles generated by the BPDE-modified DNA. Random mutations occurring in mismatch repair-deficient strains did not cause any changes in the banding patterns whereas a single base change in 10-mer primers produced substantial differences. Finally, further research is required to better understand the potential and limitations of the RAPD assay for the detection of DNA damage and mutations.  相似文献   

Construction of a genetic linkage map is necessary to apply marker-assisted selection tools in a crop improvement program. Except for the recent studies from two laboratories, most of the previous studies have shown little or no DNA polymorphism in cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). In the present study, 70 selected genotypes, representing variability for several morphological, physiological, and other characters, were studied for polymorphism employing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay with 48 oligonucleotide primers. Of the 48 oligonucleotide primers only 7 (14.6%) yielded polymorphic amplification products. The total number of bands from the 7 primers was 408, of which 27 were polymorphic. Detection of polymorphism in cultivated groundnut opens up the possibility of development of its molecular map by judicious selection of genotypes that show DNA polymorphism. This approach will be useful for developing marker-assisted selection tools for genetic enhancement of groundnut for desirable traits.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting was used in this study to determine the genetic relationship of different cell lines of the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus. Stocks isolated from different habitats in the USA, and from a group of genetically recombined laboratory strains, were characterized. Band-sharing indices (D) for all possible pairwise comparisons revealed a remarkable genetic diversity between the different cell lines. Investigation of the genetic structure in natural populations found diversity--although to a different extent--in all populations investigated. No clonal structure could be observed, as proposed for several protozoa and recently shown for E. daidaleos. These findings suggest frequent conjugation in the population of E. octocarinatus. No correlation between the genetic relationship of cell lines from different habitats and the distance between the corresponding sampling locations was found. Once separated geographically, the exchange of genetic material between populations appears to be nearly impossible. Therefore, these groups tend to separate into sibling species. The data generally support the occurrence of different syngens in the E. octocarinatus species complex. This finding is in accordance with our observation that the morphological 'species' of E. octocarinatus consists of several syngens or sibling species, similar to findings for the Paramecium aurelia-, Tetrahymena pyriformis- and E. vannus- species complexes.  相似文献   

We compared two methods to generate polymorphic markers to investigate the population genetics of Trypanosoma evansi; random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. AFLP accessed many more polymorphisms than RAPD. Cluster analysis of the AFLP data showed that 12 T.evansi isolates were very similar ('type A') whereas 2 isolates differed substantially ('type B'). Type A isolates have been generally regarded as genetically identical but AFLP analysis was able to identify multiple differences between them and split the type A T. evansi isolates into two distinct clades.  相似文献   

All five examined strains ofCoprinus cinereus could be clearly discriminated from the strains of five otherCoprinus species by RAPD patterns with 12 of 13 primers. Also one specimen of unknownCoprinus strain was identified to beC. cinereus by this method. The RAPD patterns were similar among the strains in the same species; many common DNA fragments were recognized as well as some strain-specific DNA fragments. Thus all seven strains ofC. cinereus and all four strains ofC. angulatus examined could be distinguished individually. Diakryotic strains showed the combined RAPD patterns of the two monokaryotic strains constituting the dikaryon. The combined RAPD markers observed in the dikaryons were segregated in their basidiospore progeny. All 18 randomly picked progeny showed different combinations of RAPD markers from the parental strains.  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌临床分离株的随机扩增多态性DNA指纹图分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:建立武汉及周边地区幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)感染病人胃内分离的Hp的DNA指纹图谱,并进行数理统计分析,探讨Hp基因型与疾病的相互关系,为临床诊断、防治及致病机制提供理论与实践基础.方法:采取随机扩增多态性DNA指纹法(Random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)对48例病人Hp基因组DNA进行PCR反应,其随机引物为:1290 5'-GTGGATGCGA-3'.反应产物经2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,成像存盘.用统计分析软件(Statistic analysis software,SAS)对Hp DNA指纹图的相似性以及与疾病的相关性进行分析.结果:每个菌株都有其独特的DNA指纹图,显示其基因的多态性;计算机聚类分析显示:Hp DNA指纹图可分为两大类,其与宿主疾病之间有一定程度的相关性(P<0.05).结论:(1)RAPD对 Hp DNA扩增结果是稳定、可靠的,是一种较好的分型方法.(2)幽门螺杆菌感染所致疾病可能与其基因型相关.  相似文献   

A typing method for Clostridium difficile based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) is described. The technique utilizes commercially available Escherichia coli ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) as probe material. Probe labelling, hybridization and detection was performed using the Enhanced Chemiluminescence (ECL) gene detection system. The probe labelling procedure was easy to perform, taking only 20 min. The complete typing method was comparatively simple, reproducible and readily adaptable to most bacterial genera.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an antibiotic-associated emerging pathogen of humans and animals. Thus far three toxins of C. difficile have been described: an enterotoxin (ToxA), a cytotoxin (ToxB) and an ADP-ribosyltransferase (CDT). In the present work we describe the first isolation of CDT producing C. difficile from Equidae with gastro-intestinal disease. Out of 17 C. difficile strains isolated from Equidae, 11 were positive for the genes tcdA and tcdB encoding ToxA and ToxB. In addition four of these 11 isolates were positive for the cdtA gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the ADP-ribosyltransferase CDT. Interestingly none of the isolates derived from canines (41 isolates) and felines (4 isolates) harboured the cdtA gene. In C. difficile field isolates which contained the cdtA gene, ADP-ribosyltransferase activity could also be detected in culture supernatants indicating expression and secretion of CDT. All strains were associated with intestinal disorders, but no association was found for the occurrence of toxins with a specific clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

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