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A latex bead technique modified for measuring the plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to teratocarcinoma tumor antigens in syngeneic animals is described. With this method one can detect both the primary (IgM) and the secondary (IgG) immune response to tumor antigens. Optimal detection of the PFC response depends on the proper ratio of sheep red blood cells to latex beads and the dose of tumor cell antigen used for immunization. The presence of fetal calf serum interfered with immunization of animals and the coating of the latex beads with the tumor cell antigens. The plaques obtained in response to immunization with teratocarcinoma cell antigens varied in size, probably reflecting the complex immune response to more than one class of antigens on tumor cells.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation by the constitutively activated BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase is associated with the pathogenesis of the human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). It is difficult to characterize kinase response to stimuli or drug treatment because regulatory phosphorylation events are largely transient changes affecting low abundance proteins. Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) has emerged as a pivotal technology for quantitative proteomics. By metabolically labeling proteins with light or heavy tyrosine, we are able to quantify the change in phosphorylation of BCR-ABL kinase and its substrates in response to drug treatment in human CML cells. In this study, we observed that BCR-ABL kinase is phosphorylated at tyrosines 393 and 644, and that SH2-domain containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP)-2 and downstream of kinase (Dok)-2 are phosphorylated at tyrosine 1135 and 299, respectively. Based on the relative intensity of isotopic peptide pairs, we demonstrate that the level of phosphorylation of BCR-ABL kinase as well as SHIP-2 and Dok-2 is reduced approximately 90% upon treatment with Imatinib, a specific inhibitor of BCR-ABL kinase. Furthermore, proteins, such as SHIP-1, SH2-containing protein (SHC) and Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene (CBL), are also regulated by Imatinib. These results demonstrate the simplicity and utility of SILAC as a method to quantify dynamic changes in phosphorylation at specific sites in response to stimuli or drug treatment in cell culture.  相似文献   

Vaccination protocols designed to elicit anti-cancer immune responses have, many times, failed in producing tumor eradication and in prolonging patient survival. Usually in cancer vaccination, epitopes from one organism are included in the genome or linked with some protein of another in the hope that the immunogenic properties of the latter will boost an immune response to the former. However, recent results have demonstrated that injections of two different vectors encoding the same recombinant antigen generate high levels of specific immunity. Systematic comparison of the efficacy of different vaccination protocols has been hampered by technical limitations, and clear evidence that the use of multiple vectors has advantages over single carrier injections is lacking. We used a computational model to investigate the dynamics of the immune response to different anti-cancer vaccines based on randomly generated antigen/carrier compounds. The computer model was adapted for simulations to this new area in immunology research and carefully validated to the purpose. As a matter of fact, it reproduces a relevant number of experimental observations. The model shows that when priming and boosting with the same construct, competition rather than cooperation develops amongst T cell clones of different specificities. Moreover, from the simulations, it appears that the sequential use of multiple carriers may generate more robust anti-tumor immune responses and may lead to effective tumor eradication in a higher percentage of cases. Our results provide a rational background for the design of novel strategies for the achievement of immune control of cancer.  相似文献   

The role of genes linked to the H-2 locus in effecting an immune response to SRBC was examined using strains of mice which differ in the classes of antibodies produced following multiple injections with SRBC. While H-2-linked gene action appeared to be at the level of regulating the number of plaque-forming cells (PFC) present in the spleens of different strains following two injections with SRBC, non-H-2-linked immune response genes seemed to determine whether an IgM-IgG switch occurred as well as how much of each antibody class was produced by the number of PFC available as a result of H-2-linked gene intervention. Mapping studies showed that the H-2-linked genetic effects were due to either the requirement for two genes or the presence of genes located between I-B and H-2D.  相似文献   

Antigens differ in their abilities to stimulate antibodies of various isotypes. Many thymus-independent (TI) polysaccharide antigens stimulate largely IgG3 and IgM antibodies while thymus-dependent (TD) protein antigens stimulate predominantly IgG1 and smaller amounts of other isotypes. Here we determine whether thymus dependence or independence is a property of antigens which is expressed equally by all isotypes. To do this nu/+ and nu/nu mice were immunized with several TI and TD antigens and antibody responses of IgM and the four IgG subclasses measured. We found that, within the conditions of these experiments, all IgG isotypes were influenced equally by the presence or absence of T lymphocytes. Second, in agreement with J. L. Press (J. Immunol.126, 1234, 1981), we propose a division of TD antigens into two types based upon the ability to stimulate responses in the CBA/N mouse.  相似文献   

A gel electrophoretic method coupled with agar diffusion has been devised for detecting tumor antigens in human colon tissue. Separation of the antigens is achieved on duplicate electrophoretic gels. One gel is used for the location of the antigens by protein staining and the other gel is used for assaying of the antigenicity by agar diffusion against homologous antiserum. Analysis of perchloric acid extracts of colon tumors by this coupled method revealed the presence of carcinoembryonic antigen and two additional glycoprotein antigens. Analysis of KClHCl tumor extracts revealed two new tumor antigens.  相似文献   

We have shown that young autoimmune and normal strain mice possess autoantigen-sensitive cells potentially capable of producing anti-sDNA autoantibody in the absence of normal regulatory mechanisms in vitro. In certain strains such as B/W mice, these regulatory mechanisms presumably break down with increasing age, and autoimmunity develops. These regulatory mechanisms might consist of sDNA, T cells, or some combination of these since both of these agents suppressed the anti-sDNA PFC response in vitro. The sDNA may have inhibited PFC development by a receptor blockade mechanism since i) spleen cells pulsed with sDNA for short periods and then washed were suppressed after 5 days of culture; ii) treatment of these blocked cells with trypsin and DNase I restored the anti-sDNA response; iii) the PFC remaining in partially blocked cultures were of lower avidity than PFC in unblocked cultures; and iv) the target of sDNA may be a B cell. Thymocytes and splenic T cells suppressed the anti-sDNA response but not the anti-SRBC response in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. The suppressive capacity of thymus cells did not decline with age in B/W mice. In addition, thymus cells activated by competing foreign antigens could also suppress the anti-sDNA response. The relationship between these modes of regulating autoreactivity remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence is presented that a differentiated mesodermal line (MES-1) from P19 EC cells express a high chemotactic response to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) as assayed in a blind-well modified Boyden chamber. Compared to the NIH 3T3 fibroblasts the chemotactic response of MES-1 is increased by 10-fold at 0.3 ng/ml of PDGF, 4-fold at 1.25 ng/ml of PDGF, 2-fold at 2.5 ng/ml of PDGF. In contrast, PDGF induces the same increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation in both cell lines, made quiescent under reduced serum concentration. This high chemotactic response to PDGF seems specific for these mesodermal cells. Among the different teratocarcinoma cells tested, including stem cells (F9, PC 13, PCC4) and endodermal derivatives (PYS, F9 with retinoic acid, PSA 5E), only the visceral endodermlike cells (PSA5E) are slightly attracted by PDGF. This chemotactic response to PDGF is not related to the presence or characteristics of the type B PDGF receptors, which are less numerous in MES-1 cells (105 receptors/cell, KDa 1,2 mM) compared to NIH 3T3 cells (64×104 receptors per cell, KDa 1,8 nM). The MES-1 cell line might be of interest for studying the chemotactic effect of PDGF. These results also suggest a role for this soluble factor in cell migration during early embryogenesis. This investigation was supported by a grant of La Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

Summary Two tissue culture incubation systems are described in which immune responses to cell surface antigens have been demonstrated In the one-way “mixed lymphocyte interaction” system, a specific stimulation of thymidine uptake was induced by a particulate membrane antigen fraction, the microsomal lipoproteins (MLP)when low levels (0.01 to 0.001 μg per ml) were incubated with spleen or lymph node cells from nonsensitized mice. No stimulation was seen when allogeneic MLP was used at high levels, 10 μg per ml, nor at any level with syngeneic MLP. Specific effectors were demonstrated after 72-hr incubation with stimulatory levels of allogeneic MLP in three separate in vitro assays, a plaque-forming cell reduction assay, a tumor target assay, and an antigen-binding cell assay. In the latter assay, [125I]MLP was used as the source of antigen. This system has limited potential inasmuch as mouse spleen cells do not survive in it beyond the 4th day of culture. The second tissue culture system, the Marbrook system, has much greater possibilities because at least 25% of the inoculum is recovered 7days later. In this culture system a cell-free sheep erythrocyte membrane preparation can induce, plaque-forming cells in the absence of macrophages. Using a sensitive radioimmunoassay, frees specific antibody was detected in culture supernatant fluids. With the same culture system, allogeneic lymphocytotoxic cells (killer) have been induced with spleen cells from unprimed mice in strains differing at the major histocompatibility locus (H-2). Allogeneic MLP induced very significant “killer” cell activity with spleen cells from primed mice. In a syngeneic tumor systems, significant amounts of killer cell activity were induced with unprimed spleen cell inocula, and much larger amounts induced with spleen cells from immunized mice. Presented in the formal symposium on Carcinogenesis in Vitro, at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Miami Beach, Florida, June 3–6, 1974. This work was supported by Public Health Service Rescarch grants CA 07973 and CA 10815 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells are insensitive to BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here, we showed that imatinib treatment induced significant upregulation of miR-21 and downregulation of PTEN in Ph+ ALL cell line Sup-b15. Transient inhibition of miR-21 resulted in increased apoptosis, PTEN upregulation and AKT dephosphorylation, whereas ectopic overexpression of miR-21 further conferred imatinib resistance. Furthermore, knockdown of PTEN protected the cells from imatinib-induced apoptosis achieved by inhibition of miR-21. Additionally, PI3K inhibitors also notably enhanced the effects of imatinib on Sup-b15 cells and primary Ph+ ALL cells similar to miR-21 inhibitor. Therefore, miR-21 contributes to imatinib resistance in Ph+ ALL cells and antagonizing miR-21 demonstrates therapeutic potential by sensitizing the malignancy to imatinib therapy.  相似文献   

There is strong preclinical evidence that cancer, including breast cancer, undergoes immune surveillance. This continual monitoring, by both the innate and the adaptive immune systems, recognizes changes in protein expression, mutation, folding, glycosylation, and degradation. Local immune responses to tumor antigens are amplified in draining lymph nodes, and then enter the systemic circulation. The antibody response to tumor antigens, such as p53 protein, are robust, stable, and easily detected in serum; may exist in greater concentrations than their cognate antigens; and are potential highly specific biomarkers for cancer. However, antibodies have limited sensitivities as single analytes, and differences in protein purification and assay characteristics have limited their clinical application. For example, p53 autoantibodies in the sera are highly specific for cancer patients, but are only detected in the sera of 10-20% of patients with breast cancer. Detection of p53 autoantibodies is dependent on tumor burden, p53 mutation, rapidly decreases with effective therapy, but is relatively independent of breast cancer subtype. Although antibodies to hundreds of other tumor antigens have been identified in the sera of breast cancer patients, very little is known about the specificity and clinical impact of the antibody immune repertoire to breast cancer. Recent advances in proteomic technologies have the potential for rapid identification of immune response signatures for breast cancer diagnosis and monitoring. We have adapted programmable protein microarrays for the specific detection of autoantibodies in breast cancer. Here, we present the first demonstration of the application of programmable protein microarray ELISAs for the rapid identification of breast cancer autoantibodies.  相似文献   

We investigated the cellular basis of immune reactivity to the S1509a fibrosarcoma in tumor-immune A/J mice. In a Winn assay, immune Lyt-1+2- T cells are capable of retarding S1509a tumor growth in naive A/J mice. In vitro proliferation to S1509a is also mediated by tumor-immune Lyt-1+2- T cells. This response is specific to the immunizing tumor and appears 5 to 7 days after reexposure to the tumor in vivo. Proliferation also requires the presence of a population of adherent cells. In fact, adherent peritoneal exudate cells pulsed with tumor membrane fragments derived from S1509a cells can stimulate proliferation. Proliferation is blocked by the addition of anti-I-Ak monoclonal antibody to the culture medium without complement or by treatment of the responder population with anti-I-Ak and complement. In vitro responsiveness is also inhibited by the presence of tumor-specific suppressor T cells in vivo. These observations suggest in vitro proliferation may provide a potential means of defining tumor antigens and cell-surface structures involved in tumor immunity.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize tumor cell locomotion in response to chemotactic stimulation using a dual-micropipet assay. The assay involves two micropipets. An individual A2058 human melanoma cell was retained, without pressure gradient, in a pipet of approximately 14 micrometers i.d. A solution of type IV collagen, chosen as the chemotactic source, was placed in another pipet (approximately 10 micrometers o.d.) with zero pressure at the pipet tip. The smaller pipet was then inserted into the larger one containing the melanoma cell. The initial chemoattractant concentration (C0) and the distance between the tip of the small pipet and the cell surface (delta) provided a gradient (C0/delta) for tumor cell locomotion toward stimulation. This novel assay provides a direct measure of cell movement: cyclic pseudopod protrusion (Lp) and subsequent cell locomotion (Lc). The influences of different adhesion substrates on cell locomotion were also studied. The peak length in Lp precedes the highest locomotion velocity (dLc/dt) by an apparent lag time. C0/delta influences pseudopod protrusion frequency (fp) and dLc/dt, but not significantly on Lp. Substrate adhesions affect dLc/dt, but apparently not Lp or fp. In conclusion, pseudopod protrusion and substrate adhesion are two necessary but mutually independent factors in tumor cell locomotion. dLc/dt correlates with changes in C0/delta, which is in significant correlation with fp but not Lp.  相似文献   

Mice of different ages were evaluated with respect to their ability to give a plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSSIII), as well as the degree of amplifier and suppressor thymus-derived(T) cell activity present. Although the magnitude of the PFC response to an optimally immunogenic dose of SSS-III for 2-and 3-week old mice was only 7% and 14%, respectively, of that produced by adult (8-week old) mice, values comparable to those of adult animals were attained by 4 weeks of age; no significant changes in the ability to respond to SSS-III occurred thereafter. Amplifier T cell activity, which was minimal at 2 to 4 weeks of age, matured slowly and did not reach a maximum until 8 to 10 weeks of age. By contrast, suppressor T cell activity appeared to be fully developed at least as early as 2 weeks of age; here, the inhibitory effects produced could by abrogated by depletion of T cells, indicating that the unresponsiveneness induced by such cells does not result in the depletion ot irreversible inactivation of B cells capable of responding to SSS-III. These findings suggest that the inhibitory effects of suppressor T cells are predominant in young mice and that such cells may play an important role in determining the ease with which unresponsiveness is induced in neonates, and in the prevention of autoimmune disease. Also, studies conducted with adult-thymectomized mice showed that both amplifier and suppressor T cells, once seeded to the periphery, are stable and do not depend upon the presence of intact thymus for the expression or renewal of their activity.  相似文献   

The detection of autoantibodies to tumor antigens has potential utility for the early diagnosis of cancers. In previous studies, we have identified tumor antigens based on Western blot analysis of tumor cell lysates that were incubated with subject sera to identify proteins that elicit specific reactivity in sera from patients with the corresponding tumor type. More recently, we have explored the use of microarrays spotted with tumor proteins as an alternative to Western blots. Microarrays provide a high throughput, high sensitivity alternative to the use of Western blots for tumor antigen profiling. In this study, we have assessed the reproducibility of natural protein microarrays and their ability to distinguish between lung cancer sera and controls. Protein lysates from the A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cell line were separated into 1840 fractions that were spotted in duplicate, along with various controls, on nitrocellulose coated slides. Sera from 18 newly diagnosed patients with lung cancer and from 15 healthy controls were each hybridized to an individual microarray. The reactivity of arrayed proteins with Ig was determined by incubation with biotinylated goat-anti-human-Ig followed by phycoerythrin-conjugated streptavidin. The intensity measures of duplicate spots (within-slide) and duplicate slides (between-slides) were highly reproducible, exhibiting correlation values >0.9. A total of 63 of the 1840 arrayed fractions demonstrated increased reactivity in cancer patients relative to controls as measured by a rank-based statistic (p < 0.008). Microarrays of tumor-derived proteins provide the means for uncovering a repertoire of tumor antigens that have induced an antibody response in patients with specific cancers.  相似文献   

G A Bishop  J Hwang 《BioTechniques》1992,12(3):326-330
A sensitive, convenient and inexpensive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described for the detection and relative quantitation of cell surface antigens. The cells to be tested are rapidly glutaraldehyde-fixed to the wells of microtiter plates, which can be stored for later assay, if desired. Alternatively, adherent cells may be left unfixed. Following incubation with antibodies specific for the antigens of interest, an enzyme-linked second antibody conjugate is added, followed by the substrate for the enzyme, as in a conventional ELISA for soluble proteins. The method is a sensitive and accurate alternative to immunofluorescence flow cytometry for rapid and inexpensive screening of large numbers of cell samples.  相似文献   

A new generic method for the conjugation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-derived polysaccharide antigens from gram-negative bacteria has been developed using Salmonella as a model. After removal of lipid A from the LPS by mild acidolysis, the polysaccharide antigen was conjugated to polystyrene microbeads modified with N-alkyl hydroxylamine and N-alkyl-O-methyl hydroxylamine surface groups by incubation of antigen and beads for 16 h at 40 °C without the need for coupling agents. The efficiency of the new method was evaluated by flow cytometry in model samples and serum samples containing antibodies against Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella dublin. The presented method was compared with a similar method for conjugation of Salmonella polysaccharide antigens to surfaces. Here, the new method showed higher antigen coupling efficiency by detecting low concentrations of antibodies. Furthermore, the polysaccharide-conjugated beads showed preserved bioactivity after 1 year of use.  相似文献   

To evaluate a modified rapid ELISA method for detecting CAg during Toxoplasma gondii infection, we analyzed the specificity and sensitivity of the ELISA method by using experimental Toxoplasma infection in rabbits and also tested this method in human samples including 5428 serum, 548 cerebrospinal fluid and two breast milk samples. We prepared PcAb, and used it for rapid one-step sandwich ELISA testing in which an incubation time in the regular ELISA procedure was omitted. This method detected CAg at the concentration of 31.2 ng/mL, and no cross-reaction was found with antigens of protozoa (Cryptosporidium parvum, Plasmodium falciparum), trematode (Schistosoma japonicum, Paragonimus sp.) and nematode (Brugia malayi, Ancylostoma duodenale, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichinella spiralis). CAg was detected in rabbit serum 3 days after infection, and optical density values reached a peak 9-13 days after infection, then declined gradually. Among human serum samples, the positive rate of CAg was 2.11% in cerebral paralysis patients, whereas it was 0.22% or 0.71% in patients without neurological symptoms or in uncomplicated pregnant women. The difference among these three groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The positive rate of cerebrospinal fluid samples from cerebral paralysis patients was 10.58%. There is a statistically significant difference between the positive rates of meat-packing workers and blood donors (P < 0.01). In the retrospective analysis, CAg was detected in accordance with the onset of clinical symptoms, suggesting that CAg could reflect the clinical course in humans. Together with these results, CAg detected in the modified rapid sandwich ELISA could be a sensitive marker for acute and active infection of T. gondii.  相似文献   

We model the immune dynamics between T cells and cancer cells in leukemia patients after bone marrow transplants, using a system of six delay differential equations to track the various cell-populations. Our approach incorporates time delays and accounts for the progression of cells through different modes of behavior. We explore possible mechanisms behind a successful cure, whether mediated by a blood-restricted immune response or a cancer-specific graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect. Characteristic features of this model include sustained proliferation of T cells after initial stimulation, saturated T cell proliferation rate, and the possible elimination of cancer cells, independent of fixed-point stability. In addition, we use numerical simulations to examine the effects of varying initial cell concentrations on the likelihood of a successful transplant. Among the observed trends, we note that higher initial concentrations of donor-derived, anti-host T cells slightly favor the chance of success, while higher initial concentrations of general host blood cells more significantly favor the chance of success. These observations lead to the hypothesis that anti-host T cells benefit from stimulation by general host blood cells, which induce them to proliferate to sufficient levels to eliminate cancer.  相似文献   

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