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刘婷  金道超 《昆虫学报》2014,57(6):737-744
【目的】观察和认识拱殖嗜渣螨Chortoglyphus arcuatus不同发育阶段主要外部形态特征及超微结构。【方法】用啤酒酵母粉纯化饲养拱殖嗜渣螨,选取不同发育阶段个体清洁后,分别利用体视显微镜、光学显微镜以及扫描电子显微镜对螨体颜色、形态特征、局部特征以及超微结构进行观察。【结果】成螨颜色为鲜明的淡棕红色,其他发育阶段均为乳白色。躯体硬,卵圆形。无背横沟划分前足体和后半体。螯肢发达,螯钳剪状,有纵纹,具明显的齿。外顶毛有栉齿。颚体基部腹面有细横纹。体躯刚毛短,光滑。雌螨生殖孔位于Ⅲ和Ⅳ基节之间,覆有骨化的生殖板。生殖板后缘光滑、弓形。雄螨阳茎位于Ⅰ和Ⅱ基节之间,长且弯曲、管状。有肛吸盘,漏斗状。有跗节吸盘。【结论】本研究补充了拱殖嗜渣螨文献未记载的一些特征,如卵、幼螨和若螨体色,螯肢背面和颚体腹面刻纹等,有助于该螨及其近缘种的快速鉴定和分类研究。  相似文献   

乳突寄螨雌螨描述(蜱螨亚纲: 革螨股: 寄螨科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乳突寄螨 Parasitus mammillatus ( Berlese,1 90 4 )雌螨 ,在所查到的文献中 ,仅记载有生殖区、头盖和螯钳的形状 [1 ,2 ] ,无其它描述。国内根据丹东标本曾描述该螨雄螨和后若螨 [3] 。本文根据朝鲜标本详细描述其雌螨。文中测量单位为 μm,括号内为测量均值。图 1- 7 乳突寄螨 Parasitus mammillatus (Berlese)1.背面 ;2 .腹面 ;3.头盖 ;4 .螯钳 ;5 .颚角 ;6 .须肢 ;7.跗节 乳突寄螨 Parasitus mammillatus ( Berlese,1 90 4 )雌螨 (图 1 - 7)体黄色 ,卵圆形 ,长 71 2 - 793( 758) ,宽 4 0 2 - 483( 4 50 )。背板覆盖整个背面 ,前背…  相似文献   

瘿螨科一新属六新种记述(蜱螨亚纲:瘿螨总科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述瘿螨科Eriophyidae一新属六新种。所用量度单位为μm。模式标本保存在南京农业大学植保系。新波羽瘿螨属Neocymoptus新属体纺锤形。背盾板近三角形,前叶突较明显,其端部中央略凹陷,背瘤位于盾后绿,背毛后指。缺基节刚毛1。足各节俱全,有模式刚毛,羽状爪单一。大体背坏波状,侧毛和腹毛俱全。1竹新波羽@螨Neqopsbonlousae新种(图1~5)雌螨:体纺锤形,长132,宽48,厚41。赚长18,斜下伸。背盾板长33,宽40,前叶突较明显,其端部中央略凹陷;背中线完整呈断续状,侧中线和亚中线完整,侧中线波状,后端相向会合;背瘤位…  相似文献   

王慧芙 《昆虫学报》1981,(2):221-222
缺爪螨属Aponychus Rimando,1966隶属于广叶螨族Eurytetranychini Reck,全世界已报道了11种。该属种类我国曾报道过一种竹缺爪螨Aponychus corpuzae Rimando。本文再记述我国的一个新种。 泰山缺爪螨Aponychus taishanicus新种 雌螨 体长(包括喙)307微米,体宽226微米。浅黄白色,体缘有黑色斑点。宽椭圆形,背部隆起。 须肢端感器棍状,其长约为宽的3—4倍。背感器稍短于端感器;刺状毛粗壮,稍长于端感器。口  相似文献   

我国果园中常见的捕食螨——长须螨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 长须螨科Stigmaeidae隶属于蜱螨亚纲Acari、真螨目Acariformes、前气门亚目Prostig-mata、缝颚螨总科Raphignathoidea。该类螨体微小,一般在700微米以下。体色多呈黄、橙或红色。体壁柔软,具不同形状和数目的背板。螯肢基部通常愈合,螯肢呈细针状。气门沟发达,从螯肢基部可延伸至足Ⅱ基节。须肢跗节通常具一律状和一顶端三裂形的感毛。足Ⅰ、Ⅱ基节与足Ⅲ、Ⅳ基节呈两组分开。爪间突具三个分支,其末端各具呈“Y”形的粘毛。 长须螨多生活于苔藓、地衣、地面的枯枝落叶或土壤中,但某些种类生活于植物上,可以捕  相似文献   

本文所记述的恙螨两新种系1964年和1965年分别在安徽省歙县和贵池县采得,模式标本均存蚌埠医学院寄生虫学教研组。现记述如下。叶片葛李恙螨 Gahrliepia(Gahrliepia)lamella,新种(图 1—8) 活体时颜色不详,体长圆形,长382微米,宽279微米。 颚体 螯肢基节背面近似三角形。螯肢爪顶端有三角形倒冠齿。螯盔毛光裸。须股  相似文献   

埃须螨属Aegyptobia Sayed雌螨背面观椭圆形,须肢5节。喙盾宽,顶端钝圆;有时喙盾缺如。背毛16对,其中前足体背毛3对,肩毛1对,后半体背中毛3对,后半体亚背侧毛4对,后半体背侧毛5对。腹面具腹板和生殖板。雌螨肛毛3对,雄螨具4对肛殖毛。 我国曾报道本属种类三种:合肥埃须螨A.hefeiensis Ma et Yuan(马恩沛、袁艺兰,  相似文献   

马恩沛  高建荣 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):241-243
岩螨属(Petrobia Murray,1877)雌螨背面观椭圆形,具3对前足体背毛,9对后半体背毛和1对肩毛。背毛均不着生在结节上。足Ⅰ跗节具2对双毛。跗节爪垫状,具粘毛。爪间突钩状,具2列指向腹侧的粘毛。  相似文献   

本文记述采自家兔体表的姬螯螨科Cheyletiellidae姬螯螨属一新种Cheyletiella dengi sp.nov.,其鉴别特征为:“M”状气门沟呈12—13对双瓣状分节,膝节Ⅰ的感觉器官为长椭圆状及高杯状,雄螨阳茎长而弯曲,d_(1-2)毛很短,为d_3毛的1/4,肛侧毛3对,雌螨须肢跗节上具有叉毛和雄螨跗节上的双爪状物等。并对科、属及种间分类特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1985年在湖北省西陵峡地区从鼠体采到三种新种恙螨,现分述如下,文中的长度单位是μm, 1.棘楔叶片恙螨,新种Trornbiculindus (Trombiculindus) acanthosphenus sp. nov. (图:1—4) 体卵圆形,长336,宽217。须肢毛式fp=N-N-BNN/7B。须肢爪3分叉。螯鞘毛分枝,螯肢爪末端具三角冠。盾板长四边形,宽大于长,后侧毛处稍向外突。感毛基位  相似文献   

Nothoaspis amazoniensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodida: Argasidae) is described from adult and immature ticks (nymph II, nymph I, larva) collected from bat caves in the Brazilian Amazon. Also, 16S rDNA sequences are provided. The diagnostic characters for adults are the presence of false shield or nothoaspis, an anteriorly projecting hood covering the capitulum, a medial extension of palpal article I (flaps), genital plate extending from coxa I to IV, absence of 2 setae on the internal margin of the flaps, a minute hypostome without denticles, presence of a central pore in the base of hypostome, and a reticulate surface pattern on the posterior half of the nothoaspis in males. The nymph II stage is characterized by a hood that is small in relation to the capitulum, short coxal setae, palpal flaps lacking setae on the internal margin, long hypostome, pointed with dentition 4/4 apically, and the anterior half of the body is covered by a cell-like configuration. Nymph I stage is characterized by a hood, small in relation to the capitulum, dorsum of the body covered by a cell-like configuration, venter integument covered by a cell-like configuration, and hypostome dentition 4/4 with apices that are "V"-shaped. Diagnostic characters of the larvae are the number and size of dorsal setae, and the shape of scutum and hypostome. The new species appears to have a life cycle with a larva that feeds on bats, a non-feeding nymphal stage (nymph I), a feeding nymphal stage (nymph II), and adults that probably represent non-feeding stages.  相似文献   

In four studied Dermacentor species at preimaginal phases sexual dimorphism hardly reveals itself in body size and mass of individuals. The formation of sexual distinctions at the nymphal phase concerns different characters as in different species so in populations of one species. In D. niveus male and female nymphs differ in the length of II-III palpal joints and width of gnathosoma, in D. ushakovae in the length of scutum and its proportions, in the width of gnathosoma and hypostome and in the diameter of peritreme. The sex of D. silvarum nymphs can be identified by the width of gnathosoma, length of hypostome and diameter of peritreme. Female and male nymphs of D. marginatus from the Stavropol Territory and Armenia differ in the scutum proportions and populations from the western Pamirs in the length of scutum and gnathosoma.  相似文献   

This scanning electron microscopy study revealed that the egg of Argas persicus was covered with chorion which appeared as a wrinkled layer containing regions of three textures. The first had elevated parts of slightly rough surface. The second had irregular smooth elevations; each carried numerous parallel horizontal foldings with vertical ridges. The last region had rough surface with irregularly shaped projections. Following the removal of the chorion, shell was observed to have one polar micropyle and numerous slit like openings. Length (L), width (W) and L/W ratio of the egg were measured. Investigation of larvae revealed extensively folded integument of idiosoma and spherical or elongated tubercles on dorsal plate. Mouth enclosed between ventral hypostome and two dorsal chelicerae. Hypostome carried four longitudinal rows of conical denticles. Each chelicera was made up of two segments; the basal one appeared as a pocket for the distal one. Haller’s organ consisted of an anterior pit containing seven sensilla and a posterior capsule with four apertures. Distribution of chemo- and mechano-sensilla on the body was examined. Measurements of whole body, idiosoma, dorsal plate, capitulum, hypostome, palp and different types of sensilla both on the body and Haller’s organ are also presented.  相似文献   

FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was studied in the argasid tick Ornithodoros parkeri and the ixodid tick Dermacentor variabilis using immunocytochemistry based on the peroxidase-antigeroxidase method. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cells are widely distributed in various regions of the tick synganglion including protocerebral, cheliceral, stomodeal, palpal, pedal I–IV, and opisthosomal regions in both species. However, there is one layer of immunoreactive cells located on the dorsal surface of the postoesophageal part of the synganglion that is found only in D. variabilis. Besides the immunoreactivity within the cell body and its axons, the neuropile and the neural lamella (the extracellular sheath of the synganglion) are rich in immunoreactive materials. Some coxal muscles are innervated by the FMRFamide-like immunoreactive processes of the nerve from the pedal ganglion.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of immature stages of three closely related tick species, Hyalomma asiaticum Schulze et Schlottke, 1929, H. dromedarii Koch, 1844 and H. schulzei Olenev, 1931, collected mainly in areas of their sympatry (Fig. 1) were investigated. The larvae and nymphs of these three species were collected in Egypt, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Tadjikistan: 159 larvae and 137 nymphs of H. asiaticum from 12 localities; 78 larvae and 167 nymphs of H. dromedarii from 5 localities; 30 larvae and 6 nymphs of H. schulzei from one locality. Both qualitative morphological features and measured character (in mkm) were used to discriminate these species. Main discriminant characters for larvae. H. asiaticum (Fig. 3). Scutum: length < 246, width < 389; base of capitulum: width < 158, dorsally hexagonal, apices of lateral projections directed forward; palpae (II and III segments): length < 106, width < 42; hypostome: length < 87, width < 25; the spur of coxa I small, equilateral triangular; patella: length < 154. H. dromedarii (Fig. 4). Scutum: length > 236, width > 379; base of capitulum: width > 158, dorsally almost triangular, apices of lateral projections directed laterally or backward; palpae: length > 110, width < 46; hypostome: length > 87, width < 26; the spur of coxa I large, isosceles triangular; patella: length > 115. H. schulzei (Fig. 5). Scutum: length > 249, width > 407; base of capitulum: width > 162, dorsally hexagonal, apices of lateral projections directed forward; palpae: length > 114, width > 44; hypostome: length > 89, width > 28; the spur of coxa I large, isosceles triangular; patella: length > 164. Main discriminant characters for nymphs: H. asiaticum (Fig. 3). Scutum: small, width < 650, length and width subequal, posterior margin widely rounded, lateral incisions weakly developed; spiracular plates with distinct, pointed dorsal projection, marginal row of perforations distant from the base of dorsal projection, submarginal row with a gap; base of capitulum: lateral projections situated in posterior half of capitulum; palpae (II segment) short and narrow; hypostome short and narrow, width < 69; pore of coxae I-III present. H. dromedarii (Fig. 4). Scutum: large, width > 650, length shorter than width, posterior margin widely rounded, lateral incisions moderately developed; spiracular plates: with distinct and wide dorsal projection, marginal row of perforations distant from the base of dorsal projection, submarginal row present, without gap; base of capitulum: lateral projections situated in the middle part of capitulum; palpae long and narrow; hypostome long and wide, width > 69; coxal pore lacking. H. schulzei (Fig. 5). Scutum: small, width < 630, length larger than width, posterior margin narrow rounded, lateral incisions weakly developed; spiracular plates: with weakly developed dorsal projections, marginal row of perforation situated just behind the base of dorsal projection, submarginal row with a gap; base capitulum: lateral projections situated in posterior half of capitulum; palpae short and wide; hypostome long and narrow, width < 73; coxal pore lacking.  相似文献   

The postembryonic larval stages of Mithrax tortugae are described, illustrated and compared with the described zoeae of other Mithrax species. Mithrax tortugae showed morphological features in all the stages of larval development that differed from those observed in other species of Mithrax, especially M. hispidus. In the Zoea I stage, M. tortugae and M. pleuracanthus lacked the minute spine on the dorsal spine observed in M. hispidus; M. tortugae exhibited a terminal spine on the inner lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, which was not observed in M. hispidus or M. pleuracanthus. Also, M. tortugae exhibited furcae with spines that are not spinulated, whereas in M. hispidus and M. pleuracanthus these spines are spinulated. In the Zoea II stage, M. tortugae showed a terminal spine on the coxal endite of the maxillula, whereas in M. hispidus and M. pleuracanthus this spine is absent. In the Megalopa stage, we also observed differences in the sternal plate setation between M. tortugae and M. hispidus, where M. tortugae had eight simple setae and M. hispidus showed two simple and four plumodenticulate setae. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA and COI genes of the parental female were analysed, providing additional evidence for species identification. Together, our analyses of larval morphology and the results of the molecular analyses reinforced recognition of the relationships among M. tortugae, M. hispidus and M. pleuracanthus.  相似文献   

A new tick species belonging to the African subgenus Afrixodes Morel, 1966, namely, Ixodes ( Afrixodes ) fynbosensis n. sp., is described. The female of I. fynbosensis is easily differentiated from the other African Ixodes species by a large, tapering triangular ventrolateral spur on palpal segment I. Nymph and larva of I. fynbosensis can be distinguished from those of other members of Afrixodes by a combination of the following characters: pointed hypostome, long auriculae, long and acute ventrolateral projections of basis capituli of nymph, only 2 pairs of central dorsal setae, and a straight posterior margin of scutum of the larva. Cytochrome oxidase I mtDNA sequence comparisons between I. fynbosensis and 10 other Ixodes Latreille, 1795, species support the recognition of this taxon as genetically distinct (>13% corrected sequence divergences separate it from the remainder of the 10 recognized species used in this study), and preliminary phylogenetic analyses reveal that this taxon is most closely related to the southern African Ixodes pilosus Koch, 1844, and Ixodes rubicundus Neumann, 1904. Ixodes fynbosensis is known only from South Africa, where females have been collected from a domestic dog and a rodent, Rhabdomys pumilio (Sparrman), and nymphs and larvae have been collected from R. pumilio and unidentified shrews belonging to the Soricidae. Sequences generated for both nymphs and adult individuals were identical, confirming the correlation between the described life stages.  相似文献   

The male of Ixodes abrocomae Lahille, 1916 (Acari: Ixodidae) is redescribed and the female described for the first time from specimens collected on the rodents Abrothrix longipilis (Waterhouse), A. olivaceous (Waterhouse) and Phyllotis xanthopygus (Waterhouse) at Coquimbo, Chile. The males of I. abrocomae are peculiar in having the combination of the following features: length and width less than 2 mm and 1 mm, respectively; hypostome notched with two rows of stout denticles and several small internal denticles; article II of the palpi with two conspicuous dorsal setae; coxa I with two subequal spurs; coxae II–IV with a single spur plus an indication of a second spur; and a scutum with long, scattered hairs except for the glabrous postero-median field which reaches to the marginal fold. The females of I. abrocomae are peculiar in possessing a combination of: a pointed hypostome, with a 3/3 dentition of flared denticles; a long, narrow scutum with few ‘hairs’ and with punctations which are especially numerous in the posterior region; a triangular basis capituli, with oval porose areas lacking definitive borders and separated by the width of one area, and a sinuous posterior margin with small cornuae; one spur on coxae I–IV; and conspicuous setae on the interno-dorsal face of palpal article II and the ventral face of article I. Sequences of 16S rDNA were identical for male and female I. abrocomae, but differ by 3.8% and 5.5% from sequences of their closest relatives, I. stilesi Neumann, 1911 and I. sigelos Keirans, Clifford & Corwin, 1976, respectively. Characters enabling the separation of I. abrocomae from Ixodes spp. distributed in the southwestern Neotropics are presented. Records of I. abrocomae in different climatic areas and on different, widely distributed rodent hosts indicate that this species may be present beyond its known Chilean territorial range (Regions III and IV).  相似文献   

记述了采自于中国河北省赞皇县嶂石岩风景区(九女峰景区)的弱蛛科1新属新种:宽跗皱弱蛛Rhysscoleptoneta latitarsa gen.nov.et sp. nov..皱弱蛛属Rhyssoleptoneta gen.nov.与该科其它属的主要区别在于雄性触肢跗节较宽,端部无分叉,背面具1个短小的突起;雄性触肢生殖球结构复杂等.模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

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