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中国植物区系中的特有现象——特有属的研究   总被引:117,自引:11,他引:117  
本文对我国种子植物特有属作了初步研究,提出如下几点粗浅的看法: 1.根据我国各特有属的现代地理分布格局,大部分特有属具有明显的温带性特点。 2.我国特有属在水平分布上具有极不均匀的特点。各特有属的广布程度都很低,生态特 化现象十分明显。在垂直分布上,则主要分布于中海拔地区。特有属数目并不随海拔增高而 增多。 3.根据特有属分布的密集程度和分布区边界的密集交叠情况,划定了三个特有属分布中 心,即川东—鄂西中心, 滇东南—桂西中心和川西—滇西北中心。前二中心可能是残遗中心,后一中心则可能为分化中心。  相似文献   

山东省特有植物的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文对山东省特有植物的区系组成、地理分布和特有性质进行了初步研究,并绘制了特有植物分布图。76种特有植物隶属于32科53属,其中蕨类植物5科8属12种,被子植物27科45属64种。这些特有植物多为新特有种而缺乏古特有种。特有植物的区系特征可以归纳为以下几点:(一)区系成分不算丰富;(二)地理分布极不均衡,有四个明显的特有现象中心,即昆嵛山,泰山、崂山和蒙山;(三)地理成分复杂。关键词  相似文献   

武陵山地区种子植物区系中的中国特有属研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
武陵山地区含有中国种子植物特有属72个,占该区种子植物总属数的7.16%,占全国同类属数的28.69%,占华中同类属数的77.42%。其基本特征为:(1)古老与孑遗的木本植物众多,并存在一定相对年轻的成分;(2)地理成分多样,具明显的亚热带性质,表现出四方汇集和东、西、南、北的过渡性质;(3)水平分布上呈现南、北两个分布中心,垂直分布上以1000m以下的中、低海拔为主;(4)武陵山地区植物区系与神农架、秦岭、湘黔桂交界地区的关系比较密切,而与南岭、武夷山、滇黔桂地区的关系比较疏远。根据武陵山地区中国种子植物特有属的数量、与鄂西~川东特有现象中心(或者三峡中心)所含属的一致性以及地理间的密切联系,可以认为该区是鄂西~川东中心(或者三峡中心)的重要组成部分甚至是核心地带,在华中植物区系中发挥着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

地处滇中南的无量山地区迄今计有种子植物207科,1026属,2540种。其中有东亚特有科10个,中国特有属27个,无量山特有种67个。这一地区不仅植物种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著。在对科级特有现象进行较细致的研究后,本文认为无量山具有的较多的分类系统上隔离的东亚特有科反映了该地作为东亚古老植物区系的一部分,其地质历史与整个东亚是一致的,且与东亚植物区系的发端密切相关。属的特有现象表明,地处中国特有属高频率中心区云南腹地的无量山,却没有相应的高比例中国特有,说明我国高频率区的特有程度质和量上不是均一的,在此之外存在一些次级中心区;无量山明显处于滇西北、滇东南两大中国特有属多样性中心之间。种的特有现象中,中国特有种的各亚型显示了这里区系的亚热带性质;67个特有种所隶属的属的分布区类型的分析表明了由热带性质向温带性质的过渡,而较低的特有种比例,说明无量山的地理隔离程度并不高,时间也不长。  相似文献   

广西植物区系的特有现象   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
本文统计了广西植物区系的特有属和特有种.分析了广西植物区系的特有现象.结果表明.广西植物区系有中国种子植物特有属61个.占中国种子植物特有属总数的23.7%;其中广西本地特有属12个.特有程度仅次于有15个省级特有属的云南。广西植物区系共有696个被子植物特有种.隶属于104科285属.它们有着强烈的热带亚热带性质.石灰岩山地的特有化发展则是广西植物区系的另一个显著特征,在696个特有种中.有230种为石灰岩山地专性特有种。这种石灰岩的特有化发展在苦苣苔科中表现得尤为显著。  相似文献   

江西特有植物区系、地理分布及生活型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对江西特有植物的种类、区系成分、地理分布、生活型进行了研究,并绘制了江西特有植物分布图。研究结果表明,江西省内共有124种特有植物分布,隶属于40科60属,以鳞毛蕨科Dryopteridaceae、蔷薇科Rosaceae、槭树科Aceraceae、山茶科Theaceae、金星蕨科Thelypteridaceae、禾本科Gramineae、木兰科Magnoliaceae等类群最为集中;区系组成上以热带-亚热带成分与温带成分并重,两种类型的区系成分所占比重为76.5%,构成江西特有植物区系的主体;特有植物省内分布不均衡,明显呈现出庐山、井冈山、南岭山地、武夷山四大分布中心;特有植物生活型分析显示,多年生草本植物、落叶乔木、落叶灌木3种类型为生活型谱的主体。  相似文献   

魏美才 《昆虫分类学报》1997,19(A07):138-144
本文系统分析了各大动物地理界叶蜂总科特有属现象、特有属间新缘关系及其分布,并探讨了其起源与传播途径。叶蜂总科在世界各大动物地理界的分布格局为:一个东亚主要分布和分化中心,4个次级分化中心:非洲中部、南美中偏西部、北美、地中海地区。各个次级中心具有相当密切的关系。北美的特有属集中分布现象不显著。叶蜂总科的起源地区可能位于东亚中南部或其附近。非洲界和新热带界分布的叶蜂总科属数比较少,但特有属比例很高,  相似文献   

中国种子植物特有属起源的探讨   总被引:70,自引:9,他引:70  
本文根据文献和调查资料,对于中国种子植物特有属(包括半特有属)进行了统计分析,着重根据现知化石资料和一些代表科属的系统发生,结合它们的地理分布探讨了中国特有属的起源问题,初步获得6点结论。主要是中国植物区系的特有性很高,种子植物中含有321个特有属和10个特有科(皆包括半特有的),约占全国同类属数的10%。包括系统发生和地理分布的各种类群。裸子植物特有属多发生于白垩纪或更早,被子植物古特有属主要发生于晚白垩纪及第三纪各时期,新特有属多发生于新第三纪及其以后,秦岭以南亚热带至热带山地是大多数特有属的分布和分化中心或发源地。即各特有属科主要起源于华南古陆和古地中海东岸,喜马拉雅造山运动和青藏高原的隆起,对于中国特有属的形成、发展和分布有重要影响。  相似文献   

植物的特有现象与生物多样性   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
张宏达 《生态科学》1997,16(2):9-17
特有现象是生物多样性的依据,多样性是特有现象的体现,特圾现象是种系分化的结果,特有现象的成因是多方面的,包括地貌因子、土壤因子、气候因子、边缘效应、海洋岛屿隔离以及自然杂交。全球各大的自然条件的多样性,促成了各大陆各异的特有现象和生物多样性,生物多样性是生命运动的属性,它是在系统发育过程中发展壮大的,因此,它的发展有生的,既具有普遍性,又具有特殊性,保护生物多样性是当前的迫切任务。  相似文献   

云南植物区系   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
云南具有丰富的植物区系,现知种子植物240科(裸子植物10科,被子植物230科),1,984属,约13,000种。无论从那一派分类学家的系统或观点来说,云南都有众多的古老或原始的科属。从云南种子植物属15个分布区类型比较分析,云南区系明显是热带性质并且具有丰富的温带成分,热带的属占云南总属数(不包括世界分布属,下同)61.89%,温带的属却占32.19%。中国特有属在云南分布约有83属,占云南总属数4.39%,并占中国特有属224个的37.05%。中国特有属的三个分布中心,有二个部分地分别在云南境内,即滇西北(新特有属中心)和滇东南(古老特有属中心)。云南本身的特有属有:爵床科的宽丝爵床(Haplanthoides),苦苣苔科的翼柱苣苔(Beciopsis)、毛药苣苔(Dasydesmus)、细筒苣苔(Lagarosolen),唇形科的龙老根(Skapanthus),茜草科的丁茜(Trailliaeodoxa)及伞形科的滇细叶芹(Chaerophyllopsis)和昆明芹(Sinodielsia)。  相似文献   

China, under highly varied ecological conditions resulted from wide latitudinal and altitudinal ranges and from the adequate precipitation, has developed a very rich flora of great diversity. As far as flowering plants are concerned, there are 2980 genera, 214 of which, belonging to 64 families, are endemic. Among these endemic genera, there are 9 genera of taxads and conifers, 19 genera of monocots and others of dicots. Of the approximately 129 herbaceous endemic genera in the Chinese flora as a whole, about 22 (17%) are annual and 107 (83%) are biennial or perennial. In the present paper the ecological distribution, the nature of endemic genera and the centers of endemism are discussed. 1. Three types of endemic genera are distinguished, neoendemics, palaeoendemics and active epibiotics, The endemic genera in the flora of China are, for the most part, considered to be very old ones, and most of them are of temperate nature. 2. the degree of endemism in our 22 floristic regions is shown in Figure 1. The areas richest in endemic genera in the Chinese flora as a whole are the 13, 16 and 17 regions. The poorest are the 2, 4, 9 and 10 regions, and no one in the 1 and 3 regions These results on floristic richness are of general applicability. As shown in table 1, the difference in the degree of endemism among the seven Chinese floristic subkingdoms are most pronounced. 101 endemic genera are known to occur in one subkingdom, 72 to occur in two subkingdoms, and 3 to occur in four subkingdoms, only one genus widely distributed in five subkingdoms. However, there is no genus occurring in seven subkingdoms. The difference in the degree of endemism in each subkingdom reveals that the distribution of endemic genera is not well-distributed in the Chinese flora as a whole. Analysis of the vertical distribution of the 200 endemic genera of the Chinese flora bears out that there is no evident increase in endemism as a whole with altitude. 3. Three centers of endemism are found (Fig. 2). These are as follows: a). Eastern Sichuan-western Hubei center. b). Southeastern Yunnan-western Guangxi center. c). Western Sichuan-northwestern Yunnan center. The degree of endemism andcharacters of endemic genera in each center are discussed.  相似文献   

无量山种子植物区系的特有现象   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
地处滇中南的无量山地区迄今计有种子植物207科,1026属,2540种,其中东亚特有科10个,中国特有属27个,无量山特有种子67个,这一地区不仅植物种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著,在对科级持有现象进行较细致的研究后,本文认国无量山具有较多的分类系统上隔离的东亚特有科反映了该地作为东亚古老植物区系的一部分,其地质历史与整个东亚是一致的,且与东亚植物区系的发端密切相关,属的特有现象表明,地处中国特有  相似文献   

贡嘎山东坡植物区系的垂直分布格局   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了探讨贡嘎山植物区系的垂直分化特征及其与周边地区植物区系的联系,结合样带法与样方法,对贡嘎山东坡垂直植被带进行了调查,统计得出各垂直植被带的科、属的物种数量,分析了科、属、种级区系成分的构成及其沿海拔梯度的分布格局,并对各垂直植被带区系的相似性进行了聚类分析。结果表明:1)贡嘎山植物区系在整体上具有温带性质,但在干旱河谷地带,热带和温带区系成分的比例相当:热带成分的构成和分布反映古热带和古地中海区系的残遗性影响;2)东亚(含亚型)和东亚-北美成分对贡嘎山中部森林植物区系的影响最大,这些成分以温带古老性质为主;3)北温带成分是贡嘎山植物区系的主体之一,对青藏高原隆升以来贡嘎山植物区系进化类群和特有成分的发展有主要贡献,代表区系的年轻组分;4)中国特有种类型多样,占不同垂直植被带物种数量的40%-65%,其比例随海拔上升而增大。各类型比例的垂直变化突出反映了贡嘎山及横断山脉中海拔地段的植物区系与华中地区的联系,以及高海拔地段与青藏高原及东喜马拉雅的区系之间的联系。本文还就贡嘎山在生物地理分布上的意义以及贡嘎山和横断山脉植物区系特有性的性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We illustrate the use of Faith's 'Phylogenetic Diversity' measure to compare the phylogeographic structure of two bird species with patterns of avian endemism across six mountains in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. The Mountain Greenbul and Cameroon Blue-headed Sunbird showed phylogeographic patterns that together defined three biogeographic regions: Bioko, Mt. Cameroon, and the northern mountains of Cameroon. In contrast, the distributions of endemic species were largely a function of geographical distance, with close mountains sharing more endemic species than distant mountains. Moreover, for both species, populations on Mt. Cameroon were distinctive with respect to the ecologically relevant character bill size. Our results, while preliminary, illustrate the utility of a comparative approach for identifying geographical regions that harbour evolutionarily distinct populations and caution against using only the distributional patterns of endemics to prioritize regions for conservation. Results show that patterns of endemism may not be concordant with patterns of phylogenetic diversity nor morphological variation in a character important in fitness. While incorporation of additional species from unrelated taxa will be necessary to draw definitive conclusions about evolutionarily distinct regions, our preliminary results suggest a conservation approach for the Afromontane region of the Gulf of Guinea that would: (i) emphasize protection of both Bioko and Mt. Cameroon, thereby maximizing preservation of within-species phylogenetic and morphologic diversity; (ii) emphasize protection within the northern mountains to further conserve intraspecific phylogenetic diversity and maximize protection of endemic species.  相似文献   

Abstract Identification of biodiversity hotspots is essential to conservation strategies aimed at minimizing the possibility of losing half of the world's species in the next 50 years. The aims of the present study were: (i) to locate and designate zones of endemism in the temperate forest of South America; and (ii) to compare the distribution of these areas with the distribution of existing protected areas in this habitat type. Endemism areas were determined by using parsimonious analysis of endemism, which identified zones of endemism on the basis of sets of endemic species that were restricted to two or more study areas. We used distribution information for five unrelated taxa (ferns, trees, reptiles, birds and mammals) to provide more reliable results and patterns than would work with only a single taxon or related taxa. The northern part of this region has high endemism for all of the taxa considered in this study. We demonstrate that although the temperate forest of South America has more than 30% of its area under some type of protection, correlation between protected areas and the areas of endemism is remarkably low. In fact, less than 10% of protected areas are situated in areas that have the greatest value for conservation (i.e. high endemism). Under the current strategy, biodiversity within South America's temperate forest is in danger despite the large amount of protected area for this forest type.  相似文献   

Based on data from sixteen museum collections we listed the endemic tenebrionids that inhabit the Patagonian steppe. Then, according to the geographical location of the species, we identified areas of micro‐endemism and hotspots within this biogeographic province. Results showed 115 endemic tenebrionid species from the Patagonian steppe, 25 areas of micro‐endemism and five hotspots. We used these outcomes to identify areas of importance for conservation. Based on the comparison with other biogeographic provinces, we suggest that the Patagonian steppe constitutes a center of high endemism for tenebrionids. We hypothesize that the isolation of the Patagonian steppe from other arid areas would cause the high occurrence of endemism. In addition, we suggest processes that could be responsible for the origin of the areas of micro‐endemism and hotspots identified in this work.  相似文献   

高黎贡山南段是全球生物多样性研究热点地区之一,迄今计有野生种子植物192科878属2 807种.这一区域不仅植物的种类丰富,而且特有现象较为显著.其中东亚特有科8个、中国特有属17个、中国特有种1 085个、云南特有种305个、高黎贡山南段特有种82个.特殊地质历史和生态环境,使得高黎贡山南段既保留了许多古老特有成分,又孕育了许多新生特有成分.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need for protected areas to conserve biodiversity efficiently. The Anura of sub-equatorial Africa have received little attention, but we quantitatively analyse a database containing presence-only data for anurans of sub-equatorial Africa to determine patterns of distribution and species richness, and discuss the roles of present and past environmental conditions in shaping these patterns. We consider the distribution of areas rich in endemic, range-restricted and Red Data Book (RDB) species to identify areas of significance to conservation. The Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe and adjacent area in Mozambique, southeastern Malawi and the northern coast of KwaZulu/Natal are particularly species rich, whereas the southwestern Cape of South Africa and northwestern Zambia exhibit high degrees of endemism. Four major biogeographical sub-regions are identified, which can be further subdivided into provinces. All statistically significant, current environmental factors together account for 52.6% of species richness. Annual maximum rainfall, soil type variation, minimum temperature and range of elevation were all positively correlated with species richness. Thus, both habitat influences and history appear to have influenced patterns of anuran richness in the region. Generally, areas of high species richness coincide with those high in range-restricted, endemic and RDB species. In South Africa, the northeastern coast and southwestern Cape are hypothesised to have been both refugia and centres of speciation. Results suggest that the current reserve system in sub-equatorial Africa is inadequate for the conservation of the full complement of anuran species in the region.  相似文献   

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