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In the genetic disease cystic fibrosis, recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) is being investigated as a vector to transfer CFTR cDNA to airway epithelia. However, earlier work has shown that the apical surface of human airway epithelia is resistant to infection by AAV2, presumably as a result of a lack of heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the apical surface. This inefficiency can be overcome by increasing the amount of vector or by increasing the incubation time. However, these interventions are not very practical for translation into a therapeutic airway-directed vector. Therefore, we examined the efficiency of other AAV serotypes at infecting human airway epithelia. When applied at low multiplicity of infection to the apical surface of differentiated airway epithelia we found that a recombinant AAV5 bound and mediated gene transfer 50-fold more efficiently than AAV2. Furthermore, in contrast to AAV2, AAV5-mediated gene transfer was not inhibited by soluble heparin. Recombinant AAV5 was also more efficient than AAV2 in transferring beta-galactosidase cDNA to murine airway and alveolar epithelia in vivo. These data suggest that AAV5-derived vectors bind and mediate gene transfer to human and murine airway epithelia, and the tropism of AAV5 may be useful to target cells that are not permissive for AAV2.  相似文献   

In this report, we present evidence that R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in primary CD4+ T cells than X4 HIV-1. By comparing CD3/CD28-costimulated CD4+ T-cell cultures infected by several X4 and R5 HIV-1 strains, we determined that R5-infected CD4+ T cells produce more virus over time than X4-infected CD4+ T cells. In the first comparison, we found that more cells were infected by the X4-tropic strain LAI than by the R5-tropic strain JR-CSF and yet that higher levels of viral production were detected in the R5-infected cultures. The differential viral production was partially due to the severe cytopathic effects of the X4 virus. We also compared cultures infected with the isogenic HIV-1 strains NL4-3 (X4) and 49.5 (R5). We found that fewer cells were infected by the R5 strain, and yet similar levels of viral production were detected in both infected cultures. Cell death played less of a role in the differential viral production of these strains, as the cell viability remained comparable in both X4- and R5-infected cultures over time. The final comparison involved the primary R5-tropic isolate KP1 and the primary dual-tropic isolate KP2. Although both strains infected similar numbers of cells and induced comparable levels of cytopathicity, viral production was considerably higher in the R5-infected culture. In summary, these data demonstrate that R5 HIV-1 has an increased capacity to replicate in costimulated CD4+ T cells compared to X4 HIV-1.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies report that 80% of the population maintains antibodies (Ab) to wild-type (wt) adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2), with 30% expressing neutralizing Ab (NAb). The blood-brain barrier (BBB) provides limited immune privilege to brain parenchyma, and the immune response to recombinant AAV (rAAV) administration in the brain of a naive animal is minimal. However, central nervous system transduction in preimmunized animals remains unstudied. Vector administration may disrupt the BBB sufficiently to promote an immune response in a previously immunized animal. We tested the hypothesis that intracerebral rAAV administration and readministration would not be affected by the presence of circulating Ab to wt AAV2. Rats peripherally immunized with live wt AAV2 and naive controls were tested with single intrastriatal injections of rAAV2 encoding human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) or green fluorescent protein (GFP). Striatal readministration of rAAV2-GDNF was also tested in preimmunized and naive rats. Finally, serotype specificity of the immunization against wt AAV2 was examined by single injections of rAAV5-GFP. Preimmunization resulted in high levels of circulating NAb and prevented transduction by rAAV2 as assessed by striatal GDNF levels. rAAV2-GFP striatal transduction was also prevented by immunization, while rAAV5-GFP-mediated transduction, as assessed by stereological cell counting, was unaffected. Additionally, inflammatory markers were present in those animals that received repeated administrations of rAAV2, including markers of a cell-mediated immune response and cytotoxic damage. A live virus immunization protocol generated the circulating anti-wt-AAV Ab seen in this experiment, while human titers are commonly acquired via natural infection. Regardless, the data show that the presence of high levels of NAb against wt AAV can reduce rAAV-mediated transduction in the brain and should be accounted for in future experiments utilizing this vector.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene transfer into a fetus or neonate can be a fundamental approach for treating genetic diseases, particularly disorders that have irreversible manifestations in adulthood. Although the potential utility of this technique has been suggested, the advantages of neonatal gene transfer have not been widely investigated. Here, we tested the usefulness of neonatal gene transfer using adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors by comparing the administration routes and vector doses. METHODS: To determine the optimal administration route, neonates were subjected to intravenous (i.v.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of AAV5-based vectors encoding the human coagulation factor IX (hfIX) gene, and the dose response was examined. To determine the distribution of transgene expression, vectors encoding lacZ or luciferase (luc) genes were used and assessed by X-gal staining and in vivo imaging, respectively. After the observation period, the vector distribution across tissues was quantified. RESULTS: The factor IX concentration was higher in i.p.-injected mice than in i.v.-injected mice. All transgenes administered by i.p. injection were more efficiently expressed in neonates than in adults. The expression was confined to the peritoneal tissue. Interestingly, a sex-related difference was observed in transgene expression in adults, whereas this difference was not apparent in neonates. CONCLUSIONS: AAV vector administration to neonates using the i.p. route was clearly advantageous in obtaining robust transgene expression. Vector genomes and transgene expression were observed mainly in the peritoneal tissue. These findings indicate the advantages of neonatal gene therapy and would help in designing strategies for gene therapy using AAV vectors.  相似文献   

In the lab, we exposed three foliose lichen species, Lobaria pulmonaria, Parmelia sulcata and Xanthoria aureola, to 0, 0.01, 0.2, and 0.6 M NaCl in combinations with copper and zinc (0, 10, 100, 500 μM). High salt concentrations adversely affected the lichen membrane integrity as measured by conductivity methods, whereas the potential photosystem II efficiency (Fv/Fm) was tolerant. High light was necessary to reduce Fv/Fm in thalli exposed to salt, whereas high light did not aggravate the conductivity. The seashore species X. aureola was much more resistant to salt than the old forest species L. pulmonaria. With respect to Cu and Zn, used concentrations had no (P. sulcata, X. aureola) or small (L. pulmonaria) effects on Fv/Fm. However, both heavy metals substantially increased conductivity in all species, consistent with membrane damage. Thus, the conductivity method detected high salt, high copper and high zinc stress much more efficiently than did the chlorophyll fluorescence method. This suggests that membrane integrity of the mycobiont is more sensitive to salt and heavy metal stress than potential photosystem II efficiency of its autotrophic partners.  相似文献   

Three analogs of somatostatin, [D-Cys14] -, [Ala2, D-Cys14] - and [D-Trp8, D-Cys14] - somatostatin, were synthesized by the solid phase method, characterized by several means, and tested for their effects on the release of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone. The peptides sharply suppressed the release of growth hormone in vitro and glucagon in vivo, but had less effect on insulin secretion in vivo. These analogs, particularly [D-Trp8, D-Cys14] - somatostatin, could possibly be useful for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Recent studies with 8-oxodeoxyguanosine triphosphate (8-oxodGTP) have suggested that incorporation of oxidized nucleotides from the precursor pool into DNA may have deleterious effects. Here we show that 5-hydroxydeoxycytosine triphosphate (5-OHdCTP) and 5-hydroxydeoxyuridine triphosphate (5-OHdUTP) are more efficient substrates than 8-oxodGTP for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment lacking proofreading activity, while 8-oxodeoxyadenosine triphosphate (8-oxodGTP, 5-OHdCTP can mispair with dA in DNA but with lower efficiency. Since the 5-hydroxypyrimidines are present in normal and oxidized cellular DNA in amounts similar to the 8-oxopurines, these data suggest that enzymatic mechanisms might exist for removing them from the DNA precursor pools.  相似文献   

A new variant of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease (vCJD) was identified in humans and linked to the consumption of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)-infected meat products. Recycling of ruminant tissue in meat and bone meal (MBM) has been proposed as origin of the BSE epidemic. During this epidemic, sheep and goats have been exposed to BSE-contaminated MBM. It is well known that sheep can be experimentally infected with BSE and two field BSE-like cases have been reported in goats. In this work we evaluated the human susceptibility to small ruminants-passaged BSE prions by inoculating two different transgenic mouse lines expressing the methionine (Met) allele of human PrP at codon 129 (tg650 and tg340) with several sheep and goat BSE isolates and compared their transmission characteristics with those of cattle BSE. While the molecular and neuropathological transmission features were undistinguishable and similar to those obtained after transmission of vCJD in both transgenic mouse lines, sheep and goat BSE isolates showed higher transmission efficiency on serial passaging compared to cattle BSE. We found that this higher transmission efficiency was strongly influenced by the ovine PrP sequence, rather than by other host species-specific factors. Although extrapolation of results from prion transmission studies by using transgenic mice has to be done very carefully, especially when human susceptibility to prions is analyzed, our results clearly indicate that Met129 homozygous individuals might be susceptible to a sheep or goat BSE agent at a higher degree than to cattle BSE, and that these agents might transmit with molecular and neuropathological properties indistinguishable from those of vCJD. Our results suggest that the possibility of a small ruminant BSE prion as vCJD causal agent could not be ruled out, and that the risk for humans of a potential goat and/or sheep BSE agent should not be underestimated.  相似文献   

Undifferentiated and differentiated dendritic cells (uDC and dDC, respectively), derived from the bone marrow, were studied in vitro and in vivo. Ovalbumin (OVA) and two OVA-derived peptides binding to H-2K(b) and I-A(b), respectively, were used. Two IL-2 secreting T cell hybridomas specific for the OVA-derived epitopes were used in the in vitro read-out. The ability to cross-present the H-2K(b) binding OVA(257-264)-peptide (SIINFEKL) was restricted to dDC, which express CD11c(+), CD86(+), and MHC-II(+). In vitro, the antigenicity of SIINFEKL-loaded DC declined at a slower rate than that of OVA-pulsed DC. Moreover, SIINFEKL-loaded DC were up to 50 times more efficient than DC-pulsed with OVA-protein for generation of an H-2K(b)-restricted response. Immunization of mice with SIINFEKL-loaded DC resulted in a much stronger H-2K(b)-restricted response than immunization with OVA-pulsed DC. These data might have important implications for the choice of antigen source in the design of DC-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Bone marrow–derived stromal cells or mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs or MSCs, as we will call them in this work) are multipotent progenitor cells that can differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes. In addition, MSCs have been shown to modulate the function of a variety of immune cells. Donor age has been shown to affect the regenerative potential, differentiation, proliferation and anti-inflammatory potency of MSCs; however, the impact of donor age on their immunosuppressive activity is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the ability of MSCs derived from very young children and adults on T-cell suppression and cytokine secretion by monocytes/macrophages. MSCs were obtained from extra digits of children between 10 and 21 months and adults between 28 and 64 years of age. We studied cell surface marker expression, doubling time, lineage differentiation potential and immunosuppressive function of the MSCs. Young MSCs double more quickly and differentiate into bone and fat cells more efficiently than those from older donors. They also form more and dense colonies of fibroblasts (colony forming unit–fibroblast [CFU-F]). MSCs from both young and adult subjects suppressed T-cell proliferation in a mitogen-induced assay at 1:3 and 1:30 ratios. At a 1:30 ratio, however, MSCs from adults did not, but MSCs from infants did suppress T-cell proliferation. In the mixed lymphocyte reaction assay, MSCs from infants produced similar levels of suppression at all three MSC/T-cell ratios, but adult MSCs only inhibited T-cell proliferation at a 1:3 ratio. Cytokine analyses of co-cultures of MSCs and macrophages showed that both adult and young MSCs suppress tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and induce interleukin-10 (IL-10) production in macrophage co-culture assay in a similar manner. Overall, this work shows that developing MSCs display a higher level of immunosuppression than mature MSCs.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antiserum raised against UV-irradiated DNA can be used to assay cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts specifically by changing the nature of the 32P-labelled antigen. Pyr(6-4)Pyo photoproducts were removed faster than cyclobutane dimers in UV-irradiated human, hamster and mouse cells. Xeroderma pigmentosum cells from complementation groups A, C and D were deficient in the repair of both lesions.  相似文献   

In vivo gene replacement for the treatment of inherited disease is one of the most compelling concepts in modern medicine. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been extensively used for this purpose and have shown therapeutic efficacy in a range of animal models. Successful translation to the clinic was initially slow, but long-term expression of donated genes at therapeutic levels has now been achieved in patients with inherited retinal disorders and haemophilia B. Recent exciting results have raised hopes for the treatment of many other diseases. As we discuss here, the prospects and challenges for AAV gene therapy are to a large extent dependent on the target tissue and the specific disease.  相似文献   

In this study we performed the comprehensive pharmacological analysis of two stereoisomers of 4-chloro-meta-cresol (4CMC), a popular ryanodine receptor (RyR) agonist used in muscle research. Experiments investigating the Ca2+-releasing action of the isomers demonstrated that the most potent isomer was 4-chloro-orto-cresol (4COC) (EC50 = 55 ± 14 μM), although 3-chloro-para-cresol (3CPC) was more effective, as it was able to induce higher magnitude of Ca2+ flux from isolated terminal cisterna vesicles. Nevertheless, 3CPC stimulated the hydrolytic activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum ATP-ase (SERCA) with an EC50 of 91 ± 17 μM, while 4COC affected SERCA only in the millimolar range (IC50 = 1370 ± 88 μM). IC50 of 4CMC for SERCA pump was 167 ± 8 μM, indicating that 4CMC is not a specific RyR agonist either, as it activated RyR in a similar concentration (EC50 = 121 ± 20 μM).Our data suggest that the use of 4COC might be more beneficial than 4CMC in experiments, when Ca2+ release should be triggered through RyRs without influencing SERCA activity.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of enzymes involved in antigen processing such as cathepsin E and cathepsin D is a valuable tool for investigating the roles of these enzymes in the processing pathway. However, the aspartic protease inhibitors, including the highly potent pepstatin A (PepA), are inefficiently transported across the cell membrane and thus have limited access to antigen processing compartments. Previously described mannose-pepstatin conjugates were efficiently taken up by the cells via receptor mediated uptake. However, cells without mannose receptors are unable to take up these conjugates efficiently. The aim of the present study was to synthesize new cell-permeable aspartic protease inhibitors by conjugating pepstatin A with well-known cell penetrating peptides (CPPs). To achieve this, the most commonly used CPPs namely pAntp(43-58) (penetratin), Tat(49-60), and 9-mer of l-arginine (R9), were synthesized and coupled to pepstatin. The enzyme inhibitory properties of these bioconjugates and their cellular uptake into MCF7 (human breast cancer cell line), Boleths (EBV-transformed B-cell line) and dendritic cells (DC) were the focus of our study. We found that the bioconjugate PepA-penetratin (PepA-P) was the most efficient cell-permeable aspartic protease inhibitor tested, and was more efficient than unconjugated PepA. Additionally, we found that PepA-P efficiently inhibited the tetanus toxoid C-fragment processing in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), primary DC and in primary B cells. Therefore, PepA-P can be used in studying the role of intracellular aspartic proteases in the MHC class II antigen processing pathway. Moreover, inhibition of tetanus toxoid C-fragment processing by PepA-P clearly implicates the role of aspartic proteinases in antigen processing.  相似文献   

Ionic copper entering blood plasma binds tightly to albumin and the macroglobulin transcuprein. It then goes primarily to the liver and kidney except in lactation, where a large portion goes directly to the mammary gland. Little is known about how this copper is taken up from these plasma proteins. To examine this, the kinetics of uptake from purified human albumin and 2-macroglobulin, and the effects of inhibitors, were measured using human hepatic (HepG2) and mammary epithelial (PMC42) cell lines. At physiological concentrations (3–6 µM), both cell types took up copper from these proteins independently and at rates similar to each other and to those for Cu-dihistidine or Cu-nitrilotriacetate (NTA). Uptakes from 2-macroglobulin indicated a single saturable system in each cell type, but with different kinetics, and 65–80% inhibition by Ag(I) in HepG2 cells but not PMC42 cells. Uptake kinetics for Cu-albumin were more complex and also differed with cell type (as was the case for Cu-histidine and NTA), and there was little or no inhibition by Ag(I). High Fe(II) concentrations (100–500 µM) inhibited copper uptake from albumin by 20–30% in both cell types and that from 2-macroglobulin by 0–30%, and there was no inhibition of the latter by Mn(II) or Zn(II). We conclude that the proteins mainly responsible for the plasma-exchangeable copper pool deliver the metal to mammalian cells efficiently and by several different mechanisms. 2-Macroglobulin delivers it primarily to copper transporter 1 in hepatic cells but not mammary epithelial cells, and additional as-yet-unidentified copper transporters or systems for uptake from these proteins remain to be identified. transcuprein; uptake kinetics; iron competition; silver competition; HepG2 cells; PMC42 cells  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus serotype 4 (AAV4) and AAV5 have different tropisms compared to AAV2 and to each other. We recently reported that alpha 2--3 sialic acid is required for AAV5 binding and transduction. In this study, we characterized AAV4 binding and transduction and found it also binds sialic acid, but the specificity is significantly different from AAV5. AAV4 can hemagglutinate red blood cells from several species, whereas AAV5 hemagglutinates only rhesus monkey red blood cells. Treatment of red blood cells with trypsin inhibited hemagglutination for both AAV4 and AAV5, suggesting that the agglutinin is a protein. Treatment of Cos and red blood cells with neuraminidases also indicated that AAV4 bound alpha 2--3 sialic acid. However, resialylation experiments with neuraminidase-treated red blood cells demonstrated that AAV4 binding required alpha 2--3 O-linked sialic acid, whereas AAV5 required N-linked sialic acid. Similarly, resialylation of sialic acid-deficient CHO cells supported this same conclusion. The difference in linkage specificity for AAV4 and AAV5 was confirmed by binding and transduction experiments with cells incubated with either N-linked or O-linked inhibitors of glycosylation. Furthermore, AAV4 transduction was only blocked with soluble alpha 2-3 sialic acid, whereas AAV5 could be blocked with either alpha 2--3 or alpha 2-6 sialic acid. These results suggest that AAV4 and AAV5 require different sialic acid-containing glycoproteins for binding and transduction of target cells and they further explain the different tropism of AAV4 and AAV5.  相似文献   

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