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The hepatocyte plasma membrane consists of three morphologically and functionally distinct domains, the sinusoidal, the lateral and the canalicular. To study the distribution of antigenic determinants among these domains, we prepared monoclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with a crude, plasma membrane-enriched liver fraction. Four monoclonal antibodies were obtained that recognized various parts of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane when tested by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assay performed on formaldehyde-fixed liver tissue. Each antibody gave a different staining pattern when analyzed by light and electron microscopy. A59 exclusively labelled the part of the sinusoidal membrane facing the sinusoids. A39 mainly labelled the sinusoidal membrane. B1 mainly labelled the lateral membrane, while the labelling by B10 was almost completely limited to the canalicular membrane. Immunoblotting showed that the antibody B1 recognized an antigen of approximately 100 kilodaltons and that B10 recognized an antigen of approximately 125 to 130 kilodaltons. These antibodies allow us to distinguish the three domains of the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A putative reservoir of functional plasma membrane proteins, the secretory vesicle identified by latent alkaline phosphatase and tetranectin, has previously been demonstrated based on indirect evidence (Borregaard, N., Miller, L. J., and Springer, T. A. (1987) Science 237, 1204-1206; Borregaard, N., Christensen, L., Bjerrum, O. W., Birgens, H. S., and Clemmesen, I. (1990) J. Clin. Invest. 85, 408-416). Difficulties in separating plasma membranes from this entity by density gradient centrifugation has prohibited discriminative dynamic and quantitative studies of secretory vesicles and plasma membranes. By combining density centrifugation with free flow electrophoresis we overcame this obstacle. Freshly prepared unperturbed human neutrophils were subjected to nitrogen cavitation followed by density centrifugation on Percoll gradients. Light membrane fractions containing plasma membranes and secretory vesicles were applied to high voltage free flow electrophoresis on an Elphor VaP 22. Plasma membrane vesicles, identified by HLA class I antigen mixed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Bjerrum, O. W., and Borregaard, N. (1990) Scand. J. Immunol. 31, 305-313) and 125I applied to cells before cavitation, were clearly separated from secretory vesicles. Electron microscopy revealed a morphology typical of plasma membranes in the former fraction and a population of vesicles with markedly different appearance in the latter. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles demonstrated distinct differences in protein patterns between the two fractions. Superoxide generating capacity induced by sodium dodecyl sulfate and cytosol, an entity traditionally ascribed to the plasma membrane, was largely confined to fractions containing secretory vesicles. Thus, the majority of membrane-bound NADPH oxidase components of light membranes of human neutrophils colocalize with secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory supports an important role for aquaporins (AQPs), a family of water channel proteins, in bile secretion by hepatocytes. To further define the pathways and molecular mechanisms for water movement across hepatocytes, we directly assessed osmotic water permeability (Pf) and activation energy (Ea) in highly purified, rat hepatocytes basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) and canalicular membrane (CMV) vesicles by measuring scattered light intensity using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The time course of scattered light for BLMV and CMV fit well to a single-exponential function. In BLMV, Pf was 108 +/- 4 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 7.7 kcal/mol; in CMV, Pf was 86 +/- 5 mum.s-1 (25 degrees C) with an Ea of 8.0 kcal/mol. The AQP blocker, dimethyl sulfoxide, significantly inhibited the Pf of both basolateral (81 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -25%) and canalicular (59 +/- 4 mum.s-1; -30%) membrane vesicles. When CMV were isolated from hepatocytes treated with dibutyryl cAMP, a double-exponential fit was needed, implying two functionally different vesicle populations; one population had Pf and Ea values similar to those of CMV from untreated hepatocytes, but the other population had a very high Pf (655 +/- 135 mum.s-1, 25 degrees C) and very low Ea (2.8 kcal/mol). Dimethyl sulfoxide completely inhibited the high Pf value in this second vesicle population. In contrast, Pf and Ea of BLMV were unaltered by cAMP treatment of hepatocytes. Our results are consistent with the presence of both lipid- and AQP-mediated pathways for basolateral and canalicular water movement across the hepatocyte plasma membrane barrier. Our data also suggest that the hepatocyte canalicular membrane domain is rate-limiting for transcellular water transport and that this domain becomes more permeable to water when hepatocytes are exposed to a choleretic agonist, presumably by insertion of AQP molecules. These data suggest a molecular mechanism for the efficient coupling of osmotically active solutes and water transport during canalicular bile formation.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of adult rat hepatocyte consists of three domains, which have been identified by the monoclonal antibodies A39 and A59 as markers of the sinusoidal domain, B1 of the lateral, and B10 of the canalicular domains (Eur J Cell Biol 39:122, 1985). These monoclonal antibodies were used to study, by indirect immunocytochemistry, formation of the hepatocyte plasma membrane domains during development, from day 15 of gestation to day 35 post partum. The antigens defined by A39, B1, and B10 were detected, from day 15, over the major part of the hepatocyte plasma membrane except for the membranes of newly formed bile canaliculi, which were not labeled by B1 and only poorly labeled, if at all, by A39 and B10. As soon as fetuses were 16 days old, B1 labeled predominantly the lateral domain, as in the adult. Labeling with B10 progressively intensified on the membranes of bile canaliculi, but localization was not exclusively canalicular until day 21 post partum. A39 intensely labeled the canalicular membranes at 19-21 days of gestation, while at 35 days post partum it exhibited the predominantly sinusoidal labeling observed in adult hepatocytes. The antigen defined by A59 was not detected before birth and was found exclusively on the sinusoidal domain, as in the adult. These results show that the patterns of antigen distribution on different plasma membrane domains establish themselves at different rates. The marked differences observed between fetal or neonatal and adult hepatocytes might be responsible for immaturity of liver functions in the neonate.  相似文献   

Summary The resolution of bacterial mixtures by free flow electrophoresis (FFE) was not affected by the position of the microbes on the growth curve and approximately 70% of the individual cells applied were recovered as viable cells. The dependence of bacterial electrophoretic mobility on the pH, salt concentration, and viscosity of the electrolyte was determined. Suspending media and running electrolyte were developed which allowed collection of samples of>99% purity within two minutes of introduction of a mixture of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Most bacterial strains migrated in a single band, although some migrated in more than one band. Escherichia coli was resolved from each of 10 different species. The considerable variation in mobility found in 21 different E. coli strains, however, appears to preclude use of FFE as a method of species identification.  相似文献   

We have utilized antibodies against five domain-specific integral proteins of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane to examine the fates of the plasma membrane domains during hepatocyte division in the regenerating rat liver. The proteins were quantified on immunoblots of liver homogenates prepared during the peak of hepatocyte mitotic activity, 28-30 hr after two-thirds hepatectomy. Two sinusoidal/lateral proteins, CE 9 and the asialoglycoprotein receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, dipeptidylpeptidase IV, were not changed significantly in amount; whereas one sinusoidal/lateral protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor, and one bile canalicular protein, HA 4, were reduced to less than or equal to 50% of control levels. Light microscopic examination of plastic sections of regenerating liver tissue revealed that the mitotic hepatocytes generally appeared to retain normal contacts with neighboring interphase hepatocytes. Immunofluorescence was used to localize the domain-specific proteins on mitotic hepatocytes identified in 0.5-micron frozen sections of 28- to 30-hr regenerating liver tissue. Independent of mitotic stage, the hepatocytes retained mutually exclusive bile canalicular and sinusoidal/lateral domains, as defined at the molecular level by the distributions of specific proteins, such as HA 4 and CE 9, respectively.  相似文献   

One major problem concerning the electrophoresis of mitochondria is the heterogeneity of mitochondrial appearance especially under pathological conditions. We show here the use of zone electrophoresis in a free flow electrophoresis device (ZE-FFE) as an analytical sensor to discriminate between different yeast mitochondrial populations. Impairment of the structural properties of the organelles by hyperosmotic stress resulted in broad separation profiles. Conversely untreated mitochondria gave rise to homogeneous populations reflected by sharp separation profiles. Yeast mitochondria with altered respiratory activity accompanied by a different outer membrane proteome composition could be discriminated based on electrophoretic deflection. Proteolysis of the mitochondrial surface proteome and the deletion of a single major protein species of the mitochondrial outer membrane altered the ZE-FFE deflection of these organelles. To demonstrate the usefulness of ZE-FFE for the analysis of mitochondria associated with pathological processes, we analyzed mitochondrial fractions from an apoptotic yeast strain. The cdc48(S565G) strain carries a mutation in the CDC48 gene that is an essential participant in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway. Mutant cells accumulate polyubiquitinated proteins in microsomal and mitochondrial extracts. Subsequent ZE-FFE characterization could distinguish a mitochondrial subfraction specifically enriched with polyubiquitinated proteins from the majority of non-affected mitochondria. This result demonstrates that ZE-FFE may give important information on the specific properties of subpopulations of a mitochondrial preparation allowing a further detailed functional analysis.  相似文献   

Separation and characterization of late endosomal membrane domains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little is known about the biophysical properties and the lipid or protein composition of membrane domains presumably present in endocytic and biosynthetic organelles. Here we analyzed the membrane composition of late endosomes by suborganellar fractionation in the absence of detergent. We found that the internal membranes of this multivesicular organelle can be separated from the limiting membrane and that each membrane population exhibited a defined composition. Our data also indicated that internal membranes may consist of at least two populations, containing primarily phosphatidylcholine or lysobisphosphatidic acid as major phospholipid, arguing for the existence of significant microheterogeneity within late endosomal membranes. We also found that lysobisphosphatidic acid exhibited unique pH-dependent fusogenic properties, and we speculated that this lipid is an ideal candidate to regulate the dynamic properties of this internal membrane mosaic.  相似文献   

Membrane chromatography using a commercially available blotting membrane was performed in a dead-end filtration mode to separate paraproteins from plasma of patients suffering from paraproteinemia. The affinity membrane was found to display distinct specificity to monoclonal IgG1. A dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.2 μM and a maximum binding capacity of 1.43 mg/cm2 IgG1 paraprotein were obtained from the adsorption isotherm of the affinity membrane. The membrane was found to absorb immunoglobulins species-dependently because no binding of immunoglobulins from mouse, rat and rabbit could be observed.  相似文献   

P-ATPases are characterized by the formation of acid-stable phosphorylated intermediates (EP) during their reaction cycle. We have developed a microscale method to determine EP that involves the phosphorylation of the enzyme using [gamma-(32)P]ATP and precipitation with TCA; separation of the sample by SDS-PAGE, and measurement of the enzyme protein and (32)P-labeled EP by digital analysis of both the stained gel and its autoradiogram, respectively. The principal advantages of this method over typical procedures (filtration and centrifugation) are the low amount of enzyme required and the substantial decrease in the blank values and data scattering produced by unspecific phosphorylation and nonquantitative recovering of the enzyme. Application of this new method to a purified preparation of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) results in overcoming the difficulties of measuring EP at high ATP concentrations. A biphasic behavior of the substrate curve for EP was observed when the study was extended to ATP levels within the physiological range. Since, in principle, the method does not require the use of highly purified preparations, it could be helpful for the study of phosphorylated intermediates especially under conditions in which small amounts of protein are available, e.g., mutated variants of P-ATPases.  相似文献   

The separation of cimetidine from the metabolites cimetidine amide and cimetidine sulfoxide, endogenous creatinine and the internal standard ranitidine was achieved by capillary electrophoresis in less than 5 min. All compounds were well separated from cimetidine, including possible plasma ingredients, as the UV spectra of cimetidine standard and cimetidine from the plasma extract match. Plasma levels of cimetidine were determined in the range 250–3000 ng/ml in plasma and higher concentrations were determined by dilution of the sample with blank plasma.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicle preparations are very appropriate material for studying the topology of glycoproteins integrated into specialized plasma membrane domains of polarized cells. Here we show that the flow cytometric measurement of fluorescence energy transfer used previously to study the relationship between surface components of isolated cells can be applied to membrane vesicles. The fluorescein and rhodamine derivatives of a monoclonal antibody (4H7.1) that recognized one common epitope of the rabbit and pig aminopeptidase N were used for probing the oligomerization and conformational states of the enzyme integrated into the brush border and basolateral membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit and pig enterocytes. The high fluorescent energy transfer observed in the case of pig enzyme integrated into both types of vesicles and in the case of the rabbit enzyme integrated into basolateral membrane vesicles agreed very well with the existence of a dimeric organization, which was directly demonstrated by cross-linking experiments. Although with the latter technique we observed that the rabbit aminopeptidase was also dimerized in the brush border membrane, no energy transfer was detected with the corresponding vesicles. This indicates that the relative positions of two associated monomers differ depending on whether the rabbit aminopeptidase is transiently integrated into the basolateral membrane or permanently integrated into the brush border membrane. Cross-linking of aminopeptidases solubilized by detergent and of their ectodomains liberated by trypsin showed that only interactions between anchor domains maintained the dimeric structure of rabbit enzyme whereas interactions between ectodomains also exist in the pig enzyme. This might explain why the noticeable change in the organization of the two ectodomains observed in the case of rabbit aminopeptidase N does not occur in the case of pig enzyme.  相似文献   

A method for coupling capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with rapid membrane chromatography purification (RMCP) was established for the analysis of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish plasma induced with 17ss-estrodiol. CZE analyses of purified VTG were performed in a buffer containing 25 mM sodium borate (pH 8.4). A 50 microm i.d. fused-silica capillary was used for separation and the detection was carried out by UV-diode array at 214 nm. Inter- and intra-assay variabilities of the proposed method were less than 10.06 and 1.95%, respectively. The method has good linear relationship over the scope of 15-2250 microg/ml with a correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.9965 and a detection limit of 7.0 microg/ml. The established CZE method was also applied to directly separate and identify VTG from fish plasma. The results indicated this method could minimize interferences from plasma proteins, allowing the detection of at least 62.5 microg/ml of VTG proteins in total proteins. This is a rapid and easy method to determine the quantity and purity of VTG compared to Bradford method and SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells form a barrier against the environment, but are also required for the regulated exchange of molecules between an organism and its surroundings. Epithelial cells are characterised by a remarkable polarization of their plasma membrane, evidenced by the appearance of structurally, compositionally, and functionally distinct surface domains. Here we consider the (in)dependence of epithelial cell polarisation and the function of smaller plasma membrane domains (e.g. adherens junctions, gap junctions, tight junctions, apical lipid rafts, caveolae, and clathrin-coated pits) in the development and maintenance of cell surface polarity. Recent evidence of cross-talk and/or overlap between the different cell-cell junction components and alternate functions of junction components, including gene expression regulation, are discussed in the context of cell surface polarity.  相似文献   

Many plasma membrane (PM) functions depend on the cholesterol concentration in the PM in strikingly nonlinear, cooperative ways: fully functional in the presence of physiological cholesterol levels (35~45 mol%), and nonfunctional below 25 mol% cholesterol; namely, still in the presence of high concentrations of cholesterol. This suggests the involvement of cholesterol‐based complexes/domains formed cooperatively. In this review, by examining the results obtained by using fluorescent lipid analogs and avoiding the trap of circular logic, often found in the raft literature, we point out the fundamental similarities of liquid‐ordered (Lo)‐phase domains in giant unilamellar vesicles, Lo‐phase‐like domains formed at lower temperatures in giant PM vesicles, and detergent‐resistant membranes: these domains are formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol, saturated acyl chains, and unsaturated acyl chains, in the presence of >25 mol% cholesterol. The literature contains evidence, indicating that the domains formed by the same basic cooperative molecular interactions exist and play essential roles in signal transduction in the PM. Therefore, as a working definition, we propose that raft domains in the PM are liquid‐like molecular complexes/domains formed by cooperative interactions of cholesterol with saturated acyl chains as well as unsaturated acyl chains, due to saturated acyl chains' weak multiple accommodating interactions with cholesterol and cholesterol's low miscibility with unsaturated acyl chains and TM proteins. Molecules move within raft domains and exchange with those in the bulk PM. We provide a logically established collection of fluorescent lipid probes that preferentially partition into raft and non‐raft domains, as defined here, in the PM.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocyte plasmatic membrane damages caused by the administration of tetrachloromethane of heliotrine was investigated. Phospholipid content in plasmatic membranes decreased. Heliotrine caused complete and CCL4 twofold inhibition of Na, K-ATPase. Intraperitoneal administration of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes had a reparative effect on the damaged membranes consisting in the restoration of phospholipid content and enzyme activities.  相似文献   

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