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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae is an obligate human parasite that often causes middle ear infections in children and exacerbates chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. There are no effective vaccines available for this strain. The lipoprotein YraM (gene HI1655) was identified as essential for the growth and viability of H. influenzae but its function is unknown. Sequence comparisons showed that YraM is a fusion of two protein modules. We grew crystals of the carboxyl-terminal module of YraM comprising residues 257-573 (YraM-C), phased the diffraction data by the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction technique, and refined the model to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.16 (R(free) = 0.19) with data to 1.35 A resolution. The two-domain structure of YraM-C adopts a fold similar to that observed for the open, unliganded forms of several periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) involved in bacterial active transport. Sequence alignments of YraM homologues from other Gram-negative species showed that the most conserved residues of YraM-C cluster between the two domains in the location where other PBPs bind their cognate ligand. Modeling of YraM-C into a closed conformation similar to the leucine-bound form of the Leu/Ile/Val-binding protein (LIVBP) shows a putative binding pocket larger than the leucine-binding site in LIVBP. The pocket has both polar and nonpolar surfaces, with the latter located in the same area where a leucine side chain binds to LIVBP. We discuss possible biological functions of YraM considering its predicted location in the outer membrane, a novel place for such a binding protein.  相似文献   

Commensal bacteria serve as an important line of defense against colonisation by opportunisitic pathogens, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly explored. Here, we show that strains of a commensal bacterium, Haemophilus haemolyticus, make hemophilin, a heme-binding protein that inhibits growth of the opportunistic pathogen, non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) in culture. We purified the NTHi-inhibitory protein from H. haemolyticus and identified the hemophilin gene using proteomics and a gene knockout. An x-ray crystal structure of recombinant hemophilin shows that the protein does not belong to any of the known heme-binding protein folds, suggesting that it evolved independently. Biochemical characterisation shows that heme can be captured in the ferrous or ferric state, and with a variety of small heme-ligands bound, suggesting that hemophilin could function under a range of physiological conditions. Hemophilin knockout bacteria show a limited capacity to utilise free heme for growth. Our data suggest that hemophilin is a hemophore and that inhibition of NTHi occurs by heme starvation, raising the possibility that competition from hemophilin-producing H. haemolyticus could antagonise NTHi colonisation in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Prolyl-tRNA synthetases (ProRSs) from all three domains of life have been shown to misactivate cysteine and to mischarge cysteine onto tRNAPro. Although most bacterial ProRSs possess an amino acid editing domain that deacylates mischarged Ala-tRNAPro, editing of Cys-tRNAPro has not been demonstrated and a double-sieve mechanism of editing does not appear to be sufficient to eliminate all misacylated tRNAPro species from the cell. It was recently shown that a ProRS paralog, the YbaK protein from Haemophilus influenzae, which is homologous to the ProRS editing domain, is capable of weakly deacylating Ala-tRNAPro. This function appears to be redundant with that of its corresponding ProRS, which contains a canonical bacterial editing domain. In the present study, we test the specificity of editing by H. influenzae YbaK and show that it efficiently edits Cys-tRNAPro and that a conserved Lys residue is essential for this activity. These findings represent the first example of an editing domain paralog possessing altered specificity and suggest that similar autonomous editing domains could act upon different mischarged tRNAs thus providing cells with enhanced proofreading potential. This work also suggests a novel mechanism of editing wherein a third sieve is used to clear Cys-tRNAPro in at least some organisms.  相似文献   

Li H  Grass S  Wang T  Liu T  St Geme JW 《Journal of bacteriology》2007,189(20):7497-7502
Secretion of the Haemophilus influenzae HMW1 adhesin occurs via the two-partner secretion pathway and requires the HMW1B outer membrane translocator. HMW1B has been subjected to extensive biochemical studies to date. However, direct examination of the structure of HMW1B has been lacking, leaving fundamental questions about the oligomeric state, the membrane-embedded beta-barrel domain, the approximate size of the beta-barrel pore, and the mechanism of translocator activity. In the current study, examination of purified HMW1B by size exclusion chromatography and negative staining electron microscopy revealed that the predominant species was a dimer. In the presence of lipid, purified HMW1B formed two-dimensional crystalline sheets. Examination of these crystals by cryo-electron microscopy allowed determination of a projection structure of HMW1B to 10 A resolution. The native HMW1B structure is a dimer of beta-barrels, with each beta-barrel measuring 40 A by 50 A in the two orthogonal directions and appearing largely occluded, leaving only a narrow pore. These observations suggest that HMW1B undergoes a large conformational change during translocation of the 125-kDa HMW1 adhesin.  相似文献   

Organization of the Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome.   总被引:31,自引:23,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Plasmid-to-plasmid recombination in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
No recombination between plasmids was observed after conjugal transfer of a plasmid into a cell carrying another plasmid. Two types of such recombination took place after transformation, one type being Rec+ dependent and suggesting a preferred site of recombination. The other much rarer type was at least partially Rec+ independent.  相似文献   

Plasmid transformation in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Purified 34-megadalton-plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from antibiotic-resistant strains of Haemophilus influenzae transforms competent strains of H. influenzae more efficiently if the recipient strains contain certain other 30-megadalton plasmids.  相似文献   

Ferric-binding proteins (FbpA) have been implicated in the transferrin receptor-mediated iron acquisition pathways of Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria spp. These proteins are believed to function by shuttling iron from outer membrane transferrin receptors to a specific inner membrane permease complex. However, the role of these proteins has not been conclusively resolved, as attempts at creating isogenic mutants in the fbpA genes of both species have been unsuccessful, prompting the hypothesis that FbpA may play a critical role in H . influenzae and Neisseria spp. This study describes the construction and characterization of an H . influenzae isogenic fbpA mutant. It is demonstrated that this mutant is deficient in its ability to use human transferrin as a sole iron source, even though the strain is still competent for binding human transferrin. It is also demonstrated that this mutant is impaired in its ability to use ferric citrate as an iron source, and grows at a reduced rate relative to wild type in broth supplemented with protoporphyrin rather than haemin.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty-nine strains of Haemophilus influenzae highly resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, or tetracycline were examined for the presence of plasmids. Agarose gel electrophoresis of ethanol-precipitated cell extracts revealed large plasmids in 11 strains, of which 7 were conjugative. Plasmid transfer by conjugation between isogenic strains was quite efficient, but transfer between different serotypes was nearly always much more inefficient. Type I or II restriction enzymes do not appear to be barriers to this transfer. Encapsulated cells can be both efficient donors and recipients. Small plasmids were seen in three strains, but only two of the three are resistance factors (RSF0885, pUB703). Thus, in 17 isolates antibiotic resistance genes are believed to be located in the bacterial chromosome. Most of these resistances could be transferred by genetic transformation into the widely used Rd strain. In some cases transfer of chromosomal resistance into conjugative plasmids was observed in both rec+ and rec host cells. Since transfer by conjugation seems to be the more efficient process, it is puzzling that in the majority of the 29 isolates studied resistance genes appeared to be in the chromosome.  相似文献   

Since they are equipped with several strategies by which they evade the antimicrobial defense of host macrophages, it is surprising that members of the genus Haemophilus appear to be deficient in common antioxidant systems that are well established to protect prokaryotes against oxidative stress. Among others, no genetic evidence for glutathione (gamma-Glu-Cys-Gly) (GSH) biosynthesis or for alkyl hydroperoxide reduction (e.g., the Ahp system characteristic or enteric bacteria) is apparent from the Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome sequence, suggesting that the organism relies on alternative systems to maintain redox homeostasis or to reduce small alkyl hydroperoxides. In this report we address this apparent paradox for the nontypeable H. influenzae type strain NCTC 8143. Instead of biosynthesis, we could show that this strain acquires GSH by importing the thiol tripeptide from the growth medium. Although such GSH accumulation had no effect on growth rates, the presence of cellular GSH protected against methylglyoxal, tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH), and S-nitrosoglutathione toxicity and regulated the activity of certain antioxidant enzymes. H. influenzae NCTC 8143 extracts were shown to contain GSH-dependent peroxidase activity with t-BuOOH as the peroxide substrate. The GSH-mediated protection against t-BuOOH stress is most probably catalyzed by the product of open reading frame HI0572 (Prx/Grx), which we isolated from a genomic DNA fragment that confers wild-type resistance to t-BuOOH toxicity in the Ahp-negative Escherichia coli strain TA4315 and that introduces GSH-dependent alkyl hydroperoxide reductase activity into naturally GSH peroxidase-negative E. coli. Finally, we demonstrated that cysteine is an essential amino acid for growth and that cystine, GSH, glutathione amide, and cysteinylglycine can be catabolized in order to complement cysteine deficiency.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae biochemotyping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biochemotyping was performed in 129 strains of Haemophilus influenzae. 95% of strains could be assigned to one of the five biochemotypes proposed by Kilian. Most of the serotype B strains isolated in meningitis belonged to biochemotype I. The biochemical differentiation of Haemophilus influenzae is regarded as a reliable technique deserving further application.  相似文献   

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