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The recently isolated pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide, PSP, interacted with specific binding sites in the gastrointestinal tract and inhibited the adenylate cyclase activity in rat intestinal mucosal cell membranes. The binding sites appeared to be heterogeneous and Scatchard analysis of the binding data indicated the presence of at least two classes of sites. The high-affinity low-capacity binding sites and the low-affinity high-capacity binding sites had apparent dissociation constants of 1.3 X 10(-7) mol/l and 4.2 X 10(-6) mol/l, respectively. The PSP induced inhibition of the adenylate cyclase activity was independent of the stimulatory state of the enzyme. The basal activity as well as that stimulated by VIP and secretin was half maximally inhibited at approximately 3 X 10(-5) mol/l of PSP. The inhibitory effect of PSP was independent of the agonist concentration employed. PSP did not affect the receptor binding of VIP nor did VIP affect the receptor binding of PSP.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The sequence of porcine pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide has been established by a variety of techniques including manual as well as automatic sequencing of fragments resulting from the cleavage of reduced and S-carboxymethylated pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide with trypsin, chymotrypsin, clostripain, cyanogen bromide and formic acid. The N- and C-terminal sequences were established using pyroglutamate amino-peptidase and carboxypeptidase A, respectively. Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide contains 106 amino acid residues in a single chain with seven S-S bridges and a pyroglutamyl blocked N-terminal. The alignment of the sequences representing amino acids 14-49 and 63-98 shows pair-wise identical amino acid residues in 18 out of 36 positions, indicating that these two "domains" have been derived from a common gene.  相似文献   

The effects of a novel polypeptide, pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide (PSP) on a colon carcinoma cell line (HCT 116) were examined. PSP stimulated the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into HCT 116 cells as well as cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Maximal increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation of 50-60% occurred at 3-300 microM PSP. The VIP-mediated-increase in cAMP levels was reduced by PSP at greater than 1 microM concentrations. PSP is highly homologous to the estrogen-induced pS2 protein in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. We find that PSP also enhanced [3H]thymidine incorporation in MCF-7 cells. These findings indicate for the first time that PSP has growth stimulatory properties.  相似文献   

Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide (PSP) isolated from porcine pancreas has been crystallized by the hanging drop vapour diffusion method. The crystals belong to the space group I222 or I2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions a = 181.9 A, b = 54.5 A, c = 72.9 A. The crystals diffract to at least 2.5 A resolution and the asymmetric unit contains two molecules (Vm = 3.9 A3/Da) with a solvent content of 68% as determined by density measurements of the crystals. The self-rotation function suggests that the two molecules within the asymmetric unit are related by a 2-fold axis at either 30 degrees or 60 degrees from a in a plane perpendicular to the b axis.  相似文献   

Summary Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide (PSP) is a peptide that is isolated from the porcine pancreas and that affects intestinal motility and growth of intestinal tumour cells in vitro. The peptide was recently demonstrated to be present in large amounts in pancreatic juice. The cellular origin of the peptide, however, is largely unclarified and the localization was therefore studied of PSP in pigs using immunohistochemistry. Positive immunoreactions were seen in the pancreas, the stomach, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. In the pancreas, the PSP immunoreaction was seen in all acinar cells; no immunoreaction was seen in the endocrine islets. In the stomach, it was localized to the mucous cells of the glands in the cardiac gland region, the corpus and the pylorus. In the duodenum a strong immunoreaction was present in Brunner's glands and in the cells of their excretory ducts. In the jejunum and ileum, PSP immunoreactivity was seen in some of the cells in the epithelium of the crypts of Lieberkühn. A peptide chromatographically identical to highly purified PSP was identified in pancreas and stomach extracts. Thus epithelial cells in all parts of the stomach and small intestine contribute to the supply of PSP to the gut lumen.  相似文献   

We report here the identification on rat liver plasma membranes and microsomes of proteins that bind pancreatic polypeptide (PP) with high affinity and specificity (plasma membranes: KD = 4.6 nM, Bmax = 3.28 pmol/mg protein; microsomes: KD = 3.45 nM, Bmax = 18.7 pmol/mg protein). These binding proteins appeared coupled to a G-protein, since 0.1 mM guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) decreased the affinity by half. When 125I-labeled PP-binding protein complexes covalently cross-linked with disuccinimido suberate were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, two radioactive bands with M(r) values of 52,000 and 38,000 were demonstrated. Both bands were inhibited by unlabeled PP with an IC50 of approximately 5 nM (but not by neuropeptide Y or peptide YY). After the cross-linked complexes were solubilized from liver microsomes with 0.2% Triton X-100 and gel-filtered, they did not interact with the lectins wheat germ agglutinin, Ulex europaeus agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin, and soy bean agglutinin. That these binding proteins may not be glycosylated was further supported by the failure of either peptide N-glycosidase F and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F to alter the size of the PP-binding protein complexes on gel electrophoresis. These PP-binding proteins may serve as receptors and mediate a hepatic effect of PP.  相似文献   

Pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide (PSP) is a peptide that is isolated from the porcine pancreas and that affects intestinal motility and growth of intestinal tumour cells in vitro. The peptide was recently demonstrated to be present in large amounts in pancreatic juice. The cellular origin of the peptide, however, is largely unclarified and the localization was therefore studied of PSP in pigs using immunohistochemistry. Positive immunoreactions were seen in the pancreas, the stomach, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. In the pancreas, the PSP immunoreaction was seen in all acinar cells; no immunoreaction was seen in the endocrine islets. In the stomach, it was localized to the mucous cells of the glands in the cardiac gland region, the corpus and the pylorus. In the duodenum a strong immunoreaction was present in Brunner's glands and in the cells of their excretory ducts. In the jejunum and ileum, PSP immunoreactivity was seen in some of the cells in the epithelium of the crypts of Lieberkühn. A peptide chromatographically identical to highly purified PSP was identified in pancreas and stomach extracts. Thus epithelial cells in all parts of the stomach and small intestine contribute to the supply of PSP to the gut lumen.  相似文献   

Calcium binding to intestinal membranes   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Flame photometry reveals that glutaraldehyde and buffer solutions in routine use for electron microscopy contain varying amounts of calcium. The presence of electron-opaque deposits adjacent to membranes in a variety of tissues can be correlated with the presence of calcium in the fixative. In insect intestine (midgut), deposits occur adjacent to apical and lateral plasma membranes. The deposits are particularly evident in tissues fixed in glutaraldehyde without postosmication. They are also observed in osmicated tissue if calcium is added to wash and osmium solutions. Deposits are absent when calcium-free fixatives are used, but are present when traces of CaCl2 (as low as 5 x 10-5 M) are added. The deposits occur at regular intervals along junctional membranes, providing images strikingly similar to those obtained by other workers who have used pyroantimonate in an effort to localize sodium. Other divalent cations (Mg++, Sr++, Ba++, Mn++, Fe++) appear to substitute for calcium, while sodium, potassium, lanthanum, and mercury do not. After postfixing with osmium with calcium added, the deposits can be resolved as patches along the inner leaflet of apical and lateral plasma membranes. The dense regions may thus localize membrane constituents that bind calcium. The results are discussed in relation to the role of calcium in control of cell-to-cell communication, intestinal calcium uptake, and the pyroantimonate technique for ion localization.  相似文献   

The phosphate complex of sulphite oxidase in the Mo(V) oxidation state was investigated by e.p.r. spectroscopy. Third-derivative spectra reveal a wealth of structural detail previously unobserved in this spectrum. Most notable is the presence of hyperfine coupling from two inequivalent I = 1/2 nuclei, which we tentatively attribute to two 31P nuclei. Unresolved hyperfine interactions from at least one exchangeable 1H nucleus are also present.  相似文献   

A cDNA sequence has been used to derive the precursor structure of a highly repetitive protein in Xenopus laevis skin. From the sequence of a whole family of secretory proteins can be predicted containing a classical hydrophobic signal sequence at the NH2-terminal end of the precursor. The proteins contain four domains with high homology to porcine pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide. These four cysteine-rich, presumably physiologically active domains are separated in the molecule by a repetitive element, locating two such domains to the NH2 terminus of the precursor protein and the remaining two to the COOH-terminal end. The separating spacer consists of very unusual, precise, threonine and proline-rich repeats containing 9 residues which could be targets for extensive O-glycosylation. Additionally, processing at two pairs of basic residues is suggested to liberate two polypeptides ("spasmolysins") and "spasmolysin-glycoprotein."  相似文献   

Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells were studied in human endocrine pancreatic tumours and in normal human pancreata by immunohistochemical techniques and electron miscroscopy. The existence of long cytoplasmic processes was demonstrated both in tumours and normal tissue. These processes are in close contact with other endocrine cells or with acinar cells. This particular morphological aspect suggests that PP cells may control the function of other cells via paracrine secretion.  相似文献   

Relative turnover rates of intestinal brush border proteins have been studied by double labelled technique. Brush borders were isolated from cells at all levels along the villus, and from the crypts. Proteins with large molecular weight (>150,000) demonstrated more rapid turnover compared with other brush border proteins at all levels along the villus. This rapid turnover was not seen in crypt brush borders. These findings support the concept of protein turnover in intestinal brush borders, and demonstrate differences between the proteins in rapidly growing crypt cells and non growing villus cells.  相似文献   

Summary A very similar ultrastructure has been attributed to pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin cells in chickens. In order to characterize any possible differences between them, cells shown to be immunoreactive for these hormones in semi-thin sections of chick pancreas were identified in adjacent thin sections prepared for conventional electron microscopy. In this way the ultrastructural features of the immunoreactive cells could be determined. In general, in somatostatin-immunoreactive cells, granule profiles are almost exclusively round, whereas in pancreatic polypeptide cells there are elongate as well as round profiles. Within cells of both types the electron density of the granule matrix varies from one granule to another, but the range of density is greater in pancreatic polypeptide granules. The latter are slightly smaller than somatostatin granules.  相似文献   

A very similar ultrastructure has been attributed to pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin cells in chickens. In order to characterize any possible differences between them, cells shown to be immunoreactive for these hormones in semi-thin sections of chick pancreas were identified in adjacent thin sections prepared for conventional electron microscopy. In this way the ultrastructural features of the immunoreactive cells could be determined. In general, in somatostatin-immunoreactive cells, granule profiles are almost exclusively round, whereas in pancreatic polypeptide cells there are elongate as well round profiles. Within cells of both types the electron density of the granule matrix varies from one granule to another, but the range of density is greater in pancreatic polypeptide granules. The latter are slightly smaller than somatostatin granules.  相似文献   

Lipid, carbohydrate, amino acid, and polypeptide composition of 2 fractions of cell membranes obtained by sucrose-Ficoll zonal density gradient fractionation of gastric mucosal homogenates has been studied. The membranes with density = 1.04 contain 0.7 μmole lipid P and 0.54 μmole cholesterol/mg protein, while the membranes of density 1.10 contain only 0.25 μmole lipid P and 0.28 μmole cholesterol/mg protein. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the most abundant phospholipids. Free fatty acids were present. Carbohydrates were most abundant in the proteins of the Peak II membranes (density = 1.10). One polypeptide band was dominant on sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and Brij 36T gels, and the adenosine triphosphatase activity in Brij 36T gels was found to have a relative mobility of 0.14 and 0.19 in the two fractions.  相似文献   

In this study we have compared the binding and degradation of human high density lipoprotein (HDL3), devoid of apolipoprotein E, by rat intestinal (mucosal) and adrenal cells and by human fibroblasts in culture. Binding of HDL3 to adrenal and intestinal cells was characterised by saturable, specific processes whereas skin fibroblasts from normal humans did not convincingly demonstrate saturability and had a lower affinity and capacity compared with adrenal and intestinal cells. Post-receptor events also appeared to differ. Cells from the adrenal cortex and gut showed similar binding affinities for HDL3 but the capacity for binding and for degrading HDL3 was much higher with intestinal cells. The large amounts of HDL degraded by intestinal cells suggest a specific role for the gut in HDL catabolism, and that, in the rat, intestinal cholesterol may be derived from circulating HDL. Finally, it is suggested that rat adrenal cortical and intestinal mucosal cells possess surface receptors for HDL3 which differ from the LDL receptor.  相似文献   

The receptor binding of CCK analogues was determined in terms of the inhibition of [125I]CCK binding in isolated rat pancreatic acini. The inhibition curve produced by CCK-8 showed the same feature as that produced by synthetic human CCK-33. The relative potency values of CCK analogues to half-maximally inhibit specific CCK binding were calculated; CCK-8 was equal to human CCK-33, 3-fold stronger than natural porcine CCK-33 and 39, and 700-fold stronger than the unsulphated form of synthetic human CCK-33. Our data suggest that CCK-33, one of the longer molecular forms of CCK, is as important as CCK-8 in the mechanism of physiological actions of CCK.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the role of the vagus nerve in the intestinal phase of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) release, mongrel dogs were given a 4-min intraduodenal infusion of saline, 20% glucose, or 10% soybean oil solution (50 ml each), before and one month after truncal vagotomy including pyloroplasty (TV). The saline infusion did not change the basal PP level, while the glucose infusion elicited a monophasic transient PP release, and the soybean oil infusion elicited a monophasic prolonged PP release in the intact dogs. The PP response following glucose infusion was almost abolished after TV, while the PP response to fat was attenuated, but a significant increase was nevertheless observed after TV. These results suggest that the vagus nerve has an important role in the intestinal phase of PP release and that other factors, e.g. hormonal, might also be involved in the regulatory mechanism, especially after fat loading.  相似文献   

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