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The aim of this work was to determine in what form carbon destined for starch synthesis crosses the membranes of plastids in developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) embryos. Plastids were isolated mechanically and incubated in the presence of ATP with the following 14C-labelled substrates: glucose, fructose, glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glucose 6-phosphate was the only substrate that supported physiologically relevant rates of starch synthesis. Incorporation of label from glucose 6-phosphate into starch was dependent upon the integrity of the plastids and the presence of ATP. The rate of incorporation approached saturation at a glucose 6-phosphate concentration of less than 1 mM. It is argued that glucose 6-phosphate is likely to enter the plastid as the source of carbon for starch synthesis in vivo.Abbreviations ADPG PPase ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase - DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate  相似文献   

After removal of the lower epidermis, leaf discs ofVicia faba L. were loaded with either [14C]sucrose or [3H]3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MeG). The exit of preloaded sucrose was strongly stimulated when sucrose was present in the bathing medium, and the exit of 3-O-MeG was also markedly increased in the presence of 3-O-MeG. This specific stimulation exhibited single saturation dependence on the external concentration of sugar (K m=9 mM for sucrose, 5 mM for 3-O-MeG), and was sensitive to low temperature, uncouplers and thiol reagents. Sucrose exit was never affected by 3-O-MeG in the bathing medium. Sucrose did not affect the exit of 3-O-MeG in fresh discs, but promoted this exit in discs previously aged for 12 h, indicating partial external hydrolysis of sucrose in the latter tissues. Ageing also dramatically increased the exit of 3-O-MeG induced by 3-O-MeG but had no effect on the exit of sucrose induced by sucrose. The ability of 53 compounds (pentoses, hexoses, hexose-phosphates, polyols, di- and trisaccharides, phenyl- and nitrophenyl-derivatives, sweeteners) to interact with the sucrose carrier and with the hexose carrier was tested. Sucrose, maltose, -phenylglucoside andp-nitrophenyl--glucoside interacted with the sucrose carrier.d-glucose,d-xylose,d-fucose,d-galactose,d-mannose, 3-O-MeG and 2-deoxyglucose interacted with the hexose carrier.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - 3-O-MeG 3-O-methylglucose - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid  相似文献   

Streptanthus tortuosus Kell. suspension cells will grow in a medium with sucrose as carbohydrate source. It was investigated whether the cells are able to take up sucrose or whether sucrose has to be hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose which eventually are taken up. The detailed quantitative analysis of sugar-uptake rates in the low concentration range up to 1 mM showed the following features: (i) There is definitely no sucrose-uptake system working in the low concentration range; any uptake of radioactivity from labelled sucrose proceeds via hydrolysis of sucrose by cell-wallbound invertase. (ii) Hexoses are taken up by two systems, a glucose-specific system with a K m of 45 M and a high V max for glucose and a K m of 6 mM and a low V max for fructose, and a fructosespecific system with a K m of 500 M and high a V max for fructose and a K m of 650 M and a low V max for glucose. (iii) There is a more than tenfold preference for uptake of the fructose derived from sucrose versus uptake of free fructose, with the result that the kinetic disadvantage of the fructoseuptake system compared to the glucose-uptake system is diminished if sucrose is supplied as the carbon source. It is speculated that invertase might work as an enzyme aiding in fructose transport.Abbreviations FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

The release of endogenous amino acids from isolated, immature pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Marzia) cotyledons was investigated in relation to their developmental stage and the osmolarity of the bathing medium. The water potential of the cotyledons was about-1.1 MPa from which it could be inferred that the osmolarity of their apoplastic fluids will be approximately 450 mosmol·l?1. The time course of amino-acid release conformed to an exponential function. Rate constants of the release were in the range 0.3 to 0.9 · h ?1. No indication was found for increased permeability of the plasmamembrane for amino acids at low medium osmolarity. Rate constants were even 1.5-fold lower in 0 mM mannitol than in medium with 400 mM mannitol. This effect could be ascribed to reduced protein synthesis in hypotonic media. In the presence of 400 mM mannitol the release was nearly proportional to the total amino-acid pool of the cotyledons and ranged from 12% to 8% for the various developmental stages. Amino-acid release was stimulated by incubation in a hypotonic medium (< 400 mM mannitol), up to fourfold in a medium without mannitol where as much as 45% of the cotyledonary amino-acid content could be released. The extra aminoacid release induced by the hypotonic condition declined during development and eventually vanished completely. Release of amino acids into a medium with 400 mM mannitol was more selective than into a medium without mannitol. For instance, arginine was one of the main constituents of the cotyledonary amino-acid pool (19%) as well as of the released amino-acid mixture when the medium contained no mannitol (10%), whereas it was virtually absent when the medium contained 400 mM mannitol. As an overall interpretation of these results, it is proposed that the hypotonic condition greatly enhances the permeability of the tonoplast (not that of the plasmalemma) for amino acids so that the otherwise well-sequestered amino acids in the vacuole become available for release into the bathing medium.  相似文献   

Two experimental systems were developed to study the uptake of sucrose by the dermal transfer cells of developing cotyledons of Vicia faba L. First, the in-vivo state was approximated by short-term (10 min) incubation of whole cotyledons in [14C]sucrose solutions. Under these conditions, a minimum of 67% of the 14C label entered the dermal transfer cell complex. Of this, at least 40% crossed the plasma membranes of the epidermal transfer cells. Second, a protocol was developed to enzymatically isolate and purify dermal transfer cell protoplasts. The yields of the transfer cell protoplasts were relatively low and their preparation incurred a significant loss of plasma membrane. However, the protoplasts remained viable up to 24 h following purification and proved to be a suitable system to verify transport properties observed with whole cotyledons. Using these two experimental systems, it was established that [14C]sucrose uptake by the dermal transfer cells exhibited features consistent with mediated energy-dependent transport. This included saturation kinetics, competition for uptake between structurally similar molecules, and inhibition of uptake by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and several other metabolic inhibitors. For comparative purposes, sugar uptake by the storage parenchyma of the Vicia cotyledons was also examined. In contrast to the dermal transfer cell complex, sucrose uptake by the storage parenchyma displayed characteristics consistent with simple diffusion.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid The investigation was supported by funds from the Research Management Committee, the University of Newcastle and the Australian Research Council. One of us, R. McDonald, gratefully acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. We are indebted to Stella Savory for preparing the ultrathin sections for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Michael A. Grusak 《Planta》1995,197(1):111-117
To understand the whole-plant processes which influence the Fe nutrition of developing seeds, we have characterized root Fe(III)-reductase activity and quantified whole-plant Fe balance throughout the complete 10-week (10-wk) life cycle of pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Sparkle). Plants were grown hydroponically in complete nutrient solution with a continuous supply of chelated Fe; all side shoots were removed at first appearance to yield plants with one main shoot. Root Fe(III)-reductase activity was assayed with Fe(III)-EDTA. Flowering of the experimental plants began on wk 4 and continued until wk 6; seed growth and active seed import occurred during wks 5–10. Vegetative growth terminated at wk 6. Iron(III) reduction in whole-root systems was found to be dynamically modulated throughout the plant's life cycle, even though the plants were maintained on an Fe source. Iron(III)-reductase activity ranged from 1–3 mol Fe reduced · g –1 DW · h–1 at early and late stages of the life cycle to 9.5 mol Fe reduced · g–1 DW · h–1 at wk 6. Visual assays demonstrated that Fe(III)-reductase activity was localized to extensive regions of secondary and tertiary lateral roots during this peak activity. At midstages of growth (wks 6–7), root Fe(III)-reductase activity could be altered by changes in internal shoot Fe demand or external root Fe supply: removal of all pods or interruption of phloem transport from the reproductive portion of the shoot (to the roots) resulted in lowered root Fe(III)-reductase activity, while removal of Fe from the nutrient solution resulted in a stimulation of this activity. Total shoot Fe content increased throughout the 10-wk growth period, with Fe content in the non-seed tissues of the shoot declining by 50% of their maximal level and accounting for 35% of final seed Fe content. At maturity, total seed Fe represented 74% of total shoot Fe; total Fe in the roots (apoplasmic and symplasmic Fe combined) was minimal. These studies demonstrate that the root Fe(III)-reductase system responds to Fe status and/or Fe requirements of the shoot, apparently through shoot-to-root communication involving a phloem-mobile signal. During active seed-fill, enhanced root Fe(III)-reductase activity is necessary to generate sufficient Fe2+ for continued root Fe acquisition. This continuing Fe supply to the shoot is essential for the developing seeds to attain their Fe-content potential. Increased rates of root Fe(III) reduction would be necessary for seed Fe content to be enhanced in Pisum sativum.Abbreviations BPDS bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid - DAF days after flowering - DW dry weight - EDDHA N,N-ethylenebis[2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-glycine] - wk week This project has been funded in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service under Cooperative Agreement number 58-6250-1-003. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The author wishes to acknowledge S. Pezeshgi and K. Koch for their excellent technical assistance, L. Loddeke for editorial comments, and A. Gillum for assistance with the figures.  相似文献   

Comparison of the rate of accumulation of 86Rb+ by intact cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus during short periods of illumination with the Rb+-dependent membrane ionic current measured by electrochromism supports the view that both activities reflect the operation of a low-affinity K+ transport system. In experiments performed under similar conditions the ratio of 86Rb+ uptake to charge uptake was approx. 1.0, suggesting that the transport system operates as a uniporter. The addition of NH inf4 sup+ to a cell suspension led to an increase in membrane ionic current but failed to inhibit the accumulation of 86Rb+ during illumination. The presence of K+ and NH inf4 sup+ inhibited the increase in cellular ATP levels at the onset of illumination. This effect was prevented by Cs+. The results are considered within the context of the hypothesis (Golby et al. Eur J Biochem 187: 589–597) that NH inf4 sup+ can be transported by the K+ carrier and in the context of an alternative hypothesis that NH inf4 sup+ increases the affinity of the K+ transport system for its natural substrate and for Rb+.Abbreviations pH pH difference across the cytoplasmic membrane - electrical potential difference across the cytoplasmic membrane  相似文献   

M. Thom  R. A. Leigh  A. Maretzki 《Planta》1986,167(3):410-413
Vacuoles isolated from the storage roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) accumulate sucrose via two different mechanisms. One mechanism transports sucrose directly, and its rate is increased by the addition of MgATP. The other mechanism utilizes uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose) to synthesize and simultaneously transport sucrose phosphate and sucrose into the vacuole. This group translocation mechanism has also been found in sugarcane vacuoles. As in sugarcane, the beet group translocator does not require fructose 6-phosphate, nor is the latter substance transported into the vacuole. The uptake of UDP[14C]glucose in inhibited by high concentrations of osmoticum.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - UDP uridine 5-diphosphate  相似文献   

Gibberellins A1, A8, A20 and A29 were identified by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the pods and seeds from 5-d-old pollinated ovaries of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska). These gibberellins were also identified in 4-d-old non-developing, parthenocarpic and pollinated ovaries. The level of gibberellin A1 within these ovary types was correlated with pod size. Gibberellin A1, applied to emasculated ovaries cultured in vitro, was three to five times more active than gibberellin A20. Using pollinated ovary explants cultured in vitro, the effects of inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis on pod growth and seed development were examined. The inhibitors retarded pod growth during the first 7 d after anthesis, and this inhibition was reversed by simultaneous application of gibberellin A3. In contrast, the inhibitors, when supplied to 4-d-old pollinated ovaries for 16 d, had little effect on seed fresh weight although they reduced the levels of endogenous gibberellins A20 and A29 in the enlarging seeds to almost zero. Paclobutrazol, which was one of the inhibitors used, is xylem-mobile and it efficiently reduced the level of seed gibberellins without being taken up into the seed. In intact fruits the pod may therefore be a source of precursors for gibberellin biosynthesis in the seed. Overall, the results indicate that gibberellin A1, present in parthenocarpic and pollinated fruits early in development, regulates pod growth. In contrast the high levels of gibberellins A20 and A29, which accumulate during seed enlargement, appear to be unnecessary for normal seed development or for subsequent germination.Abbreviations GA(a) gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PFK perfluorokerosene - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

S. P. C. Groot  C. M. Karssen 《Planta》1987,171(4):525-531
The germination of seeds of tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.] cv. Moneymaker has been compared with that of seeds of the gibberellin-deficient dwarf-mutant line ga-1, induced in the same genetic background. Germination of tomato seeds was absolutely dependent on the presence of either endogenous or exogenous gibberellins (GAs). Gibberellin A4+7 was 1000-fold more active than commercial gibberellic acid in inducing germination of the ga-1 seeds. Red light, a preincubation at 2°C, and ethylene did not stimulate germination of ga-1 seeds in the absence of GA4+7; however, fusicoccin did stimulate germination independently. Removal of the endosperm and testa layers opposite the radicle tip caused germination of ga-1 seeds in water. The seedlings and plants that develop from the detipped ga-1 seeds exhibited the extreme dwarfy phenotype that is normal to this genotype. Measurements of the mechanical resistance of the surrounding layers showed that the major action of GAs was directed to the weakening of the endosperm cells around the radicle tip. In wild-type seeds this weakening occurred in water before radicle protrusion. In ga-1 seeds a similar event was dependent on GA4+7, while fusicoccin also had some activity. Simultaneous incubation of de-embryonated endosperms and isolated axes showed that wild-type embryos contain and endosperm-weakening factor that is absent in ga-1 axes and is probably a GA. Thus, an endogenous GA facilitates germination in tomato seeds by weakening the mechanical restraint of the endosperm cells to permit radicle protrusion.Abbreviations GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Careful cutting of the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis L. seedlings led to the exudation of pure sieve-tube sap for 2–3 h. This offered the possibility of testing the phloem-loading system qualitatively and quantitatively by incubating the cotyledons with different solutes of various concentrations to determine whether or not these solutes were loaded into the sieve tubes. The concentration which was achieved by loading and the time course could also be documented. This study concentrated on the loading of sucrose because it is the major naturally translocated sieve-tube compound. The sucrose concentration of sieve-tube sap was approx. 300 mM when the cotyledons were buried in the endosperm. When the cotyledons were excised from the endosperm and incubated in buffer, the sucrose concentration decreased gradually to 80–100 mM. This sucrose level was maintained for several hours by starch breakdown. Incubation of the excised cotyledons in sucrose caused the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes to rise from 80 to 400 mM, depending on the sucrose concentration in the medium. Thus the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes could be manipulated over a wide range. The transfer of labelled sucrose to the sieve-tube sap took 10 min; full isotope equilibration was finally reached after 2 h. An increase of K+ in the medium or in the sieve tubes did not change the sucrose concentration in the sievetube sap. Similarly the experimentally induced change of sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes did not affect the K+ concentration in the exudate. High concentrations of K+, however, strongly reduced the flow rate of exudation. Similar results were obtained with Na+ (data not shown). The minimum translocation speed in the sieve tubes in vivo was calculated from the growth increment of the seedling to be 1.03 m·h-1, a value, which on average was also obtained for the exudation system with the endosperm attached. This comparison of the in-vivo rate of phloem transport and the exudation rate from cut hypocotyls indicates that sink control of phloem transport in the seedlings of that particular age was small, if there was any at all, and that the results from the experimental exudation system were probably not falsified by removal of the sink tissues.Abbreviations PTS 3-hydroxy-5,8, 10-pyrenetrisulfonate  相似文献   

Uptake rates of L-valine in epidermis-free leaf discs of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) were measured over the concentration range 0.1 M to 50 mM. Wild-type tobacco was compared with the digenic mutant Valr-2 (genotype vr2/vr2; vr3/vr3), and with the monogenic mutant strains h9 and h10 (genotype +/+; vr3/vr3) and h17 and h23 (genotype vr2/vr2; +/+). Rate equations consisting of one to three Michaelis-Menten terms, possibly in combination with a linear term were fitted to the kinetic data. These rate equations are equivalent to rational polynomials which may be regarded as the general type of mathematical function describing the kinetics of enzymes and carriers. Kinetic data of the four genotypes conformed to the sum of three Michaelis-Menten terms. Accordingly, three kinetic components could be distinguished. In the wild-type the approximate Kms were 40 M, 1mM, and 40 mM, respectively. In Valr-2 a component with a very low Km (about 4 M) was found which may represent either the modified low-Km component of the wild-type or a fourth component which is undetectable in the wild-type by kinetic analysis. The Vmax of the low-Km component in Valr-2 was at least a 100-fold lower than in the wild-type. In the presence of one of the mutant genes the calculated Vmax of the low-Km component was 48% (strains h9 and h10) or 40% (strains h17 and h23) of the corresponding Vmax in the wild-type. It is reasoned that the mutations have no effect on the activity of the other two kinetic components, though the evidence for this is circumstantial. Autoradiographs of leaf discs showed that in Valr-2 the uptake of 14C-labelled valine in both mesophyll and minor veins was strongly reduced as compared with the wild-type.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DW dry weight - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium ion A preliminary account of part of this work has been presented (Borstlap 1986)  相似文献   

The cDNA clone GAB-9 was selected from a cDNA gene library constructed from the mRNA of embryonic axes of chick-pea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds imbibed for 12 h in the presence of abscisic acid. The sequence of this cDNA has an open reading frame of 546 nucleotides that code for 182 amino acids. The polypeptide encoded by the corresponding mRNA is of approx. 20.5 kDa, is basic, and has a broad hydrophobic central region flanked by two hydrophilic regions. The unusual characteristics of this protein, which is similar to late-embryogenesis-abundant proteins, and its possible function are discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - HSP heat-shock proteins - LEA late embryogenesis abundant The nucleotide sequence data reported appear in the EMBL under the accession number X79680.We thank Dr J.L. Revuelta for helpful discussion. This work was supported by grants from Direction General de Investigation Científica y Técnica, Spain (PB90-0536) and Junta de Castilla y León (SA-33/11/92).  相似文献   

Roots of nitrate-starved and nitrate-pretreated seedlings of Hordeum vulgare were used to investigate the induction of a high-capacity uptake mechanism for nitrate. When exposed to 0.2 mmol·l-1KNO3, nitrate-starved roots took up nitrate at a rate of approx. 1 mol·(g FW)-1·h-1; K+ was absorbed at a rate ten-times higher. Nitrate uptake accelerated after a lag of about 1 h, until it matched the rate of K+ uptake about 4 h later. p-Fluorophenylalanine (FPA), which prevents the synthesis of functioning proteins, suppressed the development of the high-capacity mechanism. Pretreatment of the roots with 0.2 mmol·l-1 Ca(NO3)2 for 24 h established the high-capacity mechanism. Pretreated roots were able to absorb nitrate at high rates immediately upon exposure to 0.2 mmol·l-1KNO3, in the absence or presence of FPA. The high-capacity mechanism, once established, appeared to have a protein turnover as slow as that of the low-capacity mechanism or that of the mechanism involved in the uptake of K+. In contrast, the mechanisms for the transport of nitrate and K+ into the xylem vessels were completely blocked by FPA within 1 h of application, confirming earlier evidence for a rapid turnover of the transport proteins in the xylem parenchyma.Nitrate reduction proceeded at rates which were roughly one-tenth as large as the rates of the respective nitrate-uptake processes, indicating that nitrate-reductase activity was determined by the rate of nitrate uptake and not vice versa.We conclude that the formation of a high-capacity nitrate-uptake mechanism in barley roots occurs in response to nitrate uptake through a constitutive mechanism of low capacity which appears to function as a sensing mechanism for nitrate in the environment of the roots.Abbreviation FPA p-fluorophenylalanine  相似文献   

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