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Though lacking adaptive immunity, insects possess a powerful innate immune system, a genome-encoded defence machinery used to confront infections. Studies in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster revealed a remarkable capacity of the innate immune system to differentiate between and subsequently respond to different bacteria and fungi. However, hematophagous compared to non-hematophagous insects encounter additional blood-borne infectious agents, such as parasites and viruses, during their lifetime. Anopheles mosquitoes become infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium during feeding on infected human hosts and may then transmit the parasite to new hosts during subsequent bites. Whether Anopheles has developed mechanisms to confront these infections is the subject of this review. Initially, we review our current understanding of innate immune reactions and give an overview of the Anopheles immune system as revealed through comparative genomic analyses. Then, we examine and discuss the capacity of mosquitoes to recognize and respond to infections, especially to Plasmodium, and finally, we explore approaches to investigate and potentially utilize the vector immune competence to prevent pathogen transmission. Such approaches constitute a new challenge for insect immunity research, a challenge for global health.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to verify whether mitochondria play a significant role in aluminium (Al) toxicity, using the mitochondria isolated from tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum, non-chlorophyllic cell line SL) under Al stress. An inhibition of respiration was observed in terms of state-III, state-IV, succinate-dependent, alternative oxidase (AOX)-pathway capacity and cytochrome (CYT)-pathway capacity, respectively, in the mitochondria isolated from tobacco cells subjected to Al stress for 18 h. In accordance with the respiratory inhibition, the mitochondrial ATP content showed a significant decrease under Al treatment. An enhancement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production under state-III respiration was observed in the mitochondria isolated from Al-treated cells, which would create an oxidative stress situation. The opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) was seen more extensively in mitochondria isolated from Al-treated cells than in those isolated from control cells. This was Ca(2+) dependent and well modulated by dithioerythritol (DTE) and Pi, but insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA). The collapse of inner mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) was also observed with a release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. A great decrease in the ATP content was also seen under Al stress. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of Al-treated cells also corroborated our biochemical data with distortion in membrane architecture in mitochondria. TUNEL-positive nuclei in Al-treated cells strongly indicated the occurrence of nuclear fragmentation. From the above study, it was concluded that Al toxicity affects severely the mitochondrial respiratory functions and alters the redox status studied in vitro and also the internal structure, which seems to cause finally cell death in tobacco cells.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites must recognise and invade different cells during their life cycle. The efficiency with which Plasmodium falciparum invades erythrocytes of all ages is an important virulence factor, since the ability of the parasite to reach high levels of parasitemia is often associated with severe pathology and morbidity. The merozoite invasion of erythrocytes is a highly complex, multi-step process that is dependent on a cascade of specific molecular interactions. Although many proteins are known to play an important role in invasion, their functional characteristics remain unclear. Therefore, a complete understanding of the molecular interactions that are the basis of the invasion process is absolutely crucial, not only in improving our knowledge about the basic biology of the malarial parasite, but also for the development of intervention strategies to counter the disease. Here we review the current state of knowledge about the receptor–ligand interactions that mediate merozoite invasion of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a derivative from the plant hormone salicylic acid (SA), is a commonly used drug that has a dual role in animal organisms as an anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent. It acts as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases (COXs), which catalyze prostaglandins production. It is known that ASA serves as an apoptotic agent on cancer cells through the inhibition of the COX-2 enzyme. Here, we provide evidences that ASA also behaves as an agent inducing programmed cell death (PCD) in cell cultures of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, in a similar way than the well-established PCD-inducing agent H(2)O(2), although the induction of PCD by ASA requires much lower inducer concentrations. Moreover, ASA is herein shown to be a more efficient PCD-inducing agent than salicylic acid. ASA treatment of Arabidopsis cells induces typical PCD-linked morphological and biochemical changes, namely cell shrinkage, nuclear DNA degradation, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release from mitochondria and induction of caspase-like activity. However, the ASA effect can be partially reverted by jasmonic acid. Taking together, these results reveal the existence of common features in ASA-induced animal apoptosis and plant PCD, and also suggest that there are similarities between the pathways of synthesis and function of prostanoid-like lipid mediators in animal and plant organisms.  相似文献   

Li DH  Yang X  Cui KM 《Protoplasma》2007,231(3-4):173-181
Summary. The archegonium chamber in Ginkgo biloba L. is a pathway for spermatozoids swimming towards the archegonium for fertilization. The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of archegonium chamber formation. The terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay and DNA ladder demonstrated that the nucellar cell death, coordinated with the archegonium chamber formation, was a process of programmed cell death. Cytochemical localization of Ca2+ in these nucellar cells was determined by means of in situ precipitation with potassium pyroantimonate and electron microscopic visualization, in order to study the relation between Ca2+ and programmed cell death. The results showed an early uptake of the mitochondrial calcium particles in the nucellar cells undergoing programmed cell death. Together with other dynamic changes in Ca2+ subcellular distribution, this indicates that Ca2+ may play a role in the regulation of mitochondria-mediated programmed events in the nucellar cells. Correspondence and reprints: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100083, People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

Completion of the complex developmental program of Plasmodium in the mosquito is essential for parasite transmission, yet this part of its life cycle is still poorly understood. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the identification and characterization of genes expressed during parasite development in the mosquito. This line of investigation was greatly facilitated by the availability of the genome sequence of several Plasmodium, and by the application of approaches such as proteomics, microarrays, gene disruption by homologous recombination (gene knockout) and by use of subtraction libraries. Here, we review what is presently known about genes expressed in gametocytes and during the Plasmodium life cycle in the mosquito.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, little is known on the role of programmed cell death (PCD) occurring within the population of dividing neural precursors and newly formed neuroblasts during early neural development. During primary neurogenesis, PCD takes place within the neuroectoderm of Xenopus embryos in a reproducible stereotypic pattern, suggesting a role for PCD during the early development of the CNS. We find that the spatio-temporal pattern of PCD is unaffected in embryos in which cell proliferation has been blocked and whose neuroecotoderm contains half the normal number of cells. This shows that PCD is not dependent on cell division. It further suggests that PCD does not solely function to regulate absolute cell numbers within the neuroectoderm. We demonstrate that PCD can be reproducibly inhibited in vivo during primary neurogenesis by the overexpression of human Bcl-2. Following PCD inhibition, normal neurogenesis is disrupted, as seen by the expansion of the expression domains of XSox-2, XZicr-2, XNgnr-1, XMyT-1, and N-Tubulin, XNgnr-1 being the most affected. PCD inhibition, however, did not affect the outcome of lateral inhibition. We propose, then, that PCD regulates primary neurogenesis at the level of neuronal determination.  相似文献   

Tritrichomonas foetus is an amitochondrial parasite protist which lacks typical eukaryote organelles such as mitochondria and peroxisomes, but possesses the hydrogenosome, a double-membrane-bound organelle that produces ATP. The cell death of amitochondrial organisms is poorly studied. In the present work, the cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide on T. foetus and its participation on cell death were analyzed. We took advantage of several microscopy techniques, including videomicroscopy, light microscopy immunocytochemistry for detection of caspase activation, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. We report here that in T. foetus: (1) H2O2 leads to loss of motility and induces cell death, (2) the dying cells exhibit some characteristics similar to those found during the death of other organisms, and (3) a caspase-like protein seems to be activated during the death process. Thus, we propose that, although T. foetus does not present mitochondria nor any known pathways of cell death, it is likely that it bears mechanisms of cell demise. T. foetus exhibits morphological and physiological alterations in response to H2O2 treatment. The hydrogenosome, a unique organelle which is supposed to share a common ancestral origin with mitochondria and has an important role in oxidative responses in trichomonads, is a candidate for participating in this event.Abbreviations TUNEL Terminal deoxyribonucleotide transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling - PARP Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase - DAPI 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the nuclear degeneration of the synergid (mainly the synergid that receives the pollen tube) and antipodal cells in Triticum aestivum were studied. Although located in the same embryo sac, and derived from the same megaspore, nuclear degeneration of the synergid and antipodal cells differs greatly. Nuclear degeneration in the synergid is characterized by pycnosis, i.e., total chromatin condensation, nuclear deformation and distinct shrinkage in volume, followed by the formation of an irregular and densely stained mass—the degenerated nucleus—while the nucleolus disappears prior to the degradation of chromatin. In contrast, in the nuclear degeneration of antipodal cells, chromatin is only partly condensed and the nuclear volume changes only slightly after the distinct chromatin condensation. Chromatolysis then occurs, i.e., stainable contents disappear while the nuclear envelope is retained. The nucleoli persist after the disappearance of the chromatin. The possible functions of nuclear degeneration of synergid and antipodal cells are discussed, especially with respect to the guidance of pollen tube growth and the proliferation of free-nuclear endosperm. The degeneration of synergids and antipodal cells in T. aestivum are distinct forms of programmed cell death, regarded as cytoplasmic cell death and nuclear degradation in advance of cell death, respectively.  相似文献   

A small library of 26 2,2′-[alkane-α,ω-diylbis(oxyphenylene)]bis-1H-benzimidazoles has been prepared and evaluated against Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania donovani, and Plasmodium falciparum. Among the tested compounds, eight derivatives (17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 30, 32 and 35) exhibited an anti-Plasmodium falciparum activity characterized by IC50 values in the range of 180–410 nM (0.11–0.21 μg/mL) and selectivity indexes (IC50 rat skeletal myoblasts L6 cells vs IC50P. falciparum K1 strain) varying between 92 and more than 450. Two of the eight novel drug leads, namely compounds 19 and 32, were also active against G. intestinalis and L. donovani with selectivity indexes of 122 and >164 respectively.  相似文献   

Contran N  Cerana R  Crosti P  Malerba M 《Protoplasma》2007,231(3-4):193-199
Summary. Programmed cell death plays a vital role in normal plant development, response to environmental stresses, and defense against pathogen attack. Different types of programmed cell death occur in plants and the involvement of mitochondria is still under investigation. In sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) cultured cells, the phytotoxin fusicoccin induces cell death that shows apoptotic features, including chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. In this work, we show that cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria, inhibits the cell death, DNA fragmentation, and cytochrome c release induced by fusicoccin. In addition, we show that fusicoccin induces a change in the shape of mitochondria which is not prevented by cyclosporin A. These results suggest that the release of cytochrome c induced by fusicoccin occurs through a cyclosporin A-sensitive system that is similar to the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria and they make it tempting to speculate that this release may be involved in the phytotoxin-induced programmed cell death of sycamore cells. Correspondence and reprints: Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milano, Italy.  相似文献   

DNA laddering is one of the biochemical processes characteristic of programmed cell death (PCD) both in animals and plants. However, the mechanism of DNA laddering varies in different species, even in different tissues of one organism. In the present study, we used root tip cells of rice, which have been induced by NaCl stress to undergo PCD, to analyze the endonuclease activities of cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts. Two endonucleases, a cytoplasmic of 20kDa (OsCyt20) and a nuclear of 37kDa (OsNuc37), were identified as PCD related. Our results indicated that OsCyt20 is a Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-dependent nuclease, which is most active at neutral pH, and that OsNuc37 is Zn(2+)-dependent, with a pH optimum of 4.5-6. Both nucleases were induced at the early stage of PCD (2h salt treatment) and exhibited the highest activity approximately 4h after exposure to NaCl, paralleling with the occurrence of DNA laddering. In vitro assays of endonuclease activities further revealed that OsNuc37, a glycoprotein localized in the nucleus, is the executor for DNA laddering. The different effects of both endonucleases on DNA degradation during salt-induced PCD are discussed.  相似文献   

During the development of Caenorhabditis elegans, through cell divisions, a total of exactly 1090 cells are generated, 131 of which undergo programmed cell death (PCD) to result in an adult organism comprising 959 cells. Of those 131, exactly 113 undergo PCD during embryogenesis, subdivided across the cell lineages in the following fashion: 98 for AB lineage; 14 for MS lineage; and 1 for C lineage. Is there a law underlying these numbers, and if there is, what could it be? Here we wish to show that the count of the cells undergoing PCD complies with the cipher laws related to the algorithms of Shor and of Grover.  相似文献   

Kiba A  Takata O  Ohnishi K  Hikichi Y 《Planta》2006,224(5):981-994
Pseudomonas cichorii causes necrotic leaf spots (NLS), while Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci induces a hypersensitive response (HR) in eggplant. P. cichorii induced cell death at 9 h after inoculation (HAI), reaching a maximum of around 24–30 HAI. On the other hand, cell death was induced 6 HAI with P. syringae pv. tabaci, reaching a maximum of around 12–18 HAI. Superoxide generation was observed in eggplant inoculated with both bacteria. DNA fragmentation, cytochrome c release into the cytosol and expression of defense-related genes such as PR-1 and hsr203J was also induced by inoculation with both bacteria, but these plant reactions were more rapidly induced in eggplant inoculated with P. syringae pv. tabaci rather than those with P. cichorii. Lipid peroxidation and induction of lipoxygenase (LOX) was drastically induced in eggplant inoculated with P. syringae pv. tabaci compared to P. cichorii-inoculated eggplant. Pharmacological studies showed that induction of the cell death, and the NLS or the HR in response to both bacteria was commonly associated with de novo protein synthesis, reactive oxygen species and caspase III-like protease. Interestingly, involvement of lipid peroxidation, LOX, serine protease, and DNase differed between induction of NLS and HR. These results suggest that programmed cell death might be closely associated not only with the HR but also NLS. However, there may be differences not only in the induction kinetics and level of plant responses but also in the infection-related responses between HR and NLS.  相似文献   

Cysteine and serine proteases are prominent players in the control of developmental and pathogen-activated cell deaths in plants. Ethylene, salicylic acid, the small G-protein Rac, calcium and reactive oxygen species are recurring mediators of death signaling. Lastly, the mitochondrion has emerged in both plant and animal systems as a ‘central depot’ that interprets multiple signals and in some instances determines the fate of the cell.  相似文献   

We describe the features of programmed cell death occurring in the egg chambers of Drosophila virilis during mid-oogenesis and late oogenesis. During mid-oogenesis, the spontaneously degenerating egg chambers exhibit typical characteristics of apoptotic cell death. As revealed by propidium iodide, rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin staining, and the TUNEL assay, respectively, the nurse cells contain condensed chromatin, altered actin cytoskeleton, and fragmented DNA. In vitro caspase activity assays and immunostaining procedures demonstrate that the atretic egg chambers possess high levels of caspase activity. Features of autophagic cell death are also observed during D. virilis mid-oogenesis, as shown by monodansylcadaverine staining, together with an ultrastructural examination by transmission electron microscopy. During the late stages of oogenesis in D. virilis, once again, the two mechanisms, viz., nurse cell cluster apoptosis and autophagy, operate together, manifesting features of cell death similar to those detailed above. Moreover, an altered form of cytochrome c seems to be released from the mitochondria in the nurse cells proximal to the oocyte. We propose that apoptosis and autophagy function synergistically during oogenesis in D. virilis in order to achieve a more efficient elimination of the degenerated nurse cells and abnormal egg chambers. The present study was co-financed within Op. Education by the European Social Fund and by National Resources via a grant (HRAKLEITOS 70/3/7164) to Professor L.H. Margaritis.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf senescence is a highly regulated stage in the plant life cycle, leading to cell death, recently examined as a type of the programmed cell death (PCD). One of the basic features of PCD is the condensation of nuclear chromatin which is caused by endonucleolytic degradation of nuclear DNA (nDNA). In our investigations, we applied the technique of the single-cell electrophoresis system (“comet assay”) in order to determine the type of nDNA fragmentation during leaf senescence. The comet assay, a sensitive method revealing nonrandom internucleosomal damage that is specific for PCD, is especially useful for the detection of nDNA degradation in isolated viable cells. Simultaneously, we analyzed the mesophyll cell ultrastructure and the photosynthetic-pigment concentration in the leaves of two species,Ornithogalum virens andNicotiana tabacum, representing mono- and dicotyledonous plants which differ in the pattern of leaf differentiation. These investigations demonstrated that, in both species, the comet assay revealed nDNA degradation in yellow-leaf protoplasts containing chloroplasts that showed already changed ultrastructure (swelled or completely degraded thylakoids) and cell nuclei with a significant condensation of chromatin. There was no nDNA degradation in green-leaf protoplasts containing differentiated chloroplasts with numerous grana stacks and nuclei with dispersed chromatin. The analysis of intermediate developmental stage showed that the degradation of nDNA precedes condensation of nuclear chromatin. Thus the comet assay is a very useful and sensitive method for early detection of PCD. Moreover, results of our studies indicate that leaf senescence involves PCD.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids are ubiquitous components of eukaryotic cells and sphingolipid metabolites, such as the long chain base phosphate (LCB-P), sphingosine 1 phosphate (S1P) and ceramide (Cer) are important regulators of apoptosis in animal cells. This study evaluated the role of LCB-Ps in regulating apoptotic-like programmed cell death (AL-PCD) in plant cells using commercially available S1P as a tool. Arabidopsis cell cultures were exposed to a diverse array of cell death-inducing treatments (including Cer) in the presence of S1P. Rates of AL-PCD and cell survival were recorded using vital stains and morphological markers of AL-PCD. Internal LCB-P levels were altered in suspension cultured cells using inhibitors of sphingosine kinase and changes in rates of death in response to heat stress were evaluated. S1P reduced AL-PCD and promoted cell survival in cells subjected to a range of stresses. Treatments with inhibitors of sphingosine kinase lowered the temperature which induced maximal AL-PCD in cell cultures. The data supports the existence of a sphingolipid rheostat involved in controlling cell fate in Arabidopsis cells and that sphingolipid regulation of cell death may be a shared feature of both animal apoptosis and plant AL-PCD.  相似文献   

The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit is the best available model to study the stress response of fleshy fruit. Programmed cell death (PCD) plays an important role in stress responses in mammals and plants. In this study, we provide evidence that PCD is triggered in the tomato fruit heat stress response by detection of the sequential diagnostic PCD events, including release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-like proteases and the presence of TUNEL-positive nuclei. Investigating the time course of these events for 12 h after heat treatment indicated that cytochrome c release and caspase-like protease activation occurred rapidly and were consistent with the onset of DNA fragmentation. In addition, LEHDase and DEVDase enzymes were specifically activated in tomato fruit pericarp during the heat treatment and recovery time. There was no significant activation of YVADase or IETDase proteases. Preincubation of pericarp discs with the broad-spectrum, cell-permeable caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK, suppressed heat-induced cell death measured by trypan blue, accompanied by a decrease in LEHDase and DEVDase activities. Gui-Qin Qu and Xiang Liu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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