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Grazer species effects on epilithon nutrient composition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the excretion stoichiometry of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) of two benthic macroinvertebrate grazers, the crayfish Orconectes propinquus and the snail Elimia livescens, that differ in body stoichiometry (mean body molar N : P 18 and 28, respectively). Crayfish excretion had a significantly higher ammonium : soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) ratio in the laboratory and in three natural streams than did snails, as predicted by ecological stoichiometry theory. 2. In greenhouse recirculating artificial streams, treatments consisting of crayfish, snails, or no grazers were used to examine responses in dissolved nutrient concentrations and epilithon nutrient composition and limitation. SRP concentrations depended upon the grazer species, with the snail treatment having a higher SRP concentration than other treatments (P < 0.05). Dissolved inorganic N was not affected by grazers, but appeared to be rapidly incorporated in epilithon. 3. Epilithon N content was dependent upon the grazer species present, with the crayfish treatment having a significantly higher N content than other treatments (P = 0.001). No grazer species effects on epilithon P content were found. However, both grazer treatments had significantly lower epilithon P content than the no‐grazer treatment. 4. Traditionally, studies have focused on how grazer‐induced structural changes to epilithon can alter epilithon nutrient dynamics, but this structural mechanism could not solely explain differences in epilithon nutrient contents and ratios in the present study. Our results rather suggest that benthic grazers can alter epilithon nutrient composition and limitation via nutrient excretion. Consequently, macroinvertebrate grazers may serve as ‘nutrient pumps’ that partly regulate the availability of nutrients to algae in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

  1. Changes in organismal stoichiometry (OS) may be driven by seasonal changes in lipid reserves (i.e. energy) and gonadal development in fish. However, these relationships are understudied. Hence, we investigated how seasonal changes in body lipid content and gonadal development can drive the seasonal variability of OS traits at the example of three coexisting freshwater fish species. Furthermore, we aimed to assess the importance of seasonal OS alteration in comparison with interspecific differences.
  2. Carbon (%C), nitrogen (%N) and phosphorus (%P) contents, and the molar ratios of these elements (C:N, C:P and N:P) were examined in rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) and Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii). We consider the sex and seasonal changes in body size as a potential factor in shaping OS.
  3. Substantial seasonal intraspecific variability occurred in all OS traits. Its extent exceeded interspecific differences in %C, %N and C:N, while %P and C:P, N:P were determined primarily by species identity. The effect of sex occurred sporadically and was considerable in some cases. Seasonal changes in total length did not contribute to intraspecific variability of OS. Intra‐annual changes in body lipid content affected seasonal variability of OS traits substantially, but the strength of this effect was species‐specific. The regulatory role of lipid reserve alterations worked only for those species that exhibited considerable seasonal variation in body fat content. Gonado‐somatic index proved to be marginal in shaping seasonal changes in OS, presumably because a substantial portion of the essential elemental demand for gonadal growth is supplied by rearrangements within the body, without notable changes in the entire elemental composition.
  4. In the light of our findings, we suggest that more attention should be given to the influence of seasonal variability in OS traits, and sex should be considered as a taxon‐dependent effect. Ignoring this substantial degree of variability might lead to inaccuracies in assessing the extent of both intra‐ and interspecific OS differences. We conclude that seasonal OS variability might shape consumer‐driven nutrient dynamics.

  1. Fish carcass decomposition can generate fluxes of nutrients to the water column at levels comparable to other major nutrient sources. However, relatively little is known about the biological processes modulating fish decay or the rates at which carcass-bound nutrients are made available to the biota.
  2. This study focused on quantifying scavenger-mediated phosphorus (P) recycling, because the availability of this essential element can regulate the trophic state of aquatic ecosystems.
  3. To explore the role of some important macroscopic aquatic scavengers in P recycling, laboratory experiments were conducted where carcasses of two fish species (common bleak Alburnus alburnus; pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus) were offered to two size classes of black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) and two crustacean species (spiny-cheek crayfish Faxonius limosus; narrow-clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus).
  4. Our results show that the black bullhead and the two crayfish species are highly efficient macroscopic decomposers as the P contents of scavenged carcasses were reduced at significantly higher rates compared to those of microbially decomposed (control) carcasses.
  5. Pumpkinseed carcasses proved to be more resistant to rapid decomposition, as they typically lost lower proportions of their P content than bleak carcasses during the course of the experiments.
  6. Scavengers sequestered a relatively large fraction (up to 33% in black bullhead and 36% in crayfish) of total carcass P in their bodies. This suggests that the consumer species used in this study can transfer/return considerable quantities of carcass-derived nutrients directly to higher trophic levels incorporated into their own tissues, and may serve as an additional, short-term sink of these nutrients.

Nyström  Per  Pérez  Jose R. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,368(1-3):201-208
Optimal foraging theory was used to explain selective foraging by the introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on the thin-shelled common pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis). Crayfish predation efficiency was studied in relation to habitat complexity and snail size. In a pool experiment (area 1.3 m2) single adult crayfish were allowed to feed on four size classes of snails for one week. A pair-wise preference trial (aquarium experiment) tested if adult crayfish selectively predated on particular size classes of snail and if prey value (expressed as snail dry mass per handling time) could explain the size range of snails chosen. Crayfish preferred the smallest size classes of snails in both pool and aquaria experiments. In the pool experiment crayfish had a strong effect on snail survival. Habitat complexity did not affect overall snail survival, but resulted in reduced predation pressure on the smallest size classes of snails. Handling time and shell-thickness increased exponentially with increasing snail size, and the two smallest size classes had the highest prey values. The results suggest that crayfish can structure the abundance and size distribution of thin-shelled snails, through size-selective predation and reduction of macrophytes. The mechanisms behind the choice of snails may be based on prey value and reduced exposure time to predators and conspecifics. Crayfish effects on snail size distribution may be less pronounced in complex habitats such as macrophyte beds. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent and interactive effects of nutrient enrichment and snail grazing on structuring periphyton communities in a northern temperate lake. Nutrient releasing substrates and grazer enclosures were used to simultaneously manipulate nutrient availability and herbivory. Periphyton was allowed 18 days to accrue before grazers (Elimia livescens = Goniobasis livescens) were introduced.Addition of nitrogen and phosphorus caused a significant increase in biovolume (p < 0.001), whereas grazing had no significant effect on biovolume but resulted in a shift in species composition. Four taxa were largely responsible for the increase in biovolume on the nutrient enriched substrates: Oedogonium sp, Stigeoclonium tenue, Navicula radiosa var. radiosa and Navicula radiosa var. tenella. By the 28th day, nutrient enrichment caused a shift from a community dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) to a community dominated by green algae (Chlorophyceae). Blue green algae (Myxophyceae) maintained an equal proportion in high and low-nutrient regimes.Grazing had a more pronounced effect on altering community composition on the nutrient enriched substrates than on the unenriched substrates. Grazing caused a decrease in diversity and an increase in dominance by green algae on the nutrient enriched substrates. The relative biovolume of green algae increased from 64% to 93% on grazed substrates, due to the significant increase in relative abundance of Stigeoclonium tenue. This taxon has both prostate basal cells and erect filamentous cells. The ratio of basal: filamentous cells increased from 4.7 to 5.2 with grazing, suggesting that the heretotrichous growth form of Stigeoclonium tenue is adapted to grazing by virtue of the basal cells which are able to adhere to the substratum and resist being grazed.  相似文献   

The quantities of ammonia excreted over a period of 24 h by two prosobranch snails Viviparus bengalensis and Pila globosa were measured at 30 day intervals to compare their excretion during the active and dormant phases of their life. The aquatic snail V. bengalensis excreted 0.5-1.0 μmole of ammonia per day and snail throughout the year. The ammonia excretion rate of this snail was 40-50% lower in winter than in the monsoon and summer period. In the amphibious snail Pila globosa excretion of ammonia was limited to only four months of its active life i. e. during July-October. Also the rate of ammonia excretion in P. globosa (0.2-0.3 μmole per day and snail) was very low compared with V. bengalensis.  相似文献   

Seventeen species of diatoms, representing a broad range of sizes, shapes, and growth habits, were collected from rocks in rapidly-flowing sections of the Mitchell River, North Carolina. The diatoms ingested by adult Goniobasis proxima, juvenile Leptoxis carinata, and adult Physa sp. co-occurring in this habitat were indistinguishable from one another, in spite of great differences in radular morphology. All snails sampled the diatom flora almost randomly, with only one or two of the larger diatom species under-represented in the gut contents. Some snails also seemed to selectively ingest the smaller individuals of the larger diatom taxa, and larger individuals of the smaller diatom taxa. The diatoms identifiable in juvenile Goniobasis guts were somewhat more distinctive, although this seemed to be due at least partly to more mechanical breakage. The diatom flora of quiet, muddy pools was much different from that of shallow, rocky areas, but once again, Goniobasis seemed to sample the available flora randomly. Seasonal variation was also apparent in the diatom diet of Goniobasis. We suggest that in some cases, it may be reasonable to use snails to sample the diatom assemblage present in a particular habitat, if more direct methods are impractical.  相似文献   

The rates of growth, cell size, elemental and biochemical composition ofDunaliella primolecta were monitored during exponential growth after conditioning over three weeks in media containing different concentrations of nitrogen. The rate of growth, measured both as cell density and cell volume, was correlated positively with the N concentration of the medium (P<0.01). N-starved cells did not grow and died within three days. Cell volume and dry weight per cell were significantly higher (P<0.01) in the N-low (0.45 g-at 1–1 NO3-N) condition than in the N-high I condition (3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N). In the N-high II condition the addition of 1.87 g-at 1–1 NH4-N to 3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N did not significantly enhance growth.The composition was influenced by the availability of nitrogen. The amount of protein per cell decreased significantly from 20.1 to 9.7 pg with reduced nitrate availability between the N-high condition and the N-low condition (P<0.01). The associated carbohydrate content increased significantly from 10.6 to 26.74 pg per cell (P<0.001). These findings confirm the potential for significant variability in the composition ofD. primolecta, both in the natural environment and following experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fluxes via excretion by benthic invertebrates were quantified in a eutrophic reservoir (Acton Lake, Ohio, U.S.A.). We quantified variation in nutrient fluxes seasonally (June until November 1997), spatially (three sites) and among taxa (chironomids, tubificid oligochaetes and Chaoborus). 2. The three taxa differed in spatial distribution and contribution to nutrient fluxes. Tubificids were the most abundant taxon at two oxic sites (1.5 and 4 m depth), and were exceedingly rare at an anoxic, hypolimnetic site (8 m). Chironomids were abundant only at the shallowest oxic site. Chaoborus was the only abundant taxon at the anoxic site. Total benthic invertebrate biomass was greatest at the shallowest site and lowest at the anoxic, hypolimnetic site. 3. Mass‐specific excretion rate [μmol NH4–N or soluble reactive P (SRP) excreted mg dry mass–1 h–1] varied among experiments and was influenced by temperature. Differences among taxa were not significant. Thus, nutrient flux through benthic invertebrates was affected more by total invertebrate biomass and temperature than by species composition. 4. Fluxes of N and P via benthic invertebrate excretion (μmol NH4–N or SRP m–2 day–1) were greatest at the oxic sites, where fluxes were dominated by the excretion of tubificids and chironomids. The N and P fluxes at the anoxic site were much lower, and were dominated by excretion by Chaoborus. The ratio of N and P excreted by the benthic invertebrate assemblage varied seasonally and was lowest at the anoxic site. 5. Comparison with other measured inputs shows that excretion by benthic invertebrates could be an important source of nutrients, especially of P. However, the relative importance of nutrient excretion by the benthos varies greatly spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is a fundamental component of nucleotides and amino acids and is often a limiting nutrient in natural ecosystems. Thus, study of the N content of biomolecules may establish important connections between ecology and genomics. However, while significant differences in the elemental composition of whole organisms are well documented, how the flux of nutrients in the cell has shaped the evolution of different cellular processes remains poorly understood. By examining the elemental composition of major functional classes of proteins in four multicellular eukaryotic model organisms, we find that the catabolic machinery shows substantially lower N content than the anabolic machinery and the rest of the proteome. This pattern suggests that ecological selection for N conservation specifically targets cellular components that are highly expressed in response to nutrient limitation. We propose that the RNA component of the anabolic machineries is the mechanistic force driving the elemental imbalance we found, and that RNA functions as an intracellular nutrient reservoir that is degraded and recycled during starvation periods. A comparison of the elemental composition of the anabolic and catabolic machineries in species that have experienced different levels of N limitation in their evolutionary history (animals versus plants) suggests that selection for N conservation has preferentially targeted the catabolic machineries of plants, resulting in a lower N content of the proteins involved in their catabolic processes. These findings link the composition of major cellular components to the environmental factors that trigger the activation of those components, suggesting that resource availability has constrained the atomic composition and the molecular architecture of the biotic processes that enable cells to respond to reduced nutrient availability.  相似文献   

COWGILL, U. M. & LANDENBERGER, B.D., 1992. The chemical composition of Astragalus: a comparison of seleniferous and non-seleniferous plants growing side by side. This paper describes how non-seleniferous plant species coexist with seleniferous ones and what chemical changes occur in non-seleniferous species that allow the toleration of large quantities of volatilized Se-bearing compounds. These compounds are known for their phytotoxicity as well as for their toxicity to mammals and insects. Twenty-three sites (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, U.S.A.) were examined over a 6-year period. Plants collected from these sites were divided into four groups: seleniferous astragali, seleniferous Brassicaceae, non-seleniferous astragali and non-seleniferous associated genera. Furthermore, it was possible to categorize these sites: Type 1 sites supported all four groups of plants, Type 2 sites contained only seleniferous astragali, whereas Type 3 sites sustained only non-seleniferous astragali. When concentrations of Cu, Zn (P <0.0001), Si (P<0.02), As, Pb (P<0.03) and Cs (P<0.05) were measured, the values for those seleniferous astragali that coexisted with other species were significantly different from the values found for those seleniferous astragali that grew alone. There were four areas that in some years supported all four groups of plants (Type 1 site) and in other years contained only seleniferous astragali. In this way, the latter may be used as a chemical control for the former. The seleniferous astragali collected at Type 1 sites always contained more Cu, As, Si and Pb than the solitary astragali of Type 2 sites. When seleniferous astragali of Type 1 sites that support all four groups of plants develop in a year where the usually associated species of past years are absent, they contain in their tissues concentrations of Cu, As, Si, Pb, Zn and Cs typical of Type 2 sites where the seleniferous astragali grew alone. Non-seleniferous astragali of Type 1 sites that support all four groups of plants have a chemical composition that differs significantly in the quantity of 15 elements from non-seleniferous astragali of Type 3 sites where the latter grew alone. Since allelochemicals such as phenolic acids and flavonoids are well known to be able to alter mineral absorption by plants and since the astragali are known to produce such substances, it is suggested that the possible production of phenolic acids and flavonoids may permit coexistence of seleniferous plants with non-seleniferous ones and thus explain the chemical differences among the plants of the four types of sites.  相似文献   

章异平  江源  刘全儒  任斐鹏 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3659-3667
通过野外样地调查和室内分析,从牧草的适口性和营养成分两方面,研究了放牧对五台山高山、亚高山草甸牧草品质的影响。结果表明:放牧干扰草甸中适口性为喜食及以上的优质牧草种类为20种,喜食牧草在群落中的相对盖度最大,为45.40%;与之相比,极度退化草甸中优质牧草种类为13种,乐食牧草的相对盖度最大,为62.24%;喜食以上优质牧草的相对盖度最大值,出现在轻度退化草甸中,达到65.95%。同一适口性等级牧草,在不同退化等级草甸中,种类发生变化。从放牧干扰草甸到极度退化草甸,牧草中的粗蛋白和灰分含量呈增加趋势,而中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量呈下降趋势。放牧压力下,五台山高山、亚高山草甸的牧草品质并未下降,但放牧造成的草甸生产力降低,制约了资源的可持续利用和保护。  相似文献   

The variability of marine diatom Si:C and Si:N composition ratios was examined to assess their utility as ecological conversion factors. Twenty-seven diatom species grown under an 18:6 h LD cycle and sampled at the end of the light period gave mean ratios, by atoms, of 0.13 ± 0.04 and 1.12 ± 0.33 for Si:C and Si:N ratios, respectively (95% C.I. reported). The mean ratios for 18 species grown under continuous illumination were 0.12 ± 0.03 for Si:C and 0.95 ± 0.23 for Si:N. The mean ratios of the clones grown under constant light were not statistically different from those calculated for the same species grown under an 18:6 h LD photoperiod. The overall mean Si:C and Si:N ratios for the 18:6 h LD and continuous light experiments taken together, weighted by the number of species in each experiment, are 0.13 and 1.05, respectively. The average ratios for the nine nanoplankton species (<20 μm) examined were 0.09 ± 0.03 for Si:C and 0.80 ± 0.35 for Si:N. The eighteen netplankton species (>20 μm) had higher mean ratios, Si:C = 0.15 ± 0.04 and Si:N = 1.20 ± 0.37. Time course sampling throughout a 24 h period revealed twofold variations in both ratios for individual species grown on a 14:10 h LD cycle. Changes in irradiance can also produce factor of two variations, both ratios being higher under low light. Comparisons of these data with those from the literature regarding the effects of temperature and nutrient limitation on diatom elemental composition suggest that use of these ratios to convert field estimates of biogenic silica into nitrogen or carbon units, or to estimate silica production from 14C data, should yield results accurate to within a factor of three under most circumstances.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) raised under production conditions were sampled periodically during their life cycle, in fresh and salt water, to determine their proximate and elemental composition. The parameters changed in relation to life cycle stage and fish size, and were influenced by whether the fish were in salt or freshwater. Measurements presented can be used to assist in the formulation of feeds, and to determine the health and nutritional status of commercially reared Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

王小冬  王艳 《生态学报》2012,32(2):414-420
棕囊藻包含囊体和游离单细胞两种生活史阶段。囊体是棕囊藻藻华爆发时的优势形态,藻华衰退时囊体能够形成凝聚体,但是棕囊藻游离单细胞的凝聚体极少被发现。本次研究将球形棕囊藻单细胞和高密度的海洋弯曲甲藻共同培养,使球形棕囊藻的生长承受高摄食压力,通过观察摄食者和棕囊藻的生长、凝聚体的数量和形态,阐明单细胞凝聚体的形成以及与摄食压力的关系。当球形棕囊藻进入衰退期时,高摄食压力引发游离单细胞聚合形成凝聚体,无摄食压力情况下,单细胞不形成凝聚体。凝聚体由无鞭毛细胞组成,细胞排列紧密,近似球体。凝聚体形成伊始,凝聚体内部可见凝胶状物质将细胞互相粘结,并且粘附了纤维等物质。凝聚体的体积和粘附的细胞数量逐渐提高,细胞排列愈加紧密,凝聚体内部形态和结构不易分辨。凝聚体的形成有效保护了部分单细胞免受摄食压力的影响,减少了摄食死亡率。凝聚体的形成是球形棕囊藻面临高摄食压力时采取的主动的防御策略。球形棕囊藻能够频繁引发大规模藻华的原因可能在于其在生长的各个阶段中均具有优越的竞争策略。  相似文献   

1. The effects of phosphorus enrichment and grazing snails on a benthic microbial community that builds stromatolic oncolites were examined in an experiment at Rio Mesquites, Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico. Chemical analyses of stream water samples indicated that overall atomic ratios of total nitrogen (N) to total phosphorus (P) were approximately 110, indicating a strong potential for P‐limitation of microbial growth. 2. Phosphorus enrichment involved addition of 5 μmol Na2HPO4 L?1 to streamside microcosms receiving intermittent inputs of stream water while grazer manipulation involved removal of the dominant grazer, the snail Mexithauma quadripaludium. After 7 weeks, we examined responses in organic matter content, C : N : P ratios, metabolism (P removal, primary production, dark respiration, and calcification), and microbial community structure using molecular fingerprinting of 16S rRNA genes. 3. Manipulation of snails did not affect response variables measured in these treatments (organic matter, C : P ratio, P removal rate). However, P enrichment significantly decreased the C : P and N : P ratios of surficial materials in the oncolites (organic matter content was unchanged), increased net and gross photosynthesis (oxygen consumption in the dark was unchanged), increased rates of calcification, and increased diatoms relative to cyanobacteria. Heterotrophic Eubacteria and Archaea were only modestly affected. Thus, our results indicate weak grazing effects but strong impacts of P in this benthic system. 4. We hypothesise that a state of severe P‐limitation is imposed on autotrophic production in this food web due, at least in part, to co‐precipitation of phosphate during calcite deposition. This produces severe P‐limitation of the benthic algae and cyanobacteria, resulting in high C : P ratio of microbial mats relative to the biomass of photoautotrophs (phytoplankton, terrestrial foliage) in other ecosystems. In turn, this high C : P ratio is likely to generate severe stoichiometric constraints on the herbivores, thus limiting their populations and resulting in weak overall grazing impacts.  相似文献   

宁夏沙坡头地区藻类及其分布   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过野外采样,室内培养、观察、鉴定,研究了沙坡头地区藻类多样性和分布特点,并为当地藻类资源利用提出建议。研究发现沙坡头地区藻类植物共计40种(包括1变型),其中蓝藻17种,绿藻10种,硅藻9种,裸藻4种,全为普生种,陆地生境中种类最丰富。亚气及陆地生境中蓝藻在种类数(除灌溉林地结皮)、生物量方面占主导地位;贫瘠水体生境中硅藻占主要地位,营养较丰富水体中绿藻处于优势地位。另外,陆生生境中多以具鞘微鞘藻Microcoleus vaginatus为优势种,小席藻Phormidium tenue为主要种。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the differences in the biochemical and elemental stoichiometry of a freshwater centric diatom, Stephanodiscus minutulus (Grun.), under various nutrient regimes. Stephanodiscus minutulus was grown at μmax or 22% of μmax under limitation by silicon, nitrogen, or phosphorus. Cell sizes for nutrient‐limited cultures were significantly smaller than the non‐limited cell sizes, with N‐limited cells being significantly smaller than all other treatments. Compared with the nutrient‐replete treatment, both carbohydrates and lipids increased in Si‐ and P‐limited cells, whereas carbohydrates increased but proteins decreased in N‐limited cells. All of the growth‐limited cells showed an increase of carbohydrate and triglyceride, and a decrease of cell size and polar lipids as a percentage of total lipids. The non‐limited cells also had a significantly higher chl a concentration and galactolipids as a percentage of total lipids than any of the limited treatments, and the low‐Si and low‐P cells had significantly higher values than the low‐N cells. The particulate C concentrations showed significant differences between treatments, with the Si‐ and P‐limited treatments being significantly higher than the N‐ and non‐limited treatments. Particulate Si did not show a strong relationship with any of the parameters measured, and it was the only parameter with no differences between treatments. The low‐Si cells had a significantly higher P content (about two times more) than any other treatment, presumably owing to the luxury consumption of P, and a correspondingly high phospholipid concentration. The elemental data showed that S. minutulus had a high P demand with low optimum N:P (4) and Si:P (10) ratios and a C:N:P ratio of 109:16:2.3. The particulate C showed a positive relationship with POM (r = 0.93), dry weight (r = 0.88), lipid (r = 0.87) and protein (r = 0.84, all P < 0.0001). Particulate N showed a positive relationship with galactolipids (r = 0.95), protein (r = 0.90), dry weight (r = 0.78), lipid (r = 0.75), and cell volume (r = 0.64, all P < 0.0001). It is evident that nutrient limitation in the freshwater diatom S. minutulus has pronounced effects on its biochemical and elemental stoichiometry.  相似文献   

  1. Primary consumers play important roles in the cycling of nutrients in headwater streams, storing assimilated nutrients in growing tissue and recycling them through excretion. Although environmental conditions in most headwater streams and their surrounding terrestrial ecosystems vary considerably over the course of a year, relatively little is known about the effects of seasonality on consumer nutrient recycling these streams. In this study, we measured nitrogen accumulated through growth and excreted by the grazing snail Elimia clavaeformis (Pleuroceridae) over the course of 12 months in Walker Branch, identifying close connections between in‐stream nitrogen processing and seasonal changes in the surrounding forest.
  2. Nitrogen processing rates were positively correlated with ecosystem respiration, which was driven by leaf phenology on streamside trees. Snail nitrogen assimilation, growth and excretion were relatively high in spring before leaf emergence, low in summer when canopy shade was extensive and high again in autumn after leaf‐fall. During the time that snails grazed primarily on epilithon (winter, spring and summer), growth and excretion rates followed changes in light and epilithon biomass. In autumn, when snails primarily grazed fallen leaves, leaf‐associated microbes provided large subsidies of nitrogen for the snails. Nitrogen accumulation in snail biomass was greater in the 2 months following leaf‐fall than at any other time of the year.
  3. Snails were less important as nitrogen sinks than as sources of recycled nitrogen in Walker Branch. Over the course of the year, snails excreted approximately 12 times more nitrogen than they accumulated in biomass. Nitrogen accrued during growth in spring was subsequently lost in summer when primary production declined and snails underwent tissue loss. Catabolic losses represented >40% of the nitrogen excreted by the snails in summer. Net nitrogen growth efficiency (growth/assimilation), which varied with food availability, was only 8% for the entire year. Neither growth nor excretion was positively correlated with nitrogen concentrations in grazing substrata.
  4. Snails achieved high standing crops and were significant contributors to nitrogen spiralling in Walker Branch. On an areal basis, nitrogen in snail biomass (mgN m?2) was two to five times greater than that in epilithon biomass, depending on the season. Snails assimilated and excreted up to 50% of the nitrogen initially taken up by autotrophs and leaf microbes, and they were likely to have additional effects on nitrogen spiraling through egestion and the cropping of assimilative biomass. Primary consumers like Elimia are important catalysts of nutrient movement through headwater streams, decreasing residence times and facilitating fluxes to downstream waters.

Based on morphological evidence, Bryozoa together with Phoronida and Brachiopoda are traditionally combined in the group Lophophorata, although this view has been recently challenged by molecular studies. The core of the concept lies in the presence of the lophophore as well as the nature and arrangement of the body cavities. Bryozoa are the least known in this respect. Here, we focused on the fine structure of the body cavity in 12 bryozoan species: 6 gymnolaemates, 3 stenolaemates and 3 phylactolaemates. In gymnolaemates, the complete epithelial lining of the body cavity is restricted to the lophophore, gut walls, and tentacle sheath. By contrast, the cystid walls are composed only of the ectocyst-producing epidermis without a coelothelium, or an underlying extracellular matrix; only the storage cells and cells of the funicular system contact the epidermis. The nature of the main body cavity in gymnolaemates is unique and may be considered as a secondarily modified coelom. In cyclostomes, both the lophophoral and endosaccal cavities are completely lined with coelothelium, while the exosaccal cavity only has the epidermis along the cystid wall. In gymnolaemates, the lophophore and trunk cavities are divided by an incomplete septum and communicate through two pores. In cyclostomes, the septum has a similar location, but no openings. In Phylactolaemata, the body cavity is undivided: the lophophore and trunk coeloms merge at the bases of the lophophore arms, the epistome cavity joins the trunk, and the forked canal opens into the arm coelom. The coelomic lining of the body is complete except for the epistome, lophophoral arms, and the basal portions of the tentacles, where the cells do not interlock perfectly (this design probably facilitates the ammonia excretion). The observed partitioning of the body cavity in bryozoans differs from that in phoronids and brachiopods, and contradicts the Lophophorata concept.  相似文献   

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