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Matrix-bound monoclonal antibodies against urokinase have been used to purify this enzyme by affinity chromatography. In a single-step procedure, urokinase can be isolated from crude preparations with high yield and high purity, and without loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Increasing therapeutic applications for recombinant human interferon-gamma (rhIFN-gamma), an antiviral proinflammatory cytokine, has broadened interest in optimizing methods for its production and purification. We describe a reversed phase chromatography (RPC) procedure using Source-30 matrix in the purification of rhIFN-gamma from Escherichia coli that results in a higher yield than previously reported. The purified rhIFN-gamma monomer from the RPC column is refolded in Tris buffer. Optimal refolding occurs at protein concentrations between 50 and 100 microg/ml. This method yields greater than 90% of the dimer form with a yield of 40 mg/g cell mass. Greater than 99% purity is achieved with further purification over a Superdex G-75 column to obtain specific activities of from 2 x 10(7) to 4 x 10(7)IU/mg protein as determined via cytopathic antiviral assay. The improved yield of rhIFN-gamma in a simple chromatographic purification procedure promises to enhance the development and therapeutic application of this biologically potent molecule.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体亲和层析法纯化重组溶葡萄球菌酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶葡萄球菌酶能够特异性杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌且不易产生耐药性, 有望成为治疗葡萄球菌属细菌引发感染的特效药物。为获得高纯度的重组溶葡萄球菌酶以达到药用标准, 本研究构建了一种以重组溶葡萄球菌酶单克隆抗体为配体的亲和层析纯化方法。纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶纯度大于95%, 得率大于90%, 即使重复使用30多次, 纯化效率不变。且经比色法鉴定纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶仍具有良好的活性。该方法步骤简单, 纯化效果好, 为生产高纯度重组溶葡萄球菌酶奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase (adenosine aminohydrolase; E.C. has been purified 4686-fold from egg yolk. The procedure developed was used to isolate the enzyme from eight chicken eggs. An easily prepared affinity column employing purine riboside was used as the final step in the purification. The method developed permits the rapid isolation and a high recovery of the protein. The specific activity of the enzyme preparation obtained is 81.4 mU/mg.  相似文献   

Although protein prenylation is widely studied, there are few good methods for isolating prenylated proteins from their nonprenylated relatives. We report that crosslinked agarose (e.g., Sepharose) chromatography medium that has been chemically functionalized with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is extremely effective in affinity chromatography of prenylated proteins. In this study, a variety of proteins with C-terminal prenylation target (“CAAX box”) sequences were enzymatically prenylated in vitro with natural and nonnatural prenyl diphosphate substrates. The prenylated protein products could then be isolated from starting materials by gravity chromatography or fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) on a β-CD-Sepharose column. One particular prenylation reaction, farnesylation of an mCherry-CAAX fusion construct, was studied in detail. In this case, purified farnesylated product was unambiguously identified by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition, when mCherry-CAAX was prenylated with a nonnatural, functional isoprenoid substrate, the functional group was maintained by chromatography on β-CD-Sepharose, such that the resulting protein could be selectively bound at its C terminus to complementary functionality on a solid substrate. Finally, β-CD-Sepharose FPLC was used to isolate prenylated mCherry-CAAX from crude HeLa cell lysate as a model for purifying prenylated proteins from cell extracts. We propose that this method could be generally useful to the community of researchers studying protein prenylation.  相似文献   

Green fluorescence protein (GFP) has become a widely used reporter in many areas of life science. Monitoring foreign protein expression via GFP fusion is also very appealing for bioprocess applications. GFP itself has been purified from recombinant organisms by several methods, often involving unfavorable conditions (e.g., use of organic solvents and/or low pH) that may be destabilizing to some proteins. In this study, we have developed a general recovery scheme that entails a simple three-step purification procedure for GFP fusion proteins produced in tobacco suspension cells, with the intent of maximizing purity and yield under gentle conditions so as to maintain the integrity of the fusion partner. Ammonium sulfate treatment at 30% (v/v) precipitated particulate matter and removed aggregated material while simultaneously maintaining GFP solubility and increasing hydrophobicity. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography was then performed to eliminate the majority of background proteins while eluting GFP and fusions in a low ionic buffer suitable to be directly applied to an ion-exchange column as the final step. Three intracellular proteins, secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF), each fused to GFP, as well as GFP itself, were recovered with yields exceeding 70% and purity levels over 80%. This purification scheme exploits the hydrophobic nature of GFP while maintaining a gentle environment for labile fusion partners. Although some optimization may be required, we believe this scheme may serve as a benchmark for purifying other GFP fusion proteins.  相似文献   

A 165,000-dalton surface protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, designated protein P1, appears to be the major attachment ligand of the pathogen. We employed monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography to obtain purified protein P1.  相似文献   

Modification with homocysteine (Hcy)-thiolactone leads to the formation of N-Hcy-Lys-protein. Although N-Hcy-Lys-proteins are immunogenic, pure antibodies have not yet been obtained. Here we describe synthesis and application of Nomega-homocysteinyl-aminohexyl-Agarose for affinity purification of anti-N-Hcy-Lys-protein antibodies. Nomega-homocysteinyl-aminohexyl-Agarose was prepared by N-homocysteinylation of omega-aminohexyl-Agarose with Hcy-thiolactone. Immune serum was obtained from rabbits inoculated with N-Hcy-Lys-keyhole limpet hemocyanine and IgG fraction prepared by chromatography on protein A-Agarose. Anti-N-Hcy-Lys-protein IgG was adsorbed on Nomega-homocysteinyl-aminohexyl-Agarose column at pH 8.6 and eluted with a pH 2.3 buffer. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays demonstrate that the antibody recognizes specifically N-homocysteinylated variants of hemoglobin, albumin, transferrin, and antitrypsin.  相似文献   

In general, proteins bind to affinity or ion-exchange columns at low salt concentrations, and the bound proteins are eluted by raising the salt concentration, changing the solvent pH, or adding competing ligands. Blue-Sepharose is often used to remove bovine serum albumin (BSA) from samples, but when we applied BSA to Blue-Sepharose in 20 mM phosphate, pH 7.0, 50%–60% of the protein flowed through the column; however, complete binding of BSA was achieved by the addition of 2 M ammonium sulfate (AS) to the column equilibration buffer and the sample. The bound protein was eluted by decreasing the AS concentration or by adding 1 M NaCl or arginine. AS at high concentrations resulted in binding of BSA even to an ion-exchange column, Q-Sepharose, at pH 7.0. Thus, although moderate salt concentrations elute proteins from Blue-Sepharose or ion-exchange columns, proteins can be bound to these columns under extreme salting-out conditions. Similar enhanced binding of proteins by AS was observed with an ATP-affinity column.  相似文献   

We have produced four monoclonal antibodies against type IV collagen obtained from human placenta. An antibody with a high titer by ELISA, named JK-199, reacted not only with type IV collagen in the triple-helical conformation but also with thermally denatured chains. After affinity chromatography on JK-199 antibody-coupled resin, the amino acid composition and CD spectrum of the affinity-purified peptides from the crude pepsin extract of human placenta were typical of those of human type IV collagen in the triple-helical conformation. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified protein showed only one broad band with a molecular weight of approximately 260,000 before reduction and six smaller peptide bands after reduction. On immunoelectroblotting, JK-199 reacted with all six peptide bands. Immunohistochemically, typical basement membranes were exclusively and strongly stained with JK-199 on frozen sections of PLP-fixed human placentas without any enzymatic pretreatment in the routine immunoperoxidase method. Judging from these findings, it is concluded that the epitopes of type IV collagen that reacted with JK-199 are exposed on the surface of basement membranes. This antibody should be useful for identification of type IV collagen in normal or pathological basement membranes or other structures.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal anti-AMP antibody affinity matrix was used for isolation of individual species of amino acid transfer nucleic acids (tRNAs). The antibodies had been prepared using 5'-AMP covalently attached to bovine serum albumin as antigen and exhibited high affinity for 5'-AMP but greatly reduced affinity for 3'-AMP. Native uncharged tRNAs that terminate in a 5'-AMP group on the amino acid acceptor arm of the molecule bind tightly to the anti-AMP affinity matrix, whereas aminoacylated tRNAs are not retained. This allows separation of a particular tRNA species as its aminoacyl derivative from a complex mixture of uncharged tRNAs under very mild conditions.  相似文献   

In general, proteins bind to affinity or ion-exchange columns at low salt concentrations, and the bound proteins are eluted by raising the salt concentration, changing the solvent pH, or adding competing ligands. Blue-Sepharose is often used to remove bovine serum albumin (BSA) from samples, but when we applied BSA to Blue-Sepharose in 20 mM phosphate, pH 7.0, 50%-60% of the protein flowed through the column; however, complete binding of BSA was achieved by the addition of 2 M ammonium sulfate (AS) to the column equilibration buffer and the sample. The bound protein was eluted by decreasing the AS concentration or by adding 1 M NaCl or arginine. AS at high concentrations resulted in binding of BSA even to an ion-exchange column, Q-Sepharose, at pH 7.0. Thus, although moderate salt concentrations elute proteins from Blue-Sepharose or ion-exchange columns, proteins can be bound to these columns under extreme salting-out conditions. Similar enhanced binding of proteins by AS was observed with an ATP-affinity column.  相似文献   

Purification of ficin by affinity chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sulfhydryl proteinase ficin (EC was purified by chromatography on an agarose-mercurial column. Two separate protein fractions were eluted, ficin and mercurificin, both exhibiting enzymatic activity upon activation by excess thiol.  相似文献   

Purification of antibodies by affinity chromatography   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review focusses on affinity purification of immunoglobulins, a methodology which is a powerful tool to obtain pure and intact antibodies. Affinity techniques allow antibody purification both in a single step chromatographic procedure as well as in complex purification protocols depending on the intention to use the target antibody. The purification strategies for antibodies by interaction with affinity ligands such as antibodies and Fe receptors or low molecular weight compounds are described.  相似文献   

The enzyme alternanase, produced by Bacillus sp. NRRL B-21195, hydrolyzes alternan, a polysaccharide produced by certain strains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides that consists of glucose linked by alternating α(1→6), α(1→3) linkages. The main product of enzymatic hydrolysis by alternanase is a novel cyclic tetrasaccharide of glucose that also has alternating linkages between the glucose moieties. An improved purification scheme for alternanase has been developed that incorporates the use of isomaltosyl units linked to agarose for selectively binding the alternanase enzyme. Bound enzyme was eluted with 0.5 M sodium chloride and was nearly pure after this procedure. When followed by preparative isoelectric focusing, a single band of 117 kDa was measured when the purified protein was analyzed by HPLC size-exclusion chromatography/multiangle light scattering. The purification procedure can be scaled to permit large quantities of enzyme to be purified in high (36%) yield. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Direct protein extraction from animals is the only approach available to obtain caltrin, calcium transport inhibitor. Here we report the expression and purification of caltrin, previously shown to hinder the influx of calcium into epididymal spermatozoa. Cloning of the caltrin gene into the pCDNA3.1 V5/His-TOPO vector and the subsequent ligation of the caltrin-His sequence into the transfer vector pBacPAK9 allowed the expression of recombinant caltrin using the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS). Recombinant His-tagged caltrin was purified utilising both nickel (II)-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni(2+)-NTA) and cobalt (II)-carboxymethylaspartate (Co(2+)-CmAsp) immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Using the BEVS, caltrin-His was identified in the supernatant and in the cell lysate, suggesting that caltrin is a secreted protein. Based on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot results, purified recombinant caltrin-His was ascertained to be approximately 14.5kDa. Purification under the Co(2+) system yielded significantly purer protein samples when compared to the Ni(2+) system. Furthermore, Co(2+) was observed to bind the recombinant caltrin-His protein with higher efficiency and specificity and to yield a higher total protein concentration. Collectively, our results indicate that the Co(2+) system would be a better approach for purifying caltrin-His proteins than the Ni(2+).  相似文献   

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