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Supplementation of media containing a low concentration (0.15–0.30% v>v) of calf serum with biotin or a low molecular weight serum growth factor (Peak III) reduces the amount of lactic acid secreted by simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 cells. While biotin and Peak III (which has been tentatively identified as biotin) can stimulate “stationary phase” cells to resume viable cell division, this growth promotion is not due to an alleviation of lactic acid toxicity per se. This conclusion is based on the finding that, although higher concentrations of lactic acid are cytotoxic, lactic acid added at concentrations found during “stationary phase” to cells plated in fresh medium is not growth inhibitory. These results suggest, instead, a possible major role for biotin and Peak III in energy production.  相似文献   

The growth of SV3T3 cells in medium containing a low concentration (0.20% v/v) of normal calf serum is enhanced by the addition of biotin or certain unsaturated fatty acids. The biotin effect on the final viable cell density is 5- to 10-fold over the control and is extremely potent, exerting a saturating response at a a concentration of approximately 200 pg/ml. The optimal growth response observed with fatty acids in 5-fold over the control and requires the combination of nervonic acid, palmitoleic acid, and arachidonic acid. The fatty acids are probably not replacing the function of biotin since these two substances are additive in their growth effects.  相似文献   

Arterial smooth muscle cells undergo marked biochemical and morphological changes upon culturing. We have studied the time course of these changes in smooth muscle cells isolated from normal rabbit aortas by enzymic digestion and then maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with or without 10% rabbit serum. Subcultured smooth muscle cells were also examined. Isolated cells cultured in the presence of serum multiply rapidly and by 9 days exhibit features typical of subcultured cells including multilayered growth, elevated marker enzyme activities of subcellular organelles, and proliferation of organelles. In contrast, isolated cells cultured in the absence of serum remain quiescent, as indicated by the low level (<10%) of 3H-thymidine incorporation into nuclei and constant DNA content of the cultures. These cells spread slowly to form a monolayer of randomly oriented cells and they retain differentiated morphological features. Their enzyme activities remain at the levels of those of freshly isolated cells initially, but by 5 days some enzyme activities increase, in particular those of the acid hydrolases and catalase. Rates of pinocytosis and protein synthesis in these cells are comparable to those of cells maintained in serum-supplemented medium for the same period, but are significantly less than those measured in subcultured cells. Within 5 days, morphological alterations in the serum-deprived cells occur including the presence of increased numbers of lysosomes. Quiescent cultures of enzymically isolated cells may be a useful tool for short-term biochemical and physiological studies of differentiated arterial smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Summary Simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 cells are dependent on serum for survival and growth. This growth activity can be separated on a pH 2 Sephadex G100 column into two fractions: a high molecular weight activity and a low molecular weight substance that has recently been characterized as containing as its major agent, biotin. To replace the remainder of the serum requirement, hormones and other growth factors were tested. Both insulin at high, nonphysiological concentrations (200 to 500 ng/ml) and transferrin (5×10−8 M) stimulate the growth rate in low serum medium (0.3% v/v bovine calf serum DME) individually and, when added together, are nearly as growth enhancing as 10% serum. The need for the residual serum in this medium can be eliminated by the use of crystalline trypsin during trypsinization. Under these serum-free conditions, biotin and transferrin supplementation provide for moderately good growth (20 to 30 hr population doubling time, 1×106 cells/3.2-cm dish final cell density). Insulin addition further stimulates the growth rate (16 to 20 hr) and the final density (1.5×106 cells). Although the protein growth factors, EGF (0.5 to 1.0 ng/ml) and FGF (4 to 10 ng/ml), also appear to enhance growth individually and additively, their effects are slight and very variable. Nevertheless, the complete serum-free medium (DME supplemented with biotin, transferrin, insulin, EGF and FGF) yields growth comparable but still inferior to 10% serum supplementation (14-versus 12-hr population doubling time, 1 to 2×106 versus 2 to 3×106 cells final cell density). This work was supported by NIH Grant CA 20040.  相似文献   

A low-molecular weight-factor (“Peak III”) from calf serum, which enhances the viability (and hence growth) of simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 (SV3T3), but not 3T3, cells when grown in low-serum (0.15–0.30%, vv) Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, has been identified as the vitamin biotin. The extraction procedure involved acidification of the serum to pH 4.5, boiling, ultrafiltration of the supernatant through a Pellicon membrane, and Sephadex G-25 chromatography. Peak III was identified as biotin for the following reasons. (i) The viability/growth activity was completely retained on an avidin-Sepharose but not a Sepharose column. (ii) Peak III preparations contained a compound which reacted with the cyclic ureide-specific reagent, p-dimethyl-aminocinnamaldehyde, and which migrated on thin-layer chromatography with the same Rf as biotin. (iii) Peak III and biotin had the same biological effects on SV3T3 cells, including a reduction in the number of dead cells, a lowering of the amount of lactic acid accumulated, and a synergism with iron in stimulating growth. (iv) They were not additive in their effects at saturating doses. To test the hypothesis that at least part of the biotin viability/growth effect may be due to the maintenance of Krebs cycle intermediate levels through the activation of pyruvate carboxylase, Krebs cycle intermediates were added singly to cells in low-serum medium without biotin. Malate, citrate, isocitrate, and fumarate (but not oxaloacetate, α-ketoglutarate, and succinate) were growth stimulatory for SV3T3 but not 3T3 cells. When added in combinations they were no more effective than alone.  相似文献   

The binding and processing of plasminogen by Balb/c 3T3 and SV3T3 cells was studied using 125I-labeled canine plasminogen. Throughout a 3-day period, 125I-plasminogen in the incubation medium bound to the cells and was degraded, first to intermediate-sized macromolecules that were the same size as the large (74,600-dalton) and small (25,000-dalton) chains of active plasmin, and to smaller fragments including 3-iodo-L-tyrosine. Binding to SV3T3 cells was independent of the protease-dependent morphological change (PDMC)1 characteristic of these and many other transformed cells. The SV3T3, and to a somewhat lesser extent, the 3T3 cells, both accumulated and released into the incubation medium 3-iodo-L-tyrosine, a terminal lysozymal digestion product. The results of a sublethal cell-surface trypsinization assay suggest that the cell-associated plasminogen was primarily bound to the surfaces of the 3T3 and SV3T3 cells while the macromolecular degradation products including active plasmin were inside the cells. The rate of 125I plasminogen degradation exhibited by SV3T3 cells was approximately two times greater than that of 3T3 cells, which presumably reflects differences in endocytosis or lysosomal hydrolysis, or both. The rates were unaffected by addition of pancreatic or soybean trypsin inhibitor sufficient to inhibit PDMC. In the incubation medium, plasminogen was activated to plasmin by SV3T3, but not by 3T3 cells. However, 95–100% of plasmin covalently bound to a 47,000-dalton canine serum component, which could be dissociated from plasmin by hydroxylamine: 95–100% of the plasmin was inactive to reaction with DF32P. Thus the serum component is a plasmin inhibitor. The plasmin-containing complex in the medium had an apparent molecular weight of 212,000. Under denaturing conditions, the complex dissociated into two covalently modified plasmin-containing species of 153,000 and 127,000 daltons. In addition to forming a complex with a serum component, the plasmin is cleaved into two small fragments (~10,000 and 12,000 daltons) by as-yet uncharacterized serum factors.  相似文献   

M Ernst  G Adam 《Cytobiologie》1979,18(3):450-459
Intracellular contents of potassium and of sodium are determined for 3T3 and SV 40-3T3 cells in dependence of growth density. In parallel, total cell volume and volume of intracellular water is determined for these cells suspended in physiological buffer. Intracellular potassium concentration thus evaluated for suspended 3T3 cells exhibits a sharp decrease at cellular growth densities which lead to density dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. In the case of SV 40-3T3 cells, this drop of potassium concentration with increasing cellular growth density is not observed, which correlates well with the absence of cell density dependent inhibition of cell growth in the transformed cell line. These results support the notion that processes of stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells or of cell density dependent inhibition of their proliferation are mediated by processes including changes of potassium transport characteristics leading to increase or decrease respectively of their intracellular potassium concentration. Furthermore, these and other results suggest, that a difference between normal and transformed cells most relevant to their different proliferation behaviour might reside in different transport characteristics for potassium of the plasma membranes of these cells.  相似文献   

Lactalbumin hydrolyzate (LH), a commercially prepared, enzymatic digest of a milk protein fraction, can partially replace the serum requirement of SV3T3 cells. In a low, but obligatory, background of calf serum (0.15% v/v), LH carses a large increase in the final cell density (5-10 x over the control) while modestly steimulating the actual growth rate. Lactalbumin hydrolyzate does not contain survival activity for SV3T3 cells and does not affect the growth of 3T3 cells. Since even prolonged exposure to pH 4 or 2 results in complete abolishment of the growth-rate stimulatory capability without affecting the capacity to increase the final cell density, it is possible that the LH growth activity may consist of two dissociable components. All of LH growth activity is water soluble, autoclavable, and resists proteolytic treatment. On Sephadex G15 growth activity appears as a single peak at the void volume but on G25 it is retained beyond the void volume as a broad, skewed peak. The relevant molecular weight range lies between 1,500 and 4,000. The putative low pH resistant material is strongly adsorbed to Dowex 1 x 2 and can be displaced from the column by a reduction in the pH. A comparison of the properties of the LH factors with those of known growth promoting agents isolated from serum and various enzymatic digests indicates that these new factors do not correspond to any of these agents.  相似文献   

The transport of selected neutral and cationic amino acids has been studied in Balb/c 3T3, SV3T3, and SV3T3 revertant cell lines. After properly timed preincubations to control the size of internal amino acid pools, the activity of systems A, ASC, L, and Ly+ has been discriminated by measurements of amino acid uptake (initial entry rate) in the presence and absence of sodium and of transportspecific model substrates. L-Proline, 2-aminoisobutyric acid, and glycine were primarily taken up by system A; L-alanine and L-serine by system ASC; L-phenylalanine by system L; and L-lysine by system Ly+ in SV3T3 cells. L-Proline and L-serine were also preferential substrates of systems A and ASC, respectively, in 3T3 and SV3T3 revertant cells. Transport activity of the Na+-dependent systems A and ASC decreased markedly with the increase of cell density, whereas the activity of the Na+-independent systems L and Ly+remained substantially unchanged. The density-dependent change in activity of system A occurred through a mechanism affecting transport maximum (Vmax) rather than substrate concentration for half-maximal velocity (Km). Transport activity of systems A and ASC was severalfold higher in transformed SV3T3 cells than in 3T3 parental cells at all the culture densities that could be compared. In SV3T3 revertant cells, transport activity by these systems remained substantially similar to that observed in transformed SV3T3 cells. The results presented here add cell density as a regulatory factor of the activity of systems A and ASC, and show that this control mechanism of amino acid transport is maintained in SV40 virus-transformed 3T3 cells that have lost density-dependent inhibition of growth, as well as in SV3T3 revertant cells that have resumed it.  相似文献   

Ether-linked lipids were analyzed in Balb/c3T3, SV3T3 and Concanavalin A-selected SV3T3 revertant cells. The three cell lines were found to contain significant quantities of alk-1-enyl- and alkyl-linked phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) and small amounts of alkyldiacylglycerols. Compared to 3T3 cells, SV3T3 cells contain a higher amount of alk-1-enyl-linked PC, while in SV3T3 revertant cells the concentrations of the various ether lipids are similar to those of 3T3 cells. The major difference in the composition of ether groups of SV3T3 cells, compared to 3T3 cells, is an increase of 18:0 accompanied by a decrease of 18:1 in the alk-1-enyl-linked PE and PC. Alk-1-enyl-linked PC of SV3T3 revertant cells also shows an increase of 18:0, while the decrease of 18:1 was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Populations of G1 phase 3T3 and SV40 3T3 mouse fibroblasts have been isolated from exponentially growing cultures by the technique of centrifugal elutriation. Return of the G1 phase cells to growth conditions results in their synchronous passage through the cell cycle, as determined from monitoring of cell number, [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR) incorporation and fraction of [3H]TdR labeled nuclei. The durations of G1, S and G2 phases are consistent with values obtained by previous investigators using conventional induction techniques for synchronization. The method for isolation of the G1 phase cells is rapid, the yield is high and the process does not appear to alter the temporal aspects of the cell cycle in either cell type.  相似文献   

Phenotypic reversion of SV40-transformed 3T3 cells by dimethylsulfoxide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (0.5 to 1.5%) in the medium, SV40-transformed 3T3 cells (SV3T3) changed morphologically from a round to a flat fibroblastic shape. The saturation density of the treated SV3T3 cells decreased and the generation time increased. These cells showed an increased anchorage dependency in soft agar. Hexose uptake by SV3T3 cells was reduced to the level in the parent 3T3 cells and susceptibility of the SV3T3 cells to concanavalin A (con A) also decreased. These phenotypes of transformed cells appeared to change concomitantly from the transformed toward the normal state with the increase of DMSO concentration.  相似文献   

Glucocorticosteroids, when added two hours after cell plating to SV40-transformed, 3T3 mouse fibroblasts in low serum (0.3% v/v), biotin-supplemented medium, suppress cellular proliferation by 24 hours. While some cell death probably occurs, the growth inhibition is not primarily due to cytotoxicity and cytolysis. This conclusion is supported by the following: 1) both dead and viable cell numbers are suppressed, 2) little cell debris is evident in the medium, and 3) very high concentrations of glucocorticoids do not cause an increase in the dead cell count. Furthermore, this growth suppression, which is specific for glucocorticoids since several non-glucocorticoid steroids have no inhibitory effect, is not permanent nor irreversible. Removal of the glucocorticoid and replacement with 10% serum restore rapid proliferation. Although higher concentrations (1% and 10%) of serum afford some protection against glucocorticoid inhibition, this protection is not simply a consequence of faster growth rates. SV3T3 cells can be grown in serum-free medium supplemented with biotin, transferrin, insulin, and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Under these conditions growth rates are comparable to high serum media, yet glucocorticoids are still powerful inhibitors. However, the omission of insulin from serum-free, glucocorticoid cultures does result in observable cell death and lysis. Flow microfluorometry and autoradiographic studies have determined that glucocorticoid-inhibited cells are partially blocked in G1. The proportions of S phase and G2 + M cells are greatly reduced with an accompanying accumulation of G1 cells. These results suggest that glucocorticoids regulate a biochemical step(s) in G1 which is critical for DNA initiation.  相似文献   

Components of the renin-angiotensin system were studied in established cell culture lines of 3T3 and SV3T3 mouse fibroblasts. The renin content in 3T3 cells was significantly higher than in virus-transformed SV3T3 cells. With time after infection, renin decreased in Simian virus 40 transformed cells, while it increased steadily in mock-infected 3T3 cells. In contrast to renin, angiotensinase activity was higher in SV3T3 cells. Angiotensin II stimulated cell proliferation in 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and decreased their renin content in a dose-related manner. In contrast, saralasin, an angiotensin receptor antagonist, inhibited cell growth in 3T3 and SV3T3 cells and caused an increase of cellular renin concentration. The angiotensin fragments angiotensin (2-8) heptapeptide and angiotensin (4-8) pentapeptide had no effect on cell growth. A significant negative correlation was found between cell proliferation and renin levels in 3T3 and SV3T3 cells irrespective of the treatment. Our results indicate (1) that angiotensin II may be involved in cell growth regulation, (2) that a negative feedback exist between angiotensin II added and intracellular renin content, and (3) that virus infection causes a decrease in intracellular renin synthesis, while non-specific angiotensinase activity is increased under this condition.  相似文献   

The growth requirements of SV40 transformed Balb/c-3T3 cells have been studied in the absence of serum. For growth in serum-free medium, the cells require (i) insulin, (ii) transferrin, and (iii) cis-unsaturated fatty acids added in combination with fatty acid free bovine serum albumin. The growth rate, saturation density, and morphology of cells grown in this serum-free medium are the same as those of cells grown in serum supplemented medium. This mixture also supports the growth of SV40 transformed Swiss-3T3 cells and SV40 transformed primary mouse embryo cells, but does not support the growth of untransformed Balb/c-3T3 cells. The addition of fibronectin to this mixture allows routine subculture, repeated passage, and indefinite propagation of SV40 transformed Balb/c-3T3 cells. Cells grown in this medium for a period of two months retain their ability to induce tumors when injected into athymic nude mice.  相似文献   

Effects of cyclic AMP on SV3T3 cells in culture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D Paul 《Nature: New biology》1972,240(101):179-181

Both 3T3 and simian virus 40-transformed 3T3 (SV3T3) cells were used to investigate differences in population kinetics, protein synthesis, monovalent ion levels, and amino acid accumulations between normal and transformed cells exposed to hyperosmolarity at 0.5 Osm. Under similar culture conditions, SV3T3 cells were found to be more sensitive in their proliferative response than normal cells to the hyperosmolar treatment. In the normal 3T3 cells, the increase in transport of amino acids was less sustained and was associated with higher levels of accumulated amino acids. The equilibrium distribution of intracellular monovalent cations and the rate of protein synthesis also returned faster to baseline values in the normal cells than in the transformed cells. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) analysis revealed the induction of a 69-kDa polypeptide in the 3T3 cells but not in the SV3T3 cells after exposure to hyperosmolarity. On electrofocusing and relative mass analysis, this polypeptide closely migrated with the 70-kDa heat shock protein (hsp) family, although it was unrelated immunologically to the inducible 72-kDa hsp.  相似文献   

The structural analysis of neutral glycolipids and gangliosides of the SV40 transformed Balb/c3T3 cells (SV3T3 cells) and concanavalin A-selected SV3T3 revertant cells, both compared with untransformed Balb/c3T3 cells, has shown: (i) a content of neutral glycolipids in revertant cells near to that found in the untransformed parental cells; (ii) a similar decrease of the higher gangliosides in transformed and revertant cells; (iii) a content of ganglioside GM3 in revertant cells much higher than that found in both SV3T3 and untransformed Balb/3T3 cells. The possible role of ganglioside GM3 in growth control is discussed.  相似文献   

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