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Interactions of cell adhesions, Rho GTPases and actin in the endothelial cells' response to external forces are complex and not fully understood, but a qualitative understanding of the mechanosensory response begins to emerge. Here, we formulate a mathematical model of the coupled dynamics of cell adhesions, small GTPases Rac and Rho and actin stress fibers guiding a directional reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The model is based on the assumptions that the interconnected cytoskeleton transfers the shear force to the adhesion sites, which in turn transduce the force into a chemical signal that activates integrins at the basal surface of the cell. Subsequently, activated and ligated integrins signal and transiently de-activate Rho, causing the disassembly of actin stress fibers and inhibiting the maturation of focal complexes into focal contacts. Focal complexes and ligated integrins activate Rac, which in turn enhances focal complex assembly. When Rho activity recovers, stress fibers re-assemble and promote the maturation of focal complexes into focal contacts. Merging stress fibers self-align, while the elevated level of Rac activity at the downstream edge of the cell is translated into an alignment of the cells and the newly forming stress fibers in the flow direction. Numerical solutions of the model equations predict transient changes in Rac and Rho that compare well with published experimental results. We report quantitative data on early alignment of the stress fibers and its dependence on cell shape that agrees with the model.  相似文献   

原代培养大鼠血管内皮细胞,将培养箱内通入5%CO2-95%N2混合气体(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)并培养大鼠血管内皮细胞12、24h,使用MTT法、LDH活力测定及细胞骨架染色对低氧细胞模型鉴定,研究大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型的建立条件及其形态学特点。在低氧12h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,但细胞骨架保持完整;在低氧24h条件下,血管内皮细胞存活率降低、LDH释放增加,细胞骨架破碎。结果表明在低氧(氧分压为18.3 mmHg)24h条件下,可以建立大鼠血管内皮细胞低氧模型。  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the behavior of rat tendon fibroblasts, baby hamster kidney fibroblasts, macrophage-like P388D1 cells, and neurons from rat dorsal root ganglia, cultured on fibronectin strands 0.2–5 μm in diameter. We investigated cell spreading, orientation, formation of focal contacts, the speed of cell movement, and the speed of neurite outgrowth in cells cultured on fibronectin strands, glass covered with fibronectin, and plain, nontreated glass. Fibronectin strands significantly promoted cell spreading and caused a marked alignment of all kinds of cells to the direction of the fiber. The fibers caused the alignment of actin filaments in fibroblasts and focal contacts in fibroblasts and macrophages and increased polymerization of F-actin in cells. Fibronectin fibers also increased the speed and persistence of cell movement and the rate of neurite outgrowth. Macrophages grown on fibronectin fibers produced numerous actin-rich microspikes and adopted a polarized, migratory phenotype. These findings indicate that fibronectin strands, resembling natural components of the extracellular matrix, are more effective in activating various types of cells than two-dimensional, fibronectin-covered substrata. The results also confirm the suitability of the three-dimensionally oriented fibronectin form for use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Summary The role of thrombospondin on the adhesion of endothelial cells in primary culture was studied using a serum-free defined medium or thrombospondin-depleted fetal bovine serum. Under these conditions, only 6% of the cells adhered to gelatin-coated dishes, whereas cells adhering to gelatin in the presence of normal fetal bovine serum were considered as 100% adhesion. The percentage of cells attached to fibronectin or thrombospondin-coated dishes in thrombospondin-depleted serum was 66 and 32%, respectively. The addition of purified platelet thrombospondin to thrombospondin-depleted serum increased the adhesion of endothelial cells to gelatin and to thrombospondin, up to 32 and 59%, respectively, and restored the attachment to fibronectin to the same extent as that observed in the presence of normal serum. In contrast to the attachment, the spreading of the adhering cells was not further influenced by the addition of soluble thrombospondin. Subcultured cells did not require any protein for adhering to gelatin substrata. These observations indicate that thrombospondin plays a major role in the adhesion of endothelial cells in primary culture.  相似文献   

Modifications in the cell membrane potential have been suggested to affect signaling mechanisms participating in diverse cellular processes, many of which involve structural cellular alterations. In order to contribute some evidence in this respect, we explored the effects of several depolarizing procedures on the structure and monolayer organization of bovine corneal endothelial cells in culture. Visually confluent cell monolayers were incubated with or without the depolarizing agent, either in a saline solution or in culture medium for up to 30 min. Membrane potential was monitored by fluorescence microscopy using oxonol V. Fluorescent probes were employed for F-actin, microtubules, and vinculin. Depolarization of the plasma membrane, achieved via the incorporation of gramicidin D into confluent endothelial cells or by modifications of the extracellular saline composition, provoked an increment of oxonol fluorescence and changes in cell morphology, consisting mainly of modifications in the cytoskeletal organization. In some areas, noticeable intercellular spaces appear. The cytoskeleton modifications mainly consist of a marked redistribution of F-actin and microtubules, with accompanying changes in vinculin localization. The results suggest that the depolarization of the plasma membrane potential may participate in mechanisms involved in cytoskeleton organization and monolayer continuity in corneal endothelial cells in culture.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins assemble into dynamic polymers that play many roles in nuclear and cell division, signal transduction, and determination of cell shape and polarity. The distribution and dynamics of microtubules (MTs) and actin filaments (AFs) are determined, among other factors, by the location of their nucleation sites. Whereas the sites of microtubule nucleation in plants are known to be located under the plasma membrane and on the nuclear envelope during interphase, there is a striking lack of information about nucleation sites of AFs. In the studies reported herein, low temperature (0 °C) was used to de‐polymerize AFs and MTs in tobacco BY‐2 (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells at interphase. The extent of de‐polymerization of cytoskeletal filaments in interphase cells during cold treatment and the subcellular distribution of nucleation sites during subsequent recovery at 25 °C were monitored by means of fluorescence microscopy. The results show that AFs re‐polymerized rapidly from sites located in the cortical region and on the nuclear envelope, similarly to the initiation sites of MTs. In contrast to MTs, however, complete reconstitution of AFs was preceded by the formation of transient actin structures including actin dots, rods, and filaments with a dotted signal. Immunoblotting of soluble and sedimentable protein fractions showed no changes in the relative amounts of free and membrane‐bound actin or tubulin.  相似文献   

Reorganisation of peripheral actin filaments as a prelude to exocytosis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Evidence is presented, from studies on the adrenal chromaffin cell, that reorganisation of the cortical actin network is necessary to allow granules to reach exocytotic sites in stimulated cells. This reorganisation may involve changes in actin filament cross-linking, assembly and interactions with secretory granule and plasma membranes. The possibility is discussed that cytoskeletal elements including the membrane-binding proteins caldesmon, p70 and p36 may be involved in granule-plasmalemmal interactions immediately prior to exocytosis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of progesterone on endothelial cell motility are poorly investigated. Previously we showed that progesterone stimulated endothelial cell migration via the activation of actin-binding protein moesin, leading to actin cytoskeleton remodelling and the formation of cell membrane structures required for cell movement. In this study, we investigated the effects of progesterone on the formation of focal adhesion complexes, which provide anchoring sites for cell movement. In cultured human umbilical endothelial cells, progesterone enhanced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation at Tyr(397) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Several signalling inhibitors interfered with progesterone-induced FAK activation, including progesterone receptor (PR) antagonist ORG 31710, specific c-Src kinase inhibitor PP2, phosphatidylinosital-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitor wortmannin as well as ρ-associated kinase (ROCK-2) inhibitor Y27632. It suggested that PR, c-Src, PI3K and ROCK-2 are implicated in this action. In line with this, we found that progesterone rapidly promoted c-Src/PI3K/Akt activity, which activated the small GTPase RhoA/ρ-associated kinase (ROCK-2) complex, resulting in FAK phosphorylation. In the presence of progesterone, endothelial cells displayed enhanced horizontal migration, which was reversed by small interfering RNAs abrogating FAK expression. In conclusion, progesterone promotes endothelial cell movement via the rapid regulation of FAK. These findings provide new information on the biological actions of progesterone on human endothelial cells that are relevant for vascular function.  相似文献   

Stress resilience behaviours in plants are defensive mechanisms that develop under adverse environmental conditions to promote growth, development and yield. Over the past decades, improving stress resilience, especially in crop species, has been a focus of intense research for global food security and economic growth. Plants have evolved specific mechanisms to sense external stress and transmit information to the cell interior and generate appropriate responses. Plant cytoskeleton, comprising microtubules and actin filaments, takes a center stage in stress-induced signalling pathways, either as a direct target or as a signal transducer. In the past few years, it has become apparent that the function of the plant cytoskeleton and other associated proteins are not merely limited to elementary processes of cell growth and proliferation, but they also function in stress response and resilience. This review summarizes recent advances in the role of plant cytoskeleton and associated proteins in abiotic stress management. We provide a thorough overview of the mechanisms that plant cells employ to withstand different abiotic stimuli such as hypersalinity, dehydration, high temperature and cold, among others. We also discuss the crucial role of the plant cytoskeleton in organellar positioning under the influence of high light intensity.  相似文献   

Expression of hsp 27 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to a shear stress was investigated. Using immunostaining, it was concluded that shear stress results in perinuclear translocation of hsp 27. Polymerization of actin microfilaments plays an important role in this process.Revisions requested 11 October 2004; Revisions received 2 February 2005  相似文献   

Bone development and remodeling depend on complex interactions between bone-forming osteoblasts, bone-degrading osteoclasts, and other cells present within the bone microenvironment. Balanced control of bone formative and degradative processes is normally carefully maintained in the adult skeleton but becomes uncoupled in the course of aging or in various pathological disease states. Systemic regulators of bone metabolism and local mediators, including matrix molecules, cytokines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and other autocrine or paracrine factors, regulate the recruitment, differentiation, and function of cells participating in bone formation and turnover. Although some of these interactions are now understood, many yet remain to be elucidated. Recent studies have begun exploring in detail how vascular endothelial cells and their products function in bone physiology. The findings are revealing that bone vascular endothelial cells may be members of a complex communication network in bone which operates between endothelial cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, macrophages, stromal cells, and perhaps other cell types found in bone as well. Therefore, multiple systemic and locally produced signals may be received, transduced, and integrated by individual cells and then propagated by the release from these cells of further signals targeted to other members of the bone cell network. In this manner, bone cell activities may be continuously coordinated to afford concerted actions and rapid responses to physiological changes. The bone microvasculature may play a pivotal role in these processes, both in linking circulatory and local signals with cells of the bone microenvironment and in actively contributing itself to the regulation of bone cell physiology. Thus, skeletal homeostasis and the coupling observed between bone resorption and bone formation during normal bone remodeling may be manifestations of this dynamic interactive communication network, operating via diverse signals not only between osteoblasts and osteoclasts but between many cell types residing within bone. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The organization of actin and myosin in vascular endothelial cells in situ was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy. Examination of perfusion-fixed, whole mounts of normal mouse and rat descending thoracic aorta revealed the presence of axially oriented stress fibers containing both actin and myosin within the endothelial cells. In both species, the proportion of cells containing stress fibers varied from region to region within the same vessel. Some endothelial cells in mouse mesenteric vein and in rat inferior vena cava also contained stress fibers. Quantitative studies of the proportion of endothelial cells containing stress fibers in the descending thoracic aorta of age- matched normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats revealed significant differences. When animals of the same sex of the two strains were compared, the proportion was approximately two times greater in the spontaneously hypertensive rats. The proportion of endothelial cells containing stress fibers was about two times greater in males than in females of both strains. These observations suggest that multiple factors, including anatomical, sex, and hemodynamic differences, influence the organization of the endothelial cell cytoskeleton in situ.  相似文献   

Proper bone remodeling requires an active process of angiogenesis which in turn supplies the necessary growth factors and stem cells. This tissue cooperation suggests a cross‐talk between osteoblasts and endothelial cells. This work aims to identify the role of paracrine communication through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in co‐culture between osteoblastic and endothelial cells. Through a well defined direct contact co‐culture model between human osteoprogenitors (HOPs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), we observed that HUVECs were able to migrate along HOPs, inducing the formation of specific tubular‐like structures. VEGF165 gene expression was detected in the HOPs, was up‐regulated in the co‐cultured HOPs and both Flt‐1 and KDR gene expression increased in co‐cultured HUVECs. However, the cell rearrangement observed in co‐culture was promoted by a combination of soluble chemoattractive factors and not by VEGF165 alone. Despite having no observable effect on endothelial cell tubular‐like formation, VEGF appeared to have a crucial role in osteoblastic differentiation since the inhibition of its receptors reduced the co‐culture‐stimulated osteoblastic phenotype. This co‐culture system appears to enhance both primary angiogenesis events and osteoblastic differentiation, thus allowing for the development of new strategies in vascularized bone tissue engineering. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 390–398, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of lobed plant cells has been considered to be controlled by microtubule (MT) and/or actin filament (AF) organization. In this article, a comprehensive mechanism is proposed, in which distinct roles are played by these cytoskeletal components. First, cortical MT bundles and, in the case of pavement cells, radial MT arrays combined with MT bundles determine the deposition of local cell wall thickenings, the cellulose microfibrils of which copy the orientation of underlying MTs. Cell growth is thus locally prevented and, consequently, lobes and constrictions are formed. Arch-like tangential expansion is locally imposed at the external periclinal wall of pavement cells by the radial arrangement of cellulose microfibrils at every wall thickening. Whenever further elongation of the original cell lobes occurs, AF patches assemble at the tips of growing lobes. Intercellular space formation is promoted or prevented by the opposite or alternate, respectively, arrangement of cortical MT arrays between neighboring cells. The genes that are possibly involved in the molecular regulation of the above morphogenetic procedure by MT and AF array organization are reviewed.  相似文献   

Fluid shear stress (FSS) acting on the apical surface of endothelial cells (ECs) can be sensed by mechano-sensors in adhesive protein complexes found in focal adhesions and intercellular junctions. This sensing occurs via force transmission through cytoskeletal networks. This study quantitatively evaluated the force transmitted through cytoskeletons to the mechano-sensors by measuring the FSS-induced strain on SFs using live-cell imaging for actin stress fibers (SFs). FSS-induced bending of SFs caused the SFs to align perpendicular to the direction of the flow. In addition, the displacement vectors of the SFs were detected using image correlation and the FSS-induced axial strain of the SFs was calculated. The results indicated that FSS-induced strain on SFs spanned the range 0.01-0.1% at FSSs ranging from 2 to 10 Pa. Together with the tensile property of SFs reported in a previous study, the force exerted on SFs was estimated to range from several to several tens of pN.  相似文献   

Background information. Fluoride is a well‐known G‐protein activator. Exposure of cultured cells to its derivatives results in actin cytoskeleton remodelling. Podosomes are actin‐based structures endowed with adhesion and matrix‐degradation functions. This study investigates actin cytoskeleton reorganization induced by fluoride in endothelial cells. Results. Treatment of cultured endothelial cells with sodium fluoride (NaF) results in a rapid and potent stimulation of podosome formation. Furthermore, we show that Cdc42 (cell‐division cycle 42), Rac1 and RhoA activities are stimulated in NaF‐treated cells. However, podosome assembly is dependent on Cdc42 and Rac1, but not RhoA. Although the sole activation of Cdc42 is sufficient to induce individual podosomes, a balance between RhoGTPase activities regulates podosome formation in response to NaF, which in this case are often found in groups or rosettes. As in other models, podosome formation in endothelial cells exposed to NaF also involves Src. Finally, we demonstrate that NaF‐induced podosomes are fully competent for matrix protein degradation. Conclusions. Taken together, our findings establish NaF as a novel inducer of podosomes in endothelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Actin-containing cytoplasmic fibers were visualized in the mesenteric mesothelial cells of the large intestine of bullfrog tadpoles by rhodamine-phalloidin staining of en face preparations of mesothelial cells. These fibers were concurrently stained by immunofluorescence using antibodies to myosin or -actinin. Electron microscopy showed the presence of bundles of microfilaments in the basal cytoplasm of the cells. Such fibers in the mesothelial cells may be comparable to the stress fibers present in cultured cells. The mesothelial cells initially formed axially oriented stress fibers when they changed from a rhombic to a slender spindle-like shape. On the other hand, stress fibers disappeared as cells transformed from elongated to polygonal shapes during the period of metamorphic climax. Expression of stress fibers in these cells appears to be related to the degree of tension loaded on the mesentery, which may be generated by mesenteric winding. These stress fibers in the mesothelial cells may serve to regulate cellular transformation. They may also help to maintain cellular integrity by strengthening the cellular attachment to subepithelial tissue against tensile stress exerted on the mesentery.  相似文献   

Alterations in the structural organization of MDCK cells under the effect of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) have been studied using electron and fluorescent microscopy methods. Electron microscopy has confirmed that the MDCK cells in the monolayer have structurally different apical and basolateral surfaces separated by well-formed zones of intercellular contacts. AVP has been proven to bind specifically to receptors on the basolateral cell surface and be internalized from the cell surface after 10–15 min. AVP produces fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus and swelling in its cisternae due to the appearance of an osmotic water flow across the monolayer. The significant depolymerization of the cell’s actin cytoskeleton has been revealed under effect of AVP or forskolin (an adenylyl cyclase activator). The functional role and regulatory mechanisms of the described structural alterations are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamic responses of actin stress fibers within a cell's cytoskeleton are central to the development and maintenance of healthy tissues and organs. Disturbances to these underlie a broad range of pathologies. Because of the importance of these responses, extensive experiments have been conducted in vitro to characterize actin cytoskeleton dynamics of cells cultured upon two-dimensional substrata, and the first experiments have been conducted for cells within three-dimensional tissue models. Three mathematical models exist for predicting the dynamic behaviors observed. Surprisingly, despite differing viewpoints on how actin stress fibers are stabilized or destabilized, all of these models are predictive of a broad range of available experimental data. Coarsely, the models of Kaunas and co-workers adopt a strategy whereby mechanical stretch can hasten the depolymerization actin stress fibers that turn over constantly, while the models of Desphande and co-workers adopt a strategy whereby mechanical stress is required to activate the formation of stress fibers and subsequently stabilize them. In three-dimensional culture, elements of both approaches appear necessary to predict observed phenomena, as embodied by the model of Lee et al. After providing a critical review of existing models, we propose lines of experimentation that might be able to test the different principles underlying their kinetic laws.  相似文献   

The family of flaviviruses is one of the most medically important groups of emerging arthropod-borne viruses. Host cell cytoskeletons have been reported to have close contact with flaviviruses during virus entry, intracellular transport, replication, and egress process, although many detailed mechanisms are still unclear. This article provides a brief overview of the function of the most prominent flaviviruses-induced or-hijacked cytoskeletal structures including actin, microtubules and intermediate filaments, mainly focus on infection by dengue virus, Zika virus and West Nile virus. We suggest that virus interaction with host cytoskeleton to be an interesting area of future research.  相似文献   

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