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Resolving the issue of how Early Stone Age hominins acquired large mammal carcasses requires information on their feeding interactions with large carnivores. This ecological information and its behavioral and evolutionary implications are revealed most directly from the tooth, cut, and percussion marks on bone surfaces generated by hominin and carnivore feeding activities. This paper employs a bootstrap method, a form of random resampling with replacement, to refine published neotaphonomic models that use the assemblage-wide proportions of long bones bearing feeding traces to infer the sequences in which Plio-Pleistocene hominins and carnivores accessed flesh, marrow, and/or grease from carcasses. Results validate the sensitivity of the models for inferring hominin feeding ecology, which have been questioned on grounds shown here to be unfounded. The bootstrapped feeding trace models are applied to the late Pliocene larger mammal fossil assemblage from FLK 22 (Zinjanthropus site), Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. High frequencies of tooth and percussion marking on long bone midshaft fragments from FLK 22 are most consistent with those feeding trace models that simulate hominin scavenging from carcasses defleshed by carnivores, while cut mark data indicate that hominins more often had access to upper forelimb flesh than upper hind limb flesh. Together, the bone surface modification data indicate that hominins typically gained secondary access to partially defleshed carnivore kills, but they also allow for the possibility of some carcasses being processed only by carnivores and only by hominins.  相似文献   

Taphonomic analysis of the Olduvai Hominid (OH) 8 left foot from FLK NN Level 3 and the OH 35 left leg from FLK Level 22 (Zinjanthropus level) in Middle Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, indicates that both were fed upon by crocodiles. Both bear extensive tooth marking, including bisected tooth marks diagnostic of crocodylian feeding. The location of the bisected tooth marks on the distal tibia and the talus indicates disarticulation of the foot by crocodiles. The broken proximal ends of the tibia and fibula are more typical of feeding by a leopard-like carnivore, as is damage to the OH 7 mandible and parietals that are associated with and may derive from the same individual as OH 8. Previous work showing a close articulation of the foot and the leg has been used to suggest that the two specimens belong to the same individual despite deriving from sites separated by 200 m and slightly different stratigraphic levels according to previous work. The location and agent of tooth marking and the nature of gross damage do not refute this hypothesis, but the punctures on the talus and distal tibia differ in size and sharpness. Recent work shows that the stratigraphic discrepancy between OH 8 and OH 35 is greater than previously thought, refuting the single-individual hypothesis. Although seemingly unlikely, this denotes that two hominids represented by rarely found leg and foot elements both lost their left foot to crocodiles at nearby sites within a 6,000 year interval. We cannot determine if the hominids were preyed upon by crocodiles or mammalian carnivores. However, the carnivore damage to them and associated faunal remains suggests that high predation risk constrained hominid activities involving discard of the stone artifacts found at these sites. This finding is inconsistent with the interpretation of the sites as home bases or living floors.  相似文献   

We examine the links between geomorphological processes, specific landscape features, surface water drainage, and the creation of suitable habitats for hominins. The existence of mosaic (i.e., heterogeneous) habitats within hominin site landscape reconstructions is typically explained using models of the riverine and gallery forest settings, or the pan or lake setting. We propose a different model: the Tectonic Landscape Model (TLM), where tectonic faulting and volcanism disrupts existing pan or river settings at small-scales (∼10-25 km). Our model encompasses the interpretation of the landscape features, the role of tectonics in creating these landscapes, and the implications for hominins. In particular, the model explains the underlying mechanism for the creation and maintenance of heterogeneous habitats in regions of active tectonics. We illustrate how areas with faulting and disturbed drainage patterns would have been attractive habitats for hominins, such as Australopithecus, and other fauna. Wetland areas are an important characteristic of surface water disturbance by fault activity; therefore we examine the tectonically-controlled Okavango Delta (Botswana) and the Nylsvley wetland (South Africa) as modern examples of how tectonics in a riverine setting significantly enhance the faunal and floral biodiversity. While tectonic landscapes may not have been the only type of attractive habitats to hominins, we propose a suite of landscape, faunal, and floral indicators, which when recovered together suggest that site environments may have been influenced by tectonic and/or volcanic activity while hominins were present. For the fossil sites, we interpret the faulting and landscapes around australopithecine-bearing sites of the Middle Awash (Ethiopia) and Makapansgat, Taung, and Sterkfontein (South Africa) to illustrate these relationships between landscape features and surface water bodies. Exploitation of tectonically active landscapes may explain why the paleoenvironmental signals, anatomy, diets, as well as the fauna associated with Australopithecus appear largely heterogeneous through time and space. This hypothesis is discussed in light of potential preservation and time-averaging effects which may affect patterns visible in the fossil record. The model, however, offers insight into the landscape processes of how such habitats are formed. The landscape features and range of habitat conditions, specifically the wetter, down-dropped plains and drier, uplifted flanks persist in close proximity for as long as the fault motion continues. The Tectonic Landscape Model provides an alternative explanation of why mixed habitats may be represented at certain sites over longer timescales.  相似文献   

Olduvai Hominid 8 (OH 8), an articulating set of fossil hominin tarsal and metatarsal bones, is critical to interpretations of the evolution of hominin pedal morphology and bipedal locomotion. It has been suggested that OH 8 may represent the foot of a subadult and may be associated with the OH 7 mandible, the type specimen of Homo habilis. This assertion is based on the presence of what may be unfused distal metatarsal epiphyses. Accurately assessing the skeletal maturity of the OH 8 foot is important for interpretations of the functional morphology and locomotor behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominins. In this study, we compare metatarsal fusion patterns and internal bone morphology of the lateral metatarsals among subadult hominines (85 modern humans, 48 Pan, and 25 Gorilla) to assess the likelihood that OH 8 belonged to either an adult or subadult hominin. Our results suggest that if OH 8 is indeed from a subadult, then it displays a metatarsal developmental pattern that is unobserved in our comparative sample. In OH 8, the fully fused base of the first metatarsal and the presence of trabecular bone at the distal ends of the second and third metatarsal shafts make it highly improbable that it belonged to a subadult, let alone a subadult that matches the developmental age of the OH 7 mandible. In total, the results of this study suggest that the OH 8 foot most likely belonged to an adult hominin.  相似文献   

For several decades, it was largely assumed that stone tool use and production were abilities limited to the genus Homo. However, growing palaeontological and archaeological evidence, comparative extant primate studies, as well as results from methodological advancements in biomechanics and morphological analyses, have been gradually accumulating and now provide strong support for more advanced manual manipulative abilities and tool-related behaviours in pre-Homo hominins than has been traditionally recognized. Here, I review the fossil evidence related to early hominin dexterity, including the recent discoveries of relatively complete early hominin hand skeletons, and new methodologies that are providing a more holistic interpretation of hand function, and insight into how our early ancestors may have balanced the functional requirements of both arboreal locomotion and tool-related behaviours.  相似文献   

An investigation using the Stepping Out model of early hominin dispersal out of Africa is presented here. The late arrival of early hominins into Europe, as deduced from the fossil record, is shown to be consistent with poor ability of these hominins to survive in the Eurasian landscape. The present study also extends the understanding of modelling results from the original study by Mithen and Reed (2002. Stepping out: a computer simulation of hominid dispersal from Africa. J. Hum. Evol. 43, 433-462). The representation of climate and vegetation patterns has been improved through the use of climate model output. This study demonstrates that interpretative confidence may be strengthened, and new insights gained when climate models and hominin dispersal models are integrated.  相似文献   

Modern humans represent the only surviving species of an otherwise extinct clade of primates, the hominins. As the closest living relatives to extinct hominins, extant primates are an important source of comparative information for the reconstruction of the diets of extinct hominins. Methods such as comparative and functional morphology, finite element analysis, dental wear, dental topographic analysis, and stable isotope biogeochemistry must be validated and tested within extant populations before they can be applied to extinct taxa. Here we review how these methods have and might be used to reconstruct the diet of a particular extinct hominin, Paranthropus boisei, which has no extant analogue for its highly derived masticatory morphology. Our review emphasizes the potential and limitations of using extant primates as models for the reconstruction of extinct hominin diets. We encourage paleoanthropologists and those who study the feeding behaviors of extant primates to work together to investigate and validate methods for interpreting the diets of all extinct primates, including hominins.  相似文献   

The top of Tuff IF marks the upper boundary of the Plio-/Pleistocene Bed I succession exposed in Olduvai Gorge, NE Tanzania, a tephrostratigraphic interval that is well known for remarkable Oldowan archaeological and vertebrate fossil assemblages, including early hominins. Geochemically, Tuff IF is characterized by a relatively consistent silica-undersaturated trachytic to phonolitic composition that relates both in terms of numerical ages (1.79 Ma) and compositional constraints to Olmoti volcano, located 22–38 km E of Olduvai Gorge.Measured Tuff IF sections are characterized by a thick unwelded pyroclastic flow in proximal settings and a succession of surges and ashfalls that interfingers with fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Olduvai Basin in the medial to distal settings. Only in those areas with a relatively low topographic gradient, in distal reaches and beyond the toe of an Olmoti-sourced volcaniclastic fan, did the Tuff IF marker develop a typical threefold subdivision comprising: (1) primary surges and minor fallout, (2) reworked pumice units as lateral correlatives of proximally emplaced pyroclastic flows and (3) a succession of mass flows in conjunction with aeolian and fluvially reworked units.The pyroclastic marker unit is thus highly heterogeneous with regard to its vertical and lateral facies architecture and this has immediate effects on its preservation potential and in situ burial of fossils and stone artifacts. Even though the volcanically-related environmental perturbations were probably more severe at the eastern lake margin, the evidence for at least temporary freshwater sources and trees suggests environments conducive to hominin activities, but not during emplacement of Tuff IF pyroclastic flows and surges. This inference is supported by the presence of rich Oldowan stone artifact assemblages immediately preceding and following the deposition of Tuff IF, but only extremely sparse archaeological traces from one site in Tuff IF, restricted to the upper, fluvially reworked portion of Tuff IF.Tuff IF facies record the maximum of a regressive (drying) cycle that correlates with regional marine arid indicators. An ecological crisis covering ~ 2000–3500 a of time during Tuff IF deposition resulted not only from the lethal effects of explosive volcanism but also from its coincidence with a pronounced period of climate induced drought. These combined effects appear to have made at least the eastern basin uninhabitable by hominins and other vertebrates for most of the time during which Tuff IF accumulated.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Olduvai Hominid (OH) 8 foot and the sequence of metatarsal epiphyseal fusion in modern humans and chimpanzees support the hypothesis that OH 8 belonged to an individual of approximately the same relative age as the OH 7 subadult, the holotype of Homo habilis. Modern humans and chimpanzees exhibit a variety of metatarsal epiphyseal fusion patterns, including one identical to that observed in OH 8 in which metatarsal 1 fuses before metatarsals 2-5. More than the metatarsal fusion sequence, however, the principal evidence of the youthful age of OH 8 lies in the morphology of metatarsals 1, 2, and 3. Because both OH 8 and OH 7 come from the same stratum at the FLK NN type site, the most parsimonious explanation of the OH 8 and OH 7 data is that this material belonged to the same individual, as originally proposed by Louis Leakey. The proposition that OH 8 belonged to an adult is unsupported by morphology, including radiographic evidence, and the fusion sequences in human and chimpanzee skeletal material reported here and in the literature.  相似文献   

While no consensus allows explaining how and when human-like traits arose in fossil hominin hands, the recent discoveries of the Lomekwian stone tools (3.3 Ma) support the view that early hominins were able to use forceful grips in order to manipulate large-sized blocks for pounding activities. Then, assessing gripping abilities of contemporaneous hominin, i.e. Australopithecus afarensis, is necessary, particularly with regards to its unusual 5th ray morphology that has been deemed crucial to ensure forceful grips. Here, we present a musculoskeletal simulation based on the A. afarensis hand morphology that includes an original 5th carpometacarpal joint. Our first results suggest a limited influence of muscle parameters (e.g., PCSA) and support the value of simulations for studying extinct taxa even in absence of soft-tissue data. Given the inability for the pulp of the 5th ray to face the surface of a large-sized object, the A. afarensis hand would have had limited possibility to exert sufficient force to make the Lomekwian stone tools.  相似文献   

Reconstructing paleoenvironments and landscapes within lake-centered, hominin-yielding basinal sequences requires a resolution of time-rock units finer than but complementary to that provided by the present tephrostratigraphy. Although indispensable in providing an absolute time frame at Olduvai, the average 15,000-20,000 year intervals between successive tuff units lack the time resolution to construct a sufficiently contemporary paleolandscape within sedimentary intervals away from the interleaved tuffs. Such control is essential to construct valid paleogeographies in which to contextualize contemporaneous paleoanthropological sites and the traces of hominin land use they contain. Within Beds I and II of the Olduvai Basin a Sequence Stratigraphic analysis has achieved a relative time framework in which time-rock units, “lake-parasequences,” each generated by a major advance and withdrawal of the lake system, are recognizable for average periods of about 4000 years duration. Within each of these time slices at least two paleogeographic landscapes are identifiable, reducing the time constraints of an individual landscape reconstruction to a few thousand years. Within the sedimentary succession both highly incised and less incised unconformities are identifiable to provide sequence boundaries. Within each sequence the higher frequency lake-parasequences can be identified by (1) a disconformable base, (2) accretion of sediment during lake transgression and at maximum, (3) a disconformable top caused by lake withdrawal, and (4) a soil profile generated beneath that disconformable land surface. Individual lake-parasequences can be recognized in lake marginal and fan settings, and their imprint can also be seen in the lake setting where, for example, maximum flooding might be marked by a layer of dolomite. Lower Bed II parasequences represent time intervals of <5000 years, while parasequential periods between Tuffs IB and IC in Bed I are <4300 years. Analogous Holocene lake-level changes of the same order in East Africa have a period close to 4200 years. The estimated period is close to that defined by Stadial/Interstadial Dansgaard-Oeschger Events recorded in the Greenland Ice record, which force cycles of period similar to lake-parasequences, both in the Arabian Sea and Lake Malawi. Lake-parasequences not only aid construction of landscapes, they also allow contextualization of individual paleoanthropological occurrences. For instance, a parasequence lies between Leakey’s Level 1 and her butchered Deinotherium occurrence at FLK N. However, elephantid and giraffid skeletons associated with stone artifacts at VEK, uncovered by OLAPP excavations, are situated on the same land surface as a possibly butchered rhinocerid at KK. To complement the existing absolute radiometric time framework, relative Sequence Stratigraphic techniques might be applied to any lake-centered, hominin-yielding basinal sequence, not only those found within East Africa. Because they are climatically controlled, and might plausibly be related to globally driven Dansgaard-Oeschger Events, lake-parasequences and their associated sequences might be correlatable between various East African basins in the Plio-Pleistocene in the same way as they presently are for the Holocene.  相似文献   

The production of purposefully fractured stone tools with functional, sharp cutting edges is a uniquely derived hominin adaptation. In the long history of life on earth, only hominins have adopted this remarkably expedient and broadly effective technological strategy. In the paleontological record, flaked stone tools are irrefutable proof that hominins were present at a particular place and time. Flaked stone tools are found in contexts ranging from the Arctic to equatorial rainforests and on every continent except Antarctica. Paleolithic stone tools show complex patterns of variability, suggesting that they have been subject to the variable selective pressures that have shaped so many other aspects of hominin behavior and morphology. There is every reason to expect that insights gained from studying stone tools should provide vital and important information about the course of human evolution. And yet, one senses that archeological analyses of Paleolithic stone tools are not making as much of a contribution as they could to the major issues in human origins research.  相似文献   

Dmanisi is the oldest site outside of Africa that records unquestioned hominin occupations as well as the dispersal of hominins in Europe and Asia. The site has yielded large numbers of artefacts from several periods of hominin occupation. This analysis of Dmanisi stone tool technology includes a review of all the pieces recovered during the last 15 years of excavations. This lithic assemblage gives insights into the hominin behaviour at 1.7-1.8 Ma in Eurasia. Dmanisi hominins exploited local rocks derived from either nearby riverbeds or outcrops, and petrographic study provides data on patterns of stone procurement. Recent geological surveys and technological studies of the artefacts illustrate the roles of hominins in composing the assemblage. Dmanisi hominins selected two types of blanks, including cobbles and angular blocks, of basalt, andesite, and tuffs. Many complete cobbles, pebbles, and rolled blocks in basalt were unmodified, and geological analyses and surveys indicate that hominins brought manuports back to the site, suggesting a complex procurement strategy. Cores, flakes and debris show that all stages of flaking activity took place at the site. Numerous unifacial cores suggest that knapping was not very elaborate. Centripetal knapping is observed on some flake-cores. Knapping was influenced by the blank shape and natural angles. Most flaked objects were either cores or chopper-cores. Flakes predominate while flake tools are rare. The Dmanisi lithic assemblage is comparable to Oldowan sites in Africa in terms of reduction sequence, organisation of the removals, platform types, and the lack of retouched flakes. Dmanisi artefacts and may have been produced by the original hominins in Europe and Asia.  相似文献   

As part of ongoing research at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, to determine the detailed paleoenvironmental setting during Bed I and Bed II times and occupation of the basin by early hominins, we present the results of phytolith analyses of Tuff IF which is the uppermost unit of Bed I. Phytoliths were identified in most of the levels and localities on the eastern paleolake margin, but there are not always sufficient numbers of identifiable morphologies to infer the specific type of vegetation due to dissolution. Some surge surfaces and reworked tuff surfaces were vegetated between successive ash falls, as indicated by root-markings and the presence of a variety of phytolith morphotypes. Dicotyledonous wood/bark types were dominant except at the FLK N site just above Tuff IF when monocots are dominant and for the palm-dominated sample from the reworked channel cutting down into Tuff IF at FLK N. The area between the two fault scarps bounding the HWK Compartment, approximately 1 km wide, was vegetated at various time intervals between some of the surges and during the reworking of the Tuff. By lowermost Bed II times the eastern margin was fully vegetated again. Climate and tectonic activity probably controlled the fluctuating lake levels but locally the paleorelief and drainage were probably the controlling factors for the vegetation changes. These data support a scenario of small groups of hominins making brief visits to the paleolake during uppermost Bed I times, followed by a more desirable vegetative environment during lowermost Bed II times.  相似文献   

Field research at the fossil-bearing deposits in the Afar Depression began in the 1970s. Prior to this, hominin fossils older than 3.0 Mya consisted of only a handful of fragments. During Phase I, the International Afar Research Expedition to Hadar, Ethiopia collected some 240 fossil hominins from Hadar over a time range of 3.0–3.4 Mya. Along with hominin fossils from Laetoli, they were deemed a new species, Australopithecus afarensis. This taxon was posited as the last common ancestor to robust Australopithecus and the Homo lineage in eastern Africa. Phase II research under the Hadar Research Project has added strength to the Phase I results, including the first association of a Homo fossil with stone tools at 2.4 Mya. This presentation is a cursory synopsis of the importance and implications of the hominin fossils recovered at Hadar during over the last 34 years.  相似文献   

The announcement of a new species, Homo floresiensis, a primitive hominin that survived until relatively recent times is an enormous challenge to paradigms of human evolution. Until this announcement, the dominant paradigm stipulated that: 1) only more derived hominins had emerged from Africa, and 2) H. sapiens was the only hominin since the demise of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. Resistance to H. floresiensis has been intense, and debate centers on two sets of competing hypotheses: 1) that it is a primitive hominin, and 2) that it is a modern human, either a pygmoid form or a pathological individual. Despite a range of analytical techniques having been applied to the question, no resolution has been reached. Here, we use cladistic analysis, a tool that has not, until now, been applied to the problem, to establish the phylogenetic position of the species. Our results produce two equally parsimonious phylogenetic trees. The first suggests that H. floresiensis is an early hominin that emerged after Homo rudolfensis (1.86 Ma) but before H. habilis (1.66 Ma, or after 1.9 Ma if the earlier chronology for H. habilis is retained). The second tree indicates H. floresiensis branched after Homo habilis.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene locality of Kromdraai B has yielded the type specimen of Paranthropus robustus, as well as 27 additional fossil hominin specimens. In a number of both cranial and dental features, the states shown by the Kromdraai Paranthropus are more conservative when compared to the more derived conditions displayed by both South African conspecifics and the post-2.3 Ma eastern African Paranthropus boisei. Since 2014, we excavated the earliest known infilling of the Kromdraai cave system in a previously unexplored area. This new locality provided as yet 2200 identifiable macrovertebrate fossils, including 22 hominins, all tied in the earliest part of the stratigraphic sequence, representing three distinct depositional periods. Since we report here, for the first time, the occurrence of fossil hominins in Members 1 and 2, our discoveries stretch the time span of hominin evolution at Kromdraai and contribute to a better understanding of the origin of Paranthropus in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The timing and route of the earliest dispersal from Africa to Eastern Asia are contentious topics in the study of early human evolution because Asian hominin fossil sites with precise age constraints are very limited. Here we report new high-resolution magnetostratigraphic results that place stringent age controls on excavated hominin incisors and stone tools from the Yuanmou Basin, southwest China. The hominin-bearing layer resides in a reverse polarity magnetozone just above the upper boundary of the Olduvai subchron, yielding an estimated age of 1.7Ma. The finding represents the age of the earliest documented presence of Homo, with affinities to Homo erectus, in mainland East Asia. This age estimate is roughly the same as for H. erectus in island Southeast Asia and immediately prior to the oldest archaeological evidence in northeast Asia. Mammalian fauna and pollen obtained directly from the hominin site indicate that the Yuanmou hominins lived in a varied habitat of open vegetation with patches of bushland and forest on an alluvial fan close to a lake or swamp. The age and location are consistent with a rapid southern migration route of initial hominin populations into Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Humans have had a major impact on the environment. This has been particularly intense in the last millennium but has been noticeable since the development of food production and the associated higher population densities in the last 10,000 years. The use of fire and over-exploitation of large mammals has also been recognized as having an effect on the world’s ecology, going back perhaps 100,000 years or more. Here we report on an earlier anthropogenic environmental change. The use of stone tools, which dates back over 2.5 million years, and the subsequent evolution of a technologically-dependent lineage required the exploitation of very large quantities of rock. However, measures of the impact of hominin stone exploitation are rare and inherently difficult. The Messak Settafet, a sandstone massif in the Central Sahara (Libya), is littered with Pleistocene stone tools on an unprecedented scale and is, in effect, a man-made landscape. Surveys showed that parts of the Messak Settafet have as much as 75 lithics per square metre and that this fractured debris is a dominant element of the environment. The type of stone tools—Acheulean and Middle Stone Age—indicates that extensive stone tool manufacture occurred over the last half million years or more. The lithic-strewn pavement created by this ancient stone tool manufacture possibly represents the earliest human environmental impact at a landscape scale and is an example of anthropogenic change. The nature of the lithics and inferred age may suggest that hominins other than modern humans were capable of unintentionally modifying their environment. The scale of debris also indicates the significance of stone as a critical resource for hominins and so provides insights into a novel evolutionary ecology.  相似文献   

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