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Historically, Pappophoreae included the genera Cottea, Enneapogon, Kaokochloa, Pappophorum and Schmidtia. Some authors consider this tribe as a well-supported monophyletic group; while other evidences reveals Pappophoreae as polyphyletic, with Pappophorum separated from the rest of the tribe. When the latter happens, it can form a clade with Tridens flavus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the subfamily Chloridoideae have included few species of Pappophoreae; therefore, further research involving more representatives of this tribe is needed. With the aim of providing new evidence to help clarify the phylogenetic position of Pappophorum and its relationships with other genera of the tribe and the subfamily Chloridoideae, eight new sequences of ITS and trnL-F regions of Pappophoreae species were generated. These sequences were analyzed together with other available sequence data obtained from GenBank, using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference, for individual (trnL-F or ITS) or combined trnL-F/ITS data sets. All analyses reveal that Pappophoreae is polyphyletic, with Pappophorum separated from the rest of the tribe forming a well-supported clade sister to Tridens flavus.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were studied in fourteen accessions of CCDD genome allotetraploid wild rice species (Oryza latifolia, O. alta and O. grandiglumis). Fourteen nuclear RFLP markers previously mapped in AA genome-cultivated rice were used as probes. A phylogenetic tree, constructed by parsimony analysis based on RFLPs, grouped the accessions according to their geographic origin from Central or South America. Oryza alta, O. grandiglumis and one accession of O. latifolia grouped together as a subgroup, and our results suggested that the three taxa should be considered as populations of a single complex species. Duplicate loci, representing the two constituent genomes of the allotetraploid, were observed for most RFLP markers. By comparing RFLPs from the allotetraploids with those from a CC genome diploid wild species (O. officinalis), it was possible to detect RFLPs specific for both the CC and DD genomes of the allotetraploid. In inter-accession F2 populations, independent segregation of RFLP markers for CC and DD genomes was observed.  相似文献   

The genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops (Thymelaeaceae, Malvales) are well known for the production of agarwood which is a highly wanted forest product of substantial economic value. The taxonomic status of Aquilaria and Gyrinops as separate genera is doubted as they are only distinguished by the number of stamens. We investigated their status by conducting phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from the plastid trnL-trnF spacer. Control of international trade of agarwood is currently hampered by the failure of traditional methods such as microscopy to identify samples to species level. We therefore evaluated the potential of molecular identification of agarwood by searching for species- and region-specific plastid DNA polymorphisms. DNA sequences were obtained from 31 Thymelaeaceae accessions encompassing 20 different species in six genera. Aquilaria and Gyrinops appear to be paraphyletic. Success in sequencing wood samples demonstrates that molecular markers provide new perspectives for agarwood identification.  相似文献   

The combined analyses, based on ITS, trnL-F and matR DNA sequence data respectively from the nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genomes, reveal that Gordonia is not a monophyletic group, and on the contrary, distributed in two major lineages in Theaceae. The only North American species, G. lasianthus, is located in Gordonieae together with Schima and Franklinia, whereas the Chinese Gordonia species are positioned in Theeae together with Camellia, Pyrenaria s.l. and Apterosperma. This result, to great extent, supports the viewpoints of separating the North American and Asiatic Gordonia species into two different genera, Gordonia s.str. and Polyspora, respectively.The study was partially supported by funds from a project of the Provincial Natural Sciences Foundation Committee of Yunnan, P. R. China (97C039Q), the special support grants from The Chinese Academy of Sciences for biotaxonomy and floristics.  相似文献   

The systematics of the mainly yellow flowered Gagea species complex (Liliaceae) has long been considered difficult because only a few phenotypic features within this genus and as a result of hypothesized interspecific hybridisation. A molecular phylogenetic study of seven Gagea species (G. bohemica, G. lutea, G. minima, G. pomeranica, G. pratenis, G. spathacea and G. villosa) from Germany has been undertaken, based on plastid DNA sequences (trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA), psbA-trnH) and on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Sequence divergence within the Gagea species ranges up to 15.5% for psbA-trnH, 22.0% for trnL-trnF and 23.7% for ITS (ITS1 + 5.8S rRNA + ITS2). Two subspecies of Gagea bohemica: G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis and G. bohemica subsp. bohemica are characterized by trnL-trnF data and morphological features. Analysis of the ITS region shows that G. pomeranica represents a hybrid of G. pratensis and G. lutea. Lloydia serotina was initially used as an outgroup species, but it was placed within the investigated Gagea species in the psbA-trnH and the trnL-trnF phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Oryza officinalis (CC, 2n=24) and Oryza rhizomatis (CC, 2n=24) belong to the Oryza genus, which contains more than 20 identified wild rice species. Although much has been known about the molecular composition and organization of centromeres in Oryza sativa, relatively little is known of its wild relatives. In the present study, we isolated and characterized a 126-bp centromeric satellite (CentO-C) from three bacterial artificial chromosomes of O. officinalis. In addition to CentO-C, low abundance of CentO satellites is also present in O. officinalis. In order to determine the chromosomal locations and distributions of CentO-C (126-bp), CentO (155 bp) and TrsC (366 bp) satellite within O. officinalis, fluorescence in situ hybridization examination was done on pachytene or metaphase I chromosomes. We found that only ten centromeres (excluding centromere 7 and 2) contain CentO-C arrays in O. officinalis, while centromere 7 comprises CentO satellites, and centromere 2 is devoid of any detectable satellites. For TrsC satellites, it was detected at multiple subtelomeric regions in O. officinalis, however, in O. rhizomatis, TrsC sequences were detected both in the four centromeric regions (CEN 3, 4, 10, 11) and the multiple subtelomeric regions. Therefore, these data reveal the evolutionary diversification pattern of centromere DNA within/or between close related species, and could provide an insight into the dynamic evolutionary processes of rice centromere.  相似文献   

Aichryson is a genus of annual or perennial herbs, comprising approximately 13 species. The genus is nearly endemic to Macaronesia, with the center of diversity on the Canary Islands. Previous studies indicate that Aichryson is monophyletic and sister to a clade comprising two other genera, Monanthes and Aeonium. However, phylogenetic relationships within the genus have yet to be investigated. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated for Aichryson using DNA sequence data from both the nuclear and chloroplast genome. Parsimony analyses were conducted using separate nuclear and chloroplast data sets, as well as a combined data set. These combined analyses provide a well-resolved topology that is used to investigate patterns of evolution within the genus. For example, although typically herbaceous in habit, two members display a woody growth form. Our analyses indicate that woodiness is a derived feature in Aichryson that has arisen once. Furthermore, the data presented suggest that the Aichryson pachycaulon group, a group of five subspecies, are in fact not monophyletic and that a reexamination of classification is necessary. The present study indicates that the biogeographical patterns exhibited by Aichryson appear to be rare, occurring in only one other known genus.The authors would like to thank Susana Fontinha of the Madeiran Botanical Garden for plant material of Madeiran Aichryson; Drs. D. Crawford and J. Archibald, as well as two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments; Eastern Illinois Undergraduate Honors Research Fund, and University of Kansas Plant Biology Research Award. Additional financial support for this work was provided by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Museum of Natural History and Biodiversity Research Center, University of Kansas and a Kansas NSF EPSCoR First Award (NSF 32171) to MEM.  相似文献   

Cladistic relationships of epacrids and vaccinioids (Ericaceae) are investigated using nucleotide sequence data from the chloroplast encodedmatK gene. Sequences of 56 taxa were aligned and analyzed using parsimony methods. Results show thatVaccinioideae as currently recognized are not monophyletic. The epacrids are sister to a clade that includes theLyonia group, theGaultheria group, and theVaccinieae. Arbutus andPyrola branch early inEricaceae, before the rhododendroid group.Enkianthus is sister to the remainingEricaceae (includingEpacridaceae).Vaccinieae are strongly supported as monophyletic, butVaccinium andAgapetes are polyphyletic.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivated and wild Oryza species belonging to different genomic groups were studied with regard to their soluble seed-protein profiles. There is an essential uniformity in the banding patterns within various genomes and the basic patterns are not species-specific but genome-specific. O. meridionalis contains a subgenome similar to the A genome of O. rufipogon. Certain specific bands present among A genome species have been found to be useful in tracing the phylogenetic affinity between the cultivated species and their presumed wild progenitors.  相似文献   

Comparative sequencing of the chloroplast rps4 gene was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the family Pottiaceae (Musci). The results confirm that Ephemerum spinulosum, Splachnobryum obtusum, Goniomitrium acuminatum and Cinclidotus fontinaloides are clearly positioned within the Pottiaceae and that Hypodontium dregei is not a member. At subfamily level, the data support the subfamily Pottioideae as being a monophyletic clade. The Trichostomoideae are probably paraphyletic. Neither the subfamily Chionolomideae, represented in this study by Pseudosymblepharis schimperiana, nor the subfamily Erythrophyllopsoideae, represented by both known species, Erythrophyllastrum andinum and Erythrophyllopsis fuscula, are supported by the sequence data. The Timmielloideae should be excluded from the Pottiaceae. The Merceyoideae, represented in this study by Scopelophila cataractae, might form a sister clade to all other Pottiaceae, but their position is not fully resolved. At the genus level, Barbula is clearly polyphyletic since Barbula bolleana and Barbula indica appear in a clade clearly separated from Barbula unguiculata. Pottiopsis caespitosa and Leptobarbula berica are placed within the Trichostomoideae. Likewise, the genera Gymnostomum and Anoectangium are excluded from the Pottioideae and placed within the Trichostomoideae. Leptophascum leptophyllum is closely related with Syntrichia; Aloina is not closely related to Tortula or Crossidium. Evidence of a clade within the Pottioideae, formed of Leptodontium and Triquetrella, is provided.  相似文献   

Sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the cpDNAtrnL/trnF intergenic spacer (IGS) region were analysed for 41 Mediterranean and Eurasian representatives of the Anthemideae (Compositae) to ascertain the systematic position of the unispecific genusCastrilanthemum Vogt & Oberprieler and to study the phylogeny of the Anthemideae in the Mediterranean region. Both markers consistently point to the close relationship ofCastrilanthemum with the W Mediterranean generaLeucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood andProlongoa Boiss., forming a strongly supported monophyletic group (theLeucanthemopsis-group which also comprises the unispecific genusHymenostemma (Kunze) Willk.). Results also demonstrate that subtribes Achilleinae, Leucantheminae, and Matricariinae sensu Bremer & Humphries are non-monophyletic. Besides results from sequence variation, a marked 5bp-deletion intrnL/trnF IGS divides all these subtribes into more basal subgroups which are related to each other and to the large Eurasian generaTanacetum L. andAnthemis L., and a monophyletic group of closely related and more advanced subgroups which also contain the monophyletic Chrysantheminae sensu Bremer & Humphries. For this second group a W Mediterranean centre of diversification is suggested, however, its sister-group relationships within the basal grade of generic groups remain unclear.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the mt genome from the firefly, Pyrococelia rufa (Coeleoptera: Lampyridae) was determined. The circular genome is 17,739-bp long, and contains a typical gene complement, order, and arrangement identical to Drosophila yacuba. The presence of 1,724-bp long intergenic spacer in the P. rufa mt genome is unique. The putative initiation codon for ND1 gene appears to be TTG, instead of frequently found ATN. All tRNAs showed stable canonical clover-leaf structure of other mt tRNAs, except for tRNA(Ser) (AGN), DHU arm of which could not form stable stem-loop structure. Phylogenetic analysis among insect orders confirmed a monophyletic Endopterygota, a monophyletic Mecopterida, a monophyletic Diptera, a monophyletic Lepidoptera, and a monophyletic Coleoptera, suggesting that the complete insect mt genome sequence has a resolving power in the diversification events within Endopterygota. However, internal relationships among three coleopteran species are not clear, and the inclusion of some insect orders (i.e., apterygotan T. gertschi) in the analysis provided inconsistent results compared to other molecular studies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of Genista and related genera (Teline, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Echinospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus and Retama) were assessed by the analysis of sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS region), and the cpDNA trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. The tree obtained by combining both sets of data indicates the existence of three lines of diversification within Genista, that correspond to three subgenera: Genista, Phyllobotrys and Spartocarpus, however, each of these lineages encompass also species of the related genera Echinospartum, Teline, Retama, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus. The molecular data do not support division of these subgenera into taxonomical units at the sectional level; only sections Genista and Spartocarpus are monophyletic groups. The sequences of both regions are also informative at the specific level, grouping morphologically related species (e.g. the G. cinerea aggregate). The molecular data have also helped to clarify the position of taxa whose relationships were not well established (e.g. G. valdes-bermejoi). The relationships of related genera that belong to the Genista lines of diversification have also been investigated. Echinospartum splits into two separate clades matching the separation of two ecological and caryological differentiated groups. Teline also forms two groups, both placed near to Genista subgenus Genista, but that separated from the main core of the group. Retama, morphologically well differentiated from Genista, is close to Genista subgenus Spartocarpus. Chamaespartium and Pterospartum do not form a monophyletic group. Chamaespartium is closer to Genista subgenus Genista, whereas Pterospartum stands close to: 1) Genista subgenus Spartocarpus (particularly, sect. Cephalospartum); and 2) the Ulex-Stauracanthus clade (a terminal derivative of Genista subgenus Spartocarpus). Cases of incongruence (e.g. Echinospartum, Chamaespartium, Teline) between the trees obtained from the two molecular markers, may be indicating hybridisation and/or introgression between different lines of Genisteae.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the three species of Tinospora found in India are poorly understood. Morphology does not fully help to resolve the phylogeny and therefore a fast approach using molecular analysis was explored. Two molecular approaches viz Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay and restriction digestion of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA (PCR-RFLP) were used to evaluate the genetic similarities between 40 different accessions belonging to three species. Of the 38 random primers used only six generated the polymorphism, while as three out of 11 restriction enzymes used gave polymorphic restriction patterns. The average proportion of polymorphic markers across primers was 95%, however restriction endonucleases showed 92% polymorphism. RAPD alone was found suitable for the species diversions. In contrast PCR- RFLP showed bias in detecting exact species variation. The correlation between the two markers was performed by Jaccard's coefficient of similarity. A significant (r= 0.574) but not very high correlation was obtained. Further to authenticate the results obtained by two markers, sequence analysis of ITS region of ribosomal DNA (ITS1 and ITS2, including 5.8S rDNA) was performed. Three independent clones of each species T. cordifolia, T. malabarica and T. crispa were sequenced. Phylogenetic relationship inferred from ITS sequences is in agreement with RAPD data.  相似文献   

Based on the results of morphological and DNA sequence (partial D1–D3/D7–D8 nuLSU and partial nuSSU-ITS1-5.8S rDNA) data, three species of Plasmopara are revised and reclassified. A species of Plasmopara parasitic on Scorzonera, invalidly published several times, is assigned to a new genus and species under Novotelnova scorzonerae. Plasmopara euphrasiae sp. nov. is segregated from P. densa, and P. centaureae-mollis is revised and relegated to synonymy of Bremia centaureae. All taxa are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Species in the genus Castanea are widely distributed in the deciduous forests of the Northern Hemisphere from Asia to Europe and North America. They show floristic similarity but differences in chestnut blight resistance especially among eastern Asian and eastern North American species. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in this study using sequences of three chloroplast noncoding trnT-L-F regions. The trnT-L region was found to be the most variable and informative region. The highest proportion of parsimony informative sites, more and larger indels, and higher pairwise distances between taxa were obtained at trnT-L than at the other two regions. The high A+T values (74.5%) in the Castanea trnT-L region may explain the high proportion of transversions found in this region where as comparatively lower A+T values were found in the trnL intron (68.35%) and trnL-F spacer (70.07%) with relatively balanced numbers of transitions and transversions. The genus Castanea is supported as a monophyletic clade, while the section Eucastanon is paraphyletic. C. crenata is the most basal clade and sister to the remainder of the genus. The three Chinese species of Castanea are supported as a single monophyletic clade, whose sister group contains the North American and European species. There is consistent but weak support for a sister–group relationship between the North American species and European species.  相似文献   

Graminicolous downy mildews (GDM) are an understudied, yet economically important, group of plant pathogens, which are one of the major constraints to poaceous crops in the tropics and subtropics. Here we present a first molecular phylogeny based on cox2 sequences comprising all genera of the GDM currently accepted, with both lasting (Graminivora, Poakatesthia, and Viennotia) and evanescent (Peronosclerospora, Sclerophthora, and Sclerospora) sporangiophores. In addition, all other downy mildew genera currently accepted, as well as a representative sample of other oomycete taxa, have been included. It was shown that all genera of the GDM have had a long, independent evolutionary history, and that the delineation between Peronosclerospora and Sclerospora is correct. Sclerophthora was found to be a particularly divergent taxon nested within a paraphyletic Phytophthora, but without support. The results confirm that the placement of Peronosclerospora and Sclerospora in the Saprolegniomycetidae is incorrect. Sclerophthora is not closely related to Pachymetra of the family Verrucalvaceae, and also does not belong to the Saprolegniomycetidae, but shows close affinities to the Peronosporaceae. In addition, all GDM are interspersed throughout the Peronosporaceae s lat., suggesting that a separate family for the Sclerosporaceae might not be justified.  相似文献   

The genus Bonatea is widely distributed throughout southern and eastern Africa. Considerable debate surrounds the generic status of Bonatea, but there have been neither previous studies of evolutionary relationships among Bonatea species, nor any tests of the monophyly of the genus in relation to its close relative Habenaria. We investigated phylogenetic relationships between Bonatea and selected Habenaria species using morphology, as well as sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. A fully resolved cladogram was obtained using morphological data, but neither the ITS, matK, nor combined data sets yielded well-resolved and well-supported phylogenetic structure for Bonatea. There is poor congruence between ITS and matK data for interspecific relationships in Bonatea, whilst the morphological results are largely congruent with the ITS analysis. Relative to Habenaria, there is little sequence variation between Bonatea species, which could indicate a recent and rapid radiation of Bonatea. Although the sampled Bonatea species form a distinct clade, more extensive sampling of Habenaria would be required to establish unambiguously whether or not Bonatea is monophyletic.  相似文献   

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