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The corpus callosum (CC) is the main pathway responsible for interhemispheric communication. CC agenesis is associated with numerous human pathologies, suggesting that a range of developmental defects can result in abnormalities in this structure. Midline glial cells are known to play a role in CC development, but we here show that two transient populations of midline neurons also make major contributions to the formation of this commissure. We report that these two neuronal populations enter the CC midline prior to the arrival of callosal pioneer axons. Using a combination of mutant analysis and in vitro assays, we demonstrate that CC neurons are necessary for normal callosal axon navigation. They exert an attractive influence on callosal axons, in part via Semaphorin 3C and its receptor Neuropilin-1. By revealing a novel and essential role for these neuronal populations in the pathfinding of a major cerebral commissure, our study brings new perspectives to pathophysiological mechanisms altering CC formation.  相似文献   

The inbred strains BALB/cWah1 and 129P1/ReJ both show incomplete penetrance for absent corpus callosum (CC); about 14% of adult mice have no CC at all. Their F(1) hybrid offspring are normal, which proves that the strains differ at two or more loci pertinent to absent CC. Twenty-three recombinant inbred lines were bred from the F(2) cross of BALB/c and 129, and several of these expressed a novel and severe phenotype after only three or four generations of inbreeding - total absence of the CC and severe reduction of the hippocampal commissure (HC) in every adult animal. As inbreeding progressed, intermediate sizes of the CC and the HC remained quite rare. This striking phenotypic distribution in adults arose from developmental thresholds in the embryo. CC axons normally cross to the opposite hemisphere via a tissue bridge in the septal region at midline, where the HC forms before CC axons arrive. The primary defect in callosal agenesis in the BALB/c and 129 strains is severe retardation of fusion of the hemispheres in the septal region, and failure to form a CC is secondary to this defect. The putative CC axons arrive at midline at the correct time and place in all groups, but in certain genotypes, the bridge is not yet present. The relative timing of axon growth and delay of the septal bridge create a narrow critical period for forming a normal brain.  相似文献   

The corpus callosum (CC) plays a crucial role in interhemispheric communication. It has been shown that CC formation relies on the guidepost cells located in the midline region that include glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons as well as glial cells. However, the origin of these guidepost GABAergic neurons and their precise function in callosal axon pathfinding remain to be investigated. Here, we show that two distinct GABAergic neuronal subpopulations converge toward the midline prior to the arrival of callosal axons. Using in vivo and ex vivo fate mapping we show that CC GABAergic neurons originate in the caudal and medial ganglionic eminences (CGE and MGE) but not in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE). Time lapse imaging on organotypic slices and in vivo analyses further revealed that CC GABAergic neurons contribute to the normal navigation of callosal axons. The use of Nkx2.1 knockout (KO) mice confirmed a role of these neurons in the maintenance of proper behavior of callosal axons while growing through the CC. Indeed, using in vitro transplantation assays, we demonstrated that both MGE‐ and CGE‐derived GABAergic neurons exert an attractive activity on callosal axons. Furthermore, by combining a sensitive RT‐PCR technique with in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that CC neurons express multiple short and long range guidance cues. This study strongly suggests that MGE‐ and CGE‐derived interneurons may guide CC axons by multiple guidance mechanisms and signaling pathways. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 647–672, 2013  相似文献   

The ontogenesis of the corpus callosum is inextricably linked with the various processes controlling prosencephalic development. Our study is based on series of frontal and sagittal sections through the prosencephalon of 16 and 17 day mouse embryos and on ultrathin sections of the septum, particularly of the zone where the callosal fibres cross. The septum, which contains the first callosal fibres, does not undergo the fusional process described by other authors. The passage of pioneer fibres from one hemisphere to the other is preceded by the degeneration and death of the atrocytes of the cortical plate in the fundus of the interhemispheric issure, and by proliferation of the subependymal cells. The proliferation and migration of the subependymal cells from the medial angles of the lateral ventricles may well assist the passage of pioneering callosal fibres.  相似文献   

The Slit molecules are chemorepulsive ligands that regulate axon guidance at the midline of both vertebrates and invertebrates. In mammals, there are three Slit genes, but only Slit2 has been studied in any detail with regard to mammalian brain commissure formation. Here, we sought to understand the relative contributions that Slit proteins make to the formation of the largest brain commissure, the corpus callosum. Slit ligands bind Robo receptors, and previous studies have shown that Robo1(-/-) mice have defects in corpus callosum development. However, whether the Slit genes signal exclusively through Robo1 during callosal formation is unclear. To investigate this, we compared the development of the corpus callosum in both Slit2(-/-) and Robo1(-/-) mice using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. This analysis demonstrated similarities in the phenotypes of these mice, but crucially also highlighted subtle differences, particularly with regard to the guidance of post-crossing axons. Analysis of single mutations in Slit family members revealed corpus callosum defects (but not complete agenesis) in 100% of Slit2(-/-) mice and 30% of Slit3(-/-) mice, whereas 100% of Slit1(-/-); Slit2(-/-) mice displayed complete agenesis of the corpus callosum. These results revealed a role for Slit1 in corpus callosum development, and demonstrated that Slit2 was necessary but not sufficient for midline crossing in vivo. However, co-culture experiments utilising Robo1(-/-) tissue versus Slit2 expressing cell blocks demonstrated that Slit2 was sufficient for the guidance activity mediated by Robo1 in pre-crossing neocortical axons. This suggested that Slit1 and Slit3 might also be involved in regulating other mechanisms that allow the corpus callosum to form, such as the establishment of midline glial populations. Investigation of this revealed defects in the development and dorso-ventral positioning of the indusium griseum glia in multiple Slit mutants. These findings indicate that Slits regulate callosal development via both classical chemorepulsive mechanisms, and via a novel role in mediating the correct positioning of midline glial populations. Finally, our data also indicate that some of the roles of Slit proteins at the midline may be independent of Robo signalling, suggestive of additional receptors regulating Slit signalling during development.  相似文献   

We have studied a group of midline cells in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper by using immunocytochemical and intracellular dye injection techniques. This cluster of midline cells differentiates between the pars intercerebralis lobes of the protocerebrum during early embryogenesis, and is composed of putative midline progenitors as well as neuronal and glial cells. Annulin immunoreactive glial processes surround the borders of the midline cell cluster and also form a network of processes extending from there to the borders of proliferative clusters in the brain hemispheres. Among the cells that derive from the midline cluster are two bilaterally symmetrical pairs of identified primary commissure pioneer neurons. By navigating along the glial bound borders of the midline proliferative cluster, the axons of these pioneers establish an initial axonal bridge across the brain midline. This analysis identifies a glial-bound midline proliferative cluster in the brain and shows that neuronal and glial cells of this cluster are closely associated with neurons pioneering the primary brain commissure. Comparable features of midline cells in the ventral ganglia and similarities to other proliferative clusters in the brain hemispheres are discussed.  相似文献   

The corpus callosum (CC) is the major commissure connecting the cerebral hemispheres and there is evidence of its continuing development into young adulthood [Ann. Neurol. 34 (1993) 71]. Yet, little is known about changes in the size and tissue characteristics of its sub-regions. The sub-regions of the CC (genu, body, isthmus and splenium) are topographically organized to carry interhemispheric fibres representing heteromodal and unimodal cortical brain regions. Studies of the development of each of these sub-regions can therefore provide insights into the time course of brain development. We assessed age-related changes in the size and the signal intensities (SI) of the subregions of the corpus callosum in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of a cross-sectional sample of 109 healthy young individuals aged 7-32 years. Age was significantly positively correlated with the size of the callosal sub-regions (with the exception of the isthmus). On the other hand, there was an age-related decrease in SI across all the CC sub-regions. The rates of CC regional size increases appeared to be most pronounced in childhood. By contrast, SI decreases occurred during childhood and adolescence but reached an asymptote during young adulthood. Finally, the observed size and SI changes were similar across CC sub-regions. The observed increases in CC size in conjunction with the decreases in signal intensity reflect continued maturation of the structure from childhood through young adulthood. An increase in axonal size may underlie growth in the size of the CC during childhood. The continued decrease in the CC signal intensity during adolescence may in addition be related to ongoing maturation of the axonal cytoskeleton. CC maturational changes appeared synchronous across sub-regions suggesting parallel maturation of diverse brain regions during childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Gliolectin is a carbohydrate-binding protein (lectin) that mediates cell adhesion in vitro and is expressed by midline glial cells in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Gliolectin expression is maximal during early pathfinding of commissural axons across the midline (stages 12-13), a process that requires extensive signaling and cell-cell interactions between the midline glia and extending axons. Deletion of the gliolectin locus disrupts the formation of commissural pathways and also delays the completion of longitudinal pathfinding. The disruption in commissure formation is accompanied by reduced axon-glial contact, such that extending axons grow on other axons and form a tightly fasciculated bundle that arches over the midline. By contrast, pioneering commissural axons normally cross the midline as a distributed array of fibers that interdigitate among the midline glia, maximizing contact and, therefor, communication between axon and glia. Restoration of Gliolectin protein expression in the midline glia rescues the observed pathfinding defects of null mutants in a dose-dependent manner. Hypomorphic alleles generated by ethylmethanesulfonate mutagenesis exhibit a similar phenotype in combination with a deletion and these defects are also rescued by transgenic expression of Gliolectin protein. The observed phenotypes indicate that carbohydrate-lectin interactions at the Drosophila midline provide the necessary surface contact to capture extending axons, thereby ensuring that combinatorial codes of positive and negative growth signals are interpreted appropriately.  相似文献   

The anterior commissure forms the first axon connections between the two sides of the embryonic telencephalon. We investigated the role of the transmembrane receptor Frizzled-3a in the development of this commissure using zebrafish as an experimental model. Knock down of Frizzled-3a resulted in complete loss of the anterior commissure. This defect was accompanied by a loss of the glial bridge, expansion of the slit2 expression domain and perturbation of the midline telencephalic-diencephalic boundary. Blocking Slit2 activity following knock down of Frizzled-3a effectively rescued the anterior commissure defect which suggested that Frizzled-3a was indirectly controlling the growth of axons across the rostral midline. We have shown here that Frizzled-3a is essential for normal development of the commissural plate and that loss-of-function causes Slit2-dependent defects in axon midline crossing in the embryonic vertebrate forebrain. These data supports a model whereby Wnt signaling through Frizzled-3a attenuates expression of Slit2 in the rostral midline of the forebrain. The absence of Slit2 facilitates the formation of a midline bridge of glial cells which is used as a substrate for commissural axons. In the absence of this platform of glia, commissural axons fail to cross the rostral midline of the forebrain.  相似文献   

Within an axon bundle, one or two are pioneering axons and the rest are follower axons. Pioneering axons are projected first and the follower axons are projected later but follow a pioneering axon(s) pathway. It is not clear whether the pioneering axons have a guidance role for follower axons. In this paper, we have investigated the role of Patched (Ptc) in regulating the guidance of medial tract, one of the longitudinal tracts in the nerve cord. In patched mutants the medial longitudinal tract fails to fasciculate on its own side along the nerve cord, instead it abnormally crosses the midline and fasciculates with the contralateral tract. Interestingly, the medial tracts cross the midline ignoring the axon-repellant Slit on the midline and Roundabout on growth cones. The medial tract is pioneered by neurons pCC and vMP2. Our results show that guidance defects of this tract are due to loss and mis-specification of vMP2, which results in the projection from pCC to either stall or project outward near the location of vMP2. Thus, both pioneering neurons are necessary for the proper guidance of pioneering and follower axons. We also show that the loss of Ptc activity in the neuroectoderm prior to the formation of S1 and S2 neuroblasts causes the majority of axon guidance defects. These results provide insight into how mis-specification and loss of neurons can non-autonomously contribute to defects in axon pathfinding.  相似文献   

The central complex is a major neuropilar structure in the insect brain whose distinctive, modular, neuroarchitecture in the grasshopper is exemplified by a bilateral set of four fibre bundles called the w, x, y and z tracts. These columns represent the stereotypic projection of axons from the pars intercerebralis into commissures of the central complex. Each column is established separately during early embryogenesis in a clonal manner by the progeny of a subset of four identified protocerebral neuroblasts. We report here that dye injected into identified pioneers of the primary brain commissure between 31 and 37% of embryogenesis couples to cells in the pars intercerebralis which we identify as progeny of the W, X, Y, or Z neuroblasts. These progeny are the oldest within each lineage, and also putatively the first to project an axon into the protocerebral commissure. The axons of pioneers from each tract do not fasciculate with one other prior to entry into the commissure, thereby prefiguring the modular w, x, y, z columns of the adult central complex. Within the commissure, pioneer axons from columnar tracts fasciculate with the growth cones of identified pioneers of the existing primary fascicle and do not pioneer a separate fascicle. The results suggest that neurons pioneering a columnar neuroarchitecture within the embryonic central complex utilize the existing primary commissural scaffold to navigate the brain midline.  相似文献   

Activity of 28 identified neurones of the visual cortex was recorded in cats immobilized by d-tubocurarine. Stimulation of the callosal body with a single stimulus or high-frequency train elicited a short-latency antidromic reaction of neurones in the visual cortex whose axons constitute the main part of the large cerebral commissure. Some commissural neurones responded to a single callosal stimulation by two action potentials the first one being antidromic, the second one being of long-latency postsynaptic origin. The second action potential was generated as a result of activation of axonal collaterals of the same neurone or the neighboring callosal neurones. More than a half of callosal neurones responded to a single stimulation of the lateral geniculate body by short-latency antidromic discharges and by long-latency postsynaptic reactions. These data indicate the existence of the systems of two-way neuronal connections, i.e. calloso-geniculate and geniculo-callosal ones.  相似文献   

Capillaries within the central nervous system (CNS) of eutherian mammals form meshworks with numerous anastomoses, whereas capillaries in the CNS of marsupials consist entirely of hairpin-like loops, without anastomotic interconnections. Counter-current blood flow in capillary loops may have been important in the evolutionary development of a cerebral vascular supply. However, loops are not found in eutherian mammals, perhaps because of a limited benefit to the diffusive conductance of gases.  相似文献   

The cells-of-origin and the mode and site of termination of the interhemispheric connections passing through the anterior and posterior pallial commissures in the telencephalon of two lizards (Podarcis hispanica and Gallotia stehlinii) were investigated by studying the anterograde and retrograde transport of unilaterally injected horseradish peroxidase. The commissural projections arise mainly from pyramidal cells in the medial, dorsomedial, and dorsal cortices (medial subfield). Additionally some non-pyramidal neurons in the medial and dorsal cortices contribute to the commissural system. Medial cortex neurons project to the contralateral anterior septum through the anterior pallial commissure. The dorsomedial cortex projects contralaterally via the anterior pallial commissure to the dorsolateral septum and to the medial, dorsomedial, and dorsal cortices. The projection to the medial cortex terminates in two bands at the inner and outer border, respectively, of the cell layer; the projection to the dorsomedial and dorsal cortex ends in a zone in layer 1 which previously has been described to be Timm-negative, and in a diffuse band in the inner half of layer 3. The medial subfield of the dorsal cortex projects through the anterior pallial commissure to the dorsomedial and dorsal cortices with a similar pattern of termination to that found for the dorsomedial cortex. The posterior pallial commissure contains only the projections from the ventral cortex to its contralateral counterpart and to the ventral part of the caudal medial cortex. The similarities found between this commissural system and the mammalian hippocampal interhemispheric connections are discussed.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric communication may be constrained as brain size increases because of transmission delays in action potentials over the length of axons. Although one might expect larger brains to have progressively thicker axons to compensate, spatial packing is a limiting factor. Axon size distributions within the primate corpus callosum (CC) may provide insights into how these demands affect conduction velocity. We used electron microscopy to explore phylogenetic variation in myelinated axon density and diameter of the CC from 14 different anthropoid primate species, including humans. The majority of axons were less than 1 µm in diameter across all species, indicating that conduction velocity for most interhemispheric communication is relatively constant regardless of brain size. The largest axons within the upper 95th percentile scaled with a progressively higher exponent than the median axons towards the posterior region of the CC. While brain mass among the primates in our analysis varied by 97-fold, estimates of the fastest cross-brain conduction times, as conveyed by axons at the 95th percentile, varied within a relatively narrow range between 3 and 9 ms across species, whereas cross-brain conduction times for the median axon diameters differed more substantially between 11 and 38 ms. Nonetheless, for both size classes of axons, an increase in diameter does not entirely compensate for the delay in interhemispheric transmission time that accompanies larger brain size. Such biophysical constraints on the processing speed of axons conveyed by the CC may play an important role in the evolution of hemispheric asymmetry.  相似文献   

The corpus callosum (CC) is a brain structure composed of axon fibres linking the right and left hemispheres. Musical training is associated with larger midsagittal cross-sectional area of the CC, suggesting that interhemispheric communication may be faster in musicians. Here we compared interhemispheric transmission times (ITTs) for musicians and non-musicians. ITT was measured by comparing simple reaction times to stimuli presented to the same hemisphere that controlled a button-press response (uncrossed reaction time), or to the contralateral hemisphere (crossed reaction time). Both visual and auditory stimuli were tested. We predicted that the crossed-uncrossed difference (CUD) for musicians would be smaller than for non-musicians as a result of faster interhemispheric transfer times. We did not expect a difference in CUDs between the visual and auditory modalities for either musicians or non-musicians, as previous work indicates that interhemispheric transfer may happen through the genu of the CC, which contains motor fibres rather than sensory fibres. There were no significant differences in CUDs between musicians and non-musicians. However, auditory CUDs were significantly smaller than visual CUDs. Although this auditory-visual difference was larger in musicians than non-musicians, the interaction between modality and musical training was not significant. Therefore, although musical training does not significantly affect ITT, the crossing of auditory information between hemispheres appears to be faster than visual information, perhaps because subcortical pathways play a greater role for auditory interhemispheric transfer.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were performed in 18 chloralose-anaesthetized, curarized cats in order to study the callosal transfer of somatic information originated in exteroceptive and proprioceptive receptors. Several cutaneous and deep nerves of the forelimb were prepared and stimulated with graded intensities, so as to activate selectively afferent fibres pertaining to the different groups of Lloyd's classification. Simultaneous records were taken (and averaged on-line by means of a multichannel analyzer) from the distal end of a cut dorsal rootlet (C7-C8), from the cerebral cortex (SI, SII or area 3a, according to the experiment) and from the somesthetic callosal region (SCR). 2. The low-threshold afferent fibres (Group II) of cutaneous origin were found to have a wide projection to the SCR, with the maximal density in its middle portion. Some of the fastest corticocallosal impulses are relayed monosynaptically at cortical level. Plots of the amplitude of cortical and callosal responses as a function of stimulus strength showed that both central responses have the same threshold and exhibit a parallel, sharply-rising amplitude increase, thus suggesting that the cortico-callosal re-transmission system for afferent impulses of cutaneous origin is very powerful in nature. Impulses elicited in afferent fibres of higher threshold (Group III) do not enhance the cortical and callosal positive waves provoked by Group II afferent volleys. 3. Afferent fibres of deep origin were also found to send a wide projection to the SCR, although less substantial than that of cutaneous fibres. Stimulation of the deep radial nerve elicited mass responses in the whole SCR, provided the strength of stimuli was high enough to engage the Group II fibres. Only in the central portion of the SCR were small potentials recorded in response to pure Group I volleys of DRN. Experiments performed with selective stimulation of pure muscular branches of forelimb deep nerves as well as of articular and mixed (muscular and articular) branches gave evidence making it possible to ascertain the origin of deep afferent fibres projecting to the SCR. Stimulation of the forelimb muscular branches with strength provoking full activation of Group I afferent and additional engagement of those of Group II, did not provoke mass responses in the whole extent of the SCR. In order to obtain callosal potentials upon stimulation of pure muscular nerves, it was necessary to increase the stimulus strength at or above the threshold for Group III fibres. On the contrary, the same callosal foci unresponsive to Group I and II muscular afferent volleys exhibited clear-cut responses to stimulation of the lowest-threshold Group I and/or Group II afferents of articular and mixed nerves. From the results it might be inferred that only proprioceptive information originating from articular receptors and from extrafusal muscular afferents has access to the callosal interhemispheric transfer.  相似文献   

Hou Z  Romero R  Uddin M  Than NG  Wildman DE 《Genomics》2009,93(1):33-41
The chorioallantoic placenta is a shared derived feature of "placental" mammals essential for the success of eutherian reproduction. Identifying the genes involved in the emergence of the placenta may provide clues for understanding the biology of this organ. Here we identify among 4960 single copy genes in mammals, 222 that show high expression levels in human placentas at term. Further, we present evidence that 94 of these 222 genes evolved adaptively during human evolutionary history since the time of the last common ancestor of eutherian mammals. Remarkably, the majority of positive selection occurred on the eutherian stem lineage suggesting that ancient adaptations have been retained in the human placenta. Of these positively selected genes, 28 have been shown to play a role in human pregnancy and placental biology, and at least 26 have important pregnancy-related phenotypes in mice. Adaptations in genes highly expressed in human placenta are attractive candidates for functional and clinical studies.  相似文献   

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