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Ways of penetration of a new species of European smelt Osmerus eperlanus into the Syamozero as well as the process of formation of its population in the reservoir are considered. The main factor contributing to the consolidation of the species in the biotic community is the availability of resources that are not disposed by native species. The regulator of abundance of smelt in the Syamozero is the microsporidium Glugea hertwigi. The role of smelt in the system of established food relationships in the ecosystem is analyzed.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis is made on the population of the European smelt Osmerus eperlanus occasionally introduced to Lake Syamozero (Karelia) and of the vendace Coregous albula supposedly acclimatized in Solovetskie Islands as a result of fish cultural activities of the Solovetskii Monastery. They are compared with several natural populations—possible donors for both introductions. Genetic variation in a sample of smelt was estimated by means of restrictase analysis of mtDNA (fragment ND1/ND2) in samples of vendace—by means of allozyme analysis of six isoenzyme systems. The probable population for the Syamozero smelt is the population of Onega Lake in spite of the previously noted greater morphological similarity of colonizers with the smelt of Ladoga Lake. A high level of genetic variation in the Syamozero smelt in comparison with native populations indicates that, beside the introduction from Onega Lake, there were repeated introductions from neighboring water bodies. The genetic analysis of the Solovetskaya vendace does not prove that the vendace appeared on islands due to acclimatization. Frequencies of alleles of allozyme loci in the Solovetskaya population significantly differ from frequencies in continental populations. Still, it is compared with some populations of the Arkhangelsk oblast. Estimations of genetic diversity of the Solovetskaya vendace turned out to be comparable with those in native populations.  相似文献   

We present a conceptual mathematical model of the dynamics of a spatially heterogeneous population system whose prototype is the fish community of Lake Syamozero. Analysis of the solutions of this model is used to demonstrate that interactions between the predator and prey populations in two neighboring biotopes (the pelagic and coastal zones) may result in either undamped oscillations or steady states of the population sizes. The model population densities are of the same order of magnitude as the values obtained in long-term observations of the Syamozero biota. It is also demonstrated that the transition to steady states may be accompanied by long-term (dozens or hundreds of years) damped oscillations of the prey and predator population densities. Under natural conditions, long transitional periods may prevent fish communities from reaching stationary modes.  相似文献   

We have developed a conceptual mathematical model of the dynamics of a spatially heterogeneous population system, the prototype of which is the Syamozero lake fish community. Based on the analysis of solutions of the model, we show that interrelations between prey and predator populations in two neighboring habitats (pelagic and offshore zones) can lead to both undamped oscillations and stationary values of the population size. The population density was found to be close to the values oblained in the course of long-term observations of the biota of the Syamozero lake. Besides, we showed that the transition to the stationary states can be accompanied by long-term (dozens and hundreds of years) damped oscillations of the prey and predator population size. In natural waters, long-term transition periods can prevent the attainment of stationary regimes of fish community functioning.  相似文献   

大型年长鱼类对海洋生态系统生物资源养护的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人口增长和渔业资源需求的上升,人类沿着食物网营养级自上向下捕捞渔业资源的趋势仍在持续,导致海洋生物多样性丧失及其生态功能与服务价值迅速下降。由捕捞活动造成的渔业诱导进化进一步导致鱼类资源小型化已受到国内外学者的广泛关注。从大型年长鱼类这一独特视角出发,综述了大型年长鱼类在种群繁衍过程中的作用,其具备巨大的繁殖能量输出、丰富的亲本繁殖经验以及强大的年龄组繁殖力贡献,更有利于种群的延续;大型年长鱼类对于初次性成熟亲鱼生殖洄游具有一定的引领作用,并在季节性集群繁殖过程中占据主导地位,可通过抑制小个体同类繁殖维护种群结构的稳定;大型年长鱼类在生态系统中更是占据了较高营养级和广阔的生态位宽度,面对生态环境的改变,具有更强的适应调控能力;大型年长鱼类在种群基因交流过程中亦起到十分关键的作用。保护大型年长鱼类更有利于鱼类种群的快速恢复,这为生物资源养护和渔业管理政策制定方面提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

Diplostomiasis, or black spot, is a disease of teleost fish, which results from the encystment of metacercarial larvae of digenean trematodes in the skin of the fish. This parasite occurs on sand smelt, Atherina presbyter , and pout, Trisopterus luscus , at Fawley. Since the debilitating effects of disease or parasitism may be a factor influencing fish impingement, the incidence of black spot in the Fawley sand smelt population has been studied. Fish 3 months old can be infected, and an average of 9% of the population up to 2 years old is infected. There is a rapid size-correlated rise in infection in 2 + fish, associated with their migratory habit. The metacercarial morphology has been examined, and it is tentatively identified as a species of Neodiplostomum . There is a greater settlement of metacercaria on the fins and the eye of the sand smelt than on the scaled parts of the body. No seasonality or change in levels of infection over the years 1977 to 1981 were found. The incidence of the parasite has no effect on the impingement of sand smelt at Fawley; the reasons for this are discussed. Models of the changing rate of infection with migration imply that the population associated with the power station is less infected than surrounding natural populations. The infection rates of diplostomiasis in separate populations of host fish may prove useful in distinguishing the origins of individuals in a mixed impingement on the power station screens.  相似文献   

The population of sand smelt, Atherina presbyter , breeding in the Fleet, Dorset, shows a high infection of diplostomiasis. The population was studied in 1983 to clarify aspects for this parasitic condition previously analysed for the sand smelt population at Fawley, Southampton Water. All age classes showed a higher percentage infection and mean number of metacercaria per fish than at Fawley. Analysis of postlarvae and juveniles showed that infection can occur at 1 week old, and verified the hypothesis that the scales of older fish inhibit cercarial settlement. Circumstantial evidence suggests that Potamopyrgus jenkinsi may be the first vector host for this parasite, and the densities of this species and of nesting little tern colonies would account for the differential infection between these two sand smelt populations. The increase in infection of 2 fish at Fawley cannot be attributed to mixing with the Fleet population, and the different infection levels demonstrate population isolation. High levels of infection are limited to this part of the English Channel: sand smelt samples from around the coasts of the British Isles show minimal infection rates elsewhere and suggest a southerly distribution of the parasite, away from Atlantic oceanic waters.  相似文献   

Larvae of anadromous rainbow smelt originating in various spawning tributaries are retained in the St Lawrence estuary. We proposed that these smelt represent one population genetically differentiated from adjacent populations characterized by geographically distinct larval retention areas. We also analysed four landlocked populations to evaluate the phylogenetic basis of dwarf and normal-sized phenotypes and their relation to an adromous smelt. A phylogenetic distinction was revealed between anadromous and landlocked smelt, with only one of the two mtDNA phylogenetic groups of anadromous fish observed among landlocked smelt. Significant geographical heterogeneity in the distribution of mtDNA genotypes was observed among landlocked smelt, suggesting that dwarfism in smelt may be polyphyletic in origin. St Lawrence smelt were genetically identical but distinct from adjacent populations, supporting the proposition that population genetic structure reflects the number of larval retention zones rather than spawning sites.  相似文献   

Dynamics of abundance and changes of populations structure were investigated in a host-specific parasite of salmonids, cestode Proteocephalus longicollis from the vendace Coregonus albula L. of the Syamozero Lake during the period of more than forty years. A relative stability of the values of infestation indices independently of significant changes in the abundance and population structure of the vendace is established. Changes in the distribution of abundance and population structure of P. longicollis are shown to be connected with the change of the water body's status resulting from eutrophication. These changes can be considered as reliable indices of the succession in freshwater bodies.  相似文献   

The restoration and rehabilitation of the native fish communities is a long-term goal for the Laurentian Great Lakes. In Lake Superior, the ongoing restoration of the native lake trout populations is now regarded as one of the major success stories in fisheries management. However, populations of the deepwater morphotype (siscowet lake trout) have increased much more substantially than those of the nearshore morphotype (lean lake trout), and the ecosystem now contains an assemblage of exotic species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt, and Pacific salmon (chinook, coho, and steelhead). Those species play an important role in defining the constraints and opportunities for ecosystem management. We combined an equilibrium mass balance model (Ecopath) with a dynamic food web model (Ecosim) to evaluate the ecological consequences of future alternative management strategies and the interaction of two different sets of life history characteristics for fishes at the top of the food web. Relatively rapid turnover rates occur among the exotic forage fish, rainbow smelt, and its primary predators, exotic Pacific salmonids. Slower turnover rates occur among the native lake trout and burbot and their primary prey—lake herring, smelt, deepwater cisco, and sculpins. The abundance of forage fish is a key constraint for all salmonids in Lake Superior. Smelt and Mysis play a prominent role in sustaining the current trophic structure. Competition between the native lake trout and the exotic salmonids is asymmetric. Reductions in the salmon population yield only a modest benefit for the stocks of lake trout, whereas increased fishing of lake trout produces substantial potential increases in the yields of Pacific salmon to recreational fisheries. The deepwater or siscowet morphotype of lake trout has become very abundant. Although it plays a major role in the structure of the food web it offers little potential for the restoration of a valuable commercial or recreational fishery. Even if a combination of strong management actions is implemented, the populations of lean (nearshore) lake trout cannot be restored to pre-fishery and pre-lamprey levels. Thus, management strategy must accept the ecological constraints due in part to the presence of exotics and choose alternatives that sustain public interest in the resources while continuing the gradual progress toward restoration. Received 10 December 1999; accepted 13 June 2000.  相似文献   

池沼公鱼移殖放流试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于1984—1986年进行了池沼公鱼移殖放流试验研究,移入水库的池沼公鱼已能自然产卵繁殖,形成了经济群体。本文论及了移殖放流的理论依据、移殖放流技术、移殖放流效果、移殖池沼公鱼的生态效益的分析和池沼公鱼的资源管理。  相似文献   

In the eastern Gulf of Finland, European smelt Osmerus eperlanus occurs as an anadromous ecological form that spawns in coastal, low-salinity zones and in several rivers entering the gulf, most importantly in the River Neva. Osmerus eperlanus is a key commercial fish species for the population of St. Petersburg, and the city's fish symbol. However, the state of the smelt stock has considerably deteriorated over the past few decades. Monitoring shows that annual catches during 1965–1992 averaged 2274 t, compared to 292 t in 2002–2017, although some improvement is inidicated by a gradual increase in catches in recent years (e.g., to 595 t in 2017). This paper addresses long-term and recent changes in the fisheries for smelt in the eastern Gulf of Finland, including both commercial and recreational fisheries, and the range of fishing gears used. The commercial smelt fishery is mainly conducted during the spawning period (April–May) on migrating fish, using trap nets of various designs and beach seines. There has been an increase in recreational fisheries for smelt; in years when ice cover on the gulf during winter (December–April) is steady, recreational fishers from St. Petersburg, using hook and line, may catch quantities that are comparable to those of commercial catches. Several factors may account for the stock dynamics and associated changes in catches of smelt: these include a decrease in prey availability in the gulf; loss and degradation of spawning and nursery habitats, partly associated with large-scale hydroengineering operations in Neva Bay; and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing which became widespread in post-Soviet decades. In spite of a gradual increase in smelt abundance in the most recent 15 years, a failure to accurately monitor and manage the extent of IUU and recreational fishing for smelt, to assess the status of the stock, or to forecast catches, increases the risk of overfishing of the spawning stock.  相似文献   

The use of animal cell cultures as tools for studying the microsporidia of insects and mammals is briefly reviewed, along with an in depth review of the literature on using fish cell cultures to study the microsporidia of fish. Fish cell cultures have been used less often but have had some success. Very short-term primary cultures have been used to show how microsporidia spores can modulate the activities of phagocytes. The most successful microsporidia/fish cell culture system has been relatively long-term primary cultures of salmonid leukocytes for culturing Nucleospora salmonis. Surprisingly, this system can also support the development of Enterocytozoon bienusi, which is of mammalian origin. Some modest success has been achieved in growing Pseudoloma neurophilia on several different fish cell lines. The eel cell line, EP-1, appears to be the only published example of any fish cell line being permanently infected with microsporidia, in this case Heterosporis anguillarum. These cell culture approaches promise to be valuable in understanding and treating microsporidia infections in fish, which are increasingly of economic importance.  相似文献   

This work describes the dynamics of the vendace population in Syamozero and provides an evaluation of its current state based on data collected for more than 75 years. The main biological parameters of the fish (body length and mass, gender, maturity stage, and fecundity) are analyzed. The causes of variations in the vendace number from year to year are considered.  相似文献   

It has been reported that pond smelt, Hypomesus nipponensis, in Lake Ogawara, Japan, appear in small and large size groups during spawning despite being an annual fish. It is hypothesized that pond smelt have a bimodal life history, anadromous for large size groups and resident in the lake for small size groups. We calculated the body length and growth rate of the small and large size groups through the use of daily otolith increments and compared growth parameters between groups. In addition, the growth processes of resident fish in Lake Ogawara and anadromous fish in the adjacent sea were examined and compared with small and large size groups, respectively. We found that the two size groups diverged after 40–50 days from hatching with significant size groups present after 50 days. Through otolith increment analysis the growth processes of the small and large size groups were correlated with resident and anadromous forms respectively. These results revealed the utility of otolith increment analyses to clarify population structure of this species.  相似文献   

We analysed lake smelt (Osmerus eperlanus eperlanus m. spirinchus Pallas.) population dynamics in relation to water level and temperature in Lake Peipsi, Estonia/Russia, using commercial fishery statistics from 1931 to 2004 (excluding 1940–1945). Over this period, smelt provided the greatest catch of commercial fish although its stock and catches have gradually decreased. At times, catches of smelt were quite variable with a cyclic character. Disappearance of smelt from catches in years 1973–1975 was the result of summer fish kill. Regression analysis revealed a significant negative effect of high temperature on the abundance of smelt stock, while the effect of water level was not significant. Our results suggest that critical factors for the smelt population are the absolute value of water temperature in the hottest period (≥20°C) of summer and the duration of this period. These weather parameters have increased in synchrony with smelt decline during the last 7 decades. There appeared to be a significant negative effect of hot summers on the abundance of smelt operating with a lag of one and 2 years, which can be explained by the short life cycle (mainly 1–2 years) of this species.  相似文献   

Age of fish at maturation depends on the species and environmental factors but, in general, investment in growth is prioritized until the first sexual maturity, after which a considerable and increasing proportion of resources are used for reproduction. The present study summarizes for the first the key elements of the maturation of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) young of the year (YoY) in the North-eastern Gulf of Riga (the Baltic Sea). Prior to the changes in climatic conditions and collapse of smelt fishery in the 1990s in the Gulf of Riga, smelt attained sexual maturity at the age of 3–4 years. We found a substantial share (22%) of YoY smelt with maturing gonads after the collapse of the smelt fisheries. Maturing individuals had a significantly higher weight, length and condition factor than immature YOY, indicating the importance of individual growth rates in the maturation process. The proportion of maturing YoY individuals increased with fish size. We discuss the factors behind prioritizing reproduction overgrowth in early life and its implications for the smelt population dynamics.  相似文献   

The fat laid down as a winter reserve by O-group sand smelt, Atherina boyeri , was found to be size-dependent. The larger, earlier-spawned fish lay down more fat prior to the onset of winter. During the winter the fish do not feed for some 100 days and rely on this fat for energy; laterspawned O-group fish (<59 mm s.l. in November) have insufficient fat reserves and starve to death in a normal winter. This loss of the smallest 46% of the O-group is shown as an increase in the mean size of the O-group over the winter period. Older sand smelt age classes have more than sufficient fat reserves for overwintering. There is thus a clear advantage in spawning early in the season, and any restriction on spawning ground availability at that time will result in overall population regulation. This conclusion supports the hypothesis that the density-dependent control on population size in the sand smelt is a limitation on the number of fish which can spawn at the optimum time.  相似文献   

Introductions or alien species invasions will induce changes in aquatic ecosystems but are rarely reported in Chinese highland lakes. The Japanese smelt (Hypomesus nipponensis) invaded and has become a dominant fish species in Lake Erhai, a highland lake in southwestern China, since 2016. Here, we engineered Ecopath models for two different periods, 2008–2009 (preinvasion) and 2016–2018 (postinvasion), in Lake Erhai to model ecosystem impacts from the Japanese smelt invasion. In the dynamic Ecosim model based on the 2016–2018 Ecopath model, we ran three 50-year scenarios to simulate the potential effects of Japanese smelts on the system. Our results showed competition between invasive and native species as well as changes in trophic structures, highlighting the impacts of the invasive species over time. The lake ecosystem additionally experienced significant degradation after invasion, mainly reflected in several related indicators, such as total biomass/total system throughput (TB/TST), total primary production/total biomass (TPP/TB), total primary production/total respiration (TPP/TR), Finn's mean path length (FML), Finn's cycling index (FCI) and the Connectance Index (CI). The simulation results indicated that the relative biomass of icefish (Neosalanx taihuensis), bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus), and zooplankton were significantly affected by increasing the strength of the top-down control of the Japanese smelt on its prey. It is also important to do ecological regulation of planktivorous fishes in the studied Lake Erhai, especially the Japanese smelt.  相似文献   

The fish community in Tjeukemeer was monitored from 1971 to 1988 by trawling, and during the summer of 1988 the distribution of the more abundant species was determined in relation to size and location. Bream, pikeperch and smelt were the most dominant fishes, whereas roach, white bream, perch and ruffe comprised <10% of the total catches. After the termination in 1977 of the intensive gillnet fishery both pikeperch >50 cm and bream >30 cm increased in biomass, but roach >15 cm and perch >15 cm virtually disappeared and pikeperch <50 cm substantially decreased. Only smelt, ruffe, white bream and bream <30 cm hardly changed in biomass. Bream, pikeperch, perch and smelt were restricted to the open water zone, but roach <15 cm and 0 + bream were confined to the littoral zone. White bream and ruffe did not show a distinct habitat preference. Because the recruitment of smelt is largely dependent on immigration from the IJsselmeer, a feed-back between the smelt and pikeperch population is lacking. Because the carrying capacity of the pikeperch population is mainly determined by smelt, the other fish <15 cm are very vulnerable to predation when the smelt population is consumed, before a new year-class of smelt is recruited, or when the smelt fails to recruit. The vulnerability to predation of the different species and their feeding habits are discussed in relation to their distribution.  相似文献   

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