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Synthetic peptides such as P60stc autophosphorylation site peptides and angiotensin are indiscriminately phosphorylated by protein tyrosine kinases. The observation has led to the general belief that protein tyrosine kinases are highly promiscuous, displaying littlein vitro site specificity. In recent years, evidence has been accumulating to indicate that such a belief requires close examination. Synthetic peptides showing high substrate activity for specific groups of protein tyrosine kinases have been obtained. Systematic modification of certain substrate peptides suggests that kinase substrate determinants reside with specific amino acid residues proximal to the target tyrosine. A number of protein kinases have been shown to be regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation at specific sites by highly specific protein tyrosine kinases. These and other selected biochemical studies that contribute to the evolving view ofin vitro substrate specificity of protein tyrosine kinases are reviewed.  相似文献   

Mutant tyrosine tRNA of altered amino acid specificity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are involved in the control of fundamental cellular processes in metazoans. In vertebrates, RTK could be grouped in distinct classes based on the nature of their cognate ligand and modular composition of their extracellular domain. RTK with immunoglobulin-like domains (IG-like RTK) encompass several RTK classes and have been found in early metazoans, including sponges. Evolution of IG-like RTK is characterized by extended molecular and functional diversification, which prompted us to study their evolutionary history. For that purpose, a nonredundant data set including annotated protein sequences of IG-like RTK (n = 85) was built, representing 19 species ranging from sponges to humans. Phylogenetic trees were generated from alignment of conserved regions using maximum likelihood approach. Molecular phylogeny strongly suggests that IG-like RTK diversification occurred according to a complex scenario. In particular, we propose that specific cis duplications of a common ancestor to both platelet-derived growth factor receptor (class III) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (class V) families preceded two trans duplications. In contrast, other IG-like RTK genes, like Musk and PTK7, apparently did not evolve by duplications, whereas fibroblast growth factor receptors (class IV) evolved through two rounds of trans duplications. The proposed model of IG-like RTK evolution is supported by high bootstrap values and by the clustering of genes encoding class III and class V RTKs at specific chromosomal locations in mouse and human genomes.  相似文献   

D L Cadena  G N Gill 《FASEB journal》1992,6(6):2332-2337
A major process through which environmental information is transmitted into cells is via activation of protein tyrosine kinases. Receptor tyrosine kinases contain extracellular ligand recognition, single membrane spanning, and cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase domains. The cytoplasmic kinase core is flanked by regulatory segments, which in some family members are also inserted into the core kinase domain. Ligand binding initiates receptor signaling from the cell surface. Activated receptors autophosphorylate to remove alternate substrate/inhibitory constraints and to provide loci for assembly of proteins that contain SRC homology regions. Information is transmitted and diffused by tyrosine phosphorylation of the assembled proteins and of cellular substrates that include protein kinases with specificity for serine/threonine residues. Signaling, which is strictly ligand-dependent, is attenuated by down-regulation of receptors and by feed-back inhibitory loops that involve receptor phosphorylation by cellular kinases. The tyrosine kinase receptors are essential for normal growth, development, and reparative processes. Mutations that remove normal regulatory constraints on the approximately 290 amino acid kinase core of these large proteins result in constitutive function and cell transformation.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation is a major mechanism in the regulation of fundamental signalling events in all living organisms. Bacteria have been shown to possess a versatile repertoire of protein kinases, including histidine and aspartic acid kinases, serine/threonine kinases, and more recently tyrosine and arginine kinases. Tyrosine phosphorylation is today recognized as a key regulatory device of bacterial physiology, linked to exopolysaccharide production, virulence, stress response and DNA metabolism. However, bacteria have evolved tyrosine kinases that share no resemblance with their eukaryotic counterparts and are unique in exploiting the ATP/GTP-binding Walker motif to catalyse autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation on tyrosine. These enzymes, named BY-kinases (for Bacterial tYrosine kinases), have been identified in a majority of sequenced bacterial genomes, and to date no orthologues have been found in Eukarya. The aim of this review was to present the most recent knowledge about BY-kinases by focusing primarily on their evolutionary origin, structural and functional aspects, and emerging regulatory potential based on recent bacterial phosphoproteomic studies.  相似文献   

The phylum Porifera (sponges) was the first to diverge from the common ancestor of the Metazoa. In this study, six cDNAs coding for protein- serine/threonine kinases (PS/TKs) are presented; they have been isolated from libraries obtained from the demosponges Geodia cydonium and Suberites domuncula and from the calcareous sponge Sycon raphanus. Sequence alignments of the catalytic domains revealed that two major families of PS/TK, the "conventional" (Ca(2+)-dependent) protein kinase C (PKC), the cPKC subfamily, as well as the "novel" (Ca(2+)- independent) PKC (nPKC), form two separate clusters. In each cluster, the sequence from S. raphanus diverges first. To approach the question about the origin of protein-tyrosine kinases (PTK), which are found only in Metazoa, we analyzed two additional PS/TKs which have been cloned from S. domuncula: the stress-responsive protein kinase (KRSvSD) and the protein-kinase-C-related kinase (PRKvSD). The construction of the phylogenetic tree, comprising the eight PS/TKs and the PTK cloned previously from G. cydonium, revealed that the PTK derived from the branch including the KRSvSD kinase. These data facilitate the first molecular approach to elucidate the origin of metazoan PTK within the PS/TK superfamily.   相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate that the phosphorylation activity of five tyrosine kinases of the src family from both human erythrocytes (lyn, hck and c-fgr) and bovine synaptosomes (lyn and fyn) was stimulated by treatment with 30-250 microM peroxynitrite. This effect was not observed with syk, a non-src family tyrosine kinase. Treatment of kinase immunoprecipitates with 0.01-10 microM peroxynitrite showed that the interaction of these enzymes with the oxidant also activated the src kinases. Higher concentrations of peroxynitrite inhibited the activity of all kinases, indicating enzyme inactivation. The addition of bicarbonate (1.3 mM CO2) did not modify the upregulation of src kinases but significantly protected the kinases against peroxynitrite-mediated inhibition. Upregulation of src kinase activity by 1 microM peroxynitrite was 3.5-5-fold in erythrocytes and 1.2-2-fold in synaptosomes, but this could be the result, at least in part, of the higher basal level of src kinase activity in synaptosomes. Our results indicate that peroxynitrite can upregulate the tyrosine phosphorylation signal through the activation of src kinases.  相似文献   

Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is tyrosine phosphorylated and enzymatically activated following ligation of the B-cell antigen receptor. These events are temporally regulated, and Btk activation follows that of various members of the Src family of protein tyrosine kinases, thus raising the possibility that Src kinases participate in the Btk activation process. We have evaluated the mechanism underlying Btk enzyme activation and have explored the potential regulatory relationship between Btk and Src protein kinases. We demonstrate in COS transient-expression assays that Btk can be activated through intramolecular autophosphorylation at tyrosine 551 and that Btk autophosphorylation is required for Btk catalytic functions. Coexpression of Btk with members of the Src family of protein tyrosine kinases, but not Syk, led to Btk tyrosine phosphorylation and activation. Using a series of point mutations in Blk (a representative Src protein kinase) and Btk, we show that Src kinases activate Btk through an indirect mechanism that requires membrane association of the Src enzymes as well as functional Btk SH3 and SH2 domains. Our results are compatible with the idea that Src protein tyrosine kinases contribute to Btk activation by indirectly stimulating Btk intramolecular autophosphorylation.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of myosin light chain kinases.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase can phosphorylate myosin light chains isolated from skeletal or smooth muscle. In contrast, smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase specifically phosphorylates light chains isolated from smooth muscle. In this study, we have identified residues within the rabbit smooth and skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinases which may interact with the basic residues that are important substrate determinants in the light chains. Mutation of aspartic acid 270 amino-terminal of the catalytic core of the skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase increased the Km value for both smooth and skeletal muscle light chains. Although deletions of the analogous region of the smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (residues 663-678) markedly increased the Km value for light chain, mutation of any single acidic residue within this region did not have a similar effect. Mutation of single residues within the catalytic core of the skeletal muscle (E377 and E421) and smooth muscle (E777 and E821) myosin light chain kinases increased Km values for the smooth muscle light chain at least 35- and 100-fold, respectively. It is proposed that these residues may form ionic interactions with the arginine that is 3 residues amino-terminal of the phosphorylatable serine in the smooth muscle light chain.  相似文献   

Wang YH  Huang K  Lin X  Sun G 《Biochemistry》2007,46(35):10162-10169
Csk and Src are two protein tyrosine kinases that share a similar overall multidomain structural organization and a high degree of sequence homology but have different substrate specificities and regulatory properties. In this study, we generated chimeric kinases of Csk and Src by switching the C-terminal lobes of their catalytic domains, and we characterized their substrate specificity and regulatory properties. First, both Csk and Src phosphorylate Src as a common substrate, but on different Tyr residues. The C-terminal lobes of the kinase catalytic domain determined the site of phosphorylation on Src. Furthermore, toward several physiological substrates of Src, the substrate specificity was also determined by the C-terminal lobe of the catalytic domain regardless of the regulatory domains and the N-terminal lobe of the catalytic domain. Second, Csk and Src represent two general regulatory strategies for protein tyrosine kinases. Csk catalytic domain is inactive and is positively regulated by the regulatory domains, while Src catalytic domain is active and suppressed by its interactions with the regulatory domains. The regulatory properties of the chimeric kinases were more complicated. The regulatory domains and the N-lobe did not fully determine the response to a regulatory ligand, suggesting that the C-lobe also contributes to such responses. On the other hand, the intrinsic kinase activity of the catalytic domain correlates with the identity of the N-lobe. These results demonstrate that the chimeric strategy is useful for detailed dissection of the mechanistic basis of substrate specificity and regulation of protein tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Human B cells express four immunoglobulin G receptors, FcgammaRIIa, FcgammaRIIb1, FcgammaRIIb2, and FcgammaRIIc. Coligation of either FcgammaRII isoform with the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) results in the abrogation of B-cell activation, but only the FcgammaRIIa/c and FcgammaIIb1 isoforms become phosphorylated. To identify the FcgammaRII-phosphorylating protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), we used the combination of an in vitro and an in vivo approach. In an in vitro assay using recombinant cytoplasmic tails of the different FcgammaRII isoforms as well as tyrosine exchange mutants, we show that each of the BCR-associated PTKs (Lyn, Blk, Fyn, and Syk) shows different phosphorylation patterns with regard to the different FcgammaR isoforms and point mutants. While each PTK phosphorylated FcgammaRIIa/c, FcgammaRIIb1 was phosphorylated by Lyn and Blk whereas FcgammaRIIb2 became phosphorylated only by Blk. Mutants lacking both tyrosine residues of the immune receptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) of FcgammaRIIa/c were not phosphorylated by Blk and Fyn, while Lyn-mediated phosphorylation was dependent on the presence of the C-terminal tyrosine of the ITAM. Results obtained in assays using an FcgammaR- B-cell line transfected with wild-type or mutated FcgammaRIIa demonstrated that exchange of the C-terminal tyrosine of the ITAM of FcgammaRIIa/c was sufficient to abolish FcgammaRIIa/c phosphorylation in B cells. Additionally, we could show that Lyn and Fyn bind to FcgammaRIIa/c, with the ITAM being necessary for association. Comparison of the phosphorylation pattern of each PTK observed in vitro with the phosphorylation pattern observed in vivo suggests that Lyn is the most likely candidate for FcgammaRIIa/c and FcgammaRIIb1 phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   

Triggering signaling cascades by receptor tyrosine kinases.   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Growth factor receptors that are tyrosine kinases (RTKs) regulate growth and differentiation of cells in many organisms, including flies, worms, frogs, mice and humans. There has been recent progress in understanding the mechanism by which these receptors transduce signals. Worm and insect studies on RTKs have relied primarily on genetics, while the mammalian studies have employed a combination of molecular genetics and biochemistry. While many RTKs seem to have unique features, there are also many general signal transduction principles that emerge from these studies. In this review, we will focus on common signaling molecules, using RTKs from both vertebrates and invertebrates as examples.  相似文献   

Growth factor signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases.   总被引:122,自引:0,他引:122  
J Schlessinger  A Ullrich 《Neuron》1992,9(3):383-391

The crystal structures of three Src-family tyrosine kinases have been determined recently. The structure of the catalytic domain of Lck has been determined in the active autophosphorylated state. The structures of larger constructs of c-Src and Hck, containing the SH3, SH2 and catalytic domains, as well as a C-terminal regulatory tail, have been determined in the down-regulated state, phosphorylated in the C-terminal tail. A comparison of these structures leads to an unanticipated mechanism for the regulation of catalytic activity by cooperative interactions between the SH2, SH3 and catalytic domains.  相似文献   

Enzymatic phosphorylation through a family of enzymes called aminoglycoside O-phosphotransferases (APHs) is a major mechanism by which bacteria confer resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics. Members of the APH(2″) subfamily are of particular clinical interest because of their prevalence in pathogenic strains and their broad substrate spectra. APH(2″) enzymes display differential preferences between ATP or GTP as the phosphate donor, with aminoglycoside 2″-phosphotransferase IVa (APH(2″)-IVa) being a member that utilizes both nucleotides at comparable efficiencies. We report here four crystal structures of APH(2″)-IVa, two of the wild type enzyme and two of single amino acid mutants, each in complex with either adenosine or guanosine. Together, these structures afford a detailed look at the nucleoside-binding site architecture for this enzyme and reveal key elements that confer dual nucleotide specificity, including a solvent network in the interior of the nucleoside-binding pocket and the conformation of an interdomain linker loop. Steady state kinetic studies, as well as sequence and structural comparisons with members of the APH(2″) subfamily and other aminoglycoside kinases, rationalize the different substrate preferences for these enzymes. Finally, despite poor overall sequence similarity and structural homology, analysis of the nucleoside-binding pocket of APH(2″)-IVa shows a striking resemblance to that of eukaryotic casein kinase 2 (CK2), which also exhibits dual nucleotide specificity. These results, in complement with the multitude of existing inhibitors against CK2, can serve as a structural basis for the design of nucleotide-competitive inhibitors against clinically relevant APH enzymes.  相似文献   

Tolerance in T lymphocytes can result from clonal anergy, or paralysis, of Ag-specific T cells. To investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible for anergy, a system in which tolerance can be induced in vitro was employed. Anergy, as defined by long-lived nonresponsiveness to normal antigenic stimulation for IL-2 production, was produced in cloned murine CD4+ Th1 cells. Here we report that such anergic Th1 cells express constitutively reduced amounts of the protein tyrosine kinase p56lck and constitutively elevated levels of the protein tyrosine kinase p59fyn. Because protein tyrosine phosphorylation is known to be important for the normal induction of IL-2 synthesis, these results suggest that T cell anergy may be maintained, at least in part, by alterations in tyrosine phosphorylation signaling events.  相似文献   

Synthetic copolymers containing tyrosine residues were used to characterize the substrate specificity of the insulin receptor kinase and compare it to tyrosine kinases stimulated by epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1 and phorbol ester. In partially purified receptor preparations from eight different tissues insulin best stimulated (highest V) phosphorylation of a random copolymer composed of glutamic and tyrosine residues at a 4:1 ratio (Glu/Tyr, 4:1). The insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of this polymer was highly significant also in receptor preparations from fresh human monocytes, where insulin binding and autophosphorylation were difficult to detect. Other tyrosine-containing polymers Ala/Glu/Lys/Tyr (6:2:5:1) and Glu/Ala/Tyr (6:3:1) were also phosphorylated by the insulin-stimulated kinase but to a lower extent. A tyrosine kinase stimulated by insulin-like growth factor-1, and one stimulated by phorbol ester also best phosphorylated the polymer Glu/Tyr (4:1). The three kinases differed only in their capability to phosphorylate Glu/Ala/Tyr (6:3:1) or Ala/Glu/Lys/Tyr (6:2:5:1). Glu/Tyr (4:1) was a poor substrate for the epidermal growth factor receptor kinase which best phosphorylated the polymer Glu/Ala/Tyr (6:3:1). Three additional polymers: Glu/Tyr (1:1), Glu/Ala/Tyr (1:1:1), and Lys/Tyr (1:1) failed to serve as substrates for all four tyrosine kinases tested. Taken together these findings suggest that. Hormone-sensitive tyrosine kinases have similar yet distinct substrate specificity and are likely to phosphorylate their native substrates on tyrosines adjacent to acidic (glutamic) residues. Tyrosine-containing polymer substrates are highly sensitive and convenient tools to study (hormone-sensitive) tyrosine kinases whose native substrates are unknown or present at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinases were first discovered as the protein products of viral oncogenes. We now know that this large family of metazoan enzymes includes nearly one hundred structurally diverse members. Tyrosine kinases are broadly classified into two groups: the transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases, which sense extracellular stimuli, and the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, which contain modular ligand-binding domains and propagate intracellular signals. Several families of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases have in common a core architecture, the “Src module,” composed of a Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain, a Src-homology 2 (SH2) domain, and a kinase domain. Each of these families is defined by additional elaborations on this core architecture. Structural, functional, and evolutionary studies have revealed a unifying set of principles underlying the activity and regulation of tyrosine kinases built on the Src module. The discovery of these conserved properties has shaped our knowledge of the workings of protein kinases in general, and it has had important implications for our understanding of kinase dysregulation in disease and the development of effective kinase-targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Regulation of Btk by Src family tyrosine kinases.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Loss of function of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) results in X-linked immunodeficiencies characterized by a broad spectrum of signaling defects, including those dependent on Src family kinase-linked cell surface receptors. A gain-of-function mutant, Btk*, induces the growth of fibroblasts in soft agar and relieves the interleukin-5 dependence of a pre-B-cell line. To genetically define Btk signaling pathways, we used a strategy to either activate or inactivate Src family kinases in fibroblasts that express Btk*. The transformation potential of Btk* was dramatically increased by coexpression with a partly activated c-Src mutant (E-378 --> G). This synergy was further potentiated by deletion of the Btk Src homology 3 domain. Downregulation of Src family kinases by the C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) suppressed Btk* activation and biological potency. In contrast, kinase-inactive Csk (K-222 --> R), which functioned as a dominant negative molecule, synergized with Btk* in biological transformation. Activation of Btk* correlated with increased phosphotyrosine on transphosphorylation and autophosphorylation sites. These findings suggest that the Src and Btk kinase families form specific signaling units in tissues in which both are expressed.  相似文献   

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