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Recent technological advances have expanded and increased the resolution of studies in evolutionary biology, creating a need for a modern textbook that highlights the latest developments in the field. Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts, Analysis, and Practice, by Glenn‐Peter Sætre and Mark Ravinet (2019), as well as the book's accompanying online tutorials, provide a clear, up‐to‐date, and enjoyable introduction to evolutionary biology and genetics that explains fundamental evolutionary concepts, illustrates recent exciting findings, and offers hands‐on experience in analysing and interpreting genomic data. The book's accessible nature and emphasis on developing practical skills make it a valuable resource for undergraduate courses on evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

The question of whether “developmental bias” can influence evolution is still controversial, despite much circumstantial evidence and a good theoretical argument. Here, I will argue that the domestication of mammalian species, which took place independently more than two dozen times, provides a particularly convincing example of developmental bias in evolution. The singular finding that underlies this claim is the repeated occurrence in domesticated mammals of a set of distinctive traits, none of which were deliberately selected. This phenomenon has been termed “the domestication syndrome”. In this article, I will: (a) describe the properties of the domestication syndrome; (b) show how it can be explained in terms of the operation of a specific genetic regulatory network, that which governs neural crest cell development; and (c) discuss Dmitry Belyaev's idea of “destabilizing selection,” which holds that selecting for a new behavior often entails neuroendocrine alterations that alter many aspects of development. Finally, I will argue for the potential general significance of such destabilizing selection, in combination with developmental bias, in animal evolution.  相似文献   

Steady progress in the identification of human pharmacogenetic variants and new discoveries of disease susceptibility genes makes the old notion of one disease/one drug untenable. Advances in the ability to rapidly identify these variants, when coupled with appropriate drug delivery systems, should revolutionize pharmacotherapy. BioEssays 20 :683–685, 1998.© 1998 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

Craniofacial morphology and cultural cranial deformation were analyzed by the computer morphometric system in 79 adult Hawaiian skulls from Mokapu, Oahu. The average Hawaiian male was large, but similar in shape to the female. Both were larger than the present Caucasian, showed a greater dental protrusion, and possessed a larger ANB angle, flatter cranial base, and larger facial heights. Correlations in Hawaiian craniofacial structure were found between an increasing mandibular plane angle and (1) shorter posterior facial height, (2) larger gonial angle, (3) larger cranial base angle, and (4) smaller SNA and SNB angles. Of the 79 skulls studied, 8. 9% were found to have severe head molding or intentional cranial deformation. Significant statistical differences between the molded group and the nonmolded group are, in decreasing significance: (1) larger upper face height, (2) smaller glabella to occiput distance, and (3) increased lower face height with deformation. The morphometric differences were readily seen by graphic comparison between groups. It is postulated that external forces to the neurocranium result in redirection of the growth vectors in the neurocranial functional matrix, including the cranial base, and secondarily, to the orofacial functional matrix. There is a possibility that the cranial deformation is a retention of the normal birth molding changes. The Polynesian “rocker jaw” was found in 81% to 95% of this populace. This mandibular form occurs only with attainment of adult stature and craniofacial form. This data agrees with the hypothesis that mandibular form is modified by the physical forces present and their direction in the orofacial functional matrix.  相似文献   

Elapid snakes have previously been divided into two groups (palatine erectors and palatine draggers) based on the morphology and inferred movements of their palatine bone during prey transport (swallowing). We investigated the morphology and the functioning of the feeding apparatus of several palatine draggers (Acanthophis antarcticus, Oxyuranus scutellatus, Pseudechis australis) and compared them to published records of palatine erectors. We found that the palatine in draggers does not move as a straight extension of the pterygoid as originally proposed. The dragger palato‐pterygoid joint flexes laterally with maxillary rotation when the mouth opens and the jaw apparatus is protracted and slightly ventrally during mouth closing. In contrast, in palatine erectors, the palato‐pterygoid joint flexes ventrally during upper jaw protraction. In draggers, the anterior end of the palatine also projects rostrally during protraction, unlike the stability of the anterior end seen in erectors. Palatine draggers differ from palatine erectors in four structural features of the palatine and its relationships to surrounding elements. The function of the palato‐pterygoid bar in both draggers and erectors can be explained by a typical colubroid muscle contraction pattern, which acts on a set of core characters shared among all derived snakes. Although palatine dragging elapids share a fundamental design of the palato‐maxillary apparatus with all higher snakes, they provide yet another demonstration of minor structural modifications producing functional variants. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article the filtration resistance of fungal (Penicillium) mycelia is shown to be quantitatively related to the morphology of the cells. On this basis, it was possible to determine the intracellular volume by simple filtration measurements. Since the dry weight of the cells can also be measured, a morphological variable-the “hyphae density” (dry weight hyphae/volume hyphae)-can be quantified. This variable typically is measured to have values in the range of 0.35–0.20 g/cm3; the lower values represent the final stages of the fermentation. It can be shown that this loss of cell material during fermentation is limited to cytoplasmic components, and that most (70%) of the components which disappear are proteins. Concurrent with and linearly related to this loss of proteins, the culture activity in terms of both cell maintenance energy (respiration activity) and penicillin synthesis also decreased. The hyphae density measured by filtration is therefore a direct measure of the metabolic potential of the organism.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite Carabodes reticulatus Berlese, 1913 is redescribed from typical and topotypical material. A new species, C. tyrrhenicus, widespread in Sardinia and other Tyrrhenian islands, is also described on the basis of morphological evidence. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study intra- and inter-specific variation, in order to determine diagnostic characters. The morphology-based taxonomy was tested through allozyme analysis of the two species and of two closely related species, namely C. coriaceus C. L. Koch, 1836 and C. arduinii Valle, 1955. Allozyme data are largely congruent with morphological evidence, indicating that the four entities represent well-differentiated evolutionary lineages. Molecular results show large inter-specific genetic differentiation, suggesting that these taxa arose from ancient cladogenetic events.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may contribute to the evolution of plant sexual dimorphism by favoring architectural traits in males that improve pollen dispersal to mates. In both sexes, larger individuals may be favored by allowing the allocation of more resources to gamete production (a “budget” effect of size). In wind‐pollinated plants, large size may also benefit males by allowing the liberation of pollen from a greater height, fostering its dispersal (a “direct” effect of size). To assess these effects and their implications for trait selection, we measured selection on plant morphology in both males and females of the wind‐pollinated dioecious herb Mercurialis annua in two separate experimental common gardens at contrasting density. In both gardens, selection strongly favored males that disperse their pollen further. Selection for pollen production was observed in the high‐density garden only, and was weak. In addition, male morphologies associated with increased mean pollen dispersal differed between the two gardens, as elongated branches were favored in the high‐density garden, whereas shorter plants with longer inflorescence stalks were favored in the low‐density garden. Larger females were selected in both gardens. Our results point to the importance of both a direct effect of selection on male traits that affect pollen dispersal, and, to a lesser extent, a budget effect of selection on pollen production.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting probes are cloned sequences which simultaneously detect a large number of similar hypervariable loci in the target DNA. The resulting highly polymorphic pattern visualized on an autoradiograph allows resolution of questions concerning individual identification and parentage. M13 bacteriophage has been used as a DNA fingerprinting probe for paternity ascertainment among captive chimpanzees housed in multi-male groups as part of the National Chimpanzee Breeding and Research Program. In 31 cases of unknown paternity where DNA samples for mother, offspring, and all potential sires were available, DNA fingerprinting with M13 resulted in the unambiguous assignment of paternity for all 31 infants. Knowledge of pedigrees among the captive-born animals is used to address several issues important in the genetic management of captive breeding colonies, including estimation of effective population size and of the rate of decline in genetic variability, variance in male and female reproduction, and the effect of social dominance on male reproductive success. Our analysis demonstrates the beneficial effects of genetic management by comparing the managed dedicated cohort to the Bastrop colony as a whole.  相似文献   

The structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase (TIM)has been solved at a resolution of 2.1Å in a new crystal form grown at pH 8.8 from PEG6000. In this new crystal form (space group C2, cell dimensions 94.8 Å, 48.3 Å, 131.0 Å, 90.0°, 100.3°, 90.0°), TIM is present in a ligand-free state. The asymmetric unit consists of two TIM subunits. Each of these subunits is part of a dimer which is sitting on a crystallographic twofold axis, such that the crystal packing is formed from two TIM dimers in two distinct environments. The two constituent monomers of a given dimer are, therefore, crystallographically equivalent. In the ligand-free state of TIM in this crystal form, the two types of dimer are very similar in structure, with the flexible loops in the “Open” conformation. For one dimer (termed molecule-1), the flexible loop (loop-6) is involved in crystal contacts. Crystals of this type have been used in soaking experiments with 0.4 M ammonium sulphate (studied at 2.4 Å resolution), and with 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (studied at 2.5 Å resolution). It is found that transfer to 0.4 M ammonuum sulphate (equal to 80 times the Ki of sulphate for TIM), gives rise to significant sulphate binding at the active site of one dimer (termed molecule-2), and less significant binding at the active site of the other. In neither dimer does sulphate induce a “closed” conformation. In a mother liquor containing 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (equal to 10 times the Ki of phosphoglycolohydroxamate for TIM), an inhibitor molecule binds at the active site of only that dimer of which the flexible loop is free from crystal contacts (molecule-2). In this dimer, it induces a closed conformation. These three structures are compared and discussed with respect to the mode of binding of ligand in the active site as well as with respect to the conformational changes resulting from ligand binding. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There exists a general consensus that prolonged grief disorder (PGD), or some variant of PGD, represents a distinct mental disorder worthy of diagnosis and treatment. Nevertheless, confusion remains over whether different names and proposed symptom criteria for this disorder identify the same or different diagnostic entities. This study aimed to determine whether PGD, complicated grief (CG), and persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) as described by the DSM‐5 are substantively or merely semantically different diagnostic entities. Data were derived from the Yale Bereavement Study, a longitudinal community‐based study of bereaved individuals funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health, designed explicitly to evaluate diagnostic criteria for disordered grief. The results suggested that the difference between PGD and PCBD is only semantic. The level of agreement between the original PGD test, a new version of the PGD test proposed for ICD‐11 and the PCBD test was high (pairwise kappa coefficients = 0.80‐0.84). Their estimates of rate of disorder in this community sample were similarly low (~10%). Their levels of diagnostic specificity were comparably high (95.0‐98.3%). Their predictive validity was comparable. In contrast, the test for CG had only moderate agreement with those for PGD and PCBD; its estimate of rate of disorder was three‐fold higher (~30%); its diagnostic specificity was poorer, and it had no predictive validity. We conclude that PGD, PCBD and proposed ICD‐11, but not CG, symptom‐diagnostic tests identify a single diagnostic entity. Ultimately, brief symptom‐diagnostic tests, such as the one proposed here for ICD‐11, may have the greatest clinical utility.  相似文献   

M. Weigend  A. Grger  M. Ackermann 《Flora》2005,200(6):569-591
South Andean Loasas (Blumenbachia, Caiophora, Loasa, Scyphanthus) are a monophyletic group of taxa within Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae, comprising some 100 species, 49 of which are investigated here. They retain a many-layered testa in the mature seeds and usually have passive transfer testas with complex, spongiose wall outgrowths. Additional modifications concern the undulations of the testa epidermis, presence or absence of the outer periclinal wall, secondary sculpturing, the presence or absence of spines, warts and finally spongiose structures on the anticlinal walls of the testa epidermis and the inner periclinal wall. Seeds of the widespread “deeply pitted” type are plesiomorphic, while various subclades of South Andean Loasas have derivations underscoring their relationships and confirming the relationships found with molecular markers and other morphological characters. The genus Blumenbachia has either seeds with a many-layered testa forming longitudinal lamellae (sect. Angulatae), or balloon seeds with a loose outer testa layer and spongiose wall outgrowths on the inner periclinal walls (sect. Blumenbachia and sect. Gripidea) and is clearly monophyletic. Loasa s.str. (ser. Loasa, ser. Macrospermae, ser. Floribundae, ser. Deserticolae) is characterized by the presence of a subterminal hilum or hilar scar and one subgroup (ser. Loasa, ser. Macrospermae) by very large and heavy seeds with a collapsed testa. L. ser. Pinnatae, ser. Acaules, ser. Volubiles, Scyphanthus and Caiophora share more or less one seed types with minor modifications. Within Caiophora various derivations are observed, of which the gradual loss of the secondary sculpture of the inner periclinal wall is the most striking one. Anemochoria is the most widespread dispersal mechanism in South Andean Loasas and is achieved in at least five structurally different ways.  相似文献   

Four rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) mothers each spontaneously adopted and reared an abandoned, unrelated neonate in addition to their own neonate. Data on relative time spent in maternal contact and who maintained proximity were collected for the biological and adopted “twins” and singleton control infants using focal animal sampling. Infant weight gain and the subsequent conception history for each mother were obtained for the following year. Biological infants spent more time in maternal contact than their adopted “twin” siblings. When in contact with their mothers, biological “twins” spent more time in the ventro-ventral position and more ventral time alone than adoptees. Mothers initiated more contacts with their biological infants than their adopted infants, suggesting these differences may be due to differential maternal behavior. “Twins” gained weight at a slower rate than singletons, and mothers rearing “twins” produced significantly fewer offspring the following season. Am. J. Primatol. 43:259–264, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fossil evidence of the “robust” australopithecines is reviewed with an emphasis on the taxonomic divisions and evolutionary relationships among this group of hominids. The hypodigms of A. robustus, A. crassidens and A. boisei are described, and the significance of morphological variation within and between these species is assessed. Phylogenetic relationships among the “robust” australopithecines are examined using maximum parsimony analysis, and evolutionary scenarios are evaluated in the light of recent discoveries in East Africa.  相似文献   

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