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Microfossils, stromatolites, and chemical biosignatures indicate that Earth became a biological planet more than 3.5 billion years ago, making most of life''s history microbial. Proterozoic rocks preserve a rich record of cyanobacteria, including derived forms that differentiate multiple cell types. Stromatolites, in turn, show that microbial communities covered the seafloor from tidal flats to the base of the photic zone. The Archean record is more challenging to interpret, particularly on the question of cyanobacterial antiquity, which remains to be resolved. In the late Neoproterozoic Era, increasing oxygen and radiating eukaryotes altered the biosphere, with planktonic algae gaining ecological prominence in the water column, whereas seaweeds and, eventually, animals spread across shallow seafloors. From a microbial perspective, however, animals, algae, and, later, plants simply provided new opportunities for diversification, and, to this day, microbial metabolisms remain the only essential components of biogeochemical cycles.We live on a planet that records its own history, encrypted in the physical and chemical features of sedimentary rocks (Knoll 2003). Part of this history is biological; as appreciated by every child who has visited a natural history museum, bones and shells furnish a remarkable chronicle of animal evolution, complete with dinosaurs, trilobites, and other evocative taxa. The fossil record of animals extends nearly 600 million years into the past, but comparative biology makes it clear that diverse microorganisms populated our planet long before animals first evolved. The Earth itself is >4.5 billion years old, and the known sedimentary record begins with highly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks deposited ∼3.8 billion years ago. To what extent do Earth''s older sedimentary rocks provide a direct and informative record of our planet''s deep evolutionary history?  相似文献   

Nitrogen forms an integral part of the main building blocks of life, including DNA, RNA, and proteins. N2 is the dominant gas in Earth's atmosphere, and nitrogen is stored in all of Earth's geological reservoirs, including the crust, the mantle, and the core. As such, nitrogen geochemistry is fundamental to the evolution of planet Earth and the life it supports. Despite the importance of nitrogen in the Earth system, large gaps remain in our knowledge of how the surface and deep nitrogen cycles have evolved over geologic time. Here, we discuss the current understanding (or lack thereof) for how the unique interaction of biological innovation, geodynamics, and mantle petrology has acted to regulate Earth's nitrogen cycle over geologic timescales. In particular, we explore how temporal variations in the external (biosphere and atmosphere) and internal (crust and mantle) nitrogen cycles could have regulated atmospheric pN2. We consider three potential scenarios for the evolution of the geobiological nitrogen cycle over Earth's history: two in which atmospheric pN2 has changed unidirectionally (increased or decreased) over geologic time and one in which pN2 could have taken a dramatic deflection following the Great Oxidation Event. It is impossible to discriminate between these scenarios with the currently available models and datasets. However, we are optimistic that this problem can be solved, following a sustained, open‐minded, and multidisciplinary effort between surface and deep Earth communities.  相似文献   

Emery R 《Bio Systems》2005,82(1):83-92
Could exogenous genes from another biosphere have aided the evolution of life on Earth's surface over the last half-billion years? That possibility was considered by Thomas Gold in 1992, when he hypothesized that a “deep hot biosphere” (DHB) resides independently well below its cooler surface counterpart. And he suggested that “… in the long term … there may occasionally be beneficial exchanges of genetic material between microbial life at depth and the surface life.” Thus, the question: what evidence is there to support Gold's notion that exogenous genes from the DHB – let us call them “bioplutons” – ever bestowed benefits on the evolution of surface life? In pursuit of this question I drafted a null hypothesis: “Nothing beyond our own biosphere, as we know it today, renders any kind of genetic benefits to biological evolution.” After objectively analyzing the evidence and arguments pro and con I failed to reject the null hypothesis, given what we know today, especially the fact that no genetic imprint from the DHB has been identified in eukaryotic genomes. But my conclusion is regarded as tentative, because the fundamentals of Gold's argument, collectively referred to herein as “bioplutonism,” might be confirmed eventually with successful probes into the DHB, and with the sampling of its alleged genetic material.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) constitutes the majority of Earth's modern atmosphere, contributing ~0.79 bar of partial pressure (pN2). However, fluctuations in pN2 may have occurred on 107–109 year timescales in Earth's past, perhaps altering the isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrogen. Here, we explore an archive that may record the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2 in deep time: the foliage of cycads. Cycads are ancient gymnosperms that host symbiotic N2‐fixing cyanobacteria in modified root structures known as coralloid roots. All extant species of cycads are known to host symbionts, suggesting that this N2‐fixing capacity is perhaps ancestral, reaching back to the early history of cycads in the late Paleozoic. Therefore, if the process of microbial N2 fixation records the δ15N value of atmospheric N2 in cycad foliage, the fossil record of cycads may provide an archive of atmospheric δ15N values. To explore this potential proxy, we conducted a survey of wild cycads growing in a range of modern environments to determine whether cycad foliage reliably records the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2. We find that neither biological nor environmental factors significantly influence the δ15N values of cycad foliage, suggesting that they provide a reasonably robust record of the δ15N of atmospheric N2. Application of this proxy to the record of carbonaceous cycad fossils may not only help to constrain changes in atmospheric nitrogen isotope ratios since the late Paleozoic, but also could shed light on the antiquity of the N2‐fixing symbiosis between cycads and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Siliceous hot spring deposits form at Earth's surface above terrestrial hydrothermal systems, which create low‐sulphidation epithermal mineral deposits deeper in the crust. Eruption of hot spring waters and precipitation of opal‐A create sinter apron complexes and areas of geothermally influenced wetland. These provide habitat for higher plants that may be preserved in situ, by encrustation of their surfaces and permineralization of tissues, creating T0 plant assemblages. In this study, we review the fossil record of hot spring floras from subfossil examples forming in active hot spring areas, via fossil examples from the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic to the oldest known hot spring flora, the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert. We demonstrate that the well‐known megabias towards wetland plant preservation extends to hot spring floras. We highlight that the record of hot spring floras is dominated by plants preserved in situ by permineralization on geothermally influenced wetlands. Angiosperms (members of the Cyperaceae and Restionaceae) dominate Cenozoic floras. Equisetum and gleicheniaceous ferns colonized Mesozoic (Jurassic) geothermal wetlands and sphenophytes and herbaceous lycophytes late Palaeozoic examples. Evidence of the partitioning of wetland hydrophytic and dryland mesophytic communities, a feature of active geothermal areas, is provided by well‐preserved and well‐exposed fossil sinter apron complexes, which record flooding of dryland environments by thermal waters and decline of local forest ecosystems. Such observations from the fossil record back‐up hypotheses based on active hot springs and vegetation that suggest removal of taphonomic filtering in hot spring environments is accompanied by an increase in ecological and ecophysiological filtering. To this end we also demonstrate that in the hot spring environment, the wetland bias extends beyond broad ecology. We show that ecosystems preserved from the Cenozoic to the Mesozoic provide clear evidence that the dominant plants preserved in situ by hot spring activity are also halophytic, tolerant of high pH and high concentrations of heavy metals. By extension, we hypothesize that this is also the case in Palaeozoic hot spring settings and extended to the early land plant flora of the Rhynie chert.  相似文献   

John W. Salter's papers of 1856 and 1857 reported trace and body fossils from rocks of the Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, that conventional wisdom had deemed literally “Azoic.” The significance of this work is reflected by its mention in On the Origin of Species, where it is cited as evidence for the existence of life prior to the Cambrian radiation. This study of Salter's historic specimens combined with recent field studies confirms that these structures likely represent microbial rather than metazoan markings. Nevertheless, this review confirms Salter as the unheralded founder of Precambrian palaeontology, many years before the existence of a Precambrian fossil record was widely known. This study also gives credit to a highly skilled palaeontologist, who appears to have struggled with psychological problems throughout his life. Salter had once been Adam Sedgwick's “youthful and cheerful companion” in the field, prior to embarking on an initially successful Geological Survey career. He was a widely renowned expert on Palaeozoic palaeontology, especially trilobites, but eventually fell into serious depression, which culminated in his suicide in 1869. Study and reinterpretation of his original materials reaffirms the importance of Salter's discoveries, and the Longmynd for our understanding of late Ediacaran palaeobiology.  相似文献   

The rise of eukaryotes to ecological prominence represents one of the most dramatic shifts in the history of Earth's biosphere. However, there is an enigmatic temporal lag between the emergence of eukaryotic organisms in the fossil record and their much later ecological expansion. In parallel, there is evidence for a secular increase in the availability of the key macronutrient phosphorus (P) in Earth's oceans. Here, we use an Earth system model equipped with a size‐structured marine ecosystem to explore relationships between plankton size, trophic complexity, and the availability of marine nutrients. We find a strong dependence of planktonic ecosystem structure on ocean nutrient abundance, with a larger ocean nutrient inventory leading to greater overall biomass, broader size spectra, and increasing abundance of large Zooplankton. If existing estimates of Proterozoic marine nutrient levels are correct, our results suggest that increases in the ecological impact of eukaryotic algae and trophic complexity in eukaryotic ecosystems were directly linked to restructuring of the global P cycle associated with the protracted rise of surface oxygen levels. Our results thus suggest an indirect but potentially important mechanism by which ocean oxygenation may have acted to shape marine ecological function during late Proterozoic time.  相似文献   

Earth's Critical Zone sustains terrestrial life and consists of the thin planetary surface layer between unaltered rock and the atmospheric boundary. Within this zone, flows of energy and materials are mediated by physical processes and by the actions of diverse organisms. Human activities significantly influence these physical and biological processes, affecting the atmosphere, shallow lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The role of organisms includes an additional class of biogeochemical cycling, this being the flow and transformation of genetic information. This is particularly the case for the microorganisms that govern carbon and nitrogen cycling. These biological processes are mediated by the expression of functional genes and their translation into enzymes that catalyze geochemical reactions. Understanding human effects on microbial activity, fitness and distribution is an important component of Critical Zone science, but is highly challenging to investigate across the enormous physical scales of impact ranging from individual organisms to the planet. One arena where this might be tractable is by studying the dynamics and dissemination of genes for antibiotic resistance and the organisms that carry such genes. Here we explore the transport and transformation of microbial genes and cells through Earth's Critical Zone. We do so by examining the origins and rise of antibiotic resistance genes, their subsequent dissemination, and the ongoing colonization of diverse ecosystems by resistant organisms.  相似文献   

The dark ocean and the underlying deep seafloor together represent the largest environment on this planet, comprising about 80% of the oceanic volume and covering more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface, as well as hosting a major part of the total biosphere. Emerging evidence suggests that these vast pelagic and benthic habitats play a major role in ocean biogeochemistry and represent an “untapped reservoir” of high genetic and metabolic microbial diversity. Due to its huge volume, the water column of the dark ocean is the largest reservoir of organic carbon in the biosphere and likely plays a major role in the global carbon budget. The dark ocean and the seafloor beneath it are also home to a largely enigmatic food web comprising little-known and sometimes spectacular organisms, mainly prokaryotes and protists. This review considers the globally important role of pelagic and benthic protists across all protistan size classes in the deep-sea realm, with a focus on their taxonomy, diversity, and physiological properties, including their role in deep microbial food webs. We argue that, given the important contribution that protists must make to deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystem processes, they should not be overlooked in biological studies of the deep ocean.  相似文献   

The deep biosphere of the subseafloor crust is believed to contain a significant part of Earth's biomass, but because of the difficulties of directly observing the living organisms, its composition and ecology are poorly known. We report here a consortium of fossilized prokaryotic and eukaryotic micro‐organisms, occupying cavities in deep‐drilled vesicular basalt from the Emperor Seamounts, Pacific Ocean, 67.5 m below seafloor (mbsf). Fungal hyphae provide the framework on which prokaryote‐like organisms are suspended like cobwebs and iron‐oxidizing bacteria form microstromatolites (Frutexites). The spatial inter‐relationships show that the organisms were living at the same time in an integrated fashion, suggesting symbiotic interdependence. The community is contemporaneous with secondary mineralizations of calcite partly filling the cavities. The fungal hyphae frequently extend into the calcite, indicating that they were able to bore into the substrate through mineral dissolution. A symbiotic relationship with chemoautotrophs, as inferred for the observed consortium, may be a pre‐requisite for the eukaryotic colonization of crustal rocks. Fossils thus open a window to the extant as well as the ancient deep biosphere.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vents represent a deep, hot, aphotic biosphere where chemosynthetic primary producers, fuelled by chemicals from Earth's subsurface, form the basis of life. In this study, we examined microbial mats from two distinct volcanic sites within the Hellenic Volcanic Arc (HVA). The HVA is geologically and ecologically unique, with reported emissions of CO2‐saturated fluids at temperatures up to 220°C and a notable absence of macrofauna. Metagenomic data reveals highly complex prokaryotic communities composed of chemolithoautotrophs, some methanotrophs, and to our surprise, heterotrophs capable of anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Our data suggest that aromatic hydrocarbons may indeed be a significant source of carbon in these sites, and instigate additional research into the nature and origin of these compounds in the HVA. Novel physiology was assigned to several uncultured prokaryotic lineages; most notably, a SAR406 representative is attributed with a role in anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation. This dataset, the largest to date from submarine volcanic ecosystems, constitutes a significant resource of novel genes and pathways with potential biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is typically considered to be the ultimate limiting nutrient for Earth's biosphere on geologic timescales. As P is monoisotopic, its sedimentary enrichment can provide some insights into how the marine P cycle has changed through time. A previous compilation of shale P enrichments argued for a significant change in P cycling during the Ediacaran Period (635–541 Ma). Here, using an updated P compilation—with more than twice the number of samples—we bolster the case that there was a significant transition in P cycling moving from the Precambrian into the Phanerozoic. However, our analysis suggests this state change may have occurred earlier than previously suggested. Specifically in the updated database, there is evidence for a transition ~35 million years before the onset of the Sturtian Snowball Earth glaciation in the Visingsö Group, potentially divorcing the climatic upheavals of the Neoproterozoic from changes in the Earth's P cycle. We attribute the transition in Earth's sedimentary P record to the onset of a more modern-like Earth system state characterized by less reducing marine conditions, higher marine P concentrations, and a greater predominance of eukaryotic organisms encompassing both primary producers and consumers. This view is consistent with organic biomarker evidence for a significant eukaryotic contribution to the preserved sedimentary organic matter in this succession and other contemporaneous Tonian marine sedimentary rocks. However, we stress that, even with an expanded dataset, we are likely far from pinpointing exactly when this transition occurred or whether Earth's history is characterized by a single or multiple transitions in the P cycle.  相似文献   

Marine sediments cover two-thirds of our planet and harbor huge numbers of living prokaryotes. Long-term survival of indigenous microorganisms within the deep subsurface is still enigmatic, as sources of organic carbon are vanishingly small. To better understand controlling factors of microbial life, we have analyzed viral abundance within a comprehensive set of globally distributed subsurface sediments. Phages were detected by electron microscopy in deep (320 m below seafloor), ancient (∼14 Ma old) and the most oligotrophic subsurface sediments of the world''s oceans (South Pacific Gyre (SPG)). The numbers of viruses (104–109 cm−3, counted by epifluorescence microscopy) generally decreased with sediment depth, but always exceeded the total cell counts. The enormous numbers of viruses indicate their impact as a controlling factor for prokaryotic mortality in the marine deep biosphere. The virus-to-cell ratios increased in deeper and more oligotrophic layers, exhibiting values of up to 225 in the deep subsurface of the SPG. High numbers of phages might be due to absorption onto the sediment matrix and a diminished degradation by exoenzymes. However, even in the oldest sediments, microbial communities are capable of maintaining viral populations, indicating an ongoing viral production and thus, viruses provide an independent indicator for microbial life in the marine deep biosphere.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have contributed greatly to our understanding of evolutionary processes that act upon virtually every aspect of living organisms. However, these studies are limited with regard to extinct organisms, particularly those from the Mesozoic because fossils pose unique challenges to molecular workflows, and because prevailing wisdom suggests no endogenous molecular components can persist into deep time. Here, the power and potential of a molecular approach to Mesozoic fossils is discussed. Molecular methods that have been applied to Mesozoic fossils—including iconic, non‐avian dinosaurs— and the challenges inherent in such analyses, are compared and evaluated. Taphonomic processes resulting in the transition of living organisms from the biosphere into the fossil record are reviewed, and the possible effects of taphonomic alteration on downstream analyses that can be problematic for very old material (e.g., molecular modifications, limitations of on comparative databases) are addressed. Molecular studies applied to ancient remains are placed in historical context, and past and current studies are evaluated with respect to producing phylogenetically and/or evolutionarily significant data. Finally, some criteria for assessing the presence of endogenous biomolecules in very ancient fossil remains are suggested as a starting framework for such studies.  相似文献   

A 365 million year‐old trilobite moult‐carcass assemblage was described by B?a?ejowski et al. (2015) as the oldest direct evidence of moulting in the arthropod fossil record. Unfortunately, their suppositions are insufficiently supported by the data provided. Instead, the morphology, configuration and preservational context of the highly fossiliferous locality (Kowala Quarry, Poland) suggest that the specimen consists of two overlapping, queued carcasses. The wider fossil record of moulting actually extends back 520 million years, providing an unparalleled opportunity to study behaviour, ecology and development in early animals. Taking cues from modern analogues, it is possible to quantify precise details about moulting behaviour to determine broad‐scale evolutionary trends, ontogenetic sequences and morphological selection pressures. In this review, we argue that this rich source of data has been underused in evolutionary studies, though has great potential for investigating the life history and evolution of arthropods in deep time.

Oceanic crust comprises the largest hydrogeologic reservoir on Earth, containing fluids in thermodynamic disequilibrium with the basaltic crust. Little is known about microbial ecosystems that inhabit this vast realm and exploit chemically favorable conditions for metabolic activities. Crustal samples recovered from ocean drilling operations are often compromised for microbiological assays, hampering efforts to resolve the extent and functioning of a subsurface biosphere. We report results from the first in situ experimental observatory systems that have been used to study subseafloor life. Experiments deployed for 4 years in young (3.5 Ma) basaltic crust on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge record a dynamic, post-drilling response of crustal microbial ecosystems to changing physical and chemical conditions. Twisted stalks exhibiting a biogenic iron oxyhydroxide signature coated the surface of mineral substrates in the observatories; these are biosignatures indicating colonization by iron oxidizing bacteria during an initial phase of cool, oxic, iron-rich conditions following observatory installation. Following thermal and chemical recovery to warmer, reducing conditions, the in situ microbial structure in the observatory shifted, becoming representative of natural conditions in regional crustal fluids. Firmicutes, metabolic potential of which is unknown but may involve N or S cycling, dominated the post-rebound bacterial community. The archaeal community exhibited an extremely low diversity. Our experiment documented in situ conditions within a natural hydrological system that can pervade over millennia, exemplifying the power of observatory experiments for exploring the subsurface basaltic biosphere, the largest but most poorly understood biotope on Earth.  相似文献   

Computational methods for estimating diversification rates from extant species phylogenetic trees have become abundant in evolutionary research. However, little evidence exists about how their outcome compares to a complementary and direct source of information: the fossil record. Furthermore, there is virtually no direct test for the congruence of evolutionary rates based on these two sources. This task is only achievable in clades with both a well‐known fossil record and a complete phylogenetic tree. Here, we compare the evolutionary rates of ruminant mammals as estimated from their vast paleontological record—over 1200 species spanning 50 myr—and their living‐species phylogeny. Significantly, our results revealed that the ruminant's fossil record and phylogeny reflect congruent evolutionary processes. The concordance is especially strong for the last 25 myr, when living groups became a dominant part of ruminant diversity. We found empirical support for previous hypotheses based on simulations and neontological data: The pattern captured by the tree depends on how clade specific the processes are and which clades are involved. Also, we report fossil evidence for a postradiation speciation slowdown coupled with constant, moderate extinction in the Miocene. The recent deceleration in phylogenetic rates is connected to rapid extinction triggered by recent climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Parasites are common in many ecosystems, yet because of their nature, they do not fossilise readily and are very rare in the geological record. This makes it challenging to study the evolutionary transition that led to the evolution of parasitism in different taxa. Most studies on the evolution of parasites are based on phylogenies of extant species that were constructed based on morphological and molecular data, but they give us an incomplete picture and offer little information on many important details of parasite–host interactions. The lack of fossil parasites also means we know very little about the roles that parasites played in ecosystems of the past even though it is known that parasites have significant influences on many ecosystems. The goal of this review is to bring attention to known fossils of parasites and parasitism, and provide a conceptual framework for how research on fossil parasites can develop in the future. Despite their rarity, there are some fossil parasites which have been described from different geological eras. These fossils include the free‐living stage of parasites, parasites which became fossilised with their hosts, parasite eggs and propagules in coprolites, and traces of pathology inflicted by parasites on the host's body. Judging from the fossil record, while there were some parasite–host relationships which no longer exist in the present day, many parasite taxa which are known from the fossil record seem to have remained relatively unchanged in their general morphology and their patterns of host association over tens or even hundreds of millions of years. It also appears that major evolutionary and ecological transitions throughout the history of life on Earth coincided with the appearance of certain parasite taxa, as the appearance of new host groups also provided new niches for potential parasites. As such, fossil parasites can provide additional data regarding the ecology of their extinct hosts, since many parasites have specific life cycles and transmission modes which reflect certain aspects of the host's ecology. The study of fossil parasites can be conducted using existing techniques in palaeontology and palaeoecology, and microscopic examination of potential material such as coprolites may uncover more fossil evidence of parasitism. However, I also urge caution when interpreting fossils as examples of parasites or parasitism‐induced traces. I point out a number of cases where parasitism has been spuriously attributed to some fossil specimens which, upon re‐examination, display traits which are just as (if not more) likely to be found in free‐living taxa. The study of parasite fossils can provide a more complete picture of the ecosystems and evolution of life throughout Earth's history.  相似文献   

We present evidence that eukaryotic life has existed in an extreme environment, inside the oceanic crust. Up to now only prokaryotes have been discovered within deep marine sediments and glass-rims of pillow basalts, no higher life forms are described as yet. This study demonstrates unique filamentous fossil structures observed within carbonate-filled vesicles of a massive lava flow unit from the upper oceanic crust in the North Pacific (ODP Site 1224). Based on morphological traits including branching, septa and central pores, the filaments are interpreted as fungi. The chemical composition of the fungal structures differs from the surrounding crystalline carbonate matrix in the deep basaltic rocks. Small open space between the fungi and the carbonate cement and undisturbed filamentous growth through different calcite crystals indicate endolithic fungal growth after the calcium carbonate filling. The presence of euhedral pyrite crystals within the carbonate cements points out anaerobic conditions in this habitat. Our results provide for the first time evidence for eukaryotic, fungal life in deep ocean basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

The banded iron formation deposited during the first 2 billion years of Earth's history holds the key to understanding the interplay between the geosphere and the early biosphere at large geological timescales. The earliest ore‐scale phosphorite depositions formed almost at ~2.0–2.2 billion years ago bear evidence for the earliest bloom of aerobic life. The cycling of nutrient phosphorus and how it constrained primary productivity in the anaerobic world of Archean–Palaeoproterozoic eons are still open questions. The controversy centers about whether the precipitation of ultrafine ferric oxyhydroxide due to the microbial Fe(II) oxidation in oceans earlier than 1.9 billion years substantially sequestrated phosphate, and whether this process significantly limited the primary productivity of the early biosphere. In this study, we report apatite radial flowers of a few micrometers in the 2728 million‐year‐old Abitibi banded iron formation and the 2460 million‐year‐old Kuruman banded iron formation and their similarities to those in the 535 million‐year‐old Lower Cambrian phosphorite. The lithology of the 535 Million‐year‐old phosphorite as a biosignature bears abundant biomarkers that reveal the possible similar biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in the Later Archean and Palaeoproterozoic oceans. These apatite radial flowers represent the primary precipitation of phosphate derived from the phytoplankton blooms in the euphotic zones of Neoarchean and Palaoeproterozoic oceans. The unbiased distributions of the apatite radial flowers within sub‐millimeter bands do not support the idea of an Archean Crisis of Phosphate. This is the first report of the microbial mediated mineralization of phosphorus before the Great Oxidation Event when the whole biosphere was still dominated by anaerobic microorganisms.  相似文献   

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