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1,3‐Propanediol (1,3‐PD) is widely used in cosmetics, foods, antifreezes, and polyester. A low‐cost cation exchange resin, 001×7 H‐form resin, was selected for 1,3‐PD adsorption obtained from microbial fermentation of crude glycerol. The thermodynamics and kinetics of adsorption were studied. To identify the characteristics of the adsorption process, the influence of 1,3‐PD concentration, temperature, and resin particle diameters was studied. The temperature dependence of the adsorption equilibrium in the range of 288 to 318 K was observed to satisfy the Langmuir isotherm well. The thermodynamic parameters, adsorption enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy, were determined as 36.2 kJ·moL?1, 160 mol?1·K?1, and ?11.2 kJ·moL?1, respectively, which indicated that the adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic. The adsorption kinetics was accurately represented by the shell progressive model and indicated that the particle diffusion was the rate‐limiting step. Based on the kinetic simulation, the rate constant of exchange (k0), order reaction (α), and the apparent activation energy reaction (Ea) were obtained as 3.11×10?3, 0.644, and 11.5 kJ·moL?1, respectively. This kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of 1,3‐PD recovery presented in this article is also applicable for the separation of other polyols by resin adsorption, which will promote value‐added utilization of glycerol.  相似文献   

1,3‐Propanediol (1,3‐PD) is a versatile bulk chemical and widely used as a monomer to synthesis polymers, such as polyesters, polyethers and polyurethanes. 1,3‐PD can be produced by microbial fermentation with the advantages of the environmental protection and sustainable development. Low substrate tolerance and wide by‐product profile limit microbial production of 1,3‐PD by Klebsiella pneumonia on industrial scale. In this study, microbial consortia were investigated to overcome some disadvantages of pure fermentation by single strain. Microbial consortium named DL38 from marine sludge gave the best performance. Its bacterial community composition was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon high‐throughput sequencing and showed that Enterobacteriaceae was the most abundant family. Compared with three K. pneumonia strains isolated from DL38, the microbial consortium could grow well at an initial glycerol concentration of 200 g/L to produce 81.40 g/L of 1,3‐PD with a yield of 0.63 mol/mol. This initial glycerol concentration is twice the highest concentration by single isolated strain and more than the critical value (188 g/L) extrapolated from the fermentation kinetics for K. pneumonia. On the other hand, a small amount of by‐products were produced in batch fermentation of microbial consortium DL38,  especially no 2,3‐butanediol detected. The mixed culture of strain W3, Y5 and Y1 improved the tolerance to glycerol and changed the metabolite profile of single strain W3. The batch fermentation with the natural proportion (W3: Y5: Y1 = 208: 82: 17) was superior to that with other proportions and single strain. This study showed that microbial consortium DL38 possessed excellent substrate tolerance, narrow by‐product profile and attractive potential for industrial production of 1,3‐PD.  相似文献   

3‐Fucosyllactose (3‐FL), one of the major oligosaccharides in human breast milk, is produced in engineered Escherichia coli. In order to search for a good α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferase, three bacterial α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferases are expressed in engineered E. coli deficient in β‐galactosidase activity and expressing the essential enzymes for the production of guanosine 5′‐diphosphate‐l ‐fucose, the donor of fucose for 3‐FL biosynthesis. Among the three enzymes tested, the fucT gene from Helicobacter pylori National Collection of Type Cultures 11637 gives the best 3‐FL production in a simple batch fermentation process using glycerol as a carbon source and lactose as an acceptor. In order to use glucose as a carbon source, the chromosomal ptsG gene, considered the main regulator of the glucose repression mechanism, is disrupted. The resulting E. coli strain of ?LP‐YA+FT shows a much lower performance of 3‐FL production (4.50 g L?1) than the ?L‐YA+FT strain grown in a glycerol medium (10.7 g L?1), suggesting that glycerol is a better carbon source than glucose. Finally, the engineered E. coli ?LW‐YA+FT expressing the essential genes for 3‐FL production and blocking the colanic acid biosynthetic pathway (?wcaJ) exhibits the highest concentration (11.5 g L?1), yield (0.39 mol mol?1), and productivity (0.22 g L?1 h) of 3‐FL in glycerol‐limited fed‐batch fermentation.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis is shown to be able to grow on potato liquor as the main medium component leading to an interesting biotechnological product represented by paramylon – a β‐1,3‐glucan – and, at the same time, revaluating an otherwise annoying waste stream of the potato‐starch industry. Paramylon mass fractions of about 75% are obtained for biomass concentrations of 15 g/L during simple batch cultivation under heterotrophic conditions. Supplementation of the growth medium with glucose and the vitamins B1 and B12 are shown to improve growth rate as well as paramylon content. E. gracilis grows best at about 27.5°C without requiring pH control.  相似文献   

A sensitive and simple spectrofluorimetric method has been developed and validated for the determination of the anti‐epileptic drug carbamazepine (CBZ) in its dosage forms. The method was based on a nucleophilic substitution reaction of CBZ with 4‐chloro‐7‐nitrobenzo‐2‐ oxa‐1,3‐diazole (NBD‐Cl) in borate buffer (pH 9) to form a highly fluorescent derivative that was measured at 530 nm after excitation at 460 nm. Factors affecting the formation of the reaction product were studied and optimized, and the reaction mechanism was postulated. The fluorescence–concentration plot is rectilinear over the range of 0.6–8 µg/mL with limit of detection of 0.06 µg/mL and limit of quantitation of 0.19 µg/mL. The method was applied to the analysis of commercial tablets and the results were in good agreement with those obtained using the reference method. Validation of the analytical procedures was evaluated according to ICH guidelines. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inducible plant defences against pathogens are stimulated by infections and comprise several classes of pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins. Endo‐β‐1,3‐glucanases (EGases) belong to the PR‐2 class and their expression is induced by many pathogenic fungi and oomycetes, suggesting that EGases play a role in the hydrolysis of pathogen cell walls. However, reports of a direct effect of EGases on cell walls of plant pathogens are scarce. Here, we characterized three EGases from Vitis vinifera whose expression is induced during infection by Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew. Recombinant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzymatic characteristics of these three enzymes were measured in vitro and in planta. A functional assay performed in vitro on germinated P. viticola spores revealed a strong anti‐P. viticola activity for EGase3, which strikingly was that with the lowest in vitro catalytic efficiency. To our knowledge, this work shows, for the first time, the direct effect against downy mildew of EGases of the PR‐2 family from Vitis.  相似文献   

Recently, it had been shown that Euglena gracilis was able to grow heterotrophically not only on synthetic media, but also on media based on potato liquor. Supplementation with glucose in both cases led to the accumulation of paramylon, a β‐1,3‐glucan. Thus, such a process may yield a valuable product accompanied by the revaluation of an otherwise annoying waste stream of the potato‐starch industry. Actually, process strategies have been evaluated in order to optimise the concentration of paramylon obtained at the end of the cultivation process. Therefore, cultivation processes based on fed‐batch and in particular repeated‐batch strategies have been studied. It is shown that repeated‐batch operation maybe particularly suited for such a process since E. gracilis seems to adapt gradually to the cultivation medium so that the concentration of media components may be increased step by step. Repeated‐batch cultivation of E. gracilis leads to biomass concentrations in access of 20 g/L with a consistent paramylon mass fraction of about 75%. Cultivations have been carried out at an operating temperature of 27.5°C. As had been found earlier already, pH control is not required during cultivation. On the basis of these results it is clear that repeated‐batch cultivation represent a simple and economic way for the production of paramylon by heterotrophic cultivation of E. gracilis.  相似文献   

β‐1,3‐glucan recognition proteins (βGRPs) function as pattern recognition receptors in the innate immune response against invading pathogens. In the present study, we obtain full‐length cDNA clones for two novel putative βGRPs: TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd from the ghost moth Thitarodes pui (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Phylogenetic analysis shows a small distinct lineage, βGRP clade 4, consisting of T. pui βGRPs including TpβGRPa and TpβGRPb that have been identified previously. TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd, comprising 488 and 229 amino acids, have calculated molecular masses of 52 596 and 24 589 Da, respectively. TpβGRPc is 85.52% identical in sequence to TpβGRPa. TpβGRPb and TpβGRPd share the same deletion start site located at the conserved residue Pro 43, although TpβGRPd exhibits a much larger deletion of up to approximately 270 residues covering both the N‐ and C‐terminal regions. Affinity purification, associated with subsequent peptide sequencing, confirms the constitutive occurrence of TpβGRPa and TpβGRPc of similar size (approximately 65 kDa) in sixth‐instar larval haemolymph. These two βGRPs show clear binding affinities to curdlan, an insoluble β‐1,3‐glucan. A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis reveals the high‐level constitutive expression of TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd in the fat body of mid‐instar larvae, which are found to be susceptible to fungal pathogens in field investigations. Remarkable induction of both TpβGRPs occurs in response to haemocoelic challenge with entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The results of the present study suggest that TpβGRPs may contribute to the detection and control of fungal infections.  相似文献   

Seventy‐one cultivars of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) were screened for aluminium (Al) tolerance by measuring relative root growth (RRG). Two contrasting cultivars, ROMA (Al tolerant) and POTCHETSTRM (Al sensitive), were selected to study shorter term responses to Al stress. POTCHETSTRM had higher callose synthase activity, lower β‐1,3‐glucanase activity and more callose deposition in the root apices during Al treatment compared with ROMA. We monitored the expression of 12 genes involved in callose synthesis and degradation and found that one of these, SbGlu1 (Sb03g045630.1), which encodes a β‐1,3‐glucanase enzyme, best explained the contrasting deposition of callose in ROMA and POTCHETSTRM during Al treatment. Full‐length cDNAs of SbGlu1 was prepared from ROMA and POTCHETSTRM and expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana using the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. Independent transgenic lines displayed significantly greater Al tolerance than wild‐type plants and vector‐only controls. This phenotype was associated with greater total β‐1,3‐glucanase activity, less Al accumulation and reduced callose deposition in the roots. These results suggest that callose production is not just an early indicator of Al stress in plants but likely to be part of the toxicity pathway that leads to the inhibition of root growth.  相似文献   

The interactions of cobalt(II)–4‐[(5‐chloro‐2‐pyridyl)azo]‐1,3‐diaminobenzene (5‐Cl‐PADAB) complex with different kinds of homopolymer oligonucleotides in basic medium were investigated based on the measurements of resonance light scattering, UV–vis, circular dichroism spectra and dark field light‐scattering imaging. Experiments showed that only thymidine homopolymer (poly T) oligonucleotides with the length in the range of poly T6 to poly T18 could interact with the Co(II)–5‐Cl‐PADAB complex in alkaline conditions and cause evident color and spectral change. Thus, the binary complex of Co(II)–5‐Cl‐PADAB could be employed as a visual probe for selectively recognizing the poly T oligonucleotides. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

l ‐Cysteine is widely used as a precursor in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, and feed additive industries. It has been industrially produced from hydrolysis of human and animal hairs, which is limited for industrial production. At the same time, chemical hydrolysis causes the formation of intractable waste material. Thus, environmentally friendly methods have been developed. A big obstacle of currently available methods is the low substrate solubility leading to poor l ‐cysteine yield. Here, a method for improving the low solubility of the substrate d ,l ‐2‐amino‐Δ2‐thiazoline‐4‐carboxylic acid (d ,l ‐ATC) is presented and the enzymatic reaction at high concentration levels was optimized. The substrate was dissolved in large amounts in aqueous solutions by pH control using salts. d ,l ‐ATC solubility increased with an increasing solution pH due to its enhanced hydrophilicity, which can be achieved by a shift to dissociated carboxylic group (–COO?). The highest d ,l ‐ATC solubility of 610 mM was obtained at pH 10.5. The maximum l ‐cysteine yield of 250 mM was attained at pH 9.1, which lies between the optimum values for high substrate solubility and reaction rate. The product yield could be increased by more than 10 times compared to those in previous reports, which is industrially meaningful.  相似文献   

Plants offer fast, flexible and easily scalable alternative platforms for the production of pharmaceutical proteins, but differences between plant and mammalian N‐linked glycans, including the presence of β‐1,2‐xylose and core α‐1,3‐fucose residues in plants, can affect the activity, potency and immunogenicity of plant‐derived proteins. Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used for the transient expression of recombinant proteins so it is desirable to modify the endogenous N‐glycosylation machinery to allow the synthesis of complex N‐glycans lacking β‐1,2‐xylose and core α‐1,3‐fucose. Here, we used multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to generate N. benthamiana production lines deficient in plant‐specific α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferase and β‐1,2‐xylosyltransferase activity, reflecting the mutation of six different genes. We confirmed the functional gene knockouts by Sanger sequencing and mass spectrometry‐based N‐glycan analysis of endogenous proteins and the recombinant monoclonal antibody 2G12. Furthermore, we compared the CD64‐binding affinity of 2G12 glycovariants produced in wild‐type N. benthamiana, the newly generated FX‐KO line, and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, confirming that the glyco‐engineered antibody performed as well as its CHO‐produced counterpart.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the O‐antigens of some pathogenic bacteria such as Brucella abortus, Francisella tularensis, and Campylobacter jejuni contain quite unusual N‐formylated sugars (3‐formamido‐3,6‐dideoxy‐d ‐glucose or 4‐formamido‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d ‐glucose). Typically, four enzymes are required for the formation of such sugars: a thymidylyltransferase, a 4,6‐dehydratase, a pyridoxal 5'‐phosphate or PLP‐dependent aminotransferase, and an N‐formyltransferase. To date, there have been no published reports of N‐formylated sugars associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A recent investigation from our laboratories, however, has demonstrated that one gene product from M. tuberculosis, Rv3404c, functions as a sugar N‐formyltransferase. Given that M. tuberculosis produces l ‐rhamnose, both a thymidylyltransferase (Rv0334) and a 4,6‐dehydratase (Rv3464) required for its formation have been identified. Thus, there is one remaining enzyme needed for the production of an N‐formylated sugar in M. tuberculosis, namely a PLP‐dependent aminotransferase. Here we demonstrate that the M. tuberculosis rv3402c gene encodes such an enzyme. Our data prove that M. tuberculosis contains all of the enzymatic activities required for the formation of dTDP‐4‐formamido‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d ‐glucose. Indeed, the rv3402c gene product likely contributes to virulence or persistence during infection, though its temporal expression and location remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Two analogs of the ten‐amino acid residue, membrane‐active lipopeptaibiotic trichogin GA IV, mono‐labeled with 4‐cyano‐α‐methyl‐L ‐phenylalanine, a potentially useful fluorescence and IR absorption probe of the local microenvironment, were synthesized by the solid‐phase methodology and conformationally characterized. The single modification was incorporated either at the N‐terminus (position 1) or near the C‐terminus (position 8) of the peptide main chain. In both cases, the replaced amino acid was the equally helicogenic α‐aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) residue. We performed a solution conformational analysis by use of FT‐IR absorption, CD, and 2D‐NMR spectroscopies. The results indicate that both labeled analogs essentially maintain the overall helical propensity of the naturally occurring lipopeptaibiotic. Peptide? membrane interactions were assessed by fluorescence and ATR‐IR absorption techniques. Analogies and differences between the two peptides were highlighted. Taken together, our data confirm literature results that some of the spectroscopic parameters of the 4‐cyanobenzyl chromophore are sensitive markers of the local microenvironment.  相似文献   

B. licheniformis exo‐small β‐lactamase (ESBL) has a complex architecture with twelve α helices and a five‐stranded beta sheet. We replaced, separately or simultaneously, three of the ESBL α helices with prototype amphiphatic helices from a catalog of secondary structure elements. Although the substitutes bear no sequence similarity to the originals and pertain to unrelated protein families, all the engineered ESBL variants were found able to fold in native like structures with in vitro and in vivo enzymic activity. The triple substituted variant resembles a primitive protein, with folding defects such as a strong tendency to oligomerization and very low stability; however it mimics a non homologous recombinant abandoning the family sequence space while preserving fold. The results test protein folding and evolution theories.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis Z and a “sugar loving” variant strain E. gracilis var. saccharophila were investigated as producers of paramylon, a β‐1,3‐glucan polysaccharide with potential medicinal and industrial applications. The strains were grown under diurnal or dark growth conditions on a glucose–yeast extract medium supporting high‐level paramylon production. Both strains produced the highest paramylon yields (7.4–8 g · L?1, respectively) while grown in the dark, but the maximum yield was achieved faster by E. gracilis var. saccharophila (48 h vs. 72 h). The glucose‐to‐paramylon yield coefficient Ypar/glu = 0.46 ± 0.03 in the E. gracilis var. saccharophila cultivation, obtained in this study, is the highest reported to date. Proteomic analysis of the metabolic pathways provided molecular clues for the strain behavior observed during cultivation. For example, overexpression of enzymes in the gluconeogenesis/glycolysis pathways including fructokinase‐1 and chloroplastic fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase (FBP ) may have contributed to the faster rate of paramylon accumulation in E. gracilis var. saccharophila . Differentially expressed proteins in the early steps of chloroplastogenesis pathway including plastid uroporphyrinogen decarboxylases, photoreceptors, and a highly abundant (68‐fold increase) plastid transketolase may have provided the E. gracilis var. saccharophila strain an advantage in paramylon production during diurnal cultivations. In conclusion, the variant strain E. gracilis var. saccharophila seems to be well suited for producing large amounts of paramylon. This work has also resulted in the identification of molecular targets for future improvement of paramylon production in E. gracilis , including the FBP and phosophofructokinase 1, the latter being a key regulator of glycolysis.  相似文献   

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