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Critical priority pathogens have globally disseminated beyond clinical settings, thereby threatening wildlife. Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are essential for ecosystem health and functioning, but their populations are globally near threatened and declining due to anthropogenic activities. During a microbiological and genomic surveillance study of critical priority antibiotic‐resistant pathogens, we identified pandemic lineages of multidrug‐resistant extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase (ESBL)‐producing Escherichia coli colonizing Andean Condors admitted at two wildlife rehabilitation centres in South America. Genomic analysis revealed the presence of genes encoding resistance to hospital and healthcare agents among international E. coli clones belonging to sequence types (STs) ST162, ST602, ST1196 and ST1485. In this regard, the resistome included genes conferring resistance to clinically important cephalosporins (i.e., CTX‐M‐14, CTX‐M‐55 and CTX‐M‐65 ESBL genes), heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, silver), pesticides (glyphosate) and domestic/hospital disinfectants, suggesting a link with anthropogenic environmental pollution. On the other hand, the presence of virulence factors, including the astA gene associated with outbreak of childhood diarrhoea and extra‐intestinal disease in animals, was identified, whereas virulent behaviour was confirmed using the Galleria mellonella infection model. E. coli ST162, ST602, ST1196 and ST1485 have been previously identified in humans and food‐producing animals worldwide, indicating that a wide resistome could contribute to rapid adaptation and dissemination of these clones at the human–animal–environment interface. Therefore, these results highlight that Andean Condors have been colonized by critical priority pathogens, becoming potential environmental reservoirs and/or vectors for dissemination of virulent and antimicrobial‐resistant bacteria and/or their genes, in associated ecosystems and wildlife.  相似文献   

The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) in Ecuador is classified as Critically Endangered. Before 2015, standardized and systematic estimates of geographic distribution, population size and structure were not available for this species, hampering the assessment of its current status and hindering the design and implementation of effective conservation actions. In this study, we performed the first quantitative assessment of geographic distribution, population size and population viability of Andean Condor in Ecuador. We used a methodological approach that included an ecological niche model to study geographic distribution, a simultaneous survey of 70 roosting sites to estimate population size and a population viability analysis (PVA) for the next 100 years. Geographic distribution in the form of extent of occurrence was 49 725 km2. During a two-day census, 93 Andean Condors were recorded and a population of 94 to 102 individuals was estimated. In this population, adult-to-immature ratio was 1:0.5. In the modeled PVA scenarios, the probability of extinction, mean time to extinction and minimum population size varied from zero to 100%, 63 years and 193 individuals, respectively. Habitat loss is the greatest threat to the conservation of Andean Condor populations in Ecuador. Population size reduction in scenarios that included habitat loss began within the first 15 years of this threat. Population reinforcement had no effects on the recovery of Andean Condor populations given the current status of the species in Ecuador. The population size estimate presented in this study is the lower than those reported previously in other countries where the species occur. The inferences derived from the population viability analysis have implications for Condor management in Ecuador. This study highlights the need to redirect efforts from captive breeding and population reinforcement to habitat conservation.  相似文献   

Host cell proteins (HCPs) constitute a major group of impurities for biologic drugs produced using cell culture technology. HCPs are required to be closely monitored and adequately removed in the downstream process. However, HCPs are a complex mixture of proteins with significantly diverse molecular and immunological properties. An overall understanding of the composition of HCPs and changes in their molecular properties upon changes in upstream and harvest process conditions can greatly facilitate downstream process design. This article describes the use of a comparative proteomic profiling method viz. two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D‐DIGE) to examine HCP composition in the harvest stream of CHO cell culture. The effect of upstream process parameters such as cell culture media, bioreactor control strategy, feeding strategy, and cell culture duration/cell viability on HCP profile was examined using this technique. Among all the parameters studied, cell viability generated the most significant changes on the HCP profile. 2D‐DIGE was also used to compare the HCP differences between monoclonal antibody producing and null cell cultures. The HCP species in production cell culture was found to be well represented in null cell culture, which confirms the suitability of using the null cell culture for immunoassay reagent generation. 2D‐DIGE is complimentary to the commonly used HCP immunoassay. It provides a direct comparison of the changes in HCP composition under different conditions and can reveal properties (pI, MW) of individual species, whereas the immunoassay sensitively quantifies total HCP amount in a given sample. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 105: 306–316. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The isoelectric points and the molecular weights of the major components of the eight Thoroughbred protease inhibitor (Pi) types have been determined by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing and polyacrylamide gel pore gradient (ISO-DALT) electrophoresis respectively. The major Pi proteins focus in the range pH 3.74–4.43 and have molecular weights ranging from 55 000–72 000 daltons. Using the ISO-DALT method of electrophoresis, protein maps for the eight Thoroughbred Pi types have been presented for the first time. None of the homozygous Pi types are identical except for the types S1 and S2 which show partial identity. The results do not necessarily support. Juneja et al.s (1979) contention of two closely linked α1 Pi systems based on molecular weight differences. It is suggested that the traditional nomenclature originally proposed by Braend (1970) be maintained to describe the eight Pi alleles in Thoroughbred horse plasma. The ISO-DALT method provides a sensitive technique which is superior to existing techniques for the analysis of the horse Pi system.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method of 2D agarose gel (pH 5.4)-horizontal polyacrylamide gel (pH 9.0) electrophoresis was developed for the simultaneous phenotyping of pig plasma alpha-protease inhibitors (protease inhibitor-1 and -2; postalbumin-1A and -1B), postalbumin-2, transferrin, ceruloplasmin and haemopexin. These eight plasma proteins were clearly visible on gels stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250. The 2D patterns and mobilities of several variants of alpha-protease inhibitors were described. By using two agarose gels and 10 polyacrylamide gels, 120 samples were easily analysed in a day. Since alpha-protease inhibitors show extensive polymorphism and as the gene for postalbumin-2 is closely linked to the halothane sensitivity locus Hal, this method is a useful tool for conducting parentage control and for predicting Hal genotypes of individual pigs.  相似文献   

It is reported that the conditions used in some silver stain procedures can fail to detect calmodulin, troponin C, and other proteins with similar physical properties. Conditions are described that allow the reproducible detection of these proteins. Two phenomena are described: (1) lack of protein staining when treatment with glutaraldehyde is omitted from the protocol, and (2) loss of small proteins from the gel matrix during prolonged washing procedures. These data directly demonstrate that the use of some silver staining protocols can result in misleading data in biological studies and provide an explanation for at least one class of proteins of how silver staining and Coomassie blue staining of gels can give different results.  相似文献   

Biochemical genetics was applied to elucidate the taxonomic position of the spider crab Pisoides bidentatus. Two morphologically similar spider crabs, P. bidentatus and Pugettia quadridens, were compared with four sympatric brachyuran species, Eriocheir japonicus, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, Hemigrapsus penicillatus (Varunidae), and Cancer amphioetus (Cancridae), using 20 allozyme loci. High genetic identity-value between P. bidentatus and P. quadridens (I = 0.758 ± 0.092) suggests that they should evidently be placed to one genus. This conclusion is supported by the similar identity-value between two species of the genus Hemigrapsus (I = 0.821 ± 0.078) and the low genetic similarity (I = 0.125 ± 0.05) between different genera, Hemigrapsus and Eriocheir, within the family Varunidae.  相似文献   

The ability of protein electrophoresis to detect hybridization was evaluated by a detailed examination of 30 banteng-domestic cattle hybrids. These hybrids were run as unknowns in a sample of 53 individuals that included both banteng and domestic cattle. Twenty-six of the 30 hybrid animals could be unambiguously identified as such, while the remaining hybrids were indistinguishable from domestic cattle. Theoretical analysis showed that the sensitivity of the protein assays at the individual level increased slowly with the number of available markers. The probability of detecting limited amounts of hybrid influence (5–10%) in an individual was less than 70% for any biologically realistic number of protein markers. Hybridization was much easier to detect at the population level, where the sensitivity of an electrophoretic assay increased rapidly with increased sample size. The combined results of the protein electrophoresis and the theoretical analysis suggest that there is an 94.8% probability that there are essentially no genes from domestic cattle in the North American banteng herd at the present time. Zoos interested in obtaining new animals should examine the source population as well as the individuals in question whenever it is feasible. An electrophoretic survey would also provide useful information when a species survival plan is organized.  相似文献   

The protein pattern of haemolymph and body tissues of the freshwater fairy shrimp Streptocephalus dichotomus has been investigated in both sexes, using polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The electropherograms of four developmental stages show variations in number and intensities of protein fractions. In Stage III, two female-specific proteins of glycolipoprotein nature appear. This stage corresponds to maturity: females begin to possess mature oocytes in the ovary. These two vitellogenic proteins are well represented in the female haemolymph, ovary and freshly laid eggs, but are absent in the male haemolymph. A heterosynthetic mode of yolk formation is thus evident in this anostracan. The two sex-limited proteins are only faintly represented in shelled eggs, suggesting an early utilization of these compounds in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

An active Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycle maintained by wild rodents in the Andean valleys of Cochabamba Bolivia is described. Wild and domestic Triatoma infestans with 60% infection with T. cruzi were found and was evidenced in 47.5% (rodents) and 26.7% (marsupial) by parasitological and/or serologycal methods. Phyllotis ocilae and the marsupial species Thylamys elegans, are the most important reservoirs followed by Bolomys lactens and Akodon boliviensis. In spite of both genotypes (TCI and TCII) being prevalent in Bolivia, in our study area only T. cruzi I is being transmitted. Our data suggest that wild T. infestans and wild small mammals play an important role in the maintenance of the transmission cycle of T. cruzi. Furthermore, the finding of high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in wild T. infestans point to the risk of the dispersion of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Six new microsatellite DNA loci are isolated from a genomic library of the sphenodontid reptile tuatara (Sphenodon) and presented here as a tool for identifying individuals for future paternity and kinship studies. These loci, in combination with four previously published loci, are sufficient to discriminate between clutch-mate siblings from Stephens Island and Brothers Island populations. These populations represent high and low levels of genetic diversity in tuatara populations respectively. An estimate of minimum number of fathers of each clutch found no evidence for multiple paternity in any clutch. These newly isolated loci complete the development of an array of genetic tools for use in tuatara to enhance ongoing conservation and management of wild, translocated and captive populations.  相似文献   

The non-indigenous pest leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis and its close relatives L. bryoniae and L. strigata belong to a natural group. These species can be separated from one another by means of protein electrophoresis on a cellulose acetate membrane. The protocol for this diagnostic assay involves staining for two enzymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and leucine-glycine peptidase (PEP). Other leaf miner species that might also be found under glass, Chromatomyia syngenesiae, C. horticola and the non-indigenous L. trifolii and L. sativae , are clearly distinguishable from the L. huidobrensis group of species by this assay. The effect of parasitism on L. huidobrensis by Dacnusa sibirica was investigated and shown unlikely to cause misidentification of the leaf miner host. Results obtained from practical use of the assay to identify unknown specimens from ports and nurseries are compared with those obtained from flies kept in laboratory culture and used during development of the assay. No new variation was found for G6PDH. New PEP variation was found for both L. huidobrensis and L. bryoniae but this did not affect the integrity of the assay. A biochemical key to these agromyzid leaf miners is presented.  相似文献   

Variation in high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition among wild and cultivated einkorn wheats (2n = 2x = 14, AA) was investigated using one- (SDS-PAGE and urea/SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional (IEF × SDS-PAGE) electrophoretic analyses. The material comprised 150 accessions ofTriticum urartu, 160 accessions ofT. boeoticum, 24 accessions ofT. boeoticum subsp.thaoudar and 74 accessions of primitive domesticatedT. monococcum from many different germplasm collections. The biochemical characteristics of HMW-glutenin subunits ofT. boeoticum andT. monococcum were highly similar to one another but distinctly different from those ofT. urartu. All the species analysed were characterised by large intraspecific variation and only three HMW-glutenin subunit patterns were identical betweenT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. Consistent with the distinct nature ofT. urartu, all its HMW-glutenin patterns were different from those found inT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. The differences detected between these species might reflect their reproductive isolation and are consistent with recent nomenclatural and biosystematic treatments that recogniseT. urartu as separate species fromT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. The presence of three distinct glutenin components in some accessions of the species studied seems to be evidence for the existence of at least three active genes controlling the synthesis of the HMW-glutenin subunits in the A genome of wild and primitive domesticated diploid wheats. Results indicate also that HMW-glutenin subunits could represent useful markers for the evaluation of genetic variability present in different wild diploid wheat collections and subsequently for their conservation and future utilisation.  相似文献   

Tooth wear is generally an age‐related phenomenon, often assumed to occur at similar rates within populations of primates and other mammals, and has been suggested as a correlate of reduced offspring survival among wild lemurs. Few long‐term wild studies have combined detailed study of primate behavior and ecology with dental analyses. Here, we present data on dental wear and tooth loss in older (>10 years old) wild and captive ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Among older ring‐tailed lemurs at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), Madagascar (n=6), the percentage of severe dental wear and tooth loss ranges from 6 to 50%. Among these six individuals, the oldest (19 years old) exhibits the second lowest frequency of tooth loss (14%). The majority of captive lemurs at the Indianapolis Zoo (n=7) are older than the oldest BMSR lemur, yet display significantly less overall tooth wear for 19 of 36 tooth positions, with only two individuals exhibiting antemortem tooth loss. Among the captive lemurs, only one lemur (a nearly 29 year old male) has lost more than one tooth. This individual is only missing anterior teeth, in contrast to lemurs at BMSR, where the majority of lost teeth are postcanine teeth associated with processing specific fallback foods. Postcanine teeth also show significantly more overall wear at BMSR than in the captive sample. At BMSR, degree of severe wear and tooth loss varies in same aged, older individuals, likely reflecting differences in microhabitat, and thus the availability and use of different foods. This pattern becomes apparent before “old age,” as seen in individuals as young as 7 years. Among the four “older” female lemurs at BMSR, severe wear and/or tooth loss do not predict offspring survival. Am. J. Primatol. 72:1026–1037, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Accipiters (Accipiter spp.) and falcons (Falco spp.) both use their feet to seize prey, but falcons kill primarily with their beaks, whereas accipiters kill with their feet. This study examines the mechanistic basis to differences in their modes of dispatching prey, by focusing on the myology and biomechanics of the jaws, digits, and distal hindlimb. Bite, grip, and distal hindlimb flexion forces were estimated from measurements of physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and indices of mechanical advantage (MA) for the major jaw adductors, and digit and tarsometatarsal flexors. Estimated bite force, total jaw adductor PCSA, and jaw MA (averaged over adductors) tended to be relatively and absolutely greater in falcons, reflecting their emphasis on biting for dispatching their prey. Differences between genera in estimated grip force, total digit flexor PCSA, and digit MA (averaged over inter-phalangeal joints and digits) were not as clear-cut; each of these parameters scaled positively allometric in accipiters, which may reflect the scaling of both prey size, and the proportion of mammalian prey consumed by this lineage with increasing body size. Estimated tarsometatarsal force was greater in falcons than in accipiters, due to their greater MA, which may reflect selection for incurring greater forces during prey strikes. Conversely, the comparatively lower tarsometatarsal MA in accipiters reflects their capacity for greater foot speed potentially necessary for grasping elusive prey. Thus, this study elucidates how differences in jaw and hindlimb musculoskeletal morphology of accipiters and falcons are reflected in differences in their killing modes, and through differences in their force-generating capacities.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) can be a powerful method for pest control without the negative environmental effects of conventional pesticides. The goal is to induce pest population collapse by arranging conditions where wild females mate only with sterile males and thus do not produce offspring. In applying the SIT, it can be important to understand both how subtle alterations of sterile and wild insect behaviour alter the effectiveness of the SIT in different applications, and how this is reflected in the data gathered through associated monitoring devices, often pheromone traps.Our work in this paper is motivated by the use of SIT against orchard pests, particularly the codling moth (Cydia pomonella). We investigate how individual behaviours affect the mating rate between wild females and sterile males, and the corresponding sterile to wild trap catch ratio, through a preliminary individual-based model. Our analysis suggests that the sterile males may not be effective at interfering with mating between wild moths during springtime releases, while at the same time monitoring information gathered from trap catches may give no indication of reduced effectiveness of the SIT.  相似文献   

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