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The Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis) is one of the most endangered marsupials in Australia. Its known distribution is an approximately 120 km strip of fragmented coastal woodland in north-east Queensland, from north of Townsville to the Tully area. Records are clustered in a number of well-surveyed areas, with significant areas of lowland habitat unsurveyed. Around 30% of historic records fall in areas that were subsequently cleared for farmland, and ongoing clearing and fragmentation of lowland sclerophyll forest continues within the potential distribution. Resolving the distribution is an urgent requirement to guide conservation but Mahogany Gliders are difficult to detect in the field. Species distribution modelling offers a technique for estimating the fine-scale distribution and for targeting further field survey and conservation efforts. We used known occurrence records (N = 481) to predict the distribution of Mahogany Gliders across the Wet Tropics bioregion. We used climatic, topographic and other environmental predictors to generate distribution models using Maxent and Random Forest algorithms, each with two bias correction methods. The predictions revealed that many unknown populations may exist within the currently defined distribution and in important areas beyond this (e.g. Hinchinbrook Island). There was reasonable congruence between models, and we include syntheses of the models to present the most likely current distribution. The most important predictor variables across the models were precipitation seasonality (high seasonality), elevation (generally <100 m), soil type (hydrosols) and vegetation type (including Eucalyptus and Melaleuca woodlands). Our results identify core habitat and reveal key areas that require targeted field surveys. Importantly, the predicted suitable habitat is highly fragmented and ongoing conservation efforts need to improve habitat connectivity and limit further fragmentation.  相似文献   

The gliding angle of the Mahogany Glider Petaurus gracilis and the Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps was determined from field studies by measuring the height of launch and landing of glides and the distance travelled. This showed no significant difference between these two species in glide ratio, which averaged 1.91 and 1.82 m distance per 1 m loss in altitude, respectively, nor in glide angle which averaged 28.26° and 29.69° for the Mahogany Glider and Sugar Glider, respectively. Significant differences were found between them for height of launch (19.75 and 11.96 m, respectively), height of landing (4.48 and 1.95 m, respectively), diameter at breast height of landing tree (44.12 and 23.22 cm, respectively), and glide distance (29.71 and 20.42 m, respectively). An examination of the ratio of interorbital width to maximum skull width of gliding and nongliding possums was measured from museum skulls to examine whether gliders have eyes wider apart, to allow triangulation of distance in preparation for gliding. Gliding possums showed a trend toward having a larger interorbital width than nongliding possums, although there appear to be several factors acting on the interorbital width. Museum study skins of all gliding marsupials were measured to determine the relationship between patagium surface area and body mass which showed a clear relationship (r2 = 0.9688). A comparison of gliding behaviour, patagium, development of limbs, tail morphology and mass was also made between gliding marsupials and other gliding mammals.  相似文献   

Nest boxes have grown in popularity as a habitat management tool in Australia during the last decade. This management use remains contentious because some studies suggest nest boxes are ineffective. There are three recent contentions: (i) nest boxes mostly benefit common species, (ii) exotic species may be dominant users of nest boxes, and (iii) species of conservation concern use nest boxes infrequently. We address these contentions using data from 1865 nest boxes involving eight nest box designs. These nest boxes were installed predominantly <200 m from a road in association with highway duplication and re‐alignment across 16 projects in New South Wales. The Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the species of most relevance to contention 1. It used 9% of boxes overall including 26% of ‘possum’ designated boxes. The most frequent nest box users were small petaurid gliders (mostly Sugar Gliders, Petaurus breviceps) which used 63% of ‘small glider’ designated boxes. This nest box and another suited to the Sugar Glider comprised 40% of all boxes installed, so it is not surprising that this species might be a common user. Exotic species were uncommon users of the nest boxes enabling contention 2 to be rejected. Active hives of Feral Honeybees (Apis mellifera) occupied just 1% of boxes, and another 1% of boxes were used by introduced rodents and birds. The Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) is the species most relevant to contention 3. It was seen in 80 boxes across 11 projects, representing 7% of the three types most frequently used. These observations are not consistent with the third contention. Nest boxes can provide many important insights about the requirements and interactions of hollow‐dependent fauna. However, they are not intended as an alternative to retaining hollow‐bearing trees.  相似文献   

The growth and reproductive development of the male tree shrew were studied from birth to sexual maturity. An infantile phase from birth to Day 30 was characterized by the rapid involution of the testis and adrenal gland from a fetal condition followed by a nadir in testosterone levels and slow growth and differentiation of the testis and accessory sex organs. The initiation of puberty occurred collaterally with the emergence of the young from the nest and was marked by a sharp rise in testosterone levels from Days 30 to 35 to maximum levels at Days 40-55. Peak testosterone levels were temporally correlated with the onset of maximum growth and differentiation of the testis and accessory sex organs, descent of the testis, development of the scrotum, and a pronounced peak in the weight-velocity curve. The rapid growth of males at puberty contributed to a moderate degree of sexual dimorphism in this species. Puberty was attained at about Day 90 with the completion of spermatogenesis and the functional differentiation of the accessory sex organs. The postnatal development of the tree shrew conforms with the general primate pattern. The precise endocrine correlates established during puberty make Tupaia belangeri a useful small animal model for the study of puberty in primates.  相似文献   

Reproductive-effort theory predicts that parents of any given age should expend more parental effort (1) as their residual reproductive value declines, and (2) as the reproductive value of offspring increases. An observational and experimental study of nest defense by captive red jungle fowl hens was used to examine these two predictions. Both young and old individuals significantly increased defense of the second nest compared to the first nest within a season; this pattern occurred for the defense of both eggs and chicks. Old hens showed significantly greater defense of both eggs and chicks in each of the nests than did young hens. Both young and old hens were significantly more defensive of chicks than eggs in each of two clutches of a season. Hens also reduced their nest defense significantly at the end of a two to three-day period after their chicks were replaced with eggs, and increased their nest defense after eggs were exchanged for chicks. Hens given four chicks showed more vigorous defense than hens given two chicks. When the brood size of hens with four chicks was reduced to one chick, the hens responded by exhibiting less vigorous nest defense. These patterns of nest defense in jungle fowl were not confounded by parental experience of hens, or differences in offspring quality that are related to time of breeding, maternal age, sire genetic quality or vulnerability of offspring to weather.  相似文献   

The rabbit Sylvilagus cunicularius is endemic to Mexico and is one of the largest, most widespread, but little studied of the country’s 10 rabbit species. As part of a project investigating its reproductive biology, we describe here for the first time the nursery burrow, vital for the survival of the altricial young. During the breeding seasons of 2008–2012, we collected data from 25 nursery burrows and 22 nests constructed by eight females (three wild caught and five captive bred) kept in enclosures within their natural habitat in the Malinche National Park in the central Mexican state of Tlaxcala. Although not a burrow-living species, several days before parturition, females dug a nursery burrow in which they constructed a nest. These burrows were short, shallow tunnels with a median length of 23 cm, typically located beneath grass tussocks or shrubs, and ending in a nest chamber a median 17 cm beneath the surface. Nests consisted of dry grass, fragments of woody plants, pine needles, and alfalfa hay and oat straw provided as supplementary food, fur pulled from the mother’s body, and her fecal pellets. Females nursed their young at the burrow entrance, and until the young were approximately 12 days old, they closed the entrance after each visit in such a way as to make it very difficult for humans to locate. Surprisingly, these nursery burrows were more similar to those of the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the pygmy rabbit Brachylagus idahoensis than to other Sylvilagus species studied to date. As almost 50 % of burrows did not result in emergent young, present work is directed to determining what characterizes successful burrows.  相似文献   

ÅKE BERG 《Ibis》1992,134(1):44-51
Nest-site choice and reproductive success of Curlews Numenius arquata in different habitats were studied at a mixed farmland site (grasslands and flooded tilled fields relatively common) and at an arable farmland site (dry tilled fields more dominant than at the mixed site) in central Sweden. At both sites Curlews preferred to nest on grassland and fallow fields, where hatching success was higher than on tillage fields. Nests were also situated further away from forest edges than random sites, but hatching success did not vary with distance to the forest edge. Only 35.6% of the pairs were estimated to hatch young. The main cause of nest loss was predation and the second most important factor was destruction by farming practices, which was an important factor in tillage early in season. Surprisingly, nest survival was higher at the arable than at the mixed farmland site, probably being an effect of the increased proportion of fallowing during recent years. Mortality of chicks was 79.7% before fledgling age (both sites combined) and, surprisingly, chick survival was lower on meadows than on arable fields and leys. The mean production of young was only 0.25 fledglings per pair, which is lower than in areas less affected by farming practice. The low production of young is probably an important factor in the decline of Curlew populations on Swedish farmland. On bogs 1.4 fledglings per pair were produced, indicating that reproductive success of Curlews is higher in more natural habitats.  相似文献   

Captive propagation of parrots for the companion bird trade provides a potential means of reducing the economic incentive to capture these birds from the wild. To test whether environmental and social manipulations might stimulate reproduction in captive, wild-caught orange-winged Amazon parrots (Amazona amazonica), we compared reproductive performance in pairs presented with nest boxes (controls) or nest boxes plus additional environmental and social manipulations (enriched group) consisting of misting, fruit supplementation, nest hole restriction, enlarged nest boxes, and pair separation/reunification. In the first breeding trial, in 1990, enriched pairs were more likely to lay eggs (six of seven enriched pairs vs. one of eight control pairs; P < 0.09). When treatments were reversed the following years (e.g., 1990 controls were exposed to enriched conditions in 1991), reproductive performance was not different between the groups (four of seven enriched pairs laid eggs vs. five of seven control pairs), although three pairs in the 1991 enriched group laid eggs which had not laid eggs before. These results are consistent with the idea that while enriched environments may enhance the probability of a first episode of egg laying in captivity, once pairs have laid eggs in captivity, little stimulation beyond that provided by nest box presentation is required to reinitiate egg laying. The environmental and social manipulations of the enriched conditions could be useful in increasing reproductive performance of captive Amazon parrots for the companion bird trade. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A severe decline of island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) on the northern Channel Islands in the 1990s prompted the National Park Service to begin a captive breeding program to increase their numbers. Using detailed records of all the fox pairs (N = 267) that were part of the program on San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Islands from its inception in 2000 through 2007, we identified factors influencing the breeding success of pairs in captivity in the interest of formulating strategies that could increase captive productivity. We compiled a database of variables including litter size, reproductive success, distance to nearest occupied pen during the breeding season, subspecies, exposure, female age, male age, age difference, female and male origin (wild vs. captive born), same versus different origin, years paired, previous reproductive success by the pair, previous reproductive success by the female, mate aggression-related injuries, male previous involvement in a pair with mate aggression, and female previous involvement in a pair with mate aggression. We used multiple linear regression to identify factors predictive of litter size, and logistic regression to predict the probability of reproductive success. A larger inter-pen distance, older male age, less exposure, and a smaller intra-pair age difference positively affected litter size. The probabilities of reproductive success increased with fewer years paired and less exposure. Comparatively, pairs with wild born females (vs. captive born females), and previously successful pairs (vs. previously unsuccessful and new pairs) were most likely to be successful. These results indicate that the optimal situation was to pair wild-caught females with older males in sheltered pens that were as far from other pens as possible, to maintain successful pairs and repair unsuccessful ones. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Observations on captive Nile crocodiles, Crocodylus niloticus confirm earlier reports on parental care of nests and of young. Male and female appear to form a pair bond after courtship, the male defending nesting territory with the female rarely leaving the nest until the sounds of the young hatching stimulate her to open the nest to release them. The female transports unhatched eggs and live young in her buccal pouch to water and establishes a nursery where the young are defended for several weeks. Experiments involving playback of distress calls by tape recorder, offering of live young and eggs to the adults, the parent opening an artificial nest and vocalisations and resultant interactions between adults and young are described.  相似文献   

Thirty-one pregnant agoutis, between Days 9 and 103 of gestation (Day 1 = day of detection of sperm in the vaginal smear), underwent B-mode ultrasonography; gestational sac diameter (GSD), crown-rump length (CRL), embryonic-fetal diameter (EFD), and placenta diameter (PD) were measured. There were positive correlations (P < 0.05) between GSD and CRL (r = 0.98), GSD and PD (r = 0.88), CRL and PD (r = 0.86), days of gestation (DG) and CRL (r = 0.85), and DG and PD (r = 0.73). The gestational sac was first observed on Day 14. The embryo was first seen on Day 18 in 9/31 of pregnant agoutis and on Day 22 in 20/31 of pregnant agoutis. Heartbeats were detected from the Day 25 and placentas were observed in 100% of the animals from Day 25. Early limb bud and ossification of the fetal skull were identified on Days 27 (15/31) and 45 (24/31), respectively. Fetal orientation (head and body) was evident from Day 40, the stomach, liver and lungs were identified on Day 50, the kidneys were reliably seen only on Day 55, and the aorta and vena cava were seen on Day 70. The fetal bowel and the urinary bladder were the last structures to be observed (Day 85). Ultrasonography was effective for early pregnancy diagnosis in agouti and for obtaining information on embryonic and fetal structures that could be used to predict gestational age and birth, thereby contributing to their reproductive management in captivity.  相似文献   

The uterine function and reproductive efficiency of 31 nonlactating pony mares were compared for two age groups: young (5 to 7 years, n=9) and old (>/=15 years, n=22). For pregnant mares, differences between age groups were not significant for the diameter of the largest follicle, cross-sectional area of the corpus luteum, growth profile of the embryonic vesicle or embryo mobility characteristics. Uterine contractility scores were lower (P<0.05), day of fixation of the embryonic vesicle was later (P<0.05), and uterine tone tended (P<0.10) to be lower in the old than the young mares. Endometrial biopsies in old mares had more (P<0.05) inflammatory cell infiltrations, more (P<0.05) fibrotic changes, and less dense (P<0.05) endometrial glands than in young mares. Ultrasonically detected intrauterine fluid collections were more extensive (P<0.05) in the old than the young mares. The pregnancy rate on Day 12 (Day 0=ovulation) was lower (P<0.05) and embryo-loss rate (Days 12 to 39) was greater (P<0.05) in old (32 and 62%, respectively) than in young (100 and 11%, respectively) mares. The results confirmed previous reports that old age was associated with increased endometrial inflammation, reduced pregnancy rate and increased embryo-loss rate. The results also indicated that uterine contractility and uterine tone were reduced and the fixation of the embryonic vesicle occurred later in old than in young mares.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycles of captive female Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) were unaffected over two consecutive years by a photoperiod that differed substantially from that of the natural range. Breeding was observed in July and August, or at the same time as in the wild. Growth was comparable in captive and wild fetuses, indicating a similar timing of delayed implantation of the blastocysts.  相似文献   

The elaborate songs of male animals are thought to function in either territory defense (male–male communication) or mate attraction (male–female communication). In non‐territorial animals, male vocalizations are expected to function primarily in mate attraction, yet the reproductive consequences of male vocalizations in non‐territorial animals are poorly described. Here we explore the relationship between male song and male reproductive performance in a free‐living population of house finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, a non‐migratory, non‐territorial songbird. Based on recordings of 20 males, we analyzed three song features (song length, number of unique syllables per song, and song rate) and compared male song with two measures of within‐pair reproductive performance (nest initiation date and clutch size) and one measure of extra‐pair reproductive performance (whether males sired extra‐pair young). We demonstrate a positive association between male song and within‐pair reproductive performance; males that sang long songs initiated their first clutch significantly earlier and males that sang songs at a faster rate had larger clutches. Despite the fact that only one of our recorded males sired extra‐pair young in the nest of another male, this male's songs were the most elaborate for two of three song features measured, anecdotally suggesting that male song may play a role in both within‐pair and extra‐pair partner choice. These results suggest that male song is a sexually selected trait in non‐territorial house finches.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences need to be understood if species are to be adequately managed or conserved. Habitat preferences are presumed to reflect requirements for food, shelter and breeding, as well as interactions with predators and competitors. However, one or more of these requirements may dominate. Tree‐cavity‐dependent wildlife species are one example where shelter or breeding site requirements may dominate. We installed 120 nest boxes across 40 sites to target the vulnerable Brush‐tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and the non‐threatened Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). The provision of shelter sites where few of quality are available may enable better resolution of habitat preferences. Over three years, we observed the Brush‐tailed Phascogale at 17 sites, whereas the Sugar Glider was observed at 39 sites. We tested four broad hypotheses (H1–H4) relating to habitat that may influence occupancy by these species. There was no influence of hollow (cavity) abundance (H1) on either species suggesting our nest boxes had satisfied their shelter requirements. There was no influence of habitat structure (canopy and tree proximity) (H2) immediately around the nest box trees. We found no influence of distance to the forest edge (H3). Variables at and away from the nest box site that appear to reflect foraging substrates (H4) were influential on the Brush‐tailed Phascogale. Sugar Glider occupancy was only influenced by a single variable at the nest box site. The lack of influence of any other variables is consistent with the very high occupancy observed, suggesting most of the forest habitat is suitable when shelter sites are available. We found no evidence that the Sugar Glider reduced site use by the Brush‐tailed Phascogale.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of environmental stressors on daily nest survival of introduced birds is important because it can affect introduction success as well as the ability to evaluate introduction programs. For long-lived birds with low annual production, adjustment to local breeding conditions can take many years. We examined nest success rates of 2 introduced bird species, whooping crane (Grus americana) and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), in Wisconsin. Both species are long-lived with low annual reproductive rates. Trumpeter swans were established in our study area approximately 10 years before whooping cranes. We predicted that trumpeter swans would show less sensitivity to environmental stressors. We used daily nest survival rates (DNSRs) as our response variable to model several environmental parameters including weather, phenology, and ornithophilic black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Additionally, we examined the influence of captive history, age, release method, energetics, and nesting experience on whooping crane DNSRs. Daily nest survival of whooping cranes was the most sensitive to stressors. Trumpeter swan daily nest survival showed less sensitivity to the same stressors. Daily nest survival for both species peaked later in the nesting season, after 30 April and before 30 May. We also found that the daily nest survival rate (DNSR) for whooping cranes was potentially affected by captive exposure (measured by generations removed from the wild). Our results highlight the difficulties associated with conservation of long-lived birds with low annual productivity as they adjust to local breeding conditions and that nest phenology at the source location can determine how these conditions are interfaced. We recommend that the juxtaposition of source and introduction location nest phenology be considered prior to introduction site selection. Additionally, strategically selecting offspring from captive pairs with nest phenology similar to that of sympatric species at the introduction location should be considered. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Two operators independently conducted ultrasonic pregnancy examinations on nulliparous Holstein heifers on Days 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22, and assigned a diagnosis (pregnant or nonpregnant) and a score for degree of certainty in the diagnosis (1, 2 or 3 for low, intermediate or high, respectively). Pregnancy was retrospectively confirmed by the ultrasonographic detection of an embryo proper and embryonic heartbeat on Day 24 in 20 25 bred heifers; the five nonpregnant heifers were excluded from the analyses. Eleven nonbred heifers were included as an unequivocal source of nonpregnant heifers. Accuracy was not significantly greater than a guess (50%) before Day 18, but reached 100% on Days 20 and 22. Mean accuracy was higher (P<0.005) for nonpregnant (65 77 , 84%) than pregnant heifers (91.5 140 , 65%). For certainty score, there were main effects of day (P<0.0001), reproductive status (pregnant or nonpregnant, P<0.003), and an interaction of day and reproductive status (P<0.0001). The certainty score increased in all heifers among days and was higher (P<0.05) in pregnant than nonpregnant heifers on Days 16 to 20. For luteal area (area of corpus luteum, excluding area of fluid filled center, if present), there were significant main effects of day, reproductive status and a day by status interaction (P<0.0001 for each). Luteal area was approximately constant in pregnant heifers, but in nonpregnant heifers it was lower (P<0.05) on Days 16 to 22 than on Days 10 to 14. Uterine echotexture was scored on a scale of 1 to 3, characteristic of a diestrus, intermediate and estrus uterus, respectively. There were main effects of day and reproductive status (P<0.0001 for each) and an interaction of day and reproductive status (P<0.025). Uterine echotexture was approximately constant in pregnant heifers, but in nonpregnant heifers it was higher (P<0.05) on Days 16 to 22 than on Days 10 to 14. Pregnancy diagnosis on Days 10 to 14 was based on detection of the conceptus; however, detection of the conceptus was not accurate prior to visualization of the embryo proper (mean Day 22, range Days 20 to 24). In nonpregnant heifers, a correct diagnosis with high certainty was made when a small corpus luteum and uterine echotexture characteristic of estrus were detected. In the absence of these changes on Days 18 to 22, a diagnosis of pregnancy was made with high accuracy and intermediate or high certainty.  相似文献   

Though sexual maturation may begin at around one year of age, first successful reproduction of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is likely to be later, and it is generally recommended that animals not be mated before 1.5 years of age. The average gestation period is estimated to be 143 to 144 days. A crown-rump length measurement taken by use of ultrasonography during the linear, rapid, prenatal growth phase (between approx. days 60 and 95) can be compared against standard growth curves to estimate delivery date to within 3 to 4 days, on average. Marmosets produce more young per delivery than does any other anthropoid primate, and have more variation in litter size. Many long-established colonies report that triplets are the most common litter size, and there is documented association between higher maternal body weight and higher ovulation numbers. Higher litter sizes generally do not generate higher numbers of viable young. Marmosets are unusual among primates in having a postpartum ovulation that typically results in conception and successful delivery; reported median inter-birth intervals range from 154 to 162 days. However, pregnancy losses are quite common; one study of a large breeding colony indicated 50 percent loss between conception and term delivery. The average life span for breeding females is around six years; the range of reported average lifetime number of litters for a breeding pair is 3.45 to 4.0. Our purpose is to provide an overview of reproduction in the common marmoset, including basic reproductive life history, lactation and weaning, social housing requirements, and common problems encountered in the captive breeding of this species. A brief comparison between marmoset and tamarin reproduction also will be provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Previous studies of Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) indicate that males with heavy melanin‐based brown breast streaking are more territorial and obtain more extra‐pair copulations than lightly streaked males that provide more parental care and are cuckolded more often. Because carotenoid‐based plumage characters can also signal quality in male songbirds, we examined relationships between yellow carotenoid‐based breast coloration and brown breast streaking and measures of the reproductive performance of male and female Yellow Warblers in northwestern Ohio from April to June 2007–2008. We used an information theoretic approach to examine relationships between reproductive measures (daily nest survival rate and number of young fledged) and brown breast streaking, yellow breast coloration, extent of prealternate wing molt, age, year, and first‐egg date. Males with paler yellow breast plumage (Beta hat =–0.213) and those with more brown breast streaking (Beta hat =–0.000036) fledged fewer young, but we found no associations between number of young fledged per male and age, year, or extent of prealternate wing molt. In addition, none of the measured variables was associated with the number of young fledged per female. Age was positively associated with daily nest survival rates for male Yellow Warblers (Beta hat = 1.127), but we found no association between daily nest survival rate and brown breast streaking, yellow breast coloration, extent of prealternate wing molt, age, year, and first‐egg date. None of the measured variables was associated with daily nest survival for females (null model was top‐ranked). Because brown breast streaking and the intensity of yellow breast coloration of male Yellow Warblers were negatively related to number of young fledged, we suggest that these plumage characteristics function differently in male–female and male–male interactions; yellow breast coloration signals age and reproductive experience, whereas brown breast streaking signals degree of territoriality or parental care.  相似文献   

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