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Dilute acid as well as water only (hydrothermal) pretreatments often lead to a significant hemicellulose loss to soluble furans and insoluble degradation products, collectively termed as chars and/or pseudo‐lignin. In order to understand the factors contributing to reducing sugar yields from pretreated biomass and the possible influence of hemicellulose derived pseudo‐lignin on cellulose conversion at the moderate to low enzyme loadings necessary for favorable economics, dilute acid pretreatment of Avicel cellulose alone and mixed with beechwood xylan or xylose was performed at various severities. Following pretreatment, the solids were enzymatically hydrolyzed and characterized for chemical composition and physical properties by NMR, FT‐IR, and SEM imaging. It was found that hemicelluloses (xylan) derived‐pseudo‐lignin was formed at even moderate severities and that these insoluble degradation products can significantly retard cellulose hydrolysis. Furthermore, although low severity (CSF ~ 1.94) dilute acid pretreatment of a xylan–Avicel mixture hydrolyzed most of the xylan (98%) and produced negligible amounts of pseudo‐lignin, enzymatic conversion of cellulose dropped significantly (>25%) compared to cellulose pretreated alone at the same conditions. The drop in cellulose conversion was higher than realized for cellulase inhibition by xylooligomers reported previously. Plausible mechanisms are discussed to explain the observed reductions in cellulose conversions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 737–753. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In follow‐up studies, the disease event time can be subject to left truncation and right censoring. Furthermore, medical advancements have made it possible for patients to be cured of certain types of diseases. In this article, we consider a semiparametric mixture cure model for the regression analysis of left‐truncated and right‐censored data. The model combines a logistic regression for the probability of event occurrence with the class of transformation models for the time of occurrence. We investigate two techniques for estimating model parameters. The first approach is based on martingale estimating equations (EEs). The second approach is based on the conditional likelihood function given truncation variables. The asymptotic properties of both proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies indicate that the conditional maximum‐likelihood estimator (cMLE) performs well while the estimator based on EEs is very unstable even though it is shown to be consistent. This is a special and intriguing phenomenon for the EE approach under cure model. We provide insights into this issue and find that the EE approach can be improved significantly by assigning appropriate weights to the censored observations in the EEs. This finding is useful in overcoming the instability of the EE approach in some more complicated situations, where the likelihood approach is not feasible. We illustrate the proposed estimation procedures by analyzing the age at onset of the occiput‐wall distance event for patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  相似文献   

We develop time‐varying association analyses for onset ages of two lung infections to address the statistical challenges in utilizing registry data where onset ages are left‐truncated by ages of entry and competing‐risk censored by deaths. Two types of association estimators are proposed based on conditional cause‐specific hazard function and cumulative incidence function that are adapted from unconditional quantities to handle left truncation. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are established by using the empirical process techniques. Our simulation study shows that the estimators perform well with moderate sample sizes. We apply our methods to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Registry data to study the relationship between onset ages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus infections.  相似文献   

Strategies to control outbreaks of influenza, a contagious respiratory tract disease, are focused mainly on prophylactic vaccinations in conjunction with antiviral medications. Currently, several mammalian cell culture‐based influenza vaccine production processes are being established, such as the technologies introduced by Novartis Behring (Optaflu®) or Baxter International Inc. (Celvapan). Downstream processing of influenza virus vaccines from cell culture supernatant can be performed by adsorbing virions onto sulfated column chromatography beads, such as Cellufine® sulfate. This study focused on the development of a sulfated cellulose membrane (SCM) chromatography unit operation to capture cell culture‐derived influenza viruses. The advantages of the novel method were demonstrated for the Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell‐derived influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1). Furthermore, the SCM‐adsorbers were compared directly to column‐based Cellufine® sulfate and commercially available cation‐exchange membrane adsorbers. Sulfated cellulose membrane adsorbers showed high viral product recoveries. In addition, the SCM‐capture step resulted in a higher reduction of dsDNA compared to the tested cation‐exchange membrane adsorbers. The productivity of the SCM‐based unit operation could be significantly improved by a 30‐fold increase in volumetric flow rate during adsorption compared to the bead‐based capture method. The higher flow rate even further reduced the level of contaminating dsDNA by about twofold. The reproducibility and general applicability of the developed unit operation were demonstrated for two further MDCK cell‐derived influenza virus strains: A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2) and B/Malaysia/2506/2004. Overall, SCM‐adsorbers represent a powerful and economically favorable alternative for influenza virus capture over conventional methods using Cellufine® sulfate. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 1144–1154. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Smallpox is an acute, highly infectious viral disease unique to humans, and responsible for an estimated 300–500 million deaths in the 20th century. Following successful vaccination campaigns through the 19th and 20th centuries, smallpox was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1980. However, the threat of using smallpox as a biological weapon prompted efforts of some governments to produce smallpox vaccines for emergency preparedness. An additional aspect for the interest in smallpox virus is its potential use as a platform technology for vector vaccines. In particular, the latter requires a high safety level for routine applications. IMVAMUNE®, a third generation smallpox vaccine based on the attenuated Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus, demonstrates superior safety compared to earlier generations and represents therefore an interesting choice as viral vector. Current downstream production processes of Vaccinia virus and MVA are mainly based on labor‐intensive centrifugation and filtration methods, requiring expensive nuclease treatment in order to achieve sufficient low host‐cell DNA levels for human vaccines. This study compares different ion exchange and pseudo‐affinity membrane adsorbers (MA) to capture chicken embryo fibroblast cell‐derived MVA‐BN® after cell homogenization and clarification. In parallel, the overall performance of classical bead‐based resin chromatography (Cellufine® sulfate and Toyopearl® AF‐Heparin) was investigated. The two tested pseudo‐affinity MA (i.e., sulfated cellulose and heparin) were superior over the applied ion exchange MA in terms of virus yield and contaminant depletion. Furthermore, studies confirmed an expected increase in productivity resulting from the increased volume throughput of MA compared to classical bead‐based column chromatography methods. Overall virus recovery was ~60% for both pseudo‐affinity MA and the Cellufine® sulfate resin. Depletion of total protein ranged between 86% and 102% for all tested matrices. Remaining dsDNA in the product fraction varied between 24% and 7% for the pseudo‐affinity chromatography materials. Cellufine® sulfate and the reinforced sulfated cellulose MA achieved the lowest dsDNA product contamination. Finally, by a combination of pseudo‐affinity with anion exchange MA a further reduction of host‐cell DNA was achieved. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010. 105: 761–769. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of publications on three‐helix protein folding, there is no study devoted to the influence of handedness on the rate of three‐helix protein folding. From the experimental studies, we make a conclusion that the left‐handed three‐helix proteins fold faster than the right‐handed ones. What may explain this difference? An important question arising in this paper is whether the modeling of protein folding can catch the difference between the protein folding rates of proteins with similar structures but with different folding mechanisms. To answer this question, the folding of eight three‐helix proteins (four right‐handed and four left‐handed), which are similar in size, was modeled using the Monte Carlo and dynamic programming methods. The studies allowed us to determine the orders of folding of the secondary‐structure elements in these domains and amino acid residues which are important for the folding. The obtained data are in good correlation with each other and with the experimental data. Structural analysis of these proteins demonstrated that the left‐handed domains have a lesser number of contacts per residue and a smaller radius of cross section than the right‐handed domains. This may be one of the explanations of the observed fact. The same tendency is observed for the large dataset consisting of 332 three‐helix proteins (238 right‐ and 94 left‐handed). From our analysis, we found that the left‐handed three‐helix proteins have some less‐dense packing that should result in faster folding for some proteins as compared to the case of right‐handed proteins.Proteins 2013; © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A distribution‐free two‐sample rank test is proposed for testing for differences between survival distributions in the analysis of biomedical studies in which two groups of subjects are followed over time for a particular outcome, which may recur. This method is motivated by an observational HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) study in which a group of HIV‐seropositive women and a comparable group of HIV‐seronegative women were examined every 6 months for the presence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), the cervical cancer precursor. Women entered the study serially and were subject to random loss to follow‐up. Only women free of CIN at study entry were followed resulting in left‐truncated survival times. If a woman is found to be CIN infected at a later examination, she is treated and then followed until CIN recurs. The two groups of women were compared at both occurrences of CIN on the basis of rank statistics. For the first occurrence of CIN, survival times since the beginning of the study (based on calendar time) are compared. For a recurrence of CIN, survival times since the first development of CIN are compared. The proposed test statistic for an overall difference between the two groups follows a chi‐square distribution with two degrees of freedom. Simulation results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed test proposed test statistic, which reduces to the Gehan statistic if each person is followed only to the first failure and there is no serial enrollment.  相似文献   

Engineered minichromosomes could be stably inherited and serve as a platform for simultaneously transferring and stably expressing multiple genes. Chromosomal truncation mediated by repeats of telomeric sequences is a promising approach for the generation of minichromosomes. In the present work, direct repetitive sequences of Arabidopsis telomere were used to study telomere‐mediated truncation of chromosomes in Brassica napus. Transgenes containing alien Arabidopsis telomere were successfully obtained, and Southern blotting and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results show that the transgenes resulted in successful chromosomal truncation in B. napus. In addition, truncated chromosomes were inherited at rates lower than that predicted by Mendelian rules. To determine the potential manipulations and applications of the engineered chromosomes, such as the stacking of multiple transgenes and the Cre/lox and FRT/FLP recombination systems, both amenable to genetic manipulations through site‐specific recombination in somatic cells, were tested for their ability to undergo recombination in B. napus. These results demonstrate that alien Arabidopsis telomere is able to mediate chromosomal truncation in B. napus. This technology would be feasible for chromosomal engineering and for studies on chromosome structure and function in B. napus.  相似文献   

The genus Marphysa is widely collected for bait by recreational fishermen in Australia, and yet the number of species remains unresolved. A new species is described together with additional information on a previously described species. This study reveals that while species of Marphysa superficially resemble one another, detailed studies on the distribution of different types of chaetae along the body, together with molecular studies, uncover species which may co‐occur. Correct identification is critical for management of these largely intertidal species. This study also highlights the increasing awareness of the presence of pseudo‐cryptic species in polychaetes.  相似文献   

A fragment of E. coli 16S rRNA formed by nucleotides 500 to 545 is termed helix 18. Nucleotides 505‐507 and 524‐526 form a pseudo‐knot and its distortion affects ribosome function. Helix 18 isolated from the ribosome context is thus an interesting fragment to investigate the structural properties and folding of RNA with pseudo‐knots. With all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations, spectroscopic and gel electrophoresis experiments, we investigated thermodynamics of helix 18, with a focus on its pseudo‐knot. In solution studies at ambient conditions we observed dimerization of helix 18. We proposed that the loop, containing nucleotides forming the pseudo‐knot, interacts with another monomer of helix 18. The native dimer is difficult to break but introducing mutations in the pseudo‐knot indeed assured a monomeric form of helix 18. Molecular dynamics simulations at 310 K confirmed the stability of the pseudo‐knot but at elevated temperatures this pseudo‐knot was the first part of helix 18 to lose the hydrogen bond pattern. To further determine helix 18 stability, we analyzed the interactions of helix 18 with short oligomers complementary to a nucleotide stretch containing the pseudo‐knot. The formation of higher‐order structures by helix 18 impacts hybridization efficiency of peptide nucleic acid and 2'‐O methyl RNA oligomers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation of prediction errors for state occupation probabilities and transition probabilities for multistate time‐to‐event data. We study prediction errors based on the Brier score and on the Kullback–Leibler score and prove their properness. In the presence of right‐censored data, two classes of estimators, based on inverse probability weighting and pseudo‐values, respectively, are proposed, and consistency properties of the proposed estimators are investigated. The second part of the paper is devoted to the estimation of dynamic prediction errors for state occupation probabilities for multistate models, conditional on being alive, and for transition probabilities. Cross‐validated versions are proposed. Our methods are illustrated on the CSL1 randomized clinical trial comparing prednisone versus placebo for liver cirrhosis patients.  相似文献   

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